RSPW Carnage 12
Samurai Summit Arena & Casino, Tokyo Japan
5th September 2024

The camera pans over the buzzing crowd at the Samurai Summit Arena & Casino in Tokyo, Japan, as RSPW Carnage 12 kicks off with the usual electric energy. The fans wave their signs and chant as the familiar RSPW theme music blares through the speakers. The camera then cuts to the commentary booth, where Hiro Tanaka and Alex Mercer are seated, ready to call the action.

Hiro Tanaka: [With enthusiasm] Welcome, everyone, to another thrilling night of RSPW Carnage! We are live from the Samurai Summit Arena here in Tokyo, Japan, and we have an action-packed show lined up for you tonight!

Alex Mercer: [Matching the excitement] That’s right, Hiro! After the events of the last few weeks, tensions are at an all-time high, and tonight’s main event is sure to be a barnburner as the RSPW Heavyweight Champion, Ryujiro, faces Takeshi Kobayashi in a non-title match! Kobayashi has been on a tear recently, and you have to wonder if he can keep that momentum going against the champ tonight.

Hiro Tanaka: [Nodding] It’s a huge opportunity for Kobayashi to prove himself against the champion, even though the title won’t be on the line. But that’s not all—we’ve got a mixed tag team match that’s been brewing for weeks!

Alex Mercer: [Excitedly] Oh, you know it! Katsuhiro Kaneda, our Junior Heavyweight Champion, teams up with the dangerous Emi Sato to take on the sibling duo of Kazuki Nakamura and Mei Nakamura! After what happened last time between Kaneda and Mei, there’s a lot of bad blood heading into this one. Kazuki and Mei are out for revenge, and you can bet they’ll stop at nothing to get it!

Hiro Tanaka: [Serious tone] Kaneda and Sato have made a lot of enemies recently, but the Nakamuras are not to be underestimated. This match could get explosive real fast.

The camera cuts to shots of the excited crowd, showing fans holding up signs in support of their favorite wrestlers, while others boo and jeer at the mention of Kaneda and Sato.

Hiro Tanaka: [With a final burst of energy] So sit tight, grab your snacks, and get ready for another unforgettable night of RSPW Carnage! Let’s get this show on the road!

The camera zooms in on the entrance ramp as the first wrestler’s theme music hits, signaling the start of the night’s first match. The crowd erupts in cheers, ready for the action to begin.

Single Match
Daiki Yutaka vs. Akeno Watabe

Concentrate on Me

The camera cuts to the backstage area where Rei stands with a microphone in hand, flanked by the imposing figure of the RSPW Heavyweight Champion, Ryujiro. The championship belt gleams over his shoulder, and his expression is one of focus and determination.

Rei: [With a professional tone] Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with the RSPW Heavyweight Champion, Ryujiro. Ryujiro, you just witnessed your next contender, Akeno Watabe, secure an impressive victory over Daiki Yutaka in the opening match tonight. What are your thoughts on defending your title against Watabe, and when can we expect that match to take place?

Ryujiro: [Speaking calmly but confidently] Akeno Watabe proved tonight that he’s a worthy contender. I respect his abilities and what he’s accomplished to earn this shot. As for when we’ll step into the ring for the title… I want that match to be as big as it gets, on the grandest stage possible. The fans deserve nothing less than a battle for the ages.

Just as Ryujiro finishes speaking, Takeshi Kobayashi walks into the frame, a smirk playing on his lips. He sizes up Ryujiro, his presence immediately shifting the atmosphere to one of tension.

Takeshi Kobayashi: [With a sneer] That’s all well and good, Ryujiro, but you better not get ahead of yourself. You’ve got a match with me tonight, and if you don’t focus on what’s in front of you, you might not even make it to that title defense against Watabe.

Ryujiro turns to face Kobayashi, his expression hardening. The tension between the two is palpable as they stare each other down.

Ryujiro: [In a firm, measured tone] Kobayashi, I’ve always respected you as a competitor, but if you think for one second that I’m overlooking our match tonight, you’re mistaken. I’m the RSPW Heavyweight Champion for a reason. You want to prove something? Do it in the ring. But remember this—I’m ready for anything you bring.

Kobayashi steps closer, the intensity in his eyes matching Ryujiro’s.

Takeshi Kobayashi: [Smirking] Oh, I’ll prove something all right. Just make sure that belt is nice and polished, because after tonight, you might not be holding it for much longer.

With that, Kobayashi turns and walks away, leaving Ryujiro staring after him, the tension still thick in the air. Rei looks back at Ryujiro, who adjusts the title on his shoulder, his focus now firmly on the challenge ahead.

Rei: [To the camera] The stakes couldn’t be higher, folks. Tonight’s match between Ryujiro and Takeshi Kobayashi just became even more intense. Will Ryujiro maintain his momentum as champion, or will Kobayashi derail his plans before that big title defense? Stay tuned to find out!

The camera fades to black as the show continues, the anticipation for the main event growing with every passing moment.

Single Match
King Neptune vs. Hiroshi Takagi

Follow My Lead

The camera transitions to the backstage area where Emi Sato is seen pacing back and forth, clearly frustrated. The RSPW Junior Heavyweight Champion, Katsuhiro Kaneda, leans against the wall, casually watching a monitor that just replayed King Neptune’s victory over Hiroshi Takagi. Kaneda sneers at the screen, shaking his head in disdain.

Katsuhiro Kaneda: [With a dismissive tone] Hmph, King Neptune gets lucky once and thinks he’s worth something. Let him dream—he’ll never get a shot at my title. Not as long as I’m champion.

Emi Sato abruptly stops pacing and glares at Kaneda, her frustration evident.

Emi Sato: [Sharply] Kaneda, enough about King Neptune! We have a match tonight, remember? Focus on that, or we’re going to lose. We need to be on the same page out there.

Kaneda turns to her, clearly irritated by her tone.

Katsuhiro Kaneda: [With a scoff] And what? You think I’m not focused? I’m the Junior Heavyweight Champion—I don’t need you telling me what to do. King Neptune or not, I can handle myself just fine.

Emi Sato: [Stepping closer, her voice firm] Listen, I know you’re the champion, but this isn’t a singles match. We’re a team tonight. If we’re going to win, you need to follow my lead. I don’t care how many belts you’ve won—this is a different game.

Kaneda’s expression hardens as he pushes off the wall, standing toe-to-toe with Sato. He’s clearly not used to being told what to do, especially not by someone he considers beneath him.

Katsuhiro Kaneda: [With a smirk] Follow your lead? You must be joking. I’m not some rookie you can boss around, Sato. I’m the one who calls the shots. Just try to keep up, and maybe we won’t embarrass ourselves out there.

Sato clenches her fists, visibly holding back her anger. She takes a deep breath, her eyes locking with Kaneda’s.

Emi Sato: [With determination] Fine. If you want to play it that way, then let’s see who really calls the shots in that ring. But don’t come crying to me if your arrogance costs us this match.

Kaneda chuckles, shaking his head as he walks past her, not bothering to respond. Sato watches him go, her expression a mix of frustration and resolve. She knows tonight’s match won’t be easy, especially with a partner as headstrong as Kaneda, but she’s determined to come out on top.

The camera fades to black as the tension between the two partners lingers, setting the stage for their upcoming tag team match.

Tornado Tag Team Match
Emi Sato & Katsuhiro Kaneda vs. Kazuki Nakamura & Mei Nakamura

Blame Game

The crowd inside the Samurai Summit Arena erupts into cheers as the bell rings, signaling the end of the match. Kazuki Nakamura and Mei Nakamura stand tall in the center of the ring, their arms raised in victory. The brother and sister duo share a triumphant smile, clearly elated by their hard-fought win.

Kazuki nods to his sister, and the two embrace in a quick hug, soaking in the cheers of the fans. They climb the turnbuckles, raising their arms high as the audience showers them with applause. The Nakamuras have proven themselves as a formidable team tonight, and the crowd is fully behind them.

As they celebrate, the camera shifts to the opposite side of the ring, where a very different scene is unfolding. Emi Sato and Katsuhiro Kaneda are both on their feet, but there’s no celebration happening between them. Instead, they’re locked in a heated argument.

Emi Sato: [Angrily pointing at Kaneda] This is your fault, Kaneda! If you had just listened to me, we could have won this match!

Katsuhiro Kaneda: [Sarcastically] Oh, so now it’s my fault? Maybe if you hadn’t been so obsessed with taking the lead, we wouldn’t be standing here as losers!

Sato steps closer to Kaneda, her eyes blazing with anger.

Emi Sato: [Furious] You’re the one who was too arrogant to work as a team! You were more focused on showing off than actually winning the match!

Kaneda sneers, clearly unimpressed by her outburst.

Katsuhiro Kaneda: [Coldly] And you were too busy trying to control everything. Maybe you should stick to what you know and leave the real wrestling to the champions.

The tension between them is palpable as they continue to argue, oblivious to the cheering crowd around them. The Nakamuras, still celebrating, glance over at their bickering opponents. Kazuki shakes his head with a smirk, while Mei looks on with a mixture of amusement and disbelief.

Finally, Kaneda turns his back on Sato, clearly done with the conversation. He exits the ring, ignoring the boos from the crowd as he heads up the ramp. Sato glares after him, frustration etched on her face. She then follows suit, exiting the ring, but not before giving one last, angry glance back at the Nakamuras, who are still basking in their victory.

The camera lingers on the Nakamura siblings as they continue to celebrate, the contrast between their unity and their opponents’ discord clear for all to see. The crowd’s cheers grow even louder as they make their way up the ramp, victorious and united, while Sato and Kaneda’s partnership seems to have crumbled under the pressure.

Global Takeover

The scene opens in the locker room, where Hugo Ryzing is leaning against a locker, casually scrolling through his phone. The camera pans in as the RSPW COO, Hiroshi Fujimoto, enters the room, a serious expression on his face.

Hiroshi Fujimoto: [Clearing his throat] Ryzing, we need to talk.

Hugo Ryzing looks up from his phone, slightly surprised but quickly masking it with his usual cocky demeanor.

Hugo Ryzing: [Smirking] What’s up, boss? Here to tell me how great I am?

Hiroshi Fujimoto: [Ignoring the comment] Your feud with Colt Thompson has been tearing this place apart. It’s gone on long enough. That’s why I’ve made a decision. At the upcoming Global Takeover event in October, you and Colt Thompson will settle this once and for all. One-on-one.

Ryzing’s smirk widens into a grin as he straightens up, clearly pleased with the news.

Hugo Ryzing: [Confidently] Finally! I’ve been waiting for the chance to finish that idiot off. Don’t worry, Fujimoto—I’ll drive Thompson out of RSPW for good. This company isn’t big enough for the both of us.

The COO nods, his expression still stern, but there’s a hint of satisfaction in his eyes as he watches Ryzing’s confidence.

Hiroshi Fujimoto: [Firmly] I don’t care how you feel about each other, but this has to end. Global Takeover will be the last chapter. Make it count.

Just as Fujimoto is about to say something more, Ryzing’s phone buzzes in his hand. He glances down at the screen, and his expression shifts from confident to surprised. The camera zooms in slightly, trying to catch a glimpse of the caller ID, but it’s unclear.

Hugo Ryzing: [Distractedly] Uh, I need to take this.

Without waiting for a response, Ryzing walks off, his focus entirely on his phone as he presses it to his ear. The COO watches him go, his eyebrows furrowed in curiosity. The scene then cuts back to the commentary table, where Hiro Tanaka and Alex Mercer are clearly intrigued.

Hiro Tanaka: [Speculative] Who do you think was calling Hugo Ryzing just now? He looked really surprised.

Alex Mercer: [Curious] That’s a good question, Hiro. We’ve seen Ryzing handle plenty of situations without batting an eye, but whatever that call was, it definitely caught him off guard. Could this be someone from his past, or maybe a new player in this game?

Hiro Tanaka: [Thoughtful] Whoever it is, it must be important for him to walk out on a conversation with the COO like that. I’m sure we’ll find out sooner or later, but for now, the real question is—what does this mean for his upcoming match with Colt Thompson at Global Takeover?

The camera lingers on the commentators’ thoughtful expressions as the segment fades out, leaving the audience with more questions than answers about the mysterious call and Ryzing’s future in RSPW.

Single Match
Takeshi Kobayashi vs. Ryujiro


The arena lights dim as the sound of the final bell echoes throughout the packed RSPW arena. The crowd erupts in cheers as Ryujiro stands victorious in the ring, breathing heavily but with a triumphant smile on his face. He raises the RSPW Heavyweight Championship high above his head, basking in the adulation of the fans. The commentators, Hiro Tanaka and Alex Mercer, are heard praising Ryujiro’s hard-fought victory.

Hiro Tanaka: [Excitedly] What a match! Ryujiro proves once again why he’s the RSPW Heavyweight Champion! That was a battle, Alex!

Alex Mercer: [Impressed] No doubt about it, Hiro. Ryujiro dug deep and pulled off another incredible victory. But wait—look at this!

The camera cuts back to the ring where Takeshi Kobayashi, who had just suffered the loss, is slowly getting to his feet. His face is a mask of fury as he glares at Ryujiro, who is still celebrating with his back turned. The crowd begins to boo as they sense the danger, and Kobayashi starts stalking toward Ryujiro, his intent clear.

Hiro Tanaka: [Warningly] Kobayashi doesn’t look like he’s done yet! This doesn’t look good for Ryujiro!

Alex Mercer: [Concerned] He’s going to blindside the champion! Someone needs to stop this!

Just as Kobayashi is about to strike, the arena lights up with a familiar theme song. The crowd’s boos turn to cheers as Akeno Watabe, the #1 contender, emerges from the entrance ramp. He walks down slowly, his eyes locked on the ring. Kobayashi freezes in place, his eyes darting between Ryujiro and the approaching Watabe.

Hiro Tanaka: [Surprised] It’s Akeno Watabe! The #1 contender is here, and it looks like he’s not going to let Kobayashi get away with a sneak attack!

Alex Mercer: [Nodding] This is the respect and sportsmanship that RSPW is all about. Watabe might be the next in line for that title, but he’s not going to stand by and watch a cheap shot happen!

Ryujiro finally turns around, sensing something behind him, and sees Kobayashi halted in his tracks. As Watabe reaches the ring, he doesn’t take his eyes off Kobayashi, sending a clear message. Kobayashi sneers, realizing he’s outnumbered, and slowly backs away, exiting the ring as the crowd boos him loudly. Ryujiro and Watabe exchange a respectful nod, the tension between them palpable yet respectful.

Hiro Tanaka: [Respectfully] That’s what it’s all about, Alex. Two warriors, ready to face each other, but with honor and respect!

Alex Mercer: [Agreeing] Exactly, Hiro. Watabe just sent a message not only to Kobayashi but also to Ryujiro—he’s coming for that title, but he’s going to do it the right way!

As Kobayashi angrily storms up the ramp, shooting one last glare at the two men in the ring, Ryujiro hoists his championship once more, this time locking eyes with Watabe. The crowd’s cheers grow louder, knowing that this is the match everyone will be looking forward to.

The show ends with Ryujiro standing tall, the RSPW Heavyweight Championship gleaming in his grasp, while Akeno Watabe stands beside him, the two warriors sharing a moment of mutual respect as the screen fades to black.

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