sVo Jackpot 2024
Live on the HOTv Network
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
25th August 2024

The camera fades in from black, revealing the vibrant and electrifying atmosphere of the Goodfellas Casino Arena in Las Vegas. The arena is packed to the rafters with passionate sVo fans, their energy palpable as they wave signs and chant in anticipation. The lights dance across the crowd, reflecting the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas itself. The iconic sVo logo flashes on the giant screen above the entrance ramp, and a dramatic, pulse-pounding soundtrack plays in the background, setting the tone for the evening.

The camera pans across the arena, capturing the excitement of the fans before focusing on the ring, where the legendary voice of sVo, Julian Fiasco, kicks off the show alongside his broadcast partner, Jeremiah Sloan.

Julian Fiasco: (with excitement) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the biggest night of the year—welcome to “Jackpot 2024!” We are live from the world-famous Goodfellas Casino Arena in the heart of Las Vegas, Nevada, where tonight, everything is on the line!

Jeremiah Sloan: (with equal enthusiasm) That’s right, Julian! Tonight, 30 of the best competitors from around the globe will enter the Jackpot Battle Royal, all with one goal in mind—a future shot at the prestigious sVo Championship! Alliances will be formed, dreams will be shattered, and only one man will stand tall at the end, punching his ticket to a title shot!

As the camera zooms in on the entrance ramp, a montage of the evening’s key matchups plays on the giant screen, each clip highlighting the high stakes and intense rivalries that have built up to this moment.

Julian Fiasco: (dramatically) But that’s not all! The sVo Championship will be on the line tonight as the hometown hero turned villain, Johnny All Star, reluctantly defends his title against the unstoppable force from Japan, the masked monster known as Nightmare! Johnny All Star has been running scared for weeks, but tonight, there’s nowhere to hide!

Jeremiah Sloan: (seriously) Johnny All Star may be the sVo Champion, but Nightmare is a force unlike any other! Can All Star somehow escape with his title, or will his reign of terror come to a crashing end right here in Las Vegas?

The montage then shifts to highlight another marquee matchup, the battle for the Las Vegas Championship.

Julian Fiasco: (with anticipation) And let’s not forget about the battle for the Las Vegas Championship! Johnny Dorn, one of the toughest competitors in the game, challenges the reigning champion, Carlos Vasquez! Vasquez has been on a tear, but Dorn is determined to take that title and make it his own. This match is going to be a slugfest, pure and simple!

Jeremiah Sloan: (nodding) The Las Vegas Championship represents everything this city stands for—glory, grit, and the will to win. Carlos Vasquez has been a dominant champion, but Johnny Dorn is as hungry as they come. This one could steal the show!

The montage concludes, and the camera returns to the arena, where the crowd is buzzing with excitement. Pyro explodes around the entrance ramp, and the arena is bathed in a golden glow, symbolizing the high stakes of the evening. The energy in the Goodfellas Casino Arena is electric as the camera settles back on the commentators.

Julian Fiasco: (with passion) Tonight, legacies will be defined, champions will be crowned, and careers will be changed forever! The Jackpot 2024 PPV is about to begin, and you do not want to miss a single second of the action!

Jeremiah Sloan: (building anticipation) Thirty men, one battle royal, and a night full of high-stakes matches that will go down in history! Buckle up, folks—this is Jackpot 2024, and it’s going to be one hell of a ride!

The camera cuts to the ring as the bell sounds, signaling the start of the first match of the evening. The crowd erupts in cheers, and the Jackpot 2024 PPV officially kicks off with a bang.

Standing Alone

The camera cuts to a backstage area where a black SUV pulls up to the entrance of the Goodfellas Casino Arena. The door swings open, and out steps the imposing figures of Curtis Knight, Athena, Drew Hendrix, and Buzz Marshall—The Legends Club. Each member carries themselves with an air of confidence and purpose as they stride into the arena, ready to make their mark on tonight’s Jackpot 2024 PPV. Curtis Knight adjusts his leather jacket, while Athena smirks, soaking in the atmosphere. Hendrix and Marshall exchange nods, both focused on their upcoming Tag Team Championship match.

As the group makes their way down the corridor, they are suddenly approached by Johnny All Star, the sVo Champion, looking more stressed and desperate than ever. His usual bravado is replaced with a pleading tone as he steps in front of the Legends Club, trying to catch Curtis Knight’s attention.

Johnny All Star: (urgently) Curtis! Hey, Curtis! I’ve been looking for you guys all night. Listen, we need to talk—seriously.

Curtis Knight stops, his eyes narrowing as he looks at All Star with a mix of amusement and disdain. The rest of the Legends Club stops as well, exchanging curious glances as Johnny All Star continues.

Johnny All Star: (pleading) Look, you know what’s at stake tonight. I’ve got to defend the sVo Championship against that maniac Nightmare, and let’s be honest—this guy is a freakin’ monster! You and the Legends Club, you guys are the best in the business. I need your help out there. Remember, I’m the one who brought you into sVo, who made sure you got your shot here!

Curtis Knight exchanges a glance with Athena before letting out a low, mocking chuckle. The rest of the Legends Club smirks as well, clearly enjoying the sight of the once-confident All Star now reduced to begging.

Curtis Knight: (mockingly) Johnny, Johnny, Johnny… you’re really starting to sound desperate. Nightmare’s got you spooked, huh?

Athena steps forward, folding her arms and smirking as she sizes up the increasingly flustered champion.

Athena: (sarcastically) And here I thought the big, bad Johnny All Star could handle anything on his own. Guess we were wrong.

Johnny All Star grits his teeth, trying to maintain some semblance of dignity, but his fear is palpable. He glances back at Curtis, hoping for some sort of agreement.

Johnny All Star: (insistently) Come on, Curtis, I’m serious! I’m not asking for much—just a little backup, just in case things get out of hand. You know I’ve always had your back, right?

Curtis Knight’s expression turns cold, his amusement fading as he steps closer to All Star, his towering presence almost intimidating the champion.

Curtis Knight: (sternly) Johnny, let me make something clear. The Legends Club didn’t come to sVo to play second fiddle to anyone—not even you. We’re here to make our own impact, not to clean up your messes. Tonight, Athena and I have the battle royal to win, and Hendrix and Marshall have their sights set on those Tag Team Championships. We’ve got our own goals, and trust me, they don’t include babysitting the sVo Champion.

All Star’s face falls, realizing that he’s not going to get the help he’s so desperately seeking. Curtis Knight steps back, a smirk returning to his face as he gives All Star a dismissive look.

Curtis Knight: (mockingly) Good luck out there, champ. You’re gonna need it.

The Legends Club laughs as they turn and continue down the corridor, leaving Johnny All Star standing alone, looking more anxious than ever. As they walk away, the camera lingers on All Star’s face, showing the growing fear and uncertainty in his eyes as he watches his last hope of backup disappear down the hallway.

The segment ends with All Star standing alone, the weight of his upcoming title defense against Nightmare pressing down on him more heavily than ever. The camera fades out, leaving viewers to wonder how Johnny All Star will fare tonight without the support he so desperately sought.

Single Match
Alex Sterling vs. Victor Holland

Anarchy Arrives

The scene cuts to the backstage entrance of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, where the camera focuses on the doors as they swing open. Entering the arena with an air of dominance and swagger are the newly crowned International Tag Team Champions, the Anarchy Alliance—Stevie Rigg and Edwin Ellis. Both men are dressed in their signature black leather jackets, with their championship belts slung proudly over their shoulders. The gold of the belts gleams under the fluorescent lights as they stride confidently through the hallway, their expressions a mix of smugness and anticipation.

Edwin Ellis, with his unkempt hair and a devil-may-care attitude, glances around the backstage area, taking in the surroundings of the sVo arena for the first time. Stevie Rigg, the more composed and calculating of the two, walks alongside him, adjusting his belt with a satisfied smirk. As they walk, their boots echo on the concrete floor, adding to the atmosphere of impending chaos they bring with them.

Stevie Rigg: (grinning) Man, it’s about time we made our way to sVo. The moment we won these belts, I knew we could go anywhere we wanted—any federation, any show. And here we are, finally showing up at the Goodfellas Casino Arena. Feels good, doesn’t it?

Ellis nods, his eyes scanning the hallway as if sizing up the competition before they even see them. He lets out a low chuckle, clearly enjoying the power and freedom their titles have granted them.

Edwin Ellis: (smirking) Oh, it feels damn good, Stevie. The Anarchy Alliance, champions of the world, rolling into any place we choose, on our terms. And now, the sVo gets a taste of what real tag team dominance looks like.

Rigg stops for a moment, turning to face Ellis with a mischievous glint in his eye. He slaps his championship belt, making sure it’s securely on his shoulder.

Stevie Rigg: (mockingly) So, what do you think, Ed? Think any of these sVo boys have the balls to step up and challenge the champs tonight? Or are they all gonna tuck their tails and hide, hoping we don’t notice ‘em?

Ellis chuckles darkly, clearly amused by the idea of anyone from the sVo roster daring to challenge them. He shakes his head slowly, the confidence oozing from his every word.

Edwin Ellis: (confidently) I wouldn’t hold my breath, Stevie. But you never know, this is Las Vegas after all—where people like to gamble. Maybe some poor soul will roll the dice and think they can take us down. Wouldn’t that be something?

Rigg smirks, clearly relishing the idea of making an example out of any would-be challengers. He shrugs nonchalantly, as if the outcome is already a foregone conclusion.

Stevie Rigg: (smirking) If they do, they better be ready for the fight of their lives. We didn’t win these belts by playing it safe, and we sure as hell aren’t gonna lose them to anyone who thinks they can just step up because they’re on their home turf.

Ellis nods in agreement, his smirk widening as he envisions the chaos they might bring to the sVo ring tonight.

Edwin Ellis: (with menace) You’re right about that. We’ve torn through every team that’s come at us, and if anyone from the sVo roster wants to take a shot, they’re gonna find out real quick why we’re called the Anarchy Alliance. It’s not just a name, it’s a way of life.

Rigg and Ellis share a knowing look, the confidence between them unshakeable. They continue their walk through the backstage area, ready to make their mark on the sVo and challenge anyone brave—or foolish—enough to step up.

Stevie Rigg: (grinning) Well, I say let’s see what the night brings. If someone’s got the guts to face us, they better be ready to face the consequences.

Edwin Ellis: (nodding) Let’s see if sVo really knows what anarchy looks like.

The camera follows the Anarchy Alliance as they make their way deeper into the arena, their presence already sending ripples of anticipation through the backstage area. As they disappear around a corner, the camera lingers, leaving viewers to wonder who, if anyone, will dare to challenge the dominant champions on their first night in sVo.

Not Concerned

The camera cuts to the backstage interview area, where Katie Smith stands with a microphone in hand. Next to her is the Las Vegas Champion, Carlos Vasquez, exuding confidence and swagger in his sharp, tailored suit, with the Las Vegas Championship draped proudly over his shoulder. The belt gleams under the bright lights, a testament to his dominance in the sVo. Vasquez, with his slicked-back hair and a smirk that could cut glass, embodies his “Scarface” persona perfectly. The crowd in the arena can be heard buzzing with anticipation as the interview begins.

Katie Smith: (with a professional smile) Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, the reigning Las Vegas Champion, Carlos Vasquez. Carlos, tonight you’ll be putting your championship on the line against Johnny Dorn. How are you feeling heading into this high-stakes matchup?

Vasquez adjusts the championship on his shoulder, his smirk widening as he leans slightly closer to the microphone, his voice oozing with confidence.

Carlos Vasquez: (coolly) Katie, let me make one thing perfectly clear. Johnny Dorn? He’s just another wannabe tough guy trying to take what’s mine. But the reality is, this Las Vegas Championship? It was made for someone like me. The city, the lights, the glamour—this is my world, and I run it.

He pauses, glancing at the championship on his shoulder, his fingers brushing over the golden plate as if it were a prized possession.

Carlos Vasquez: (confidently) Dorn might be tough, but he’s stepping into my territory. And let’s be honest, Katie—when you step into the world of Carlos Vasquez, you don’t just have to be tough. You’ve got to be smart, ruthless, and willing to do whatever it takes to survive.

Vasquez straightens up, his expression turning more serious as he stares into the camera, addressing Johnny Dorn directly.

Carlos Vasquez: (menacingly) Johnny, you think you’re ready to take this from me? Think again, chico. You’re walking into a fight you can’t win. Because I’m not just defending this title—I’m defending my legacy. Las Vegas knows who the real king is, and tonight, I’m gonna make sure everyone else remembers it too.

Katie Smith nods, clearly sensing the intensity in Vasquez’s words. She presses on with her questions, trying to get more insight into the champion’s mindset.

Katie Smith: (inquiring) Carlos, you’ve held that championship with an iron grip, but Johnny Dorn is known for his resilience and never-say-die attitude. Is there any part of you that’s concerned about his ability to withstand punishment and keep coming back for more?

Vasquez chuckles softly, shaking his head as if the question amuses him. He looks back at Katie with a sly grin.

Carlos Vasquez: (smirking) Concerned? No, Katie. I don’t get concerned—I get ready. Dorn can be as resilient as he wants, but resilience only gets you so far when you’re outmatched and outclassed. He might think he can take the beating, but what he doesn’t understand is that I’m not just here to beat him. I’m here to embarrass him, to show everyone that he’s not in my league.

He taps the championship belt, his smirk never fading as he continues.

Carlos Vasquez: (confidently) Tonight, Johnny Dorn is going to learn a hard lesson in what it means to step into the ring with the best. And when it’s all said and done, this championship is staying right where it belongs—with the man who represents everything Las Vegas is about: Carlos Vasquez.

Katie Smith, sensing that Vasquez is ready to wrap up, nods appreciatively.

Katie Smith: (professionally) Carlos, thank you for your time. Best of luck in your title defense tonight.

Vasquez gives her a final, confident nod before turning to the camera one last time, his expression full of determination and arrogance.

Carlos Vasquez: (with finality) Luck’s got nothing to do with it, Katie. Tonight, I remind everyone why I’m the champ. Viva Las Vegas, baby.

With that, Vasquez adjusts his suit and walks off, the Las Vegas Championship gleaming on his shoulder as the camera lingers on him for a moment before cutting back to the arena, where the anticipation for the championship match continues to build.

sVo Tag Team Championship Match
Generation Joint (c) vs. The Legends Club

International South

The camera cuts to a backstage hallway in the Goodfellas Casino Arena, where The Southern Boys—Dan Williams and Dave Miller—are striding with purpose toward the office of sVo COO Amy Page. Walking alongside them is their manager, Haley Dallas, who exudes confidence and determination. Dan and Dave, both rugged and tough, wear matching Southern Boys jackets, while Haley is dressed in a sharp, stylish outfit that shows she means business. The trio stops in front of the office door, and without hesitation, Dan Williams knocks firmly.

After a brief moment, the door opens to reveal Amy Page, the COO of sVo. She looks up, surprised to see the Southern Boys and Haley Dallas standing before her, but quickly composes herself, crossing her arms as she assesses the situation.

Amy Page: (with a slight frown) Dan, Dave, Haley… What can I do for you?

Dan Williams steps forward, his expression serious as he speaks directly to Page.

Dan Williams: (determined) Ms. Page, we’ve heard that the Anarchy Alliance is in the building tonight. Those boys from Project Violence are here, and we want a piece of ‘em. We want to challenge them to a match, right here, right now.

Page raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued but also cautious. She glances at Haley Dallas, who gives her a confident nod, then shifts her attention back to Dan and Dave.

Amy Page: (skeptically) You want to challenge the Anarchy Alliance? The new International Tag Team Champions?

Dave Miller steps forward, nodding emphatically as he backs up his partner.

Dave Miller: (with resolve) That’s right. We’re not afraid of them, and we sure as hell aren’t gonna let them stroll into our arena without showin’ ‘em what the Southern Boys are all about.

Haley Dallas steps in, her voice firm and full of conviction as she addresses Page directly.

Haley Dallas: (confidently) Ms. Page, we know what’s at stake here. The Southern Boys are ready to prove themselves against the best of the best. Anarchy Alliance may have those belts, but this is our turf, and we’re not backing down from anyone.

Amy Page narrows her eyes, considering the proposal. After a moment of silence, she lets out a sigh, clearly weighing her options. She knows that a match like this could bring a lot of attention, but she’s also wary of the consequences if the Southern Boys fail.

Amy Page: (reluctantly) Alright, you want the match? You’ve got it. But let me be clear—Project Violence already holds too many of the International Championships for my liking. If you two don’t get the job done tonight, there will be consequences. I expect nothing less than a victory from you.

Dan Williams and Dave Miller exchange determined looks, their resolve only strengthening after hearing Page’s warning. Haley Dallas nods confidently, knowing her team is more than capable of taking on the challenge.

Dan Williams: (resolutely) We won’t let you down, Ms. Page. The Southern Boys are ready to send Anarchy Alliance packing.

Amy Page steps closer, her tone serious as she addresses them one last time.

Amy Page: (firmly) You better. I’m trusting you to make sure those belts don’t stay in Project Violence’s hands any longer than they already have. Go out there and show them what sVo is all about.

With that, Amy Page steps back, dismissing them with a nod. The Southern Boys and Haley Dallas turn and head back down the hallway, their determination palpable as they prepare to take on the Anarchy Alliance. The camera lingers on Page’s face for a moment, showing her concern about the outcome of the match, before cutting away to follow the Southern Boys as they make their way toward the ring.

The segment ends with the Southern Boys and Haley Dallas walking confidently down the corridor, ready to defend their home turf and take on the International Tag Team Champions in what promises to be an explosive encounter.

sVo Las Vegas Championship Match
Carlos Vasquez (c) vs. Johnny Dorn


The crowd inside the Goodfellas Casino Arena is on their feet, the energy electric as they cheer wildly for Johnny Dorn. The Chicago star stands tall in the middle of the ring, his chest heaving from the hard-fought battle he just won against Carlos Vasquez. The Las Vegas Championship is clutched in his hands, the golden belt reflecting the bright arena lights. The fans’ cheers grow louder, creating a deafening roar that fills the arena, celebrating Dorn’s triumph over the now-former champion.

Dorn, with sweat dripping down his face and a look of sheer joy in his eyes, raises the Las Vegas Championship high above his head, turning to each side of the ring to acknowledge the adoring crowd. The cheers intensify, a wave of approval washing over the ring as the fans chant his name.

Crowd: (chanting) “Dorn! Dorn! Dorn! Dorn!”

Johnny Dorn, overwhelmed with emotion, takes a moment to soak it all in. He climbs the nearest turnbuckle, holding the championship up high, feeding off the energy of the crowd. The Chicago star pumps his fist in the air, the championship still held high, symbolizing his hard-earned victory and the start of a new chapter as the Las Vegas Champion.

As Dorn jumps down from the turnbuckle, he takes a moment to look at the championship in his hands, a proud smile spreading across his face. He paces around the ring, raising the belt to each side of the arena, making sure every fan knows how much their support means to him.

Johnny Dorn: (breathing heavily, but smiling) “Las Vegas, we did it!”

The crowd erupts once again, the cheers nearly drowning out Dorn’s voice. He pauses, letting the fans express their excitement, before continuing.

Johnny Dorn: (emotionally) “This—this right here, this championship—I didn’t just win it for me. I won it for every single one of you who believed in me, who cheered me on, who never gave up on me. This is our victory!”

The crowd cheers louder, fully behind their new champion. Dorn, still holding the belt high, walks to the ropes and leans over, pointing out into the sea of fans, his smile never fading.

Johnny Dorn: (confidently) “Carlos Vasquez thought he could walk in here and keep me down, but I showed him that when you’ve got heart, when you’ve got the people behind you, there’s nothing that can stop you! And now, this belt—this Las Vegas Championship—belongs to us!”

The fans chant again, this time even louder.

Crowd: (chanting) “Johnny! Johnny! Johnny!”

Dorn nods in appreciation, the emotion clear on his face. He takes a deep breath, looking around the arena, before speaking once more.

Johnny Dorn: (seriously) “But this is just the beginning. I promise you all, I’m going to defend this title with everything I’ve got. No matter who steps up, no matter where they’re from, they’re going to have to go through me to take this championship away. And trust me, that’s not gonna be easy!”

The crowd roars its approval, fully behind their new champion. Dorn steps to the center of the ring, holding the Las Vegas Championship high one last time, his eyes filled with determination.

Johnny Dorn: (passionately) “This is for Chicago, this is for Las Vegas, and this is for every single fan who has ever believed in me! We’re just getting started, and I’m ready to take on the world!”

With that, Dorn climbs another turnbuckle, raising the championship to the sky as the fans continue to cheer loudly. The arena is filled with excitement and pride as Dorn stands victorious, the Las Vegas Championship now firmly in his grasp. The scene ends with Johnny Dorn basking in the moment, knowing that his journey has just begun, and that the future is bright for the new Las Vegas Champion.

Bullying his Way to the Top

The scene shifts to the backstage interview area of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, where the ever-professional Katie Smith stands with a microphone in hand, ready to address the sVo fans. Standing next to her, with an air of confidence and a cocky smirk, is ‘The Bully’ Danny Domino, the current Roulette Champion. Domino, has the Roulette Championship belt slung over his shoulder, exudes arrogance as he waits for Katie to begin.

Katie Smith: (smiling) “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, the current Roulette Champion, ‘The Bully’ Danny Domino.”

The camera zooms in on Domino as he smirks, casually adjusting the championship on his shoulder, making sure it’s prominently displayed for all to see. The crowd’s reaction can be heard in the background, a mix of boos and cheers, but Domino doesn’t seem to care either way.

Katie Smith: “Danny, tonight you’re entering the Jackpot Rumble with a chance to earn a shot at the sVo Championship. How are you feeling heading into what could be one of the biggest nights of your career?”

Domino tilts his head slightly, giving Katie a smug look before leaning into the microphone, his voice dripping with confidence.

Danny Domino: (cockily) “How am I feeling, Katie? I’m feeling like a million bucks, that’s how I’m feeling. I mean, look at me—Roulette Champion, standing here with this beautiful gold on my shoulder. And tonight? Tonight, I’m gonna add another notch to my belt by winning the Jackpot Rumble and getting a shot at the sVo Championship.”

He pauses, letting the weight of his words sink in, his smirk never fading. Katie nods, allowing him to continue.

Danny Domino: (with a sneer) “You see, Katie, everyone in that locker room knows that when ‘The Bully’ sets his sights on something, he gets it. I didn’t just become Roulette Champion by accident. I beat everyone they put in front of me, and tonight, I’m gonna do it again in the Rumble. 29 other guys? They’re just stepping stones to what’s rightfully mine.”

Katie listens intently, but her expression is one of slight skepticism as she probes further.

Katie Smith: “Danny, there are a lot of talented competitors in that Rumble, many of whom are former champions and some of the best in the business. What makes you so confident that you’ll be the last man standing?”

Domino chuckles, shaking his head as if the answer is obvious. He taps the Roulette Championship belt on his shoulder with a finger, emphasizing his point.

Danny Domino: (arrogantly) “Katie, it’s simple—this title right here says it all. I’m the guy who takes what he wants, and tonight, I’m taking that Rumble victory. I don’t care who’s in there—whether it’s Kenneth D Williams, Curtis Knight, or any surprise entry they throw at me. The truth is, they don’t have the guts or the brains to outlast ‘The Bully’.”

He leans in closer to Katie, his voice lowering slightly, filled with determination.

Danny Domino: (intensely) “I’m not just walking out of here still the Roulette Champion, Katie. I’m walking out as the guy who’s next in line for the sVo Championship. And when that happens, everyone will have to face the fact that this company—this entire business—is going to be run by Danny Domino. Whether they like it or not.”

Katie, unfazed by his bravado, gives a respectful nod before asking her final question.

Katie Smith: “Well, Danny, it sounds like you’re ready to take on the world tonight. Any final words for your opponents in the Rumble and for the sVo Champion, whoever that may be, when you come for their title?”

Danny Domino’s smirk widens as he stares directly into the camera, addressing not just his opponents, but the entire sVo universe.

Danny Domino: (menacingly) “Yeah, I’ve got a message for all of ‘em: When you step into that ring tonight, you better realize that you’re not just fighting for a shot at the sVo Championship—you’re fighting for survival against the most ruthless, most relentless, and most dangerous man in this company. And when it’s all said and done, they’ll all remember the name… Danny Domino. The Bully runs this place, and tonight, I’m proving it.”

With that, Domino flashes a final confident grin, adjusting his championship one last time before turning and walking off, leaving Katie Smith standing there as the camera lingers on her thoughtful expression.

Katie Smith: (to the camera) “Well, there you have it, folks. ‘The Bully’ Danny Domino, ready to make his mark on tonight’s Jackpot Rumble. Will he walk out with a future sVo Championship shot? We’ll find out soon enough.”

The camera fades out, leaving the tension and anticipation hanging in the air as the show prepares for the night’s high-stakes action.

International Tag Team Championship Match
Anarchy Alliance (c) vs The Southern Boys

The Calm before the Storm

The scene cuts to a dimly lit backstage area in the Goodfellas Casino Arena. The atmosphere is heavy with tension, and the only sounds are the distant murmurs of the arena crowd and the soft hum of the arena’s ventilation system. The camera slowly pans across the room, revealing the ominous figure of Nightmare, the monster from Japan, standing alone in a shadowy corner.

Nightmare, wearing his dark, sinister mask, is deep in preparation for his upcoming sVo Championship match against Johnny All Star. His massive frame is covered in a black hooded cloak that barely conceals the muscular, scarred body beneath. He stands in complete silence, the only movement being the slow, rhythmic rise and fall of his chest as he breathes in and out, steadying himself for the carnage he is about to unleash.

The camera moves closer, capturing the intensity in Nightmare’s posture. His head is slightly bowed, the mask covering his face giving nothing away, yet the aura of pure fury and determination radiates from him. In his hand, he tightly grips a pair of black leather gloves, slowly pulling them on with deliberate, methodical movements, as if preparing for battle in a ritualistic manner.

There is no need for words; the silence speaks volumes. Every movement Nightmare makes is purposeful, every breath measured. The tension in the room is palpable, as if the air itself is charged with the anticipation of the destruction that is about to come. This is a man—or rather, a force—on the brink of unleashing untold fury in the pursuit of the one thing that has eluded him: the sVo Championship.

The camera shifts slightly, revealing a table nearby where a large, well-worn katana rests in its scabbard. The weapon is a symbol of Nightmare’s deadly precision and focus, a reminder of his lethal prowess in the ring. He glances at the katana for a brief moment, the only sign that his mind is racing with thoughts of the battle ahead. He knows that tonight is his moment, his chance to carve his name into the history of sVo and claim the championship that he has longed for.

Nightmare takes a deep breath, the sound barely audible but filled with the weight of his intentions. He steps away from the wall, his massive form now fully in view as he begins to pace slowly, methodically. His movements are calculated, like a predator stalking its prey, each step bringing him closer to the inevitable confrontation with Johnny All Star. The silence continues to dominate the scene, broken only by the soft thud of his boots on the concrete floor.

As the camera captures the final shot of Nightmare’s looming figure, his back to the lens, he stops pacing and stands perfectly still. The anticipation of what is to come hangs in the air, the unspoken promise of violence and victory. Without a single word, Nightmare’s presence alone is enough to convey the storm of destruction that he is about to unleash on Johnny All Star, and the certainty that tonight, the sVo Championship will be his for the first time.

The scene fades to black, leaving the audience with the chilling image of Nightmare standing ready, prepared to do whatever it takes to finally capture the sVo Championship and solidify his legacy as a force to be feared.

Salvage Job

The camera transitions to the dimly lit locker room of Generation Joint, where the atmosphere is tense and heavy with disappointment. Gunner Lang and Jacob Izaz, who just lost their Tag Team titles to the Legends Club, sit on the benches, their faces a mix of frustration and disbelief. The air is thick with the weight of their defeat, and the once vibrant energy of the room now feels muted and somber.

Gunner Lang, still in his ring gear, leans forward with his elbows on his knees, staring down at the floor. His usually confident demeanor is replaced with a look of regret, as if replaying every moment of the match in his mind. Next to him, Jacob Izaz sits with his head against the locker behind him, his eyes closed as he processes the loss. The sight of the empty space in the locker where their championship belts used to hang only deepens the sting.

Across the room, Kenneth D Williams and Jay Adder, both dressed and ready for the upcoming Jackpot Rumble, stand near the lockers. Despite the somber mood, there’s a quiet determination in their eyes, a resolve to turn the night around in the only way they can.

Kenneth D Williams: (breaking the silence) “We’re not done yet, guys. We’ve been knocked down before, but this—this is just a setback.”

Gunner looks up, his expression a mixture of frustration and acknowledgment, while Izaz opens his eyes, nodding slowly but saying nothing. The loss clearly weighs heavily on both of them.

Jay Adder: (with a firm tone) “Yeah, tonight didn’t go the way we wanted, but we’re Generation Joint. We don’t back down from a fight, and we don’t let one loss define us. Gunner, Jacob—we’re gonna get those belts back, no question about it.”

Adder’s words seem to cut through the gloom, sparking a flicker of determination in Gunner and Izaz. Gunner clenches his fists, a fire slowly returning to his eyes as he looks up at Adder and Williams.

Gunner Lang: (determined) “You’re right. This isn’t over. They got the better of us tonight, but we’re not out of this fight. We’ll get our rematch, and when we do, we’ll take back what’s ours.”

Jacob Izaz nods in agreement, his voice low but resolute.

Jacob Izaz: “We didn’t come this far to just give up now. The Legends Club might have the belts, but we’ve got something they don’t—a brotherhood that doesn’t break, no matter what.”

Kenneth D Williams steps forward, his tone serious but encouraging.

Kenneth D Williams: “Exactly. We’re all in this together. But right now, me and Jay? We’ve got to focus on the Jackpot Rumble. This is our chance to make sure Generation Joint is still in the spotlight by the end of the night. And when we win, it’ll be for all of us.”

Jay Adder, always the pragmatic one, crosses his arms and adds with a slight smirk.

Jay Adder: “And who knows? Maybe taking that sVo Championship shot away from Johnny All Star will make losing the Tag belts sting a little less.”

This brings a faint smile to the faces of Gunner and Izaz, the tension in the room lifting slightly. The idea of one of their own winning the Rumble and getting a shot at the sVo Championship gives them something to rally behind.

Gunner Lang: (with renewed determination) “You two go out there and show them what Generation Joint is all about. Bring that win home, and we’ll get back to doing what we do best—dominating this place.”

Kenneth D Williams and Jay Adder nod, the seriousness of the moment settling in. They both fist bump Gunner and Izaz, a silent pact of solidarity between the four of them. The mood in the room, though still tinged with disappointment, now carries a sense of purpose and unity.

Jay Adder: (confidently) “Let’s make tonight one to remember.”

With that, Williams and Adder turn and head towards the locker room door, ready to step into the chaos of the Jackpot Rumble. As they leave, the camera lingers on Gunner Lang and Jacob Izaz, who now sit with a renewed sense of determination. The loss may have been a setback, but the fight within Generation Joint is far from over.

The scene fades out as the door closes behind Williams and Adder, the image of Gunner and Izaz steeling themselves for the challenges ahead, a silent promise to reclaim their titles and prove that Generation Joint is still a force to be reckoned with.

sVo Championship Match
Johnny All Star (c) vs. Nightmare

The Storm

The camera cuts back to the ring, where the aftermath of the explosive sVo Championship match is still unfolding. The crowd in the Goodfellas Casino Arena is in an uproar, their cheers echoing through the building as they process the shocking events that just transpired. In the center of the ring, Johnny All Star, the reigning sVo Champion, stands victorious, clutching his championship belt tightly to his chest. His face is a mixture of relief and triumph, though there’s an underlying hint of disbelief that he actually managed to retain the title.

All Star raises the belt high above his head, basking in the reaction of the crowd, even though many fans are still stunned by how the match ended. The camera zooms in on his face, showing his expression of sheer elation as he soaks in the moment. He glances down at Nightmare, who is still on the mat, slowly pushing himself up, his masked face betraying no emotion but his body language speaking volumes of the frustration and fury boiling inside him.

But the real focus of the arena is not just on Johnny All Star’s celebration—it’s on the unexpected figure standing across the ring. Night, the legendary figure and the brother of Nightmare, stands tall, his presence commanding the attention of everyone in the arena. The fans cheer loudly for Night, their support pouring out for the man who had been presumed out of action, having been injured by Nightmare himself months ago. Night’s cold, calculating eyes are locked onto his brother, who finally gets to his feet, staring back at him with a mixture of shock and anger.

Nightmare, still reeling from the match and the betrayal, takes a step towards his brother, his fists clenched in rage. But Night doesn’t flinch. He simply stares back at Nightmare, a silent challenge in his gaze, as if to say that their story is far from over. The tension between the two is palpable, the arena buzzing with anticipation as the crowd senses that something monumental is about to unfold.

Johnny All Star, still holding the sVo Championship, steps back, almost fading into the background as the focus shifts entirely to the brothers. He knows that, for now, the spotlight belongs to Night and Nightmare. But that doesn’t stop him from celebrating his narrow escape with the title, still holding the belt aloft as he leans back against the ropes, his eyes flickering between the two towering figures in the ring.

The fans continue to cheer loudly for Night, chanting his name, their support a stark contrast to the jeers and boos they usually reserve for Nightmare. Night slowly raises his hand, acknowledging the crowd’s adulation, but his focus never wavers from his brother. Nightmare’s chest heaves with heavy breaths, his rage barely contained as he glares at Night, his brother, the man who just cost him the sVo Championship.

Finally, Nightmare takes another step forward, pointing an accusatory finger at his brother, his voice barely audible over the roaring crowd.

Nightmare: (growling, with a hint of disbelief) “You… You’re supposed to be finished!”

Night, calm and composed, shakes his head slowly, his voice carrying a quiet intensity that cuts through the noise of the arena.

Night: “You thought you could break me. But you’ve forgotten, brother—I’m unbreakable.”

The crowd erupts into even louder cheers, fully behind Night as he stares down his brother. Nightmare’s eyes narrow behind his mask, the anger simmering within him evident in every tense muscle in his body. Night takes a step closer, closing the gap between them, his presence intimidating even Nightmare.

Night: “You wanted to end me… but you’ve only made me stronger. And now, I’m back to finish what you started.”

The tension is electric, the air thick with the anticipation of what could come next. The brothers stand inches apart, the history and animosity between them palpable. The fans are on their feet, fully invested in this unexpected and explosive confrontation. Johnny All Star, still clutching his championship, slips out of the ring, knowing that this moment is no longer about him.

As All Star makes his way up the ramp, celebrating his victory and thanking the fans, the camera stays focused on the brothers in the ring. Nightmare’s fury is barely contained as he stares down his brother, while Night remains calm, his steely resolve unshaken. The fans continue to chant Night’s name, their support unwavering.

With one final, intense stare, Night slowly backs away, his message delivered. He turns and exits the ring, leaving his brother seething with rage. The fans cheer loudly as Night makes his way up the ramp, never looking back, his mission clear: to finish what his brother started and prove once and for all that he is the true unbreakable force in the sVo.

Battle of the Bronsons

The scene cuts to the backstage interview area where Katie Smith, the ever-professional and composed interviewer, stands with a microphone in hand. Flanking her are two towering figures, both with serious looks on their faces—’The Modern Day Cowboy’ Bronson Martinez, dressed in his trademark cowboy hat and leather jacket, and the veteran Bronson Johnson, whose experience in the ring is evident in his steely gaze and confident stance. Both men are clearly not pleased with the news they’ve just received.

Katie Smith: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with two of the competitors in tonight’s highly anticipated Jackpot Battle Royal. Unfortunately for these men, they’ve drawn the unenviable spots of #1 and #2, meaning they’ll have to outlast twenty-eight other competitors to win the match and earn a shot at the sVo Championship. Bronson Martinez, Bronson Johnson, how do you feel about this draw?”

Bronson Martinez, the younger of the two but no less formidable, adjusts his hat and leans into the microphone, a determined glint in his eyes.

Bronson Martinez: “Katie, I’ll be honest, this isn’t what I was hoping for. Drawing #1 in a match like this? It’s a tough break, no doubt. But I’m not the kind of guy to back down from a challenge. I’ve ridden into plenty of storms before, and tonight’s just another one. I’m gonna go out there, cowboy up, and show everyone that ‘The Modern Day Cowboy’ ain’t just some nickname. I’m here to make history.”

Katie nods, turning her attention to the veteran Bronson Johnson, who crosses his arms and looks directly into the camera, his expression unyielding.

Katie Smith: “And what about you, Bronson Johnson? As a veteran in this business, you’ve been through it all. How does it feel to be starting this match at #2?”

Bronson Johnson, ever the seasoned pro, takes a deep breath before speaking, his voice steady and full of conviction.

Bronson Johnson: “Katie, I’ve been in this business a long time. I’ve seen the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Drawing #2? It’s not ideal, but it’s not gonna stop me. I’ve outlasted younger, hungrier guys before, and tonight’s no different. I’m ready to go the distance, no matter who comes through that curtain after me. They call me the veteran for a reason—I know how to survive, and tonight, I plan to do more than that. I plan to win.”

Both men exchange a respectful nod, despite knowing they’ll be starting off against each other in one of the toughest matches of their careers. The tension is palpable, but so is the mutual respect between them. Katie is about to wrap up the interview when suddenly, the camera catches movement in the background. The crowd buzzes as the imposing figure of Night steps into the frame, his presence instantly commanding attention.

Night, still riding the high of his earlier interference in the sVo Championship match, stands tall and confident. The crowd watching on the screens in the arena erupts into cheers, and Katie’s eyes widen as she quickly shifts her focus to him.

Katie Smith: “Night! This is unexpected! What brings you here?”

Night steps forward, his eyes glinting with a mixture of satisfaction and intent. He glances briefly at Bronson Martinez and Bronson Johnson, both of whom look slightly on edge with the sudden appearance of the sVo legend, before turning his full attention to Katie.

Night: “Earlier tonight, I did what had to be done. I stopped my brother from stealing that sVo Championship, and I made sure he knew that he hasn’t broken me—not by a long shot.”

The crowd in the arena can be heard cheering loudly, fully behind Night after his earlier actions. Night pauses for a moment, letting the anticipation build before delivering his next line with a cold, deliberate tone.

Night: “But I’m not done yet. Tonight, I’m officially entering the Jackpot Battle Royal. So, Bronson and Bronson… get ready, because this storm isn’t over. It’s only just begun.”

The atmosphere in the backstage area becomes electric as Night’s announcement sinks in. Bronson Martinez and Bronson Johnson exchange glances, realizing that their already daunting task has just become even more challenging. The crowd’s cheers grow even louder as Night’s intense stare shifts between the two men.

Night gives a final, knowing nod before stepping back, leaving Katie, Bronson Martinez, and Bronson Johnson to process the bombshell he’s just dropped. The tension in the room is palpable, the stakes for tonight’s Battle Royal now higher than ever.

Katie Smith: “Well, there you have it! Night is officially in the Jackpot Battle Royal, and with him in the mix, anything could happen. Don’t go anywhere, folks—you won’t want to miss this!”

The camera lingers on the intense faces of Martinez and Johnson, both now even more determined to overcome the odds, before cutting back to the arena, where the energy is at a fever pitch in anticipation of the Battle Royal.

Jackpot Rumble Match
30 Man Battle Royal

Legends Never Die

The atmosphere inside the Goodfellas Casino Arena is electric, but the energy is tinged with bitterness as the boos rain down from the crowd. Curtis Knight stands alone in the center of the ring, breathing heavily, his chest heaving after a grueling battle royal. The leader of the Legends Club has just eliminated Night, the man everyone thought would overcome the odds, and now, Knight is the last man standing—victorious in the Jackpot Battle Royal.

Knight, with a sinister grin spreading across his face, raises his arms high above his head, basking in the jeers and boos of the Las Vegas crowd. The fans are furious, but Knight looks more confident and more powerful than ever. He has just outlasted a who’s who of the wrestling world, including top names like Kenneth D Williams, Night, the DW Heavyweight Champion Bjorn Asulf, the LdCE Heavyweight Champion Espectro, and the RSPW Heavyweight Champion Ryujiro. This is a night that will go down in sVo history, but not in the way the fans had hoped.

As Knight continues to revel in his victory, the camera catches the entrance ramp where Athena, Knight’s wife and fellow member of the Legends Club, emerges with a sly smile. She is soon joined by the new sVo Tag Team Champions, Buzz Marshall and Drew Hendrix, who carry their newly won titles over their shoulders. The Legends Club is here to celebrate, and they make their way down to the ring, their presence only amplifying the disdain of the crowd.

The Legends Club climbs into the ring, surrounding Curtis Knight, who remains the focal point of the moment. Athena approaches her husband, placing a hand on his shoulder, her eyes gleaming with pride. Marshall and Hendrix, still fresh from their earlier victory, raise their tag team titles high, adding to the visual of the Legends Club’s dominance tonight.

The boos from the crowd continue to pour in, but the Legends Club pays no mind. Curtis Knight stands tall, looking out at the sea of fans with a smug expression. He knows that tonight is their night—tonight, the Legends Club has proven that they are the most dominant force in the sVo.

Julian Fiasco’s voice booms through the commentary headset, trying to capture the significance of the moment.

Julian Fiasco: “Ladies and gentlemen, whether you like it or not—and judging by the reaction here, that’s a resounding ‘not’—Curtis Knight has done it! He has won the Jackpot Battle Royal, outlasting thirty of the best wrestlers in the world, and now he has his shot at the sVo Championship!”

Jeremiah Sloan chimes in, his tone heavy with concern.

Jeremiah Sloan: “This is a nightmare scenario, Julian. The Legends Club is running roughshod over the sVo! They’ve taken the Tag Team Championships, and now Curtis Knight has a future sVo Championship shot in his back pocket! The power they hold is almost unimaginable!”

In the ring, the Legends Club continues their celebration. Curtis Knight steps forward, reaching down to grab a microphone. The crowd’s boos intensify, but Knight simply waits, savoring the moment before speaking, his voice dripping with arrogance.

Curtis Knight: “You all better get used to this sight. The Legends Club isn’t just here to play games—we’re here to take over. We’ve got the Tag Team Championships, and now, I’ve got a guaranteed shot at the sVo Championship. This is our era, and there’s not a damn thing any of you can do about it!”

The crowd’s boos grow louder, but Knight smirks, knowing he holds all the cards. Athena steps forward, raising Curtis’s arm high as the Tag Team Champions stand beside them, soaking in the moment of dominance. The Legends Club is unified, stronger than ever, and the message is clear: they are in control.

As the camera pans around the ring, capturing the triumphant expressions of the Legends Club members, the scene fades to a wide shot of the arena. The fans continue to boo, some even throwing trash towards the ring in frustration, but the Legends Club remains unfazed. This is their night, their victory, and nothing can take that away.

The screen begins to fade to black, the last image being Curtis Knight standing in the center of the ring, surrounded by his allies, holding his future sVo Championship shot in his grasp. The words “Jackpot 2024” flash across the screen, cementing this night as one that will be remembered for a long time to come.

With that, the show goes off the air, leaving the fans in shock and dismay as the Legends Club’s reign of dominance continues to grow.

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