In a press conference at the Goodfellas Casino this morning, sVo Owner Jon Page shocked the gathered associated press by revealing that tomorrow’s ‘Uprising’ television show on HOTv would be taking place for the first time under a different and exciting branding!

“Uprising will return to it’s roots and become a show promoted by ‘Project:Violence’, as it is was when it first appeared on screens back in 2006!”

Jon Page, sVo Owner

Project:Violence was of course a wrestling promotion co-run by Jon Page along with the now incarcerated Jimmy Moretti between 2006 and 2007, and featured stars such as Curtis Knight, Pat Fullam, Curtis Knight, Anthony Moretti, Steven Solex, Jerome W, Jay Rayez, Wasted Youth, Johnny All Star, Malik Roland, Elijah Drake, Mike Best and many more household names.

“It has been a long legal battle to gain the exclusive rights to use the ‘Project:Violence’ & ‘P:V’ branding, one that I have been fighting for many years. Now I finally have it, I want P:V to be the place that attracts the up and coming talent from all across the wrestling business & be a place where they can make their legacy, under the sVo umbrella!”

Jon Page

It was a shock to everyone in the room that the P:V brand was being brought back to life after sixteen years on the shelf, but Page shed some more light on his plans moving forward.

P:V will be under the sVo umbrella, but will be an exclusive brand with its own roster and own titles! Much of the roster will be made up with many of the exciting stars that appear on Uprising currently such as Midas, Bjorn Asulf & Rick Reid… with a few new names thrown in as well! I am sure there will be some opportunity for movement back and forth between the sVo and P:V rosters as P:V get’s off the ground…..”

Jon Page

With less than 24 hours now until P:V Uprising 38, the wrestling world is eagerly watching what the future holds, with Page revealing he was actively recruiting for both sVo & P:V to make the rosters as strong as possible!

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