P:V Uprising 92
Live on the Sanctioned Violence Network
State Farm Arena, Atlanta, GA
21st September 2024

The camera pans across a roaring crowd in the packed PNC Arena in Raleigh, North Carolina. Fans hold up signs and cheer wildly as the signature heavy rock theme of Project Violence blasts through the speakers. Pyro explodes around the stage, lighting up the arena as we cut to the commentator’s table, where Zac Brindle and Johnny Kaos are hyped for the final show before the Oblivion PPV.

Zac Brindle“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another electric edition of Project Violence Uprising, live from Raleigh, North Carolina! This is the last stop before the Oblivion PPV next week, and tonight, tensions are at an all-time high!”

Johnny Kaos“That’s right, Zac! The road to Oblivion is almost over, and tonight we’ve got a stacked card! Huge matches on deck, including a main event that is absolutely must-see!”

Zac Brindle“In our main event, we’ll see a massive six-man tag match as Project Violence Heavyweight Champion Adam Garcia teams up with International Heavyweight Champion Masafumi Satake and Teddy Rush to take on the dangerous trio of Darrell Robles and The Starr Brothers!”

Johnny Kaos“Robles earned his shot at Satake’s title last week, and you can bet he’s gonna look to send a message tonight. Plus, we know The Starr Brothers have been plotting with Darwin Jones—they’ve got bad intentions for Garcia and Rush!”

Zac Brindle“But that’s not all! Boyd Jackson and Maverick Matthews, two of the most dangerous men on the roster, will team up to face James Mendoza and Dash Diaz. The tension between those four has been building, and tonight it’s all coming to a head!”

Johnny Kaos“And don’t forget the singles action tonight! Bernard Wolfe, still undefeated, will take on Rex Stone, who’s got everything to prove. Plus, Dutch Ramirez is going head-to-head with Anderson Alvarez, and with Alvarez’s new ruthless attitude, that match is gonna be a brawl!”

Zac Brindle“We’ve also got a battle of the best in the women’s division as Kat Kellison faces Cherry Bordeaux. Bordeaux is fresh off a TV Title shot, and you know she’s looking to bounce back tonight!”

Johnny Kaos“And it doesn’t stop there! Edwin Ellis from the Anarchy Alliance takes on the devious leader of Hate Eternal, Hate Watson! Ellis is out for revenge after last week’s ambush on his partner Stevie Rigg!”

Zac Brindle“It’s gonna be a wild night with rivalries boiling over and the Oblivion PPV looming! Who’s going to gain momentum heading into one of the biggest events of the year? Stay with us, because Uprising starts… right now!”

The camera zooms in on the fired-up crowd once more, the energy in the arena electric as the first match is set to begin.

Single Match
Kat Kellison vs. Cherry Bordeaux

Ready for the Gutter Gods

The camera cuts to the backstage area where Elena Cruz stands with a microphone, flanked by the International Tag Team Champions, Edwin Ellis and Stevie Rigg, better known as Anarchy Alliance. They proudly wear their championship belts over their shoulders, exuding confidence. The crowd cheers loudly in the background at their return after the backstage attack a few weeks ago.

Elena Cruz: “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the International Tag Team Champions, the Anarchy Alliance, Edwin Ellis and Stevie Rigg! Now, Stevie, you have a huge singles match coming up next against Hate Watson of Hate Eternal. What’s your mindset going into that bout?”

Stevie Rigg: (smirking) “Elena, it’s simple. Hate Watson can bring whatever dirty tricks he wants; I’m ready for it. He’s a tough guy, but he’s not on my level. Hate Eternal wants to tear down Project Violence, but they’re not going through Anarchy Alliance to do it.”

Edwin Ellis: (nodding in agreement) “Exactly. We’ve been proving week in, week out why we’re the best tag team here. And Stevie’s going to show everyone why he’s just as dangerous solo as we are together.”

Elena Cruz: “And speaking of being the best, next week at the Oblivion PPV, you two will challenge for the P:V Tag Team Championships against the Gutter Gods. What are your thoughts heading into that huge title match?”

Stevie Rigg: (serious tone) “The Gutter Gods… yeah, they got a win over us once. But let’s be clear, that was a fluke. Next week at Oblivion, it’s going to be a different story. We’re not defending these belts; we’re looking to add to our collection and send a message to anyone who thinks they can knock us off the top.”

Edwin Ellis: (grinning) “The Gutter Gods think they’ve got us figured out, but here’s the truth, Elena—no one knows what we’re capable of until it’s too late. They think they’ve been through hell? Wait until they step into the ring with us at Oblivion.”

Stevie Rigg: “It’s not just about titles for us. It’s about proving, over and over again, that we are the best damn tag team in the world. The Gutter Gods? They’re just another set of victims.”

Elena Cruz: (smiling) “Well, best of luck tonight in your singles match, Stevie, and next week at Oblivion in your big title match!”

The Anarchy Alliance nod confidently before heading off to prepare, as Elena Cruz wraps up the interview.

Elena Cruz: “There you have it, folks—Edwin Ellis and Stevie Rigg, laser-focused as ever. Up next, Stevie Rigg takes on Hate Watson!”

The camera fades back to the arena as the crowd roars in anticipation.

Single Match
Edwin Ellis vs. Hate Watson

A Matter of Respect

*The scene opens in the office of Project Violence GM, James Von Drake. He’s sitting at his desk, focused on paperwork, when suddenly the door slams open with a loud *bang! Boyd Jackson, the powerful and menacing heel, storms in with a scowl on his face. The imposing figure towers over the desk, and Von Drake looks up, unfazed but clearly annoyed by the intrusion.

Boyd Jackson: (seething) “You hear about this, Von Drake? Dash Diaz has the nerve to challenge me? That punk had the audacity to call me out for a match at the PPV!”

Jackson paces back and forth, fists clenched, clearly enraged. Von Drake calmly leans back in his chair, watching the fuming Jackson.

James Von Drake: “Yeah, Boyd. I heard. You got a problem with that?”

Boyd Jackson: (leaning over the desk, eyes burning with fury) “Damn right, I do! Diaz thinks he can make a name for himself at my expense? Not happening. I’m going to teach him a lesson he’ll never forget. But I want to do it my way.”

Jackson slams his fist on Von Drake’s desk, rattling everything on it.

Boyd Jackson: “I want the match at Oblivion to be No DQ. No rules. No restrictions. Just me beating the respect into that cocky little kid until he realizes who runs things around here!”

Von Drake strokes his chin, clearly thinking about it. He finally stands up, getting eye-level with the furious Jackson.

James Von Drake: “You want No DQ? Fine. If you think you can handle it, consider it done. But remember this, Boyd: No Disqualification means Dash Diaz can bring anything he wants to that ring too. You sure you’re ready for that?”

Jackson smirks, clearly unfazed by the warning. He takes a step back, rolling his shoulders with confidence.

Boyd Jackson: “I don’t care what Diaz brings. I’m walking out of Oblivion with him broken and bloodied. And when it’s all over, everyone will know you don’t mess with Boyd Jackson!”

He turns to leave, but not before glaring back at Von Drake with a satisfied sneer.

Boyd Jackson: “Thanks for the green light, boss. You won’t regret it.”

Jackson storms out of the office, leaving Von Drake watching him go with a raised eyebrow. The tension lingers in the air as the camera focuses on Von Drake’s thoughtful expression before cutting back to the arena.

Single Match
Bernard Wolfe vs. Rex Stone

A Fraud?

The camera cuts back to the ring where Bernard Wolfe is standing tall, having just secured a hard-fought victory over Rex Stone. The crowd gives a solid cheer for the Wayward Traveller as Wolfe, breathing heavily but with a warm smile, extends his hand to Rex Stone. Stone, showing respect despite the loss, shakes Wolfe’s hand as the two share a moment of sportsmanship. The crowd applauds their show of respect.

Bernard Wolfe: (grabbing a mic, addressing the crowd with his usual charm) “Now that… that’s what you call a good fight! Big props to Rex Stone for bringing it tonight!”

The fans cheer louder as Stone nods and exits the ring, leaving Wolfe to soak in the moment.

Bernard Wolfe: “But you know, it’s not always about winning or losing… it’s about the journey, and I’m just getting started on mine—”

Suddenly, the arena lights dim, and the giant screen flickers to life. The face of Gabriel Cross, the “Celestial Crusader,” appears. The crowd boos as the intense, devout wrestler stands in a dimly lit room, his solemn expression and commanding demeanor radiating through the screen. He looks directly into the camera with a piercing gaze.

Gabriel Cross: (voice filled with conviction) “Bernard Wolfe, you speak of respect… of the ‘journey’… but your path is nothing more than a lie. You hide behind a mask of humility, acting like a man of honor, when in reality, you’re nothing but a fraud. A charlatan, leading these people astray with your false modesty.”

Wolfe stands in the ring, narrowing his eyes as he listens to Cross, not looking intimidated but clearly intrigued.

Gabriel Cross: “Next week at Oblivion, I will expose you for what you truly are. I am the Holy Avenger, the Celestial Crusader sent to deliver divine justice in this ring, and you, Bernard Wolfe, are my next target. You may have your winning streak, but it will end. It must end.”

The crowd erupts in boos, but Cross remains stoic, unwavering in his intensity.

Gabriel Cross: “Prepare yourself for what’s coming, Wolfe. At Oblivion, your ‘journey’ will be over, and all will see that you are not the hero you pretend to be.”

The screen flickers and cuts off, leaving the arena in stunned silence. Wolfe stands in the ring, staring up at the screen with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He paces a bit, clearly processing the words, before raising the mic.

Bernard Wolfe: “Gabriel Cross… you wanna talk about journeys, huh? Well, you’re right about one thing, mate—this journey’s far from over. And when we meet at Oblivion, I’ll show you that respect isn’t something you can take… it’s something you earn.”

The crowd erupts into cheers as Wolfe tosses the mic aside, looking determined as the segment ends with him standing in the ring, ready for the challenge that awaits him at the PPV.

Not Over Yet

Rex Stone is walking down the dimly lit hallway, still sweating from his hard-fought match against Bernard Wolfe. Though he lost, there’s a look of determination on his face—he’s clearly still focused on his journey in Project Violence. As he turns a corner, he suddenly comes face-to-face with Anderson Alverez, the masked luchador of Hate Eternal, who defeated him last week and viciously attacked him afterward.

Alverez sneers beneath his mask, his eyes gleaming with disdain as he sizes up Stone. Rex tenses, expecting trouble.

Anderson Alverez: “Looks like you still don’t know your place, Stone. Time for another lesson.”

Without warning, Alverez throws a punch, catching Rex off-guard! Stone stumbles back as Alverez follows up with more strikes, driving him into the wall. The brawl quickly escalates as Rex tries to defend himself, throwing a few punches of his own. However, Alverez’s aggression overwhelms him, as the masked luchador begins stomping Rex into the ground.

Suddenly, security bursts onto the scene, pulling Alverez off of Rex Stone and trying to separate the two as they struggle. Alverez shouts in Spanish, clearly enraged, while Rex tries to get back to his feet.

Security Guard: “Break it up! Break it up!”

As the commotion continues, James Von Drake, the Project Violence General Manager, storms into the scene, furious at the chaos. His sharp voice cuts through the noise.

James Von Drake: “ENOUGH!”

Von Drake steps in between Alverez and Stone, giving Alverez a cold glare.

James Von Drake: “Anderson, what the hell do you think you’re doing? You’ve got a match next against Dutch Ramirez! You want to prove something? Do it in the ring, not back here like a coward!”

Alverez, still seething, points at Rex Stone, clearly not done with him.

Anderson Alverez: “He’s not worth it. But this isn’t over.”

Alverez snarls as security pushes him back. Von Drake steps forward, his authority evident.

James Von Drake: “Get to the ring, NOW! You’ve got Dutch Ramirez waiting for you.”

Alverez, still glaring at Stone, finally turns and heads towards the ring, his anger barely contained. As he disappears down the hallway, Von Drake kneels by Rex Stone, who is still catching his breath.

James Von Drake: “You alright, kid?”

Rex nods, still breathing heavily but determined.

Rex Stone: “I’m fine. Just… not done with him yet.”

Von Drake pats him on the back and stands up.

James Von Drake: “We’ll deal with that later. For now, let’s focus on what’s next.”

As Von Drake walks away, Rex slowly gets to his feet, glaring in the direction Anderson Alverez went, clearly planning his revenge. The camera cuts away as Von Drake marches towards the ring, ready for Alverez’s match.

Single Match
Dutch Ramirez vs. Anderson Alverez

Challenge Accepted

Dutch Ramirez is kneeling in the ring, exhausted and visibly disappointed after his hard-fought loss to Anderson Alverez. Sweat drips from his forehead, and frustration is etched across his face. The crowd gives a respectful cheer for his effort, but Ramirez isn’t in a celebratory mood. Grabbing a microphone from the ring announcer, he stands up slowly, wiping his brow and looking out at the crowd.

Dutch Ramirez:
“You know, I can’t keep pretending like this streak of bad luck doesn’t have a cause… but I know exactly what it’s about.”

He pauses, looking down at the mat, then out toward the entrance ramp.

Dutch Ramirez:
“It’s because of that looming shadow… that cloud that’s been following me every step I take. Midas!

The crowd starts to murmur, recognizing the name as boos begin to fill the arena. Ramirez’s voice intensifies with each word.

Dutch Ramirez:
“I know you’re out there, Midas. You’ve been haunting me, attacking me from behind, but never once have you had the guts to face me man to man! Well, I’ve had enough. You want me? Then come get me! But do it the right way—face me at the Oblivion PPV next week!”

The arena buzzes with anticipation, the crowd waiting to see if Midas will respond. A few tense moments pass before the lights in the arena dim, and eerie, mysterious music begins to play. The fans immediately begin booing louder as Katya Roux, the enigmatic and devious manager of Midas, steps out onto the entrance ramp. Beside her is Midas, dressed in his ominous black and gold attire, standing with an air of menace.

Katya Roux raises a microphone to her lips, smirking as she looks down at Ramirez in the ring.

Katya Roux:
“Ah, Dutch… so eager to fall at Midas’ feet once again. You want a match at Oblivion? You want to face this man?”

She gestures to Midas, who stands silent but imposing.

Katya Roux:
“Be careful what you wish for, darling, because Midas doesn’t play by your rules. But if you insist on this foolish challenge… then I accept. Next week, Oblivion—Midas will break you once and for all!”

The crowd erupts into boos as Katya drops her smirk, her face now showing a more sinister expression.

Katya Roux:
“Why wait, though? Midas, show him why you’re the one in control.”

At Katya’s command, Midas begins marching down the ramp with a cold, calculated pace, his eyes locked on Dutch Ramirez. Ramirez throws the microphone down and readies himself for the fight, but the fatigue from his earlier match is evident. Before he can fully recover, Midas slides into the ring and immediately tackles Ramirez to the ground!

*The crowd boos even louder as Midas lays into Ramirez with a series of brutal punches and stomps. Ramirez tries to fight back, but the toll of the night’s match makes him slower and weaker. Midas picks him up and plants him into the mat with a vicious *spinebuster!

Katya Roux stands at the top of the ramp, watching with a satisfied grin as Midas continues to lay waste to Ramirez. The crowd chants “Dutch! Dutch!” in support, but it’s no use. Midas stands tall, looking down at the fallen Ramirez before raising his arms in a gesture of superiority.

The camera pans to Katya one last time as she gives a cold, knowing nod, before the screen fades to black.

No More Easy Rides

Boyd Jackson and Maverick Matthews, the current TV Champion, are in the locker room, gearing up for their tag team match. Boyd, ever the intimidating powerhouse, finishes taping his wrists while eyeing Matthews, who is adjusting his championship belt, a smug grin on his face. Boyd nods in approval.

Boyd Jackson:
“You’ve done well for yourself, kid. I gotta say, I’m impressed with how you’ve held onto that belt. Seems like you’ve got this whole TV Champion thing figured out.”

Maverick Matthews looks up, his confidence swelling with the compliment from the imposing Jackson.

Maverick Matthews:
“Of course. There’s no one on this roster who can touch me. I’ve been running circles around these fools since day one, and the belt proves it.”

Boyd chuckles, but before he can respond, James Von Drake, the authoritative Project Violence General Manager, steps into the frame, arms crossed with a stern look on his face. Matthews’ grin falters slightly at Von Drake’s sudden arrival.

James Von Drake:
“Running circles, huh? That’s one way to put it.”

Maverick’s cocky smirk fades a bit as he senses the shift in the atmosphere. Boyd Jackson raises an eyebrow, leaning back against a locker as Von Drake steps closer, his voice cutting through the room with an edge of authority.

James Von Drake:
“Let’s be honest, Maverick. You’ve been picking easy opponents, coasting your way through defenses, and quite frankly… I’m not impressed.”

Maverick’s eyes widen, and he opens his mouth to protest, but Von Drake cuts him off with a raised hand.

James Von Drake:
“That title deserves to be around the waist of someone who’s willing to prove themselves against the best this roster has to offer. And since you think you’re unbeatable, I’ve got a little surprise for you at the Oblivion PPV next week.”

Von Drake steps closer, towering over Matthews as he delivers the bombshell.

James Von Drake:
“You won’t just be defending the TV Championship against James Mendoza. Oh no… you’ll also be facing Rex Stone and Anderson Alverez in a fatal four-way match!”

The camera zooms in on Matthews’ face as the smugness vanishes completely, replaced by shock and frustration. Boyd Jackson, standing off to the side, watches with a slight smirk, clearly amused by Matthews’ predicament.

Maverick Matthews:
“Wait—what? Are you serious?! Those guys—”

James Von Drake:
“Dead serious, champ. It’s time to prove if you really deserve that title. No more easy rides.”

Von Drake turns on his heel, leaving Matthews standing there in stunned silence. Boyd Jackson laughs as he finishes getting ready, slapping Matthews on the shoulder.

Boyd Jackson:
“Good luck with that, champ.”

Matthews glares at Jackson, still processing the harsh reality of what awaits him at Oblivion. With their match up next, Matthews reluctantly follows Jackson out of the locker room, but it’s clear that the news of the fatal four-way is weighing heavily on his mind.

Tag Team Match
Boyd Jackson & Maverick Matthews vs. James Mendoza & Dash Diaz

Where is Darwin?

Darrell Robles and the Starr Brothers (Darren and Simon) are in their locker room, preparing for their six-man tag team match later in the evening. The air is tense as Simon Starr speaks up, looking concerned.

Simon Starr: “Where’s Darwin been, man? He’s been gone ever since that weird phone call a few weeks back. We’re going into a huge match, and he’s not even around?”

Darren Starr, looking equally puzzled, nods in agreement. Robles, clearly irritated by the distractions, steps in.

Darrell Robles: “Listen, Darwin’s business is none of your concern right now. Forget about him. Tonight’s about us. You two follow my lead out there, and we’ll walk out with all the momentum heading into the PPV. Got it?”

Darren and Simon exchange skeptical glances, not entirely convinced by Robles’ overconfidence. The tension is palpable, but they reluctantly nod as Robles grabs his gear and motions for them to follow him out.

Darren Starr (under his breath): “Yeah, we’ll see about that…”

The three men exit the locker room, but the Starr Brothers still seem uneasy as they head into battle, uncertain about what lies ahead.

Six Man Tag Team Match
Adam Garcia, Masafumi Satake & Teddy Rush vs. Darrell Robles & The Starr Brothers

Oblivion on the Horizon

The match between Adam Garcia, Masafumi Satake, and Teddy Rush versus Darrell Robles and The Starr Brothers (Darren and Simon) has just finished, with Garcia scoring the winning pin for his team. However, the celebration doesn’t last long as chaos erupts at ringside. Both teams continue to brawl, with punches flying between Garcia’s team and Robles with the Starr Brothers.

Zac Brindle: “It’s absolute mayhem here, Johnny! These men want to tear each other apart before Oblivion!”

Johnny Kaos: “The refs are losing control of this one, Zac! They need to get some help out here!”

Suddenly, the crowd erupts in shock as Darwin Jones is spotted making his way through the crowd, but he’s not alone! Behind him is sVo Champion Johnny All Star, Gunner Lang, and their manager JD James.

Zac Brindle: “Wait a second! That’s Darwin Jones… and… oh my God, Johnny, that’s Johnny All Star and Gunner Lang from sVo!”

Johnny Kaos: “What are they doing here? And why with Darwin Jones?!”

The sVo stars and Jones slide into the ring, ambushing Adam Garcia while Satake and Rush are tangled up in the chaos at ringside. The crowd roars with a mix of boos and shock as Garcia, the Project Violence Heavyweight Champion, is ruthlessly beaten down by Jones, All Star, and Lang. JD James barks orders from the outside, orchestrating the carnage.

Zac Brindle: “This is a straight-up assault! What is the meaning of this?”

Johnny Kaos: “Garcia’s in serious trouble, Zac! He’s outnumbered, and nobody’s coming to his aid!”

The beating continues until Garcia is left lying motionless, a pool of blood forming around him. Darwin Jones stands tall over the fallen champion, flanked by his sVo allies as the camera captures the devastation.

Zac Brindle: “I can’t believe what we’re seeing! Darwin Jones has brought in sVo’s best, his former Horizon team mates that seem to have recently re-united in the sVo, to send a message to Garcia, and it’s written in blood!”

Johnny Kaos: “This is beyond shocking, Zac! What does this mean for the future of Project Violence?”

As the show goes off the air, the final shot is of Darwin Jones smirking down at Garcia, blood on his hands, as the crowd boos furiously.

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