P:V Uprising 84
Live on the Sanctioned Violence Network
State Farm Arena, Atlanta, Georgia

20th July 2024

The screen fades in to an aerial shot of the bustling State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. The excitement is palpable as fans pour into the venue, ready for another thrilling night of professional wrestling. The camera cuts to various shots of fans holding signs and cheering, hyping up the electric atmosphere.

The broadcast then transitions to the lively ringside area where commentators Zac Brindle and Johnny Kaos are seated, ready to welcome viewers to tonight’s show.

Zac Brindle: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to P:V Uprising 84! We are live from the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia, and tonight’s show is set to be absolutely explosive!

Johnny Kaos: You got that right, Zac! We have so much to cover, from the fallout of the shocking defection of the Legends Club to the sVo last week, to the ongoing saga between Jakucho Akechi and Adam Garcia. Akechi is now the #1 contender for Garcia’s P:V Heavyweight Championship, and she faces Dash Diaz tonight in our main event!

Zac Brindle: And let’s not forget the sinister new alliance between Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers. Their recent actions have left everyone in shock, and who knows what they have planned next?

Johnny Kaos: The tag team division is heating up too, with Hate Eternal making their ambitions clear. They’re eyeing the top spot and won’t stop until they get there.

Zac Brindle: Plus, we have the reign of our new International Heavyweight Champion, Masafumi Satake, who’s already making waves. The competition better watch out because Satake is here to prove he’s the best.

Johnny Kaos: All this and more, live on the Sanctioned Violence Network! Buckle up, folks, because P:V Uprising 84 starts now!

The camera pans over the roaring crowd, capturing the excitement and anticipation, before cutting to the ring where the first match of the evening is about to get underway.

Stay Gutter

[The scene opens with a dimly lit, grungy backstage area. The camera focuses on Hate Watson, his face partially shadowed, with his partner Masashi Miike standing stoically beside him. Hate Watson’s eyes are intense, filled with the fury and determination that have become his trademark. The Gutter Gods’ theme music Stay Gutter by Filth fades out in the background as he begins to speak.]

Hate Watson: Last week, the so-called Masters of Mat stepped into our ring, thinking they could tame the chaos. They showed gusto, sure, but gusto only gets you so far when you’re facing the Gutter Gods. The outcome? Inevitable. Defeat. Broken. Beaten. Battered. We put them on notice, and they paid the price.

[He pauses, letting his words sink in. Masashi Miike cracks his knuckles, the sound echoing in the silence.]

Hate Watson: You see, Project: Violence isn’t just a name; it’s a way of life. It’s the blood that courses through our veins. And as long as we’re here, violence will always be on the agenda. We thrive in the chaos, we revel in the carnage, and we feed off the fear of every team that dares to step up.

[Hate Watson steps closer to the camera, his face now fully visible, his expression a mix of menace and conviction.]

Hate Watson: To every tag team in this promotion, listen closely. The Gutter Gods are here to redefine what it means to be violent. We’re not just here to win; we’re here to dominate, to devastate, and to leave a trail of broken bodies and shattered dreams in our wake. Last week was just the beginning. The Masters of Mat were the first, but they won’t be the last.

[Masashi Miike steps forward, his presence as intimidating as ever.]

Masashi Miike (translated via subtitles):  

We are the Gutter Gods. And we’re here to make sure everyone knows that when you face us, you face the end of your dreams, the end of your hope. We’re not just wrestlers; we’re the executioners of this ring.”

[Hate Watson smirks, a cold, ruthless glint in his eyes.]

Hate Watson: So, to every tag team out there, consider this your final warning. Step into our ring, and your fate is sealed. Your destiny is defeat. And your future is pain. Because the Gutter Gods are here, and Project: Violence is our playground. As long as blood courses through our veins, there will be no mercy, no escape, and no survivors. No gods. No Masters. 

[The camera slowly fades to black as the eerie silence is broken only by the faint echoes of their sinister laughter. The Gutter Gods have spoken, and their message is clear: violence reigns supreme.]

Single Match
Dutch Ramirez vs. Boyd Jackson

It Always Ends in Chaos

The crowd is on their feet as the bell rings, signaling the end of an intense opening match between Dutch Ramirez and Boyd Jackson. Both men are visibly exhausted, having given their all in a back-and-forth battle that has captivated the audience from start to finish. The referee raises both their arms, indicating a time limit draw, which elicits a chorus of boos from the fans.

Zac Brindle: What a match, Johnny! Dutch Ramirez and Boyd Jackson just went to war, and neither man could get the victory within the time limit.

Johnny Kaos: The fans aren’t happy about the draw, Zac. They wanted a clear winner!

As Dutch Ramirez begins to acknowledge the crowd, Boyd Jackson suddenly charges at him from behind, delivering a vicious clubbing blow to the back of his head. Ramirez stumbles forward, caught off guard, as Jackson continues the assault, raining down punches and kicks on his fallen opponent.

Zac Brindle: Oh, come on! This is uncalled for! Boyd Jackson is attacking Dutch Ramirez after the match!

Johnny Kaos: Jackson is furious about the draw, and he’s taking it out on Ramirez!

The boos grow louder as Jackson grabs Ramirez and lifts him, delivering a devastating powerbomb in the center of the ring. Ramirez lies motionless as Jackson stands over him, a sinister grin on his face. Security rushes down the ramp, sliding into the ring to intervene. They pull Jackson away from Ramirez, struggling to contain the enraged powerhouse.

Zac Brindle: Security is finally here to stop this madness. Boyd Jackson has completely lost it!

Johnny Kaos: He’s sending a message, Zac. Jackson is showing that he’s not someone to be taken lightly.

The camera captures the chaos in the ring as security escorts Boyd Jackson out, while other officials check on the condition of Dutch Ramirez. The fans continue to boo, clearly upset by the outcome and the post-match attack.

Zac Brindle: What a chaotic start to Uprising 84. Dutch Ramirez is down, and Boyd Jackson has made a statement in the worst possible way.

Johnny Kaos: This rivalry is far from over, Zac. You can bet that Dutch Ramirez will be looking for payback after what just happened.

The camera cuts to a close-up of Dutch Ramirez being helped to his feet by officials, his face a mask of pain and determination. The scene fades out as the commentary team recaps the brutal events that have just unfolded.

Scouting Mission

The camera cuts to the bustling backstage area of the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. The noise of the crowd can be heard faintly in the background as staff and wrestlers move around, preparing for tonight’s event. Suddenly, the camera focuses on the entrance as the P:V Heavyweight Champion, “The Mad Bull” Adam Garcia, makes his way into the arena, his championship belt slung over his shoulder.

Zac Brindle (voiceover): And there he is, folks! The P:V Heavyweight Champion, Adam Garcia, has arrived!

Johnny Kaos (voiceover): The Mad Bull looks ready for anything tonight, Zac.

Elena Cruz, microphone in hand, rushes towards Garcia, who stops and acknowledges her with a nod. The Spanish superstar looks focused but gives a slight smile as Elena begins her questions.

Elena Cruz: Adam, welcome! Tonight, you’ll be scouting your next challenger in the main event. How do you feel about Jakucho Akechi facing Dash Diaz tonight, and what are your thoughts on your upcoming schedule?

Adam Garcia: (smiling confidently) Gracias, Elena. Tonight is crucial. Jakucho Akechi earned her shot, and Dash Diaz is a rising star. I need to know who I’ll be facing next, and there’s no better way than watching them go to war.

Elena Cruz: And what about your match this week in the European Wrestling League?

Adam Garcia: (with determination) I’ll be heading to Europe right after tonight. They call me “The Mad Bull” for a reason, and I’m ready to show the EWL what P:V is all about. I plan to pick up another win and bring even more prestige to this title.

Garcia adjusts the championship belt on his shoulder, his eyes gleaming with intensity.

Elena Cruz: Any final thoughts for your fans watching tonight?

Adam Garcia: (looking directly into the camera) Stay tuned, because tonight is just the beginning. I’m here to prove that I’m the best, no matter where I am. Whether it’s Jakucho Akechi or Dash Diaz, or anyone else, this title is staying with me.

With a final nod, Garcia walks past Elena, heading towards his locker room. The camera follows him for a moment before cutting back to Elena, who looks impressed by the champion’s confidence.

Elena Cruz: There you have it, folks! The Mad Bull is ready for anything. Back to you, Zac and Johnny!

Zac Brindle (voiceover): Adam Garcia is focused and ready. Tonight’s main event just got even more interesting.

Johnny Kaos (voiceover): No doubt about it, Zac. With Garcia watching closely, you know both Jakucho Akechi and Dash Diaz will bring their A-game.

The camera fades to black as the show prepares to move on to the next segment.

Single Match
Maverick Matthews vs. Darrell Robles

Target On Your Back

The camera cuts to the backstage area, where the atmosphere is buzzing with excitement after Maverick Matthews’ impressive victory over Darrell Robles. James Mendoza, dressed in his wrestling gear and looking intense, watches a monitor showing the end of Matthews’ match. The screen shows Matthews’ celebration and the crowd’s reaction. Mendoza’s eyes are fixed on the screen, his expression unreadable.

Zac Brindle (voiceover): Maverick Matthews just scored a huge win over Darrell Robles, and you have to wonder what James Mendoza is thinking right now.

Johnny Kaos (voiceover): There’s no love lost between Mendoza and Matthews. Let’s see what Mendoza has to say.

Elena Cruz, microphone in hand, approaches James Mendoza, who finally looks away from the monitor to acknowledge her presence.

Elena Cruz: James, you just witnessed your rival, Maverick Matthews, secure a decisive victory over Darrell Robles. What are your thoughts on what you just saw?

James Mendoza takes a deep breath, his expression shifting to one of determination.

James Mendoza: (pausing for a moment) Elena, I’m not going to lie. Matthews looked good out there. But don’t mistake that for me being impressed. What I saw was a man who’s desperate to prove something. He got a win, sure, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s still got a target on his back.

Elena Cruz: You and Matthews have had a heated rivalry over the past few weeks. Does his victory tonight add any extra motivation for you?

James Mendoza: (nodding) Absolutely. Every time I see him get a win, it fuels me even more. Matthews and I, we’re not done. Not by a long shot. He can celebrate tonight, but he better not get too comfortable. Because when we face off again, I’m going to remind him exactly who he’s dealing with.

Elena Cruz: Is there anything specific you want to say to Maverick Matthews after his performance tonight?

James Mendoza steps closer to the camera, his intensity palpable.

James Mendoza: (looking directly into the camera) Matthews, you got your win tonight. But don’t forget, I’m right here, watching your every move. Enjoy your moment, because the next time we meet, you’re not walking away with your hand raised. You’re stepping into the ring with a man who’s got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Get ready, because your luck is about to run out.

With that, Mendoza turns and walks away, leaving Elena Cruz standing there, the intensity of his words lingering in the air.

Elena Cruz: Strong words from James Mendoza. The rivalry between him and Maverick Matthews is far from over. Back to you, Zac and Johnny.

Zac Brindle (voiceover): Mendoza is fired up, and I can’t wait to see what happens next in this feud.

Johnny Kaos (voiceover): Matthews might have won tonight, but Mendoza is coming for him. This is going to be one hell of a showdown.

The camera fades to black, building anticipation for the continuation of this intense rivalry.

Single Match
Midas vs. Chopper Anderson

The Saviours

The camera cuts to the backstage area of the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia, where the mood is tense. Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers, Darren and Simon, march down a corridor with purpose, their faces set in a mix of anger and determination. They reach the door marked “P:V COO JD James” and push it open without knocking. Inside, JD James is seated at his desk, reviewing some documents. He looks up, clearly irritated by the sudden intrusion.

JD James: (coldly) What do you want?

Darwin Jones: (sarcastically) Nice to see you too, JD. We were just wondering why no one’s congratulating us. You know, after we drove the Legends Club out of P:V.

JD James leans back in his chair, unimpressed.

JD James: (scoffing) No one believes that’s what happened. And no one will forgive you for what you did to Elijah Drake.

Simon Starr: (angrily) Drake had it coming. He was holding us back.

Darren Starr: (nodding) We did what we had to do. Drake is gone, and it’s time for you to start giving us the respect we deserve.

Darwin Jones: (leaning in) Yeah, JD. Drake is gone forever. So how about you start treating us like the top guys around here, before we take the respect ourselves.

JD James stands up, his expression hardening as he faces the trio.

JD James: (firmly) You think you deserve respect for betraying your teammate? For attacking someone who trusted you? Respect is earned, not taken. And right now, you haven’t earned a damn thing.

Darwin Jones: (smirking) We’ll see about that, JD. One way or another, we’re going to get what we want. And if you keep standing in our way, you’re going to find out just how far we’re willing to go.

The tension in the room is palpable as JD James and Darwin Jones stare each other down. The Starr Brothers look ready for a fight, but JD James remains composed, refusing to be intimidated.

JD James: (coldly) Get out of my office. Now.

Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers exchange a look before turning and leaving the office, but not before Simon Starr slams the door shut with a loud bang. JD James sits back down, shaking his head in frustration as the camera fades to black, leaving the viewers wondering just how far Jones and the Starr Brothers are willing to go to get what they want.

Zac Brindle (voiceover): The tension between Darwin Jones, the Starr Brothers, and JD James is reaching a boiling point.

Johnny Kaos (voiceover): This isn’t over by a long shot. Jones and the Starr Brothers are out for blood, and they won’t stop until they get the respect they think they deserve.

The screen fades to black, building anticipation for what will come next in this explosive storyline.

TV Championship Match
Setsuna Kojima (c) vs. Brandon Snyder

Taking That Respect

The camera cuts back to the ring where Setsuna Kojima, the young and talented TV Champion from Japan, is celebrating her hard-fought victory over Brandon Snyder. She holds her title high, smiling as the fans cheer her on. The energy in the arena is electric, with the crowd fully behind the victorious champion.

Zac Brindle: What a match! Setsuna Kojima has once again proven why she is the TV Champion!

Johnny Kaos: Absolutely, Zac. She’s a true warrior, and the fans love her!

As Setsuna continues to celebrate, the atmosphere in the arena abruptly shifts. The cheers turn to loud boos as Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers, Darren and Simon, rush down to ringside. The trio slides into the ring, surrounding the unsuspecting champion.

Zac Brindle: Wait a minute! What are Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers doing out here?

Johnny Kaos: This can’t be good, Zac. They’re up to no good, as usual!

Setsuna, realizing the danger, turns around just in time to see the three men closing in on her. She tries to fight back, landing a few punches on Simon Starr, but the numbers game quickly overwhelms her. Darwin Jones delivers a vicious clothesline, knocking her to the mat. The Starr Brothers begin stomping on her mercilessly.

Zac Brindle: This is despicable! It’s a three-on-one assault on the TV Champion!

Johnny Kaos: Someone needs to stop this! Where’s security?

Brandon Snyder, who had been in the ring moments ago, watches the attack unfold from the corner. For a brief moment, he looks conflicted, as if he’s considering helping the champion. But then, cowardice gets the better of him. He slowly backs out of the ring, deciding to make a hasty exit up the ramp instead.

Zac Brindle: And look at Brandon Snyder! He’s just walking away!

Johnny Kaos: What a coward! He could’ve helped, but he’s leaving Setsuna Kojima to fend for herself!

The boos from the crowd grow louder as the beatdown continues. Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers show no mercy, leaving Setsuna Kojima lying motionless on the mat. Satisfied with their handiwork, they raise their arms in unison, basking in the hatred from the fans.

Zac Brindle: This is a travesty! Setsuna Kojima deserves better than this!

Johnny Kaos: Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers have made their statement loud and clear. They don’t care who they have to hurt to get what they want!

Medical personnel rush down to the ring to check on the injured champion as Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers make their way back up the ramp, smirking at the chaos they’ve caused. The camera zooms in on the concerned faces of the fans, highlighting the impact of the brutal attack.

Zac Brindle: Folks, we hope Setsuna Kojima is alright. This is not how a champion should be treated.

Johnny Kaos: We need answers, Zac. Darwin Jones and the Starr Brothers need to be held accountable for this!

The screen fades to black, leaving the viewers with a sense of outrage and concern for the TV Champion, Setsuna Kojima.

Opportunity Knocks

The camera cuts to the bustling backstage area of State Farm Arena, Atlanta, Georgia. Elena Cruz stands poised with a microphone in hand, her professional demeanor ready for another insightful interview. Next to her is the young and popular star, Dash Diaz, who is preparing for his main event match tonight against the formidable Jakucho Akechi.

Elena Cruz: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Dash Diaz! Dash, tonight you face Jakucho Akechi, the number one contender for Adam Garcia’s P:V Heavyweight Championship. How are you feeling going into this main event?

Dash Diaz, sporting a confident smile, adjusts his wristbands before leaning into the microphone.

Dash Diaz: Elena, I’m feeling great. A match against someone as talented and respected as Jakucho Akechi is an incredible opportunity for me. She’s a legend in this business and has earned her spot as the number one contender. But tonight, I’m going to show everyone that I belong in the main event too.

Elena Cruz: You’ve had quite the journey here in P:V. What does a victory tonight mean for you, especially after your loss to Midas at the Dance of the Damned PPV two weeks ago?

Dash’s expression grows serious, but determination gleams in his eyes.

Dash Diaz: That loss to Midas was tough, no doubt. But every setback is just a setup for a comeback. Tonight, a win over Jakucho would not only put me back on track but also prove that I’m ready for the biggest challenges P:V has to offer. This is more than just a match; it’s my chance to show that I can hang with the best and maybe even put myself in line for a future title shot.

Elena Cruz: Jakucho Akechi is known for her intense, hard-hitting style. How do you plan to counteract that in the ring tonight?

Dash Diaz: Jakucho’s style is definitely something you can’t take lightly. She’s tough as nails and has a wealth of experience. My plan is to use my speed and agility to keep her off balance. I’ll need to be smart, pick my spots, and capitalize on any openings she gives me. It’s going to be a battle, but I’m ready for it.

Elena Cruz: The fans are certainly behind you, Dash. Do you have any final words for them before you head into tonight’s main event?

Dash’s face lights up with a smile as he looks directly into the camera.

Dash Diaz: To all my fans out there, thank you for your support. You guys give me the energy to keep pushing, no matter what. Tonight, I’m going out there to give it everything I’ve got and make you all proud. Let’s make this a night to remember!

Elena Cruz: There you have it, folks. Dash Diaz, ready and determined for tonight’s main event against Jakucho Akechi. Best of luck, Dash!

Dash Diaz: Thanks, Elena.

With a final nod to the camera, Dash Diaz walks off, heading towards the arena floor for final preparations, ready to prove himself later in one of the biggest matches of his career. The camera lingers on Elena Cruz, who smiles confidently, knowing that tonight’s main event is one fans won’t want to miss.

Tag Team Match
The Gutter Gods vs. Rebel Society

Not Done Yet…

The camera pans around the electrified crowd at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia, before focusing on the ring where Hate Watson and Masashi Miike, collectively known as the Gutter Gods, stand tall over their defeated opponents, Rebel Society. The fans boo loudly as the Gutter Gods bask in their victory.

Zac Brindle: The Gutter Gods have just decimated Rebel Society, but it looks like they’re not done yet, Johnny.

Johnny Kaos: These guys are absolutely ruthless, Zac. The match might be over, but the pain is just beginning for Rebel Society!

In the ring, Hate Watson smirks wickedly and gestures to his partner.

Hate Watson: Masashi, grab the bag!

Masashi Miike slides out of the ring and rummages under the apron, pulling out a bag of thumbtacks to the collective gasp of the audience. He slides back into the ring, the malicious intent clear on his face as he prepares to spread the thumbtacks across the mat.

Zac Brindle: Oh no, this doesn’t look good at all! They’re about to inflict some serious damage here!

Johnny Kaos: Someone needs to stop this before it gets out of hand!

Just as Masashi Miike starts to open the bag, the entrance music of the P:V Tag Team Champions, the Anarchy Alliance, blasts through the arena speakers. The crowd erupts in cheers as Edwin Ellis and Stevie Rigg appear on the top of the entrance stage, staring down the Gutter Gods with intense determination.

Zac Brindle: Here come the Anarchy Alliance! Edwin Ellis and Stevie Rigg, the P:V Tag Team Champions, are not going to stand by and watch this!

Johnny Kaos: Thank goodness they’re here! The Gutter Gods were about to cross a line even they can’t come back from!

In the ring, Hate Watson and Masashi Miike freeze, their attention now fully on the champions standing defiantly at the top of the ramp. The tension is palpable as the two teams lock eyes, the air thick with animosity.

Hate Watson: You want a piece of this? Come on down!

Ellis and Rigg don’t move from their spot but instead raise their championship belts high above their heads, signaling their dominance and issuing an unspoken challenge to the Gutter Gods.

Zac Brindle: The Anarchy Alliance making it clear they’re not afraid of the Gutter Gods! What a stare down!

Johnny Kaos: This is a battle waiting to happen, Zac! And when it does, it’s going to be explosive!

The segment ends with the camera cutting between the intense faces of the Anarchy Alliance and the furious Gutter Gods, leaving the fans in a state of eager anticipation for what’s to come.

International Fumi

The camera cuts to the backstage office of P:V COO JD James. He looks visibly stressed, shuffling through a stack of paperwork on his desk. The recent defections of the Legends Club and Puck to sVo, along with the chaos of the current Uprising event, have clearly taken their toll.

JD James: (sighs) This has been one rough night…

Suddenly, the door opens, and in walks the International Heavyweight Champion, Masafumi Satake. The Japanese superstar is carrying his title belt over his shoulder, and he offers a respectful bow before shaking JD James’ hand.

Masafumi Satake: JD-san, I need to know when I can defend my title next.

JD James looks up, momentarily taken aback, but then offers a tired smile. JD James rubs his temples, considering the request. After a moment, he nods.

JD James: Alright, Satake. I understand your eagerness. I’ll make some calls, see what I can arrange. Be ready to catch a flight later this week. You might be heading to Canada, Berlin, Miami, LA, or maybe even New Hampshire.

Satake nods in approval, a determined look on his face.

Masafumi Satake: Thank you, JD-san. I’ll be ready.

JD James stands up, offering his hand once more. Satake shakes it firmly, showing mutual respect.

JD James: Good luck, champ. We’re counting on you.

The camera zooms in on Satake’s determined expression as he leaves JD James’ office, ready for his next challenge. The scene fades out with JD James picking up the phone, already making the necessary calls.

Main Event
Jakucho Akechi vs. Dash Diaz

Fighting On All Fronts

The arena is electric as Jakucho Akechi stands victorious in the ring, having just defeated Dash Diaz in a hard-fought main event. She raises her arms in triumph, soaking in the reaction from the crowd. The camera captures her celebration before panning up to the executive skybox.

In the skybox, P:V Heavyweight Champion Adam Garcia is seen watching the action intently. He holds his title belt, observing his next challenger with a keen eye, just as Jakucho Akechi watched him last week.

Suddenly, the crowd’s cheers turn to gasps and boos as ‘the Warsaw Warrior’ Mateusz Nowark emerges from the shadows behind Garcia! With a sinister grin, Nowark pulls out a fork and viciously attacks Garcia, stabbing him repeatedly. Garcia tries to fend him off, but Nowark, Garcia’s opponent this week in the European Wrestling League, is relentless.

Mateusz Nowark: (screaming) I’m going to make you bleed, Garcia!

Garcia’s cries of pain echo through the arena as blood begins to pour from the wounds inflicted by Nowark. Security rushes to the skybox, but the damage is done. Nowark stands over the fallen champion, fork in hand, a maniacal look in his eyes.

The camera cuts back to the ring where Jakucho Akechi watches on. The fans are in an uproar, the shock and disbelief palpable throughout the arena.

The camera focuses back on the skybox one last time, capturing the chaotic scene as the show goes off the air, leaving the fate of the P:V Heavyweight Champion in question and the audience in suspense.

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