Name: CJ Dreamer

Aliases: ‘The Las Vegas Knight’

Height: 6’4″

Weight: 240lbs

Date of Birth: 20th November 1987

Crowd Reaction: Mixed

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Theme Music: ‘Break Stuff’ by the Limp Bizkit

Fighting Style: Dreamer is an explosive fighter who aims to put away his opponent with a quick burst of technical slams and throws. Dreamer aims to make sure that the match doesn’t go on too long and will sometimes take a few risks to pull off a big move. Dreamer will rarely if ever head to the top rope and would only use a submission hold if he thinks it can get him the win. CJ Dreamer generally follows the rules in his matches and would only cheat or bend the rules in extreme circumstances.

Finisher Name: Sweet Dreams

Finisher Description: Sleeper Slam

Signature Moves: Sambo Suplex

Standing Moves: German Suplex, Back Suplex, Diving Dropkick, Half Nelson Suplex, Facebuster, Mule Kick, Reverse DDT, Double Arm Drag, Double Leg Takedown, Swinging Neckbreaker,

Running Moves: Running Knee Strike, Clothesline

High Flying Moves: Double Axe Handle Smash

Submission Holds: Arm Bar Takedown,

Personality Traits: Egotistical but also someone who likes to get the fans on his side. Dreamer generally will follow the rules and is someone that the crowd look up to. As CJ Dreamer has gotten older he has matured to generally to what is right in most situations.

Career History: GCW, ICON, P:V, oWo (Heavyweight Champion x2, Internet Champion x1) sVo (Tag Team Champion x1)

Other Information: oWo Hall of Fame member and one of the original oWo Superstars. Formerly a big fan favorite in the oWo. CJ Dreamer first made an appearance in the sVo as part of the Company which was at the time led by Amy Page. Before the sVo shut its doors in 2013, Dreamer managed to capture the sVo Tag Team Championships along with partner Scott Washington. Dreamer and Washington held the belts until the sVo closed in 2013.

Entrance Description

‘Break Stuff’ by the Limp Bizkit blasts over the sound system and there is a pop from the crowd as CJ Dreamer slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp and stares out at the fans packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena. Dreamer smirks at his hometown fans as he stops for a few seconds to signal to them, before briskly walking down the entrance ramp and rolling into the ring. Dreamer quickly rolls to his feet and skips in a circle around the ring whilst shadow boxing. Dreamer slowly returns to his corner of the ring as the music fades out and is replaced with the sound of just the cheers from the fans.

Event History

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