
Name: Johnny Moretti

Nicknames: Johnny All Star, All Star, JAS

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 220lbs

Date of Birth: Unknown

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Personality: All round good guy who turned his back on all of the fans in order to finally win the sVo Championship.


Fighting Style: Balanced

Crowd Reaction: Boo

Finisher Name: All Star Stunner

Finisher Description: Stunner

Signature Moves: The Touchdown (From a three point stance he delivers a spear but holds onto the opponent and delivers a slam.)

Entrance Music:  ‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis


Career History:  sVo (sVo Heavyweight Championship x2, sVo International Champion x1), oWo (Cruiserweight Champion x1)

Biography: Johnny Moretti entered the sVo as ‘Johnny All Star’, an all round good guy who was a fan favourite to his hometown Las Vegas crowd. Johnny had moderate success in the sVo, winning the International Championship. However after growing frustrated at not being able to capture the sVo Championship despite several close calls, Johnny turned his back on the fans and his ‘Horizon’ stable mates, to join up with Blood Money and cash in on his real last name ‘Moretti’.


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