Roll The Dice 2021 PPV
Goodfellas Casino Arena
Saturday 30th May 2021

‘Bossin’ Up’ by Kid Ink hits and the opening video package for the ‘Roll The Dice 2021’ PPV begins to play, featuring all of the build up for tonight’s matches, including the massive Organised Chaos showdown between Blood Money & Horizon, and the sVo Championship match between William Vorheez and the challenger Yoshi Ono! As the package begins to come to an end, the live camera pans around the packed-out Goodfellas Casino Arena in the heart of Las Vegas, with the fans ready to see some exciting live action!

A video package plays from earlier in the day where fans have been milling around the Goodfellas Casino Arena, meeting the sVo stars and getting autographs, before the camera heads back to the arena for the first match of the night to get started!

Single Match
CJ Dreamer vs. Orlando Fox

‘Break Stuff’ by the Limp Bizkit blasts over the sound system and there is a pop from the crowd as CJ Dreamer slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp and stares out at the fans packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena. Dreamer smirks at his hometown fans as he stops for a few seconds to signal to them, before briskly walking down the entrance ramp and rolling into the ring. Dreamer quickly rolls to his feet and skips in a circle around the ring whilst shadow boxing. Dreamer slowly returns to his corner of the ring as the music fades out and is replaced with the sound of just the cheers from the fans.

Boyz-N-Tha-Hood by Eazy E hits the sound system and the fans boo as Orlando Fox slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and poses for the crowd. Fox slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, trash talking the fans in the front row as he goes. Fox soon reaches the ring and rolls under the bottom rope and steps onto the bottom rope before performing his signature taunt to the crowd, which brings out even more boos for Fox!

With both of the competitors in the ring, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the rematch from Countdown to Violence 2021 to get started! Fox and Dreamer circle around each other before tying up in the middle of the ring. Both men try and push each other backwards in a test of strength, before Dreamer grabs the arm of his opponent and twists it behind the back of his opponent in a wrist lock. Dreamer clenches up on the hold, but Fox frees himself with some back elbow strikes to his opponent. Dreamer releases the hold and grabs his face in pain, but Fox follows up by grabbing the arm of his opponent and whipping him into the ropes. Dreamer bounces back to the middle of the ring and Fox takes him down with a stiff clothesline in the middle of the ring. 

Fox grabs hold of Dreamer in a side head lock as he tries to get back up to a standing position, however Dreamer fights him off with some stiff back elbows to the midsection, before grabbing him by the arm and sending him into the ropes. Fox bounces back into the middle of the ring and Dreamer ducks under an attempted clothesline before taking down Fox with a neckbreaker. The fans cheer the big move from the former sVo Tag Team Champion, as Fox stumbles up to a standing position. 

Fox tries to fight back with some big right hands, but Dreamer ducks and weaves out of the way of the punches, before taking down his opponent with a big spinebuster! With Fox down on the mat, Dreamer makes a cover on the former sVo Hardcore Champion!




Fox gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted by the referee! Dreamer shakes his head in disbelief, thinking that he had the match won there, before pulling Fox up to his feet by his hair. The fans continue to cheer Dreamer on as he shoots Fox into the corner of the ring. Fox hits the turnbuckle hard, before Dreamer tees off with some big right hands in the corner of the ring. The fans continue to cheer Dreamer on, until Fox suddenly blocks one of the punches and nails Dreamer with a head butt! The fans boo as Dreamer staggers backwards, before Fox grabs him and throws him into the corner! Fox lands some mounted corner punches of his own, until Dreamer sinks down into a seated position in the corner of the ring. 

With Dreamer down and hurting, the fans boo loudly as Orlando Fox taunts to the crowd before retreating to the opposite side of the ring! Fox flips the crowd off, before running and landing a running knee to the face on Dreamer in the corner of the ring. The boos continue as Fox pulls Dreamer away from the corner and hooks the leg to make the cover. 




The fans thought it was all over, but Dreamer manages to reach out and grab the bottom rope! Fox looks angry with the referee as he rises up to his feet and quickly begins to complain! The referee waves away the protests of the former Hardcore Champion, as Dreamer begins to pull himself to his feet behind the back of his opponent! Fox eventually turns back around to face his opponent, but is met with some big right hands from Dreamer!

Dreamer backs Fox up against the ring ropes with the punches, before grabbing him by the arm and shooting him into the ring ropes again. Fox bounces back into the middle of the ring and is met with a superkick to the face from Dreamer! Fox staggers back up to his feet, but Dreamer follows up the superkick with a reverse DDT!

The fans are on their feet as the home town hero CJ Dreamer signals for his finishing move! Fox groggily drags himself back to a standing position, but as he does Dreamer grabs him from behind and lands the ‘Sweet Dreams’ before making the cover!




It’s all over, and CJ Dreamer gets revenge over Orlando Fox for the Countdown to Violence loss! Dreamer rises up to his feet and looks relieved as the referee raises his arm in the air in victory! The fans cheer loudly as Dreamer stands over Fox, after impressively getting back to winning ways after two PPV defeats in a row!

Winner via pinfall: CJ Dreamer

Increasing the Stakes

The camera head backstage after the big victory for CJ Dreamer, to the office of sVo Owner Jon Page! Page is sitting behind his desk watching the action unfold on the giant screen on the wall of his office, whilst opposite him sits reporter Katie Smith.

Katie Smith: “Jon, we are only a few hours away from the Organised Chaos match this evening, how do you see that one going?”

Jon Page: “Well personally I know what team I would like to come out on top, it’s no secret that me and Blood Money don’t see eye to eye. Professionally, I don’t mind who wins I just hope that we don’t see any injuries coming out of this. Where you have ten competitors who hate each other locked inside a steel cage that is surrounding the ringside area, with weapons attached to the inside of the cage, the potential for injury is pretty damn high to one of my investments in that cage!”

Katie Smith: “Well with Athena making a shocking appearance at the end of the last show, she could be a real difference maker in the match?”

Jon Page: “Your damn right, I mean I wouldn’t want to be locked in a cage with her if she was mad with me! This is her first sVo official match though, but also a big opportunity, because whoever scores the winning pinfall at the end of the match for their team and gets that final elimination will earn themselves a shot at the sVo Heavyweight Championship in the near future!”

Katie Smith: “Well that is a massive twist, do you think it is going to make an impact to the later stages?”

Jon Page: “I’m looking forward to finding out Katie, now let’s get back to the action!”

The scene fades out and heads back to ringside, after that bombshell stipulation which might drastically alter the outcome of the match!

First Blood Match
Jupiter James vs. Ida Guildress

“Sunflower” by Post Malone hits the sound system and there is a huge cheer from the crowd. After a few seconds a pumped up Jupiter James emerges onto the top of the entrance ramp from behind the curtain and throws an arm into the air to acknowledge the crowd! Jupiter James skips down the entrance ramp side side to side, slapping hands with the fans as she goes before making her way all away the ringside area. Jupiter James finally climbs onto the ring apron on the side of the hard cam and raises both arms in the air to the crowd, before climbing into the ring through the ropes and looking around the arena in awe at the fans cheering her on.

“Heads Will Roll” by Yeah Yeah Yeah’s hits the sound system and the fans in the arena boo the arrival of Ida Guildress at the top of the entrance ramp! The English born star taunts to the crowd at the top of the entrance ramp by blowing a kiss to the crowd, before slowly strutting down the entrance ramp towards the ring! Guildress slowly climbs into the ring before climbing to the nearest turnbuckle and posing for the sold out crowd.

The referee calls for the bell and the match is quickly under way with the two friends turned enemies running at each other and meeting with some punches in the middle of the ring. Both ladies trade big right hands with each other, going for the early blood, with the referee checking for any cuts as they go. Jupiter James gets the better of the right hands and grabs her opponent by the arm before shooting her into the ring ropes. Guildress bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Jupiter James knocks her down to the mat with a big back elbow smash to the face. 

Guildress holds her face and checks herself for blood as she scrambles up to her feet in the corner of the ring, but much to the delight of the crowd her opponent is straight back on her with some kicks in the corner. Jupiter James stomps a mudhole on Guildress in the corner of the ring, before finally taunting to the crowd and allowing her opponent to her feet. James looks to follow up with a clothesline on her opponent, however Guildress ducks under the arm of James before turning and taking her down to the mat with a face buster.

The fans boo loudly for the move from Guildress, but the referee quickly checks on Jupiter James to see if there is any blood drawn from the move. Guildress pushes the referee out of the way and grabs Jupiter James by the hair, before throwing her over the top rope and to the floor below!

The fans boo loudly as Guildress climbs out of the ring after her opponent, and looks to smash her face first into the security barrier. Jupiter James however blocks the move, before dropping Guildress over the barrier with a snake eyes! Guildress staggers away holding her upper body, as James follows her, landing clubbing blows to her back as she goes. 

Guildress kicks out the leg of Jupiter James in a desperate attempt to stop the attack, before pushing the time keeper out of the way and grabbing a steel chair from ringside. The fans boo loudly knowing a steel chair shot to the face is most likely to open up Jupiter James, but there is nothing that the referee can do about it in this type of match up! Guildress runs at James with the steel chair looking to strike her, but James ducks out of the way at the last second! 

Guildress turns around with a look of shock on her face, but as she does James springboards off of the side of the announcers table and dropkicks the steel chair back into the face of her opponent! 

The fans pop for the impressive move from James, and then cheer even louder as the referee rushes in and calls for the bell to be rung! Guildress’s face is a crimson mask from having the steel kicked back in her face and this one is over!

The referee briefly raises Jupiter’s hand in the air in victory, before attending to the bloodied face of Ida Guildress as she lays on the floor at ringside. The fans continue to cheer on James as she rolls into the ring and celebrates her big victory on PPV over the woman that has been a thorn in her side since betraying her at Countdown to Violence 2021!

Winner: Jupiter James

A Whisper….

As the cameras head backstage, there is a cheer as the pictures pick up with Athena, the newest member of Horizon and the fifth member of the Organised Chaos team who announced themselves with a dominating performance last week on Against All Odds! Athena looks pumped up for her first official sVo match, but as she walks through the corridors she turns the corner and finds the path blocked by two ominous figures, two of her opponents in tonight’s match, Anthony Moretti and Joe Barone.

Athena doesn’t show any fear of the former sVo Heavyweight Champion or of ‘the Problem Solver’ as she walks straight up to the pair of them.

Athena: “Move.”

Moretti and Barone look at each other and smirk, not quite expecting that reaction from the sVo newcomer.

Anthony Moretti: “Well you got more balls than the rest of the goofs in Horizon, I will give you that!”

Athena doesn’t look too impressed with Moretti as she stares down the former Champion.

Anthony Moretti: “That isn’t the only thing I know though Athena….”

Moretti slowly leans in towards Athena, and whispers in her ear. Athena’s facial expression turns from an initial confusion and disgust to one of shock with whatever Moretti has just whispered in her ear. Moretti slowly pulls away and smirks.

Anthony Moretti: “Just something to think about when we are locked in that cage together later.”

Moretti winks at Athena, before he and Barone walk away, giving each other a knowing look. Athena looks like she needs to hold onto the wall just to stay upright such is the shock of whatever Moretti just told her, as the scene fades out. 

Single Match
Scott Washington vs. The Teacher

The fans are on their feet as ‘California Vacation’ by The Game hits the sound system and the lights in the arena dim. Golden sparks rain down from the top of the giant screen onto the entrance ramp as Scott Washington step through them and holds his arms in the air. The huge ‘O-Town Outlaw’ taunts to the crowd who boo loudly as he walks down the entrance ramp with his eyes focused on the ring. Scott Washington jumps up onto the ring apron before climbing into the ring and warming up in the corner of the ring for his upcoming battle.

‘Stand Up’ – Trapt begins to play over the sound system and the lights in the arena cut out. A spotlight searches around the crowd until it picks out The Teacher slowly making his way through the fans towards the ring. The Teacher leaps over the barrier and slides into the ring, ready to bring another wrong-doer to justice.

With the Teacher earlier indicating that it might be time to hang up the mask if he can’t beat Scott Washington here tonight, the sVo veteran looks fired up as he stares across the ring at the ‘O-Town Outlaw’! Washington stares back confidently as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and this one to officially get started! Washington and Teacher slowly circle around each other in the middle of the ring, before Washington dives in to tie up with the masked man. However the Teacher uses his speed to duck under the arms of his opponent, and then nail him with some stiff kicks to the back of his calves! Washington limps away in pain, and the fans cheer the Teacher on as he bounces off of the ring ropes and then lands a running head scissors to take down Washington!

Washington angrily rolls up to his feet after the takedown from the Teacher, but the Teacher is able to use his speed again to duck under the attempted clothesline from Washington, before grabbing the big man by the arm and shooting him into the ropes. Washington bounces back into the middle of the ring and the Teacher takes him down to the mat with a flapjack, before bouncing into the ropes himself and landing a swinging neckbreaker on Washington as he gets to his feet!

The fans are firmly behind the Teacher in this match up as he flips up to his feet looking fired up! Washington looks surprised at the early offense from his opponent as he gets to his feet, but the Teacher quickly heads up to the top rope! Washington reaches a standing position and turns around, and walks straight into a cross body press from the Teacher off of the top rope! With Washington down after the high risk move, The Teacher makes the cover!



No! Washington powers out of the pinning attempt and the match continues!

The Teacher brings Washington back up to his feet and lands some stiff chops across the chest of the powerhouse, before grabbing him by the arm and looking to send him hard into the corner of the ring, however Washington uses his power to reverse the Irish whip attempt and send The Teacher into the corner, before following up with a big clothesline on his opponent.

The Teacher staggers out of the corner of the ring in pain, and straight into a belly to belly supex from Washington! The fans boo the big move from Washington, but he doesn’t seem to care as he pulls the masked man to his feet and repeats it in the middle of the ring! The Teacher looks in pain as he staggers to his feet and throws some desperate right hands in the direction of his opponent, but Washington ducks under the punches from The Teacher, before grabbing him in a waist lock and sending him crashing backwards with a devastating German suplex! 

The Teacher looks in real trouble as he lays on the mat holding his neck, whilst Washington slowly rises up to his feet looking comfortable. Washington lands some kicks to the Teacher as he tries to get to his feet, before loading him up for another German suplex! The Teacher tries to fight out with some back elbow strikes, but Washington holds on and lands the massive German suplex in the middle of the ring! Washington flips his opponent over and makes the cover, and this match seems all over…




To the shock of Scott Washington and the crowd, The Teacher manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat just before the three count! 

Washington can’t believe it as he pulls the Teacher up to his feet and slaps him across the face! The Teacher fires back with some tired right hands, but Washington cuts them off with some right hands of his own! Washington leaps forwards and grabs hold of the masked man, before locking him in the ‘Conviction’ submission hold! 

The fans boo loudly as The Teacher struggles to try and free himself from the hold of Washington! Washington however is unrelentlenting in his pursuit of the submission victory. The Teacher tries to edge closer to the ropes to force a rope break, however as he does Washington suddenly reaches forward and rips the mask clean off of The Teacher’s face!

The crowd are in shock and boo loudly, as The Teacher looks stunned and stops reaching out for the ropes, instead trying to cover his face and reach for the mask! However the pressure from the submission hold soon becomes too much as The Teacher fades and passes out, causing the referee to quickly call for the bell to be rung!

The fans boo loudly as the referee has to physically pull Scott Washington off of the broken body of the Teacher before he will release his grip on his now unmasked opponent! Washington looks pumped up despite the loud boos as he rises up to his feet and places a foot on the chest of his conquered opponent, holding the mask in his arm in the air in victory!

Winner by submission: Scott Washington

Time for Chaos! Pt.1

The camera heads backstage to the locker room of Horizon, where all five members of the Organised Chaos team are sitting in a semi circle around JD James, who is standing in the middle of the room despite being on crutches.

JD James seems to be giving a passionate team talk to his fighters, but will they be able to win the war and come out victorious in the main event against Blood Money?

Single Match
Hiro Ryuu vs. Dallas Jordan

‘Starman’ by David Bowie hits the sound system and the fans rise to their feet as the mysterious Hiro Ryuu slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. Ryuu drops to his knee and raises a finger in the air for a few seconds before slowly pointing his finger down towards the ring. Ryuu then rises to his feet and walks slowly to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Ryuu climbs to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle and looks out at the crowd before backflipping to a standing position in the ring!

The upbeat “Living In America” by James Brown hits the sound system and the fans in the arena boo  as the arena is basked in a red, white and blue glow. After a few seconds the energetic Dallas Jordan steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throws up a salute to the crowd. ‘The Patriot’ quickly makes his way down the entrance ramp whilst slapping hands with fans at ringside, before climbing into the ring. Jordan stares out to the crowd for a few seconds before throwing up another salute to the crowd. Jordan retreats into his corner of the ring as the music begins to fade out.

The animosity between the two enemies is clear as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and both men rush out of their respective corners before laying into each other with big right hands in the middle of the ring. Ryuu begins to get the better of the punches over his opponent, but Jordan cuts him off with a knee to the midsection before landing a big upper cut to stun ‘The Last Emperor’. Ryuu staggers backwards from the blow, but ‘The Patriot’ Dallas Jordan grabs him by the arm and shoots him into the ropes before landing an impressive pop up powerbomb in the middle of the ring as he bounces back! With Ryuu down, Jordan makes a quick cover to try and embarrass his opponent into an early defeat.




A shoulder comes shooting off of the mat from Hiro Ryuu and this one continues! Jordan lands some stiff mounted punches to the face of Ryuu, before Ryuu is able to force himself back up to a standing position. Ryuu looks for a single leg takedown on Jordan, but ‘The Patriot’ seems to have his opponent scouted as he cuts him off with a shot to the back of the next, before taking him down to the mat with a double underhook suplex. With Ryuu on the mat, Jordan tries to lock in the ‘Patriot Lock’, but Ryuu squirms away to the ropes before the hold can be applied. 

Ryuu rises up to his feet and Jordan lands some kicks to the midsection, however Ryuu is able to grab the foot of his opponent and counter with a step through spin kick to knock Jordan down! Jordan pops straight back up to his feet and runs at Ryuu, but Ryuu side steps him and Jordan hits the ropes, before bouncing back straight into a backdrop suplex from Ryuu! The fans cheer for the big move from Ryuu, before Ryuu follows up with a springboard dropkick!

Ryuu rises up to his feet and soaks up the cheers from the Las Vegas crowd, who are clearly behind him in this match! Ryuu waits for Jordan to get to his feet, before punishing him with some stiff chops across the chest which back his opponent into the corner of the ring. Each chop gets a ‘woooo’ from the crowd, but as Jordan tries to fight out of the corner with some punches, Ryuu lands a stiff knee to the midsection! Ryuu takes a few steps back before landing a running knee to Jordan in the corner of the ring. Jordan staggers out of the corner into the arms of Ryuu, who takes him down with a fisherman’s suplex into the cover!




Some of the crowd thought it was all over there, but somehow Jordan manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat and save himself from defeat! Hiro Ryuu looks a little disappointed at not getting the win, as he rises up to his feet and quickly signals for his finishing move! The fans rise to their feet at the prospect of seeing the ‘Tokyo Sunrise’ as Ryuu stalks Jordan and waits for the ‘Patriot’ to get to his feet! Jordan slowly staggers up, but as Ryuu looks for his finish, Jordan ducks out of the way of Ryuu’s arm and sends him crashing down to the mat with a neckbreaker!

Ryuu looks shocked as he gets to his feet holding his neck, but Jordan follows up with a German suplex on Ryuu! Jordan keeps his hands locked around the waist of Ryuu and takes him down with a second German suplex in a row, this time with a bridge into a cover!




Ryuu manages to kick out to the delight of the crowd! Dallas Jordan gets to his feet and screams at the referee. The fans boo Jordan loudly as he waits for Hiro Ryuu to get to his feet, before looking for Ryuu’s own finishing move! However, Ryuu ducks under the arm of Jordan this time, before spinning around and landing a ‘Tokyo Sunrise’ on the ‘Patriot’! The fans pop as Ryuu drops down and makes the cover!




It’s all over and Hiro Ryuu picks up the big PPV win, gaining some measure of revenge over Dallas Jordan for the months of disrespect! The fans cheer loudly as Ryuu staggers up to his feet knowing that he has been in a war, and has his arm raised in the air in victory by the referee!

Winner via pinfall: Hiro Ryuu

Time for Chaos Pt.2

The cameras head backstage to the locker room where all five members of Blood Money are warming up for their match in the main event tonight! All five competitors are silent and seem deep in thought as they stretch and get ready for battle!

Can Moretti and the rest of Blood Money come thought on their promise and become the most dominant force in the sVo in tonight’s main event?

sVo Championship Match
William Vorheez (c) vs. Yoshi Ono

The lights in the arena dim and the mood changes as ‘GTA’ by Meek Mill hits the sound system. As the base reverberates around the arena, the massive figure of Yoshi Ono slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and looks out at the arena. The crowd loudly boo the sight of Ono, but the Japanese star ignores the crowd and performs a sumo ritual dance at the top of the entrance ramp. Ono then slowly walks down to the ring at his own pace, before slowly climbing into the ring and staring out at the crowd from the corner of the ring with a snarl on his face as the lights slowly come back up.

The arena goes pitch black as the opening guitar riff from “Abominator” by Doyle plays. Smoke billows up from the bottom of the staging area, as green laser lights dance across the stage. Just as the opening riff comes to a close, two large hits of a drum can be heard, and pyro goes off syncing with them. The song dives in, as Vorheez makes his appearance at the top of the ramp. Wearing a long black, sleeveless coat, that has green stitching and it covered in small spikes, as well as a black, beat up, cowboy hat covering his eyes. Vorheez marches slowly down to the ring, his eyes fixated on the ring, looking determined, and focused. As Vorheez climbs onto the ring apron and climbs inside the ring the lights slowly come up and the music fades, Vorheez undoes his jacket and reveals the old sVo Championship underneath. Removing the belt he lifts it high in the air showing that he is the real reigning sVo Champion.

The referee holds the sVo Championship belt in the air in the middle of the ring for all to see, with the gold being on the line in tonight’s match and William Vorheez facing possibly the biggest threat to his sVo Championship reign so far in the form of the super heavyweight Ono!

The referee passes the belt out of the ring to the ring announcer Natasha Ortiz and then calls for the bell to be rung! The match gets under way with a cheer from the fans, as Ono and Vorheez cautiously circle around each other in the middle of the ring! Eventually both men move forward to tie up in the centre of the ring, however to the delight of the fans Vorheez ducks under the arms of Ono and quickly turns to land some big haymakers to the face of his opponent! The big man seems stunned as Vorheez tees off with big punches, before bouncing off of the ropes and landing a massive clothesline on Ono! However despite the loud impact from the clothesline, it is not enough to knock Ono off of his feet!

Vorheez looks stunned that the clothesline did not knock down Ono, as he bounces back and looks for a second clothesline, however again it is not enough to take down Ono! The fans cheer on Vorheez as he looks for a third clothesline on the big man off of the ropes, however this time Ono cuts off the Champion with a savate kick to the face to send him down! Vorheez stumbles up holding his face from the big kick, but Ono is straight on the Champion with some big punches. Ono grabs Washington by the arm and shoots him into the ropes, before taking him down to the mat with a back drop as he bounces back.

Vorheez scrambles up to his feet, not wanting to get stuck on the mat with the big man, but Ono grabs hold of the Champion and takes him down with a belly to belly suplex in the middle of the ring! The impact from the suplex shakes the ring, and the challenger wastes no time in hooking the leg of the Champion!




Vorheez manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat despite the weight of Ono being pressed down on him and this one continues! Vorheez staggers up to his feet holding his midsection, but Ono is straight back on him with some big punches. The challenger backs the Champion into the corner of the ring, and despite Vorheez trying to fight out with right hands, Ono cuts him off with a knee to the midsection before retreating to the opposite side of the ring. The fans boo as Ono runs right across the ring and lands a big splash on Vorheez in the corner!

Vorheez slumps down to a sitting position in the corner of the ring as Ono again retreats to the opposite side of the ring. The fans continue to boo loudly knowing that they could be seeing the end of Vorheez’s Championship reign right here, as Ono runs at his seated opponent and lands a big running knee with all his weight behind it! Ono pulls Vorheez away from the bottom rope and quickly makes the cover.




Everyone in the arena there thought the match was all over, but somehow Vorheez has enough about him to get his shoulder up off of the mat at the very last second and save his Championship reign! 

Ono looks shocked that Vorheez managed to kick out, as he rises up to his feet and glares at the referee. Ono continues to argue with the referee as Vorheez rises up to his feet, before grabbing Vorheez around the throat and looking for a chokeslam! The fans boo loudly knowing that this could truly be the end of Vorheez’s title run, but Vorheez seems to sense it as well as he begins to desperately kick away at the knee of Ono!

The fans cheer as Ono is forced to eventually drop his grip around the throat of Vorheez, and Vorheez follows up with a DDT to take down the big man! The fans pop as Vorheez signals for his finishing move, but as he looks for the ‘Wrath of Vorheez’, he isn’t able to pick the big man up for his finish! Ono counters with a back body drop, and Vorheez might have just lost his chance to retain his title! Ono looks down at Vorheez who is down on the mat for a few seconds, before bouncing off of the ring ropes and looking for a big splash in the middle of the ring! However Vorheez rolls out of the way at the very last second to avoid being squashed! 

Vorheez gets the crowd pumped up as he signals to them, before following up with a double arm DDT to drop Ono on his head! Vorheez stares down at Ono as the big man struggles up to his feet, and wonders what he is going to have to pull out to put away the super heavyweight with the ‘Wrath of Vorheez’ seemingly out of the question! Ono eventually reaches his feet and aims a desperate clothesline towards Vorheez, but Vorheez ducks under the arm of Ono before spinning and out of no where landing a “Kult Klassik” on the challenger!

The fans pop for the finishing move of Vorheez’s deceased brother Tripp Whipwreck, as Vorheez makes the cover!




It’s all over and it is William Vorheez who digs deep to pull out the win and retain his sVo Championship! Vorheez staggers up to his feet holding his ribs in pain, and is quickly presented with the sVo Championship by the referee! Vorheez struggles to hold it above his head in victory after the brutal hard hitting match up, as the fans cheer loudly for the big win!

Winner via pinfall: William Vorheez

Organised Chaos Match
Blood Money vs. Horizon

The atmosphere in the Goodfellas Casino Arena is electric as the lights begin to dim and the Organised Chaos structure hanging from the ceiling slowly begins to lower down to the ground around the ring! Strobe lights flash around the arena putting on the type of show only available in Las Vegas as the Organised Chaos structure finally is secured around the ring, and the battle to try and end the war once and for all between Blood Money and Horizon is ready to get started!

The familiar riff of AC/DC’s Thunderstruck fills the arena. As the pyro goes off on the entranceway Gunner Lang explodes onto the entrance ramp shooting off his own pyro from a gun while the sVo Tron shows Gunner and a band playing his entrance music. The fans are on their feet cheering and shout ‘Gunner’ along with the song. Gunner drops the pyro gun and runs down to the ring slapping hands with the fans and giving devil horns. Lang looks around at the structure around the ring, before taking a last look out at the crowd and then stepping through the Organised Chaos cage door. Lang climbs into the ring and runs the ropes as he awaits who has been entered into the match first from Blood Money.

“The Champ is Here” by O Fresh hits the sound system, and boos ring out as the arena is basked in a dull red glow. After a few seconds the boos get louder as Money Malone steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp wearing a ‘Blood Money’ t-shirt and holding a roll of dyed red dollar bills in his hand. Malone taunts at the top of the entrance ramp, before slowly walking down towards the cage. Malone throws the red dollar bills into the crowd before slowly climbing through the cage door, which is quickly locked shut behind him by the official. Malone climbs into the ring and prepares to do battle one on one with Gunner Lang until the countdown reaches zero and more competitors are entered into the match!

The referee calls for the bell to be rung and the Organised Chaos match is officially underway! Lang and Malone circle around each other in the middle of the ring before trying up. Lang uses his power to force Malone backwards, but Malone reverses into a wrist lock before grabbing Lang into a side head lock. Malone tightens his grip on the side head lock of his opponent, before Lang shoots him off into the ring ropes and then takes him down with a drop toe hold as he bounces back! Malone quickly rolls to his feet and ducks under an attempted clothesline from Lang, before knocking him down to the mat with a spinning heel kick! 

With Lang down on the mat, Malone stomps away on the Las Vegas Champion, before rolling out of the ring and to the ringside. The fans boo loudly as Malone reaches up onto the side of the cage and pulls down one of the many weapons that is attached to the structure, this time a baseball bat! Malone rolls back into the ring and aims to score a ‘home run’ off of Gunner Lang’s head, but Lang ducks under the bat and then takes down Malone with a big boot to the face! Malone staggers up to his feet holding his face in pain, but the Las Vegas Champion follows up with an Elevated Gut Buster, before dropping an elbow on the Blood Money member!

Malone stumbles up to his feet holding his midsection in pain, but Gunner Lang keeps the offfense up as he sweeps away his opponents leg to take him back down to the mat. As the countdown on the giant screen gets down to twenty seconds, Gunner Lang twists Malone over and puts him in a ‘sharpshooter’ submission hold! The fans cheer loudly for the move as Malone desperately shouts out in pain and tries to make it to the bottom rope. Malone eventually does make it to the bottom rope, however the referee is powerless to call for the rope break due to the rules of the match! The fans continue to cheer on the Las Vegas Champion’s attempts to eliminate Malone via submission, however as he keeps the sharpshooter locked in the countdown clock reaches zero signalling the arrival of the next two superstars!

‘Woke Up This Morning’ by A3 hits the sound system and the fans boo as the gold lights flash around the arena. After a few seconds, Anthony Moretti steps onto the entrance ramp with his hands in the air. Moretti wastes no time with his usual entrance, instead running down the entrance ramp to help his Blood Money team mate! Moretti runs straight through the cage door, showing no fear of the structure, and dives into the ring to pull Gunner Lang off of Money Malone. Moretti lays into Lang with some big mounted punches as for a few seconds it is two on one in Blood Money’s favour. 

However the advantage does not last for long as ‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis hits the sound system and the crowd pop as the ‘Welcome to Las Vegas’ sign appears on the giant screen and pyros shoot up from both sides of the entrance ramp. After a few seconds the man himself, Johnny All-Star steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throws his arms in the air. All-Star makes his way through the pyros down towards the ring. All-Star doesnt seem to be in a massive hurry to get into the match and help out Gunner Lang from the two on one situation, as he salutes to the fans that cheer his name before walking through the cage door, which is promptly shut behind him.

Eventually All Star rolls into the ring and grabs a hold of Anthony Moretti by the hair, pulling him off of Gunner Lang. All Star lays into the former sVo Heavyweight Champion with some big right hands, before taking him down to the mat with a snap suplex. The fans cheer All Star on as he lands some stiff mounted punches to his half brother Moretti, before he is grabbed from behind by Money Malone who is back on his feet! Malone shoots All Star into the ring ropes and looks for a pump kick as he bounces back, however All Star ducks under the leg of his opponent and carries on into the ring ropes, before bouncing back with a spear to take down Malone! With Malone down, All Star makes the first pinfall attempt in the match!




Moretti is able to dive across and break the pinfall attempt to save Money Malone from elimination before the three count! Moretti pulls All Star up to his feet and throws him hard into the corner of the ring, before following up with a running shoulder block in the corner on his half brother. Moretti then turns his attention to Gunner Lang and lands a stiff kick to the midsection on the Las Vegas Champion, before helping his team mate Money Malone up to his feet. 

The fans boo loudly as Moretti and Malone discuss a game plan, before peeling off, with Moretti making his way after Johnny All Star and Malone going after the Las Vegas Champion! Moretti and Malone begin to land some right hands on their opponents in stereo, but to the delight of the fans All Star and Lang fight back with big right hands of their own! All Star and Lang knock Moretti and Malone down to the mat, before both bouncing off of opposite ring ropes and landing elbow drops onto their opponents!

All Star and Lang land suplexes on Moretti and Malone at the same time, before both floating across and making covers on their opponents. 



No! Both Moretti and Malone are able to kick out at the count of two, and there is still no eliminations from the match as the countdown clock once again reaches zero, with two more competitors set to enter the match!

This time it is Horizon who gets the first person to the cage as the arena lights dim as the V-Tron goes dark and several different colored gases start swirling in the middle. As the gases swirl faster the arena is rocked with an explosion from the V-Tron and pyro exploding from the ramp. The swirling gases are replaced by a spinning earth and ‘Evolution’ by Clawfinger fills the arena. The earth continues to spin as pictures of mankind’s greatest accomplishments and tragedies emanate from the spinning globe.

A Cro-Magnon man starts to walk forward evolving with every step it makes raising its arms out to the side, finally ending with Darwin Jones walking forward with his arms spread wide blocking out the view of the earth. Pyro explodes on the entrance ramp as Darwin Jones appears on the entrance ramp arms spread wide. The sVo Tag Team Champion marches down the entrance ramp and steps confidently into the cage! Jones climbs straight into the ring and steps under an attempted double clothesline from Moretti and Malone, before taking them both down with a double clothesline of his own!

Horizon look in firm control of the Organised Chaos match so far as Jones, All Star and Gunner Lang stand tall in the middle of the ring over the bodies of Moretti & Money Malone! However the one man that has the size to be the difference maker is next to make his way into the Organised Chaos match, as ‘Woke Up This Morning’ by A3 hits the sound system and the fans boo as the red lights flash around the arena. After a few seconds the boos get louder as ‘The Problem Solver’ Joe Barone steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. Barone poses at the top of the entrance ramp for a few seconds, before slowly walking down the ramp towards the cage! Barone looks confident despite having all three men facing him in the ring, as he walks through the cage door and slams it shut behind him! The referee quickly locks the cage door until the next competitors are ready to enter the match, and Barone steps up onto the ring apron before climbing into the ring!

All Star runs at Barone but ‘The Problem Solver’ knocks him down with a big boot to the face before landing a big right hand to the onrushing Gunner Lang! Barone and Darwin Jones begin to trade big right hands in the middle of the ring, with everyone else in the match down on the mat amongst the big men!

Jones begins to get the upper hand over Barone, until Barone cuts off the big man with a head butt and then takes the Tag Team Champion down to the mat with a scoop slam. Barone bounces off of the ring ropes and drops and elbow on Darwin Jones, but Darwin Jones rolls out of the way just in time! Barone staggers back up to his feet holding his arm in pain, but Darwin Jones follows up by clotheslining him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring! Barone hits the mat on the outside hard, leaving Darwin Jones as the last man standing!

Darwin Jones surveys the wreckage around him, but as he does Money Malone picks up the baseball bat that he tried to use as a weapon earlier in the match. The fans boo as Malone sneaks up behind Darwin Jones, before breaking the bat over the back of the Tag Team Champions head! The move sends Darwin Jones down to one knee, and Malone follows up by bouncing into the ring ropes before landing a knee to the face of Jones! With Jones down on the mat, Malone quickly makes the cover!




Everyone thought that Darwin Jones was going to be eliminated right there, but somehow he gets a shoulder up despite having the baseball bat broken over the back of his head! Money Malone can’t believe it either, as he rises up to his feet and looks down at his opponent in disbelief! With Jones down and still hurting despite kicking out, Malone looks to finish off the big man by heading to the top rope for the ‘Money Shot’! Malone leaps off looking for his double foot stomp, but Darwin Jones rolls out of the way. Malone lands on his feet and rolls through, but as he turns around he is face to face with the big man Darwin Jones who is somehow on his feet!

The fans pop as the sVo Tag Team Champion Jones scoops Malone up onto his shoulders in the middle of the ring, before hitting him with the ‘Big Bang Theory’! Jones wastes no time in making the cover!




Anthony Moretti dives in to try and break the pin fall attempt, but it is too late and Money Malone is the first eliminated from the match leaving Blood Money at a big disadvantage!

Moretti looks worried as he begins to kick out at Darwin Jones on the mat, but with Joe Barone still down on the outside of the ring, he is quickly swamped by All Star, Lang and Jones! The three Horizon members attack the former sVo Heavyweight Champion three on one as the countdown clock reaches zero and the fourth set of competitors prepare to enter the match! 

There are boos in the arena as ‘LVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as Lucy Von Drake walks out of the entrance ramp before running down towards the cage! Lucy Von Drake looks a little hesitant to get into the match, before finally stepping through the cage door to help Moretti from his three on one attack from Horizon! Lucy Von Drake lands some big right hands to all three members of Horizon and bravely tries to fight them off, however there is only a few seconds until the numbers game gets even worse for Blood Money!

“Keep on Swinging” by Rival Sons floods the sVo arena as some pyro goes off. Hugo Ryzing makes his way out onto the entrance ramp a hoodie covering his head; he pauses for a moment and then makes his way down to the cage bobbing his head to the rhythm throwing some practice punches and taking time to look at the crowd. Ryzing climbs into the cage just in time for Johnny All Star to cut off Lucy Von Drake with a knee to the midsection and then take her down double a hip toss. 

Ryzing slides into the ring and hits the ropes, before bouncing back and landing a big clothesline on the former sVo Champion Moretti as he gets to his feet! Ryzing high fives with All Star, Lang and his Tag Team Championship partner Jones, and Horizon look dominant in the middle of the ring! The four members of Horizon pair off and stomp away on Anthony Moretti and Lucy Von Drake, but as they do Joe Barone begins to stir on the outside of the ring! 

The fans boo as Barone rises up to his feet, and pulls a steel chair off of the side of the cage. Barone rolls into the ring, before slamming the chair into the back of Hugo Ryzing! Darwin Jones turns and runs at Barone, but Barone dodges out of the way of the big man and smashes him in the face with the steel chair! The fans boo loudly, but it is all legal as Barone follows up with chair shots to Johnny All Star and then Gunner Lang to take the two men down!

Joe Barone stands alone in the middle of the ring, and the big man holds the chair in the air before wearing Darwin Jones out on the mat with the weapon! The fans boo loudly as Barone throws the chair down in the middle of the ring, before pulling Darwin Jones up to a standing position! Barone lands ‘The Omerta’ on Darwin Jones in the middle of the ring, before making the cover!




It’s all over and Joe Barone scores a massive elimination for Blood Money, causing the big man Darwin Jones to be eliminated and evening up the teams! Barone doesn’t celebrate the elimination for long, as he quickly turns his attention to Jones’s tag team partner Hugo Ryzing! Barone pulls Ryzing up to his feet, but Ryzing fights back with some big right hands! Ryzing throws Barone hard into the ring ropes and looks for a clothesline as he bounces back, but Barone ducks under the arm of Ryzing and then wipes him out with a big clothesline!

Barone quickly makes the cover on Ryzing as the clock begins to tick down towards the final entries into the match!



Th… No!

Ryzing kicks out before the three count and saves himself from being eliminated! The fans cheer the kickout, but as they do the timer reaches zero and the final entries into the match make their way to the ring!

‘Kryptonite’ by Three Doors Down hits the sound system and the fans rise to their feet! There is a huge pop as onto the top of the entrance stage steps Athena, the wife of the late Curtis Knight! Athena flexes on the top of the entrance ramp before walking down towards the cage and stepping through the door to enter her first official sVo match! The former P:V star climbs into the ring, before trading right hands with Joe Barone, showing no fear of ‘the Problem Solver’!

There are boos in the arena as ‘JVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. The pink glow is slowly changed to a dark red glow as the letters ‘JVD’ slowly fade to the words ‘Blood Money’ on the giant screen as “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out of the sound system. After a few seconds, James Von Drake walks out from behind the curtain and onto the top of the ramp. The last man into the match, JVD walks confidently down the entrance ramp and takes a few seconds before entering the cage! The cage is locked behind JVD, and the match is officially complete with all entries! 

JVD slides into the ring and attacks Athena from behind. However Athena fights back with a stiff back elbow on JVD, before throwing him into the ring ropes and landing a big boot! JVD staggers up to his feet, but Athena lands a scoop slam on JVD, before Joe Barone grabs her from behind by her hair. Barone grabs Athena around the throat for his finishing move, but Athena counters with a low kick to Barone before taking him down to the mat with an arm breaker! 

Athena lands some mounted punches on Joe Barone, but before she can do any more damage she is pulled away by Lucy Von Drake! Athena shakes clear of the grasp of LVD, and LVD looks like she regrets getting in the face of Athena as she stares her down. Lucy Von Drake tries to run from Athena, but Athena grabs her by the hair and yanks her down to the mat! Lucy Von Drake desperately scrambles to her feet and looks for the ‘One Hit Wonder’ on Athena, but Athena ducks out of the way before kicking LVD in the gut and landing a massive powerbomb in the middle of the ring! The fans cheer as Athena drops down and makes the cover!




Lucy Von Drake is eliminated and the match is down to 4-3 in Horizon’s favour! 

JVD quickly jumps in and tries to avenge his wife’s elimination as he nails Athena with a punch to the back. All around the cage side area brawls are breaking down between the different members of the two groups, but in the ring it looks like JVD wants to make Athena pay! JVD stomps away on the downed body of Athena, before pulling her up to her feet. JVD throws Athena into the corner of the ring, before looking to follow up with a big knee, however Athena has the move scouted and rolls out of the way!

The fans cheer as JVD stumbles out of the corner, only for Athena to follow up with a powerful lariat! JVD looks unsteady on his feet as he stumbles up into a standing position, but right into the powerful arms of Athena! Athena lifts JVD into the air and drills him to the mat with a powerbomb! Just like she did to his wife, Athena makes the cover on JVD!




Athena has now eliminated both Von Drake’s, and things are looking dire for Blood Money as it is now 4-2 in Horizon’s favour! Joe Barone and Anthony Moretti regroup in one corner of the ring, whilst Athena, Gunner Lang, Hugo Ryzing and Johnny All Star regroup on the outside!  The four Horizon members circle the ring, each taking a side, as Moretti and Barone pick up the steel chair and the biggest piece of the broken baseball bat and stand back to back in the middle of the ring, ready to try and fight against the numbers game!

All four members of Horizon hop up onto the ring apron at the same time and wait for their chance to get into the ring whilst Moretti and Barone are looking at one of the others in the match! Ryzing jumps into the ring, but as he does Barone smashes him in the face with the steel chair! Gunner Lang jumps in to try and take advantage, but Moretti hits him across the face with the broken baseball bat, before landing a right hand on Johnny All Star to knock him off of the ring apron! 

Athena takes her chance as she nails Moretti from behind, but as Barone tries to stop the other three members of Horizon from getting into the ring, it is left to Athena and Anthony Moretti one on one! Athena and Moretti circle around each other, waiting for the other to make the first move, however strangely Moretti doesn’t seem to want to attack Athena, instead the former sVo Champion grabs her and whispers something in her ear!

Athena staggers backwards looking shocked, before a smirk spreads over the face of Moretti! Athena looks frozen to the spot as Moretti nods his head, before landing a kick to the midsection and then taking down Athena with a ‘Hitman’ in the middle of the ring! Moretti makes the cover as Joe Barone stops any of the other three members of Horizon from breaking the cover!




Athena is eliminated, but what was it that Moretti whispered in her ear to cause her to be frozen to the spot?

The match is still 3-2 in Horizon’s favour however, and Joe Barone can’t hold off Lang, All Star and Ryzing forever, as the three over power him and get back into the ring! All Star throws Moretti out of the ring and to the floor below before the three Horizon members circle around Barone! Barone tries to fight back with some big right hands, but as he does Gunner Lang grabs him by the arm and sends him into the corner of the ring! Lang hits the ‘Boomer-lang’ followed up with a ‘Gunner-Struck’ on Barone to a huge pop from the crowd! Barone staggers up to his feet, but as he does, All Star is there with an All Star Stunner to take him back down!

The fans cheer loudly as Hugo Ryzing looks to get some revenge for his tag team partner from earlier in the evening, as he pulls Barone up and hits a ‘Ryz-up’ in the middle of the ring! Ryzing makes the cover!




Barone is eliminated after receiving finishers from all of the remaining Horizon members, and it is down to Anthony Moretti to try and rescue the match for Blood Money! 

Johnny All Star climbs out of the ring and makes his way towards Anthony Moretti, but Moretti grabs his half brother and throws him hard into the side of the cage! All Star hits face first, and Moretti grabs him again by the back of the head before slamming him again into the cage! The fans boo loudly as Moretti slides back into the ring, seemingly with a second wind, and ducks under an attempted clothesline from Hugo Ryzing! Moretti is grabbed by the Las Vegas Champion Lang, but he backs him off with some elbow smashes before taking him down with a double arm DDT!

The fans continue to boo as Moretti pulls Rzing up to his feet, before landing a ‘Hitman’ on the Tag Team Champion in the middle of the ring! Moretti quickly makes the cover!




Moretti has closed the numbers game a little, and it is down to the former sVo Heavyweight Champion against Johnny All Star and Gunner Lang! 

All Star looks injured on the outside of the ring as Moretti makes his way over and pulls Gunner Lang up to his feet. Moretti looks for a ‘Hitman’ on the Las Vegas Champion, but Lang reverses and takes down Moretti with a double leg takedown. The fans roar Gunner Lang on as he lands some mounted punches on Anthony Moretti, until Moretti is able to fight back with some right hands of his own. 

Moretti gets to his feet and nails Gunner Lang with a kick to the midsection, before taking him down with a rolling suplex. The fans boo Moretti as he rises up to his feet and taunts the booing crowd! Moretti waits for Gunner to get to his feet, before again looking for a ‘Hitman’! However the Las Vegas Champion dodges the finishing move from Moretti, before grabbing him by the arm and whipping him into the corner of the ring!

The fans pop as Lang lands a ‘Boomer-lang’ followed up with a ‘Gunner-Struck’ on Moretti! The fans continue to cheer as Gunner Lang drops to make the cover on Moretti…. But before he can Johnny All Star slides into the ring and pulls Gunner Lang off of Moretti! The fans are in shock as All Star throws his team mate out of the ring, before making the cover on Anthony Moretti himself!




It’s all over and Horizon pick up the big victory over Blood Money in Organised Chaos, however it is Johnny All Star who steals the winning pinfall from the grasp of the Las Vegas Champion Lang!

The fans give a mixed reaction as Johnny All Star celebrates the victory in the middle of the ring, as the cage is raised back up to the ceiling! Gunner Lang looks back at his stable mate, shocked, from the outside of the ring, as the rest of Horizon gather on the top of the entrance ramp, ensure if they should celebrate or not! 

All Star continues the celebrations in the ring as Roll the Dice 2021 heads off of the air!

Winners via pinfall: Horizon

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