Name: The Canadian Connection

Members: Jake Hughes & Scott Cole

Manager: Alissia Young

Crowd Reaction: Boo

Entrance Music: ‘Welcome To Toronto’ by K Money

Fighting Style: Technician with lots of suplexes and takedowns

Finisher Name: Dis-Connected

Finisher Description: Low Chopblock/High Clothesline

Tag Team Moves: Double Team Suplex, Double Team Stomps,

Career History: sVo (Tag Team Champions x1), oWo (Tag Team Champions x3)

Other Information:

Entrance Description: ‘Welcome To Toronto’ by K Money hits the sound system, and there are loud boos from the crowd as onto the top of the entrance ramp steps Scott Cole, Jake Hughes & Alissia Young of the Canadian Connection! Young signals to the crowd, before slowly walking down the entrance ramp bopping her head to the music, as she is flanked by the greatest tag team to ever come out of Canada. Young rolls into the ring under the bottom rope before climbing to the second rope and staring out at the crowd with her arms folded, as Cole & Hughes jump up onto the ring apron and pose for the booing fans.

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