TJ Raven

255 lbs.



Las Vegas, NV

Theme Music
“Path I Walk” by Boondox

Wrestling Style:
All around

Finishing Move:
1. Raven’s Talon – Mandible Claw
2. Coronado – F-5

Finishing Move Description:
The Raven’s Talon is used on larger opponents that are to big to pick up. Someone like Big Show or Khali. Coronado is for smaller, equal size, or maybe moderately larger wrestlers.

Top Five Moves:
Octopus Stretch
Running High Knee (Triple H does it all the time)
Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker
Sife Effect
Inverted Tazmission (Done from the front instead of from behind)

Character Bio:
Former hardcore wrestler who now detests the style and does everything to avoid being caught in another match of the hardcore style. Not that he lacks the toughness or strength to compete, just sees it as limiting himself and what he is capable of as well as shortening his career by battering his body.

His background – Former Navy SEAL, who after his 4 years in the service joined back up into wrestling, having been involved in backyard feds during his teenage years. Now a veteran of 9 years as a professional and 4 years in backyard TJ is finally coming into his own. Has no more use for crazy gimmick matches and now centers his entire style around technical wrestling, with a mix of Judo to incorporate grappling and submission moves as well as other mixed martial arts to further his understanding of disassembling an opponents body and well being without the use of props or foreign objects.

Also said to be studying Psychology in his spare time so he can truly get into the mind of his opponents and maximize his opponents mental demons, while minimizing their positive attributes.

Entrance Description:
Having been raised around the glamour of Las Vegas he sees no need to put it into his entrance. The house lights dim to a just noticeable level, ‘Path I Walk” by Boondox creeps over the PA system and out walks TJ Raven from behind the curtain. Surveys the crowd, not really interested in their opinion of him, and he walks to the ring seemingly uneffected by the environment he’s in.

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