the European Wrestling League
Season One, Round Two
Promoted by Sanctioned Violence
The Ericsson Globe
, Stockholm, Sweden
13th February 2024

Ladies and gentlemen, wrestling aficionados from every corner of Europe, welcome to the electrifying spectacle of the European Wrestling League’s second event! Tonight, we bring you the pulsating action from the heart of Stockholm, hosted at the iconic Ericsson Globe Arena, where the stakes are higher, the intensity is fiercer, and the excitement knows no bounds.

As the anticipation mounts, we are poised to witness ten of the continent’s most formidable wrestlers converge once more, battling it out in a series of exhilarating matches that will captivate audiences and leave a lasting imprint on the annals of wrestling history. With its grandeur and state-of-the-art facilities, the Ericsson Globe sets the stage for a night of unforgettable showdowns and heart-stopping moments.

In tonight’s marquee matchup, we have the hometown hero, Erik Bjornsson, facing off against the formidable ‘Scottish Avalanche,’ Callum McLeod. With the fervent support of the Swedish faithful behind him, Erik Bjornsson looks to defend his turf and secure victory against the imposing force from Scotland. It’s a clash of titans, a battle of wills, and a showdown you won’t want to miss!

But that’s not all! Throughout the evening, we’ll witness thrilling encounters, high-flying maneuvers, and bone-crushing submissions as each wrestler vies for supremacy in the league standings. From the thunderous roars of the crowd to the adrenaline-fueled atmosphere, tonight’s event promises to be nothing short of spectacular.

So, brace yourselves for an unforgettable evening of athleticism, drama, and pure adrenaline as we dive headfirst into the heart of the action at the Ericsson Globe Arena. The journey to crown the European Wrestling League Champion is well underway, and the excitement is just beginning! Welcome, one and all, to a night of wrestling brilliance!

Division One Single Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
Kral vs Rhys Morgan

[The camera focuses on the ring where Sofia Petrova stands, microphone in hand, ready to interview the triumphant Rhys Morgan. The crowd applauds as Rhys, his Welsh pride evident, enters the ring with a victorious grin.]

Sofia Petrova: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give it up for the victorious Rhys Morgan!

[The crowd cheers enthusiastically as Rhys raises his hand in acknowledgment, his chest heaving with the exertion of the match.]

Sofia Petrova: Rhys, congratulations on your hard-fought victory against Kral. The crowd is clearly behind you tonight. How does it feel to secure your first win in the European Wrestling League?

[Rhys runs a hand through his hair, a mix of relief and excitement in his eyes as he responds.]

Rhys Morgan: Thank you, Sofia. It feels absolutely incredible. Getting that first win under my belt means the world to me. It’s a testament to all the hard work and dedication I’ve put into this sport.

[The crowd responds with cheers and applause, showing their appreciation for Rhys’s determination.]

Sofia Petrova: Your resilience and determination were evident throughout the match. How do you plan to build on this victory as you continue your journey in the European Wrestling League?

[Rhys nods, his focus unwavering as he considers the question.]

Rhys Morgan: This victory is just the beginning. I plan to use it as fuel to propel me forward in the league. Every match is an opportunity to learn, grow, and showcase what I’m capable of. I won’t rest until I’ve reached the top.

[The crowd cheers in support, rallying behind Rhys as he sets his sights on future challenges.]

Sofia Petrova: With this win, you’ve proven yourself as a force to be reckoned with in the European Wrestling League. What message do you have for your competitors and the fans who are cheering you on?

[Rhys’s smile widens as he addresses the crowd and his fellow wrestlers.]

Rhys Morgan: To my competitors, I say this: underestimate me at your own peril. I may be from Wales, but I’m here to make a name for myself on the European stage. And to the fans, thank you for your unwavering support. This victory is as much yours as it is mine.

[The crowd erupts in cheers and applause, showing their admiration for Rhys’s determination and spirit.]

Sofia Petrova: There you have it, folks, the victorious Rhys Morgan! Keep your eyes on this rising star as he continues his journey in the European Wrestling League. The excitement is just beginning!

Division One Single Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit

Alexandre Rochefort vs Mateusz Nowark

[The camera focuses on the ring where Sofia Petrova stands, microphone in hand, ready to interview the victorious yet cocky Alexandre Rochefort. The crowd’s reaction is mixed, with some boos and scattered applause as Alexandre, his French pride evident, enters the ring with a self-assured smirk.]

Sofia Petrova: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the victorious Alexandre Rochefort!

[The response from the crowd is somewhat subdued, with a mix of cheers and boos as Alexandre acknowledges them with a smug nod.]

Sofia Petrova: Alexandre, congratulations on your impressive victory against Mateusz Nowark. The crowd’s reaction seems to be mixed tonight. How does it feel to secure your first win in the European Wrestling League?

[Alexandre brushes imaginary dust from his shoulder, a cocky grin spreading across his face as he responds.]

Alexandre Rochefort: Merci, Sofia. It was only a matter of time before I showed everyone what a true competitor looks like. This victory proves that I am a force to be reckoned with, not just in France, but in the entire league.

[The crowd’s response is a blend of cheers and jeers, reflecting the divided opinions about Alexandre’s attitude.]

Sofia Petrova: Your performance tonight was impressive, no doubt. However, some may say your victory was controversial. How do you respond to critics who question your tactics in the ring?

[Alexandre’s grin widens, his confidence unwavering as he addresses the question.]

Alexandre Rochefort: Critics will always find something to nitpick, Sofia. But let’s be honest, in this business, it’s all about doing what it takes to win. Mateusz Nowark learned that the hard way tonight. If anyone has a problem with my tactics, they’re welcome to step into the ring and try to stop me.

[The crowd’s reaction is a mix of agreement and disapproval, reflecting the polarizing nature of Alexandre’s persona.]

Sofia Petrova: With this win, you’ve proven yourself as a formidable competitor in the European Wrestling League. What message do you have for your opponents and the fans who may have mixed feelings about your victory?

[Alexandre’s smirk grows even wider as he looks out at the crowd.]

Alexandre Rochefort: To my opponents, I say this: prepare yourselves, because the French Revolution is just getting started. And to the fans, whether you love me or hate me, remember one thing: Alexandre Rochefort is here to dominate, and nothing will stand in my way.

[The crowd’s response is a mixture of cheers, boos, and murmurs, reflecting the diverse opinions about Alexandre’s brash demeanor.]

Sofia Petrova: There you have it, folks, the victorious yet controversial Alexandre Rochefort! Love him or hate him, he’s here to make an impact in the European Wrestling League. The drama is just beginning!

Division One Single Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
Wolfgang Schneider vs Oliver Reed

[The camera focuses on the ring where Sofia Petrova stands, microphone in hand, ready to interview the triumphant Wolfgang Schneider. The crowd erupts in applause as Wolfgang, his German pride evident, enters the ring with a victorious smile.]

Sofia Petrova: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give it up for the victorious Wolfgang Schneider!

[The crowd cheers enthusiastically as Wolfgang raises his hand in acknowledgment, his demeanor exuding confidence and determination.]

Sofia Petrova: Wolfgang, congratulations on your impressive victory against Oliver Reed. The crowd is clearly behind you tonight. How does it feel to secure another win and claim the top spot in the European Wrestling League?

[Wolfgang nods appreciatively, his voice resonating with pride as he responds.]

Wolfgang Schneider: Danke, Sofia. It feels fantastic to be leading the pack in the European Wrestling League. Defeating a competitor like Oliver Reed is no small feat, but it only proves that hard work and dedication pay off.

[The crowd responds with cheers and applause, showing their admiration for Wolfgang’s skill and perseverance.]

Sofia Petrova: Your performance tonight was nothing short of impressive, showcasing your technical prowess and resilience in the ring. How do you plan to maintain your momentum as the league progresses?

[Wolfgang’s expression becomes more determined as he considers the question.]

Wolfgang Schneider: The key is to stay focused and never underestimate my opponents. Each match presents a new challenge, but I’m prepared to face them head-on. My goal is to continue representing Germany with honor and integrity, and to keep climbing the ranks of the European Wrestling League.

[The crowd cheers in support, rallying behind Wolfgang as he sets his sights on future victories.]

Sofia Petrova: With two wins under your belt, you’ve established yourself as a dominant force in the league. What message do you have for your competitors and the fans who are cheering you on?

[Wolfgang’s gaze sweeps over the crowd, his voice carrying a note of determination.]

Wolfgang Schneider: To my competitors, I say this: I’m ready for whatever challenges come my way. Bring your best, because I won’t back down. And to the fans, danke for your unwavering support. Together, we’ll make this journey to the top unforgettable.

[The crowd erupts in cheers and applause, showing their solidarity with Wolfgang’s quest for victory.]

Sofia Petrova: There you have it, folks, the victorious Wolfgang Schneider! Keep your eyes on this formidable competitor as he continues to lead the charge in the European Wrestling League. The excitement is just beginning!

Division One Single Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
Adam Garcia vs Eero

[The camera zooms in on the ring where Sofia Petrova stands, microphone in hand, ready to interview the victorious Finnish powerhouse, Eero Koskinen. The crowd erupts in thunderous applause as Eero, his Finnish pride evident, enters the ring with a victorious smile.]

Sofia Petrova: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give it up for the victorious Eero Koskinen!

[The crowd roars with enthusiasm as Eero raises his hand in acknowledgment, his demeanor exuding confidence and strength.]

Sofia Petrova: Eero, congratulations on your incredible victory over ‘the Spanish Ace’ Adam Garcia. The crowd is clearly behind you tonight. How does it feel to secure such a monumental win and claim the top spot in the European Wrestling League?

[Eero nods appreciatively, his voice resonating with pride and determination as he responds.]

Eero Koskinen: Kiitos, Sofia. It feels absolutely phenomenal to emerge victorious against such a formidable opponent like Adam Garcia. This victory is not just for me, but for Finland, and for every fan who believed in me. It’s a testament to hard work, dedication, and the strength of the Finnish spirit.

[The crowd responds with thunderous applause, showing their admiration for Eero’s impressive performance.]

Sofia Petrova: Your victory tonight was nothing short of spectacular, showcasing your raw power and technical prowess in the ring. How do you plan to maintain your momentum as the league progresses?

[Eero’s expression becomes more determined as he addresses the question.]

Eero Koskinen: The key is to stay focused and never underestimate my opponents. Each match presents its own challenges, but I am prepared to face them head-on. My goal is to continue representing Finland with pride and to keep pushing myself to new heights in the European Wrestling League.

[The crowd cheers in support, rallying behind Eero as he sets his sights on future victories.]

Sofia Petrova: With this shocking victory, you have established yourself as a force to be reckoned with in the league. What message do you have for your competitors and the passionate fans who are cheering you on?

[Eero’s gaze sweeps over the crowd, his voice carrying a note of determination.]

Eero Koskinen: To my competitors, I say this: be prepared, because the Finnish Titan is here to dominate. And to the fans, kiitos for your unwavering support. Together, we will continue to make history in the European Wrestling League.

[The crowd erupts in cheers and applause, showing their solidarity with Eero’s journey to the top.]

Sofia Petrova: There you have it, folks, the victorious Eero Koskinen! Keep your eyes on this Finnish powerhouse as he continues to lead the charge in the European Wrestling League. The excitement is just beginning!

Commercial Break

[The backstage area is bustling with activity as Sofia Petrova stands with her microphone, ready to conduct an interview with the hometown hero, Erik Bjornsson. Erik, his demeanor focused and determined, stands before Sofia, his Swedish pride evident.]

Sofia Petrova: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with the hometown hero, Erik Bjornsson, ahead of his main event showdown against Callum McLeod. Erik, after a tough loss last week, how are you feeling heading into tonight’s match?

[Erik takes a moment to collect his thoughts, his eyes reflecting a steely determination.]

Erik Bjornsson: Thank you, Sofia. Last week’s loss was a setback, no doubt. But tonight, I have the opportunity to prove myself in front of my fellow Swedes. I’m feeling focused and more driven than ever to come out on top.

Sofia Petrova: Callum McLeod secured a victory last week, putting him in a strong position in the league standings. What strategies do you have in mind to overcome the Scottish powerhouse?

[Erik nods, his expression thoughtful as he responds.]

Erik Bjornsson: Callum is a formidable opponent, no doubt. But I’ve been studying his moves, his weaknesses. I’ll rely on my training, my instincts, and the support of the fans to guide me through this match. I’m prepared to leave everything on that mat tonight.

Sofia Petrova: As the hometown hero, you carry the hopes and dreams of your fellow Swedes on your shoulders. What message do you have for your fans who are counting on you to deliver tonight?

[Erik’s gaze hardens with resolve as he speaks.]

Erik Bjornsson: To all my fellow Swedes out there, I want to say this: your support means everything to me. Tonight, I fight not just for myself, but for all of us. Together, we’ll show the world the strength and resilience of Stockholm. Let’s make tonight a victory to remember!

[Sofia nods, acknowledging Erik’s determination and the weight of expectation on his shoulders.]

Sofia Petrova: There you have it, folks, the determined Erik Bjornsson! Keep your eyes on this hometown hero as he faces off against Callum McLeod in the main event. The excitement is reaching its peak, and the battle is about to begin!

Division One Single Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
Erik Bjornsson vs Callum McLeod

[The arena is alive with a mix of anticipation and disappointment as Callum McLeod, the Scottish star, steps into the ring. His entrance is met with a chorus of boos and jeers, a stark contrast to the usual fanfare. Sofia Petrova stands nearby, ready to conduct the interview amidst the charged atmosphere.]

Sofia Petrova: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Callum McLeod.

[The boos intensify as Callum raises his hand, seemingly unfazed by the negative reception. He wears a smug smirk, reveling in the disdain of the crowd.]

Sofia Petrova: Callum, you managed to secure a victory in tonight’s main event against the hometown hero, Erik Bjornsson. However, your victory has left a bitter taste in the mouths of many fans. How do you respond to the backlash from the audience?

[Callum’s smirk widens, his confidence unwavering as he addresses the question.]

Callum McLeod: Sofia, let me make one thing clear: I didn’t come here to win a popularity contest. I came here to win matches, plain and simple. As for the so-called backlash, let them boo all they want. It doesn’t change the fact that I’m near the top of the leaderboard, and I plan on getting to the very top.

[The boos from the crowd grow louder, but Callum seems to feed off the negative energy, his demeanor unapologetic.]

Sofia Petrova: Your victory over Erik Bjornsson, the hometown hero, has certainly stirred up emotions among the fans. What message do you have for those who may doubt your methods or question your sportsmanship?

[Callum’s expression hardens, a glint of defiance in his eyes as he responds.]

Callum McLeod: Sportsmanship? This isn’t a game of patty-cake, Sofia. This is wrestling, a brutal, unforgiving sport where only the strong survive. If anyone doubts my methods, they can step into the ring and try to stop me. Until then, they can keep their opinions to themselves.

[The boos reach a crescendo as Callum’s words provoke a strong reaction from the crowd. He stands tall, unyielding in the face of their disapproval.]

Sofia Petrova: There you have it, folks, the unapologetic Callum McLeod. Love him or hate him, he’s a force to be reckoned with in the European Wrestling League. The drama is just beginning!

[As Sofia concludes the interview, the arena buzzes with tension, setting the stage for what promises to be an intense journey in the European Wrestling League.]

League Table – Season One Round Two

PosNameSub WinPin WinDQ WinLossDrawPoints
#1Eero Koskinen28
#2Callum McLeod26
#3Wolfgang Schneider26
#4Mateusz Nowark114
#6Adam Garcia103
#5Rhys Morgan113
#7Alexandre Rochefort113
#8Oliver Reed20
#10Erik Bjornsson20

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