
Name: Dallas Jordan

Nicknames: The Patriot

Height: 6’2″

Weight: 240lbs

Date of Birth: Unknown

Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina

Personality:  If you cut Dallas Jordan in half he would bleed red, white, and blue. Jordan is a patriot through and through and couldn’t think of anything worse than cheating to win a match. Being someone that was in the crowd not that long ago, Dallas Jordan used to really take issue with anyone that doesn’t treat the fans with the respect that he feels they deserve. However with the fans turning their back on Jordan during his losing streak at the start of his career, Jordan now treats them with disdain. Jordan blames all of his problems on the non American wrestlers signed to the sVo roster, blaming them for taking his opportunities. Jordan is more than happy to use the rest of Patriot Act to get the job done with the numbers game advantage.


Fighting Style: Jordan is a wrestling powerhouse who aims to get on top of his opponent and wear him down with an impressive knowledge of holds and throws. Dallas Jordan has great stamina and it won’t phase him if the match goes long. Jordan often targets the back of his opponent in matches in order to set them up for his finishing move. Dallas Jordan will never make his way to the top rope, and would also prefer to keep the action in the ring where his technical skills can give him the advantage.

Crowd Reaction: Boo

Finisher Name: The Patriot Lock

Finisher Description: Ankle Lock

Signature Moves: Double Underhook Suplex, Short Arm Clothesline, Scoop Slam into a headlock, Fireman’s Carry Slam, Headlock Takedown, Facebuster, German Suplex, Stalling Vertical Suplex,

Entrance Music: Star Spangled Banner


Career History: OWO, sVo


Dallas Jordan is a young wrestler who was original brought into the sVo by Jon Page when he started looking for fresh talent for the groups relaunch in 2020. Jordan is a former high school football player who got into wrestling originally looking to represent his country in the amateur sport.

Jordan started off as a big fan favourite, representing the red, white and blue with pride whenever he competed. However Jordan found wins hard to come by and suffered a long losing streak at the start of his career. It was at this point that the crowd began to turn on Jordan, showing indifference towards him during his matches.

The reaction of the crowd deeply hurt Jordan, and he started to blame them and the amount of fighters competing in the sVo from overseas for his troubles. At this point Jordan turned his back on the crowd and brought his two friends Travis Armstrong and Lance Abbot to the sVo to form ‘the Patriot Act’.


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