Interview with Johnny All Star – 17th October 2007
By Candi Cross

CANDI CROSS – What first attracted you to the sVo?

ALL STAR – You mean besides it being located in the greatest city in the world? Seriously. What more can you ask for?

CANDI CROSS – How do you rate your chances in the match against High Flyer that you are involved in next Sunday night?


CANDI CROSS – Do you think that joint owners Jon Page and Jimmy Moretti will be able to stay out of the spotlight, or will there feud re-ignite leading to chaos in the sVo?

ALL STAR – This organization has chaos written all over it. There’s no way in hell those two raving lunatics will be able to co-exist. No way in hell. They are two of the biggest ego maniacs that this world has ever seen.

CANDI CROSS – What has been the main motivation behind your career as a wrestler to date?

ALL STAR – Proving to all the naysayers that I can do it.

CANDI CROSS – Who do you see as your biggest rival in the sVo?

ALL STAR – Everyone on the roster is my biggest rival. Well maybe except for Kid X. Honestly, theres only room at the top for one person.

CANDI CROSS – The sVo is based in Las Vegas where the owners have basically struck a deal with the local governor where anything goes on their shows. How would you like to see the sVo take advantage of this?

ALL STAR – Nudity, lots of diva nudity. PPV’s would sell like crazy.

CANDI CROSS – If you could pick one wrestler to fight at Ultimate Victory, who would it be and why?

ALL STAR – The one wrestler that I would love to fight is sadly not with us anymore. The man stood for something, and I think he was the rock of P:V for the longest time. Curtis Knight.

CANDI CROSS – You were unfortunately knocked out of the Victory Cup competition, who do you see going on to win the final of the competition at Ultimate Victory 2007?

ALL STAR – Mike Polowy. I think his ego alone could beat anyone.

CANDI CROSS – sVo is a rookie promotion, but you have been around for a while, what is your biggest achievement so far in your wrestling career?

ALL STAR – My biggest achivement. I gotta say that my biggest achievement would have to be me making a come back at all. To be in this promotion after the beat down that John Page and his Dynasty goons laid down on me during their invasion of P:V.

CANDI CROSS – If you could bring one person from your past into the sVo who would it be and why?

ALL STAR – That’s easy. I’d bring back that looney bin Redwing, split personality and all. Just so I could beat his ass all over again. Freakin looser reveals that he brought his TV Championship to P:V AFTER I beat him.

CANDI CROSS – The sVo hasn’t been running for that long, but if you could choose one thing to change about it already, what would it be and why?

ALL STAR – Management. JD James, my manager should be running the show. Moretti found a way to weasel him out of a management position. JD would be there for the talent, not the bucks.

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