P:V Uprising 90
Live on the Sanctioned Violence Network
TD Garden, Boston, MA

31st August 2024

The screen fades in to a roaring crowd inside the TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts. The energy in the arena is electric, with fans holding up signs and chanting in anticipation of a massive night of action. The camera pans across the sea of excited faces before cutting to the commentator’s desk, where Zac Brindle and Johnny Kaos are ready to kick off the show.

Zac Brindle: “Welcome to P:V Uprising, live from the TD Garden in Boston! I’m Zac Brindle, alongside my partner in crime, Johnny Kaos, and we’ve got one hell of a show lined up for you tonight!”

Johnny Kaos: “That’s right, Zac! Tonight is going to be absolutely explosive! We’ve got a huge contract signing between the P:V Heavyweight Champion Adam Garcia and his challenger, the #1 contender Darwin Jones! You know things are going to get heated when those two are in the ring together.”

Zac Brindle: “And let’s not forget, Maverick Matthews will be defending his TV Championship against Cherry Bordeaux! Matthews has been riding high since his controversial win, but Bordeaux is determined to bring that title home tonight.”

Johnny Kaos: “Plus, the international scene is back in full force! After missing last week’s show to compete on the Apocalypse Pro PPV, we’ll see the return of Hate Eternal and the International Heavyweight Champion Masafumi Satake! You know they’ll have something to say after their big weekend.”

Zac Brindle: “And with all of that, who knows what else could go down tonight in Boston? The P:V roster is here, and everyone’s looking to make an impact!”

The camera cuts to shots of fans cheering, holding up signs for their favorite superstars. The lights flash, and the Uprising theme music plays, building up the anticipation as the show officially begins.

Johnny Kaos: “Boston is fired up, and so are we! Let’s get this show started—tonight’s Uprising is going to be one for the ages!”

The camera zooms in on the P:V logo as the show transitions to the first segment of the night.

Ready for Whatever

The camera captures the bustling backstage area of the arena. The energy is high as workers and crew prepare for the night’s events. Project Violence Heavyweight Champion Adam Garcia strides into view, his championship belt proudly slung over his shoulder. He wears a confident smile and seems focused as he makes his way through the corridors.

Elena Cruz, microphone in hand, spots Garcia and approaches him with a professional demeanor.

Elena Cruz: “Adam, you’re just arriving for tonight’s show. With the big contract signing scheduled later, I wanted to get your thoughts on the situation. How are you feeling about the possibility of Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers pulling any underhanded tactics?”

Garcia pauses, turning to face Cruz with a determined look in his eyes. He adjusts his championship belt slightly, ensuring it’s prominently displayed.

Adam Garcia: (smiling confidently) “Elena, let me tell you something. I fully expect Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers to try every trick in the book tonight. They’re going to do whatever they can to get under my skin and maybe even try to mess with the contract signing. But here’s the thing—I’m no stranger to this game. I’ve been through the wringer, and I’ve faced every kind of opponent you can imagine.”

Garcia’s smile broadens as he continues, his tone filled with pride and intensity.

Adam Garcia: “There’s a reason why I’m the Mad Bull, the Spanish Ace, and a multiple-time champion all around the world. I’ve fought in the biggest arenas and against the toughest challengers, and I’ve always come out on top. Tonight, it’s no different. I’m ready for whatever they throw at me. Because when it comes down to it, I’m the one holding the title, and I’m not giving it up without a fight.”

Elena Cruz nods, impressed by Garcia’s confidence and composure.

Elena Cruz: “It sounds like you’re more than ready for whatever happens tonight. We’ll be looking forward to the contract signing and seeing how things unfold. Good luck in your match later.”

Garcia gives a respectful nod, then continues his way through the backstage area, his presence commanding respect from those around him. The camera focuses on Cruz as she watches him walk away, the anticipation for the night’s events palpable.

The segment ends with the tension and excitement building as the arena prepares for the main event and the crucial contract signing later in the show.

TV Championship Match
Maverick Matthews (c) vs. Cherry Bordeaux

Signing the Deal

The camera transitions to a backstage shot, where Project Violence General Manager James Von Drake is standing in his office, a welcoming smile on his face. Across the desk from him is Rex Stone, the young, determined rookie from Canadian Crown Wrestling. Stone is seated, nervously adjusting his jacket as he prepares to sign his P:V contract.

James Von Drake: “Rex, it’s great to have you here in Project Violence. I’ve been following your progress in Canadian Crown Wrestling, and I’m excited to see what you can do here. You’ve got a lot of potential, kid.”

Rex Stone nods, a mix of excitement and determination in his eyes. He reaches for the pen and begins signing the contract when suddenly, the door to Von Drake’s office flies open. In storms Boyd Jackson, the former International Heavyweight Champion, with a scowl on his face.

Boyd Jackson: “Von Drake, we need to talk.”

Boyd’s eyes quickly dart to Rex Stone, and he sneers at the sight of the young upstart.

Boyd Jackson: “What’s this? You’ve got me, the best talent in this company, busting my ass every week, and you’re wasting time signing rookies like him? Are you kidding me?”

Rex Stone looks up, clearly annoyed but keeping his composure as Boyd Jackson continues to run his mouth.

James Von Drake: “Boyd, this is Rex Stone, our newest signee. He’s got a lot of promise, and I’m sure he’s going to make a big impact here in P:V.”

Boyd Jackson: “A big impact? This kid? Von Drake, you’re diluting this roster by bringing in nobodies like him. We don’t need some Canadian nobody coming in here and wasting everyone’s time.”

Rex Stone, now visibly upset, stands up and squares up to Boyd Jackson, who towers over him with a mocking grin.

Rex Stone: “You think I’m a nobody, Boyd? How about you put that theory to the test? You and me, in the ring tonight. Let’s see if I’m really as much of a waste of time as you think.”

Boyd Jackson lets out a derisive laugh, looking down at Rex as if he’s amused by the challenge.

Boyd Jackson: “You want to fight me? You must be out of your mind, kid. But you know what? I could use a warm-up match. Fine, let’s do it. Don’t say I didn’t warn you when you’re lying flat on your back, wondering why you ever stepped foot in a P:V ring.”

James Von Drake looks between the two men, clearly seeing the tension but also intrigued by the challenge.

James Von Drake: “Alright, you’ve got it. Rex Stone vs. Boyd Jackson tonight. Rex, welcome to Project Violence… hope you’re ready for what’s coming.”

Rex nods confidently, while Boyd Jackson smirks before turning and storming out of the office, clearly dismissive of the rookie. Rex Stone looks back at Von Drake, determination burning in his eyes as he finishes signing his contract.

Rex Stone: “I’m more than ready, Mr. Von Drake. Tonight, I’m going to prove that I belong here.”

Von Drake gives a nod of approval, and the camera fades out, building anticipation for the match later in the night.

Tag Team Match
Rebel Society vs. Masters of the Mat


The scene transitions to the backstage area, where Dutch Ramirez, the rugged biker with a fierce reputation, is gearing up for his upcoming match against Steven Love. He’s tightening his gloves, a focused expression on his face as he mentally prepares for the battle ahead. The roar of the crowd can be faintly heard in the background, signaling that his match is up next.

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifts as the enigmatic Katya Roux, the mysterious and calculating manager of Midas, appears in the frame. She slowly approaches Ramirez, her eyes locked on him with an intense, almost predatory gaze. Her heels click against the concrete floor, each step deliberate, as she closes the distance between them.

Ramirez, sensing her presence, looks up, his brows furrowing in confusion. Katya Roux stops just a few feet away, her eyes scanning him from head to toe with a knowing smile curling at the corner of her lips. She doesn’t say a word, but the silence between them is thick with unspoken intentions.

Ramirez straightens up, meeting her gaze with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. For a moment, the two lock eyes, the tension almost palpable. But just as quickly as she appeared, Katya turns on her heel and walks away, her smile lingering as she disappears down the corridor, leaving Ramirez standing there, bewildered.

The camera lingers on Ramirez, who shakes his head slightly, clearly puzzled by the strange encounter. He glances down the hallway where Katya vanished, then back at his gear, trying to refocus on his match.

In the background, the commentators Zac Brindle and Johnny Kaos chime in, their voices filled with intrigue.

Zac Brindle: “What was that all about, Johnny? Katya Roux just… looked at Ramirez like she was sizing him up for something.”

Johnny Kaos: “Who knows with Katya? She’s always got some kind of scheme brewing. But whatever it is, you can bet it’s not good news for Dutch Ramirez. That woman plays mind games like nobody else.”

Zac Brindle: “Ramirez better keep his head in the game. He’s got a match coming up against Steven Love, but with Katya Roux lurking around, you have to wonder what her intentions really are.”

The scene fades as Dutch Ramirez, still visibly unsettled, finishes his preparations, the uncertainty of Katya Roux’s visit lingering as he heads towards the ring.

Single Match
Dutch Ramirez vs. Steven Love

Never Saw it Coming

The scene shifts to the ring, where Dutch Ramirez stands victorious, having just defeated Steven Love. The crowd roars in approval as Ramirez raises his arms in triumph, a satisfied grin on his face. He paces around the ring, soaking in the cheers from the fans, clearly proud of his hard-fought win.

As Ramirez continues to celebrate, the arena lights dim slightly, and the attention of the crowd is suddenly drawn to the entrance ramp. There, standing with an air of calculated confidence, is Katya Roux. The enigmatic manager of Midas watches Ramirez with that same knowing smile, her presence immediately shifting the atmosphere in the arena. The crowd’s cheers start to die down, replaced by a murmur of unease as they sense something sinister is about to unfold.

Ramirez, still riding the high of his victory, notices the change in the crowd’s energy and turns his attention towards the entrance. He locks eyes with Katya, his expression a mix of confusion and wariness. Her smile widens, but she remains silent, simply standing there, her hands clasped together as if she’s orchestrating something only she knows about.

Just as Ramirez begins to take a step towards the ropes, as if to demand answers from Katya, the crowd erupts into a chorus of boos. Unbeknownst to Ramirez, Midas—her masked and mute client—has silently slid into the ring from behind. The hulking figure of Midas rises to his feet, his imposing presence casting a shadow over Ramirez, who is still fixated on Katya.

The moment Ramirez senses something is wrong, it’s too late. Midas charges forward, delivering a vicious forearm to the back of Ramirez’s head, sending him stumbling forward into the ropes. The crowd’s boos intensify as Ramirez tries to turn around and defend himself, but Midas is relentless, raining down heavy blows on the unsuspecting biker.

The vicious assault continues, with Midas lifting Ramirez and slamming him to the mat with a thunderous powerbomb. Ramirez lies motionless on the canvas as Midas stands over him, his expression hidden behind his mask, but his intent clear: to send a message. Katya Roux’s smile grows as she watches the brutal attack unfold, her plan executed to perfection.

With Ramirez down and out, Midas slowly steps back, his work done. Katya Roux, still at the top of the entrance ramp, raises one hand in a signal, and Midas exits the ring, leaving Ramirez in a heap on the mat. The crowd’s boos echo throughout the arena as Katya Roux turns and disappears backstage, her purpose fulfilled.

The camera focuses on the fallen Ramirez, still reeling from the ambush, as the commentators voice their shock and disgust.

Zac Brindle: “What a cowardly attack! Dutch Ramirez was just celebrating a hard-earned victory, and Midas—under the orders of Katya Roux—decides to ambush him from behind!”

Johnny Kaos: “This was clearly a setup, Zac. Katya had this planned from the moment she walked out here. And Midas? He’s like a weapon she can unleash at any moment.”

Zac Brindle: “Ramirez never saw it coming. The man just won his match, and now he’s left lying in the ring like this? Katya Roux and Midas just made a powerful statement, but you have to wonder… what’s their endgame?”

The segment ends with the camera lingering on Ramirez, who slowly begins to stir as medical staff rush to check on him, the crowd still voicing their outrage as the scene fades to black.

How Can You Let This Happen?

The scene opens backstage, where Darrell Robles and his manager, Hellbender, storm through the hallway of the arena, their expressions a mix of fury and determination. They reach the door to GM James Von Drake’s office, and without knocking, Robles shoves it open, barging in with Hellbender close behind.

James Von Drake: (sitting behind his desk, looking up with mild surprise) “Darrell, Hellbender—what can I do for you?”

Darrell Robles: (fuming, slamming his hands on Von Drake’s desk) “What you can do is stop this disrespect, Von Drake! I’ve been busting my ass in P:V, and what do I get? Nothing! Meanwhile, Masafumi Satake, your so-called International Champion, is out there defending my title in some third-rate promotion? How can you let that happen?!”

Hellbender stands beside Robles, arms crossed, her eyes narrowed as she glares at Von Drake, daring him to contradict her client.

James Von Drake: (leaning back in his chair, maintaining his composure) “Darrell, I understand you’re upset, but let’s get one thing straight. The International Championship is meant to represent the best of the best, not just in Project: Violence, but around the world. It’s a title that deserves to be defended on the grandest stages, and yes, that includes other promotions.”

Darrell Robles: (his voice dripping with sarcasm) “So you’re telling me that letting Satake parade around with my title, defending it against nobodies, is supposed to make me feel better? That’s garbage, Von Drake, and you know it!”

Hellbender: (stepping forward, her tone icy) “Darrell has earned his shot at that belt. He should be the one carrying the International Championship and showing the world what real dominance looks like. But instead, you’re letting Satake hog the spotlight. How do you justify that?”

James Von Drake: (meeting their anger with a calm resolve) “Darrell, I’m not denying your talents. But as it stands, Satake is the champion, and he’s doing exactly what he’s supposed to do—representing Project: Violence on a global scale. But since you’re so eager to get your hands on him, I’m willing to make you an offer.”

Robles and Hellbender exchange a quick glance, curiosity piqued, though the anger still simmers beneath the surface.

James Von Drake: “Satake already has a match tonight against Brandon Snyder, so a title match tonight is off the table. However, I’m willing to give you a shot at the International Championship at Oblivion on September 28th. But—there’s a catch.”

Robles leans in closer, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

James Von Drake: “You’ll have to win a match next week to earn that title shot.”

Robles’ face contorts with rage, and Hellbender’s expression darkens as well.

Darrell Robles: (almost spitting with fury) “You’re making me qualify for something that’s already mine by right? You have the nerve to insult me like that, Von Drake?”

James Von Drake: (remaining unflinching) “This isn’t about insults, Darrell. It’s about proving yourself, just like everyone else. If you want that title shot at Oblivion, you’ll have to go through whoever I put in front of you next week. And I’d suggest you get ready, because it won’t be easy.”

Robles straightens up, his fists clenched at his sides, his entire body trembling with barely contained rage. Hellbender puts a hand on his shoulder, her expression cold and calculating.

Darrell Robles: (seething) “You better choose carefully, Von Drake. Because if you put anyone in my way next week that you actually care about, they’ll end up in a hospital bed. And when I win, Satake won’t just lose his title at Oblivion—he’ll lose everything.”

With that, Robles turns on his heel, storming out of the office with Hellbender following closely behind. Von Drake watches them go, his expression a mix of concern and resolve as he leans back in his chair, clearly contemplating the consequences of the challenge he just laid down.

The camera fades to black as Von Drake turns his attention back to his paperwork, the tension in the room lingering as the segment ends.

Single Match
Bernard Wolfe vs. Dale Norman

Above You

The scene transitions to the backstage interview area, where Elena Cruz stands with a microphone in hand, ready to conduct her latest interview. The camera pans slightly to reveal James Mendoza, his expression intense as he prepares to speak.

Elena Cruz: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with James Mendoza, who has had quite the rivalry with our current TV Champion, Maverick Matthews. James, you’ve had your share of encounters with Maverick recently, and it’s clear that tensions are running high. What’s on your mind tonight?”

James Mendoza: (leaning in slightly, his voice firm and resolute) “Elena, I’m tired of all the back and forth. The cheap shots, the sneak attacks, the brawls—this has to stop. I didn’t come to Project: Violence to get caught up in petty games. I came here to prove that I’m the best. And there’s only one way to settle this. I want Maverick Matthews in the ring, one-on-one, next week. No more excuses, no more running. Just us, fighting it out to see who’s really the best.”

The crowd can be heard cheering faintly from the arena, as Mendoza’s intensity resonates with them. Suddenly, the camera shifts to reveal Maverick Matthews entering the scene, a smug smirk on his face. However, this time, he’s not alone—he’s flanked by a team of burly security guards, standing between him and Mendoza.

Maverick Matthews: (mocking in tone, folding his arms as he addresses Mendoza) “Oh, James, James, James… I admire your enthusiasm, really, I do. But let’s get something straight—I’m the TV Champion now. That means I don’t have time to waste on guys like you who are clinging to past glories.”

Mendoza steps forward, clearly ready to confront Matthews, but the security team steps in, blocking his path. Matthews raises a hand, signaling them to hold their ground as he continues to speak, his tone dripping with arrogance.

Maverick Matthews: “You see, when you’re a champion, you have to think about things like marketability, prestige, and, of course, the bottom line. And frankly, a match with you just doesn’t move the needle for me anymore. So, as much as I’d love to, I’m going to have to decline your little challenge.”

Mendoza’s expression hardens, his fists clenching at his sides as he glares at Matthews. Elena Cruz looks between the two, sensing the tension escalating.

James Mendoza: (gritting his teeth) “You’re scared, Matthews. You know that you can’t beat me when it really matters, and that’s why you’re hiding behind your title and this security team. But you can’t avoid me forever. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to face me, and when you do, I’ll take that title and your smug attitude along with it.”

Maverick Matthews: (smirking, clearly unfazed) “Believe what you want, James. But the fact is, I’m the champion, and I call the shots. So, go ahead, keep chasing me. It’ll make it that much sweeter when I watch you fail over and over again.”

Mendoza looks like he’s about to push through the security team and go after Matthews, but Elena Cruz quickly steps in, placing a hand on his arm to stop him.

Elena Cruz: “James, it’s clear that things between you two are far from over. But for now, it seems like Maverick Matthews isn’t willing to accept your challenge.”

James Mendoza: (not taking his eyes off Matthews, his voice low and dangerous) “This isn’t over, Matthews. Not by a long shot.”

Maverick Matthews gives a cocky salute before turning and walking away, his security team following closely behind. Mendoza watches them go, his anger barely contained as the camera focuses on his intense expression before fading out.

Suspects 1, 2, 3 & 4

The backstage area is a scene of utter chaos. Medical personnel and backstage crew are rushing around as they attend to Stevie Rigg and Edwin Ellis, the Anarchy Alliance, who are lying on the floor, visibly injured and being examined by paramedics. Their tag team championship belts are scattered nearby. The camera captures the disarray as James Von Drake storms into the scene, his face a mask of anger and frustration.

James Von Drake: (barking orders to the crew and looking around angrily) “What happened here? Who did this?”

The camera pans to Hate Eternal—Anderson Alvarez, Hate Watson, Asami Sukeban and Masashi Miike—standing a few feet away, watching with an almost amused expression. They are clearly within earshot of Von Drake’s demands.

James Von Drake: (pointing a stern finger at the trio) “I know you had a grudge against the Anarchy Alliance for their win at Tokyo Turmoil. Don’t think you can fool me with those smirks. You’re the prime suspects here!”

Anderson Alvarez steps forward, his demeanor calm and collected as he addresses Von Drake. The other members of Hate Eternal stand behind him, their expressions unreadable but their smirks barely concealed.

Anderson Alvarez: (voice steady, but with a hint of amusement) “James, I’m shocked you would accuse us without any evidence. We were just here, minding our own business. We didn’t have anything to do with this.”

Hate Watson: (crossing his arms, smirking slightly) “We were nowhere near the scene when it went down. You can’t pin this on us, James.”

Miike: (adding with a sneer) “You’re barking up the wrong tree, Von Drake. We’re not stupid enough to get involved in something that would get us in trouble. We were just passing through.”

James Von Drake looks back at the battered Anarchy Alliance, his frustration growing. He turns back to Hate Eternal, who are starting to walk away, their smirks still visible.

James Von Drake: (shouting after them) “If you think you can get away with this, think again. I’ll find out who did this, and there will be consequences!”

Hate Eternal continues to walk away, their smirks growing wider as they leave the scene. Von Drake shakes his head, clearly frustrated but determined. He turns back to the medical team, his face a mix of concern and anger.

James Von Drake: (addressing the medical personnel) “Get the Anarchy Alliance the help they need. I want a full report on what happened here. And someone get me security footage from the area. We need to find out who’s behind this.”

The camera follows Hate Eternal as they disappear down a hallway, their smugness unmistakable. Von Drake remains on the scene, his eyes narrowing as he watches them leave, the chaos of the situation settling into a tense silence.

The segment ends with a close-up of Von Drake’s determined face, setting the stage for the fallout from this mysterious attack.

Single Match
Boyd Jackson vs. Rex Stone

Not Today

The bell rings, signaling the end of the match. Boyd Jackson has just secured a victory over Rex Stone, but he isn’t finished. Jackson, still in the ring, grabs a microphone and starts to taunt the crowd, his face twisted into a smug grin. Rex Stone is on the mat, visibly hurt and trying to recover, but Jackson is relentless.

Boyd Jackson: (into the microphone, voice dripping with disdain) “Oh, look at this, folks. The so-called ‘Canadian Crown Jewel’ comes into P:V thinking he’s something special. Newsflash, Rex: you’re nothing but a speed bump on my road to the top!”

Jackson delivers a few more stomps and punches to Stone, each move eliciting louder boos from the crowd. He looks out at the fans with a mocking smile, clearly enjoying their reaction.

Boyd Jackson: (continuing to taunt the crowd) “You see, this is what happens when you step into my ring and think you’re worth my time. You’re just another loser I’ve crushed on my way to bigger and better things. And speaking of bigger and better—”

Before Jackson can finish his taunt, the crowd’s boos grow even louder as Dash Diaz’s music hits. Diaz, looking determined and angry, sprints down the ramp and slides into the ring, rushing straight towards Jackson.

Johnny Kaos: (excitedly) “Here comes Dash Diaz! He’s had enough of Boyd Jackson’s antics!”

Diaz immediately attacks Jackson from behind, tackling him to the mat and driving him away from Rex Stone. Jackson is taken by surprise and momentarily stunned. Diaz unleashes a flurry of punches and kicks, trying to drive Jackson away.

Zac Brindle: (concerned) “Jackson was laying waste to Rex Stone, and now Dash Diaz is stepping in to save the day! This is turning into a chaotic scene!”

Jackson tries to fight back, but Diaz is relentless. Jackson eventually scrambles to his feet and attempts to escape, but Diaz grabs him by the back of his shirt, pulling him back into the ring. Jackson finally breaks free and rolls out, clutching his face and scowling at Diaz.

Boyd Jackson: (from outside the ring, shouting angrily) “You think this is over, Diaz? You’ve just made a big mistake! I’ll deal with you later!”

Jackson backs up the ramp, glaring at Diaz and Stone with a mix of rage and frustration. Diaz helps Rex Stone to his feet, checking to make sure he’s okay. Stone, though battered, manages a grateful nod to Diaz.

Johnny Kaos: (summing up the situation) “What a turn of events! Dash Diaz coming to the rescue and showing Boyd Jackson that his actions won’t go unchecked. It looks like the tension between these two is far from over!”

Diaz raises Stone’s hand in solidarity as the crowd cheers for the unexpected hero. The camera captures Jackson’s furious face as he retreats up the ramp, promising that this isn’t the last we’ll see of him.

The segment ends with Diaz standing tall in the ring, having defended the honor of his fellow wrestler and made a bold statement to Boyd Jackson.


The camera cuts to the backstage area where Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers (Darren and Simon) are gathered in their locker room. The atmosphere is tense, and the trio is huddled together, speaking in hushed, urgent tones. A nearby camera crew begins to approach, their presence unnoticed at first.

Darwin Jones: (leaning in, speaking intently) “Tonight’s contract signing is our chance to really get under Garcia’s skin. We need to make sure he knows he’s outnumbered and that we have every intention of taking that title from him.”

Simon Starr: (nodding in agreement) “Yeah, we need to keep the pressure on him. If we can get him riled up, he might make a mistake, and that’s when we’ll pounce.”

Darren Starr: (grinning, rubbing his hands together) “And we need to make sure the signing goes off without a hitch. Garcia can’t be allowed to think he has any control in this situation.”

As the conversation continues, the camera crew, having been directed by the production team, finally notices the activity in the locker room. They prepare to capture the scene, but the door to the locker room suddenly swings open.

Darwin Jones: (noticing the crew, his expression changing to one of irritation) “Hold up. What are you doing here?”

The camera crew quickly starts to back away, but before they can retreat fully, the door is slammed shut. The sounds of muffled voices and the clamor of a closed door are heard as the crew attempts to gather their equipment.

Johnny Kaos: (voiceover) “It looks like Jones and the Starr Brothers had something they didn’t want us to hear. There’s definitely a lot of planning going on ahead of tonight’s contract signing.”

Zac Brindle: (voiceover) “Whatever they’re plotting, it’s clear they’re not taking this lightly. With Garcia and Jones set to sign their match agreement later tonight, you can bet there’s going to be fireworks.”

The camera crew slowly backs away from the locker room door, focusing on the surrounding area as they prepare to follow other storylines. The locker room door remains closed, and the scene fades out.

The segment ends with a sense of suspense hanging in the air, as fans are left wondering what the Starr Brothers and Darwin Jones are scheming ahead of the high-stakes contract signing.

Single Match
Masafumi Satake vs. Brandon Snyder

The Queue Grows Longer

The ring is set after a thrilling match where Masafumi Satake has successfully defended his International Heavyweight Championship against Brandon Snyder. Satake, looking both relieved and triumphant, is handed the microphone. He addresses the roaring crowd, who are eagerly awaiting his words.

Masafumi Satake: (holding the microphone to his mouth with a grateful smile) “Thank you, thank you, everyone! It’s an honor to defend this championship belt in front of you all. Representing Project Violence and defending this title all around the world, from Apocalypse Pro to Canadian Crown Wrestling to here, it’s been an incredible journey. But I have to say, nothing beats being right here with all of you, the heart and soul of Project Violence!”

The crowd cheers loudly, showing their appreciation for Satake’s dedication and his heartfelt message.

Suddenly, the giant screen above the entrance ramp flickers to life, interrupting the celebration. The image of Jean Louis Duval, former Dynasty Wrestling Heavyweight Champion, fills the screen. He is dressed in a sharp suit and appears to be in a dimly lit room. Duval shouts in French, his voice full of frustration and anger.

Jean Louis Duval: (subtitled for the audience) “Satake! It’s been weeks since I challenged you for that title, and you’ve yet to accept! Do you think you can ignore me and get away with it? The time for excuses is over! You will face me and defend that belt, or you’ll regret it!”

The screen cuts off abruptly, leaving a moment of stunned silence in the arena. Satake’s expression shifts from a smile of triumph to one of irritation and confusion. He looks around the arena, clearly taken aback by the unexpected challenge.

Masafumi Satake: (frustrated and addressing the crowd) “I didn’t expect this… It seems like I have more than one person gunning for this title. But let me make it clear, I will not back down from any challenge. I’ll take on whoever comes my way, because that’s what being a champion is all about!”

The crowd erupts into cheers, rallying behind Satake’s resolute stance. The commentators, Zac Brindle and Johnny Kaos, begin to speculate on the implications of the new challenge.

Zac Brindle: “It looks like Satake has a new challenger in Jean Louis Duval, and this could add another layer of intensity to the International Heavyweight Championship scene.”

Johnny Kaos: “Absolutely, Zac. With Duval now in the mix, it’s clear that Satake’s reign is far from secure. We could be in for some very interesting developments in the weeks to come.”

Satake raises the title high above his head, his determination evident. The segment ends with Satake standing firm in the center of the ring, the champion ready to face whatever comes next as the crowd cheers wildly in support.

Live on the Sanctioned Violence Network
Project Violence Oblivion
28th September 2024
Barclays Center, Brooklyn, NY

The Holy Avenger

The scene opens with an ethereal glow, bathed in soft golden light. The background is a grand, ancient cathedral, with high arches and stained glass windows that let in shafts of radiant sunlight. Gregorian chants echo softly in the background, creating a sense of reverent anticipation.

The camera slowly pans to a figure standing solemnly at the front of the cathedral, facing a large, ornate cross illuminated by a beam of light. This figure is Gabriel Cross, dressed in a flowing robe with intricate, celestial patterns. His face is partially shadowed, but his piercing eyes are visible, filled with unwavering conviction.

[Voiceover: Gabriel Cross]: (voice resonant and solemn) “In a world consumed by chaos and sin, there emerges a beacon of divine justice. I am the Holy Avenger, the Celestial Crusader—Gabriel Cross.”

As the voiceover continues, the camera focuses on Gabriel Cross as he slowly turns to face the audience. His eyes are intense, exuding a sense of purpose and righteousness. The robe he wears is adorned with symbols of faith and divine strength.

[Gabriel Cross]: (as he speaks directly to the camera) “I have been chosen to carry out a mission, a divine calling to restore balance and deliver justice upon the wicked. In the ring, I am an instrument of fate, wielding the power of righteousness against the forces of darkness.”

The scene transitions to various clips of Gabriel Cross training intensely in a dimly lit gym, his movements precise and disciplined. The footage alternates between him executing powerful wrestling maneuvers and performing contemplative, meditative exercises.

[Voiceover: Gabriel Cross]: (voice steady and commanding) “With every strike, every grapple, I bring forth the weight of divine justice. Those who stand against me will be met with the full measure of retribution. For in the realm of the sacred and the profane, I stand as the judge and the executioner.”

The camera shifts to Gabriel Cross standing before a grand altar, his hands raised in a dramatic, commanding gesture as if invoking a higher power. The light surrounding him becomes more intense, casting a divine halo around his figure.

[Gabriel Cross]: (his voice now a powerful declaration) “Prepare yourselves, for the Holy Avenger comes to deliver the celestial decree. No mortal sin will go unpunished. No evil will escape the divine light. The time has come for justice to be served.”

The vignette concludes with Gabriel Cross’ name and new moniker flashing across the screen in bold, gold letters: “Gabriel Cross – The Holy Avenger, The Celestial Crusader.” The Gregorian chants rise to a crescendo, leaving the audience with a sense of awe and anticipation.

The screen fades to black as the final notes of the chant echo, leaving viewers eager to witness the arrival of Gabriel Cross in the ring.

Contract Signing

The scene is set for a dramatic contract signing, with a long table set up in the center of the ring. On the table are two pens and a contract that will seal the fate of the main event at the upcoming Oblivion PPV. The ring is brightly lit, and the crowd is buzzing with anticipation. At ringside, Project Violence GM James Von Drake stands behind the table, microphone in hand.

James Von Drake: (addressing the crowd) “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the contract signing for the main event at Oblivion, set for September 28th! This will be a one-on-one match for the Project Violence Heavyweight Championship between our reigning champion, Adam Garcia, and the challenger, Darwin Jones!”

The crowd roars as James Von Drake gestures for the first participant to enter. Darwin Jones’ theme music hits, and the challenger strides down the entrance ramp with a confident, smug grin. He wears his usual cocky demeanor, flaunting his arrogance as he approaches the ring.

Darwin Jones climbs into the ring and takes his place at the table. James Von Drake gives him a nod, and then his attention shifts to the entrance as Adam Garcia’s music plays. The reigning champion makes his entrance with a determined look on his face, his Heavyweight Championship belt draped over his shoulder.

Adam Garcia steps into the ring and shakes hands with Von Drake, then takes his seat at the table across from Darwin Jones. The crowd is electric, waiting for the drama to unfold.

James Von Drake: (clearing his throat and addressing the crowd) “Alright, gentlemen. This is your chance to put pen to paper and finalize your match for Oblivion. No funny business—just a straightforward contract signing. Mr. Jones, if you would please sign first.”

Darwin Jones picks up the pen and signs the contract with a flourish. He looks up at Adam Garcia with a smirk, clearly relishing the moment. Once he’s finished, he sets the pen down and leans back in his chair, his expression full of confidence.

James Von Drake: “Now, Mr. Garcia, if you’d sign the contract…”

Adam Garcia takes the pen and signs his name firmly on the document, never breaking eye contact with Darwin Jones. With the contract now signed, Garcia places the pen down and rises to his feet.

James Von Drake: “There you have it! The match is official. Adam Garcia will defend his Heavyweight Championship against Darwin Jones at Oblivion!”

Suddenly, Darwin Jones’ smirk widens as he snaps his fingers. The crowd begins to murmur as the Starr Brothers, Darren and Simon, appear from the crowd and quickly make their way towards the ring, their intentions clear.

The Starr Brothers climb into the ring, surrounding Adam Garcia and Darwin Jones, ready to launch an attack. The tension is palpable as the crowd starts to boo loudly, fearing the worst.

Before the Starr Brothers can make their move, the entrance music of Teddy Rush hits the sound system. The crowd erupts in cheers as Teddy Rush storms down the entrance ramp, making his long-awaited return. He slides into the ring, joining forces with Adam Garcia.

Seeing the unexpected reinforcement, Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers hesitate, their plans disrupted. Jones, clearly frustrated, glares at Garcia and Rush, then signals to the Starr Brothers. With a sneer, Jones and the Starr Brothers back away, retreating out of the ring and up the entrance ramp, leaving Garcia and Rush standing tall.

Adam Garcia and Teddy Rush stand together in the ring, the crowd cheering wildly as they hold their ground. The tension remains high, but the immediate threat has been averted.

James Von Drake: (addressing the camera as the segment closes) “There you have it, folks! The stage is set for Oblivion, and tensions are running high. Will Adam Garcia retain his title, or will Darwin Jones seize the opportunity? We’ll find out on September 28th!”

The camera zooms in on Adam Garcia and Teddy Rush, who share a determined look, ready for whatever challenges lie ahead. The screen fades to black as the show goes off the air.

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