LdCE Revolución 10
Aztec Star Arena & Casino, Mexico City, Mexico
29th August 2024

The camera opens with a sweeping shot of the packed Aztec Star Arena & Casino in Mexico City, where the excited crowd is buzzing with anticipation. Colorful lights flash across the audience, and the sound of traditional lucha libre music fills the air. The familiar faces of commentators Carlos Ramirez and Javier Morales appear on screen, sitting ringside at the commentary table.

Carlos Ramirez: ¡Bienvenidos, fanáticos de la lucha libre, a Revolución 10! Estamos en el corazón de la Ciudad de México, aquí en la Aztec Star Arena & Casino, y esta noche tenemos una cartelera espectacular para ustedes.

Javier Morales: Así es, Carlos. Después de los eventos impactantes de Tokyo Turmoil, el ambiente aquí es eléctrico. Esta noche, tenemos tres enfrentamientos clave que prometen acción de alto voltaje.

Carlos Ramirez: Empezando con un duelo que seguramente pondrá a todos al borde de sus asientos, el invencible Aztec Titan Alejandro Ramirez se enfrentará a Sombrio, quien sorprendió a todos la semana pasada en Japón cuando traicionó a su compañero Fuego Azteca. ¡Esto va a ser una batalla intensa!

Javier Morales: ¡No puedo esperar para ver cómo se desarrolla eso, Carlos! Pero eso no es todo, porque el legendario Sol Dorado, un ícono de la lucha libre, se enfrentará a Relampago en un combate que seguramente será un espectáculo de agilidad y habilidad técnica.

Carlos Ramirez: Y para culminar la noche, nuestro evento estelar verá al campeón Espectro, quien defenderá su estatus de campeón invicto, enfrentándose a Fuego Azteca. Hay mucho en juego después de lo que ocurrió en Tokyo, y Fuego Azteca estará buscando venganza por esa traición.

Javier Morales: Con esas luchas en el horizonte, ¡esta noche promete ser una de las más emocionantes en la historia de Revolución! No se despeguen de sus asientos, porque la acción está por comenzar.

The camera pans over the roaring crowd once more, capturing their energy and enthusiasm as the lights dim, signaling the start of the show. The screen fades to the arena, where the first match of the night is about to begin.

Mask on the Line

The lights in the Aztec Star Arena & Casino dim slightly as the sound of a familiar, upbeat entrance theme begins to play. The crowd erupts into cheers as El Froggo, the beloved fan-favorite luchador, emerges from behind the curtain, making his way to the ring with determined energy. He slaps hands with fans at ringside, his vibrant mask reflecting the colorful lights of the arena. Once inside the ring, El Froggo grabs a microphone, pacing back and forth as the crowd chants his name.

El Froggo: ¡Buenas noches, México!

The crowd roars in response, showing their unwavering support.

El Froggo: Desde hace semanas, hemos visto a un hombre—si es que se le puede llamar así—que se ha dedicado a tratar de destruir lo que más amamos en la lucha libre: nuestras máscaras. Aguilar… ¡esto es contigo!

The crowd immediately begins to boo at the mention of Aguilar’s name, showing their disdain for the luchador who has been terrorizing the LdCE roster by attempting to steal masks. El Froggo pauses, letting the boos echo through the arena before continuing.

El Froggo: Ya basta. Estoy harto de tus juegos, de tus ataques cobardes, y de tu falta de respeto hacia lo que significa ser un luchador. La máscara no es solo un pedazo de tela; es nuestra identidad, nuestra tradición, nuestra alma. Y tú, Aguilar, has tratado de quitarnos eso.

The crowd cheers loudly, showing their support for El Froggo’s passionate words.

El Froggo: ¡Así que esta noche, vamos a terminar esto! Aguilar, quiero que salgas aquí y te enfrentes como un hombre, porque quiero que sepas que en el evento estelar de esta noche… ¡Quiero que te largues de Lucha de Cinco Estrellas para siempre!

The crowd erupts into even louder cheers, excited at the prospect of finally seeing Aguilar get his comeuppance. El Froggo’s intensity is palpable as he stares up the entrance ramp, waiting for a response.

After a tense moment, Aguilar’s sinister theme music begins to play, and the arena fills with boos as Aguilar, the masked villain, strides confidently to the ring. He grabs a microphone, smirking beneath his mask as he steps into the ring to face El Froggo.

Aguilar: Froggo… ¿De verdad crees que puedes deshacerte de mí tan fácilmente? He arrancado máscaras de los rostros de los más grandes, y no me iré de aquí sin haber quitado la tuya.

The crowd boos, but there’s a nervous energy in the arena as Aguilar’s words sink in.

Aguilar: Pero sabes qué, El Froggo, acepto tu desafío. Sin embargo, si quieres que me vaya, vas a tener que arriesgarlo todo. Porque si tú pierdes esta noche, tendrás que quitarte esa máscara y mostrarle al mundo quién eres realmente.

The crowd gasps at the high stakes set by Aguilar. El Froggo stands tall, not backing down an inch.

El Froggo: ¡Acepto! Pero ten claro algo, Aguilar… esta noche, voy a asegurarme de que sea la última vez que veamos tu cara en LdCE. Y cuando termine contigo, todos recordarán que nadie—nadie*—destruye la tradición de la máscara y se sale con la suya.

The crowd explodes with cheers as El Froggo and Aguilar stare each other down, the tension thick in the air. The stakes for tonight’s main event have never been higher, and the fans know they’re about to witness something unforgettable.

As Aguilar smirks and backs out of the ring, the show cuts to a commercial break, leaving the crowd buzzing with anticipation for the epic showdown to come.

Single Match
Alejandro Ramirez vs. Sombrio

Moving on from the Turmoil

The camera fades in on the backstage area of the Aztec Star Arena, where the energy is palpable after Sombrio’s shocking victory over Alejandro Ramirez. Rosa Martinez, the ever-professional interviewer, stands with a microphone in hand, ready to speak with the man of the moment—Fuego Azteca. The camera pans to reveal Fuego Azteca, his expression a mixture of determination and frustration.

Rosa Martinez: Buenas noches, Lucha de Cinco Estrellas fans! I’m here with Fuego Azteca, who is moments away from stepping into the ring to face our Champion, Espectro. But before we get to that, Fuego, I have to ask—you’ve just seen your former tag team partner, Sombrio, score a massive victory over Alejandro Ramirez. This comes not long after Sombrio turned on you at Tokyo Turmoil. What are your thoughts on his actions and his win tonight?

Fuego Azteca clenches his fists, clearly wrestling with his emotions before he speaks.

Fuego Azteca: Rosa, let me tell you something—what Sombrio did at Tokyo Turmoil… that was a betrayal I never saw coming. We were supposed to be a team, a force to be reckoned with. But instead, he chose to stab me in the back, just when we were on the verge of something great.

Fuego Azteca pauses, the hurt and anger evident in his voice, but he quickly shifts his focus.

Fuego Azteca: As for his win tonight… yeah, it was a big one. Beating Alejandro Ramirez isn’t something just anyone can do. But you know what, Rosa? I’m not here to dwell on what Sombrio did or what he’s trying to prove. Tonight, my focus is on one thing, and one thing only—Espectro.

Rosa nods, recognizing the intensity in Fuego Azteca’s eyes.

Rosa Martinez: Espectro is a formidable opponent, and he’s been on a tear since winning the ESTRELLA SUPREMA Championship. How are you feeling going into this match, especially with everything that’s happened in recent weeks?

Fuego Azteca: Espectro may be the Champion, and he might think he’s untouchable after his win against Ramirez. But I’m not going into that ring to back down or to be another notch on his belt. Tonight, I’m bringing everything I’ve got. I’m going to show Espectro, Sombrio, and everyone else in LdCE that Fuego Azteca isn’t someone to be overlooked.

He takes a deep breath, the fire in his eyes unmistakable.

Fuego Azteca: Espectro might be holding that title now, but I’m going to give him the fight of his life. And as for Sombrio… he can keep watching. Because tonight, I’m going to prove that no matter who turns their back on me, I’ll always rise, and I’ll always fight.

Rosa gives a nod of respect to Fuego Azteca’s resolve.

Rosa Martinez: Best of luck tonight, Fuego Azteca. We’re all looking forward to seeing what you bring to the ring.

Fuego Azteca gives a determined nod before walking off, leaving Rosa to close out the segment.

Rosa Martinez: There you have it, folks. Fuego Azteca is ready for the fight of his life against the Champion, Espectro. Don’t go anywhere—tonight’s action is just getting started!

The camera fades out as Rosa sends it back to the ring, the anticipation building for the matches to come.

Single Match
Sol Dorado vs. Relampago

Worth It?

The scene opens in the bustling backstage area of the Aztec Star Arena, where the tension is palpable ahead of tonight’s high-stakes main event. Rosa Martinez, microphone in hand, stands ready to interview one of the most beloved luchadors in LdCE, El Froggo. The camera pans to reveal El Froggo, his trademark green mask in place, but his demeanor more serious than usual.

Rosa Martinez: Buenas noches, Lucha de Cinco Estrellas fans! I’m here with the one and only El Froggo, who faces a career-defining match tonight. El Froggo, you’ve issued a challenge to Aguilar that could have massive consequences. You’ll get that one-on-one rematch you’ve been fighting for. But if you lose… you’ll have to take off your mask. The fans want to know—is it worth it?

El Froggo takes a deep breath, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on him as he begins to speak.

El Froggo: Rosa, this isn’t just any match for me. It’s not about wins or losses—it’s about honor. Aguilar has been disrespecting the traditions of lucha libre by trying to steal the masks of his opponents, including mine. A luchador’s mask is sacred; it’s our identity, our legacy. And Aguilar wants to tear that away from me, from all of us.

He pauses, his voice steady but filled with emotion.

El Froggo: When I issued that challenge, I knew what was at stake. I knew that putting my mask on the line would be the ultimate risk. But Rosa, it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Because this isn’t just about me—it’s about standing up for every luchador who has ever worn a mask, and for every fan who believes in what we do.

Rosa nods, clearly moved by El Froggo’s words.

Rosa Martinez: You’ve been in countless battles throughout your career, but this one seems different. The fans are behind you, but there’s a lot of pressure. How are you feeling heading into the main event tonight?

El Froggo: I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling the pressure, Rosa. But I’ve been in this business long enough to know that some fights are bigger than others. This is one of those fights. Aguilar thinks he can intimidate me by threatening to take my mask, but he doesn’t understand what that mask means to me—or to the people who support me.

El Froggo’s eyes narrow as he continues.

El Froggo: Tonight, I’m not just fighting for myself. I’m fighting for every luchador who has ever stepped into that ring with pride. If Aguilar thinks he can strip me of my identity, he’s got another thing coming. Because I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure he doesn’t get the satisfaction.

Rosa looks at El Froggo with admiration, recognizing the resolve in his voice.

Rosa Martinez: It’s clear that tonight’s match is about more than just victory—it’s about defending the very essence of lucha libre. Do you have any final words for Aguilar before you face him in the ring?

El Froggo stares directly into the camera, his voice firm and unwavering.

El Froggo: Aguilar, you’ve pushed me to the limit. You’ve disrespected everything that lucha libre stands for. But tonight, it ends. If you want my mask, you’re going to have to take it by force. But know this—I won’t go down without a fight, and if I have to, I’ll make sure tonight is the last time you ever try to take a mask from anyone in LdCE.

Rosa nods, sensing the intensity of the moment.

Rosa Martinez: Thank you, El Froggo. We wish you the best of luck tonight.

El Froggo gives a determined nod before walking off, leaving Rosa to close out the segment.

Rosa Martinez: There you have it, folks. El Froggo is prepared to risk it all in tonight’s main event. The stakes have never been higher, and this is a match you won’t want to miss. Stay tuned—tonight’s action is just getting started!

The camera fades out as Rosa sends it back to ringside, the anticipation for the main event building to a fever pitch.

Single Match
Fuego Azteca vs. Espectro

The Dark Forces

The arena is electric, the fans buzzing with energy after an intense match between Fuego Azteca and the reigning Estrella Suprema Champion, Espectro. The bout has just concluded with Espectro emerging victorious, his hand raised high as he holds his title belt, while Fuego Azteca lies on the mat, exhausted from the grueling contest. The crowd, though disappointed by their hero’s loss, begins to show their respect with a round of applause for Fuego Azteca’s valiant effort.

Suddenly, the arena’s mood shifts dramatically as the eerie, ominous music of Sombrio begins to play. The lights dim, and a spotlight focuses on the entrance ramp where Sombrio, dressed in his dark and sinister gear, appears with a steel chair in hand. The crowd erupts in boos, sensing trouble as Sombrio slowly makes his way down to the ring.

Carlos Ramirez (commentator): “What is this? What is Sombrio doing out here with that steel chair? This can’t be good, Javier!”

Javier Morales (commentator): “It looks like Sombrio is still furious about what happened at Tokyo Turmoil! But this… this is just uncalled for!”

Sombrio reaches the ring and slides in under the bottom rope, his eyes locked on the fallen Fuego Azteca, who is struggling to get to his feet. Espectro, still in the ring, steps back, a smirk playing on his lips as he watches the scene unfold with apparent interest, clearly entertained by what’s about to happen.

Fuego Azteca, using the ropes for support, finally pulls himself up, only to turn around and see Sombrio standing menacingly with the steel chair raised high above his head. The realization hits him too late as Sombrio swings the chair with vicious intent, driving it into Fuego Azteca’s midsection! The impact echoes through the arena, and the crowd gasps in shock.

Carlos Ramirez: “Oh no! Sombrio just took Fuego Azteca out with that brutal chair shot! This is despicable!”

Javier Morales: “There’s no justification for this! Fuego Azteca gave everything he had in that match, and now he’s being assaulted like this? Sombrio’s crossing a line here!”

Fuego Azteca crumples to the mat, clutching his ribs in agony, but Sombrio isn’t done. He slams the chair down again, this time across Fuego Azteca’s back, eliciting another sickening thud. The boos from the crowd grow louder, but Sombrio remains unfazed, his face twisted in anger and frustration.

Espectro, still holding his title belt, watches with a look of approval, clearly impressed by Sombrio’s ruthless aggression. He makes no move to intervene, seemingly content to let Sombrio unleash his fury on Fuego Azteca.

Sombrio, breathing heavily, finally drops the chair and stands over Fuego Azteca, glaring down at his fallen rival. The message is clear—Sombrio is out for blood, and he believes Fuego Azteca has humiliated him on the grand stage of Tokyo Turmoil, and this attack is his twisted form of retribution.

Espectro steps forward, standing beside Sombrio, and gives a slow, mocking clap, further taunting the crowd. The two share a brief, sinister nod of understanding—two dark forces in LdCE who seem to have found a common enemy.

Carlos Ramirez: “This is sickening! Sombrio just made a statement, and it looks like Espectro is endorsing it! These two are more dangerous than ever!”

Javier Morales: “Fuego Azteca needs help, but who’s going to stand up to these two now? They’ve crossed a line that can’t be uncrossed!”

The segment ends with Sombrio and Espectro standing tall in the ring, while Fuego Azteca lies motionless on the canvas. The boos from the crowd grow louder, filling the arena as the show cuts to a commercial break, leaving viewers with the chilling image of the two dominant heels united in their brutality.

May the best Man Win

The scene opens backstage in the locker room area of the Aztec Star Arena & Casino. Alejandro Ramirez, the Aztec Titan, sits on a bench, his head down, clearly reflecting on his recent string of tough losses. His usual confidence seems shaken, a rare sight for the fan-favorite luchador. As he leans forward, lost in thought, Sol Dorado, another beloved hero of the ring, enters the room. The golden-masked luchador, known for his high-flying style and unwavering optimism, approaches Ramirez with a look of concern.

Sol Dorado: “Alejandro, I know things haven’t been going your way lately. I’ve been there too, hermano. Every great warrior faces tough times, but I can see something’s off. You’re not yourself out there.”

Ramirez looks up, his expression a mix of frustration and determination.

Alejandro Ramirez: “You’re right, Dorado. I’ve been off my game. I don’t know what it is—maybe the pressure, maybe those losses to Espectro. It’s like I’m losing my edge, and I can’t afford to keep letting the fans down.”

Sol Dorado places a hand on Ramirez’s shoulder, his voice steady and encouraging.

Sol Dorado: “You’re still one of the best, Alejandro. But maybe what you need right now isn’t to focus on the losses, but to find that fire inside you again. You need a challenge, something that pushes you to your limits and reminds you who you are.”

Ramirez nods slowly, taking in Dorado’s words. A small spark of determination begins to flicker in his eyes.

Alejandro Ramirez: “You’re right. I need to remind myself, and everyone else, why I’m the Aztec Titan. But to do that, I need to go up against someone who can truly test me… someone like you.”

Sol Dorado raises an eyebrow, intrigued by Ramirez’s suggestion.

Sol Dorado: “You want to face me? On the next episode of Revolución?”

Ramirez stands up, now fully engaged in the idea, the familiar fire in his eyes returning.

Alejandro Ramirez: “Yeah, why not? We both know what we’re capable of. Let’s give the fans a match they won’t forget. I need this, Dorado. I need to face someone who can push me to my limit, and I can’t think of anyone better for that than you.”

Sol Dorado grins beneath his golden mask, his excitement matching Ramirez’s newfound resolve.

Sol Dorado: “You’ve got yourself a match, Alejandro. But remember, I won’t hold back, and I don’t expect you to either. May the best man win.”

The two luchadors, both now buzzing with anticipation, extend their hands to each other. The handshake is firm, a symbol of mutual respect and the fierce competition that awaits them on the next episode.

Alejandro Ramirez: “No hard feelings, amigo. Just two warriors giving it everything they’ve got.”

Sol Dorado: “Exactly. Let’s show everyone what we’re made of.”

The scene ends with the two fan-favorites locked in a determined stare, both ready to reignite the fire within and prove themselves once more in the ring.

Single Match
El Froggo vs. Aguilar

Viva El Froggo

The arena is electric as the final bell rings, signaling El Froggo’s victory over Aguilar in a high-stakes match. The crowd erupts into cheers, their energy surging through the Aztec Star Arena & Casino as El Froggo, the beloved masked luchador, stands tall in the center of the ring. His chest heaves with exhaustion, but a wide, victorious smile is visible beneath his mask. The referee raises his hand in triumph, but the significance of the moment goes far beyond the win—El Froggo has earned the right to keep his mask.

As the reality of his victory sinks in, El Froggo’s emotions take over. He falls to his knees, looking up at the ceiling as if to thank the heavens. The fans, fully behind him, begin chanting his name, their voices echoing throughout the arena.


El Froggo springs to his feet, feeding off the crowd’s energy. He leaps onto the turnbuckle, raising both arms in the air as the fans continue to cheer wildly. The celebration is one of pure joy and relief, the weight of the match’s stakes now lifted from his shoulders. He pumps his fists and points to the mask on his face, symbolizing the victory not just for him, but for the honor of all masked luchadors.

Meanwhile, Aguilar, the defeated villain, rolls out of the ring, a dark scowl etched on his face. His plan to unmask El Froggo has failed, and the bitterness of defeat is clear as he stalks up the ramp toward the backstage area. Aguilar doesn’t look back, his anger simmering as the crowd continues to ignore him, their focus entirely on celebrating El Froggo.

Back in the ring, El Froggo bounces from one corner to the next, interacting with the fans who have supported him through this grueling battle. He high-fives the front row, and even grabs a sign from a young fan that reads “Viva El Froggo!” holding it high for all to see. The arena feels like it’s shaking with the sheer volume of the cheers.

Finally, El Froggo stands in the center of the ring once more, taking a moment to soak in the adoration of the crowd. He gestures for a microphone, which is quickly handed to him by the ring announcer. As the noise begins to die down, El Froggo lifts the mic to his mouth, his voice filled with gratitude and emotion.

El Froggo: “¡Gracias, amigos! This victory isn’t just mine—it’s for all of you who believed in me! Aguilar tried to take this mask, but tonight, we showed him that the spirit of lucha libre cannot be defeated!”

The crowd roars in agreement, another chant of “FROG-GO!” breaking out.

El Froggo: “This mask is more than just a piece of fabric—it’s my identity, my pride, and tonight, I get to keep it because of you!”

He pauses, the emotion clear in his voice.

El Froggo: “Thank you for standing by me. Thank you for your support, your passion, your love for lucha libre. Tonight, we celebrate together!”

El Froggo drops the mic, raising both arms one last time as the crowd responds with a deafening cheer. The camera zooms in on his masked face, capturing the intensity of the moment, before panning out to show the entire arena in a state of celebration.

As the scene fades, El Froggo is still in the ring, basking in the adulation of the fans, while Aguilar’s shadowy figure disappears backstage. The night ends on a high note, with El Froggo victorious, mask intact, and the crowd firmly behind their hero.

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