sVo Against All Odds
Goodfellas Casino Arena
Sunday 22nd August 2021

The sVo logo fades on and then off of a black screen before ‘Venom’ by Eminem hits and the opening video package for ‘Against All Odds’ begins to play, featuring classic action with highlights from the likes of Psyko Stevo, Bobby Dean, Anthony Moretti, Roscoe Shame, William Vorheez, Nathan Paradine, JVD & Night.

As the package begins to come to an end, the live camera shows a shot of the outside of the Goodfellas Casino, sitting on the heart of the Las Vegas strip before heading inside and panning around the sold-out Goodfellas Casino Arena inside. Fireworks begin to shoot up from the top of the entrance ramp as fans jump out at the camera trying to get their face on TV as the atmosphere for tonight’s show continues to build, with the music playing over the arena’s sound system.

The camera swings around to see the commentary team of Julian Fiasco & Jeremiah Sloan sitting at ringside, before turning to show the giant screen at the top of the entrance ramp as some of the matchups for tonight’s show are shown.

A New Horizon

‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis hits the sound system and the crowd pop as the ‘Welcome to Las Vegas’ sign appears on the giant screen and pyros shoot up from both sides of the entrance ramp. After a few seconds the man himself, Johnny All-Star steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and holds the sVo Heavyweight Championship belt in the air! All Star wildy celebrates at the top of the entrance ramp with the belt and receives a mixed reaction from the crowd, who are still seemingly not happy with how the main event of Ultimate Victory 2021 went down!

All Star doesn’t seem to care however, as he throws the title belt over his shoulder before waving to the backstage area. Soon All Star is joined on the entrance ramp by Hugo Ryzing & Darwin Jones holding their sVo Tag Team Championship belts! Next up on the entrance ramp is Gunner Lang with the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt! The four sVo Champions pose with their belts on the top of the entrance ramp, before they wave to the back again and are joined by JD James, holding the Victory Cup trophy won by Gunner Lang at Ultimate Victory! The five men pose again, before they all head down towards the ring with the gold! All five men climb into the ring, before JD James grabs a microphone.

JD James: “Ladies and gentleman, let me present to you the most dominant force in the history of the sVo, Horizon!!”

The fans mostly cheer Horizon as they pose with their belts and trophies again, despite some fans still not forgiven All Star for what they see as a tainted victory.

JD James: “Never in the history of the sVo has one group held all of the gold like this. Now these four men beside my thought that there chance to be champions in the sVo had died along with this company back in 2013, yet here we are holding all the gold!”

James fist pumps the air, clearly overjoyed which gets a cheer from the fans, before he hands the microphone to Johnny All Star. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as All Star addresses them.

Johnny All Star: “I get it guys I get it. The main event of Ultimate Victory did not go down the way I wanted it to go down. It’s not the way I wanted to finally win the biggest prize of my career… but then I think back of all the times I have been screwed out of this belt and I think the wrestling gods kind of owed me this one….”

Another mixed reaction from the crowd.

Johnny All Star: “Now I promise each and every one of you that I had no hand in what happened at Ultimate Victory, it wasn’t my doing at all, just an unfortunate coincidence. William Vorheez has a lot of enemies over the years, it could have been any one of them that attacked him at the PPV….”

Loud boos from the crowd as the rest of Horizon look at each other awkwardly. 

Johnny All Star: “But I am going to be a champion that the sVo deserves, which is why if Vorheez works his way back up the rankings I will have no problem facing him again for this championship….”

The fans boo loudly at All Star, with many expecting Vorheez to be given a title shot immediately after the way the match went down. All Star looks like he is finished trying to appeal to the crowd, but there is a loud cheer as Gunner Lang takes the microphone.

Gunner Lang: “Speaking of title matches Johnny…..”

Lang takes the Victory Cup from JD James and holds it in the air.

Gunner Lang: “You know what this grants me right?”

Lang is all smiles, but JD James quickly tries to come between Lang and All Star and play peacemaker. All Star doesn’t look like he likes what Lang is suggesting, but as the Tag Team Champions try and help JD James diffuse the situation, there is a loud pop as “Abominator” by Doyle hits the sound system!

All eyes turn to the entrance ramp, as after a few seconds the former sVo Heavyweight Champion William Vorheez appears with a steel chair! Vorheez looks furious as he storms down to the ring with the chair in hand! Horizon look like they want to try and reason with Vorheez as heads straight for them!

JD James: William, William! Calm down! I know you must be angry but this isn’t the way to…”

James is cut off as Vorheez climbs into the ring with the chair and begins to swing it wildly! The Horizon members duck and weave out of the way of the steel, before they all quickly bail out on different sides of the ring! Horizon re-group on the entrance ramp and back up towards the locker rooms, as Vorheez stands in the ring with the chair and challenges Horizon to get back in and face him! The fans cheer Vorheez on as referees rush down to the ringside area to get between Horizon and the former Heavyweight Champion, as the broadcast cuts to a commercial break amongst a chaotic start, with Vorheez clearly blaming Horizon for what went down in the main event at Ultimate Victory! 

Single Match
Jupiter James vs. HyperNova

“Sunflower” by Post Malone hits the sound system and there is a huge cheer from the crowd. After a few seconds a pumped up Jupiter James emerges onto the top of the entrance ramp from behind the curtain and throws an arm into the air to acknowledge the crowd! Jupiter James skips down the entrance ramp side side to side, slapping hands with the fans as she goes before making her way all away the ringside area. Jupiter James finally climbs onto the ring apron on the side of the hard cam and raises both arms in the air to the crowd, before climbing into the ring through the ropes and looking around the arena in awe at the fans cheering her on.

Sash! – Encore Une Fois hits the sound system and the arena fills with boos as the young French star HyperNova steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp, with his manager Victoria Isabel Patience by his side. Flashlights go off up and down the entrance ramp as HyperNova marches down towards the ring as if he is on a fashion runway. Victoria Isabel Patience slowly walks behind him as HyperNova stops just short of the ring, and poses for the nearest camera. The boos continue as HyperNova slowly climbs into the ring, before using the nearest turnbuckle as a hammock and relaxing with his feet up on the ropes. 

With both competitors in the ring and VIP watching closely from ringside, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the opening match of the night to get started! Jupiter James and HyperNova both circle around each other to get the contest started, but as James goes to tie up with HyperNova in the middle of the ring, the Frenchman backs away! The fans boo loudly in the direction of HyperNova as he arrogantly walks away from from James and leans against the ring ropes. James shakes her head in anger, before running at her opponent and looking for a knee to the midsection. However HyperNova cuts her off with a back elbow strike before taking her down to the mat with a scoop slam.

With James down on the mat, HyperNova uses his speed to bounce off of the ring ropes before landing a stiff elbow to the midsection of his opponent. James staggers up to her feet, but HyperNova follows up with a snapmare takedown, before bouncing into the ring ropes and landing a big kick to the back of his seated opponent! James holds her back in pain as she sinks down to the mat, and HyperNova quickly makes the cover.




Jupiter James kicks out which gets a cheer from the sold out crowd. HyperNova shakes his head in disgust of his opponent, before dragging her up to her feet by her red hair. VIP cheers her client on, as HyperNova slams Jupiter James head first into the nearest turnbuckle, before taking her down with a back suplex as she staggers back into the middle of the ring. With Jupiter James down on the mat and struggling, HyperNova takes the opportunity to taunt to the crowd instead of making another pin fall attempt.

The crowd boo the cocky Frenchman loudly as he marches around the ring, however HyperNova seems to have taken too long show boating as he walks back over to Jupiter James and tries to scoop her up from the mat, only for James to roll him up in an inside cradle!




HyperNova kicks out at the very last second!

HyperNova climbs up to his feet with a look of shock on his face and desperately swings his arm in the direction of his opponent looking for a clothesline. However Jupiter James ducks under the arm of the Frenchman before spinning and hitting a picture perfect standing dropkick! The fans cheer loudly for the move, as HyperNova quickly gets to his feet but then walks into a double arm drag from James! The crowd continue to cheer James on as she pulls HyperNova up off of the mat and tries to seize the moment with a snap suplex, before floating over into a cover!




HyperNova kicks out at the very last second to the relief of his manager on the outside of the ring! VIP senses that her client is in trouble and quickly jumps up onto the ring apron to distract the referee before Jupiter James can make another pin fall attempt. The crowd boo VIP loudly as she remonstrated with the referee, but Jupiter James doesn’t take too kindly to the actions as she runs across and knocks VIP down with a right hand! 

VIP drops painfully to the floor and the fans cheer loudly for the actions of Jupiter James, however in taking out VIP she takes her eyes off of her opponent, and turns around to walk straight into a spinning heel kick from HyperNova that knocks her down! The crowd boo loudly as HyperNova signals for the end, before dropping Jupiter James with a DDT as she tries to get to her feet! With Jupiter James in the drop zone, HyperNova quickly climbs to the top rope and signals for his finishing move!

HyperNova comes flying off of the top rope in the direction of his opponent, but just as the fans think it is all over, Jupiter James gets her knees up and drives them into the chest of HyperNova on the way down! HyperNova scrambles to his feet holding his chest in pain, as Jupiter James rolls to her feet and pounces with the ‘Fifth Rock From the Sun’ finishing move! The crowd pop as James doesn’t waste any time in making the cover!




It’s all over and despite looking like the match was lost, it is Jupiter James who is victorious! The crowd cheer as James climbs up to her feet and celebrates as the referee raises her hand in the air in victory! HyperNova looks in pain as he rolls to the outside of the ring and watches his opponent celebrate alongside his manager. With the looks on the faces of HyperNova and & VIP, is this one really over?

Winner via pinfall: Jupiter James.

Getting Back On Track

The cameras head backstage to the locker room of Scott Washington and Yoshi Ono are silently preparing for their upcoming tag team match on opposite sides of the room. Both men can barely even look at each other, as the door open and in stomps an angry looking Amy Page. Page looks from one man to the other, before shaking her head in frustration.

Amy Page: “RIGHT! I have had enough of this!”

Both men slowly turn and face Amy Page.

Amy Page: “You both have the potentially to be the most dominant force in the sVo. That could be us with all the gold like Horizon have, but it’s not going to happen unless you both get on the same page!”

Ono and Washington stare at each other, but definitely don’t look very much on the same page.

Amy Page: “Now Scott, I know you are angry about what happened at the PPV, and you are right, it was out of order!”

Washington nods his head in agreement as he looks smugly over at Yoshi Ono, who doesn’t look at all happen. Ono goes to protest, but Page holds a hand up to stop him.

Amy Page: “Yoshi, I know you are not happy with what Scott did in your Victory Cup match, and you are right it was out of order!”

This time it is Yoshi Ono’s chance to look smug and in the right.

Amy Page: “But now we put all that shit behind us and get back to winning ways! Now shake hands!”

Ono and Washington stare at each other, but don’t make the move to shake on it.

Amy Page: “I said shake hands and put this shit to bed!”

Amy Page gives Washington and Ono the death glare, before they finally and reluctantly shake hands briefly. 

Page gives both men the evil eye, before leaving the locker room and slamming the door behind her, leaving both men to prepare to be on the same page in their upcoming tag team match.

Tag Team Match
Scott Washington & Yoshi Ono vs. The Patriots

The fans are on their feet as ‘California Vacation’ by The Game hits the sound system and the lights in the arena dim. Golden sparks rain down from the top of the giant screen onto the entrance ramp as Scott Washington step through them and holds his arms in the air. The huge ‘O-Town Outlaw’ taunts to the crowd who boo loudly as he walks down the entrance ramp with his eyes focused on the ring. Scott Washington jumps up onto the ring apron before climbing into the ring and warming up in the corner of the ring for his upcoming battle.

The lights in the arena dim and the mood changes as ‘GTA’ by Meek Mill hits the sound system. As the base reverberates around the arena, the massive figure of Yoshi Ono slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and looks out at the arena. The crowd loudly boo the sight of Ono, but the Japanese star ignores the crowd and performs a sumo ritual dance at the top of the entrance ramp. Ono then slowly walks down to the ring at his own pace, before slowly climbing into the ring and staring out at the crowd from the corner of the ring with a snarl on his face as the lights slowly come back up.

The upbeat “Living In America” by James Brown hits the sound system and the fans in the arena boo as the arena is basked in a red, white and blue glow. After a few seconds, ‘the Patriot Act’ step out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throws up a salute to the crowd. ‘The Patriots’ quickly makes his way down the entrance ramp whilst trash talking with fans at ringside, before climbing into the ring. Dallas Jordan watches and stares out to the crowd for a few seconds before throwing up another salute to the crowd. Armstrong & Abbot retreat into the corner of the ring as the music begins to fade out.

With all four men in the ring, there is some clear tension between Scott Washington and Yoshi Ono as they try and decide who should start the match off for their team! Lance Abbot and Travis Armstrong look pumped up to get things started, as Washington reluctantly legs Ono get the match started against Armstrong!

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and Armstrong quickly tries to take Ono to the mat with a single leg takedown. However Ono uses his weight advantage to shake Armstrong off, before knocking him away with a massive head butt to the face. Armstrong staggers away holding his head, before Ono grabs him by the arm and shoots him into the ring ropes. Armstrong bounces back and runs straight into a big clothesline from Ono.

Dallas Jordan paces around on the outside of the ring, as Ono scoops Armstrong up to his feet and sends him into the corner of the ring. The fans wince as Ono follows up with a splash in the corner of the ring, before working away on his opponent with big kicks and stomps. Washington calls for the tag, but Ono ignores him and pulls Armstrong back up to a standing position. Ono chops away on the chest of Travis Armstrong until it is red raw, before grabbing hold of him and looking for a belly to belly suplex! The ring shakes with the impact of the move, as Ono makes the cover.




Abbot is quickly into the ring to break the cover, sensing that his partner was in trouble!

The referee forces Abbot back to his corner, but with his back turned Dallas Jordan rolls into the ring and lands a chop block on Ono from behind to send the big man down to one knee, before rolling back out! The fans boo loudly, but as Ono staggers up and turns to face Jordan, Armstrong is able to jump up and hit him with a back stabber! With Ono down, Armstrong crawls to his corner and makes the tag out to his partner Lance Abbot!

Abbot jumps quickly into the ring and stomps away on Ono, trying to keep the big man down. Abbot works over the knees of Ono, before locking in a leg lock to try and do some further damage to the legs of his opponent! Ono shouts out in pain, before finally managing to free himself from the grasp of his opponent!

Ono staggers back up to a standing position, but Abbot quickly lands a big dropkick on him to take him straight back down! Abbot bounces off of the ring ropes and drops a big elbow across the chest of Ono, before making the cover.



No! Dallas Jordan screams at the referee from the outside of the ring that it should have been a three count, as Ono struggles to get back up to his feet. Abbot quickly goes back to work on the legs of his opponent, kicking away at the knees of Ono! Ono shrugs Abbot away with a head butt, before staggering towards his corner to finally look for a tag!

However as Ono reaches Washington, the former Tag Team Champion withdraws his hand and jumps off of the ring apron! The fans don’t know what to make of things as Washington turns his back on Ono and walks back up the entrance ramp and to the back!

In the ring, the rest of the Patriot Act lick their lips at the prospect of taking on Ono on his own! Abbot and Armstrong quickly both hit the ring and push past the referee and stomp away on the body of Yoshi Ono! Dallas Jordan runs interference with the referee, as Abbot and Armstrong pull Ono up to a standing position, before finally taking him down to the mat with a double team neckbreaker! Abbot wastes no time in making the cover, as Armstrong grabs the referee and forces him to count!




It’s all over and it is the ‘Patriot Act’ who pick up a big win for their team, with the Patriot’s defeating Ono and Washington thanks to Washinton deserting his partner! 

Dallas Jordan quickly rolls into the ring and raises the arms of Armstrong and Abbot in the air in victory, before the three turn their attention back to Yoshi Ono! The three members of Patriot Act stomp away on Yoshi Ono until enough referee’s rush down to the ring to stop the attack!

Winners via pinfall: The Patriots

Vengeance Pt.1

We head backstage where JD James is making his way back to the Horizon locker room, ready to watch the first of two title matches that will involve members of his stable tonight after the #1 contendership matches that went down at the Ultimate Victory PPV. JD James turns the corner, but as he does he is suddenly grabbed around the throat and pushed up against the wall by the massive hand of William Vorheez!

JD James: “Wow, wait… William you have this all wrong….”

Vorheez snarls as he leans in close to the face of JD James, who is struggling.

William Vorheez: “Don’t even try and deny it JD.”

James struggles to try and free himself, but Vorheez keeps his grip on tight.

JD James: “Honestly William, we watched the whole scene from the locker room. Ask any one of the guys, hell ask Flip Dixon, he will vouch! We were no where near the ring that night! Johnny doesn’t know what happened, it was the first thing we asked him!”

Vorheez sneers as he leans in closer to JD’s ear.

William Vorheez: “We both know that Johnny All Star set this whole thing up. You were either complicit or you have turned a blind eye. Either way the whole of Horizon is going to pay the price for the sins of Johnny fucking All Star.”

Vorheez stares into the eyes of JD James to show him just how serious he is, before dropping him down from his grip and leaving him in a crumpled mess on the floor. JD James gasps for breath as Vorheez slowly walks away from the scene. 

Single Match
El Froggo vs. CJ Dreamer

‘Break Stuff’ by Limp Bizkit blasts over the sound system and there is a pop from the crowd as CJ Dreamer slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp and stares out at the fans packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena. Dreamer smirks at his hometown fans as he stops for a few seconds to signal to them, before briskly walking down the entrance ramp and rolling into the ring. Dreamer quickly rolls to his feet and skips in a circle around the ring whilst shadow boxing. Dreamer slowly returns to his corner of the ring as the music fades out and is replaced with the sound of just the cheers from the fans.

DJ Snake – Taki Taki hits the sound system and the fans watch on as the energetic El Froggo makes his way out from behind the curtain! El Froggo dances around the top of the entrance ramp, getting the crowd pumped up! El Froggo quickly makes his way down the entrance ramp, moving from side to side to slap the hands of as many fans as possible! El Froggo leaps up onto the ring apron, before valunting himself into the ring and rushing across to bounce off the nearest ropes! El Froggo leaps up to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle before turning and posing for the crowd!

The fans are pumped up for this match between two fan favourites as they tie up in the middle of the ring to get the match started. CJ Dreamer quickly pushes El Froggo back in a show of strength, but the Mexican is quick to free himself from the grasp of his more powerful opponent and land some stiff kicks to the knees of Dreamer. Dreamer staggers away holding his leg in pain, and El Froggo wows the crowd by running an Dreamer and taking him down with a head scissors takedown. Dreamer quickly gets back up to his feet, but El Froggo is back on him by grabbing him by the arm and shooting him into the corner of the ring. Dreamer hits the turnbuckle hard, and El Froggo follows up with an impressive handspring elbow in the corner of the ring!

The fans cheer El Froggo on as he poses for the crowd, whilst CJ Dreamer staggers away holding his chest in pain. El Froggo finally turns back to his opponent to get back on the offensive, but as he does he walks straight into a right hand from Dreamer which sends him down! The straight punch gets a bit of a mixed reaction from the crowd, but Dreamer doesn’t seem to care as he quickly starts to stomp away on his grounded opponent. El Froggo finally tries to get back up to his feet, but CJ Dreamer hits him with a belly to back suplex before rolling to his feet.

El Froggo looks in pain on the mat as Dreamer bounces off of the ring ropes and lands a knee drop onto his opponent. Dreamer rises up to his feet and tries to get the crowd back on his side by signalling to them, but the Las Vegas fans seem to remain split between the two competitors. El Froggo gets to his feet and Dreamer grabs him quickly before landing a quick clothesline to send him back to the mat. With El Froggo down, Dreamer grabs hold of his opponents leg and locks in a single leg Boston crab!

El Froggo shouts out in pain as Dreamer pulls back on the submission hold, but refuses to tap! The referee again asks El Froggo if he wants to submit, but the Mexican shakes his head and crawls to the ring ropes, before finally managing to grab hold of the bottom rope! Dreamer looks reluctant to break the submission hold, but finally does! CJ Dreamer looks angry at not getting the win right there as he climbs back up to his feet using the ring ropes, but quickly signals for his finishing move!

The crowd rise to their feet as Dreamer grabs hold of El Froggo and looks for the ‘Sweet Dreams’, however El Froggo manages to counter with an arm wrench takedown! Dreamer quickly gets to his feet, but as he runs at his opponent, El Froggo lands a Monkey flip on Dreamer before bouncing into the ropes and hitting a springboard elbow drop before making the cover!



No! Dreamer kicks out! El Froggo can’t believe it as he jumps back up to his feet holding his head in disbelief! However with CJ Dreamer still down, El Froggo looks for the winning blow as he climbs up to the top rope! The fans rise to their feet again to see El Froggo fly, but before he gets the chance Dreamer jumps up and bounces into the ring ropes, knocking his opponent off balance! El Froggo lands on a seated position on the top turnbuckle, but CJ Dreamer wastes no time in climbing up alongside his opponent and landing a big superplex off of the top rope!

The fans cheer the big move, but CJ Dreamer isn’t finished there as he quickly pulls El Froggo back up! CJ Dreamer grabs El Froggo in a waist lock, before taking him down with a German suplex! Dreamer however keeps his arms locked around the waist of his opponent and rolls back up to a standing position, before hitting the ‘Sweet Dreams’ in the middle of the ring! The fans cheer as Dreamer hooks the leg to make the cover.




It’s all over and the former Tag Team Champion CJ Dreamer picks up the win to get back to winning ways. CJ Dreamer looks pleased with his win as he rises up to his feet and has his arm raised in the air in victory.

Winner via pinfall: CJ Dreamer

The Secret Pt.1

The cameras head backstage once again, where Athena is sitting in the locker room alongside the legendary manager JD James. Athena looks distressed as she sits with her head in her hands, whilst JD James tries to console her. James still looks disheveled from his earlier run in with William Vorheez.

JD James: “How about you fill me in on this whole Moretti deal. A problem shared is a problem halved…”

Athena looks at James for a few seconds, before shaking her head. 

Athena: “Sorry JD, I can’t do it. If anyone finds out….”

JD James: “But what does he have over you? Some kind of secret?”

Athena: “It’s not my secret exactly…. I can’t talk about it JD I’m sorry.”

James shrugs his shoulders and reluctantly gives up his line of questioning.

JD James: “Well how about you at least take your mind off of it and help us out tonight? We have a big problem with Vorheez, he seems to have it in his head that we had something to do with the lights going out during his main event at Ultimate Victory.”

Athena: “Sorry JD, Moretti won’t let me help you guys out…. I wish I had never come to the sVo….”

James doesn’t know what to say, as Athena rises up to her feet and walks away from the scene, clearly looking troubled.

sVo Tag Team Championship Match
Horizon (c) vs. The Canadian Connection

‘Welcome To Toronto’ by K Money hits the sound system, and there are loud boos from the crowd as onto the top of the entrance ramp step Jake Hughes & Scott Cole of the Canadian Connection, accompanied by Alissia Young! Cole and Hughes signal to the crowd with sneers on their faces, before slowly walking down the entrance ramp bopping their heads to the music. Hughes and Cole climb up onto the ring apron on the side of the head camera, and slowly remove their ring jackets. The team throw their jackets into the crowd before climbing into the ring and running to opposite corners of the ring. Hughes and Cole climb to the second rope and stand staring out at the crowd with their arms folded, before jumping down and preparing for battle as the music fades out.

“Keep on Swinging” by Rival Sons floods the sVo arena as some pyro goes off. Hugo Ryzing makes his way out onto the entrance ramp a hoodie covering his head; he pauses for a moment and then makes his way down to the ring bobbing his head to the rhythm throwing some practice punches and taking time to look at the crowd. He pulls himself up into the ring and makes his way to the center throwing his head back revealing his face and throwing his arms up into the air. He scrambles and pulls himself up into a corner taking off his hoodie throwing it into the audience and once again throws his arms up into the air before jumping down and preparing for the match.

The arena lights dim as the V-Tron goes dark and several different colored gases start swirling in the middle. As the gases swirl faster the arena is rocked with an explosion from the V-Tron and pyro exploding from the ramp. The swirling gases are replaced by a spinning earth and ‘Evolution’ by Clawfinger fills the arena. The earth continues to spin as pictures of mankind’s greatest accomplishments and tragedies emanate from the spinning globe.

A Cro-Magnon man starts to walk forward evolving with every step it makes raising its arms out to the side, finally ending with Darwin Jones walking forward with his arms spread wide blocking out the view of the earth. Pyro explodes on the entrance ramp as Darwin Jones appears on the entrance ramp arms spread wide. He takes his time to the ring working the crowd into a frenzy. Sliding into the ring he pulls himself up into a corner still working for the crowd.

The referee holds the sVo Tag Team Championship belts in the air to signal that they will be on the line in tonight’s match, as all members of both teams stare up at the gold, knowing that one team will be leaving the arena disappointed tonight! 

Alissia Young marches around the ring side area looking menacing, as Darwin Jones and Scott Cole agree to get things started off for their teams! The referee passes the belts to Natasha Ortiz on the outside of the ring, before calling for the bell to be rung and the action to get started!

Cole quickly rushes the big man Jones and lands some big right hands, but Jones knocks him away with a big haymaker of his own. Cole bounces off of the ring ropes to try and get some momentum, but Darwin Jones catches him on the way and knocks him down with a big clothesline. The fans cheer Darwin Jones on, as he scoops Cole up to his feet before landing a snapmare takedown and locking in a camel clutch submission hold. Cole shouts out in pain, before managing to twist his way out of the hold and kick Jones away. 

Jones catches Cole with a knee to the midsection as he gets to his feet, before taking him to the mat with a scoop slam. With Cole down, Jones makes the tag out to Hugo Ryzing. Ryzing climbs over the top rope and bounces off of the ring ropes, before landing a big boot to the face of his opponent as he struggles up. The fans cheer the move from Ryzing, as Jake Hughes calls out to his partner to make the tag. 

Ryzing however has other ideas, as he pulls Cole away from his corner before landing a snap suplex. Ryzing taunts to the fans, before pulling Cole up to a standing position and landing an impressive Rolling Firemans Carry Slam! With Cole down, Ryzing makes the cover.




Cole gets a shoulder up off of the mat and saves his team’s chance of capturing the Tag Team Championships! 

Alissia Young looks relieved on the outside of the ring, as Ryzing rises up to his feet and glares at Scott Cole for kicking out. Hughes again calls out for his partner to make the tag, but Ryzing pulls Cole by the arm over to his corner of the ring, before tagging out to Darwin Jones. Jones climbs into the ring and lands a big punch to the arm of Scott Cole, before taking him to the mat with a Military Press Slam! 

Horizon look dominant as Darwin Jones stands over Scott Cole on the mat, but as he signals for his finishing move, the crowd boo as Alissia Young hops up onto the ring apron and distracts the referee! With the referee occupied, Jake Hughes climbs into the ring behind Jones and lands a low blow to the big man! 

Hughes rolls back out of the ring and Young hops off of the ring apron, just in time for the referee to turn around and see Scott Cole follow up with a DDT on Darwin Jones! The boos continue to ring out around the arena as Scott Cole crawls to his corner of the ring, before tagging Jake Hughes into the match legally!

Ryzing protests to the referee, but there isn’t much he can do as Hughes jumps into the ring and stomps away on Darwin Jones! Hughes chokes Jones out with his boot for the full five count of the referee, before pulling him to a standing position and sending him into the corner of the ring. Hughes lands a running shoulder block on Jones in the corner of the ring, before stomping him down in the corner!

Ryzing shouts encouragement to his partner as Hughes allows Jones to his feet, only to take him back to the mat with a jawbreaker. Jake Hughes looks pleased with himself as he taunts the crowd, before turning back to Darwin Jones and looking for a big clothesline. However Darwin Jones ducks under the clothesline attempt from Hughes and bounces off of the ring ropes, before landing a big boot to the face of Hughes on his return!

With Hughes down, Darwin Jones signals for his finishing move! Jones pulls Hughes to his feet to look for the ‘Big Bang Theory’, however Hughes counters by jumping off of the shoulders of his opponent! Jones tries to follow up with a clothesline, but Hughes ducks out of the way and Jones wipes out the referee! 

With the referee down, the match breaks into chaos as Scott Cole leaps into the ring and attacks Darwin Jones from behind! Hughes and Cole land some big kicks and stomps to Jones, before Ryzing climbs into the ring to even the odds! Ryzing lands a double clothesline to take down the challengers, before helping Darwin Jones to his feet!

The tag team Champions stand over the challengers, but with the referee down there isn’t much they can do to get the win! Jones and Ryzing pull Cole and Hughes to their feet and position them for their finishing moves, but as they do there is a cheer in the arena as “Abominator” by Doyle hits the sound system! All eyes turn to the entrance ramp, as after a few seconds William Vorheez marches down to the ring! Horizon drop their challengers to the mat and look confused, but Vorheez doesn’t take his eyes off of them as he climbs into the ring before knocking Ryzing down with a big right hand!

Jones looks shocked for a few seconds, before attacking Vorheez with a double axe handle. Jones lands some big right hands to Vorheez, before Vorheez ducks under the arm of his opponent and grabs Jones around the throat! The fans cheer as Vorheez lifts Jones into the air and drills him with a chokeslam! With Darwin Jones down and hurting, Vorheez turns his attention to Ryzing as he gets to his feet! Vorheez lands some big right hands on Ryzing, before dropping him with the ‘Wrath of Vorheez’! 

With both members of Horizon down, Vorheez looks pleased with his handiwork as he climbs out of the ring and marches back up the entrance ramp without saying a word! 

Back in the ring, the referee begins to slowly come around and Alissia Young seizes the chance as she rolls into the ring and pulls Jake Hughes over the lifeless body of Darwin Jones, before rolling back out of the ring! The referee slowly makes the cover as the fans boo loudly.




It’s all over and we have new sVo Tag Team Champions! 

The boos continue to ring out around the arena as Alissia Young grabs the Tag Team Championship belts from the ring announcer, before climbing back into the ring and helping Hughes and Cole to their feet! The Canadian Connection celebrate with their new prizes, as a groggy Darwin Jones & Hugo Ryzing begin to come around and realise what has happened!

Winners via pinfall & new Tag Team Champions: The Canadian Connection

The Secret Pt.2

The cameras cut to the locker room of Blood Money, where the five founding members of the group plus a miserable looking Athena are sitting watching the replays of the Tag Team Championship match on the TV. The five founding members are laughing and look in a jovial mood, whilst Athena looks miserable.

Anthony Moretti: “Oh man, reward that so I can watch it one more time!”

Barone grabs the TV remote and rewinds with a smile on his face.

Anthony Moretti: “The fact that JD James was out in the ring only an hour or so ago crowing about holding all the gold makes it that much sweeter.”

The group erupt into laughter again, all apart from Athena.

Anthony Moretti: “Not only did they lose those Tag belts, but they are losing the Las Vegas Championship in the main event, right Money?”

Money Malone nods at Moretti and high fives the leader of Blood Money. 

Money Malone: “You’re damn right boss man. That gold is coming home tonight!”

The group all give words of encouragement to Money Malone, until the mood chances as Moretti stands up and circles around Athena.

Anthony Moretti: “I guess the only thing we can’t take away from them is that Victory Cup, especially after I got screwed at Ultimate Victory…. Right Athena?”

The five sets of eyes stare a hole through Athena, until she slowly and sadly nods her head.

Anthony Moretti: “Well incase you get any more ideas tonight, just remember you are down to your last chance now…. Any more missteps and your big bad secret accidently gets out into the wide world…..”

Athena gulps and slowly nods her head, as the scene fades out.

Single Match
Nathan Judge vs. Jacob Izaz

‘Not for Radio’ by Nas hits the sound system and the fans cheer as onto the top of the entrance ramp swaggers the confident looking Jacob Izaz. Izaz holds his arms in the air and stands motionless for a few seconds as flash bulbs go off around the arena, before he slowly continues his swagger down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Izaz hops up onto the ring apron and again throws his arms up in the air to poses for the crowd, before climbing through the ropes and into the squared circle.

‘Night Crawler’ by Judas Priest hits the sound system and there are boos in the arena as Nathan Judge slowly emerges from the backstage area onto the top of the entrance ramp. Nathan Judge doesn’t look too happy with the reception he is receiving from the Vegas crowd as he stares out at the sea of people before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring.

Judge slowly climbs into the ring between the ropes before walking around the perimeter and staring out at the crowd. The crowd continue to boo Nathan Judge as he stands tall in the ring looking ready for the match to begin.

The fans are firmly behind Jacob Izaz as the bell rings for the action to get started! Izaz and Judge trade right hands in the middle of the ring, with the powerful former Las Vegas Champion Nathan Judge getting the upper hand. Izaz counters with a knee to the midsection, before taking Judge down with a knee lift to the face. Judge staggers back up to his feet and ducks under an attempted clothesline from his opponent, before landing a swinging side slam backbreaker.

The fans boo Judge as he follows up with some mounted punches on Izaz, but climbing up to his feet and taunting the fans! The fans boo Judge even louder, but he waves them off before pulling the newcomer Izaz up and throwing him into the corner of the ring. Judge tees off on Izaz with big punches in the corner, before grabbing him by the arm and sending him across the ring, corner to corner. Izaz hits the turnbuckle hard, and Judge follows up with a big clothesline in the corner of the ring!

Judge stomps Izaz down in the corner of the ring, before pulling him away from the ropes and taking him to the mat with a double underhook slam. The fans boo loudly as Judge stomps away on Izaz before the newcomer makes it to the ring ropes and the referee calls for a rope break. Judge finally stops the attack on Izaz under the threat of disqualification, before posing in the middle of the ring for the fans. 

The boos grow even louder for the Candian as he waves off the fan reaction, before grabbing hold of Izaz and pulling him to his feet. Judge looks to tie up with Izaz, but the newcomer fights him off with some right hands to the midsection, before landing an atomic drop! Judge staggers away and Izaz follows the move up with a front backbreaker!

This time Izaz poses for the fans, which gets a bigger reaction, before he follows up the move with a monkey flip on Judge! With Judge down on the mat, ‘The Philly Flash’ Izaz makes the cover!




Judge powers out of the pin fall attempt and this match continues! Both men rise up to their feet, before trading right hands in the middle of the ring. Judge gets the better of the right hands, however as he grabs Izaz by the arm and shoots him into the ropes, Izaz bounces back and hits a Shining Wizard! Judge staggers to a standing position in the corner, but Izaz lands a big corner dropkick to send Judge back to the mat. Izaz follows up with an impressive Turnbuckle Run Tornado DDT to drop Judge on his head, before making the cover!




Once again somehow Judge kicks out! Izaz can’t believe it as he rises up to his feet and signals to the crowd for the end! Izaz stalks Judge as he slowly rises up to his feet, before springing forward and landing ‘The Message’! The fans cheer for the big superkick, as Izaz makes the cover.




It’s all over and it is Jacob Izaz who gets back to winning ways after his Victory Cup Final disappointment with a win over the former Las Vegas Champion Judge! Izaz celebrates the big victory in the middle of the ring as the fans cheer him on. With Jacob Izaz certainly showing his credentials early on in his sVo career, what is next for ‘The Philly Flash’?

Winner via pinfall: Jacob Izaz

Vengeance Pt.2

The cameras head backstage to the office of Jon Page, where the sVo Owner is standing behind his desk looking up at a pair of angry looking former Tag Team Champions. Page, who isn’t a small man himself, looks dwarfed by Darwin Jones and Hugo Ryzing, as Jones bangs his fist on the table in anger.

Darwin Jones: “You saw what happened out there Page! We want a rematch and we want it tonight!”

Ryzing nods his head, but Page holds his arms out in a ‘what can I do’ gesture.

Jon Page: “Guys, the Canadian Connection have already left the arena. Besides, your own Johnny All Star isn’t giving Vorheez a rematch when he got screwed out of his title, why should you get some?”

Jones and Ryzing look even more angry, as Ryzing leans forward menacingly.

Hugo Ryzing: “Johnny didn’t have anything to do with what happened, he told us so. You saw exactly what happened tonight! What kind of promotion are you running around here with all these screwy title matches? Give us the chance to put it right next show!”

Page looks up at the angry team, but before he can answer the door swings open, and in steps William Vorheez with a steel chair! Before anyone has any time to reach, Vorheez swings the chair and smashes it into the skull of Darwin Jones, sending the big man down! Ryzing throws a wild right at the former HeavyWeight Champion, but Vorheez ducks and slams the chair into the midsection of Ryzing, before grabbing him around the throat. Page warns Vorheez not to, but he doesn’t seem to be listening as he lifts Ryzing into the air and chokeslams him through Jon Page’s office desk!

With Ryzing and Jones down and not moving, Vorheez finally looks up at Page.

William Vorheez: “This doesn’t stop until someone owns up to what happened at Ultimate Victory.”

Page doesn’t reply as he stares back at Vorheez angrily, as the former Champion turns and leaves the office without a further word. Page sinks back into his office chair and admires the chaos around him, as the scene fades out.

sVo Las Vegas Championship Match
Gunner Lang (c) vs. Money Malone

“The Champ is Here” by O Fresh hits the sound system, and boos ring out as the arena is basked in a dull red glow. After a few seconds the boos get louder as Money Malone steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp wearing a ‘Blood Money’ t-shirt and holding a roll of dyed red dollar bills in his hand. Malone taunts at the top of the entrance ramp, before slowly walking down towards the ring. Malone throws the red dollar bills into the crowd before slowly climbing up into the ring and taunting on the middle as the music slowly fades out.

The familiar riff of AC/DC’s Thunderstruck fills the arena. As the pyro goes off on the entranceway Gunner Lang explodes onto the entrance ramp shooting off his own pyro from a gun while the sVo Tron shows Gunner and a band playing his entrance music. The fans are on their feet cheering and shout ‘Gunner’ along with the song. Gunner drops the pyro gun and runs down to the ring slapping hands with the fans and giving devil horns. He slides into the ring under the bottom rope and proceeds to take off his shirt and bandanna throwing them into the crowd.

Gunner Lang hands the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt to the referee, who holds it high in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s main event match! The fans cheer as the referee holds the belt up for a few seconds before passing it to the outside of the ring and calling for the match to get started!

Lang and Malone slowly move towards each other in the middle of the ring, but as Lang looks to tie up, Malone nails him with a knee to the midsection! The fans boo as Malone shoots Lang into the ring ropes and looks for a spinning heel kick as he bounces back, but Lang ducks under the leg of his opponent and lands a short arm clothesline to knock down the challenger. 

Money Malone quickly gets back to a standing position, but Lang nails him with some big right hands before landing an impressive Elevated Gut Buster. With Money Malone down on the mat Lang looks to lock in a sharpshooter submission hold, but Malone quickly gets to the bottom rope before the move can be locked in. Malone rolls out of the ring to put some distance between himself and the champion, which causes the fans to boo the Blood Money man loudly.

Lang waits for Malone to get back into the ring, before rolling under the bottom rope himself and grabbing the challenger from behind! The referee looks reluctant to count out either man in a championship match, but as Lang tries to slam Malone face first into the security barrier, Malone counters with a back elbow before dropping his opponent across the barrier!

Gunner Lang staggers away holding his chest in pain from the impact, but Malone follows up by grabbing Lang by the arm and whipping him hard into the steel ring steps! Lang tries to pick him up from against the steps, but Malone quickly rolls him into the ring before leaping onto the ring apron. Malone slingshots over the top rope and lands an elbow drop onto the champion, before making the cover!




Gunner Lang kicks out and saves his championship reign! The fans cheer Lang getting his shoulder up, as Malone looks angrily at the referee thinking he had done enough to secure the gold right there. Malone pulls Lang to his feet and hits a Backstabber on Lang, before taunting to the crowd. Malone follows up with a Fireman carry gut buster, before signalling for his finishing move! Malone grabs hold of Lang and tries to lock in the ‘Money Maker’, but this time it is Lang who makes it to the bottom rope!

Malone finally breaks the hold, but as the referee backs him up, Lang gets to his feet! Malone runs at Lang to try and keep the offense on, but Lang scoops Malone up and hits a Military Press Slam! The fans cheer the big move, as Malone follows up with a big boot, before bouncing off of the ropes himself to hit a Double Axe Handle smash! Lang looks like he is rolling as he pulls Malone up to his feet and throws him into the corner of the ring before taunting to the fans!

Gunner Lang runs at Malone in the corner of the ring and hits a big ‘Boomer-lang’ followed up with a ‘Gunner-Struck’ to a pop from the crowd! It looks like it is all over and Lang is going to retain the title, until much like the main event of ‘Ultimate Victory’ the lights in the arena cut and the match is plunged into darkness!

There is confusion in the arena as boos ring out, before the lights come back on a minute later for Gunner Lang to be laid out in the middle of the ring, much like William Vorheez was at the PPV! Money Malone can’t believe his luck, as he suddenly realises what is happening before crawling over the champion to make the cover!




It’s all over and we have a new sVo Las Vegas Champion! Money Malone staggers up to his feet, and the referee quickly presents him with the title belt, before turning to check on the condition of Gunner Lang who is still motionless!

Money Malone celebrates with the first sVo gold of his career, as the fans boo loudly at what has just unfolded! With the lights cutting in two shows in a row resulting in two title changes, just who is behind these mysterious turn of events?

Winner via pinfall & new Las Vegas Champion: Money Malone

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