sVo Proving Grounds 43
Live on the HOTv Network on PWA:TV
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
12th July 2024

[The anticipation reaches its peak as the video package concludes, highlighting the ‘Proving Grounds’ logo. The scene transitions to an exterior shot of the iconic Goodfellas Casino Arena, nestled in the vibrant heart of the Las Vegas strip. The camera then seamlessly shifts to a live view inside the arena, capturing the electric atmosphere. The sold-out crowd is a sea of energy, with fans passionately on their feet, screaming and waving homemade signs in hopes of catching a glimpse on camera.

The camera skillfully maneuvers through the enthusiastic audience, showcasing the diverse array of signs and the palpable excitement that permeates the arena. Finally, attention shifts to the commentary table, where the dynamic duo of Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan eagerly await the start of the action. Their welcoming smiles reflect the enthusiasm of the night ahead.

With the fans as their backdrop, Julian and Jeremiah extend a warm greeting to the viewers tuned in to the HOTv network. The broadcast kicks off with the seasoned commentators breaking down the anticipated matches and moments slated for tonight’s show. The stage is set, and the Goodfellas Casino Arena is primed for an unforgettable evening of sVo Proving Grounds!]

Single Match
Noah Rogan vs. Bronson Johnson

Forever A Loser

Backstage at the Goodfellas Casino Arena, the atmosphere is buzzing as sVo Proving Grounds 43 is in full swing. The camera pans through the hallways until it finds Ricky Johnson, the young and ambitious wrestler, making his way towards the locker rooms. Just as he rounds a corner, he almost collides with none other than Jupiter James, who stands with a smug grin on his face.

Jupiter James: (smirking) Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Underdog himself.

Ricky Johnson narrows his eyes, clearly annoyed by the sudden encounter but trying to keep his composure.

Ricky Johnson: (firmly) What do you want, Jupiter?

Jupiter James: (laughs) Relax, kid. I’m just here to give you some friendly advice. You know, from one wrestler to another.

Ricky crosses his arms, clearly skeptical.

Ricky Johnson: (sarcastically) Oh, I’m sure this is going to be good.

Jupiter James: (serious tone) Listen, Ricky, you’re young, you’re talented, but you’re making a big mistake. Aligning yourself with CJ Dreamer? That’s a one-way ticket to Loserville.

Ricky’s eyes flash with anger, but he holds back, listening to what Jupiter has to say.

Jupiter James: (continuing) Dreamer’s washed up. He’s been around forever and what does he have to show for it? A few highlights and a lot of losses. You stick with him, and you’ll never get out of his shadow. You’ll forever be the underdog, the loser.

Ricky Johnson: (defensive) CJ’s been helping me. He believes in me, and he’s been teaching me a lot.

Jupiter James: (scoffing) Believes in you? Please. He’s dragging you down because he needs you to prop up his own failing career. You’re better than this, Ricky. You’re better than him.

Ricky clenches his fists, clearly torn between loyalty to his mentor and the harsh reality Jupiter is presenting.

Jupiter James: (leaning in) Think about it, kid. Do you want to be the guy who gets sympathy cheers and a pat on the back for trying? Or do you want to be the guy who actually wins, who actually makes a name for himself?

Jupiter pats Ricky on the shoulder with a condescending smile.

Jupiter James: (softly) Drop the dead weight, Ricky. It’s the only way you’ll ever be anything more than just the Underdog.

With that, Jupiter James walks away, leaving Ricky standing there, deep in thought, the words echoing in his mind. The camera lingers on Ricky’s conflicted expression before fading to the next segment.

Tag Team Match
Southern Boys vs. Patriot Act

On the Right Path

Backstage at the Goodfellas Casino Arena, the atmosphere is still electric as sVo Proving Grounds 43 continues. In one of the quieter corners of the arena, CJ Dreamer is wrapping his hands, preparing for the night’s action. The door to the locker room creaks open, and Ricky Johnson walks in, his face a mix of determination and uncertainty.

CJ Dreamer: (looking up) Hey Ricky, what’s up?

Ricky hesitates for a moment, then sits down across from Dreamer, his mind clearly on something important.

Ricky Johnson: (taking a deep breath) CJ, I need to talk to you about something. I ran into Jupiter James earlier.

Dreamer’s eyes narrow slightly, recognizing the seriousness in Ricky’s tone.

CJ Dreamer: (calmly) Oh yeah? What did she have to say?

Ricky Johnson: (frustrated) She basically told me that sticking with you is holding me back. That I’ll never be more than just an underdog if I keep aligning myself with you.

Dreamer finishes wrapping his hands and leans back, his expression thoughtful but unreadable.

CJ Dreamer: (nodding) I figured she’d try something like that. Look, Ricky, you’re free to make your own decision. I know we’ve lost our last two tag team matches, and maybe she’s right. Maybe I’m not the best partner for you right now.

Ricky looks taken aback, clearly not expecting Dreamer’s response.

Ricky Johnson: (determined) CJ, that’s not it. I respect you and everything you’ve done for me. I know we’ve had a rough start, but I believe in what we’re doing. I know I can learn a lot from you.

CJ Dreamer: (smiling warmly) I appreciate that, Ricky. But you need to do what’s best for your career. If you think there’s a better path for you, I won’t hold it against you.

Ricky Johnson: (firmly) No, CJ. I’m sticking with what I believe is best for my career, and that’s learning from you. Jupiter James doesn’t understand what we’re building here. I’m not just looking for quick wins; I’m looking to become a better wrestler. And I know I can do that with you.

Dreamer’s smile grows wider, pride evident in his eyes as he places a hand on Ricky’s shoulder.

CJ Dreamer: (sincerely) I’m proud of you, Ricky. It takes a lot of guts to stick to your convictions. We’re going to turn this around, I promise you that. We’ve got the Southern Boys tonight, and we’re going to show everyone what we’re capable of.

Ricky Johnson: (smiling) Yeah, let’s do it.

The two men share a determined nod, the bond between them stronger than ever. The camera zooms in on their united front, capturing the moment of mutual respect and determination before fading to the next segment.

Single Match
Bronson Martinez vs. Clam Idia

Lets Settle It

Backstage at the Goodfellas Casino Arena, the energy is buzzing as sVo Proving Grounds 43 continues to captivate the audience. The camera cuts to a hallway where CJ Dreamer is walking with purpose, his eyes scanning the area. He spots Jupiter James leaning against a wall, scrolling through her phone, a smug look on her face.

Location: Backstage Hallway

Characters Involved: CJ Dreamer, Jupiter James

Important Info: CJ Dreamer is a respected veteran in sVo, while Jupiter James has recently turned heel, taking a more aggressive and dismissive attitude towards her former friends and allies.

Dreamer strides up to Jupiter, who barely looks up from her phone, clearly uninterested in whatever he has to say.

CJ Dreamer: (firmly) Jupiter, we need to talk.

Jupiter finally looks up, her expression a mix of annoyance and boredom.

Jupiter James: (sighing) What do you want, CJ?

CJ Dreamer: (determined) It’s time to settle our differences once and for all. We’ve been going at it for weeks, and it’s time we put an end to this.

Jupiter rolls her eyes, pushing herself off the wall and taking a step closer to Dreamer.

Jupiter James: (dismissively) Settle our differences? CJ, I’ve already beaten you time and time again. There’s nothing left to prove.

Dreamer’s jaw tightens, but he keeps his composure, taking a deep breath before responding.

CJ Dreamer: (calmly) You may have beaten me before, but this isn’t just about wins and losses. This is about respect. You used to stand for something, Jupiter. Now you’re just tearing down everyone around you.

Jupiter laughs, shaking her head as she crosses her arms over her chest.

Jupiter James: (sarcastically) Oh please, spare me the lecture. Respect? I don’t need respect, CJ. I need wins. I need gold. And you’re just a relic of the past, trying to cling to your fading glory.

CJ Dreamer: (intensely) Maybe so, but I’m not backing down. I challenge you, Jupiter. One more match. No excuses, no running. Just you and me, in that ring.

Jupiter’s eyes narrow, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips as she considers his challenge.

Jupiter James: (smirking) You really are a glutton for punishment, aren’t you? Fine, CJ. You want one more match? You got it. But don’t say I didn’t warn you when I embarrass you again.

Dreamer steps closer, his eyes locked on Jupiter’s, the intensity between them palpable.

CJ Dreamer: (firmly) We’ll see about that. I’ll be waiting.

With that, Dreamer turns and walks away, leaving Jupiter standing there, her smirk widening as she watches him go. The camera lingers on her confident expression before cutting back to the ring, building anticipation for their inevitable showdown.

Main Event
Submission Match
Ali Young vs. Dylan Macleod

The 4th Man

The bell rings, and Ali Young releases the submission hold, standing tall with a confident smirk. Dylan MacLeod lies on the mat, clutching his injured limb, his face a mask of pain and disappointment. The crowd is buzzing with mixed reactions, some booing while others watch in stunned silence.

Announcer Julian Fiasco: What a match! Ali Young proves once again why she’s the leader of the Canadian Connection, securing the win over Dylan MacLeod.

Announcer Jeremiah Sloan: MacLeod gave it his all, but it just wasn’t enough tonight. Let’s see what happens next.

Ali Young signals for a microphone, which is quickly handed to her. She stands over Dylan, her expression a mix of pride and disdain.

Ali Young: (mockingly) Well, well, well. Dylan MacLeod, you fought hard, I’ll give you that. You showed heart, maybe even enough to consider letting you join the Canadian Connection.

The crowd murmurs, intrigued by her words. Dylan looks up, hope flickering in his eyes as he tries to push himself up.

Ali Young: (smirking) But you made your decision too late, Dylan. And while you were busy trying to impress us, someone else stepped up and took your spot.

Dylan’s face falls, the hope replaced by shock and confusion. He struggles to his feet, looking around as if trying to understand what she means.

Dylan MacLeod: (breathlessly) What do you mean? Who?

Before Ali can respond, the crowd’s attention shifts as a figure leaps over the barricade and slides into the ring. It’s Puck from Project:Violence! He attacks Dylan from behind, delivering a vicious assault.

Announcer Julian Fiasco: Oh my god! It’s Puck! Puck from Project:Violence is here, and he’s attacking Dylan MacLeod!

Announcer Jeremiah Sloan: This is chaos! MacLeod never saw it coming!

Puck unleashes a barrage of strikes and stomps on Dylan, who is too weakened from his match to fight back. Ali Young watches with a satisfied smirk, enjoying the brutality.

Ali Young: (laughing) Dylan, meet your replacement!

Puck lifts Dylan up and delivers a devastating finishing move, leaving him sprawled on the mat. He stands over Dylan, raising his arms in victory as the crowd erupts in boos.

Announcer Julian Fiasco: This is an absolute travesty! Dylan MacLeod just got blindsided by Puck, and Ali Young seems more than happy with it!

Announcer Jeremiah Sloan: The Canadian Connection and Puck seem to be working together here. What does this mean for the future of sVo?

Ali Young drops the microphone and raises Puck’s hand, solidifying the new alliance. The camera focuses on the fallen Dylan MacLeod, capturing his anguish and the crowd’s anger. The screen fades to black, leaving the audience in suspense about what will happen next.

Announcer Julian Fiasco: Folks, we are out of time, but you won’t want to miss what happens next! Tune in next week for more sVo Proving Grounds!

The show goes off the air with the image of Ali Young and Puck standing triumphantly over Dylan MacLeod.

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