|| – Real Name – ||

|| – In-Ring Name – ||

|| – NickName – ||
The Soul of Philly

|| – Hometown – ||
Philadelphia PA

|| – Bio – ||
Always a big kid, but never acted like it. He always was goofing around, but when it was time to get serious, TJ stepped up. TJ would forgo college to live his life long dream, go from fan to wrestler. He always loved the buisness, wanted the chance to go out and put on a show. He was a fan of guys like Kane and Undertaker, two big guys that could fly around. He wrestled in local promotions until he got a chance to wrestle in ECW, but ECW would go under before he debuted. It set him back, but it didn’t stop him. TJ would wrestle in small promotions before opening his own, Impact championship wrestling with his tag team partner. It would last a few months before TJ shut it down. TJ then heard from a friend, Stampede Kid about SVO. TJ was interested.

|| – Height – ||
6 feet 10 inches

|| – Weight – ||
275 lbs

|| – Entrance Music – ||
Violence Fetish – Disturbed

|| – Entrance Moves – ||
NON CHAMP ENTRANCE– Violent Fetish by Disturbed begins to play throughout the arena. The lights go out and TJ’s figure rises up like Kurt Angle’s TNA entrance. He looks around the arena and then does a Goldberg like jump as red, white, and gold fireworks go off as the lights come back on. He walks down the ramp, giving high fives to the fans. He walks up the stairs and enters the ring. He goes to the far corner and climbs the ropes. He throws both arms in the air. He begins to beat his chest with his hands and then yells the crowd. He gets down and waits for his opponent or stares down his opponent

CHAMPION ENTRANCE – Violent Fetish by Disturbed begins to play throughout the arena. The lights go out and TJ’s figure rises up like Kurt Angle’s TNA entrance. He is holding the title like The Rock holds his titles. He puts it on the ground in front of him. He looks around the arena and then does a Goldberg like jump as red, white, and gold fireworks go off as the lights come back on. TJ picks up the title and throws it over his shoulder. He walks down the ramp, giving high fives to the fans. He walks up the stairs and enters the ring. He goes to the far corner and climbs the ropes. He throws both arms in the air, his left hand holding the title. He begins to beat his chest with his right and then yells the crowd. He gets down and throws the title over his shoulder.

|| – Wrestling Style – ||
Uses his size to beat smaller opponents, but also uses his agility and quickness to beat opponents the same size or bigger

|| – Finishing Moves – ||
– P.O.D = Much like Chris Sabin’s Cradleshock, but more of a piledriver (Done to all opponents. Looks worse on bigger opponents.)
– Soulbuster = TJ grabs his opponent around thier throat, throws them into air, grabs them in a Spinebuster position and gives them a Spinebuster. (done to opponents from the weights of 200-250 lbs only)
– Philly Cheese Lock = Steps like a Sharpshooter, but does not “tie” the legs around. TJ then turns his opponent over like the Walls of Jericho, then “ties” his opponent’s legs and then keeps on arm around the “tie” and then wraps his other arm around the face of his opponent. (Done in Submission Matches. Done to larger opponents after a P.O.D if they kick out of it. I know it’s hard to imagine it, but I just did three different versions on my brother and cousin each and it looks good.)

|| – Favourite Moves – ||
– TJT = DDT 15 in SvR:07
– Full Nelson
– Jumping Calf Kick
– Straight Right Hand
– Spear
– Diving Spear
– Spinebuster
– Philly Combo = 2 Powerbombs into a Powerslam
– Cheese Steak Combo = 2 Suplexes into a DDT
– 215 Hurtin = A Bearhug into a Spinebuster
– Bearhug

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