sVo Proving Grounds 45
Live on the HOTv Network
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
26th July 2024

[The anticipation reaches its peak as the video package concludes, highlighting the ‘Proving Grounds’ logo. The scene transitions to an exterior shot of the iconic Goodfellas Casino Arena, nestled in the vibrant heart of the Las Vegas strip. The camera then seamlessly shifts to a live view inside the arena, capturing the electric atmosphere. The sold-out crowd is a sea of energy, with fans passionately on their feet, screaming and waving homemade signs in hopes of catching a glimpse on camera.

The camera skillfully maneuvers through the enthusiastic audience, showcasing the diverse array of signs and the palpable excitement that permeates the arena. Finally, attention shifts to the commentary table, where the dynamic duo of Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan eagerly await the start of the action. Their welcoming smiles reflect the enthusiasm of the night ahead.

With the fans as their backdrop, Julian and Jeremiah extend a warm greeting to the viewers tuned in to the HOTv network. The broadcast kicks off with the seasoned commentators breaking down the anticipated matches and moments slated for tonight’s show. The stage is set, and the Goodfellas Casino Arena is primed for an unforgettable evening of sVo Proving Grounds!]


The scene opens outside the Goodfellas Casino Arena, where the sVo Proving Grounds 45 event is about to take place. The camera pans to show a sleek, black car pulling up to the entrance. The driver steps out and opens the door, revealing Jupiter James. She steps out confidently, dressed in stylish yet intimidating ring gear, her expression a mix of disdain and arrogance.

Julian Fiasco: (excitedly) Look who’s arrived, Jeremiah. It’s Jupiter James, and she looks ready for action tonight!

Jeremiah Sloan: (adding) That’s right, Julian. Jupiter James has a match against ‘the Underdog’ Ricky Johnson tonight. Let’s see what she has to say.

As Jupiter James strides towards the entrance, sVo interviewer Katie Smith approaches her with a microphone in hand.

Katie Smith: (politely) Jupiter James, can I have a moment? Tonight, you’re facing ‘the Underdog’ Ricky Johnson in singles action. How do you feel about this matchup?

Jupiter James stops and turns to face Katie Smith, her expression immediately souring. She scoffs, rolling her eyes dramatically.

Jupiter James: (disgustedly) How do I feel, Katie? How do I feel about facing someone I’ve already beaten, someone who’s clearly beneath me? It’s a joke. An absolute joke.

Katie Smith looks taken aback by the intensity of Jupiter James’ response, but she presses on with the interview.

Katie Smith: (carefully) So, you don’t see Ricky Johnson as a challenge tonight?

Jupiter James: (scoffing) A challenge? Please. Ricky Johnson is nothing more than an afterthought, a stepping stone. I’ve already proven that I’m superior to him in every way. Facing him again is just a waste of my time and talent.

Jupiter James glances around disdainfully, as if the very idea of competing against Ricky Johnson is beneath her. The fans in the background can be heard booing her arrogance.

Katie Smith: (continuing) With that said, do you have any message for Ricky Johnson before your match tonight?

Jupiter James: (smirking) Oh, I have a message for him, alright. Ricky, you might be a fan favorite, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re out of your league. Tonight, I’m going to remind everyone exactly why I’m the best. And you? You’re just going to be another name on my list of defeated opponents.

With that, Jupiter James brushes past Katie Smith and heads into the arena, exuding confidence and arrogance. Katie Smith watches her go, then turns back to the camera.

Katie Smith: (addressing the camera) Well, there you have it. Jupiter James is clearly not impressed with her opponent tonight. We’ll see if Ricky Johnson can prove her wrong. Back to you, Julian and Jeremiah.

Julian Fiasco: (commenting) Strong words from Jupiter James. She’s clearly not taking Ricky Johnson seriously.

Jeremiah Sloan: (nodding) That might be her biggest mistake, Julian. Ricky Johnson has a lot of heart and determination. This match could be more interesting than she thinks.

The camera fades out as the scene shifts back to the arena, setting the stage for an exciting showdown later tonight.

Single Match
Jack Blackwood vs. Bronson Johnson

sVo Jackpot PPV
25th August 2024
Live from the Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas

Fighting is Fighting

The scene transitions to a bustling backstage area of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, where the energy is palpable ahead of tonight’s sVo Proving Grounds 45 event. sVo interviewer Katie Smith stands in front of a backdrop emblazoned with the sVo logo, holding a microphone. Beside her is the grizzled and imposing figure of Puck, the recent signing from Project:Violence and the newest member of the Canadian Connection.

Katie Smith: (smiling) Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with Puck, the recent sVo signing from Project:Violence who has quickly made an impact by joining the Canadian Connection. Puck, you have a main event match tonight against fan favourite Dylan MacLeod. How are you feeling heading into this match?

Puck, with a rugged beard and a steely gaze, shifts slightly, cracking his neck as he contemplates his response.

Puck: (in a gravelly voice) Katie, when you’ve been through the wars I’ve been through in Project:Violence, every match is just another day at the office. Dylan MacLeod might be a fan favourite, but tonight, he’s just another obstacle in my path. I came to sVo to make a statement, and aligning with the Canadian Connection is just the beginning.

Katie Smith: (nodding) You had an impressive debut match last week. How has it been transitioning from Project:Violence to sVo and joining forces with the Canadian Connection?

Puck: (smirking) Transitioning? Katie, fighting is fighting, no matter where you go. Project:Violence was a proving ground, but here in sVo, it’s about domination. The Canadian Connection saw what I bring to the table – the grit, the ruthlessness. We’re here to take over, and Dylan MacLeod is going to learn that the hard way tonight.

Katie Smith: (serious tone) Dylan MacLeod is known for his resilience and determination. What’s your strategy to counter that?

Puck: (leaning in) Strategy? My strategy is simple: break him. You see, Katie, Dylan might have the crowd on his side, but that doesn’t make him invincible. I’ve taken down tougher men than him. Tonight, he’s going to feel the full force of what I bring – the brutality, the relentless aggression. He’s going to regret ever stepping into the ring with me.

Katie Smith: (maintaining composure) There’s a lot of anticipation for this match. Do you have any final words for Dylan MacLeod and the sVo fans watching tonight?

Puck: (turning to the camera) Dylan, I hope you’re ready, kid, because tonight is going to be the fight of your life. And to the sVo fans, get used to seeing my face, because the Canadian Connection and I are here to stay. We’re not just taking part; we’re taking over.

Puck glares at the camera, his intensity radiating through the screen. Katie Smith, sensing the interview is over, steps back slightly.

Katie Smith: (addressing the viewers) There you have it, strong words from Puck. Tonight’s main event is shaping up to be a must-see clash. Back to you, Julian and Jeremiah.

Julian Fiasco: (excitedly) Puck means business, Jeremiah. Dylan MacLeod has a tough challenge ahead of him tonight.

Jeremiah Sloan: (nodding) Absolutely, Julian. Puck’s intensity and alliance with the Canadian Connection make him a formidable opponent. This main event is going to be explosive.

The camera fades out as the scene shifts back to the arena, setting the stage for the highly anticipated main event later tonight.

Tag Team Match
The Dogs of War vs. The Malones

Hype Man

The camera transitions to the backstage locker room area of the Goodfellas Casino Arena. The atmosphere is tense but focused, with various sVo wrestlers preparing for their upcoming matches. In one corner, CJ Dreamer is seen talking to his protege, Ricky Johnson. Dreamer, a veteran of the ring, is pacing back and forth, exuding a calm yet intense energy. Ricky Johnson, looking determined yet slightly anxious, listens intently.

CJ Dreamer: (with a commanding tone) Ricky, tonight is your night. You’ve been working your tail off, and it’s time to show everyone what you’re made of. Forget what Jupiter James said. She’s trying to get inside your head, but you’re better than that.

Ricky Johnson nods, absorbing every word, his eyes focused and determined.

Ricky Johnson: (firmly) I know, CJ. I’ve been waiting for this moment. I’m ready to prove that I belong here, that I can stand toe-to-toe with anyone.

CJ Dreamer: (smiling) That’s the spirit. Look, Jupiter James may have beaten you before, but that doesn’t define you. What defines you is how you bounce back. This isn’t just about winning a match, Ricky. This is about showing everyone in that arena, and everyone watching at home, that Ricky Johnson is the future of this business.

Dreamer places a reassuring hand on Johnson’s shoulder, looking him square in the eyes.

CJ Dreamer: (encouragingly) Remember all the hard work, all the sacrifices. You’ve got the heart, the talent, and the drive. Use that to fuel you tonight. Stick to the game plan, stay focused, and don’t let her get under your skin.

Ricky Johnson: (confidently) You’re right, CJ. Tonight, I’m going to show everyone that I’m not just an underdog. I’m a contender.

Suddenly, the door to the locker room swings open, and Jupiter James walks by with a smug expression on her face. She pauses for a moment, looking at Ricky and CJ with disdain.

Jupiter James: (sarcastically) Oh, look, it’s the dream team. I hope you’re ready to lose again, Ricky. Some things never change.

Ricky clenches his fists, but Dreamer quickly steps in, holding him back and keeping him focused.

CJ Dreamer: (calmly) Don’t let her get to you, Ricky. She’s just scared because she knows what you’re capable of. Let your actions speak in the ring.

Jupiter James smirks and continues walking, leaving the locker room. Dreamer turns back to Johnson, who takes a deep breath, regaining his composure.

Ricky Johnson: (determined) I’m not going to let her intimidate me. Tonight, I’m going to prove her wrong.

CJ Dreamer: (nodding) That’s the attitude. Now go out there and show them all what you’ve got. You’re ready for this.

With one final nod, Ricky Johnson heads towards the entrance to the arena, his determination visible in every step. Dreamer watches him go, a look of pride and confidence on his face.

CJ Dreamer: (to himself) Go get ’em, kid.

The camera fades out as Johnson makes his way towards the ring, ready to face Jupiter James in their highly anticipated match.

Single Match
Jupiter James vs. Ricky Johnson

The Upset

The arena is buzzing with energy as Ricky Johnson stands in the ring, his hand raised in victory after pulling off a massive upset against Jupiter James. The crowd erupts in cheers, celebrating the underdog’s incredible win. Johnson, breathing heavily but with a triumphant smile on his face, looks out at the sea of cheering fans, soaking in the moment.

Jeremiah Sloan: (excitedly) Can you believe it, Julian? Ricky Johnson has just defeated Jupiter James! What an incredible victory for this young man!

Julian Fiasco: (in disbelief) This is huge, Sloan! Ricky Johnson has done the impossible!

Johnson climbs the turnbuckle, raising his arms in celebration as the fans continue to cheer. Suddenly, the jubilant atmosphere shifts as Jupiter James, seething with rage, springs to her feet and attacks Johnson from behind. The crowd’s cheers turn to boos as James viciously assaults Johnson, kicking and punching him relentlessly.

Jeremiah Sloan: (concerned) Oh no! Jupiter James is attacking Ricky Johnson! This is uncalled for!

Julian Fiasco: (angrily) She’s furious about the loss and taking it out on Johnson!

James drags Johnson to the center of the ring and continues her brutal assault. Johnson tries to fend her off, but he’s too exhausted from the match. The fans boo loudly, showing their disapproval of James’ actions. CJ Dreamer, who was at ringside, quickly slides into the ring to put a stop to the attack.

Jeremiah Sloan: (urgently) Here comes CJ Dreamer! He’s not going to let this continue!

Julian Fiasco: (supportively) Dreamer is here to protect his protege!

Dreamer charges at James, grabbing her and pulling her off of Johnson. James struggles, trying to break free and continue the attack, but Dreamer holds her back, shouting at her to stop. The tension in the ring is palpable as Dreamer and James face off, with Johnson lying on the mat, clutching his side in pain.

CJ Dreamer: (angrily) That’s enough, Jupiter! You lost fair and square! Show some respect!

James glares at Dreamer, breathing heavily, her face contorted with anger. She finally shoves Dreamer away and steps back, still fuming but realizing she’s outnumbered. Dreamer stands protectively in front of Johnson, keeping his eyes locked on James.

Jupiter James: (furiously) This isn’t over, Dreamer. Not by a long shot.

With a final, hate-filled glare, James exits the ring and storms up the ramp, the fans continuing to boo her as she goes. Dreamer turns his attention back to Johnson, helping him to his feet and checking to make sure he’s okay. Johnson, still in pain but grateful, nods at Dreamer.

Ricky Johnson: (breathlessly) Thanks, CJ. I owe you one.

CJ Dreamer: (reassuringly) You did great, kid. Don’t let her get to you. Tonight, you proved everyone wrong.

The crowd cheers again, showing their support for Johnson and Dreamer as the two raise their hands together in victory. The camera captures the moment, highlighting the bond between the mentor and his protege.

Jeremiah Sloan: (proudly) What a night for Ricky Johnson! He’s proven himself tonight, and with CJ Dreamer by his side, there’s no telling how far he can go!

Julian Fiasco: (enthusiastically) This is just the beginning for Johnson! What a way to make a statement!

The scene fades out with Dreamer and Johnson celebrating in the ring, the fans cheering them on, as they head back up the ramp, ready for whatever challenges come next.

Tokyo Turmoil
Presented by the Sanctioned Violence Network
The first ever International Tag Team Champions will be crowned, as the top teams from the sVo, P:V, DW, RSPW, LdCE & the Network Affiliates do battle!
18th August 2024
Samurai Summit Arena & Casino, Tokyo Japan

Single Match
Dylan Macleod vs. Puck

Too Much To Handle

The arena is filled with boos as Puck stands tall in the ring, having just defeated Dylan MacLeod in a hard-fought singles match. Puck’s face is a mixture of triumph and defiance as he raises his arms in victory. Joining him in the ring are Ali Young, Scott Cole, and Jake Hughes, all members of the Canadian Connection, who proudly celebrate Puck’s win. The fans’ disapproval is loud and clear, but the Canadian Connection basks in the negative reaction, thriving on the chaos they’ve caused.

Jeremiah Sloan: (disappointed) What a heartbreaking loss for Dylan MacLeod. He gave it his all, but Puck and the Canadian Connection are just too much to handle tonight.

Julian Fiasco: (begrudgingly) You have to give credit where it’s due, Sloan. Puck and the Canadian Connection are a force to be reckoned with. They’re making their mark here in sVo.

Puck stands in the center of the ring, his chest heaving from the exertion of the match. Ali Young takes a microphone and hands it to Puck, who smirks as he looks out at the jeering crowd. Dylan MacLeod, still recovering from the match, watches on from the corner of the ring, clearly frustrated and disheartened.

Puck: (mockingly) You see this, Dylan? This is what happens when you step into the ring with the best. You tried your hardest, kid, but in the end, it just wasn’t enough.

The crowd boos even louder as Puck taunts MacLeod, who struggles to his feet, using the ropes for support. Puck glances at Ali Young, Scott Cole, and Jake Hughes, all of whom nod in agreement, their expressions filled with arrogance.

Ali Young: (smirking) Dylan, tonight was just the beginning. The Canadian Connection is here to dominate, to take over, and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop us. Get used to it!

Scott Cole: (shouting) We’re the future of this company, and tonight, Puck just proved it!

Jake Hughes: (taunting) So, Dylan, why don’t you take your loss like a good little rookie and get out of our ring?

Dylan MacLeod, his face a mixture of anger and determination, steps forward, showing that he’s not backing down despite the odds. The fans rally behind him, chanting his name in support.

Jeremiah Sloan: (passionately) Listen to this crowd, Julian! They’re behind Dylan MacLeod 100%! This kid’s got heart!

Julian Fiasco: (approvingly) He might have lost the match, but he’s won the respect of these fans. That’s something the Canadian Connection will never understand.

Puck steps forward, getting in MacLeod’s face, the tension palpable. Just as it seems like another brawl might break out, Ali Young pulls Puck back, shaking her head.

Ali Young: (sarcastically) Let him have his moment, Puck. He’ll need it to remember what it feels like to stand in the ring with true greatness.

Puck smirks and steps back, the Canadian Connection raising their hands in victory once more as the crowd continues to boo. MacLeod, still defiant, refuses to leave the ring, staring down his opponents with a look of unwavering resolve.

Jeremiah Sloan: (admiringly) Dylan MacLeod is showing the heart of a champion tonight. He may have lost, but he’s not backing down.

Julian Fiasco: (optimistically) This is far from over, Sloan. Dylan MacLeod will be back, and when he is, the Canadian Connection better be ready.

The show closes with the camera focusing on Dylan MacLeod, standing strong in the ring despite his defeat, as the Canadian Connection exit up the ramp, celebrating their dominance. The fans’ chants for MacLeod grow louder, signaling that this rivalry is far from finished.

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