P:V Uprising 85
Live on the Sanctioned Violence Network
Legacy Arena, Birmingham, Alabama
27th July 2024

The camera pans over the packed Legacy Arena in Birmingham, Alabama, as thousands of excited fans cheer and hold up signs for their favorite wrestlers. Pyrotechnics explode at the entrance ramp, illuminating the arena in a dazzling display of lights and colors. The energy is electric as the first episode of P:V Uprising after the shocking events of the past week is about to begin.

Zac Brindle: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to P:V Uprising 85, live from Legacy Arena in Birmingham, Alabama! I’m Zac Brindle, and alongside me is the one and only Johnny Kaos. Johnny, it’s been a tumultuous week for P:V!

Johnny Kaos: That’s right, Zac. The wrestling world has been rocked to its core with the shocking news that Jakucho Akechi and the current TV Champion, Setsuna Kojima, have both quit P:V! This comes hot on the heels of Puck and the entire Legends Club—Curtis Knight, Athena, Buzz Marshall, and Drew Hendrix—also leaving the company!

Zac Brindle: The implications are huge, Johnny. Everyone wants to know who will now step up as the #1 contender to Adam Garcia’s P:V Heavyweight Championship, and what will happen with the TV Championship now that it’s been vacated.

Johnny Kaos: Absolutely, Zac. There are a lot of unanswered questions, and tonight, we hope to get some answers. Who will rise to the occasion and fill these massive voids left by some of our top stars?

Zac Brindle: It’s going to be an explosive night, folks. We’ve got a packed card, and you won’t want to miss a second of the action. Let’s get things started right here, right now on P:V Uprising 85!

The camera zooms in on the entrance ramp as the first wrestler’s music hits, signaling the beginning of what promises to be an unforgettable night of professional wrestling.

Single Match
Anderson Alvarez vs. Chopper Anderson

Going Out with a Bang!

The camera cuts to the backstage area, where P:V COO JD James is seen in his office, packing up his belongings into a cardboard box. His usually neat desk is now cluttered with personal items being carefully placed into the box. JD James looks disappointed and deep in thought as he handles each item. Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door, and Elena Cruz enters, microphone in hand.

Elena Cruz: JD, I’m sorry to interrupt, but the fans are curious about what’s going on. What are you doing? Why are you packing up your things?

JD James sighs heavily, pausing his packing to look at Elena. The weight of recent events is clear on his face.

JD James: Elena, it’s been a tough week for all of us. With the shocking departures of Jakucho Akechi, Setsuna Kojima, Puck, and the entire Legends Club, it’s been chaos. Sanctioned Violence Network’s owner has decided that it’s time for a change at the top of P:V. Tonight will be my last night in charge.

Elena Cruz looks shocked, her eyes wide as she processes the news.

Elena Cruz: JD, I’m so sorry to hear that. What does this mean for P:V going forward?

JD James straightens up, a determined look crossing his face.

JD James: It means that tonight, I’m going out with a bang. I still have the power to make some big decisions, and I’m going to use it to give our fans something unforgettable. Tonight’s main event will be a six-man match to crown a new TV Champion. It will be Boyd Jackson versus Dash Diaz versus James Mendoza versus Midas versus Maverick Matthews versus Dutch Ramirez!

Elena Cruz nods, her expression shifting to one of anticipation.

Elena Cruz: That’s huge news, JD! The fans are going to love it. Thank you for everything you’ve done for P:V.

JD James smiles, though there’s a hint of sadness in his eyes.

JD James: Thank you, Elena. Let’s make tonight a night to remember.

The camera zooms in on JD James as he resumes packing, a mixture of determination and nostalgia on his face. The scene fades out, building anticipation for the explosive main event later in the evening.

Tag Team Match
The Starr Brothers vs. The Ordinary Gentlemen


The camera cuts to the ring where the Starr Brothers, Darren and Simon, stand victorious over The Ordinary Gentlemen, Greg Stanley and Dale Norman. The match was a one-sided affair, and the fans are booing loudly as the Starr Brothers bask in their easy victory. Darwin Jones stands at ringside, a menacing presence as he looks on approvingly.

Zac Brindle: (commentating) What a dominant performance by the Starr Brothers tonight, but the fans are not happy with their tactics.

Johnny Kaos: (commentating) And look at Darwin Jones, just lurking there. You know he’s up to no good.

As the boos grow louder, Darren and Simon Starr share a wicked grin. Without warning, they pounce on the fallen Ordinary Gentlemen, delivering vicious stomps and strikes. The boos from the crowd reach a fever pitch.

Zac Brindle: (commentating) Oh, come on! This is uncalled for! The match is over!

Johnny Kaos: (commentating) This is despicable behavior from the Starr Brothers and Darwin Jones!

Darwin Jones slides into the ring, joining in on the beatdown. He picks up Greg Stanley and throws him into the corner, delivering a series of brutal shoulder thrusts. Simon Starr grabs Dale Norman, lifting him up for a devastating powerbomb as Darren Starr climbs to the top rope.

Zac Brindle: (commentating) This is an absolute mugging! Someone needs to stop this!

Johnny Kaos: (commentating) Where’s the security? This is getting out of hand!

With Norman held in place by Simon, Darren launches off the top rope, delivering a flying elbow drop that leaves Norman motionless on the mat. Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers stand tall, surveying the destruction they’ve caused. The boos from the crowd are deafening.

Zac Brindle: (commentating) This is sickening! The Starr Brothers and Darwin Jones have completely destroyed The Ordinary Gentlemen!

Johnny Kaos: (commentating) This alliance between the Starr Brothers and Darwin Jones is proving to be one of the most dangerous forces in P:V!

Darwin Jones grabs a microphone, raising it to his lips as the crowd continues to boo.

Darwin Jones: (smirking) You see this? This is what happens when you step in the ring with us. We’re not just here to win matches. We’re here to dominate, to destroy, and to send a message!

The Starr Brothers nod in agreement, looking smug as they stand over their fallen opponents.

Darwin Jones: (continuing) This is just the beginning. No one in P:V is safe from us. Not Elijah Drake, not The Ordinary Gentlemen, not anyone!

The trio drop the microphone and exit the ring, leaving The Ordinary Gentlemen lying motionless in the ring as medical staff rush in to check on them. The camera captures the triumphant yet sinister expressions of the Starr Brothers and Darwin Jones as they make their way up the ramp, the crowd’s boos ringing in their ears.

Zac Brindle: (commentating) This is a dark day for P:V. The Starr Brothers and Darwin Jones have made it clear that they will stop at nothing to assert their dominance.

Johnny Kaos: (commentating) Who will be able to stand up to this ruthless alliance?

The camera focuses on the carnage in the ring before cutting to a commercial break, leaving the fans with a sense of outrage and anticipation for what’s to come.

Tokyo Turmoil
Presented by the Sanctioned Violence Network
The first ever International Tag Team Champions will be crowned, as the top teams from the sVo, P:V, DW, RSPW, LdCE & the Network Affiliates do battle!
18th August 2024
Samurai Summit Arena & Casino, Tokyo Japan

No Love Lost

The scene opens with JD James in his office, a look of frustration and resignation on his face as he continues to pack up his belongings. The door swings open and Boyd Jackson strides in, his presence commanding and arrogant. Jackson smirks, glancing around the office before fixing his gaze on JD James.

Boyd Jackson: (mockingly) Well, well, well. About time they showed you the door, JD. I gotta say, you’ve been making terrible decisions for months now.

JD James straightens up, his expression hardening as he faces Jackson.

JD James: (firmly) What do you want, Jackson?

Jackson chuckles, leaning casually against JD’s desk.

Boyd Jackson: (sneering) I just wanted to see the look on your face one more time before you’re outta here. You should’ve just handed me the TV Championship, JD. You know as well as I do that those other five guys aren’t on my level.

JD James narrows his eyes, clearly annoyed but keeping his composure.

JD James: (coolly) You think you deserve the title handed to you? You’ve got to earn it, Jackson, just like everyone else.

Jackson laughs, shaking his head in disbelief.

Boyd Jackson: (tauntingly) Earn it? Come on, JD. You and I both know I’m the best there is. Dash Diaz, James Mendoza, Midas, Maverick Matthews, Dutch Ramirez – they can’t hold a candle to me.

JD James steps closer, his tone turning icy.

JD James: (intensely) Maybe you are the best, Boyd. But that doesn’t mean you get handed anything. You want the TV Championship? You prove it in the ring, just like everyone else.

Jackson’s smirk fades slightly, replaced with a more menacing look.

Boyd Jackson: (coldly) You know, JD, that kind of attitude is why you’re packing up your office right now. It’s why this place is falling apart.

He takes a step back, adjusting his jacket and giving JD one last condescending look.

Boyd Jackson: (confidently) Don’t worry, though. I’ll take care of business tonight and show everyone why I’m the rightful champion. Maybe then, when you’re watching from your couch, you’ll see what a real decision looks like.

JD James watches as Jackson turns and strides out of the office, the smirk returning to his face. JD’s expression is a mix of frustration and determination as he resumes packing, knowing that tonight’s match will be crucial.

The camera lingers on JD for a moment before fading out, leaving the viewers with the tension of the upcoming six-man match for the TV Championship.

Single Match
Teddy Rush vs Darrell Robles

No Fear

The camera cuts to the backstage area where Elena Cruz stands ready with a microphone in hand. Beside her are the current P:V Tag Team Champions, Stevie Rigg and Edwin Ellis, collectively known as the Anarchy Alliance. Both wrestlers wear their championship belts proudly over their shoulders, exuding confidence.

Elena Cruz: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with the P:V Tag Team Champions, the Anarchy Alliance! Tonight, we have a highly anticipated #1 contender match between the Gutter Gods and the Masters of the Mat. Stevie, Edwin, do you have a preference on who you’d like to face for your titles?

Stevie Rigg chuckles, adjusting his championship belt.

Stevie Rigg: (smirking) You know, Elena, that’s a great question. But the truth is, we don’t care who wins tonight. Whether it’s the Gutter Gods or the Masters of the Mat, it doesn’t matter to us.

Edwin Ellis nods in agreement, his expression serious.

Edwin Ellis: (confidently) Exactly. We didn’t become champions by worrying about who our next opponents are. We became champions because we are the best tag team in P:V, and we can beat anyone who steps into the ring with us.

Elena Cruz: (curious) But surely you have some thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of both teams?

Stevie Rigg shrugs nonchalantly.

Stevie Rigg: (dismissively) Sure, the Gutter Gods are tough. They’ve got that nasty edge to them. And the Masters of the Mat, they’re technically sound. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. We’ve faced and beaten teams of all shapes and sizes.

Edwin Ellis leans in closer to the microphone, his voice dripping with confidence.

Edwin Ellis: (intensely) The Anarchy Alliance is unstoppable. We don’t just win matches; we dominate them. So whether it’s Hate Watson and Masashi Miike or Mike Donovan and George Lancaster, the result will be the same. We’ll walk in as champions, and we’ll walk out as champions.

Elena Cruz nods, clearly impressed by their confidence.

Elena Cruz: (smiling) Well, there you have it, folks. The Anarchy Alliance isn’t concerned about who wins tonight’s #1 contender match. They are ready to take on any challengers. Thank you for your time, Stevie and Edwin.

Stevie Rigg and Edwin Ellis share a confident fist bump before turning to leave, their championship belts gleaming under the backstage lights. The camera follows them as they walk away, exuding an air of invincibility.

Elena Cruz: (to the camera) Back to you, Zac and Johnny!

The camera cuts back to the commentators as the segment ends, leaving the viewers with the image of a confident and dominant Anarchy Alliance ready to defend their titles against any challengers.

Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match
Gutter Gods vs. Masters of the Mat

Its Official

The scene opens with the Gutter Gods, Hate Watson and Masashi Miike, standing triumphantly in the ring, celebrating their hard-fought victory over the Masters of the Mat. The crowd boos loudly, expressing their disdain for the dominant duo. Watson and Miike revel in the hatred, feeding off the negative energy from the fans.

Hate Watson: (grabbing a microphone) You see that? That’s what dominance looks like! The Gutter Gods are here to take over!

The boos grow even louder as Watson paces around the ring, relishing the reaction. Miike stands menacingly beside him, arms crossed, a smug look on his face.

Masashi Miike: (with a heavy accent) No one can stop us! Masters of the Mat, consider yourselves just more victims.

The fans’ boos intensify, but the Gutter Gods soak it all in, feeding off the crowd’s animosity. Suddenly, the music of the Anarchy Alliance hits, and the fans shift their attention to the entrance stage. Edwin Ellis and Stevie Rigg, the reigning P:V Tag Team Champions, walk out, belts over their shoulders, staring down their future challengers.

Zac Brindle: (commentating) Here come the Tag Team Champions, the Anarchy Alliance! They’ve got something to say!

Johnny Kaos: (commentating) This is going to be interesting, Zac. The Gutter Gods might have met their match!

Ellis and Rigg make their way to the top of the entrance stage, holding their belts high in the air. The fans, divided in their loyalties, begin to cheer for the champions. The Gutter Gods glare at the Anarchy Alliance, the tension palpable.

Edwin Ellis: (shouting) Enjoy your victory while it lasts, because those titles are staying right here!

Ellis and Rigg point to their championship belts, making it clear that they’re not intimidated. Watson and Miike step forward in the ring, gesturing for the champions to come down and fight. Ellis and Rigg, however, remain at the entrance stage, continuing to hold their belts high, showing confidence in their reign.

Stevie Rigg: (confidently) You may have taken down the Masters of the Mat, but the Anarchy Alliance is a whole different level! We’ll see you in the ring soon enough.

The camera captures the intense stare-down between the two teams, the champions on the stage and the challengers in the ring. The crowd buzzes with anticipation, knowing that a showdown between these two dominant teams is inevitable.

Zac Brindle: (commentating) The Anarchy Alliance and the Gutter Gods are on a collision course, Johnny! This is going to be one heck of a battle!

Johnny Kaos: (commentating) I can’t wait to see these two teams go at it! The tag team division just got a whole lot more exciting!

The segment ends with the Anarchy Alliance walking back through the entrance, their belts still held high, as the Gutter Gods continue to fume in the ring, determined to dethrone the champions. The camera fades out, leaving the viewers eagerly anticipating the impending clash between these two formidable teams.

Chasing the Gold

The camera cuts to the dimly lit locker room of the masked Egyptian monster, Midas. The atmosphere is tense, with an aura of impending chaos. Midas sits on a bench, his imposing figure casting a long shadow on the wall. He adjusts his mask, his eyes burning with intensity. Standing beside him is his manager, Katya Roux, a cunning and manipulative figure known for her silver tongue. Katya is dressed in her usual elegant yet sinister attire, her eyes gleaming with confidence.

Katya Roux: (in a low, commanding voice) Midas, tonight is your night. You’ve been waiting for this moment, and now it’s finally here. The TV Championship is within your grasp.

Midas stares straight ahead, his silence more intimidating than any words. Katya paces back and forth, her energy electric.

Katya Roux: (with increasing intensity) You’ve already proven yourself against Dash Diaz time and time again. He can’t handle your power, your strength. Tonight, you will destroy him once more, and this time, you will claim the gold that rightfully belongs to you.

Katya stops in front of Midas, leaning down to look him directly in the eyes, her expression fierce and determined.

Katya Roux: (almost whispering) Remember, Midas, you are a monster. Unstoppable. Unbeatable. Diaz is just another victim. Take his hope, crush his spirit, and show everyone why you are the true force in P:V.

Midas clenches his fists, the muscles in his arms tensing as he absorbs Katya’s words. He slowly rises to his feet, towering over Katya, who looks up at him with a satisfied smile.

Katya Roux: (smiling) That’s it. That’s the fire I want to see. Channel that rage, that power. Tonight, we take the TV Championship, and you solidify your place as the most feared competitor in P:V.

Katya steps back, giving Midas the space to prepare. She watches him with a mix of admiration and cunning calculation, knowing that with Midas as her weapon, victory is within their reach.

Katya Roux: (confidently) The world will witness your dominance, Midas. Let’s go out there and show them what true power looks like.

The camera focuses on Midas’s intense expression as he walks towards the locker room door, ready to make his mark. Katya follows closely, her smile one of sinister anticipation. The scene fades out, leaving the audience on edge, eagerly awaiting the chaos that Midas is about to unleash in the main event.

Single Match
Adam Garcia vs. Brandon Snyder

Taking Advantage

The match bell rings, signaling the end of an intense bout. The fans at Legacy Arena erupt into cheers as Adam Garcia, “the Mad Bull,” stands victorious over Brandon Snyder. Garcia, sweat glistening on his muscular frame, raises his P:V Heavyweight Championship belt high in the air, basking in the adoration of the crowd. Zac Brindle and Johnny Kaos can be heard on commentary, praising the thrilling match.

Zac Brindle: What a match! Adam Garcia once again proving why he’s the P:V Heavyweight Champion!

Johnny Kaos: Absolutely, Zac! The Mad Bull has shown everyone that he’s at the top of his game. But what’s this?

The camera shifts to the entrance ramp where Darwin Jones, Darren Starr, and Simon Starr are seen marching down with determined expressions. The atmosphere shifts as the cheers turn to boos, the crowd sensing trouble. Garcia, noticing the change, looks towards the ramp and sees the approaching trio.

Zac Brindle: Oh no, it looks like Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers are coming down to the ring!

Johnny Kaos: This doesn’t look good for Garcia. These three have been causing chaos everywhere they go!

Darwin Jones, Darren Starr, and Simon Starr surround the ring, their eyes locked on the champion. Garcia, ever the fighter, quickly grabs a steel chair from ringside and stands ready, the belt still slung over his shoulder. The tension in the arena is palpable, with the fans on the edge of their seats.

Zac Brindle: Darwin Jones seems to be looking to capitalize on the fact that there’s no official #1 contender for the P:V Heavyweight Championship now!

Johnny Kaos: And he’s not alone. The Starr Brothers are with him, making this an even more dangerous situation for Adam Garcia!

Inside the ring, Garcia brandishes the steel chair, his eyes never leaving the trio that surrounds him. The fans chant his name, trying to bolster his resolve.

Adam Garcia: (yelling) Come on! You want a piece of me? Come and get it!

Darwin Jones smirks, signaling Darren and Simon to hold back for a moment. He steps closer to the ring, his eyes fixed on Garcia.

Darwin Jones: (mockingly) Enjoy your moment, Garcia. It’s not going to last.

Garcia tightens his grip on the steel chair, ready for any move. The Starr Brothers inch closer, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. The commentators continue their rapid speculation.

Zac Brindle: Garcia is in a precarious position here. He’s outnumbered three to one!

Johnny Kaos: But the Mad Bull is no stranger to a fight and having the numbers game up against him. He’s ready to defend himself and his championship!

As the fans’ boos grow louder, the trio continues to circle the ring, waiting for the right moment to strike. The camera captures the intensity in Garcia’s eyes, the steel chair held firmly as his only line of defense.

Zac Brindle: This could explode any second now. Adam Garcia is ready for a fight, but will he be able to fend off Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers?

Johnny Kaos: The Mad Bull stands alone, but he’s not backing down. This is what being a champion is all about!

The segment ends with the camera zooming in on the determined face of Adam Garcia, the P:V Heavyweight Championship gleaming on his shoulder, surrounded by the looming threat of Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers. The tension hangs in the air as the show cuts to commercial, leaving the fans eagerly anticipating the next explosive moment.

Pack A Passport

The camera cuts to the office of P:V COO JD James, where he is seen nearly finished packing his belongings into a cardboard box. The office, once filled with the energy and chaos of running a wrestling promotion, now looks bare and empty. The door creaks open, and International Heavyweight Champion Masafumi Satake walks in, his championship belt slung over his shoulder.

Masafumi Satake: (in a respectful tone) JD, I heard the news. I’m sorry to see you go. You’ve been good to me and to P:V.

JD James looks up from his packing, a faint smile on his face, though his eyes show the weight of recent events.

JD James: Thanks, Masafumi. It’s been a tough week, but we’ve had some great times here.

Satake steps closer, his demeanor serious but respectful.

Masafumi Satake: I wanted to thank you personally for organizing my title defense in Vice City Wrestling last week. It was an incredible opportunity.

JD James: You deserved it, Masafumi. You will be a great champion, and I wanted to make sure you got the recognition you deserve.

Satake nods appreciatively, then shifts his weight slightly, looking hopeful.

Masafumi Satake: Did you manage to arrange anything for next week? I’m eager to keep defending this title and proving myself.

JD James pauses, then nods, a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes.

JD James: Yes, I did. You’re going to need your passport for this one. I managed to get you booked for a big match. It’s going to be in another country, but it will be an exciting match.

Satake’s eyes light up with anticipation, clearly thrilled at the prospect of an international defense.

Masafumi Satake: Thank you, JD. I won’t let you down.

JD James stands up, lifting his cardboard box filled with his personal belongings. He takes a moment to look around the office, his expression a mix of nostalgia and resolve.

JD James: I know you won’t, Masafumi. Keep representing P:V with pride.

The two shake hands firmly, a gesture of mutual respect. JD James then turns and walks towards the door, pausing one last time to take in the room where he spent so much time and energy.

JD James: (with a final nod) Good luck, Champ.

With that, JD James exits the office, carrying his cardboard box as he walks down the hallway for the last time. The camera lingers on Satake for a moment, who watches JD leave before turning back to his championship belt, a look of determination on his face.

The scene fades out, leaving the viewers with a sense of transition and anticipation for what’s to come for both JD James and Masafumi Satake.

First Gold?

The camera cuts to the backstage area where Elena Cruz is standing with James Mendoza. The atmosphere is electric, as the buzz of the main event for the TV Championship fills the air.

Elena Cruz: (smiling) Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with James Mendoza, who is moments away from competing in the main event for the vacant TV Championship. James, how are you feeling about the opportunity to win your first P:V gold tonight?

James Mendoza, looking focused and determined, nods before responding.

James Mendoza: (with a confident smile) Elena, this is what I’ve been working towards since day one. Tonight, I have the chance to make history and show everyone that I belong at the top. Winning the TV Championship would be a dream come true, and I’m ready to give it everything I’ve got—

Suddenly, Mendoza is blindsided by a fierce attack from behind! Maverick Matthews, his bitter rival and one of his opponents in the main event, launches a brutal assault. Matthews drives Mendoza into the wall, throwing punches and kicks with relentless fury.

Elena Cruz: (screaming) Oh my God! Security! We need security!

Mendoza fights back, trading blows with Matthews as the two brawl violently. The commotion draws the attention of nearby wrestlers and officials, but it takes a moment for security to arrive and separate the two men. Mendoza and Matthews continue to shout and struggle against the restraints of the security guards.

James Mendoza: (yelling) This isn’t over, Matthews! I’m taking that title tonight, no matter what!

Maverick Matthews: (sneering) You’re going down, Mendoza! I’ll make sure of it!

The scene is chaotic, with security finally managing to pull the two apart, dragging them in opposite directions. Elena Cruz, visibly shaken, tries to regain her composure as the camera zooms in on her.

Elena Cruz: (breathing heavily) Ladies and gentlemen, tensions are at an all-time high as we head into the main event. James Mendoza and Maverick Matthews will face off for the TV Championship, and after what we’ve just witnessed, it’s clear that this match is going to be explosive. Don’t go anywhere; you don’t want to miss this!

The camera cuts away, leaving the viewers with a heightened sense of anticipation for the main event.

TV Championship Elimination Match
Boyd Jackson vs. Dash Diaz vs James Mendoza vs. Midas vs. Maverick Matthews vs. Dutch Ramirez

The Future

The arena is buzzing with energy as the main event of P:V Uprising 85 comes to a dramatic close. Dash Diaz has just emerged victorious in the six-man elimination match for the TV Championship, having pinned Midas to capture the title. The crowd erupts in cheers as Diaz, exhausted but ecstatic, stands in the center of the ring, holding his arms in the air high above his head.

Zac Brindle: (excitedly) What a moment! Dash Diaz has fought through all the odds and emerged victorious as the new TV Champion!

Johnny Kaos: (enthusiastically) This has been an incredible night, and Dash Diaz truly deserves this moment! The fans are loving it, and what a way to end the show!

As Diaz continues to celebrate, the camera captures Midas, visibly fuming, retreating up the entrance ramp with a look of anger and frustration. The crowd’s cheers are suddenly replaced with confusion as the arena lights dim slightly, drawing attention to the entrance stage.

Out walks James Von Drake, the former sVo star, dressed in a sharp suit. He carries the TV Championship belt under his arm, and his presence immediately grabs the crowd’s attention. The fans murmur and react with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Zac Brindle: (in disbelief) Wait a minute… That’s James Von Drake! What’s he doing here?

Johnny Kaos: (surprised) He was retired from the ring just a few months ago after doing battle with Blood Money in the sVo! This is unexpected!

Von Drake makes his way down the ramp with a confident stride, his eyes locked on Dash Diaz in the ring. Diaz, still catching his breath and basking in his victory, looks puzzled but intrigued as Von Drake climbs into the ring.

Von Drake steps up to Diaz and holds out the TV Championship belt. The crowd watches in silence, unsure of what’s about to happen.

James Von Drake: (with a smirk) Congratulations, Dash. You’ve earned this.

Diaz accepts the Championship belt with a smile, and Von Drake steps back, giving Diaz space. The crowd’s confusion turns into cheers as Von Drake’s intentions become clear. He looks around the arena, soaking in the reaction.

James Von Drake: (raising his voice) Tonight marks a new era in P:V! I’m here to ensure that this company reaches new heights, and I’ll be overseeing everything moving forward.

The fans react with more cheers, the atmosphere charged with anticipation.

Johnny Kaos: (commenting) It looks like James Von Drake is stepping into a major role here in P:V. This could change everything!

Zac Brindle: (excitedly) Dash Diaz is the new TV Champion, and now we have a new figure in charge! What a way to end the show!

Diaz holds the Championship belt high, and Von Drake nods approvingly. The crowd continues to react as the camera zooms in on Diaz’s triumphant expression and Von Drake’s confident demeanor.

As the show wraps up, Diaz and Von Drake stand together in the ring, the new TV Champion and the newly announced figurehead of P:V. The scene fades out with the crowd’s mixed reactions and the promise of a new chapter in Sanctioned Violence.

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