
200 lbs

6ft 0in

Super Face

Nevada Desert

Theme Music
Jesus Christ Pose – Soundgarden

Wrestling Style:
Super Technical

Finishing Move:
Scorpion Suplex I
Scorpion Suplex II

Finishing Move Description:
I – (Tiger suplex)
II – (Modified half nelson suplex)

Top Five Moves:
Scorpion Driver I (Sitout double underhook powerbomb)
Scorpion Driver II (Kneeling head spike double underhook powerbomb)
Stinger Clutch (Crossface chickenwing)
Stinger Suplex (Crossface chickenwing suplex)
Stinger-Sault (Moonsault)

Character Bio:
Scorpion is from a long line of pro wrestlers who all have had characters that potray animals, Scorpion is part of this long line and continues it with calling himself Scorpion the first to do so in his long family, but with success across Japan & Mexico because of his unique character he heads to SVO in order to make a name for himself in the United States.

Entrance Description:
The arena goes black and the lights shine down onto the crowd with the light in the shape of a scorpion, then Jesus Christ pose by Soundgarden blasts from the PA system and as the intro finishes Scorpion appers from backstage and a large spotlight follows him down to the ring as the crowd go wild.

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