Sebastian Hawke.

200 lbs.


Gonna start out as a face

Northern Las Vegas…In the suburbs away from the glitz and lights…

Theme Music
Youth Gone Wild by Skid Row

Wrestling Style:
Amateur, risk taker, agile high flyer, and technical…When needed he can do hardcore…

Finishing Move:
Wings of a Feather

Finishing Move Description:
While facing his opponent, Sebastian hits him (or her) in the chin with a modified mule kick. Then while he is falling he grabs them by their arms and pulls them down onto his knees in a modified jawbreaker/codebreaker/gutbuster.

Top Moves:
Tornado DDT or regular DDT
Springboard anything
Arm drag
Trouble In Paradise (Jumping spinning roundhouse kick)
Daniel Bryan’s “Yes/No” kicks in corner (Without the screaming yes/no part)

Signature Move:
The Eye of the Hawke
Description: A superman punch that can come from anywhere…Top rope, springboard, or much like Kofi’s Trouble in Paradise, just standing on the ground…

Character Bio:
Son of Bernard and Debrah Hawke, Sebastian Hawke is 18 and ready to graduate high school. He was born on Nellis Air Force Base since his father is an airman. Growing up his dad was constantly on the move due to being deployed on training missions. With no father figure to teach him “how to be a man” Sebastian started doing what was natural. He found a backyard wrestling league and has made a decent name for himself (at least within his small cul de sac) consistently out performing all of his competition. While wrestling became a big part of his life, Sebastian has always been a decent student getting B’s in everything for the most part. He has recently graduated from high school and is currently trying to figure out where to go to college while continuing wrestling.

Entrance Description:
“Youth Gone Wild” by Skid Row plays on the speakers as all eyes focus on the entrance ramp. Sebastian Hawke appears at the top and awkwardly stands for a moment, shielding his eyes from the peppering of the camera flashes pointed in his direction. He holds his finger up to his lips and smiles awkwardly before walking down the ramp. He high fives a couple people on his way down and rolls into the ring as the music fades and he stretches before the match begins.

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