the European Wrestling League
Season One, Week One
Promoted by Sanctioned Violence
Hamburg, Germany
9th January 2024

Ladies and gentlemen, wrestling enthusiasts from across the continent, welcome to the grand inauguration of the European Wrestling League! We are thrilled to kick off this unprecedented sporting spectacle in the vibrant city of Hamburg, Germany. In a groundbreaking league format, ten elite wrestlers from various corners of Europe will embark on a relentless journey, grappling their way to glory in a quest to be crowned the first-ever European Wrestling League Champion.

This epic competition is set to redefine the landscape of professional wrestling, as our fearless competitors will engage in a series of intense battles, not confined to a single arena but sprawled across the entire continent. Every other Tuesday, these titans of the ring will clash in arenas from Paris to Prague, Madrid to Moscow, showcasing their skill, strength, and determination to ascend the league rankings.

The stakes are high, and the energy is palpable as each wrestler strives to outmaneuver, outmuscle, and outwit their opponents. With a unique blend of athleticism, showmanship, and raw power, these athletes will captivate audiences and leave an indelible mark on the rich tapestry of European wrestling history.

So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready for an exhilarating ride through the European Wrestling League. The journey begins here in Hamburg, but the battles will echo across the continent, as these warriors aim to etch their names in the annals of wrestling greatness. Who will rise to the occasion, claim victory, and emerge as the inaugural European Wrestling League Champion? The answer lies in the heart of the action, and the excitement is just getting started!

[The arena is alive with energy as the crowd roars in anticipation. The camera pans to the ring, where the spotlight shines on Sofia Petrova, standing in the center with a microphone in hand.]

Sofia Petrova: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the European Wrestling League’s inaugural event right here in the heart of Hamburg! Are you ready for some unforgettable action tonight? [The crowd erupts in cheers.]

Sofia Petrova: I am your host, Sofia Petrova, and it is my absolute pleasure to be here with all of you. Born and raised in Sofia, Bulgaria, I understand the power of language and connection, and tonight, we’re about to witness a wrestling extravaganza like never before!

[Sofia pauses, allowing the crowd’s cheers to crescendo before continuing.]

Sofia Petrova: But before we dive headfirst into the heart-stopping matches, let me run down the rules of the European Wrestling League because, let’s face it, rules are what keep this beautiful chaos in check.

[The crowd chuckles, and Sofia flashes a charismatic smile.]

Sofia Petrova: In this groundbreaking league, each wrestler will face every other competitor once throughout the season. The wrestler with the most points at the end of our incredible journey will be crowned the European Wrestling League Champion! [The crowd cheers in anticipation.]

Sofia Petrova: Now, let’s talk points. Four points go to the victor who secures a win by submission, three points for any other form of victory, and even a draw earns one point. Every point counts, my friends!

[Sofia raises her hand, emphasizing the importance of the points system.]

Sofia Petrova: And here’s the kicker, every match has a twenty-minute time limit. The clock is ticking, and these athletes will be putting it all on the line in every second of those heart-pounding twenty minutes.

[The crowd erupts in cheers and applause as Sofia Petrova takes a moment to soak in the electric atmosphere.]

Sofia Petrova: Get ready, my friends, because the European Wrestling League is about to take you on a thrilling ride, showcasing the best talent from across Europe. So, without further ado, let the battles begin, and may the best wrestler emerge as the first-ever EWL Champion! Enjoy the show!

Division One Single Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
Rhys Morgan vs Mateusz Nowark

[The camera shifts to the ring where Sofia Petrova stands, microphone in hand, ready to interview the victorious but controversial Warsaw Warrior, Mateusz Nowak. The atmosphere is charged with boos and jeers from the displeased crowd.]

Sofia Petrova: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Warsaw Warrior, Mateusz Nowak!

[As Mateusz steps into the spotlight, the boos intensify, and the disapproval from the crowd is palpable. Mateusz smirks, seemingly unaffected by the negative reception.]

Sofia Petrova: Mateusz, congratulations on your victory against Rhys Morgan. However, it was a highly contentious and underhanded match. How do you respond to the criticism from the fans?

[Mateusz raises an eyebrow, his stoic expression giving little away.]

Mateusz Nowak: Thank you, Sofia. As for the criticism, everyone has their own perspective on what transpired in that ring. I did what I needed to do to secure the win. Sometimes, survival in this business requires bending the rules.

[The boos from the crowd intensify, clearly unsatisfied with Mateusz’s response.]

Sofia Petrova: Your actions in the ring tonight have raised eyebrows and angered many. What do you have to say to those who expected a fair and honorable competition?

[Mateusz chuckles, his smirk growing.]

Mateusz Nowak: Fair and honorable? This is professional wrestling, Sofia. It’s about winning, no matter the cost. Rhys Morgan learned that lesson tonight, and anyone who stands in my way will learn the same.

[The crowd boos even louder, expressing their disdain for Mateusz’s ruthless approach.]

Sofia Petrova: Your message is clear, Mateusz. As you move forward in the league, do you believe this underhanded strategy will continue to be your modus operandi?

[Mateusz leans in, his voice cold and calculated.]

Mateusz Nowak: Survival of the fittest, Sofia. If the fans can’t handle that reality, they’re in for a rude awakening.

[The boos reach a crescendo as Mateusz Nowak revels in the controversy, seemingly unapologetic for his actions. Sofia Petrova, maintaining her professionalism, acknowledges the mixed reactions before concluding the interview.]

Sofia Petrova: There you have it, folks, the controversial Warsaw Warrior, Mateusz Nowak. Love him or hate him, he’s here to make an impact in the European Wrestling League. Let’s see what the future holds for this divisive competitor.

Division One Single Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
Eero Koskinen vs Kral

[The camera transitions to the ring where Sofia Petrova stands with a microphone, ready to interview the victorious Eero “The Nordic Titan” Koskinen. The crowd roars with cheers as Eero, a towering figure, steps into the spotlight.]

Sofia Petrova: Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for the victorious Eero “The Nordic Titan” Koskinen!

[The crowd erupts in cheers as Eero raises his hand in acknowledgment, his stoic expression revealing a sense of accomplishment.]

Sofia Petrova: Eero, congratulations on an impressive victory against Kral. The crowd is clearly behind you tonight. How does it feel to secure a win in front of these passionate fans?

[Eero nods, his deep voice resonating through the arena.]

Eero Koskinen: Kiitos, Sofia. It’s an honor to compete in front of such a passionate crowd. The support is invigorating, and it drives me to give my best in the ring. Tonight, I faced a tough opponent in Kral, but the victory belongs to The Nordic Titan.

[The crowd responds with another round of cheers, showing their appreciation for Eero’s dominating performance.]

Sofia Petrova: Your powerhouse style was on full display tonight, combining traditional Finnish wrestling techniques with impactful strikes. How do you feel your unique approach sets you apart in the European Wrestling League?

[Eero flexes his muscles, a subtle smile crossing his face.]

Eero Koskinen: Finland has a rich wrestling tradition, and I carry that legacy with pride. My style is about control, strength, and resilience. The Nordic Titan doesn’t just win matches; he imposes his will on opponents. In the EWL, I aim to showcase the might of the North and leave an indelible mark.

[The crowd responds with a mix of cheers and chants for Eero, acknowledging the power he brings to the league.]

Sofia Petrova: With this victory, you’re now on the path in the European Wrestling League. What message do you have for your fellow competitors and the fans who are supporting you?

[Eero’s intense gaze conveys determination as he addresses the audience.]

Eero Koskinen: To my fellow competitors, be prepared for a relentless force in the ring. The Nordic Titan will not be swayed. And to the fans, thank you for your support. Together, we will carve a path to greatness in the European Wrestling League.

[The crowd erupts in cheers as Eero raises his hand once again, basking in the admiration of the fans. Sofia Petrova, with a smile, acknowledges the electrifying atmosphere before concluding the interview.]

Sofia Petrova: There you have it, folks, The Nordic Titan, Eero Koskinen! Keep an eye on this powerhouse as he continues his journey through the European Wrestling League. The excitement is just getting started!

Division One Single Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
Callum McLeod vs Alexandre Rochefort

[The camera shifts to the ring where Sofia Petrova awaits with a microphone, ready to interview the victorious Callum “The Scottish Avalanche” McLeod. The crowd roars with enthusiasm as Callum, the Scottish powerhouse, steps into the spotlight.]

Sofia Petrova: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give it up for the victorious Callum “The Scottish Avalanche” McLeod!

[The crowd erupts in cheers as Callum acknowledges them with a nod and a confident smirk.]

Sofia Petrova: Callum, congratulations on your impressive victory against Alexandre Rochefort. The crowd is clearly behind you tonight. How does it feel to secure a win and those crucial three points?

[Callum’s rugged demeanor softens into a hint of a smile as he responds.]

Callum McLeod: Thank you, Sofia. It feels braw, just as it should. Getting the win and those points means everything. It’s a testament to the hard work and dedication that goes into each match. Rochefort fought well, but tonight, Scotland prevailed.

[The crowd cheers in approval, expressing their unwavering support for The Scottish Avalanche.]

Sofia Petrova: Your power brawler style was on full display, showcasing strong strikes and traditional Scottish wrestling techniques. How do you feel your unique approach sets you apart in the European Wrestling League?

[Callum flexes his muscles, the crowd responding with a mix of cheers and chants.]

Callum McLeod: Aye, my style is a reflection of the Highlands—the rugged terrain, the force of nature. I bring that intensity into every match. The Scottish Avalanche isn’t just a name; it’s a promise to deliver power, force, and a taste of Scotland’s wrestling heritage.

[The crowd roars in appreciation, connecting with Callum’s pride in his Scottish roots.]

Sofia Petrova: With this victory, you’ve earned three crucial points in the European Wrestling League. What message do you have for your fellow competitors and the passionate fans rallying behind you?

[Callum takes a moment, his gaze unwavering as he addresses the audience.]

Callum McLeod: To my fellow competitors, be ready for a force that won’t be tamed. The Scottish Avalanche is rolling, and there’s no stopping it. And to the fans, thank you for the unwavering support. Your energy fuels my determination, and together, we’ll make Scotland proud in the European Wrestling League.

[The crowd erupts in cheers as Callum raises his hand, soaking in the admiration of the fans. Sofia Petrova, with a smile, acknowledges the electrifying atmosphere before concluding the interview.]

Sofia Petrova: There you have it, folks, The Scottish Avalanche, Callum McLeod! Keep your eyes on this powerhouse as he forges ahead in the European Wrestling League. The intensity is just getting started!

Division One Single Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
Oliver Reed vs Adam Garcia

[The camera shifts to the ring where Sofia Petrova stands with a microphone, ready to interview the triumphant yet cocky ‘Spanish Ace,’ Adam Garcia. The crowd’s mixed reaction is filled with boos and jeers as Adam, reveling in his victory, steps into the spotlight with a smug grin.]

Sofia Petrova: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the victorious ‘Spanish Ace,’ Adam Garcia!

[The crowd responds with a mix of boos and a few scattered cheers as Adam arrogantly raises his hand, soaking in the negative energy.]

Sofia Petrova: Adam, congratulations on your win against Oliver Reed. The crowd seems to have strong feelings about your victory. How does it feel to secure those three points, knowing you’ve stirred quite the reaction?

[Adam chuckles arrogantly, glancing around at the crowd before responding.]

Adam Garcia: Gracias, Sofia. The Spanish Ace always delivers, whether the fans like it or not. As for the three points, well, I expect nothing less. I’m just showing everyone what they should’ve known from the start—I’m the man to beat in the European Wrestling League.

[The crowd’s boos intensify, but Adam seems to revel in the disdain.]

Sofia Petrova: Your cocky attitude and underhanded tactics were apparent tonight. How do you believe this approach sets you apart in the European Wrestling League?

[Adam smirks, a twinkle of arrogance in his eyes.]

Adam Garcia: Sofia, in this cutthroat business, you do what it takes to win. The ‘Spanish Ace’ is not here to make friends; I’m here to make a statement. If these people can’t appreciate greatness, that’s their problem.

[The crowd responds with even louder boos, clearly not pleased with Adam’s lack of sportsmanship.]

Sofia Petrova: With this victory, you’ve earned three points, but you’ve also earned the ire of the fans. What message do you have for your fellow competitors and the fans who may not be on your side?

[Adam smirks confidently, relishing the negative reaction from the crowd.]

Adam Garcia: To my competitors, learn from tonight. The ‘Spanish Ace’ plays the game better than anyone. And to the fans, keep booing. Your jeers only fuel my fire. Get used to it because Adam Garcia is here to stay, and I’m taking this league by storm.

[The crowd continues to boo as Adam raises his hand, soaking in the negativity. Sofia Petrova, maintaining her professionalism, acknowledges the polarizing atmosphere before concluding the interview.]

Sofia Petrova: There you have it, folks, the controversial ‘Spanish Ace,’ Adam Garcia! Love him or hate him, he’s making waves in the European Wrestling League. The drama is just getting started!

Division One Single Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
Wolfgang Schneider vs Erik Bjornsson

[The camera pans to the ring where Sofia Petrova stands, microphone in hand, ready to interview the victorious hometown hero, Wolfgang Schneider. The crowd erupts in thunderous cheers as Wolfgang, wearing a determined smile, steps into the spotlight.]

Sofia Petrova: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your hometown hero, Wolfgang Schneider!

[The arena reverberates with applause as Wolfgang raises his hands, acknowledging the warm reception from his fellow countrymen.]

Sofia Petrova: Wolfgang, congratulations on your incredible victory against Erik Bjornsson. The crowd is clearly behind you tonight. How does it feel to secure a win and those crucial three points right here in your hometown?

[Wolfgang takes a moment, soaking in the cheers before responding with gratitude.]

Wolfgang Schneider: Danke, Sofia! It feels absolutely amazing. This is my city, my home, and to secure a win in front of my people—it’s a feeling like no other. Those three points are not just for me; they’re for everyone here tonight.

[The crowd roars in approval, showing unwavering support for their hometown hero.]

Sofia Petrova: Your powerful and technical style were on full display tonight, culminating in that decisive pinfall. How do you believe your unique approach sets you apart in the European Wrestling League?

[Wolfgang nods, a sense of pride evident in his expression.]

Wolfgang Schneider: I bring the heart and spirit of this city into the ring. The power, the technique—it’s all a reflection of the resilience of the people here. I’m not just representing myself; I’m representing every fan who’s been there from the beginning.

[The crowd’s cheers grow even louder, resonating with Wolfgang’s connection to the local community.]

Sofia Petrova: With this victory, you’ve earned three crucial points in the European Wrestling League. What message do you have for your fellow competitors and the passionate fans who are rallying behind you?

[Wolfgang scans the crowd, a determined glint in his eyes.]

Wolfgang Schneider: To my fellow competitors, be ready for a fight. The hometown hero is on a mission, and I won’t back down. And to the fans, danke for the unwavering support. We’re in this together, and we’re going to make every match a triumph for this city.

[The crowd erupts in cheers as Wolfgang raises his hand, sharing a moment of unity with the fans. Sofia Petrova, with a smile, acknowledges the electric atmosphere before concluding the interview.]

Sofia Petrova: There you have it, folks, your hometown hero, Wolfgang Schneider! Keep the energy alive as he continues his journey through the European Wrestling League. The excitement is just beginning!

League Table – Season One Week One

PosNameSub WinPin WinDQ WinLossDrawPoints
#1Mateusz Nowark14
#2Eero Koskinen14
#3Callum McLeod13
#4Wolfgang Schneider13
#6Adam Garcia13
#5Oliver Reed10
#7Rhys Morgan10
#9Alexandre Rochefort10
#10Erik Bjornsson10

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