sVo Showdown 194
Live on the HOTv Network
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
18th August 2024

Live from the Goodfellas Casino Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Julian Fiasco: “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another electrifying edition of sVo Showdown! We’re just one week away from the Jackpot PPV, and the stakes have never been higher!”

Jeremiah Sloan: “That’s right, Julian! With the Jackpot PPV just around the corner, everyone on the roster is looking to gain momentum. And tonight’s main event is going to be a banger! Curtis Knight and Athena of the Legends Club will take on Kenneth D. Williams and Jay Adder of Generation Joint!”

Julian Fiasco: “The Legends Club have been running roughshod over the competition, but Generation Joint has been putting up a fierce fight. Both teams are looking to make a statement tonight!”

Jeremiah Sloan: “And let’s not forget the massive 30-man battle royal at Jackpot, with the winner earning a shot at the sVo Championship! Everyone on the roster has their eyes on that prize!”

Julian Fiasco: “Speaking of the sVo Championship, we know Johnny All Star is going to have his hands full at Jackpot when he faces the monstrous Nightmare! The champion has been looking over his shoulder, and tonight’s show is his last chance to prepare before that showdown!”

Jeremiah Sloan: “All Star seems nervous, and who could blame him? Nightmare has been unstoppable, and without any help, Johnny All Star might be facing his toughest challenge yet.”

Julian Fiasco: “And don’t forget, folks, later tonight we’ll see Las Vegas Champion Carlos Vasquez in action against Jay Adder of Generation Joint. Vasquez has been all business lately, especially with Johnny Dorn breathing down his neck for a title match at Jackpot!”

Jeremiah Sloan: “With so much on the line, you can bet that tonight’s Showdown is going to be one for the ages! Let’s get this show started!”

Single Match
Trailer Trash Terry vs. Noah Rogan

Hollywood Alliance

The scene opens in the dimly lit backstage area of the Goodfellas Casino Arena. The camera pans to Alex Sterling, who is adjusting his gear, a confident smirk on his face. He’s dressed in his usual wrestling attire, but with an aura of Hollywood flair. Suddenly, the sVo Las Vegas Champion, Carlos Vasquez, steps into the frame. He’s wearing his signature suit, gold chains, and his Las Vegas Championship belt draped proudly over his shoulder. The two men lock eyes, tension thick in the air as they both clearly don’t like each other.

Alex Sterling: (smirking, using a famous movie quote) “Well, partner, looks like today ain’t no country for old men. But even the wildest gunslingers know when to call a truce.”

Carlos Vasquez: (snarls, adjusting his championship belt) “You think you’re the big shot around here, huh? But let me tell you somethin’, chico. There’s only one kingpin in this place, and you’re lookin’ at him.”

Alex Sterling: (shrugs, his smirk never fading) “Relax, Vasquez. This isn’t a scene out of ‘Scarface,’ but if it was, you’d be the guy who gets it in the end. But tonight, we both got something to gain. One night only, we put our differences aside, make sure those two punks, Dorn and Holland, know their roles.”

Carlos Vasquez: (steps closer, his voice dropping to a threatening whisper) “You think I like this any more than you do? But tonight, I’ll play along, for one night only. We take out those pendejos, and then after, you stay out of my way, or I’ll bury you faster than a kilo in the desert.”

Alex Sterling: (grins, tipping an imaginary hat) “As they say in the movies, ‘I’ll see you at high noon.’ Let’s give ‘em a show they’ll never forget.”

The two men stare each other down for a few more intense seconds, the disdain between them palpable, before Vasquez slowly nods and walks away, leaving Sterling standing there, his smirk replaced by a more serious look as he contemplates the uneasy alliance. The scene fades out, setting the stage for their upcoming tag team match.

Commentators Jeremiah Sloan and Julian Fiasco voice their anticipation for the tag team match later tonight, noting that while these two don’t trust each other, they may just have enough in common to take down Johnny Dorn and Victor Holland.

Single Match
Bronson Johnson vs. Dylan MacLeod

Getting the Job Done

Backstage at the Goodfellas Casino Arena, the camera opens to Curtis Knight and Athena of the Legends Club arriving at the arena. The atmosphere is tense, with the shadow of the Jackpot PPV looming large over everyone. As they walk through the backstage area, Curtis Knight, the towering and intimidating leader of the Legends Club, pauses for a moment, adjusting the collar of his jacket.

Curtis Knight: (with a smirk) “Looks like it’s just us tonight, Athena. Marshall and Hendrix are off in Tokyo, about to bring home some more gold. The Tokyo Turmoil tournament is theirs for the taking.”

Athena, with a confident and sly smile, nods in agreement, the gleam in her eyes showing she’s ready for whatever the night throws at them.

Athena: “No doubt about it. They’ll handle business over there, and we’ll handle things here.”

Curtis Knight cracks his knuckles, the sound echoing in the hallway. He turns to Athena, his expression turning serious, but with a hint of excitement.

Curtis Knight: “Tonight, it’s up to us to show Generation Joint that the Legends Club doesn’t need numbers to dominate. Adder and Kenneth D Williams think they can stand up to us? We’ll make them regret that. We don’t just talk about being the best, Athena—we prove it. Every. Single. Time.”

Athena chuckles softly, clearly relishing the opportunity to wreak havoc once again.

Athena: “Let’s show them why we’re the ones to fear. Generation Joint wants to play hero, but they’re about to find out what it’s like to face the true legends.”

Curtis Knight nods, a dangerous glint in his eyes as he looks ahead.

Curtis Knight: “By the end of the night, they’ll know exactly who runs this place. Marshall and Hendrix will bring back gold from Tokyo, and we’ll crush anyone in our way here. The Legends Club isn’t just a name—it’s the standard.”

With that, the two continue their walk down the hallway, the camera following them briefly before cutting away. The ominous tone of their conversation leaves no doubt that tonight, they’re ready to dominate, even with half of their group overseas.

Tag Team Match
Johnny Dorn & Victor Holland vs. Alex Sterling & Carlos Vasquez

Building Confidence

Scene opens backstage at the Goodfellas Casino Arena. The familiar hustle and bustle of the Las Vegas Strip can be faintly heard in the background. Katie Smith, the sVo’s charismatic and ever-professional backstage interviewer, stands with a microphone in hand, smiling as she turns to the camera. Beside her is the sVo Champion, Johnny All Star. Despite the championship belt draped over his shoulder, All Star looks unusually tense, his expression betraying the stress of the weeks ahead. The bright lights of the arena do little to hide the worry etched across his face.

Katie Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, Katie Smith here, and I’m joined by none other than the sVo Champion, Johnny All Star! Now Johnny, you’ve got a big match coming up tonight against CJ Dreamer, a local favorite here in Las Vegas. But I have to ask… with the Jackpot PPV looming next week and your title defense against Nightmare just around the corner, how are you feeling?

All Star adjusts the title on his shoulder, trying to appear confident, but his eyes betray a hint of anxiety. He runs a hand through his hair, letting out a breath before responding.

Johnny All Star: (forcing a smile) Katie, tonight’s just another night, right? I mean, CJ Dreamer… he’s a hometown hero, sure, but that doesn’t mean anything when we step into that ring. I’ve been doing this for years. I’ve beaten the best this business has to offer, and CJ Dreamer? He’s just another name on that list. I’ll beat him tonight, just like I’ll beat Nightmare at Jackpot.

Katie nods, but there’s a slight edge to her tone as she presses further.

Katie Smith: You sound confident, but I can’t help but notice you seem a bit… distracted. Nightmare isn’t just any opponent. He’s a force of nature, a monster from Japan who has dominated everywhere he’s gone. And let’s be honest, Johnny, the fans have noticed a difference in you lately. The pressure seems to be getting to you. Do you think you’re truly ready for what awaits you at Jackpot?

All Star’s forced smile falters for a moment. He glances away from the camera, clearly uncomfortable. His fingers tighten around the championship belt, as if trying to draw strength from it. He finally meets Katie’s gaze, but his voice lacks the usual bravado.

Johnny All Star: (with a slight tremor) Katie, look… I know what people are saying. I hear the whispers, the doubts. Yeah, Nightmare’s… he’s different. He’s got this… this aura about him that gets in your head. But I’ve been through it all in this business. I’ve fought giants, I’ve faced demons… and I’ve come out on top every single time. So what if I’m feeling the pressure? A champion feels pressure every day. It’s what makes us stronger.

He pauses, the conviction in his voice wavering as if he’s trying to convince himself as much as Katie or the viewers.

Johnny All Star: (sighing) Tonight… I take on CJ Dreamer, and I’ll prove to everyone that Johnny All Star is still the best in the business. And at Jackpot… (hesitates) …at Jackpot, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep this title, no matter who stands in my way.

Katie studies him for a moment, her expression softening slightly as she realizes just how much the situation is weighing on him. She steps closer, lowering the microphone a bit.

Katie Smith: Johnny, we all know you’ve been a staple here in the sVo for years. You’ve carried that championship with pride. But you’re facing a different kind of challenge now, one that’s testing you in ways you haven’t faced before. Do you really believe you can walk out of Jackpot with the title still around your waist?

All Star swallows hard, the camera catching the moment of doubt in his eyes. He takes a deep breath, trying to steel himself, but the tension in his voice is unmistakable.

Johnny All Star: (quietly) Katie, I have to. I have to believe it. Because if I don’t… (his voice trails off, and he quickly composes himself) …then what’s the point of being the sVo Champion?

Katie nods, sensing that she’s pushed as far as she can. She offers a reassuring smile, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Katie Smith: Well, Johnny, tonight you have a chance to remind everyone just why you’re the champion. Best of luck against CJ Dreamer, and we’ll all be watching closely as you head into Jackpot.

All Star gives a small nod, his eyes showing a mix of determination and underlying fear. He adjusts the belt on his shoulder one last time before turning and walking away, leaving Katie standing alone in the frame. She watches him go, a thoughtful expression on her face as the scene fades out.

Katie Smith: (to the camera) There you have it, folks. Johnny All Star, our sVo Champion, with a lot on his mind as he faces CJ Dreamer tonight and prepares for the showdown of a lifetime against Nightmare at Jackpot. Stay tuned… because anything can happen here in the sVo.

The camera cuts back to ringside, where the crowd is buzzing with anticipation for the night’s events, as Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan prepare to call the next match.

Single Match
Johnny All Star vs. CJ Dreamer

Here Comes the Drums

The camera cuts to the ring where the bell has just rung, signaling the end of the match. Johnny All Star stands tall, breathing heavily, with a victorious smirk on his face. The crowd is mixed, with a chorus of boos and some scattered cheers from his hometown fans. CJ Dreamer lies on the mat, holding his ribs in pain after a hard-fought battle. All Star’s arm is raised by the referee, and he quickly snatches his championship belt, holding it high above his head as he circles the ring.

Julian Fiasco: (from the commentary desk) Johnny All Star has done it! He’s defeated CJ Dreamer right here in his hometown of Las Vegas, and you can see it, Jeremiah—All Star’s got his swagger back!

Jeremiah Sloan: No doubt about it, Julian. He needed this win tonight to remind himself and everyone else why he’s the sVo Champion. But you have to wonder… is this the Johnny All Star who can take down Nightmare at Jackpot?

Johnny All Star climbs the turnbuckle, holding the sVo Championship high as he basks in the moment. His confidence seems to have returned, his earlier doubts pushed aside. The crowd, however, remains divided, some chanting for Dreamer, while others grudgingly respect the champion’s victory. All Star drops down from the turnbuckle, looking around the arena with a cocky grin.

Johnny All Star: (shouting to the crowd) That’s right, Vegas! Your champ is here to stay!

The crowd reacts with a mixed response, but All Star doesn’t seem to care. He stands in the center of the ring, still holding the belt up, clearly trying to convince himself that he’s ready for whatever comes next. But as the last echoes of his words fade, the lights in the arena suddenly dim, casting an eerie shadow over the ring.

Julian Fiasco: (nervously) Uh oh… wait a minute, Jeremiah. Do you hear that?

The haunting sound of Japanese taiko drums begins to play, slowly building in intensity. The crowd’s reaction shifts from cheers to a tense silence, and then to a loud roar as they recognize what’s happening. Johnny All Star’s confident expression instantly vanishes, his eyes widening as he slowly lowers the championship belt. The drums are joined by the sound of ominous chanting, and then—

BOOM! A loud crash echoes through the arena as Nightmare’s theme music hits, sending chills down the spines of everyone in attendance. The monstrous, masked figure known as Nightmare steps out onto the entrance ramp, his imposing silhouette highlighted by the dim lighting. The camera zooms in on his cold, expressionless mask as he stands there, motionless, staring down at the ring where Johnny All Star stands frozen.

Jeremiah Sloan: (quietly) Here he is… Nightmare. The man… the monster who will challenge Johnny All Star for the sVo Championship at Jackpot.

The crowd buzzes with anticipation, some chanting Nightmare’s name, others simply watching in awe. Nightmare doesn’t move, his eyes—barely visible through the slits of his mask—locked onto All Star, who is now visibly shaken. All Star swallows hard, his grip tightening on the championship belt as if it’s the only thing grounding him in this moment. He takes a cautious step back, glancing around as if considering his options for escape, but there’s nowhere to go.

Johnny All Star: (muttering to himself) No… not now…

Nightmare remains at the top of the ramp, his presence alone enough to send a clear message. He slowly raises one hand, extending a single finger toward All Star in the ring—a silent but unmistakable challenge. All Star shakes his head, trying to muster up the confidence he had just moments ago, but it’s clear that the mere sight of Nightmare has rattled him to his core.

Julian Fiasco: (nervously) Johnny All Star might have won tonight, but you can see it in his eyes, Jeremiah… he knows what’s coming. And so does Nightmare.

Jeremiah Sloan: (with a serious tone) That’s right, Julian. All Star’s been the man around here for a long time, but this is something different. This is Nightmare… and at Jackpot, that championship might just slip through Johnny All Star’s fingers if he can’t find a way to conquer his fear.

In the ring, All Star stares back at Nightmare, trying to project defiance, but the fear is evident. He slowly raises the championship belt again, this time with a lot less confidence, as if to say, “This is still mine.” But the gesture does little to intimidate Nightmare, who simply tilts his head slightly, as if amused by the champion’s bravado. After a few tense moments, Nightmare slowly lowers his arm and turns, walking back through the curtain, leaving Johnny All Star alone in the ring, the weight of what’s to come pressing down on him.

The camera focuses on All Star’s face, his earlier confidence completely shattered. He takes one last look around the arena before slinging the belt over his shoulder and exiting the ring, his mind clearly racing as the gravity of his upcoming battle at Jackpot sinks in.

Julian Fiasco: (somberly) If Johnny All Star thought tonight was tough, he’s in for the fight of his life next week at Jackpot. This might be a victory, but the war is far from over.

As All Star walks up the ramp, the camera lingers on the empty entrance where Nightmare stood moments ago, the haunting silence a stark reminder of the challenge that awaits the champion. The screen fades to black, leaving the fans buzzing with anticipation for what’s to come.


The scene opens in the bustling backstage area of the Goodfellas Casino Arena. The atmosphere is electric, with the sounds of distant crowd noise reverberating through the hallways. Jay Adder and Kenneth D Williams, the remaining members of Generation Joint, are in their locker room, getting ready for their tag team match against Curtis Knight and Athena of the Legends Club. The locker room is filled with a mix of anticipation and camaraderie, as the two old friends share a moment before their upcoming battle. Jay Adder, already in his ring gear, is lacing up his boots with a focused expression, while Kenneth D Williams is shadowboxing, loosening up his shoulders.

Jay Adder: (glancing up with a smirk) Man, it’s been a minute since it was just the two of us, huh?

Kenneth D Williams: (grinning, still throwing punches) Yeah, feels like old times. Just you, me, and the whole world thinking we’re about to get steamrolled. But they don’t know what we’re bringing to the table tonight.

Adder chuckles, nodding in agreement as he finishes tying his boots. He stands up, rolling his shoulders to loosen up, and walks over to Kenneth, who’s now bouncing on the balls of his feet, ready to go.

Jay Adder: (seriously) No doubt. The Legends Club might have some history, but they’re in for a reality check if they think they can walk all over Generation Joint. Curtis Knight and Athena? They’ve got the accolades, sure… but they’ve never faced the kind of chemistry we’ve got, Kenny.

Kenneth D Williams: (stopping to look at Adder) Damn straight. We’ve been through the wars together, Jay. We’ve seen every trick, fought every type of opponent. And tonight, with Izaz and Lang out in Tokyo, it’s on us to remind everyone why Generation Joint is still the team to beat. We’ve got each other’s backs—like always.

Adder nods, a determined look crossing his face as he grabs his leather jacket and throws it on. He looks at Kenneth, who’s now wrapping his hands with tape, his expression becoming more intense as the reality of the match sets in.

Jay Adder: (firmly) This isn’t just any match, Kenny. It’s our chance to send a message. Knight and Athena? They’re legends in their own right, but we’re not stepping into that ring to pay respects. We’re stepping in to show them—and everyone else—that Generation Joint doesn’t back down, no matter who’s standing across from us.

Kenneth finishes taping his hands and flexes his fingers, the fire in his eyes growing brighter with each passing second. He turns to Adder, nodding in agreement as he slaps his friend on the back.

Kenneth D Williams: (confidently) Damn right, Jay. We’ve got nothing to lose and everything to prove. Let’s show these so-called legends that the future is here, and it’s called Generation Joint. We’ve got the heart, the skills, and the drive to take them down—together.

Adder grins, the intensity of the moment fueling his confidence. He grabs a water bottle and takes a quick sip before tossing it aside, the anticipation building between the two of them. They both know what’s at stake tonight, and they’re ready to leave it all in the ring.

Jay Adder: (with a nod) Together. No matter what happens out there, we fight like we always do—like brothers. And when we walk back through that curtain, we’ll be doing it with our heads held high and the Legends Club in our rearview mirror.

Kenneth nods, clenching his taped fists as he lets out a deep breath, readying himself for the battle ahead. The two friends share a moment of silent understanding, a bond forged through years of fighting side by side. They bump fists, the sound echoing through the locker room as a final symbol of their unity.

Kenneth D Williams: (smirking) Time to go show these legends how the next generation does it. Let’s go make Izaz and Lang proud.

Jay Adder: (grinning) And remind the world why Generation Joint is still the future of this business.

With that, the two men head towards the locker room door, their expressions focused and determined. As they exit, the camera lingers for a moment, capturing the quiet confidence of two veterans who know exactly what they’re capable of. The screen then cuts back to the arena, where the crowd is buzzing in anticipation for the upcoming match.

Tag Team Match
Curtis Knight & Athena vs. Jay Adder & Kenneth D Williams


The camera cuts to the ring where Jay Adder and Kenneth D Williams stand victorious, their arms raised high as the crowd erupts in a mixture of shock and admiration. Sweat drips down their faces, but the grins they wear show the satisfaction of pulling off a hard-fought win against the Legends Club. Across the ring, Curtis Knight and Athena are recovering, both looking frustrated and stunned by the unexpected outcome. Adder and Williams embrace in a quick, celebratory hug, clearly riding the high of their triumph.

Julian Fiasco: (excitedly) What an upset, Jeremiah! Jay Adder and Kenneth D Williams just pulled off one of the biggest wins of their careers, defeating the Legends Club in the middle of this ring!

Jeremiah Sloan: (impressed) I’ve got to hand it to them, Julian. Adder and Williams showed heart, resilience, and the kind of chemistry that only comes from years of battling side by side. This victory is a huge statement heading into next week’s Jackpot PPV!

As Adder and Williams continue to celebrate, the camera catches Curtis Knight and Athena slowly rising to their feet on the opposite side of the ring. They exchange a look, a silent agreement passing between them. The Legends Club members glare across the ring at Adder and Williams, their expressions cold and calculating. The tension in the arena rises as both teams lock eyes, a simmering rivalry now fully ignited.

Julian Fiasco: (nervously) Look at this, Jeremiah… you can feel the animosity between these two teams. This isn’t over—not by a long shot!

Jeremiah Sloan: (seriously) No way, Julian. If tonight’s any indication, the Jackpot PPV is going to be explosive. We’ve got these four competitors—and many more—entering the thirty-man battle royal next week, all vying for that coveted prize. Anything can happen in a match like that, and after what we’ve seen tonight, I wouldn’t count anyone out!

Adder and Williams, still soaking in the crowd’s reaction, finally notice the intense stares from the Legends Club. The celebration slows as the two teams stare each other down, the crowd buzzing with anticipation. Adder and Williams gesture for Knight and Athena to bring it on, but the Legends Club members remain still, choosing to play the long game. Instead of charging forward, Knight smirks, and Athena crosses her arms, both silently vowing that this isn’t the end.

Julian Fiasco: (with excitement) You can cut the tension with a knife, Jeremiah! This is what the sVo is all about—rivalries, passion, and the drive to be the best! These four will no doubt be gunning for each other in that battle royal at Jackpot!

Jeremiah Sloan: (nodding) No doubt about it, Julian. And let’s not forget, that battle royal will feature some of the biggest names in the sVo and beyond. The stakes are sky-high, and with the likes of Jay Adder, Kenneth D Williams, Curtis Knight, and Athena in the mix, it’s going to be a can’t-miss event!

The camera zooms in on Adder and Williams, who have now climbed opposite turnbuckles, raising their fists high as they continue to hype up the crowd. The Legends Club watches from the floor, slowly backing up the ramp with calculating looks, clearly planning their next move. The tension between the two teams is palpable, setting the stage for what’s to come at Jackpot.

Julian Fiasco: (building excitement) But that’s not all, folks! Right after this show, we’re taking you live to Tokyo for the Tokyo Turmoil tournament, exclusively on the Sanctioned Violence Network! Generation Joint’s own Jacob Izaz and Gunner Lang are over there, looking to bring home the first-ever International Tag Team Championships!

Jeremiah Sloan: (adding) That’s right, Julian! It’s history in the making, and you won’t want to miss it! Izaz and Lang have been tearing it up & Tokyo, and they’re just a few wins away from making Generation Joint a global force. So don’t go anywhere—tune in to Tokyo Turmoil right after this and witness the crowning of the International Tag Team Champions!

The camera pans out to show the entire arena, the fans on their feet, the energy electric as the show reaches its climax. Jay Adder and Kenneth D Williams stand tall in the ring, holding up their arms in victory, while Curtis Knight and Athena pause at the top of the ramp, giving one last glare back at the ring before disappearing behind the curtain.

Julian Fiasco: (excitedly) It’s all happening, folks! The Jackpot PPV, the battle royal, Tokyo Turmoil—it’s all coming your way! The road to Jackpot is heating up, and we’re just getting started!

The camera lingers on Adder and Williams as they continue to celebrate in the ring, the crowd cheering loudly. The screen fades to black, the sounds of the arena still echoing as the scene transitions to a preview of Tokyo Turmoil, keeping the fans on the edge of their seats as the action rolls on.

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