sVo Showdown 193
Live on the HOTv Network
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
11th August 2024

[The camera pans over the electric crowd inside the Goodfellas Casino Arena, where the fans are on their feet, waving signs and cheering in anticipation of another night of sVo action. The arena is buzzing with excitement as the familiar theme of “Showdown” blares through the speakers. The camera then cuts to the commentary desk where Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan are seated, ready to kick off the show.]

Julian Fiasco: [Grinning, leaning into the camera.] Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to another edition of sVo Showdown! We are live from the Goodfellas Casino Arena here in Las Vegas, Nevada, and what a night we have in store for you!

Jeremiah Sloan: [Nodding enthusiastically.] That’s right, Julian! With only two weeks left until the Jackpot PPV, the stakes have never been higher! The competition is fierce, and everyone is looking to build momentum heading into that massive thirty-man battle royal, where the winner earns a future shot at the sVo Championship!

Julian Fiasco: [Excitedly.] And speaking of the sVo Championship, we can’t forget about the chaos that’s been erupting around here thanks to Curtis Knight and the Legends Club! They’ve been running roughshod over the roster, and no one seems safe from their wrath!

Jeremiah Sloan: [Seriously.] That’s right, Julian. The Legends Club has been causing absolute mayhem, and you have to wonder how much longer this can go on. With Curtis Knight leading the charge, they’ve been leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Who will be their next target?

Julian Fiasco: [Smirking.] Well, we might find out tonight because we’ve got a stacked card! In our main event, the dangerous Nightmare will go one-on-one with the Hollywood sensation, Alex Sterling! You’ve got to wonder if Sterling will be able to survive the onslaught of the man who’s been leaving bodies in his wake.

Jeremiah Sloan: [Adding.] And that’s not all, Julian! We’ve also got a huge Las Vegas Championship match as Carlos Vasquez defends his title against Jay Adder of Generation Joint! Vasquez has been riding high since capturing the gold, but with all the chaos around here, will he be able to hold onto it?

Julian Fiasco: [Grinning.] There’s no doubt that Vasquez has been one of the most dangerous men in the sVo, but Jay Adder is hungry, and Generation Joint has been stepping up their game in recent weeks. This could be a real test for the Miami Maverick!

Jeremiah Sloan: [Nodding in agreement.] And with the Jackpot PPV just around the corner, every victory matters! The competition is fierce, and no one wants to be caught off guard. You’ve got to think that everyone is looking to send a message tonight!

Julian Fiasco: [Looking into the camera with intensity.] Absolutely, Jeremiah! The road to Jackpot is heating up, and tonight could be the turning point for so many careers! You don’t want to miss a second of the action, folks, because anything can happen here in the sVo!

[The camera cuts to a wide shot of the arena as the fans cheer loudly, ready for the night to get started. The energy is palpable as the stage is set for another thrilling night of sVo wrestling.]

Julian Fiasco: [Excitedly.] Buckle up, because Showdown 193 starts right now!

Best Laid Plans

[The camera opens to the parking lot of the Goodfellas Casino Arena. The rumbling sound of an engine cuts through the noise of the crowd as a sleek, black SUV pulls up to the entrance. The doors swing open, and out step the members of the Legends Club—Curtis Knight, Athena, Drew Hendrix, and Buzz Marshall. Each of them exudes confidence and arrogance as they make their way toward the arena, their presence immediately commanding attention.]

[As they approach the entrance, they’re suddenly intercepted by a frantic-looking Johnny All Star, the sVo Championship slung over his shoulder. The usually confident champion looks anything but, his eyes darting nervously as he approaches the group.]

Johnny All Star: [Trying to keep his voice steady.] Curtis…Curtis, wait up!

[Curtis Knight, the leader of the Legends Club, stops in his tracks and slowly turns around, a smirk playing on his lips. The rest of the group follows suit, each of them looking amused by the sight of the anxious champion.]

Curtis Knight: [Mockingly.] Well, well, well, look who it is. What’s the matter, Johnny? Losing your nerve?

Johnny All Star: [Taking a deep breath, trying to regain some composure.] Listen, Curtis…guys…I know things haven’t been exactly smooth between us, but I need your help. Nightmare—he’s a monster, and I can’t take him on alone. I need the Legends Club to have my back when I defend the sVo Championship against him at Jackpot.

[The Legends Club exchanges amused glances before turning their attention back to All Star. Curtis Knight steps forward, towering over Johnny, his smirk widening.]

Curtis Knight: [Laughing coldly.] You’re really something, All Star. You bring us in, thinking you’re pulling the strings, but now look at you—begging for help like a scared little puppy.

[Johnny All Star flinches slightly at the harsh words, but he doesn’t back down. He knows what’s at stake.]

Johnny All Star: [Desperately.] Curtis, this is serious! If I lose the title to Nightmare, who knows what he’ll do to this company. We need to stick together. You and the Legends Club—we could take him down. But I can’t do it without you.

[Curtis Knight’s eyes narrow, and he takes a step closer to All Star, his expression turning darker.]

Curtis Knight: [Leaning in, his voice dripping with menace.] Johnny, you’re on your own. I’ve got bigger plans. See, in two weeks at Jackpot, I’m winning that battle royal. And when I do, I’m coming for the sVo Championship myself. So maybe it’s in my best interest if you do lose to Nightmare. That way, when I win, I won’t have to deal with you at all.

[Athena, Drew Hendrix, and Buzz Marshall chuckle, clearly enjoying watching Johnny squirm. All Star looks stunned, his face going pale as the realization hits him.]

Johnny All Star: [Stammering.] Curtis, please, you don’t—

Curtis Knight: [Cutting him off, smiling cruelly.] You’ve made your bed, Johnny. Now, you get to lie in it. Good luck with Nightmare—you’re gonna need it.

[Curtis Knight gives Johnny All Star a final pat on the shoulder before turning away. The rest of the Legends Club follows suit, walking away without a second glance, leaving Johnny standing there, alone and visibly shaken. As they disappear into the arena, Johnny All Star clutches his championship tightly, his face a mix of fear and anger as he realizes just how precarious his situation has become.]

[The camera lingers on Johnny All Star for a moment, his expression tense as he watches the Legends Club walk away, before cutting back to the arena as the show continues.]

Single Match
Bronson Johnson vs. Victor Holland

[The scene opens backstage, where Victor Holland, still catching his breath and dripping with sweat, stands triumphantly after his hard-fought victory over Bronson Johnson. He leans against a wall, hands on his knees, as he tries to recover from the grueling match. The distant roar of the crowd can still be heard as Holland takes a moment to savor his win.]

[Suddenly, the sound of slow, deliberate footsteps echoes down the corridor. The camera pans to reveal Alex Sterling, with his signature cocky grin, strolling past Holland. Sterling is dressed in his ring gear, clearly ready for his upcoming main event match. He stops right in front of Holland, looking down at him with a smirk.]

Alex Sterling: [Quoting with a dramatic flourish.] “You see, kid, there’s two kinds of people in this world: those who stand tall in the spotlight… and those who watch from the shadows.”

[Holland glances up, glaring at Sterling, who is clearly enjoying this moment.]

Alex Sterling: [Mockingly.] “Looks like you’re the latter, Holland. I mean, here you are, busting your back in the opener, while I’m headlining the show. It’s like they say in Tinseltown—‘It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.’ And tonight, you’re finishing… right here.”

[Holland stands up straight, his eyes narrowing as he steps closer to Sterling. The tension between the two is palpable as Holland clenches his fists, clearly irritated by Sterling’s taunt.]

Victor Holland: [In a low, controlled voice.] “You better hope you can finish that main event, Sterling, because one of these days, I’m gonna make sure you don’t get to play the hero.”

[Sterling chuckles, seemingly unfazed by the threat.]

Alex Sterling: [Quoting again, with a sly grin.] “Every man’s got a right to his opinion, Holland. But remember… ‘There’s always someone quicker, and there’s always someone meaner.’”

[With that, Sterling gives Holland a condescending pat on the shoulder before turning to walk away, his laughter echoing down the hallway. Holland watches him go, seething with anger, clearly vowing that this isn’t over.]

[The camera lingers on Holland’s determined expression before fading to black, leaving the tension hanging in the air.]

Single Match
Johnny Dorn vs. Jake Blackwood

Not Ready Chico

[Backstage at the Goodfellas Casino Arena, Katie Smith stands with a microphone in hand, ready to interview the sVo Las Vegas Champion, Carlos Vasquez. The camera zooms in on the title belt draped over Vasquez’s shoulder. His presence is commanding, exuding the confidence and ruthlessness that earned him the moniker ‘the Miami Maverick.’ The interview begins.]

Katie Smith: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with the sVo Las Vegas Champion, Carlos Vasquez. Carlos, last week you sent a clear message to Johnny Dorn after his victory over Jake Blackwood, and now he’s made it clear that he’s coming for your Las Vegas Championship at the Jackpot PPV. What are your thoughts on Johnny Dorn and his challenge?”

[Carlos Vasquez smirks, adjusting the title on his shoulder as he glares at the camera. His tone is a mix of arrogance and disdain.]

Carlos Vasquez: “Johnny Dorn? Ha! Let me tell you something, chica. That pendejo thinks he can step up to me just because he won a match against some nobody? Listen, Dorn, you’re stepping into a world of pain you ain’t ready for, hermano. You think beating a guy like Jake Blackwood means you’re on my level? Nah, man. You’re just another cockroach trying to crawl out of the gutter. But I got news for you—I squash cockroaches.”

[Katie Smith nods, keeping her composure as she presses on with her questions.]

Katie Smith: “Strong words, Carlos. But tonight, you’re defending your title against Jay Adder of Generation Joint. How are you feeling about your chances in that match?”

[Vasquez chuckles, a confident, almost mocking laugh.]

Carlos Vasquez: “Jay Adder? Please, Katie, you gotta ask better questions. Adder’s just another stepping stone on my path to greatness. Generation Joint? They ain’t got nothing on me. Jay Adder is gonna learn tonight that when you mess with the Miami Maverick, you get burned. I’m walking into that ring, I’m taking care of business, and I’m walking out still the Las Vegas Champion. Adder? Dorn? It don’t matter who steps up—they all fall the same.”

[Vasquez leans in closer to the camera, his eyes full of intensity as he delivers his final words.]

Carlos Vasquez: “So, Johnny Dorn, you keep dreaming about Jackpot. But when you wake up, you’ll realize you’re just another wannabe trying to play in the big leagues. And trust me, chico, you ain’t ready to face the Miami Maverick. Nobody is.”

[Vasquez turns and walks off, leaving Katie Smith looking after him, the intensity of his words hanging in the air as the segment ends.]

Tag Team Match
The Canadian Connection vs. Generation Joint

Be Careful What You Wish For

The camera fades in on the plush, modern office of sVo COO Amy Page. The room is bathed in soft light, with sleek black furniture and framed posters of past sVo events adorning the walls. Standing guard near the door are Amy’s imposing enforcers, Scott Washington and Rick Reid, both of whom exude an air of menace, their arms crossed as they keep a watchful eye on everything.

The door to the office swings open, and the members of Patriot Act—Dallas Jordan, Travis Armstrong, and Lance Abbott—burst in, clearly fuming. The trio, clad in their matching red, white, and blue gear, immediately confront Amy Page, who sits calmly behind her desk, a smirk playing on her lips.

Dallas Jordan: (aggressively) “What the hell, Page? Why did you pick the Legends Club to represent sVo at Tokyo Turmoil next week? That should be us out there, not those thugs!”

Amy Page doesn’t flinch at Jordan’s tone. Instead, she leans back in her chair, interlocking her fingers as she regards Patriot Act with a bemused expression.

Amy Page: (coolly) “The Legends Club is undefeated, Jordan. They’re exactly the type of team that sVo needs on the global stage. If you think you can do better, then I suggest you prove it.”

The Patriot Act members exchange uneasy glances, their bravado faltering slightly under the weight of Page’s words. Jordan, however, isn’t ready to back down just yet.

Dallas Jordan: (gritting his teeth) “We’ve beaten teams better than them! Give us a shot, and we’ll prove that we’re the best tag team in the sVo!”

Amy’s smirk widens, as if she was waiting for exactly that response. She rises from her chair, slowly walking around her desk to face the trio head-on.

Amy Page: (with a sly grin) “Alright, Jordan. You want your shot? You’ve got it. Tonight, it’ll be Patriot Act versus the Legends Club in a six-man tag team match. Let’s see if you really are as good as you say you are.”

Travis Armstrong and Lance Abbott exchange worried looks, realizing that they might have bitten off more than they can chew. Jordan, however, remains resolute, determined not to show any fear.

Dallas Jordan: (reluctantly) “Fine, we’ll take them down, and when we do, you’ll have no choice but to give us that spot!”

Amy chuckles softly, clearly enjoying the situation she’s put them in. She steps back, retaking her seat and casually waving them off.

Amy Page: “We’ll see, won’t we? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to.”

As Patriot Act turn to leave, the camera lingers on Scott Washington and Rick Reid, who stand silently but menacingly by the door. The tension in the room is palpable as Patriot Act exit, their confidence visibly shaken by the prospect of facing the ruthless Legends Club later tonight.

The scene fades out as Amy Page leans back in her chair, a satisfied smile on her face, clearly pleased with how she has put Patriot Act in their place.

Single Match
Trailer Trash Terry vs. Clam Idia

Golden Joint

Scene opens in the buzzing backstage area of the Goodfellas Casino Arena. The camera pans over to the locker room of Generation Joint, where the mood is mixed. The Tag Team Champions, Gunner Lang and Jacob Izaz, are sitting on a bench, looking frustrated and disappointed after their non-title loss to the Canadian Connection earlier in the night. Kenneth D Williams, the unofficial leader of the group, stands in front of them, trying to lift their spirits.

Kenneth D Williams: “I know tonight didn’t go our way, fellas. But don’t let it get you down. We’re still the Tag Team Champions, and that’s what matters. Losing to those clowns in a non-title match doesn’t mean a thing. What counts is that we’re going to head into Tokyo Turmoil next week and win the Tag Team Tournament. We’re bringing those belts back to Generation Joint, where they belong.”

Gunner Lang and Jacob Izaz nod, clearly still frustrated but starting to regain some confidence after Williams’ pep talk. They exchange glances, trying to shake off the disappointment.

Jacob Izaz: “You’re right, Kenny. We’ve still got those belts, and next week we’ll show everyone why we’re the best tag team in the world.”

Gunner Lang: “We’ll make sure everyone knows who the real champs are.”

The door to the locker room swings open, and Jay Adder walks in, tightening the tape around his wrists. He’s focused and ready for his upcoming match. Kenneth D Williams turns to him with a determined expression.

Kenneth D Williams: “And speaking of showing who’s the best, Jay, you’ve got your shot at the Las Vegas Championship tonight. You know what you’ve gotta do, man. We’ve got your back, and the whole of Generation Joint is behind you. Go out there and bring that gold home.”

Jay Adder smirks confidently, nodding as he slaps hands with his teammates.

Jay Adder: “Don’t worry, I’ve got this. Vasquez might think he’s some big shot, but tonight, he’s gonna find out what happens when you mess with Generation Joint. I’m bringing that Las Vegas Championship back to us, no doubt about it.”

The group exchanges a few final words of encouragement, and Jay Adder turns to leave, ready to head to the ring. As he exits the locker room, the camera lingers on Kenneth D Williams, Gunner Lang, and Jacob Izaz, who are now fired up, ready to support their teammate and regain their momentum.

The scene fades out as the trio fist bumps and nods with determination, ready to see Jay Adder take on Carlos Vasquez next.

sVo Las Vegas Championship Match
Carlos Vasquez (c) vs. Jay Adder

Just a Warm Up

The camera cuts to the backstage interview area where Katie Smith stands with a microphone in hand, a professional smile on her face. Next to her, the chaotic heel, Trailer Trash Terry, is pacing back and forth, still riding the high from his earlier victory against Clam Idia. His wild, unkempt hair and mismatched wrestling gear add to his unhinged persona. Katie takes a deep breath, trying to maintain her composure as she begins the interview.

Katie Smith: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m joined now by the always unpredictable Trailer Trash Terry. Terry, earlier tonight, you secured a victory over Clam Idia. How are you feeling after that match?”

Trailer Trash Terry stops pacing and grins widely at Katie, his eyes wild with excitement.

Trailer Trash Terry: “How am I feelin’, Katie? How am I feelin’? Hah! That was just a little taste, a lil’ appetizer before the main course, ya know what I’m sayin’? Clam Idia? That was nothin’. Nothin’ but a warm-up for the big dance comin’ up at the Jackpot rumble!”

He gets right up in the camera, his intensity making the viewers at home uncomfortable.

Trailer Trash Terry: “You see, Katie, I’ve been waitin’ for this! Waitin’ for my moment to show the whole damn world what Trailer Trash Terry is made of! That Jackpot rumble? That’s my ticket to the top, baby! Thirty men are gonna step into that ring, but only one of us is gonna walk out with that golden ticket to a title shot, and you best believe that it’s gonna be me! I’m gonna win that rumble, and when I do, there ain’t gonna be no one left to doubt that Trailer Trash Terry is the baddest son of a gun in this whole company!”

Katie tries to interject, but Terry is on a roll, his words coming out in a frenzied rush.

Trailer Trash Terry: “I’m gonna toss every last one of those sorry saps over that top rope! Blood Money? Legends Club? Generation Joint? It don’t matter who they are! They all goin’ down, Katie! When that bell rings, it’s gonna be pure chaos, and ain’t nobody does chaos like me!”

Katie nods, slightly unnerved by Terry’s intensity, but continues the interview.

Katie Smith: “Terry, there’s no doubt that you have a lot of momentum going into the Jackpot rumble. What do you say to those who might underestimate you?”

Terry sneers at the idea, his eyes narrowing as he stares down the camera.

Trailer Trash Terry: “Underestimate me? Hah! Let ’em! They think I’m just some crazed hillbilly with nothin’ to lose, but that’s where they’re wrong! I got everything to gain, and nothin’ to hold me back! They can underestimate me all they want, but when they look up from that mat, dazed and confused, they’ll realize they just got their butts kicked by Trailer Trash Terry!”

Terry leans in close to Katie, almost conspiratorially.

Trailer Trash Terry: “So tell ’em, Katie. Tell ’em all. I’m comin’ for that rumble, and when I’m done, they’ll be pickin’ pieces of their shattered dreams outta their teeth!”

With that, Trailer Trash Terry lets out a wild cackle and storms off the set, leaving Katie to regain her composure and wrap up the segment.

Katie Smith: “Well, there you have it, folks. Trailer Trash Terry is ready to bring his brand of chaos to the Jackpot rumble in just two weeks’ time. Back to you.”

The camera fades out, leaving viewers with the unsettling image of Terry’s manic grin as the show continues.

Six Man Tag Team Match
The Legends Club vs. Patriot Act

Heading for War

The bell rings, signaling the end of the match, as the Legends Club—Curtis Knight, Athena, Drew Hendrix, and Buzz Marshall—stand victorious over the battered bodies of the Patriot Act members. The crowd boos loudly, but the Legends Club feeds off the negative energy, smirking as they survey the destruction they’ve caused.

Curtis Knight, the leader of the Legends Club, snatches a microphone from ringside and steps over the fallen Patriot Act members. The rest of the Legends Club stand behind him, their expressions cold and menacing.

Curtis Knight: (into the microphone, a sinister grin spreading across his face) “This… this is just a taste of what the Legends Club is all about. Domination. Destruction. And most importantly, showing everyone in the back what happens when you step into our world!”

The crowd continues to boo, but the Legends Club doesn’t care. Instead, they turn their attention back to Patriot Act, who are trying to recover. Without warning, Buzz Marshall and Drew Hendrix begin stomping on the already downed Patriot Act members, while Athena and Curtis Knight watch on, clearly enjoying the carnage.

The assault is relentless, with Drew Hendrix and Buzz Marshall dragging their opponents up to deliver more punishing blows. It’s clear that the Legends Club isn’t just satisfied with a win—they want to send a message.

Suddenly, the crowd erupts in cheers as the music of Generation Joint blasts through the arena! Kenneth D. Williams, Jay Adder, Gunner Lang, and Jacob Izaz sprint down the ramp, rushing to the ring to even the odds & get revenge for the Legends Club costing Jay Adder his shot at the Las Vegas Championship earlier this evening.

The Legends Club members look up just in time to see Generation Joint sliding into the ring. Curtis Knight tries to rally his team, but Generation Joint is already upon them. The two factions collide in the center of the ring, fists flying in all directions as the crowd roars in approval.

Kenneth D. Williams and Curtis Knight exchange heavy blows, while Jay Adder and Buzz Marshall brawl near the ropes. Gunner Lang and Drew Hendrix trade punches, each trying to gain the upper hand. Jacob Izaz and Athena square off, with Izaz managing to force Athena back with a flurry of strikes.

The fight spills out of the ring, with members of both teams battling around the ringside area. The referee and officials rush out from the back, desperately trying to restore order, but the chaos is too much to contain. The crowd is on its feet, loving every moment of the bedlam.

As the brawl rages on, it becomes clear that this is far from over. The camera focuses on Curtis Knight and Kenneth D. Williams, still locked in combat, their rivalry now burning hotter than ever.

Finally, security swarms the area, managing to pull the two factions apart. The Legends Club is forced up the ramp, still taunting Generation Joint despite being outnumbered. Generation Joint stands tall in the ring, having successfully made the save, but knowing full well that the war with the Legends Club is just beginning.

As the Legends Club retreats, Curtis Knight points back at Generation Joint, mouthing the words, “This isn’t over.” The camera captures the intense stare between the two groups as the show cuts to a commercial, leaving the fans buzzing with anticipation for what’s to come.

Single Match
Nightmare vs. Alex Sterling

All for Nothing?

The atmosphere in the Goodfellas Casino Arena is electric as the final bell rings, signaling the end of the main event. The monstrous Nightmare stands tall in the center of the ring, his hand raised in victory after a dominant performance against Alex Sterling. Sterling lies on the mat, barely conscious, as the fans’ boos cascade down on the victorious Nightmare.

The hulking figure of Nightmare glares around the arena, his presence alone enough to send shivers down the spines of everyone watching. The crowd’s animosity only grows louder, but Nightmare appears unfazed, his dark eyes burning with intensity. He raises his arms, letting out a roar of dominance that echoes throughout the arena.

As Nightmare continues to soak in the reaction from the crowd, the lights in the arena dim slightly, and the entrance ramp lights up. The familiar music of the sVo Champion, Johnny All Star, hits, and the fans’ boos shift towards the ramp. All Star emerges from behind the curtain, clutching the sVo Championship tightly in his hands. He steps forward, but there’s no bravado in his walk tonight—just a cold, focused stare.

All Star pauses at the top of the entrance ramp, his eyes locked on Nightmare in the ring. The crowd senses the tension as the sVo Champion slowly raises the championship belt above his head, a gesture meant to remind Nightmare and everyone watching who the top dog is. But even as he holds the belt high, there’s a flicker of uncertainty in Johnny All Star’s eyes, a hint that perhaps he knows what’s coming in two weeks.

Nightmare’s expression doesn’t change. He simply stares back at All Star, his presence alone a looming threat. The tension is palpable as neither man breaks eye contact, the impending showdown at the Jackpot PPV hanging over the arena like a dark cloud.

The commentators, Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan, pick up on the intensity. “This is what it’s all about, folks,” Sloan says, his voice filled with anticipation. “Johnny All Star might be the champion now, but in two weeks’ time, he’ll be stepping into the ring with a nightmare—literally.”

As the show fades to black, the final image is of Nightmare standing tall in the ring, while Johnny All Star remains on the ramp, clutching his title belt a little tighter. The fans are left wondering if the champion will even survive the challenge that awaits him at the Jackpot PPV.

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