RSPW Carnage 14
Live on the Sanctioned Violence Network
Samurai Summit Arena & Casino, Tokyo Japan
17th October 2024

[Camera cuts to the usual arena, packed with fans buzzing with excitement. The RSPW logo flashes on the screen before cutting to the commentators’ desk. The familiar voices of Hiro Tanaka and Alex Mercer fill the arena.]

Hiro Tanaka: [With excitement in his voice] Welcome, everyone, to Carnage 14! We’re just days away from what is shaping up to be the most explosive and monumental event in RSPW history—Global Takeover! This crossover two-night Pay-Per-View extravaganza is taking place in London, and the stakes couldn’t be higher!

Alex Mercer: That’s right, Hiro. We’ve got Global Takeover right around the corner, and tonight’s episode of Carnage is packed with action to get you ready for that epic showdown. We’ll be seeing the final few pieces fall into place as Colt Thompson takes on Hugo Ryzing in a match that has been building for months now in only a few days time!

Hiro Tanaka: And if that wasn’t enough, at Global Takeover, we’ll see RSPW Heavyweight Champion Ryujiro defend his title against Akeno Watabe! Can Watabe take the title away from the dominant champion, or will Ryujiro continue his reign?

Alex Mercer: Plus, don’t forget, it’s going to be a clash of champions, with Ryujiro going up against Espectro, the Estrella Suprema Champion from Lucha de Cinco Estrellas in what’s sure to be a match for the ages! Two top champions from two different promotions, facing off in the heart of London!

Hiro Tanaka: That’s right, Alex. The anticipation is at a fever pitch, and tonight’s action will only get us more fired up for Global Takeover. So, folks, sit back, because the road to London continues tonight on Carnage 14!

[The camera cuts to the ring as the first match of the night is set to begin, the crowd roaring with excitement for the action ahead.]

Single Match
Hiro Ryuu vs. Emi Sato

Calling Out the Champ

[The bell rings, signaling the end of the match as Emi Sato stands tall in the ring after her victory over Hiro Ryuu. The crowd cheers her on, but Sato’s expression is one of fierce determination as she takes in her win. She grabs a microphone from ringside and lifts it to her lips, her gaze unwavering.]

Emi Sato: [Cold and assertive]

“Once again, I’ve proven that I’m the top contender in the Junior Heavyweight Division. I just beat Hiro Ryuu, and yet… no one seems to be paying attention to me.”

[The crowd boos slightly, but there’s a mix of cheers as fans recognize Sato’s anger.]

Emi Sato:

“Katsuhiro Kaneda, I know you’re watching. I know you hear me. I’ve called you out before and you ran like a coward. You’ve been avoiding me, but that ends now. You can hide behind whoever you want, but I’m done waiting.”

[The fans start chanting “Sato! Sato! Sato!” as she paces in the ring, her voice rising.]

Emi Sato:

“You say you’re the champion, Kaneda? Then prove it and defend that belt against me! Let’s stop pretending you’re untouchable. I’m ready to take what’s mine. So how about it, Kaneda? You and me—Carnage 15, Junior Heavyweight Championship! No more excuses!

[Sato lowers the microphone, her eyes fixed on the entrance ramp, waiting for a response. The crowd roars in support, the tension building as they await Kaneda’s reaction.]

[The camera zooms in on Sato, her face filled with determination, as she stands ready to take on the champion.]

Single Match
King Neptune vs. Daiki Yutaka


[Rei is standing backstage with the microphone in hand, a look of anticipation on her face. Mei Nakamura walks into frame, the intensity in her eyes telling the story of a heated rivalry. The Osaka Cyclone is dressed for her match against Akari Tanaka, ready to take on her long-time adversary.]


“Mei Nakamura, thank you for joining me. You’re set to face Akari Tanaka in just a few moments, a rivalry that has seen its fair share of animosity. How are you feeling heading into this match?”

[Mei Nakamura glares, not wasting any time before responding. She’s clearly focused, her body language tense as she adjusts the straps of her gear.]

Mei Nakamura:

“[Coldly] How do I feel? Rei, I feel like it’s about time I end this. Akari Tanaka has crossed the line too many times, and now it’s time for her to face the consequences. She’s never taken me seriously, she’s always been playing these little games, but this isn’t a game anymore.”

[Mei clenches her fist, her voice growing more passionate.]

Mei Nakamura:

“I’ve spent months being disrespected, but tonight, I’m going to show her what happens when you poke the wrong bear. She’s going to regret everything she’s done, and after I’m done with her, she’ll know just how dangerous the Osaka Cyclone really is.”

[Rei nods, understanding the severity in Mei’s tone.]


“This has been building for a while now. You’ve both had moments where things got physical outside the ring, and it seems like this has reached a breaking point. What will a victory tonight mean for you, Mei?”

Mei Nakamura:

“[With a smirk] It’s more than just a win, Rei. It’s about proving a point. Akari thinks she can outshine me, act like she’s the better wrestler, but she’s just not on my level. Tonight, I’m going to knock her down and show the world that I am the superior wrestler. She won’t be able to ignore me after tonight. And believe me—after I beat her, I won’t be finished with her.”

[She takes a deep breath, the look in her eyes hardening.]

Mei Nakamura:

“When this is all over, Akari will know that you never, ever, underestimate the Osaka Cyclone. I’m going to wipe the floor with her tonight.”

[Mei stares intensely into the camera for a moment before walking off, her eyes locked on the upcoming match.]


“Strong words from Mei Nakamura, and with the intensity she’s bringing tonight, this match is sure to be explosive. Back to you guys!”

[The camera cuts back to the commentators as the scene ends.]

Single Match
Mei Nakamura vs. Akari Tanaka

The Boss Is Ready

[Rei stands backstage with a microphone, and the camera focuses on the serious expression of Akeno Watabe, who is pacing slightly in anticipation of the upcoming Global Takeover PPV. His RSPW Heavyweight Championship match against Ryujiro is just days away. The tension is palpable, and Akeno’s posture exudes confidence as he prepares for his biggest challenge yet.]


“Akeno Watabe, thank you for joining me. We’re only a few days away from your highly anticipated RSPW Heavyweight Championship match against Ryujiro at Global Takeover. How are you feeling heading into the biggest match of your career?”

[Akeno Watabe stops pacing, slowly turning to face Rei. His eyes narrow as he speaks, his tone calm but intense, filled with confidence.]

Akeno Watabe:

“[In a measured tone] How am I feeling, Rei? I’m feeling ready. I’ve been working for this moment for a long time. Ryujiro is a champion who’s earned his accolades, no doubt about it, but the truth is… he’s been riding high for far too long. It’s time for the world to see that I’m the one who’s going to take that title away from him.”

[He folds his arms, a slight smirk creeping on his face as he glances at the camera, speaking to the audience as much as Rei.]

Akeno Watabe:

“I’ve been in this business long enough to know what it takes to win at the highest level. I’ve faced every obstacle, every challenge, and now? I’m ready to take the biggest step of my career. Global Takeover isn’t just a big show—it’s where legacies are made. And after I beat Ryujiro, it’ll be my name on the marquee.”

[Rei nods, sensing the determination in his voice.]


“It’s certainly going to be a monumental match, and there’s been a lot of anticipation around this title bout. You’ve had some back-and-forth moments with Ryujiro in the past, but you haven’t faced him in this kind of high-stakes scenario. How do you feel your strategy will match up against him in the ring?”

[Akeno leans in slightly, his gaze sharpening as he begins to break down his approach.]

Akeno Watabe:

“[Confidently] Ryujiro is a great wrestler, no doubt. He’s strong, he’s resilient, but here’s the thing—I’ve watched him, I’ve studied him, and I’ve learned everything I need to know. Ryujiro has a tendency to rely on power, and while that’s dangerous, I know how to counter it. I’m quicker, I’m more calculated, and when I step into that ring, I’ll outsmart him at every turn. It’s not just about strength—it’s about intelligence and timing.”

[He pauses for a moment, letting the words sink in.]

Akeno Watabe:

“I’m not here to just take his belt—I’m here to prove that I am the better man. And at Global Takeover, I will do exactly that. I’ll break him down, piece by piece, until there’s nothing left but my hand raised in victory.”

[Rei gives a small nod, sensing the fire and determination in Akeno’s words.]


“Ryujiro has certainly proven himself as a dominant champion, but you seem ready to give everything for this opportunity. What message do you have for the champion before the match?”

[Akeno’s expression turns more serious, his voice lowering as he directs his final words at the camera, addressing Ryujiro directly.]

Akeno Watabe:

“[Firmly] Ryujiro, I respect what you’ve done as a champion, but come Global Takeover, you’ll face a new level of competition. You’ve been holding onto that belt for too long. It’s time for someone else to take it. And that someone… is me. Prepare yourself, because I’m coming for everything you’ve worked for. And at the end of it all, I’ll be the new RSPW Heavyweight Champion.”

[With that, Akeno nods and walks off, leaving Rei standing in front of the camera.]


“Strong words from Akeno Watabe. With such determination and focus, this RSPW Heavyweight Championship match at Global Takeover is sure to be one for the history books. Back to you!”

[The camera cuts back to the commentators as the scene ends.]

Single Match
Kaito Tanaka vs. Hugo Ryzing

Fourth Man?

[The match between Kaito Tanaka and Hugo Ryzing has just finished. The bell rings as Hugo Ryzing stands victorious in the center of the ring. The crowd reacts with boos, clearly not pleased with his win. Ryzing grins as he taunts the fans, raising his arms in a cocky victory pose. The camera cuts to Colt Thompson, standing at the entrance ramp, glaring at Ryzing with intensity. His Global Takeover opponent is still celebrating, unaware of the threat looming behind him.]

[Colt Thompson steps forward and begins walking toward the ring with purpose. The crowd buzzes with anticipation, sensing a confrontation between the two rivals.]

[As Colt reaches the ring, Ryzing turns around, seeing him approaching. Just as Ryzing prepares to throw down with Colt, a huge shock erupts from the crowd.]

[The music of sVo’s Horizon hits, and out comes Johnny All Star, Gunner Lang, and Darwin Jones! The three men walk down the ramp, and the arena is filled with surprised gasps. The three former Horizon teammates storm the ring, immediately surrounding Ryzing.]

[The tension in the air grows thick as Ryzing stands side by side with the Horizon trio. Colt Thompson looks confused, and the audience can hardly believe what they’re witnessing.]

[Johnny All Star grabs a microphone and smirks, his voice laced with sarcasm.]

Johnny All Star:
“Well, well, well… Look who’s back. Seems like someone didn’t get the memo, Colt. You think you’ve got all the answers? Well, things just got a whole lot more complicated.”

[The camera cuts to Colt Thompson, who looks absolutely livid. He stares at Ryzing and the Horizon group, realizing the enormity of the situation. Ryzing raises the microphone and smirks, his earlier cocky attitude returning.]

Hugo Ryzing:
[Sneering] Colt Thompson… I’ve always been one step ahead of you. You thought you could take me out, huh? But I’ve got more than just myself to rely on now. Horizon is back, and we’re stronger than ever. And when it comes to Global Takeover? You’re not just facing me… you’re facing all of us.”

[The crowd erupts into a mix of boos and shocked cheers as the entire Horizon faction stands tall in the ring, with Ryzing at the center of it all. Colt Thompson’s expression turns to one of fury, realizing that his match at Global Takeover has become even more complicated with the presence of Horizon.]

[Gunner Lang raises his microphone and gives a cocky grin.]

Gunner Lang:
“Colt, you can’t take on all of us. It’s not just a match anymore. It’s a statement. You’ve been running from this, and now you’ve got to deal with it.”

[Johnny All Star steps forward, leaning in close to Colt Thompson, as Ryzing and Darwin Jones step up behind him. The atmosphere is electric.]

Johnny All Star:
“At Global Takeover, you’re going to find out the hard way that it doesn’t matter how tough you are, Colt. You’re not leaving that ring as a winner—not when you’ve got Horizon backing Ryzing.”

[The crowd continues to react wildly as Colt Thompson looks on, breathing heavily with clenched fists. He knows the odds are against him, but the fire in his eyes tells the crowd that he’s far from intimidated.]

[Suddenly, Colt throws his jacket to the floor and steps forward, ready for a fight. The Horizon group stands their ground, Ryzing grinning with confidence.]

[The camera pans out as the two sides stare each other down, tension in the air as the final moments of the show draw near.]

[As the camera fades to black, the last shot is of Colt Thompson glaring at the Horizon group, fists clenched, and Ryzing smirking in the center of it all.]

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