sVo Roll the Dice 2024 PPV
Presented by the Sanctioned Violence Network
Live on HOTv
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
14th July 2024

The screen fades in with a sweeping aerial shot of the bustling Las Vegas Strip, its lights blazing against the night sky. The camera zooms in on the iconic Goodfellas Casino Arena, packed to the rafters with roaring fans. Pyrotechnics explode around the arena, filling the air with electrifying energy.

Julian Fiasco: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Goodfellas Casino Arena in the heart of Las Vegas! This is the sVo Roll the Dice 2024 Pay-Per-View, and what a night we have in store for you!

Jeremiah Sloan: That’s right, Julian! Not only are we witnessing history as the first sVo event under the newly formed Sanctioned Violence Network, but we have an explosive card lined up that promises to be unforgettable!

The camera cuts to the commentators’ table where Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan are seated, both looking eager and excited.

Julian Fiasco: Tonight, the stakes couldn’t be higher! In our main event, Anthony Moretti will defend his sVo Championship against his half-brother Johnny All Star. But that’s not all, folks—Johnny All Star’s career is also on the line!

Jeremiah Sloan: It’s a match with everything on the line, Julian. If Johnny All Star doesn’t win tonight, his illustrious career in the sVo will come to an end. The tension between these two has been building for months, and it all comes to a head tonight!

The camera transitions to a montage of highlights showcasing Anthony Moretti’s reign as champion and Johnny All Star’s storied career, set to an intense, dramatic soundtrack. The montage ends with a split-screen of Moretti holding the sVo Championship belt and All Star looking determined.

Julian Fiasco: And let’s not forget about the number one contender match for the Las Vegas Championship! Some of the top competitors in the sVo will battle it out for a chance to challenge for the gold. It’s anyone’s game tonight!

Jeremiah Sloan: Plus, we have the intensely personal grudge match between Night and his brother, Nightmare. This sibling rivalry has reached a boiling point, and tonight, they settle it in the ring.

The screen cuts to a shot of the backstage area, showing various wrestlers preparing for their matches, the intensity and focus evident on their faces.

Julian Fiasco: The Sanctioned Violence Network promises to bring the most thrilling, hard-hitting action in professional wrestling, and tonight, sVo sets the bar high. Every match tonight is a must-see, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Jeremiah Sloan: Buckle up, folks! It’s going to be an incredible night of wrestling action. The sVo Roll the Dice 2024 PPV starts right now!

The camera cuts to the entrance ramp as the opening pyro goes off, the crowd erupting in cheers as the show officially begins.

Dripping in Gold

The camera transitions to a shot of the parking lot outside the Goodfellas Casino Arena. A sleek black limousine pulls up, and the crowd buzzes with anticipation. The door opens, and out steps the sVo Champion, Anthony Moretti, followed closely by his Blood Money cohorts—Joe Barone, Nicky Columbo, and Junior Gambino. They are dressed sharply, exuding an air of confidence and swagger befitting their mafia-inspired personas.

Anthony Moretti: (smirking) Tonight’s the night, boys. By the end of it, we’ll all be dripping in gold.

Joe Barone: (cracking his knuckles) Ain’t nobody gonna stop us.

Nicky Columbo: (with a sly grin) The titles are as good as ours.

Junior Gambino: (nodding) It’s our time to shine.

The group makes their way toward the entrance of the arena, the camera following them closely. As they approach the door, they notice Danny Domino standing there, leaning casually against the wall, waiting for them.

Danny Domino: (straightening up) Moretti.

Anthony Moretti: (raising an eyebrow) Domino. What’re you doing here?

Danny Domino: (with a determined look) Waiting for my shot. I told you I’m ready to do whatever it takes to join Blood Money.

Anthony Moretti: (nodding thoughtfully) And you’ve been doing well so far. But tonight’s the real test.

Moretti steps closer to Domino, looking him squarely in the eye.

Anthony Moretti: If you beat Kenneth D Williams tonight, you’re in. Simple as that. But understand this—if you fail, there won’t be another chance.

Danny Domino: (smirking confidently) I won’t fail.

Anthony Moretti: (patting Domino on the shoulder) Good. Because we don’t tolerate failure. Now get ready. We’ve got a lot to accomplish tonight.

Domino nods, determination etched on his face, as Moretti and the rest of Blood Money enter the arena. The camera follows them briefly before cutting back to Domino, who takes a deep breath and heads off in the opposite direction to prepare for his match.

The camera transitions back to the commentators’ table, where Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan are watching the scene on a monitor.

Julian Fiasco: Looks like the stakes just got even higher for Danny Domino tonight!

Jeremiah Sloan: Absolutely, Julian. If Domino can take down Kenneth D Williams, he’ll earn his spot in Blood Money. But that’s a tall order against the leader of Generation Joint.

Julian Fiasco: The pressure is on, and with the main event looming, it’s going to be a night filled with intense action and high drama!

Jeremiah Sloan: And we’re just getting started! Stay tuned, folks, because sVo Roll the Dice 2024 is only going to heat up from here!

The screen fades to black as the show continues, leaving the audience eagerly anticipating the matches to come.


The scene transitions to a backstage hallway, where Rick Reid is nervously pacing back and forth. The tension is palpable as he glances at his watch, clearly anxious about whether sVo COO Amy Page will fulfill her promise. The camera captures Reid’s frustration and impatience as he mutters to himself.

Rick Reid: (to himself) Come on, Page…where are you?

Just then, the door at the end of the hallway opens, and Amy Page steps through with a confident stride. Beside her walks a towering figure, former sVo Tag Team Champion and ACE MMA fighter, ‘the Outlaw’ Scott Washington. Reid’s eyes widen as he recognizes Washington.

Amy Page: (smiling) Rick, I see you’ve been waiting. Sorry to keep you in suspense.

Rick Reid: (trying to mask his relief) Yeah, well, this match against the Dogs of War isn’t going to be easy. I was starting to think you forgot about me.

Amy Page: (chuckling) I don’t forget, Rick. I promised you a partner, and I brought you the best.

She gestures towards Scott Washington, who steps forward and extends his hand to Reid.

Scott Washington: (grinning) The Outlaw, Scott Washington. Good to meet you, Rick.

Rick Reid: (shaking Washington’s hand) Likewise. Heard a lot about you. We’re gonna need all that strength to take those Dogs down.

Amy Page: (nodding) I have no doubt you two will handle them. But there’s more to this than just tonight’s match. You see, Rick, Scott isn’t just here to be your partner. Both of you are now my enforcers. I’m going to need strong, reliable men to deal with what’s coming.

Rick Reid: (raising an eyebrow) What’s coming?

Amy Page: (smirking) Let’s just say, the sVo is about to face some turbulent times. And I need you two to ensure that things run smoothly. No matter what happens, you’re my guys. Understand?

Scott Washington nods, a determined look on his face, while Rick Reid processes the weight of the responsibility being placed on them.

Scott Washington: We’ve got your back, Amy. Whatever it takes.

Rick Reid: (firmly) Yeah, we’re in. Let’s do this.

Amy Page: (satisfied) Good. Now, go out there and show everyone why the Dogs of War should be afraid. And remember, tonight is just the beginning.

With a final nod, Amy Page turns and walks away, leaving Reid and Washington standing together. The camera captures their resolute expressions before cutting back to the commentators’ table.

Julian Fiasco: Wow, Jeremiah! It looks like Rick Reid just got a serious upgrade in the form of Scott Washington!

Jeremiah Sloan: Absolutely, Julian. The Outlaw is a powerhouse, and with Reid by his side, the Dogs of War have their work cut out for them. But what did Amy Page mean by turbulent times ahead?

Julian Fiasco: Whatever it is, it’s clear that Page is assembling quite the team. This is going to be interesting!

The scene fades out, leaving the audience eagerly anticipating the upcoming match and the unfolding drama in the sVo.

Tag Team Match
Rick Reid & Scott Washington vs. The Dogs of War

A Hollywood Ending

The camera transitions to a bustling backstage area where Katie Smith stands ready with a microphone. Beside her, in his trademark confident posture, is Alex Sterling, the charismatic wrestler known for his love of Hollywood. The crowd’s excitement can be heard faintly in the background as they anticipate the upcoming six-man elimination match.

Katie Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with Alex Sterling, one of the competitors in tonight’s six-man elimination match that will determine the next contender for the sVo Las Vegas Championship. Alex, how are you feeling going into this high-stakes match?

Alex Sterling: (smirking) Katie, you know what they say in Hollywood: “Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving.” And tonight, I’m moving straight to the top.

Katie Smith: You’ve got some tough competition tonight. What makes you confident that you will come out on top?

Alex Sterling: (nodding) Tough competition, sure. But as Rocky Balboa once said, “It ain’t about how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” And I’ve taken my fair share of hits, Katie. But I keep moving forward, and tonight, I’m ready to prove that.

Katie Smith: Winning tonight means you’ll face the current Las Vegas Champion next week on Showdown. What would it mean for you to hold that title?

Alex Sterling: (grinning) Katie, let me paint a picture for you. Remember when they said in ‘The Pursuit of Happyness,’ “Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can’t do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it.” Well, becoming the Las Vegas Champion has always been my dream, and no one’s gonna tell me I can’t do it.

Katie Smith: Strong words, Alex. So, can we expect anything special from you tonight?

Alex Sterling: (laughing) Oh, Katie, you know me. “May the Force be with you” is a nice sentiment, but tonight, I’m bringing more than just a force – I’m bringing a storm. And by the end of the night, it’ll be clear to everyone that “I’m the king of the world!” Just like Leo said in Titanic.

Katie Smith: (smiling) Well, it sounds like you’re ready for anything. Any final message for your opponents tonight?

Alex Sterling: (turning to the camera, serious now) To my opponents, just remember: “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” Tonight, I’m stepping into that ring as the hero. And next week on Showdown, I’ll be the new Las Vegas Champion. And that’s not a movie script, Katie, that’s a promise.

Katie Smith: Thank you, Alex. Good luck tonight!

As Katie Smith wraps up the interview, Alex Sterling gives a confident nod and walks off, leaving the camera to focus on Katie’s enthusiastic expression.

Katie Smith: There you have it, folks. Alex Sterling is ready to make his mark tonight. Stay tuned for what promises to be an incredible elimination match!

The camera fades back to the arena, the crowd buzzing with anticipation for the action to come.

Your Fate Awaits

The scene transitions to the backstage office of sVo COO Amy Page. The office is a mix of sleek modern design with touches of wrestling memorabilia. Amy Page sits behind her desk, looking over some paperwork. The door opens, and in walks the current International Heavyweight Champion, Masafumi Satake. He carries himself with a composed yet formidable presence, the championship belt slung over his shoulder.

Amy Page: (looking up and smiling) Masafumi, welcome. Please, have a seat.

Masafumi Satake: (nodding and sitting down) Thank you, Ms. Page. I wanted to discuss my open challenge match for tonight. Who will I be defending my title against?

Amy Page: (leaning back in her chair) I’m glad you asked. We’ve had quite a few people come forward, eager for a shot at the Sanctioned Violence Network International Heavyweight Championship. But I’ve thought long and hard about this. I want that belt to return to the sVo, and to ensure that, I’ve chosen someone strong, someone who can match your intensity.

Masafumi Satake: (raising an eyebrow) And who would that be?

Amy Page: (smirking) Tonight, you will be defending your title against ‘the Problem Solver’ Joe Barone of Blood Money.

The camera shifts to a close-up of Satake, his expression turning serious as he processes the information.

Masafumi Satake: (nodding slowly) Joe Barone. He’s a tough competitor. I’ve seen his work. This will be a worthy challenge.

Amy Page: (leaning forward) I expect nothing less than a fierce contest. I know Blood Money has been a dominant force around here, and Barone is no exception. But I have faith in your abilities as a champion.

Masafumi Satake: (standing up) Thank you, Ms. Page. I accept the challenge. Joe Barone will face me in the ring tonight, and I will show him why I am the International Heavyweight Champion.

Amy Page: (smiling confidently) I’m looking forward to it. Good luck, Masafumi.

Satake nods respectfully before turning and leaving the office. The camera focuses back on Amy Page, who sits back in her chair with a satisfied expression, clearly anticipating the upcoming match. The scene fades out, leaving the viewers buzzing with excitement for the championship match later in the night.

Las Vegas Championship #1 Contender Six Pack Elimination Match
Carlos Vasquez vs. Alex Sterling vs. Jay Adder vs. Victor Holland vs. Johnny Dorn vs. Trailer Trash Terry

Big Night

The scene transitions to the Generation Joint locker room. The atmosphere is filled with a mix of focus and camaraderie as Kenneth D Williams, Gunner Lang, and Jacob Izaz prepare for their upcoming matches. The room is adorned with Generation Joint memorabilia, adding to the sense of unity among the group.

Kenneth D Williams: (wrapping his wrists with tape) Alright, guys, tonight’s a big night. We’ve got some tough matches ahead, and we need to be at our best. Blood Money is out there making moves, and we can’t let them get any stronger.

Gunner Lang: (nodding) You’re right, Kenneth. They’ve been running roughshod over everyone, and with Danny Domino trying to join them, it’s only going to get worse.

Jacob Izaz: (adjusting his gear) We’ve got to stay sharp. We can’t let them get the upper hand.

The door opens, and Jay Adder walks in, looking disappointed after his recent loss in the elimination six-man match. The group immediately shifts their attention to him, offering support.

Kenneth D Williams: (standing up and patting Jay on the back) Hey, man, tough break out there. You gave it your all, and that’s what matters.

Jay Adder: (sighing) Thanks, guys. I just… I wanted to win that one. I wanted to bring something back to the team.

Gunner Lang: (clapping Jay on the shoulder) You’ll get another shot, Jay. We all know what you’re capable of. Tonight was just a setback.

Jacob Izaz: (smiling reassuringly) We’ve all been there, bro. What’s important is that we keep pushing forward.

Kenneth D Williams: (taking a deep breath) Alright, listen up. Blood Money is our biggest threat right now. They’re already strong, and with Danny Domino potentially joining them, they’ll be even more dangerous. We can’t let that happen.

Gunner Lang: (fist clenching) We’ve got to stop them, whatever it takes. If Domino joins them, it’ll tip the balance in their favor.

Jacob Izaz: (nodding) We’ve got to stay united and take them down. We can’t let them control everything around here.

Jay Adder: (determined) You’re right. We need to show them that Generation Joint isn’t backing down. We’re not going to let them destroy what we’ve built.

Kenneth D Williams: (smiling proudly) That’s the spirit. We’ve got each other’s backs, and that’s our strength. No matter what happens tonight, we fight together. Blood Money wants to take over, but we’re not going to let them.

The group exchanges determined nods, the camaraderie and unity in the room palpable. The camera zooms in on their serious, focused faces before fading out, leaving viewers with a sense of anticipation for the battles ahead.

The Last Interview?

The scene transitions to a backstage interview area where Katie Smith is standing with a microphone in hand, ready to interview the #1 contender Johnny All Star. The lighting is subdued, creating a tense atmosphere as All Star, looking visibly nervous and anxious, steps into the frame. He is dressed in his ring gear, his eyes reflecting the weight of the impending match that could be the last of his career.

Katie Smith: (with a sympathetic tone) Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with Johnny All Star, who is only a few hours away from the main event tonight. Johnny, this could be the last match of your career if you don’t win against Anthony Moretti and Blood Money. How are you feeling right now?

Johnny All Star: (taking a deep breath) Katie, I’ve got to be honest with you. I’m nervous. I’m anxious. My career has spanned many years, and it all comes down to this one match. The pressure is immense, and I’ve been on a losing streak recently. It’s… it’s been hard to stay positive.

Katie Smith: (nodding understandingly) You’ve had an incredible career, Johnny. What’s going through your mind as you prepare to step into the ring tonight?

Johnny All Star: (pausing, his voice shaking slightly) I’ve been thinking a lot about my past matches, my victories, and my losses. This match is different. It’s not just about winning a title; it’s about my livelihood, my legacy. Moretti and Blood Money are tough, and they play dirty. I’ve got to be ready for anything.

Katie Smith: (leaning in) You mentioned earlier that you might have to push the boundaries tonight. Can you elaborate on that?

Johnny All Star: (looking down, then back up with a determined gaze) Katie, I’m going to have to do some things tonight that I’m not proud of. Things I never thought I’d do. To win this match and save my career, I have to be willing to go to places I’ve never gone before. I have to fight fire with fire. If that means bending the rules, then so be it. I apologize in advance for what I’m going to have to do, but I need to protect what I’ve worked so hard for all these years.

Katie Smith: (concerned) Johnny, you’ve always been known as a fair and honorable competitor. Are you saying you’re willing to compromise that to win tonight?

Johnny All Star: (sighing deeply) It’s not something I take lightly, Katie. But sometimes, in the face of overwhelming odds, you have to adapt. I’m not going to let Blood Money take everything from me. I’m fighting for my career, for my legacy, and for all the fans who’ve supported me over the years. I have to do whatever it takes to walk out of that ring with my head held high. I’m not going out like James Von Drake did….

Katie Smith: (nodding solemnly) Johnny, we’re all rooting for you. Best of luck tonight.

Johnny All Star: (with a faint smile) Thanks, Katie. I’m going to give it everything I’ve got. For the fans, for my career, and for myself.

The camera lingers on Johnny All Star’s determined face as he walks away, heading towards the locker room area. The tension in the air is palpable, and the weight of the upcoming match hangs heavily as the scene fades to black.

Single Match
Kenneth D Williams vs. Danny Domino

No Stranger

The scene transitions to a backstage interview area where Katie Smith stands poised with a microphone, ready to interview the formidable Masafumi Satake. The reigning Sanctioned Violence Network International Heavyweight Champion stands beside her, his expression stern and focused. The lighting casts a dramatic shadow, highlighting the seriousness of the situation.

Katie Smith: (with a confident tone) Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with the Sanctioned Violence Network International Heavyweight Champion, Masafumi Satake. Tonight, Satake will defend his title against Joe Barone, knowing that he will also have to contend with Blood Money. Satake, how do you feel about this challenge?

Masafumi Satake: (speaking calmly and deliberately) Katie, I have faced many challenges in my career. Tonight is no different. Joe Barone is a strong opponent, but I have faced stronger. Blood Money will try to interfere, but I am ready.

Katie Smith: (nodding) You’ve faced tough opponents and dangerous groups before. How does facing Blood Money compare to your past experiences?

Masafumi Satake: (with a slight nod) I have fought against Hate Watson and his group all around the world. They use numbers to their advantage, just like Blood Money. I understand their tactics. I know how to fight the numbers game. Tonight, I will show them that their numbers do not intimidate me.

Katie Smith: (leaning in) You’ve earned a reputation as a fierce competitor and a strategic thinker. What is your mindset going into this match, knowing that Blood Money will do anything to take that title from you?

Masafumi Satake: (his eyes narrowing with determination) My mindset is simple, Katie. I fight with honor and skill. Blood Money fights with deceit and numbers. But I have faced worse. I am prepared for their tricks. I will not let them take my title. Joe Barone will learn that strength and honor always prevail.

Katie Smith: (smiling) Satake, you seem more than ready for tonight’s challenge. Do you have any final words for your opponent and for Blood Money?

Masafumi Satake: (looking directly into the camera) Joe Barone, Blood Money, tonight you face not just a champion, but a warrior. I have fought and defeated the best around the world. Tonight will be no different. You will see why I am the Sanctioned Violence Network International Heavyweight Champion. Prepare yourselves.

Katie Smith nods appreciatively, clearly impressed by Satake’s confidence and resolve. She turns back to the camera as the scene prepares to fade out.

Katie Smith: (with enthusiasm) Thank you, Satake. There you have it, folks. Masafumi Satake is ready to defend his title and take on Blood Money. Don’t miss this intense matchup tonight!

The camera lingers on Satake’s determined face before the scene fades to black, leaving the audience eagerly anticipating the showdown to come.


The camera cuts to the backstage area where Danny Domino is seen making his way through the dimly lit hallway, his face a mixture of frustration and disappointment after his loss to Kenneth D Williams. The atmosphere is tense as he heads towards the Blood Money locker room. He stops short as Anthony Moretti, flanked by Joe Barone, Nicky Columbo, and Junior Gambino, emerges from around the corner, blocking his path.

Anthony Moretti: (arms crossed, a smirk on his face) Well, well, well. Look who decided to show his face after losing.

Danny Domino’s expression tightens, his fists clenching at his sides as he stares down the leader of Blood Money.

Danny Domino: (voice strained with anger) I fought hard out there. I deserve another chance.

Anthony Moretti: (laughing humorlessly) Another chance? You really think Blood Money has room for losers? We made it clear, Domino. You beat Williams, you join us. You lost. The deal is off.

Joe Barone, Nicky Columbo, and Junior Gambino snicker, clearly enjoying the moment as Danny Domino’s face flushes with humiliation.

Danny Domino: (stepping closer, trying to hold his ground) I can prove myself. Just give me one more shot.

Anthony Moretti: (stepping forward, his voice low and threatening) We don’t need to give you anything. Blood Money is about strength, dominance, and winning at all costs. You had your chance, and you blew it. We don’t have time for failures.

The tension in the hallway is palpable as Domino looks around, realizing that he is outnumbered and out of options. Moretti’s eyes narrow as he takes another step forward, making his final point clear.

Anthony Moretti: (coldly) You’re not Blood Money material, Domino. Get lost.

With that, Moretti turns his back on Domino, leading the rest of Blood Money away. Domino stands there, seething with anger and humiliation, as the camera zooms in on his frustrated expression. The scene fades to black, leaving Domino’s future uncertain and the viewers eager to see what he will do next.

sVo Tag Team Championship Match
Generation Joint (c) vs. Blood Money Soldiers

A Last Roll of the Dice Pt.1

The arena is filled with the deafening roar of the crowd as Generation Joint stands tall in the center of the ring, clutching their sVo Tag Team Title belts high above their heads. Kenneth D Williams, Gunner Lang, and Jacob Izaz bask in the adulation, having just successfully defended their titles against Junior Gambino and Nicky Columbo of Blood Money. The celebration is in full swing as they pose for the cameras, their music blaring through the speakers.

Julian Fiasco: What a match! Generation Joint has done it again, defending their Tag Team Titles against the Blood Money Soldiers!

Jeremiah Sloan: An impressive victory, Julian. But wait a minute… it looks like Blood Money isn’t done yet!

As the music fades, the camera pans to the outside of the ring where Junior Gambino and Nicky Columbo are slowly getting to their feet, their faces twisted in anger and determination. They exchange a quick glance and then begin to circle the ring, clearly planning to ambush the celebrating champions.

Julian Fiasco: Oh no, this doesn’t look good for Generation Joint. Blood Money is looking to exact some revenge here!

Jeremiah Sloan: These guys just don’t know when to quit. This could get ugly real fast.

Just as the Blood Money Soldiers are about to strike, the lights in the arena suddenly cut out, plunging the entire venue into darkness. The crowd erupts in a mixture of cheers and gasps, the air thick with anticipation and confusion.

Julian Fiasco: What the…? The lights are out! What’s going on here?

Jeremiah Sloan: I can’t see a thing, Julian! This is chaos!

For several tense moments, the arena is filled with the sounds of scuffling and muffled yells. The commentators speculate wildly, trying to make sense of the situation. Then, just as suddenly as they went out, the lights flicker back on.

The crowd’s reaction is a mix of shock and awe as the scene in the ring is revealed. Junior Gambino and Nicky Columbo are laid out on the mat, unconscious and clearly taken out by some unseen force. Generation Joint stands in the ring, their expressions a mix of confusion and surprise, clearly having had nothing to do with the ambush.

Julian Fiasco: What in the world just happened?! The Blood Money Soldiers have been taken out!

Jeremiah Sloan: I have no idea, Julian! One minute they’re circling the ring, the next they’re laid out cold! Who or what did this?

The camera zooms in on the faces of Kenneth D Williams, Gunner Lang, and Jacob Izaz, who exchange bewildered looks. The crowd buzzes with speculation, trying to piece together the mystery of what just transpired. The members of Generation Joint slowly step back, unsure of what to make of the scene before them.

Julian Fiasco: Ladies and gentlemen, we are left with more questions than answers tonight! Who took out the Blood Money Soldiers, and why?

Jeremiah Sloan: This is going to have huge implications moving forward. But for now, Generation Joint walks out still the Tag Team Champions, albeit with a lot to think about.

As the camera pans out, the crowd continues to buzz, the air thick with anticipation and mystery. The show fades to black, leaving everyone wondering who or what intervened in the match and what it means for the future of sVo.

Adapt or Die

The atmosphere in the locker room is tense and charged with disbelief as Anthony Moretti, flanked by Joe Barone, paces back and forth. Nicky Columbo and Junior Gambino are nowhere to be seen, having been taken out mysteriously in the ring just moments ago. Moretti shakes his head, clearly frustrated and caught off guard by the turn of events.

Anthony Moretti: (exasperated) I can’t believe this… What the hell just happened out there?

Joe Barone, known for his stoic demeanor, stands beside Moretti, his jaw clenched in anger. He surveys the room with a look of determination, but it’s clear he’s just as bewildered by the situation.

Joe Barone: (gritting his teeth) It doesn’t make any sense, boss. One minute we’re ready to make our mark, and the next… this.

Anthony Moretti: (thinking aloud) This throws everything off. I had plans, damn it. Plans that involved Columbo and Gambino holding their own out there, proving why Blood Money runs this show.

Moretti pauses, collecting his thoughts as he continues to pace, trying to formulate a new strategy on the fly.

Anthony Moretti: (firmly) Alright, here’s what we’re gonna do. Barone, you’re gonna have to go it alone tonight against Satake. I know it’s not what we planned, but we adapt. That’s what we do.

Joe Barone nods solemnly, his gaze unwavering as he accepts the new directive from Moretti.

Joe Barone: (resolute) I got this, boss. Satake’s gonna learn tonight why Blood Money doesn’t back down from a fight.

Moretti nods approvingly, his expression shifting from frustration to determination.

Anthony Moretti: (confidently) That’s the spirit. We may have taken a hit tonight, but we’re still Blood Money. We adapt, we overcome, and we come out on top. Tonight’s not over yet.

The camera fades out as Moretti and Barone exchange a nod, their minds already at work on a new plan to regain control of the situation and secure victory in their upcoming match.

The Match I Never Wanted

Katie Smith stands in the bustling backstage area of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, microphone in hand, ready to conduct an interview. The camera focuses on her as she prepares to speak with the legendary sVo competitor, Night, ahead of his anticipated showdown with his brother, Nightmare.

Katie Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with the sVo legend, Night. Night, tonight you’re facing your brother Nightmare in what has become a deeply personal rivalry. How are you feeling heading into this match?

Night steps into frame, his expression serious and contemplative. He adjusts his gear briefly before looking directly into the camera, addressing the sVo audience.

Night: Katie, I’ll be honest. This isn’t how I envisioned things unfolding. Nightmare and I, we’ve been through so much together. But his recent actions, the chaos he’s brought upon the sVo, it’s forced my hand. Tonight, I step into the ring not just to settle a personal score, but to protect everything we’ve built here.

Katie Smith: Your dedication to the sVo is well-known, Night. How do you plan to approach this match against Nightmare, knowing the stakes involved?

Night nods, his expression hardening with resolve.

Night: Nightmare thinks he can tear down everything I’ve worked for. He thinks he can break the foundation of this company. Tonight, I’m not just fighting for myself. I’m fighting for every wrestler, every fan, and the legacy of the sVo. Nightmare may be my brother, but tonight, I’m going to show him that I won’t let him destroy what we’ve all worked so hard to build.

Smith nods understandingly, recognizing the gravity of Night’s words.

Katie Smith: Thank you, Night. We’ll be watching closely tonight as you face Nightmare in what promises to be an intense battle.

The camera pans out as Night gives a determined nod, his focus unwavering as he mentally prepares for the upcoming match. The backstage area buzzes with anticipation as Night’s resolve to protect the sVo shines through.

SVN International Heavyweight Championship Match
Masafumi Satake (c) vs. Joe Barone

A Last Roll of the Dice Pt.

The Goodfellas Casino Arena erupts with applause and cheers as Masafumi Satake stands victorious in the center of the ring, clutching his International Heavyweight Championship belt tightly. Satake’s chest heaves with exhaustion, sweat glistening under the bright arena lights, as he takes a moment to catch his breath after a grueling battle against Joe Barone of Blood Money.

Satake extends his hand towards Barone, a gesture of respect despite the intense competition they’ve just endured. The crowd watches intently, curious about Barone’s response.

Masafumi Satake: (extending his hand) Joe, that was a hard-fought match. Respect.

Barone hesitates for a moment, his expression tense and conflicted. He glares at Satake, the bitterness of defeat evident in his eyes. Without a word, Barone slaps away Satake’s hand, his frustration boiling over.

Masafumi Satake: (shaking his head) Suit yourself.

Satake turns away, clearly disappointed by Barone’s lack of sportsmanship. He begins to make his way towards the ropes, intent on leaving the ring, when suddenly, the arena is plunged into darkness once again. The crowd erupts into a mixture of confusion and anticipation, unsure of what is happening.

In the midst of the chaos, faint sounds of scuffling and commotion can be heard from the ring. The lights flicker sporadically, casting eerie shadows across the arena. As the lights stabilize and gradually illuminate the ring, the audience gasps collectively.

Joe Barone lies motionless in the center of the ring, surrounded by a mysterious haze of uncertainty. Satake stands at the edge of the ring, his eyes wide with disbelief as he takes in the scene before him. Barone shows signs of having been attacked, yet the assailant remains unseen.

The camera captures Satake’s shocked expression, his mind racing to comprehend what has just transpired. The audience buzzes with speculation and concern as officials rush to tend to Barone.

Amidst the uncertainty, Satake raises his championship belt high, a mix of determination and caution in his gaze.

Masafumi Satake: (under his breath) What is going on here?

The camera fades as Satake continues to survey the chaotic aftermath, leaving the audience eagerly anticipating answers to the unfolding mystery.

sVo Jackpot PPV
25th August 2024
Live from the Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas


In the dimly lit backstage area of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, Johnny All Star stands amidst the members of Generation Joint—Kenneth D Williams, Gunner Lang, and Jacob Izaz. All Star looks focused and determined, his demeanor noticeably more confident than earlier in the night. The tension is palpable as the group discusses the events of the evening.

Kenneth D Williams: (eyeing All Star cautiously) Johnny, we need to talk about what’s been happening tonight. Blood Money’s been hit hard, and I know you’ve got your issues with them.

All Star nods solemnly, his gaze fixed on Williams.

Johnny All Star: Kenneth, I’m standing right here with you guys. If I wanted to hit them, you’d see me doing it.

Kenneth D Williams: Fair enough. But this chaos benefits us too. Makes our jobs a little easier, you know?

Johnny All Star: (smirking) Yeah, seems like the universe is throwing us a bone for once.

Gunner Lang and Jacob Izaz exchange a glance, unsure of how to read All Star’s newfound confidence.

Gunner Lang: So, uh, Johnny, we were thinking of offering you some backup in your match tonight against Moretti. Numbers game and all.

Johnny All Star: Appreciate it, Gunner. But I think I’m good on my own tonight. Besides, you guys have got enough on your plate with Blood Money.

Williams nods in agreement, though a hint of concern lingers in his expression.

Kenneth D Williams: Alright, man. Just know we’ve got your back if you need it.

Johnny All Star: Thanks, Kenneth. Let’s see what tonight brings.

As the tension eases slightly, All Star and Generation Joint share a nod of solidarity. The camera zooms in on All Star’s determined expression, hinting at a deeper resolve as he prepares to face Anthony Moretti and Blood Money alone.

Jacob Izaz: (under his breath) He seems different tonight.

Gunner Lang: Yeah, he does. Let’s hope it’s for the better.

The camera fades out, leaving All Star and Generation Joint to strategize and contemplate the events unfolding at Roll the Dice.

Single Match
Night vs. Nightmare

The Nightmare Continues

The arena is filled with a mix of tension and dismay as Nightmare stands triumphantly over his fallen brother, Night, who lies motionless in the ring. The boos rain down heavily from the audience, expressing their disdain for Nightmare’s brutal actions. Nightmare shows no remorse as he picks Night up, delivering vicious backbreaker after backbreaker, each one eliciting gasps from the crowd.

Night writhes in pain, unable to defend himself against his relentless brother. The medical personnel rush to the ring, their urgency palpable as they prepare to attend to Night’s injuries.

Nightmare: (grabbing the microphone, speaking in Japanese) 兄弟の背中を折りました!これが俺がsVoを壊し、兄が築いてきたすべてを破壊する方法だ!(Translation: I have broken my brother’s back! This is how I will destroy the sVo and everything my brother has built!)

Nightmare’s words echo through the arena, met with a mixture of shock and outrage from the crowd. The medical team carefully tends to Night, assessing his condition as Nightmare stands in the center of the ring, a chilling smile on his face.

The camera captures the concerned faces of the officials and wrestlers at ringside, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation. Nightmare’s actions have not only left Night physically injured but have also cast a dark shadow over the sVo.

As the segment concludes, the camera fades out on Night being carefully stretchered out of the ring, while Nightmare stands tall, his declaration of destruction lingering ominously in the air.

For Once, Alone

Katie Smith stands ready with her microphone backstage, awaiting the arrival of Anthony Moretti, the sVo Champion. After a tense moment, Moretti storms into view, his expression a mix of frustration and determination. Smith steps forward, ready to address the pressing issues.

Katie Smith: Anthony, tonight has been a tumultuous night for Blood Money. None of your members secured championship gold, and they were all mysteriously attacked. How do you plan to approach your match against Johnny All Star tonight, given these circumstances?

Anthony Moretti: (scowling) It’s been a rough night, Katie. Blood Money came in prepared to dominate, but someone’s been playing games. But you know what? It doesn’t matter. Because tonight, in that ring, it’s just me and Johnny All Star. No distractions, no games. Just a fair, one-on-one fight.

Katie Smith: Johnny All Star’s career is on the line tonight. Do you feel any remorse about potentially ending his career?

Anthony Moretti: (shaking his head) Remorse? Katie, this is professional wrestling. Careers are made and broken in this ring. Johnny All Star had his chances, and tonight, I’m going to end it once and for all. He’s had a good run, but it’s time for him to step aside. I retire Johnny All Star in a fair fight, so no one can say anything about it ever again.

Moretti’s intense gaze remains fixed on the camera, his words carrying a weight of finality. Behind him, the chaos and uncertainty of the evening continue to unfold, but in this moment, his focus is solely on the impending battle against his longtime rival.

Katie Smith: Strong words from the sVo Champion. We’ll see if Anthony Moretti can make good on his promise tonight. Back to you, ringside.

The camera cuts back to ringside, leaving the audience to ponder the implications of Moretti’s determined declaration as the tension builds for the main event.

sVo Championship Match
Anthony Moretti vs. Johnny All Star

The atmosphere inside the Goodfellas Casino Arena is electric as the main event of the evening is about to begin. The sVo Champion, Anthony Moretti, for once alone after the attacks on Blood Money earlier this evening. Moretti’s expression is determined, his championship belt gleaming in the arena lights.

On the other side of the ring, the challenger Johnny All Star enters, his demeanor a mix of intensity and focus. He walks briskly down the ramp, eyes locked on Moretti. The tension between the two rivals is palpable as they stand face to face in the center of the ring, the championship belt held high by the referee.

Referee: (separating them) Alright, gentlemen, this is for the sVo Championship. I want a clean fight. Are you ready?

Both men nod, their eyes never leaving each other. The referee signals for the bell, but before it can ring, the lights in the arena suddenly flicker and go out, plunging the arena into darkness once more. The crowd erupts into a mix of confusion and anticipation.

After a few moments of darkness, the lights slowly begin to come back on, revealing a shocking scene in the ring. Anthony Moretti is surrounded by four imposing figures—Curtis Knight, Athena, Drew Hendrix, and Buzz Marshall, collectively known as the Legends Club from Project:Violence!!

Moretti tries to fight back, but the sheer numbers overwhelm him.

Johnny All Star watches from the corner, a mix of disbelief and calculation on his face. Moretti is pummeled mercilessly by the Legends Club, who seem to have a vendetta of their own against Blood Money. Moretti is down on the mat, barely able to defend himself.

Johnny All Star: (to the referee) Ring the damn bell!

The referee hesitates for a moment, unsure of what to do, but eventually complies with All Star’s demand. The bell rings, and All Star wastes no time. He drops down beside Moretti, covering him effortlessly.

Referee: One! Two! Three!


Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, and the new sVo Champion… Johnny All Star!

The crowd erupts into a mixture of cheers and boos as Johnny All Star rises to his feet, the sVo Championship belt now draped over his shoulder. Curtis Knight and Johnny All Star share a nod of mutual respect as they stand over the fallen Anthony Moretti.

Meanwhile, the Legends Club exit the ring, leaving Moretti sprawled out and defeated. The broadcast cuts to various angles, capturing the disbelief and shock on the faces of the fans in attendance. Johnny All Star, flanked by the Legends Club, raises the championship high above his head as the show fades to black, marking the end of a dramatic and unforgettable sVo Roll the Dice PPV.

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