sVo Sunday Night Showdown #110
7th July 2013
Goodfella Casino Arena, Las Vegas Nevada


There is a huge cheer in the Goodfellas Casino Arena in the heart of the Las Vegas strip as (S)aint by Marilyn Manson hits the sound system and the camera pans around the screaming fans that are packed into the arena. The camera picks out certain fans who are holding different signs with hand written messages about their favourite sVo stars. Gold strobe lighting flickers over the darkened arena as the frenzy builds with the fans all eager to see their favourite fighters in action. Highlights of Showdown #109 action plays on the giant screen where Pat Fullam and Johnny All-Star both pinned Tobias Devereux in the main event, leaving everyone confused about who is the new #1 contender!


Sunday Night Showdown gets under way to boos as “Paint it Black” by the Rolling Stones hits the sound system in the Goodfellas Arena and the entrance video of ‘the Company’ plays on the giant screen. After a few seconds, there are even more boos as the sVo President Amy Page slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp with a microphone in her hands. Page, wearing black boots and a leather mini skirt as always, poses for a few seconds before walking down the entrance ramp whilst ignoring all of the fans at ringside.

Page steps up onto the ring apron and waits for one of the referees at ringside to open the ropes for her before stepping into the sVo branded square circle. Page stands in the middle of the ring for a few seconds and waits for the music and boos to fade out before addressing the Las Vegas crowd.

Amy Page: ‘I am out here tonight to address all of the rumours that have been swirling about all week regarding the state of the Company…’

There are again loud boos from the fans for the mention of the Company from President Amy Page.

Amy Page: ‘Just because William Vorheez wasn’t on Sunday Night Showdown last week, suddenly he has walked out of the Company? Suddenly the Company is falling apart?’

The fans seem to like the idea of the Company falling apart and respond with loud cheers, causing a scowl to grow over the face of the leader of the Company, Amy Page.

Amy Page: ‘Let me tell you all something right now to set the record straight once and for all. It’s going to take a lot more than Johnny All Star, Tobias Devereux, Roscoe Shame or even Tobias Devereux to take down the Company. We stand tall as the most dominant group in the wrestling business today. We have our roots deep into the wrestling world, and there is no end to the Company.’

The crowd begin to boo Amy Page loudly once again, however she waves away there reaction with a flick of her hand.

Amy Page: ‘There were rumours that William Vorheez wasn’t happy with the fact that Fullam, Devereux and All-Star got the chance to become #1 contender to his belt in their triple threat match last week on Sunday Night Showdown. I booked that match because I now that William Vorheez would be able to beat any one of those men at the Deadly Habits PPV in two weeks time!’

Footage from the triple threat match from last week is shown on the giant screen, along with the controversial ending where Johnny All Star and Pat Fullam both pinned Tobias Devereux and had there arms raised in the air by different referees.

Amy Page: ‘Now last week two men managed to have their hands raised in victory by the referee, however the was only one legal referee during that match…’

The crowd boo as they realise that either Johnny All Star or Pat Fullam are about to be screwed out of a chance of facing Vorheez at Deadly Habits, but before Amy Page can finish her sentence, “Hillbilly Joker” by Hank 3 hits the sound system and the sVo Champion William Vorheez slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp! The crowd boo loudly for Vorhee, who has the sVo Championship belt around his waist, and Amy Page looks surprised by his appearance at ringside.

William Vorheez slowly walks down towards the ring, keeping his eyes locked on Amy Page as he does. William Vorheez climbs up into the ring, and takes the microphone from Amy Page.

William Vorheez: ‘I know what you are about to say Amy, but its not the way I want it to be. Ever since I won this sVo Championship belt, the whole world has said I have only kept hold of it because of the Company. The whole world has said that I only defeated Go-Go Spectacular at Countdown to Violence because of the Company. Well at Deadly Habits I want to walk down to that ring and prove I am the sVo Champion because I am the best by defeating Pat Fullam and Johnny All Star!’

Amy Page pleads with William Vorheez to change his mind, but Vorheez slowly shakes his head before unstrapping the sVo Championship belt from around his waist and holding it into the air. The fans give the sVo Champion a mixed reaction as Sunday Night Showdown heads to a commercial break with the main event for the Deadly Habits PPV decided!

The sVo Presents Deadly Habits 2013
Live from the Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
Featuring William Vorheez vs. Pat Fullam vs. Johnny All Star!
21st July 2013


Sunday Night Showdown returns from the commercial break to find Darren Starr in the interview area of the Goodfellas Casino Arena. Darren Starr seems to be standing by and waiting for the arrival of one of the sVo interviewers, however instead of Elena Cruz or Sasha Shay joining him on set, he is instead joined by Tag Team Champion CJ Dreamer. Dreamer has the sVo Tag Team Champion belt over his shoulder and a smirk on his face as he sized up his opponent from last weeks Showdown episode.

Darren Starr doesn’t look too happy to see CJ Dreamer as he switches his posture to prepare himself for a possible attack from CJ Dreamer and the rest of the Company.

CJ Dreamer: ‘Darren Starr! Hows it going my young friend?’

Starr looks CJ Dreamer up and down and slowly shakes his head.

CJ Dreamer: ‘You have been a hard man to get a hold of since I made you that offer to join the Company last week. It’s decision time!’

Starr looks at the sVo Tag Team Champion as if he is weighting him his options one last time, before shaking his head again.

Darren Starr: ‘Sorry CJ. I am here to the sVo with my brother to follow our dreams. I can’t turn my back on all of that already and join up with you guys.’

Dreamer looks surprised by the decision of the man he defeated in singles action last week.

CJ Dreamer: ‘Are you really going to turn your back on the biggest opportunity of your life because of your brother? Do you really think he is going to get you to the top of the sVo like we can? Do you really think that he will be there for you when things start to go badly? Forget about him and join up with your new brothers in the Company….’

Starr stares at the gold on Dreamer’s shoulder for a few seconds, before shaking his head again.

Darren Starr: ‘Truth be told, me and my brother came here to the sVo to get our hands on that belt over your shoulder. My brother is my blood and nothing comes above that, I’m afraid my answer is no.’

Starr looks slightly nervous about the response from the man he just turned down as he looks across at Dreamer.

CJ Dreamer: ‘Don’t worry, don’t worry. It wasn’t too long ago I was in your situation. I choose a different path to you, but I wish you all the best on your path here in the sVo…’

Dreamer pats Darren Starr on the shoulder, before turning and walking away from the scene. Darren Starr let’s out a sigh of relief, but as he turns his back he is suddenly nailed in the back of the head by CJ Dreamer with the sVo Tag Team Championship belt as he springs back into the scene!

CJ Dreamer: ‘I say best of luck because you are going to need all the luck you can get. If your not with the Company, then you are against us!’

The fans in the arena who have been watching the scene boo loudly as CJ Dreamer stands over the downed body of Darren Starr and rubs his Tag Team Championship belt in the youngsters face as the scene fades out.

Diamond Legend vs. Tobias Devereux
Officiated by Brett Lukas

‘Let The Sparks Fly’ by Thousand Foot Krutch blares throughout the sound speakers. The lights suddenly flicker and smoke arises atop of the entry ramp. Suddenly from behind the smoke Diamond Legend appears on the stage. His head lowered with his hood over his head. Slowly lifting his head up the lights lights come back to a steady. Looking left, looking right Diamond Legend smiles and continues his slow, cockish walk to the ring. He blows kisses at beautiful girls and give little boys nudgies while telling them to fuck off. He spits at people and swears at them consistently.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring weighting in at 228lbs…… Diamond LEGEND!!’

Before stepping in the ring he walks up the steel steps slowly before walking along the ring before putting his back to the ropes and lowering his head again. Once again the lights begin to flicker. From all four turnbuckles little pyrogryhphic stars burst from out them. A plethora of different colors. Diamond Legend picks up his head and now he looks infuriated. He jumps over the top rope and begins running around the ring talking to himself as he looks off into the crowd and taunts them. Finally he jumps to the middle of the ring and whilst doing so, BOOM! In unison some more pyro comes from the turnbuckles and together they make one big baby blue star that vanishes into thin air. Diamond taps his chest and takes a seat outside of the ring on the steel steps and waits for the match to begin.

The sound of guitars echo through the arena as “Been Away for too Long” By Soundgarden plays through the arena. The lights are dimmed and multicolor spotlights spin throughout the crowd. The crowd gets up to their feet in a mixture of cheers and boos as the spotlights all merge together turning white in the middle of the stage. There in the spotlight is the one and only “De Cajun Sensation” Tobias Devereux.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making his way to the ring, from New Orleans, Louisana, weighing in at 260lbs…. Tobias DEVEREUX!’

Tobias is dressed in his trademark black tights, trench, and fedora. Tobias is making his way down the ramp talking junk to the fans as he does so. Tobias slides under the bottom rope into the ring popping up to his feet. Tobias jumps up onto the middle rope in one of the corners and takes off his hat and coat tossing them down to a stage hand before jumping off and waiting in the corner for the bell.

With both competitors in the ring, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the first match of Sunday Night Showdown #110 to get started! Devereux and Diamond Legend slowly circle around the middle of the ring, before Devereux steps forward and lands a big right hand to the face of Legend. Devereux lands a few more punches, before grabbing Legend by the arm and sending him into the ring ropes. Legend bounces back into the middle of the ring, and manages to counter with a high running knee to the face of his opponent!

Devereux quickly gets back up to his feet and takes down Legend with a side head lock takedown. Diamond Legend quickly frees himself with a head scissors and rises quickly back up to his feet. Devereux comes out of the ropes and looks for a clothesline on his opponent, but Legend ducks under the arm of his opponent before taking him down to the mat with a back suplex!

Devereux rolls back up to his feet holding his neck in pain, and is quickly grabbed by the arm by Diamond Legend. The youngster sends Devereux hard into the corner of the ring, before cockily taunting to the fans. The fans boo loudly for Legend, who then runs at Devereux looking for a splash in the corner, only for Devereux to dive out of the way! Diamond Legend staggers back out of the corner of the ring, giving Tobias Devereux to land a ‘Cajun Cutter’ onto his opponent! There is a mixed reaction from the crowd for the big move from the ‘Cajun Sensation’, as Devereux makes the cover.




Diamond Legend gets a shoulder up to the surprise of his opponent. Tobias Devereux lands some stiff punches to the face of his opponent before dragging Legend to his feet by his hair. Tobias Devereux grabs hold of Diamond Legend by the head and punishes him with some stiff knees into the midsection. Diamond Legend doubles over in pain, but as he does Devereux takes advantage with a big head butt to the back of Legend’s head! With Diamond Legend down on the mat, Devereux bounces into the ring ropes before landing a running elbow drop onto his opponent!

There is another mixed reaction directed at Tobias Devereux, the man who cost Roscoe Shame a place in the #1 contendership match last week, as he rises up to his feet. Devereux taunts Diamond Legend to get to his feet, and stands in wait for the youngster to slowly stagger up. Devereux grabs hold of Legend and positions him for the ‘Cajun Driver’ but out no where Diamond Legend is able to counter with a go behind on Devereux before nailing a German suplex!

Devereux looks surprised as he gets quickly back up to his feet, only for Diamond Legend to land a kick to the midsection followed by an inverted DDT! With Devereux down on the mat, Diamond Legend grabs hold of the legs of his opponent and taunts to the fans! The fans rise to their feet as Diamond Legend locks Devereux in the figure four leg lock in the middle of the ring!

Devereux shouts out in pain as he desperately reaches out for the bottom rope! The referee asks Devereux if he wants to submit, and the ‘Cajun Sensation’ bravely shakes his head and reaches out for the bottom rope again! There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Devereux finally manages to grab hold of the bottom rope and the referee calls for a rope break! Diamond Legend reluctantly breaks the hold on his opponent, but immediately goes for the cover sensing that the figure four leg lock has taken a lot out of his opponent.




Tobias Devereux gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Diamond Legend punches the mat in frustration as he rises back up to his feet and begins to argue with the referee. However as Diamond Legend argues, he doesn’t notice as Devereux slowly begins to rise up behind him and lands a low blow on Diamond Legend!

Devereux takes advantage of the low blow by spinning around Diamond Legend and landing the ‘Devereux Deverstation Mach 2’ on Legend! There is a mixed reaction from the crowd, but before Tobias Devereux can roll over and make the cover on his opponent, the crowd pop as former sVo Champion Roscoe Shame makes his way down the entrance ramp with a steel chair in hand!

Devereux locks eyes with Roscoe Shame who has an angry look on his face, and is seemingly looking for more revenge after being taken out of the #1 contendership match last week on Sunday Night Showdown #109! Devereux looks like he doesn’t want any part of Roscoe Shame right now as he rolls out of the ring! Shame chases after Devereux as he hurdles the security barrier and makes his way through the crowd!

Shame makes his way through the crowd as well after Devereux, but as he does Diamond Legend begins to rise to his feet in the ring. With Devereux out of the ring, the fans boo loudly as the referee counts out the ‘Cajun Sensation’, before raising the hand of Diamond Legend in the air in victory!

Diamond Legend riles up the fans even more as he celebrates in the middle of the ring as if he has just won the sVo Championship as his music hits the sound system!

Natasha Ortiz: ‘The Winner of the match as a result of a countout… DIAMOND LEGEND!’


With Diamond Legend getting booed loudly in the ring, the brash young superstars calls for the microphone from Natasha Ortiz and prepares to address the hostile crowd! The crowd try to drown out Legend’s words with boos, but Diamond Legend continues to speak regardless.

Diamond Legend ‘What a surprise, it’s time for Sunday Night Showdown and there is no sign of Rose Finnegan or Logan Black!’

More boos from the crowd as the highlights from last week where Diamond Legend defeated Rose Finnegan in singles action by submission after attacking her the week before.

Diamond Legend ‘Truth be told, Finnegan and Black are both against me! Finnegan, don’t bother coming back to the sVo if your leg ever heals up. Stay at home where you belong!’

There are once again big boos for Diamond Legend as the cocky superstar laughs loudly as his own joke before making his way out of the ring and back up the entrance ramp.

Goodfellas Casino

The scene cuts to inside the Goodfellas Casino where the gambers in the casino seem alarmed by the sight of a steel chair carrying Roscoe Shame walking in and out of the roulette tables.

Roscoe Shame: ‘Devereux, where are you?’

Shame seems animated as he holds the steel chair up as if he is ready to strike at any time. Everyone in the casino seems keen to get out of Shame’s way as he continues to search for his former friend Tobias Devereux.

Roscoe Shame: ‘Devereux, get the hell out here! I know you are hiding from me, fight me like a real man!’

Shame throws the steel chair down on the floor in frustration as he spins around slowly, looking for Tobias Devereux in every direction. However the ‘Cajun Sensation’ seems to be nowhere to be seen.

With Shame not being able to find the man who cost him the chance to become #1 contender last week, will Roscoe Shame be able to extract some revenge on Tobias Devereux tonight?


The cameras head to the Company locker room where Harry Black is preparing for his match up later tonight against the giant Pat Fullam in singles action. Black, who has been on a losing streak of late looks as if he is in a confident mood despite being on a long losing run as of late. Black’s preparations are interrupted as the door slowly opens and in walks the leader of the Company and the President of the sVo, Amy Page.

Amy Page: ‘All set for the big match up against Fullam tonight?’

Black slowly nods his head as he looks up at the blonde bombshell.

Harry Black: ‘Pat Fullam might be a giant, but the bigger they are then the harder they fall. I won’t let Pat Fullam get away with chokeslamming you two weeks ago. I will get revenge for you tonight Amy.’

Amy slowly rubs the back of her neck as if remembering the massive chokeslam that she took from Pat Fullam only a few weeks ago. However Page’s mood soon turns serious.

Amy Page: ‘Just see that you do. Remember what I said to you? We can’t have losers in the Company. You have been here since we restarted, it would be a real shame if things had to come to an end.’

Black stares back up at Amy Page, a look of fear in his eyes.

Amy Page: ‘I’m sure you will manage to get the job done tonight though.’

Amy gives Harry Black a reassuring pat on the shoulder before exiting the locker room, however the young Brit looks nervous as he carries on getting ready. Will Harry Black be out of the Company if he loses tonight against the gigantic Pat Fullam?

Simon Starr vs. Scott Washington
Officiated by Hector Arenda

‘Man in the Box’ by the Alice In Chains hits and there is a small cheer from the crowd as the powerhouse Simon Starr walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp! The older Starr brother signals to both sides of the crowd before quickly making his way down the entrance ramp and diving head first into the ring.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Entering the ring from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and weighting in at 235lbs…. Simon STARR!!’

There is a cheer from the crowd for the announcement of Simon Starr as he continues to pose for the crowd whilst waiting for his opponent.There is a loud explosion of fireworks and a bright flash over the entrance ramp as ‘Boom’ by Royce Da 5’9″ begins to pound around the arena as the lights slowly lower. As strobe lighting begins to flash over the fans, pyros shoot out from either side of the entrance stage as the energetic Scott Washington steps out from behind the curtain. The fans boo as the ‘Golden State Warrior’ poses on the top of the entrance ramp with his Tag Team Championship belt before running down towards the ring and sliding in under the bottom rope.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making his way to the ring, from Oakland, California, he weights in at 260lbs…… he is one half of the sVo Tag Team Champions… The O-Town Outlaw… Scott WASHINGTON!!’

Washington slowly makes his way to the nearest turnbuckle and raises a fist in the air as a golden pyro begins to shoot down from the top of the arena.

With both competitors in the ring, Simon Starr looks pumped up to get some revenge for his younger brother Darren Starr who was attacked by Scott Washington’s Tag Team Championship partner CJ Dreamer! The referee calls for the bell and both men slowly circle around each other before tying up in the middle of the ring. Starr tries to push Washington backwards, but Washington uses his size to push back against his opponent before twisting around into a wrist lock. Starr tries to twist and turn out of the hold from his opponent, but Washington manages to take down his opponent with a wrist lock takedown. With Starr down on the mat, Washington lands some stiff punches to the head of his opponent.

Starr quickly rises back up to his feet and comes out fighting with some big right hands in the direction of the Tag Team Champion. The fans cheer Starr on as he manages to punch Washington into the corner of the ring before nailing him with some big knees into the midsection. The fans carry on cheering Starr, however Washington quickly grabs hold of both of Starr’s legs and drops him head first onto the turnbuckle!

Simon Starr staggers backwards holding his face, and Washington takes advantage by grabbing hold of his opponent from behind and landing a back breaker. With Starr down on the mat, Washington goes for an early cover on his opponent.



Simon Starr gets a shoulder off of the mat before the count of three.

Washington grabs hold of Starr by the hair and pulls him to his feet before sending him into the ring ropes. However the fans pop as Starr bounces back out of the ropes and lands a clothesline on Washington! Washington quickly gets back to his feet, but Simon Starr sends him straight back down with a scoop slams before bouncing into the ropes. With Washington down in the middle of the ring Simon Starr manages to land a diving forearm to the face of his opponent.

The momentum seems to be with Starr as he rises up to his feet and gets a big cheer from the fans. Starr stands in wait for Washington to get to his feet, and as he does the Tag Team Champion throws a big right hand in the direction of his opponent. Starr sees the punch coming and manages to duck under the arm of his opponent before taking Washington back down to the mat with a back suplex! With Washington down on the mat and hurting, Simon Starr makes the cover!




Just as it looked that Simon Starr was going to pick up a surprise win over the Tag Team Champion, Washington manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat! Simon Starr looks dissappointed at only getting a two count as he drags Washington back to his feet. Simon Starr lands some big right hands to the face of the ‘O-Town Outlaw’ before grabbing him by the arm and trying to send him into the corner of the ring. However Washington seems to see the move coming as he reverses and pulls Starr back towards him before clotheslining him down to his feet.

The crowd boo Scott Washington as he lands some big stomps on Simon Starr as he tries to get to his feet. Simon Starr runs at Scott Washington , but Washington grabs him and sends him down to the mat with an overhead belly to back suplex in the middle of the ring. Starr struggles to his feet holding his back in pain, and Washington quickly follows up with a waist lock takedown into a knee bar submission hold.

Simon Starr looks in pain as Washington tries to disable the leg of his opponent. The referee asks Starr if he wants to quit, but he quickly shakes his head and claws himself nearer and nearer to the ropes. Washington desperatly puts more pressure on the knee of his opponent to try and force the submission, but before he has to tap Simon Starr is able to make it to the ropes!

The referee calls for the submission hold to be broken, and the fans boo the Company member Washington as he takes the full five count before releasing Simon Starr from the hold! Simon Starr limps up to his feet holding his knee in pain, but Washington goes straight back to work on the leg of his opponent by bouncing into the ropes and then landing a chop block to the knee of his opponent.

Starr lays on the mat in pain, as Washington grabs hold of his opponent leg before landing a stiff elbow drop onto the inside of his knee. With Starr hurting, Washington rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd who respond by booing loudly.

Washington taunts Simon Starr to get to his feet, but as he does Washington grabs hold of both of his arms and slams him down with a full nelson slam in the middle of the ring! It looks like the lights are out for Simon Starr as Scott Washington makes the cover!




Scott Washington looks surprised as Simon Starr shows what guts he has by getting a shoulder up off of the mat! Everyone in the arena though that it was all over right there, but Starr kicked out! Scott Washington rises back up to his feet and taunts to the fans that he is ready to end things as he waits for Starr to get back to his feet! Starr slowly staggers up, but as Washington looks for the ‘Payday’, Starr is able to dodge out of the way! The fans cheer as Simon Starr lands a back-stabber on Washington to send him down.

Starr takes out some frustration on Washington with some stiff kicks and punches as Washington tries to get to his feet before sending him into the ropes. Washington bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Starr sends him down to the mat with a scoop slam! Simon Starr taunts to the fans before grabbing Washington by the head and pulling him up to his feet, but as he does Washington suddenly jumps forward and locks in the ‘Conviction’ on Simon Starr!

The fans boo the submission hold from Washington as he tightens his grip on Simon Starr, who desperately tries to see if he can make it to the ropes.


Starr quickly realises that he has no where to go and taps out under the pain of the submission hold! The crowd boo loudly as Washington keeps the submission hold locked on for a few more seconds after the bell, before rising up to his feet and getting his hand raised in the air in victory by the referee!

Natasha Ortiz: ‘The winner of the match by submission… The O-Town Outlaw… Scott WASHINGTON!!’


With Washington having his hand raised in victory in the middle of the ring, the fans boo even louder as Disturbed’s ‘Stricken’ hits the sound system and CJ Dreamer appears at the top of the entrance ramp with his Tag Team Championship belt over his shoulder!

Dreamer makes his way down towards the ring as Simon Starr tries to struggle back up to a standing position. Washington grabs hold of Starr from behind and holds his opponent in place, as Dreamer rolls into the ring before nailing Starr in the face with the Tag Team Championship belt, just as he had done earlier to his brother Darren Starr!

With Simon Starr down on the mat in the middle of the ring, Washington taunts him to get up and fight as CJ Dreamer gets a microphone from ringside.

CJ Dreamer: ‘Darren Starr, Simon Starr… let tonight be a lesson to you and any other tag team in the sVo. The only way you are getting these Tag Team Championship belts is by getting smashed in the face with them!’

The crowd boo loudly as Dreamer and Washington of the Company stand over the downed body of Simon Starr and hold the title belts high in the air.


The camera cuts backstage where the current sVo Champion William Vorheez is standing by with Sasha Shay in the interview area against an sVo logo backdrop. Vorheez has the sVo Championship belt over his shoulders and stands tall over the pretty young interviewer.

Sasha Shay: ‘Well I stand here with William Vorheez the sVo Champion, and William, a lot of the sVo fans are surprised at the fact that you have agreed to fight not just one man at the Deadly Habits PPV but two with your title on the line!’

Vorheez takes a long look at the title belt on his shoulder before answering the question.

William Vorheez: ‘The fact that people are surprised is exactly why I have agreed to fight All-Star and Fullam in a triple threat match at Deadly Habits! I didn’t get to the top of the sVo from ducking out of matches and having things all my own way. I worked my way to the top and fought off everyone that stood in my way. Now I am here I am ready to prove myself as the greatest sVo Champion of all time!!’

Sasha Shay: ‘That will be some feat considering the men that have held that title belt before you. But with a triple threat not favouring the champion as you don’t even have to be involved in the decision to lose your title belt, are you confident of getting the win?’

William Vorheez: ‘Did you not hear what I just said? I am confident that I am the greatest sVo Champion of all time, it is going to take a lot more than Johnny All-Star or Pat Fullam to stop me.’

Sasha Shay: ‘And what did Amy Page think of the match? She looked quite surprised with you accepting the challenger earlier this evening…’

William Vorheez: ‘This match is going to make Amy Page a lot of money and by the end of the night I will still be the sVo Champion. For her it’s win win. Fullam or All-Star haven’t got what it takes to beat me for this. As a matter of fact I will prove that later tonight against Johnny All-Star in one on one action.’

Vorheez holds up the sVo Championship belt before exiting the interview area leaving Sasha Shay standing with the mic in her hand.

Sasha Shay: ‘There you have it, William Vorheez vs. Johnny All-Star later tonight on Sunday Night Showdown!’

Pat Fullam vs. Harry Black
Officiated by Nick Jaxx

The drums of “Paint it Black” by the Rolling Stones begin to vibrate the arena as the lights quickly dim. Smoke begins to rise from the top of the entrance ramp as Harry Black slowly steps out from behind the curtain and is greeted with a chorus of boos from the crowd. Black’s blue eyes pierce through the smoke as he glares out at the booing crowd with a snarl on his face as he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Representing the Company, from London, England he weights in at 225lbs…… HARRY BLACK!!’

Black shows no respect to the crowd as he rolls under the bottom rope and doesn’t even acknowledge them as he begins to bounce into the ring ropes to prepare himself for the forthcoming match.

The arena goes black and the tron flickers on. In icy blue writing the words,

Lo as I walk through the valley of shadow and death
I fear no evil…
For I am the biggest and baddest guy around.

“Meet The Monster” by Five Finger Death Punch starts to play over the sound system. The writing on the tron fades away as blue sparks flare out on the stage. As the sparks die down the one and only “The Coolness” Pat Fullam comes out on stage. The tron flickers to life once again with clips of all of the 7’2″ giant’s time in the ring throughout the various federations he’s been in.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making his way to the ring, from Jamestown New York, weighing in at 320lbs…. Pat FULLAM!’

He tosses up the metal head salute as he begins to walk down to the ring to the beat of “Rebirth of Slick.” Making it to the ring he reaches up and grabs the top rope, pulling himself up onto the apron and stepping over the top rope. He swaggers to the center of the ring and tosses his hair back before giving one final metal head salute as the music fades.

As the referee calls for the bell to be rung, Harry Black looks dwarfed by his massive opponent as he stands across from Pat Fullam knowing that he has to win tonight to stay in the Company! Harry Black quickly rushes at Fullam and begins to lay into him with some stiff right hands, before Fullam quickly grabs him with both hands around the throat and throws him into the corner of the ring.

Fullam opens up on Harry Black with some massive right hands in the corner of the ring. Black can’t manage to cover up in the corner, and Pat Fullam grabs hold of him by the arm and sends him corner to corner. Harry Black hits the corner of the ring hard, but as Fullam tries to follow up with a big splash in the corner, Harry Black dives out of the way! Fullam hits the turnbuckle hard, and Harry Black rolls up him with a school boy looking for a shock victory!




Pat Fullam manages to get his shoulders up off of the mat! Harry Black looks disheartned that Pat Fullam managed to kick out, as he lays into him with big punches to the back as the giant gets to his feet. Harry Black bounces into the ring ropes and runs back at Fullam, but Fullam tosses Harry Black up into the air with a big back body drop!

The fans cheer the huge move from Pat Fullam, who quickly follows up with a big boot to the face as Harry Black gets back up to his feet! Pat Fullam taunts to the fans, before shouting at Harry Black to get to his feet. Black slowly staggers up, but the #1 contender for the sVo Championship Pat Fullam sends down the Company member Harry Black with a side walk slam! With Harry Black down, Pat Fullam makes the cover on his opponent with a lateral press.




Black shows just how much his spot in the Company means to him by getting a shoulder up off of the mat despite the huge offence from the monster Pat Fullam! Fullam looks surprised that his opponent managed to kick out, as he uses the ring ropes to pull himself back up to a standing position. Pat Fullam grabs hold of Harry Black by his hair and slams him face first into the turnbuckle! Harry Black stumbles out holding his face in pain, and straight into the arms of Fullam! Fullam throws Harry Black down to the mat hard with a spinebuster in the middle of the ring!

However instead of making the cover on his opponent, Pat Fullam rises up to his feet and looks like he wants to inflict even more suffering on the Company man before ending the match! Pat Fullam stands over Harry Black as the Englishman tries to pull himself up to his feet. Pat Fullam lands a big knee to the midsection of Black to double him over, before stepping over his opponent and lifting him into the air, before slamming him down with a massive powerbomb in the middle of the ring!

That massive powerbomb could have broken the back of Harry Black, but Fullam taunts to the fans, before grabbing hold of Black by the throat and lifting him clean off of the mat! Fullam lifts Black into the air, before delivering a monstrous chokeslam in the middle of the ring! With Harry Black broken in half, Pat Fullam seems to be sending a message to his fellow Company member William Vorheez as he finally makes the cover on Harry Black!




It’s all over, and if Pat Fullam manages to land a massive chokeslam like that on William Vorheez or Johnny All-Star at Deadly Habits then he will be the new sVo Champion! Fullam slowly rises up to a standing position and throws his arms in the air in celebration at his victory.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘The winner of the match by pinfall, ‘The Coolness’ Pat FULLAM!’

The crowd cheer loudly for Fullam as he celebrates with the fans, before stepping clean over the top rope and making his way to the back, leaving Harry Black a broken man in the middle of the ring.


With Pat Fullam making his way to the back, the crowd begin to silence as Harry Black slowly begins to come around in the middle of the ring. Harry Black uses the ring ropes to pull himself up to a standing position in the ring, but as he does there are boos from the crowd as ‘Paint it Black’ by the Rolling Stones hits the sound system and the Company entrance video plays on the giant screen in the Goodfellas Casino Arena!

Harry Black stares up at the entrance ramp as Amy Page slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp with the sVo Tag Team Champions either side of her! Page, Washington and Dreamer slowly begin to walk down the entrance ramp, there eyes fixed on Harry Black in the middle of the ring!

Harry Black pleads with his fellow Company members as they reach the ring, but Amy Page sends Washington and Dreamer into the ring! Black tries to back away from the Tag Team Champions, but Dreamer and Washington knock Black down to the mat and begin to stomp away on him, with Amy Page following through on her promise that Harry Black was out of the Company if he didn’t put an end to his losing streak!

The crowd boo loudly as Amy Page seems to enjoy watching the Tag Team Champions stomp away on Harry Black in the middle of the ring, but suddenly there is a roar from the fans as ‘The Coolness’ Pat Fullam comes running back down the entrance ramp! Amy Page quickly runs away from Fullam, and the Tag Team Champions bail out of the ring as well wanting no part of Pat Fullam!

Fullam slides into the ring and puts himself between the Company and the former member Harry Black, as Amy Page and the Tag Team Champions quickly make their way back up the entrance ramp!

With the Company at the top of the stage, Amy Page quickly gets on the mic as Pat Fullam helps Harry Black up to his feet, the man he just defeated.

Amy Page: ‘Harry, I told you that if you couldn’t get the job done then you were out of the Company! The Company doesn’t have space for losers such as yourself! If your such good friends with Pat Fullam, then I don’t think that the sVo has space for you on the roster either! Harry Black, get the hell out of my ring because you’re fired!!’

The crowd boo loudly as the Company smirk at the top of the entrance ramp whilst Harry Black, the Brit who’s life long dream was to make it big in the wrestling business looks distraught in the middle of the ring as Sunday Night Showdown heads to a commercial break!

The sVo Presents Deadly Habits 2013
Live from the Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
Featuring Matt Fuller vs. Nathan Judge!
21st July 2013


As Sunday Night Showdown returns from the commercial break it heads straight backstage to the interview area where Elena Cruz is standing by with Johnny All-Star! The home town hero gets a huge reaction from the fans in the Goodfellas Arena who are watching the action from the giant screen from inside the arena.

Elena Cruz: ‘Last week you were involved in a massive main event where you faced Pat Fullam and Tobias Devereux with the #1 contendership for the sVo Championship on the line. In a controversial ending both yourself and Pat Fullam pinned Tobias Devereux and were declared winners by two different referees. Are you surprised that William Vorheez has given both of you the opportunity to fight for the sVo Championship in a triple threat match at the Deadly Habits PPV?’

All-Star pauses, as if he is thinking about the question and soaking up the reaction from the fans at the same time.

Johnny All-Star: ‘Quite frankly I am surprised by Vorheez. I thought for sure that Amy Page was about to pull something out of the bag earlier tonight, only for Vorheez to announce that he wanted to fight both myself and Fullam. Regardless of that pleasant surprise, he might as well have left Fullam out of the match because there is no way that giant waste of talent is walking out of Deadly Habits with the belt. In front of all these fans here in the greatest city in the world, I will become sVo Champion for the first time at the Deadly Habits PPV!’

There is another huge cheer from the fans for the home town hero.

Elena Cruz: ‘Well tonight you have a one on one match against the sVo Champion William Vorheez. Are you at all worried that the Company might get involved in the match to try and swing the match in the favour of the Champion?’

All-Star nods his head but laughs off the suggestion.

Johnny All-Star: ‘Well from what just saw the Company is one man down. I promise Amy Page that they will be another man down if anyone else tries to get involved tonight, because they will be on their way to Spring Valley hospital with a serious case of ‘justgotmyasskicked-itus!’

The crowd cheer for Johnny All-Star as he stares into the camera in a warning to the Company as the scene fades out.

Nathan Judge & JVD vs. Matt Fuller & Joshua Curtis
Officiated by Hector Arenda

There are boos in the arena as ‘JVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as James Von Drake walks out onto the top of the entrance stage.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring from Atlantic City, New Jersey , he weights in at 230lbs……James Von DRAKE!!’

JVD signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. JVD holds his arms in the air in the middle of the ring as he soaks up the reaction from the crowd.’Night Crawler’ by Judas Priest hits the sound system and there are boos in the arena as Nathan Judge slowly emerges from the backstage area onto the top of the entrance ramp. Nathan Judge doesn’t look too happy with the reception he is receiving from the Vegas crowd as he stares out at the sea of people before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making their way to the ring, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 240lbs…. Nathan JUDGE!’

Judge slowly climbs into the ring between the ropes before walking around the perimeter and staring out at the crowd. The crowd continue to boo Nathan Judge as he stands tall in the ring looking ready for the match to begin.”Move” by Thousand Foot Krutch hits the sound system and there is a big cheer from the crowd as a pyro explodes above the entrance stage. After a few seconds Matt Fuller walks through the smoke created by the pyro and holds his sVo Las Vegas Championship belt up in the air to signal to the crowd.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making his way to the ring, from Erie, Pennsyvania, he weights in at 253lbs…… he is the sVo LAS VEGAS CHAMPION! MATT FULLER!!’

Fuller waves to the crowd for a few seconds before sprinting a full speed down the entrance ramp and diving head first into the ring. Fuller rolls up to his feet before jumping to the second rope of the furthers away turnbuckle in one fluid motion, holding his arm in the air to signal to the crowd. Fuller jumps down off of the turnbuckle and shadow boxes in the corner of the ring as he warms up for his match.As ‘Desert Apple’ plays over the sound system, ‘the Heavenly Warrior’ Joshua Curtis walks out from behind the curtain and bows to the audience.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan and weighting in at 215lbs…. He is the Heavenly Warrior…. Joshua CURTIS!!’

Curtis walks down the ramp and around the ring, meeting with some of the fans before stopping at one fan in particular and producing a rose for them and giving the lucky lady a kiss on the cheek. Curtis then rolls into the ring and prepares to do battle.With all four men in the ring, the referee calls for the bell to be rung with Matt Fuller and Nathan Judge getting the match started for their teams!

Judge and Fuller circle around each other in the middle of the ring, before the two men that will fight for the sVo Las Vegas Championship dive forward and tie up in the middle of the ring. Nathan Judge uses his strength to push back the Las Vegas Champion, but Fuller manages to cut his opponent off with a knee to the midsection before taking him to the mat with a snapmare. With Judge in a sitting position in the middle of the ring, the fans cheer as Fuller bounces into the ring ropes before landing a diving dropkick into the face of his opponent!

Nathan Judge holds his face in pain as he rises up to his feet, only for Fuller to land a knee to the midsection of his opponent before sending him into the ropes. Judge bounces back into the middle of the ring and Fuller takes him down with a powerslam before making the tag out to Joshua Curtis! There is a big cheer from the fans as the Heavenly Warrior makes his way straight to the top rope! Nathan Judge slowly staggers up to his feet in the middle of the ring, but as he turns around Curtis flies from the top rope and lands a cross body on Judge before making the cover!




James Von Drake is quickly into the ring to help out his partner and break up the cover before the three can be counted. The referee warns JVD that he isn’t the legal man as he makes his way back to the corner of the ring, whilst Curtis and Judge rise to their feet in the middle of the ring. Curtis lands some stiff chops across the chest of his opponent, before grabbing Judge by the arm and sending him into the ropes.

Nathan Judge bounces back into the middle of the ring and as Curtis looks for a back drop he is able to counter with a spinning neckbreaker. The impressive move gets boos from the crowd, as Nathan Judge follows up with a spinebuster in the middle of the ring as Curtis gets to his feet. With Curtis down on the mat, Judge makes the tag out to James Von Drake.

There are loud cheers for the former Las Vegas Champion as JVD climbs into the ring and begins to stomp away on the man that he has attacked multiple times in recent weeks after apparently taking issue with Joshua Curtis’ nickname of ‘the Heavenly Warrior’. JVD pulls Curtis up to his feet in the middle of the ring, before landing a snap suplex with a float over into a cover.




Curtis gets a shoulder up to cheers from the crowd. JVD looks angry with his opponent as he lands some big punches to the face of the Heavenly Warrior before dragging him to his feet by his hair. James Von Drake sends Curtis into the corner of the ring, before following up with a clothesline in the corner. As Curtis stumbles out of the corner, he tries a desperation spinning heel kick on JVD, but JVD manages to catch the foot of his opponent. Curtis hops on one foot as James Von Drake trash talks him, before Curtis suddenly nails a enzuguri out of no where to send JVD to the mat!

With both men on the mat, Judge and Fuller desperately reach their hands out for the tag from their corners!

JVD and Curtis slowly crawl across to their corners, and make the tag at the same time to big cheers from the crowd! Fuller and Judge both jump into the ring and meet with huge rights and lefts in the middle of the ring! Fuller gets the upper hand with some huge right hands on his opponent before taking him down with a belly to belly suplex in the middle of the ring! Nathan Judge quickly gets to his feet, but Fuller sends him into the ring ropes before sending him down with a drop toe hold. With Judge on the mat, Fuller jumps into the ropes and lands a springboard leg drop onto his opponent! With Judge down, the sVo Las Vegas Champion makes the cover on his opponent!



A groggy JVD manages to break up the count again! The referee once again warns James Von Drake, but as he does Matt Fuller makes the tag out to Joshua Curtis! With the referee still arguing with JVD, the fans pop as Joshua Curtis gets into the ring and quickly nails the ‘Beheading’ on Nathan Judge! Joshua Curtis flips Nathan Judge over and makes the cover, it must surely be all over here?


The referee hasn’t seen the tag between Curtis and Fuller after the distraction from JVD and refuses to count the cover! The referee orders Joshua Curtis back to the corner of the ring as the fans boo loudly. With the referee’s back turned, there are even more boos as JVD and Nathan Judge take advantage of the situation as JVD jumps into the ring and lands a low blow on an unsuspecting Matt Fuller! Fuller stumbles forward, straight into a ‘Judgement Day’ from Nathan Judge into the cover!



JVD cuts off Joshua Curtis before he can break up the cover!


It’s all over and it is Nathan Judge and James Von Drake who pick up the victory over the Heavenly Warrior and the sVo Las Vegas Champion!

Natasha Ortiz ‘The winners of this match as a result of a pinfall, the team of Nathan JUDGE and James VON DRAKE!!’

Curtis and Fuller look enraged with the referee for not seeing the tag that would have surely changed the course of the match, as Judge and JVD back up the entrance ramp with their arms in the air in victory after competing like a well oiled team and picking up the victory over their Deadly Habits PPV opponents!


After the big tag team victory for Nathan Judge and James Von Drake the action cuts backstage where William Vorheez is standing by for the main event match against Johnny All-Star. Vorheez looks focused on the task at hand as Amy Page stands watching the Champion.

Amy Page: ‘You don’t have to compete in this match you know? Save yourself for the PPV and we will throw someone else up against All-Star to wear him out.’

Vorheez looks serious as he stares at Amy Page and shakes his head.

William Vorheez: ‘I mean what I said earlier. I want to get this done and prove I am the best in the business right now. All-Star is one of my main challengers, I am going to prove that he is nothing compared to me in front of all these people that cheer him so loudly.’

There are loud boos from the crowd directed at the sVo Champion for his words about the home town hero.

Amy Page: ‘Let’s at least sort out some kind of game plan. Let’s get All-Star out of the picture tonight!’

Vorheez spins around and looks Amy Page dead in the eye.

William Vorheez: ‘No! Tonight I need to do this on my own just like I need to do it at Deadly Habits on my own. I don’t want any interference from anyone else in the Company tonght!’

Amy Page looks shocked at the reaction from the sVo Champion as Vorheez makes his way away from the scene and towards the ring for his main event match against Johnny All-Star which is only moments away. With Vorheez determined to prove himself, has Amy Page lost control of her main asset in the Company?


In a pre-recorded segment, the camera switches to inside a ward in the local Spring Valley hospital where sVo star Rose Finnegan is laying on a hospital bed with her leg in plaster. Sitting in a chair next to her is her tag team partner Logan Black, who himself has a black eye and plenty of bumps and bruisers. Hovering around the two and getting plenty of dirty looks from the medical staff is sVo reporter Charlotte Jason who has a camera crew in tow.

Charlotte Jason: ‘Well I am here today in behalf of all of the sVo fans who are concerned to see how you are doing after last week Rose.’

Finnegan looks down at her leg is in plaster, before glancing across at her tag team partner Logan Black. Black looks furious, obviously still sore over the events of last week.

Rose Finnegan: ‘The doctors have done there thing, but Diamond Legend left my leg in a pretty bad way last week when he kept that submission move hooked in long after I tapped out. I’m afraid i’m going to be out of action for quite some time.’

The mood is sombre in the room as Rose Finnegan looks gutted at the prospect of spending time on the sidelines.

Charlotte Jason: ‘And Logan, obviously you couldn’t come to the aid of your partner when Diamond Legend had her in the figure four last week after being attacked in your locker room. I’m guessing your working off of the assumption that it was Diamond Legend who attacked you?’

Black looks furious as he nods his head and seems to be reliving the events of last week in his head.

Logan Black: ‘Damn straight that’s the assumption we are working off. Diamond Legend sucker punched me from behind like the coward he is and then tried to break the leg of Rose all because she refused a date with him. What kind of sick and twisted individual would do this?’

Jason looks at a loss for words at the unexpected question thrown at her.

Logan Black: ‘Diamond Legend thinks he is some sort of big shot because he goes around attacking people from behind and bullying women? Well let’s see if he has the testicular fortitude to show up and face me at the Deadly Habits PPV? He wants to hit people with weapons and use illegal moves? Fine! Let me show him just what sort of sick and twisted individual I can be in a No Holds barred match!’

Logan Black stares straight down the camera lens, as if he is sending the message straight to Diamond Legend.

Charlotte Jason: ‘And there you have it! The challenge has been thrown down to Diamond Legend at the Deadly Habits PPV in two weeks time! Will Diamond Legend accept this no holds barred encounter! This is Charlotte Jason signing off from Spring Valley Hospital!’

William Vorheez vs. Johnny All-Star
Officiated by Nick Jaxx

“Hillbilly Joke” by Hank 3 hits as the lights flicker red and white and the arena erupts with a chorus of boos. After a few seconds the man himself appears at the top of the entrance ramp, as William Vorheez walks through the curtain with his long cloak on and the sVo Championship over his shoulder. As Vorheez marches towards the ring he is greeted with a wall of noise from the crowd. Vorheez climbs into the ring over the top rope and raises his arms up high.

Natasha Ortiz ‘In the ring, from Tampa, Florida, he weights in at 245lbs…. he is the sVo CHAMPION!!! William VORHEEZ!!’

Ignoring the boos, William Vorheez takes off his black cloak and tosses it down to the floor as the music slowly fades and the lights come up.’Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis hits the sound system and the crowd pop as the ‘Welcome to Las Vegas’ sign appears on the giant screen and pyros shoot up from both sides of the entrance ramp. After a few seconds the man himself, Johnny All-Star steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throws his arms in the air. All-Star makes his way through the pyros down towards the ring.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making his way to the ring, from LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, weighing in at 220lbs…. Johnny ALL-STAR!’

All-Star salutes to the fans that cheer his name as he climbs into the ring and jumps to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle. All-Star throws his arms in the air and gets even more cheers from his hometown fans.

With Vorheez and All-Star in the ring the fans are firmly behind the home town hero as the referee calls for the bell and for the main event of the evening to get started!

The two men who will lock up for the sVo Championship in a triple threat match at the Deadly Habits PPV trash talk each other in the middle of the ring as the anticipation grows at ringside. Finally Vorheez brings the war of words to an end with a stiff right hand to Johnny All-Star, who fires back with some big punches of his own! The fans cheer as All-Star forces Vorheez up against the ring ropes with his big punches, before bouncing into the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. All-Star runs back at Vorheez looking to clothesline the sVo Champion over the top rope, but Vorheez counters with a back drop to send All-Star to the outside!

Vorheez quickly drops down and rolls out of the ring as the senior referee Nick Jaxx barks at both men to take it back into the ring. However the sVo Champion doesn’t look like he wants to listen to the official as he grabs hold of All-Star by the arm as he gets to his feet and irish whips him hard into the steel ring steps! The fans boo as All-Star lays on the floor in pain at the impact with the steel steps! Vorheez follows up with some big stomps on the #1 contender as he tries to get to his feet.

All-Star fights back with some big rights and lefts, but Vorheez quickly cuts him off with a knee to the midsection before dropping him face first over the announcers table with a snake eyes! The announcers scatter for cover as Vorheez rips out the monitors from the announcers table and pushes All-Star on top of the table! Nick Jaxx again barks at Vorheez to take it back into the ring, but seems reluctant for this match to end in a double count out as Vorheez climbs up onto the table along with All-Star! The fans rise to their feet as All-Star slowly begins to rise to his feet, only for Vorheez to grab hold of him and send him crashing through the announcers table with a spinebuster!

With both men down in the early going, the fans can’t believe what they have just seen as Nick Jaxx the referee checks on both men as they lay in the wreckage of the table! William Vorheez is the first to slowly come around and he stumbles to his feet before dragging All-Star in the direction of the ring. All-Star looks like he could be out cold as Vorheez struggles to lift him up and roll him back into the ring. With All-Star in the ring, Vorheez rolls in himself before making the cover on his opponent.



After being sent crashing through the ropes All-Star doesn’t have enough in him to kick out, but he does have the presence of mind to put a foot on the bottom rope and cause a rope break! The fans cheer loudly for the Las Vegas born All-Star, but Vorheez doesn’t look too impressed as he rises up to his feet. Vorheez shouts at All-Star to get to his feet as he stands in wait for the challenger. Johnny All-Star slowly stumbles up, but as Vorheez runs at him he counters out of no where with a side walk slam!

The fans cheer loudly for the big move from Johnny All-Star, who again has to struggle up to his feet. Vorheez rises up wondering what hit him, as his opponent fires off on him with some giant punches. All-Star backs Vorheez into the corner, and the fans cheer loudly as he climbs onto the second rope and nails ten mounted punches to the face of his opponent!

William Vorheez tries to battle out of the corner, but Johnny All-Star grabs him before falling backwards and landing a DDT out of the corner onto the sVo Champion! With Vorheez being dropped on his head, All-Star makes the cover!




William Vorheez shows just why he is the sVo Champion as he gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Johnny All-Star can’t quite believe it as he was sure he had the match won and was going to gain the edge over Vorheez moving into the Deadly Habits PPV main event! However All-Star goes straight back on the offence as he grabs Vorheez by the hair and pulls the sVo Champion to his feet.

All-Star signals to the crowd, who give him a huge response, before taking Vorheez down to the mat with a big belly to belly suplex! With Vorheez down on the mat, Johnny All-Star rises up to his feet and signals to the crowd again, this time for his finishing move! Vorheez slowly begins to struggle up, and as he does Johnny All-Star runs at him looking for ‘The Touchdown’! However the sVo Champion sees the move coming and neatly side steps it, causing Johnny All-Star to go crashing shoulder first into the steel ring post!

All-Star staggers back from the impact, and as he does Vorheez grabs his opponent and looks for the ‘Wrath of Vorheez’! However All-Star seems to have Vorheez’s finishing move scouted as well as he counters with a back body drop! Vorheez quickly gets back up to his feet and Johnny All-Star throws a right hand, but as he does Vorheez ducks under the arm of All-Star before rolling him up for the cover behind!

With the referee blindsided, Vorheez grabs hold of the tights of his opponent for extra leverage!




Boos ring out around the arena as the referee counts the three and William Vorheez immediately rolls out of the ring! Vorheez hurriedly grabs hold of his sVo Championship belt as All-Star reacts furiously to the referee, gesturing that Vorheez cheated to win!

Vorheez quickly backs up the entrance ramp with the sVo Championship belt in his hand, but despite stating to Amy Page earlier that he wanted to do things on his own and prove he was the best, has he done that having had to resort to cheating to pick up the win?

Natasha Ortiz ‘The winner of the match by pinfall… William VORHEEZ!!’

As Sunday Night Showdown #110 heads off of the air William Vorheez celebrates at the top of the entrance ramp with his sVo Championship belt whilst Johnny All-Star swears revenge from the ring! Can Vorheez keep his belt at Deadly Habits when he faces off against Pat Fullam and Johnny All-Star in the main event? Tune into next weeks Sunday Night Showdown for the last stop before the massive PPV!

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