sVo Proving Grounds 53
Live on the HOTv Network
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
20th September 2024

[The anticipation reaches its peak as the video package concludes, highlighting the ‘Proving Grounds’ logo. The scene transitions to an exterior shot of the iconic Goodfellas Casino Arena, nestled in the vibrant heart of the Las Vegas strip. The camera then seamlessly shifts to a live view inside the arena, capturing the electric atmosphere. The sold-out crowd is a sea of energy, with fans passionately on their feet, screaming and waving homemade signs in hopes of catching a glimpse on camera.

The camera skillfully maneuvers through the enthusiastic audience, showcasing the diverse array of signs and the palpable excitement that permeates the arena. Finally, attention shifts to the commentary table, where the dynamic duo of Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan eagerly await the start of the action. Their welcoming smiles reflect the enthusiasm of the night ahead.

With the fans as their backdrop, Julian and Jeremiah extend a warm greeting to the viewers tuned in to the HOTv network. The broadcast kicks off with the seasoned commentators breaking down the anticipated matches and moments slated for tonight’s show. The stage is set, and the Goodfellas Casino Arena is primed for an unforgettable evening of sVo Proving Grounds!]

Single Match
Jake Blackwood vs. Trailer Trash Terry

Closer the Magic Number Ten

Backstage at sVo Proving Grounds 53, Katie Smith stands poised with a microphone in hand, the camera zooming in on her welcoming smile. Standing next to her is the sVo Roulette Champion, “The Bully” Danny Domino. Dressed in his signature leather jacket, with the Roulette Championship draped proudly over his shoulder, Domino sneers at the camera, exuding his usual cocky arrogance.

Katie Smith: “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, the sVo Roulette Champion, Danny Domino. Later tonight, you’ll be defending your title in the main event against ‘The Philly Flash’ Jacob Izaz of Generation Joint. Danny, how are you feeling going into tonight’s match?”

Danny Domino smirks and adjusts the Roulette Championship on his shoulder, not missing a beat as he steps closer to the mic.

Danny Domino: *”How am I feeling, Katie? How do I *always* feel? I’m feeling like a winner, because that’s exactly what I am! I’m the Bully of this place, and if anyone thinks they can step up to me, they better be ready to get knocked down. Jacob Izaz? He’s just the latest in a long line of so-called challengers who think they’ve got what it takes to take my title. But let’s get one thing straight, Katie—there ain’t nobody taking this belt off of me anytime soon.”*

Katie nods, maintaining her professionalism despite the overwhelming arrogance from Domino.

Katie Smith: “Jacob Izaz is known for his speed and resilience in the ring. He’s a member of Generation Joint, and he’ll be looking to bring some much-needed momentum to his team tonight. Does that concern you at all?”

Danny Domino scoffs, clearly unimpressed by the mention of Izaz and Generation Joint.

Danny Domino: “Momentum? Resilience? Please, Katie, you’re talking about a group of guys who are barely keeping it together. Gunner Lang’s already abandoned ship, and the rest of those clowns are struggling to figure out which way’s up! Jacob Izaz might be quick, but it won’t matter how fast he runs when I grab hold of him and toss him around like a rag doll.”

Domino pats the Roulette Championship with a smirk, as if already visualizing his victory.

Danny Domino: *”The truth is, Jacob Izaz is gonna learn the same lesson everyone else who steps into the ring with me learns—when you’re in there with ‘The Bully,’ you don’t stand a chance. I’ve already punched my ticket to the next round of the Victory Cup, and tonight, I’m gonna put another exclamation point on my reign when I leave Jacob Izaz flat on his back and *still* the Roulette Champion!”*

Katie tries to wrap up the interview, but Domino isn’t done yet.

Danny Domino: “And Katie, let’s not forget—every title defense I win brings me one step closer to that magical number ten. And when I get there, I’m coming for the sVo Championship, and there’s not a single person in this company that’s gonna stop me from cashing in.”

Katie raises an eyebrow, but nods in acknowledgment, knowing Domino’s ambition is undeniable.

Katie Smith: “Well, tonight’s main event is sure to be a must-watch, as Danny Domino defends the sVo Roulette Championship against Jacob Izaz. Good luck, Danny.”

Danny Domino chuckles, flashing a cocky grin at the camera before walking off, the Roulette Championship gleaming under the backstage lights. Katie turns back to the camera.

Katie Smith: “Back to you at ringside.”

The scene fades out as the anticipation for tonight’s main event builds.

Tag Team Match
Sin City Scoundrels vs. The Malones

Already Booked

The camera cuts to the office of COO Amy Page. Dan Williams and Dave Miller, the Southern Boys, storm in with their manager Haley Dallas right behind them. They’re visibly frustrated as they approach Amy Page, who sits at her desk with a smirk.

Dan Williams: “Come on, Amy! You can’t seriously want us to fight each other. We’re a team!”

Dave Miller: “We’ve been busting our asses out there, and this is what we get?”

Amy Page leans back in her chair, clearly enjoying the moment.

Amy Page: “Oh, you boys are cute when you’re upset. But listen, the match is already booked for this Sunday on Showdown, and it’s happening whether you like it or not. Consider it part of the consequences for letting me down at Jackpot. You didn’t get the job done against the Anarchy Alliance, so now you get to pay the price.”

Haley Dallas: “This is ridiculous, Amy. You know they’re better as a team, not fighting each other!”

Amy Page laughs, completely unfazed by their protests.

Amy Page: “Oh, I know. But that’s the point. You better not hold back either. The match is happening, and it better be a good one. I’ll be watching closely.”

Dan and Dave exchange uneasy looks while Haley Dallas scowls at Amy Page, who just continues to smile.

Amy Page: “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a show to run.”

The Southern Boys reluctantly turn and leave the office, tension clear in their body language as they walk away, knowing their confrontation is inevitable.

Single Match
Ali Young vs. Ricky Johnson

Still Family

The camera cuts backstage where Katie Smith stands beside Jacob Izaz of Generation Joint. Izaz is bouncing lightly on his feet, clearly gearing up for his upcoming match. Katie, ever the professional, gives a smile before speaking.

Katie Smith: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with Jacob Izaz, who’s set to face ‘The Bully’ Danny Domino for the sVo Roulette Championship next. But before we get into that, Jacob, I have to ask about the shocking events from last week. It seems like your tag team partner, Gunner Lang, has walked away from you and Generation Joint, possibly rejoining Johnny All Star and JD James. How are you feeling about that?”

Jacob pauses for a moment, his expression going from focused to slightly pained as he processes the question. He lets out a deep breath, visibly disappointed but determined.

Jacob Izaz: “You know, Katie, it’s hard. It’s real hard. Gunner Lang and I—we’ve been through a lot together. We’ve fought side by side, we’ve had each other’s backs. To see him walk out on us, on Generation Joint, to go back to All Star and JD James? I didn’t see it coming, but I get it. People change, priorities change. But it doesn’t mean it hurts any less.”

Izaz rubs the back of his neck, still visibly frustrated.

Jacob Izaz: “Generation Joint, though… We’re a family. And if Gunner doesn’t want to be part of that anymore, then that’s on him. But I’m not about to let this distract me from what I have to do tonight.”

Katie Smith: “Speaking of tonight, you’re about to challenge Danny Domino for the sVo Roulette Championship. What’s your mindset going into this match, especially after what’s happened recently with Gunner and the setbacks Generation Joint has faced?”

Jacob’s demeanor shifts, and his determination comes through as he straightens up.

Jacob Izaz: “My mindset is simple—Danny Domino is the Roulette Champion for a reason, but he’s also someone who throws his weight around, literally and figuratively. He calls himself ‘The Bully,’ but I don’t back down from anyone. Gunner walking away? It sucks, but I’ve still got Kenneth D Williams, Jay Adder, and the rest of Generation Joint in my corner. Tonight, it’s not about what happened last week. It’s about taking that Roulette Championship and showing everyone that I can stand on my own two feet.”

Jacob glances at the camera, his confidence clear.

Jacob Izaz: “Danny’s a tough guy, but tonight? I’m tougher. I’ve got something to prove, not just to everyone out there, but to myself. So win or lose, I’m coming for him, and I’m bringing that fight all the way.”

Katie Smith: “Strong words, Jacob. We’re all looking forward to your match next. Best of luck.”

Jacob nods to Katie, his intensity unwavering, before walking off toward the arena, ready for his chance at gold.

Katie Smith: “There you have it, folks. Jacob Izaz is focused, determined, and ready to go one-on-one with Danny Domino for the Roulette Championship. That match is coming up next!”

The camera fades back to the arena, the anticipation building for the title match.

sVo Roulette Championship Match
Danny Domino (c) vs. Jacob Izaz

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