sVo Showdown 154
Live on the HOTv Network on PWA:TV
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
9th July 2023

After the PWA intro, the entrance video package for sVo Sunday Night Showdown begins, accompanied by the theme song of ‘Showdown’ by Pendulum. Highlights of past action from 2013 to present day are sped up, showing the likes of August Lazar, Bobby Dean, Roscoe Shame, Night, Jay Wildman, Cody Williams & Nathan Paradine! As the video package finally comes to an end with an extended look at the ‘Sunday Night Showdown’ logo, the camera cuts to an exterior shot of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, in the heart of the Las Vegas strip, before cutting to a live shot of inside the arena.

The camera pans around the sold-out crowd, most of them on their feet and screaming loudly whilst trying to get their homemade sign shown in front of the camera. The cameras finally head over to the commentary table, where Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan welcome the fans watching on the HOTv network on PWA:TV to the broadcast and begin to break down some of the action that will take place on tonight’s show, including the quarter final stage of the 2023 Victory Cup!

Tag Team Match
British Hospitality vs. The Starr Brothers

With both teams looking to work themselves into a Championship opportunities, British Hospitality and the Starr Brothers both need the win in order to climb the ranks in the sVo!

Commercial Break

Victory Cup Quarter Final Match
Hugo Ryzing vs. Hiro Ryuu

Whilst Hiro Ryuu and Hugo Ryzing have both won gold in the sVo, neither have come close yet to  challenging for the sVo Championship! However both men go into the match knowing they are only three wins away from winning the Victory Cup and guaranteeing a sVo Championship match! 

Mentor Me

The cameras head backstage to the Blood Money locker room, and with the sVo Tag Team Champions down in Brazil competing on HOW’s Chaos 35 in the PWA Tag Team Championship tournament, the atmosphere is frosty between Johnny Moretti and Junior Gambino.

Johnny Moretti: “Look kid, we have been at each others throats for far too long, how about we let bygones be bygones…”

Gambino looks at Moretti, waiting for the other foot to drop.

Johnny Moretti: “Hey, I am serious…. One of us could have got seriously hurt last time on Showdown, it’s not worth it. We are stronger together.”

Gambino’s expression changes as he slowly begins to come around to Moretti’s way of thinking.

Junior Gambino: “We could do that I suppose…”

Johnny Moretti: “Ok great, grab your things and follow me out to the ring. Time for you to see up close what the best in the business does so we can get your win loss record up a little.”

Gambino eyeballs Moretti suspiciously, before eventually getting to his feet and following Moretti out the door. With Johnny Moretti’s quarter final match up next, can Junior Gambino be the difference maker at ringside?

Victory Cup Quarter Final Match
Johnny Moretti vs. Adam Fury

Adam Fury the free agent looks to continue his amazing run in the Victory Cup, but if he wants to get any further he must get past former sVo Champion Johnny Moretti!

Commercial Break

Single Match
JVD vs. Bronson Johnson

With JVD’s career still on the line in every match from here on out, the veteran must get past the dangerous Bronson Johnson to stay employed!

Retrieving the Gold

The cameras catch up with JVD as he makes his way up the entrance ramp and around the curtain, where sVo interviewer Katie Smith is standing by with a microphone in hand!

Katie Smith: “James, another big win for you tonight over Bronson Johnson out there! You have been on quite the roll since making the statement that you would quit the wrestling business the next time you lost a match!”

Von Drake smirks, the satisfaction of his decision paying off.

JVD: “Let me tell you Katie, you fight that bit harder when you know something so big is on the line, and it doesn’t get much bigger than your career!”

Katie Smith: “Well with another victory under your belt, what’s next?”

JVD: “Ultimate Victory is only a few weeks away, the PPV that I once headlined against Night….”

Von Drake drifts off into nostalgia, before bringing himself back to reality.

JVD: “Now it’s too late for me to have a chance to headline this year, but I can raise the stakes even higher. That is why I am challenging El Froggo to put his Las Vegas Championship belt on the line against me! It’s a belt I have held before and it’s one I want to win again before I hang up the boots for the final time! El Froggo… face me!”

JVD stares into the camera, a message to the Las Vegas Champion as the scene fades out.

Victory Cup Quarter Final Match
David Turner vs. Alissia Young

It’s a battle of the Canadian’s in the next semi final, as David Turner takes on former TapOut Champion Alissia Young!

Commercial Break

Victory Cup Quarter Final Match
Kenneth D Williams vs. Rick Reid

If Kenneth D Williams is going to get any further then he must break the undefeated streak of Rick Reid, the current Roulette Champion!

Old Times Sake

The cameras head backstage to the Gorilla position, where we are only moments away from the main event of the evening which will see Bobby Dean & Night, the former Tag Team Champions team up despite facing each other in only a few short weeks with the sVo Championship on the line!

Night is ready to go and looks stretched and prepared, however his team mate is no where to be seen!

“Night, we are gonna have to hit the music and get the match started soon, we only have so much TV time remaining and we advertised this thing….”

Night looks frustrated by the TV assistant, but slowly nods knowing it is not his fault. Night is about to head out to the ring, when suddenly there is a voice that booms out.

Bobby Dean: “Hey, wait for the Champ!”

Dean has a lady on each arm, a bottle of JD in his left hand and the sVo Championship belt in his right as he approaches.

Night: “Ever the professional I see Bobby….”

Dean shrugs his shoulders, before shooing the girls away and throwing the bottle to one side.

Bobby Dean: “Weren’t fretting were you old friend?”

Dean smirks at the serious looking Night.

Bobby Dean: “I am sure even you would have been able to handle these two on your own. Don’t worry though, the Champ is here to hold your hand.”

Dean playfully punches Night in the shoulder, perhaps a little harder than usual. Before Night can say anything, the music is cued up and the entrances for the main event are started!

Tag Team Match
Bobby Dean & Night vs. Big Trouble

With Bobby Dean and Night only a few weeks away from a sVo Championship match, can they co-exist to beat the friends of the former sVo Champion Big Aug?

One Last Shot

The referee raises Night & Bobby Dean’s arms in the air in victory, as August Lazar slides into the ring to check on the condition of his friends and team mates in BIG Trouble. Night celebrates the win and soaks in the cheers from the fans, but Bobby Dean has other ideas as he rolls out of the ring. Dean grabs a steel chair from ringside and rolls back in, before spinning Night around!

The fans rise to their feet, as it looks like Dean is about to nail Night in the face with the chair! However as Night backs away a few steps, Dean suddenly turns and slams the chair into the back of Big Aug!

The crowd are shocked, but Dean looks like he has a plan, as he tosses the chair to Night before dropping down and rolling out of the ring! Big Aug angrily spins around and sees Night holding the steel chair!

Night tries to protest, but Big Aug runs at Night and wipes him out with a massive clothesline! Big Aug and BIG Trouble begin to put the boots to a defenceless Night, as Bobby Dean retrieves the sVo Championship belt from ringside and makes his way back up the entrance ramp, watching the action in the ring and making no attempt to help is tag team partner!

Showdown heads off of the air with the sVo Champion watching from the top of the stage, as his PPV challenger is beaten down 3 on 1 in the ring!

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