P:V Uprising 94
Live on the Sanctioned Violence Network
Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, ON

12th October 2024

The camera pans over a raucous crowd in the Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, ON, for the second week in a row, as fans cheer and wave their signs proudly. The energy is palpable as Project Violence’s Uprising is about to kick off, just one week before the massive Global Takeover PPV.

The camera cuts to ringside, where commentators Zac Brindle and Johnny Kaos are ready to set the stage for the night.

Zac Brindle: “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, for another explosive edition of Project Violence Uprising! I’m Zac Brindle, and joining me as always is my partner, Johnny Kaos! Johnny, we are just one week away from the highly anticipated Global Takeover event, and tonight, we’ve got a stacked card as the final stop before we head to London!”

Johnny Kaos: “That’s right, Zac! Global Takeover is going to be monumental, but tonight we’ve got some serious business to take care of. We’ve got title matches, grudges, and everything in between as we gear up for the biggest crossover PPV of the year! And speaking of titles, our main event tonight is going to see Anderson Alverez defend his P:V TV Championship against James Mendoza! Mendoza has been targeting the TV Championship for weeks—will tonight be his night?”

Zac Brindle: “It’s a huge match, Johnny, and that’s not all! Rex Stone, who’s coming off a tough few weeks, looks to get back on track as he faces the always-dangerous Brandon Snyder!”

Johnny Kaos: “Rex has been through a lot recently, especially after being targeted by Anderson Alverez and the Hate Eternal crew. He’s looking for redemption tonight, but Snyder is no pushover!”

Zac Brindle: “And let’s not forget tag team action! The Starr Brothers, Darren and Simon, will be taking on the Ordinary Gentlemen. The Starr Brothers are coming off some tension with Darwin Jones over the last few weeks—will that affect their focus tonight?”

Johnny Kaos: “That’s the big question, Zac. The Starr Brothers are a unit, but internal issues could spell trouble if they’re not careful. Meanwhile, the Ordinary Gentlemen are hungry for a win, and they’ll look to capitalize on any mistakes!”

Zac Brindle: “And rounding out tonight’s lineup, we have Boyd Jackson taking on the powerhouse Teddy Rush in what promises to be a hard-hitting affair! Jackson’s been on a tear, but Rush is no stranger to taking punishment and dishing it right back!”

Johnny Kaos: “It’s a clash of two titans, and it’s going to get ugly in a hurry! Plus, with Global Takeover just around the corner, the stakes couldn’t be higher for everyone involved tonight!”

Zac Brindle: “Absolutely, Johnny! The stars of Project Violence are ready to make a statement tonight ahead of one of the biggest events in wrestling history! Buckle up, folks—it’s time for Uprising 94!”

The camera cuts back to the roaring crowd as pyro explodes from the stage, signaling the start of what promises to be an unforgettable night of action. The road to Global Takeover begins now!

Main Event Made

The lights dim as the iconic entrance music of the legendary Elijah Drake hits, sending the Scotiabank Arena crowd into a frenzy. Fans leap to their feet, cheering as Drake, a wrestling icon, makes his way down to the ring with his signature confident strut. Dressed in his black and red gear, he acknowledges the crowd, taking a moment to soak in the adulation. As he steps into the ring, a spotlight hits him, and he raises a microphone to his lips.

Elijah Drake: “Toronto, how’s it going tonight?!”

The crowd erupts in cheers, chanting his name, as Drake nods with a grin.

Elijah Drake: “It feels damn good to be back in this ring, and next week at Global Takeover… it’s going to feel even better when I take care of business. You see, Darwin Jones thought he could take me out months ago, but guess what? I’m still standing! And next week, at Global Takeover, I’m going to finish what he started—I’m going to take care of Darwin Jones once and for all!”

The crowd pops again, clearly behind Drake as they cheer for him.

Elijah Drake: “But that’s just the beginning. After I’m done with Darwin Jones, I’ve got some unfinished business with the Starr Brothers. They stuck their noses where they didn’t belong, and you better believe they’re next on my list! And then…”

Drake pauses as the crowd quiets down, hanging on his every word.

Elijah Drake: “And then, Adam Garcia… the Heavyweight Champion. After I settle these scores, I’m coming for that title. Garcia, you’ve been a dominant champion, but you’re looking at the next one in line. Because when I step into the ring, I don’t play games—I win.”

The crowd erupts into cheers, chanting “Elijah! Elijah!” as Drake paces around the ring, fired up by the response. Just as the excitement reaches its peak, the sound of a microphone crackling interrupts the moment. The camera pans to the top of the entrance ramp, where Darrell Robles, looking unimpressed, walks out with a microphone in hand. The crowd immediately shifts to boos as Robles raises the mic to speak.

Darrell Robles: “Elijah Drake, huh? The so-called legend, the man who thinks he can just walk back in here and start calling the shots? Who exactly do you think you are?”

The crowd boos even louder as Robles smirks, pacing on the stage.

Darrell Robles: “You talk a big game, Drake. Taking out Darwin Jones, going after the Starr Brothers, becoming the next Heavyweight Champion. But you seem to be forgetting one thing—why do you think you get to come in here and make demands? Why do you think you’re the one in control?”

Drake, leaning casually against the ropes, raises an eyebrow, letting Robles speak his piece.

Darrell Robles: “You’re not the only one around here who deserves a shot at the top. And since you’re feeling so confident, how about you prove it? How about you face me tonight, in that ring, one-on-one?”

The crowd buzzes with excitement at the challenge, as Drake cracks a smile, pushing off the ropes.

Elijah Drake: “Robles… you want a piece of me tonight? You’ve got it!”

The crowd explodes as Drake steps forward, accepting the challenge with zero hesitation.

Elijah Drake: “You’re on, Robles. Let’s see if you can back up all that talk.”

Robles smirks and nods from the stage, locking eyes with Drake as the match is set. The fans are electric with anticipation for what is sure to be an explosive main event later in the night.

Zac Brindle (on commentary): “Elijah Drake vs. Darrell Robles tonight?! What a main event this is going to be, Johnny!”

Johnny Kaos: “Drake’s been out for months, and Robles is going to be looking to make a statement ahead of Global Takeover! This is going to be a fight!”

The camera focuses on Drake standing tall in the ring as Robles backs away up the ramp, setting the stage for an intense main event showdown.

Ready for Battle

Backstage at the bustling Scotiabank Arena, Elena Cruz stands with a microphone in hand, her usual confident smile ready as the camera pans to her. Next to her is James Mendoza, looking intense and focused. The crowd in the arena can be heard buzzing in the background, knowing that Mendoza is about to challenge for the P:V TV Championship. Wearing his signature leather jacket, Mendoza adjusts his gloves, ready for battle.

Elena Cruz: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with none other than James Mendoza, and in just a few moments, he will step into the ring to challenge Anderson Alverez for the P:V TV Championship. James, this is a huge opportunity for you. What’s your mindset heading into this title match?”

Mendoza looks down for a moment, then locks eyes with Elena, a determined expression on his face.

James Mendoza: “Elena, let me tell you something. Every match, every moment, every fight I’ve had here in Project Violence—it’s all been leading up to this. I’ve been clawing my way up, stepping through the competition, and now I’m one match away from holding gold around my waist. Anderson Alverez… he’s riding high after winning the TV Championship, but he’s about to find out what happens when you step in the ring with someone who’s hungry, someone who’s been fighting for this moment his whole career.”

Elena nods, sensing the intensity in Mendoza’s voice as he speaks.

Elena Cruz: “You’ve had some impressive victories in recent weeks, including being part of that hard-fought fatal four-way at the Oblivion PPV. Tonight, though, it’s one-on-one with Alverez, the man who came out on top in that match. What will be different this time?”

Mendoza cracks his neck and takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing.

James Mendoza: “The difference is simple. At Oblivion, I didn’t walk out with the title, but I learned exactly what kind of man Anderson Alverez is. He fights dirty, he cuts corners, and he’s got that Hate Eternal crew always watching his back. But tonight? Tonight, it’s just him and me, and I know I’ve got the skills to take him down. I’m not walking into that ring to lose, Elena. I’m walking in there to make a statement and take that TV Championship from him. It’s my time.”

Elena looks impressed, sensing the fire in Mendoza’s words.

Elena Cruz: “You’ve certainly shown the fans that you’re ready for this moment. One final question, James—what would it mean to you to become the new P:V TV Champion?”

Mendoza pauses, his expression softening slightly as he considers the question. He looks straight into the camera, speaking directly to the fans watching.

James Mendoza: “It would mean everything. Winning that title would prove that all the sacrifices I’ve made, all the battles I’ve fought—it wasn’t for nothing. This isn’t just about a championship; it’s about proving to myself, to these fans, and to everyone in that locker room that James Mendoza is the future of Project Violence. Anderson Alverez might have won last time, but tonight? Tonight, I’m taking the TV Championship home.”

Elena gives Mendoza a nod of encouragement as he adjusts his gloves again, ready for the fight of his life.

Elena Cruz: “James, thank you for your time, and good luck in your TV Title match next!”

Mendoza smirks confidently as he walks off camera, the shot lingering on his focused demeanor before cutting back to the arena.

Zac Brindle (on commentary): “James Mendoza sounds fired up, Johnny! He’s been on a roll lately, and tonight he has a golden opportunity to take that P:V TV Championship from Anderson Alverez.”

Johnny Kaos: “Mendoza’s hungry, but Alverez is a crafty champion. This one’s going to be a war, no doubt about it!”

P:V TV Championship Match
Anderson Alvarez (c) vs. James Mendoza

Winner Takes All

Backstage at Scotiabank Arena, the camera follows Anarchy Alliance—Stevie Rigg and Edwin Ellis—as they march through the hallways. The reigning International Tag Team Champions look determined as they approach the office of General Manager James Von Drake. Without knocking, they push the door open and storm in, finding Von Drake behind his desk.

Stevie Rigg: “Von Drake, we need to talk.”

Von Drake looks up from some paperwork, raising an eyebrow at the sudden interruption. He leans back in his chair, gesturing for them to speak.

James Von Drake: “What can I do for you two?”

Ellis steps forward, his arms crossed over his chest, looking deadly serious.

Edwin Ellis: “We’re not here to waste your time, Von Drake. We know what’s coming next week at Global Takeover. We’ve got the Gutter Gods lined up for another shot at us. Fine. But we’ve got one problem… why is it that only our International Tag Team Championships are on the line in that match?”

Stevie Rigg: “Yeah, if we’re putting our belts up, those cowards should have to do the same. The Gutter Gods have been walking around with the P:V Tag Team Championships like they’re untouchable. It’s time they put their money where their mouths are!”

Von Drake taps his pen on the desk, listening to their argument before nodding slightly.

James Von Drake: “I see where you’re coming from, and you make a good point. You two have been solid champions, no doubt about that. It wouldn’t be right to make this a one-sided deal.”

Ellis and Rigg exchange a look, hopeful that Von Drake will make the right call.

James Von Drake: “So here’s what I’ll do: Next week at Global Takeover in London, it’s not just the International Tag Team Championships on the line… it’ll be winner takes all! The P:V Tag Team Championships held by the Gutter Gods will be up for grabs too. Whoever walks out of that match, walks out with both sets of titles.”

Rigg cracks a grin, clearly pleased with the decision. Ellis nods in agreement, his usual cold demeanor softening just a bit at the prospect of holding both titles.

Stevie Rigg: “Now that’s what I like to hear. We’ll bring everything we’ve got, and we’ll leave with everything they’ve got.”

Edwin Ellis: “The Gutter Gods think they’re untouchable? Next week, they’ll find out the hard way that no one takes what’s ours. Not in Project Violence. Not in Dynasty. Not anywhere.”

Von Drake smirks, leaning forward in his chair.

James Von Drake: “Good. I’ll be watching closely. Make sure you deliver.”

Rigg and Ellis turn to leave, but Rigg pauses at the door and looks back over his shoulder.

Stevie Rigg: “Don’t worry, Von Drake. We’ll do more than deliver. We’ll make sure Hate Eternal knows they’re just living on borrowed time.”

With that, the Anarchy Alliance exit the office, leaving Von Drake with a satisfied look on his face. The camera lingers on the GM for a moment before cutting away.

Single Match
Rex Stone vs. Brandon Snyder

Not Worried

Backstage at Scotiabank Arena, Elena Cruz stands with a microphone in hand, looking poised as ever. Beside her, Darren and Simon Starr—the Starr Brothers—adjust their ring gear and crack their knuckles, ready for their upcoming match. Elena turns toward them with a curious expression.

Elena Cruz: “I’m standing here with Darren and Simon Starr, the Starr Brothers, who are just moments away from their match against the Ordinary Gentlemen. But first, I have to ask… with Elijah Drake making his shocking return, and after what went down between the three of you and Darwin Jones, are you worried that Drake’s coming for you next?”

Darren Starr chuckles lightly, rolling his eyes at the question, while Simon smirks arrogantly beside him.

Darren Starr: “Worried? About Elijah Drake? Please, Elena. The Starr Brothers don’t worry. Drake can try all he wants, but he’s just yesterday’s news. We stabbed him in the back because we were moving on to bigger and better things, and he couldn’t handle that. If he wants to chase us down, let him. We’re not afraid.”

Simon Starr chimes in, his tone just as dismissive.

Simon Starr: “Yeah, we made our decision. We teamed up with Darwin because it made sense at the time. But as for regrets? Not a single one, Elena. Darwin Jones thought he was the next big thing, and for a while, we were right there with him. But now? Darwin’s shown his true colors. He bailed on us first, so we don’t owe him anything.”

Darren nods in agreement, but Elena presses further.

Elena Cruz: “So, no regrets then? Even after Darwin Jones turned his back on you, leaving you high and dry?”

Darren scoffs, clearly annoyed by the insinuation.

Darren Starr: “No regrets. We’re the Starr Brothers, Elena. We don’t need anyone. Not Darwin, not Elijah. And when we face the Ordinary Gentlemen tonight, we’ll remind everyone exactly who we are.”

Simon Starr: “That’s right. Darwin might have turned his back on us, but we’ve moved past that. We’re focused on climbing back to the top, and nothing—nothing—is going to stop us.”

Elena nods, sensing the brothers’ confidence despite the tense situation with Drake looming over them.

Elena Cruz: “And speaking of tonight, you’re set to take on the Ordinary Gentlemen—Dale Norman and Greg Stanley. How do you feel heading into this match?”

Darren grins, cracking his knuckles.

Darren Starr: “We feel great, Elena. The Ordinary Gentlemen? They’re just stepping stones. We’ve beaten better teams, and we’re going to beat them too. This match is about sending a message, to Elijah Drake, to Darwin, to anyone who doubts us. The Starr Brothers are still the most dangerous team in this company.”

Simon Starr: “Exactly. Norman and Stanley are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Tonight, we’re making a statement, and we’ll do it by running right through them. Elijah Drake can watch all he wants, but he won’t like what he sees.”

Elena glances between the two brothers, sensing their intensity, before offering a final question.

Elena Cruz: “Well, it sounds like you both have a lot to prove tonight. Best of luck in your match.”

The Starr Brothers smirk confidently as they prepare to head toward the ring.

Darren Starr: “Luck’s for the weak, Elena. We don’t need it.”

With that, Darren and Simon walk off screen, their cocky attitudes clear as they make their way toward the entrance area for their match. Elena watches them leave, her expression thoughtful before the camera cuts away.

Tag Team Match
Starr Brothers vs. Ordinary Gentlemen

Handling Business

Backstage at the bustling Scotiabank Arena, Elena Cruz stands poised with a microphone in hand. Beside her is Teddy Rush, a determined look on his face as he adjusts his wrist tape, clearly preparing for his upcoming match. The camera zooms in on the two as Elena begins the interview.

Elena Cruz: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with Teddy Rush, who is just moments away from his big match against Boyd Jackson tonight. Teddy, you’ve had an impressive run lately, especially teaming with Project Violence Heavyweight Champion Adam Garcia. How are you feeling going into tonight’s match?”

Teddy Rush flashes a confident smile, nodding his head as he begins to speak.

Teddy Rush: “I’m feeling good, Elena. I’ve been teaming with Adam Garcia for the past few months, and being in the ring with a champion like him? It’s inspiring. He’s one of the toughest, most relentless guys I’ve ever met. And when you stand beside someone like that, it pushes you to be even better. So tonight, Boyd Jackson? He’s in for a rude awakening, because I’ve learned from the best.”

Elena nods, clearly impressed with Rush’s focus.

Elena Cruz: “It sounds like you’re ready to take on any challenge that comes your way. But with Global Takeover just around the corner, I noticed your name isn’t on the card yet. Any thoughts on that?”

Teddy Rush chuckles lightly, glancing off-camera for a moment before turning back to Elena with a determined glint in his eye.

Teddy Rush: “Yeah, I noticed that too. No match for me at Global Takeover—yet. But that doesn’t mean I’m sitting this one out, Elena. I’ll be in London next week, and I’m not just going to sit backstage or watch from the sidelines. I’ve got some business to handle, and I plan to make my mark, one way or another.”

Elena raises an eyebrow, intrigued by the mystery.

Elena Cruz: “Business? Can you tell us more about what you have planned?”

Teddy smirks, shaking his head slightly.

Teddy Rush: “Let’s just say there are a few things that need sorting out. I’m not going to give everything away, but I’ll be there, and I’m not leaving London without making some noise. Tonight is about beating Boyd Jackson and showing everyone that Teddy Rush is more than ready for the big stage. And next week? Well, everyone will find out soon enough.”

Elena nods, clearly curious but sensing that Rush is keeping his cards close to his chest.

Elena Cruz: “Well, it sounds like we have a lot to look forward to. Good luck in your match tonight, and we’ll be keeping an eye on you heading into Global Takeover.”

Teddy Rush grins confidently as he gives a final nod, full of determination and focus.

Teddy Rush: “Thanks, Elena. I’ll see you all in London.”

With that, Rush walks off camera, leaving Elena standing with a thoughtful look as the interview segment comes to a close and the scene cuts away.

Single Match
Teddy Rush vs. Boyd Jackson

No Change

Backstage at Scotiabank Arena, Elena Cruz stands with a microphone in hand, next to the reigning Project Violence Heavyweight Champion, Adam Garcia. The crowd noise can be heard faintly in the background as Elena smiles at the camera before turning to Garcia, who has his title belt slung over his shoulder, exuding confidence.

Elena Cruz: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with the Project Violence Heavyweight Champion, Adam Garcia. Adam, we’re just one week away from Global Takeover in London, where you’ll be in one of the biggest matches of your career—a triple threat match against the sVo Heavyweight Champion Johnny All Star, and now the newly crowned Dynasty Wrestling Heavyweight Champion, Angelo Anderson. With Anderson recently defeating Bjorn Asulf for the DW title last week, does that change your preparation or mindset heading into this match?”

Garcia adjusts the belt on his shoulder and smirks, taking a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking.

Adam Garcia: “You know, Elena, it’s funny how quickly things can change in this business. Last week, it was supposed to be me, Johnny All Star, and Bjorn Asulf, and I was ready to take them both on. Now, it’s Angelo Anderson who stepped up and took that Dynasty Wrestling title. So, do things change? Sure. But for me? Not really.”

He pauses, his expression turning more serious as he continues.

Adam Garcia: “Look, I’m no stranger to facing the best. I’ve been doing it my whole career. Whether it’s All Star, Anderson, or even Asulf, it doesn’t matter. They’re just two more guys standing in my way. I went into the European Wrestling League and took that trophy home. I’ve been defending this Heavyweight Championship with the odds stacked against me week after week. So no, nothing’s really changed for me, because my goal is still the same—walk into London as the Project Violence Heavyweight Champion and walk out with my head held high, proving that this belt, this company, is the best there is.”

Elena nods, clearly impressed by Garcia’s confidence but still pressing for more.

Elena Cruz: “You’ve been carrying a lot of weight on your shoulders, being the face of Project Violence. Do you feel any extra pressure knowing that Global Takeover is going to be an international event, with champions from all over the world, and the eyes of the wrestling world watching?”

Garcia’s expression softens into a confident smile.

Adam Garcia: “Pressure? Of course, there’s pressure. But it’s nothing I haven’t handled before. When you’re at the top, everyone’s gunning for you. And at Global Takeover, it’s not just about me anymore—it’s about showing the world what Project Violence is all about. All Star might be sVo’s golden boy, and Anderson? He’s riding high after that big win over Asulf. But neither of them knows what it’s like to carry the weight of Project Violence. I do.”

He taps the Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder.

Adam Garcia: “This title means more to me than anything, and I’m going to fight like hell to keep it. All Star and Anderson? They can bring their best, but I’m going to bring more. Global Takeover is where I show everyone why the ‘Mad Bull’ is still at the top, no matter who steps in that ring with me.”

Elena smiles, sensing Garcia’s intense focus.

Elena Cruz: “It sounds like you’re more than ready for whatever comes your way. Best of luck at Global Takeover, Adam, and we’ll all be watching closely.”

Garcia nods confidently before turning to face the camera, his final words aimed directly at his opponents.

Adam Garcia: “All Star. Anderson. Get ready. In London, I’m taking you both down, and this title? It’s staying right here, where it belongs.”

With that, Garcia walks off, leaving Elena standing by herself, as the scene cuts away to the next segment.

Single Match
Elijah Drake vs. Darrell Robles

Global Takeover on the Horizon

The crowd is on their feet as the final bell rings, signaling Elijah Drake’s victory over Darrell Robles. Drake raises his arm triumphantly, receiving a massive ovation from the fans in attendance. Darrell Robles rolls out of the ring, visibly frustrated as he heads up the ramp. Drake stands tall in the ring, wiping the sweat from his brow as he takes in the cheers.

Zac Brindle: “Elijah Drake with an impressive victory here tonight over Darrell Robles! What a match!”

Johnny Kaos: “Drake is on a roll, Zac, and if Darwin Jones thought taking him out a few months ago would stop him, he’s got another thing coming!”

*Just as Drake turns to leave the ring, the mood in the arena shifts. The fans’ cheers quickly turn into boos as “Horizon” flashes on the big screen, and out walks the trio from sVo—Johnny All Star, Gunner Lang, and Darwin Jones. The three men, known as *Horizon, stride down the ramp with menacing confidence, flanked by JD James, smirking as they approach the ring.

Zac Brindle: “Wait a minute… look who’s here! Horizon is making their way to the ring, and this can’t be good!”

Johnny Kaos: “Johnny All Star, Gunner Lang, and Darwin Jones, all of them legends in their own right, and they don’t look like they’re out here to congratulate Elijah Drake!”

Elijah Drake watches from inside the ring, his expression hardening as the trio closes in. The tension builds as Johnny All Star, Gunner Lang, and Darwin Jones surround the ring on all sides. The fans are buzzing with anticipation as it seems like things are about to explode.

Johnny Kaos: “Drake’s outnumbered here! Horizon is about to strike!”

Just as Horizon looks ready to pounce, the crowd erupts into massive cheers as Adam Garcia’s music hits! The Project Violence Heavyweight Champion sprints down the ramp, title in hand, rushing to back up Drake. The fans are on their feet, roaring as Garcia slides into the ring, evening the odds!

Zac Brindle: “Here comes Adam Garcia! The ‘Mad Bull’ isn’t going to let Drake fend for himself!”

Johnny Kaos: “Things just got a whole lot more interesting! We’ve got a standoff here!”

Garcia stands shoulder to shoulder with Elijah Drake, both men staring down the sVo trio, who hesitate for a moment as the numbers are now even. The tension reaches its boiling point as all five men glare at each other, fists clenched, ready for a fight.

Zac Brindle: “It’s two-on-three, but Adam Garcia and Elijah Drake are ready for a fight! Horizon doesn’t look so confident now!”

Suddenly, without warning, chaos erupts! Darwin Jones charges into the ring, and the fight is on! Garcia meets him with a stiff right hand, while Elijah Drake takes on Johnny All Star and Gunner Lang! The ring turns into a battlefield as punches fly and bodies collide!

Johnny Kaos: “It’s all breaking down! The brawl is on!”

The crowd goes wild as the five men tear into each other, fists flying and chaos spilling out into the ringside area. Garcia and Jones battle near the ropes while Drake and All Star trade blows in the corner. Gunner Lang tries to intervene, but Garcia knocks him down with a vicious clothesline!

Zac Brindle: “This is pandemonium! Drake and Garcia are holding their own, but Horizon won’t go down without a fight!”

The brawl continues with no signs of slowing down as the crowd’s energy reaches fever pitch. Garcia throws Darwin Jones into the barricade while Drake knocks Johnny All Star over the top rope with a huge clothesline! The arena is deafening as the brawl continues, with all five men still going at it as the camera zooms in on the chaos.

Zac Brindle: “It’s absolute carnage here at Scotiabank Arena! Garcia and Drake fighting off Horizon, but the fight’s far from over!”

As the fists keep flying, the camera pans around the arena, capturing the chaotic energy before the screen fades to black, leaving the crowd in suspense as the show goes off the air with the fight still raging.

Johnny Kaos: “What a night! And if this is any sign of what’s to come at Global Takeover, we are in for one hell of a fight!”

Zac Brindle: “Adam Garcia and Elijah Drake standing tall for now, but this war with Horizon is far from over! See you next week at Global Takeover!”

The screen fades to the Project Violence logo as the brawl continues in the background, setting the stage for Global Takeover.

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