LdCE Revolución 7
Aztec Star Arena & Casino, Mexico City, Mexico
18th July 2024

[The camera pans over the packed Aztec Star Arena & Casino in Mexico City, Mexico, capturing the excitement and energy of the crowd as they eagerly await the start of Revolución 7. The arena is buzzing with anticipation, and the lights flash in vibrant colors, setting the stage for an unforgettable night of lucha libre action.]

Carlos Ramirez: ¡Bienvenidos, lucha fans, to another electrifying episode of Revolución! I’m Carlos Ramirez, alongside my partner, Javier Morales, and we’re coming to you live from the Aztec Star Arena & Casino in Mexico City, Mexico!

Javier Morales: That’s right, Carlos! Tonight’s show is packed with incredible matchups, and the main event promises to be a showstopper as our champion, Espectro, takes on Mateo Sandoval in a non-title match!

Carlos Ramirez: Espectro has been making waves and creating chaos ever since he became the Estrella Suprema Champion. Last time out, he attacked both Sol Dorado and Alejandro Ramirez, sending a clear message to the entire roster.

Javier Morales: And tonight, Mateo Sandoval has the opportunity of a lifetime. If he can defeat Espectro, even in a non-title match, it could propel him straight into title contention. Sandoval is known for his high-flying moves and never-say-die attitude, and the fans are solidly behind him.

Carlos Ramirez: Speaking of the fans, they’re on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the action. We also have a stacked undercard tonight, featuring some of the best lucha talent from around the world!

Javier Morales: That’s right, Carlos. We’ll see Aguilar in action after his intense rivalry with El Froggo!

Carlos Ramirez: And let’s not forget the other rising stars who will be showcasing their talents tonight. Every match is a chance for these luchadores to prove themselves and climb the ranks of Lucha de Cinco Estrellas.

Javier Morales: It’s going to be a night filled with high-flying action, intense rivalries, and unforgettable moments. So sit back, relax, and get ready for another thrilling episode of Revolución!

Carlos Ramirez: The road to the Estrella Suprema Championship continues tonight! Let’s get this show started!

[The camera zooms in on the ring as the crowd’s cheers reach a crescendo, and the first match of the night is set to begin, kicking off another exciting chapter in the world of Lucha de Cinco Estrellas.]

Single Match
Sombrio vs. Hydra

The Lucha Assassin

[Backstage at the Aztec Star Arena, the atmosphere is tense as the camera focuses on Rosa Martinez standing next to the menacing figure of Aguilar The Lucha Assassin. The crowd’s boos from the arena can be faintly heard in the background, adding to the charged environment.]

Rosa Martinez: Buenas noches, lucha fans. I’m here with Aguilar The Lucha Assassin, who has been making waves and creating controversy with his recent actions in the ring. Aguilar, the fans and everyone here want to know: why do you keep trying to steal the masks of your opponents, especially after your recent war with El Froggo?

[Aguilar The Lucha Assassin glares at Rosa, his eyes burning with intensity. He refuses to answer, instead maintaining his menacing silence.]

Rosa Martinez: (pressing on) Aguilar, the fans deserve to know your motivations. What drives you to target the masks of the luchadores you face?

[Aguilar steps closer to Rosa, his face contorted with anger. He growls low and menacingly, causing Rosa to take a step back. Without saying a word, Aguilar turns on his heel and storms off, leaving Rosa and the audience in stunned silence.]

Rosa Martinez: (turning to the camera, regaining her composure) Well, there you have it, lucha fans. Aguilar The Lucha Assassin continues to remain an enigma, refusing to explain his actions. The mystery and tension around his motives only seem to be growing. Stay tuned as we bring you more action and drama here at Revolución!

[The camera fades out, capturing Aguilar’s retreating figure as the anticipation builds for his next move in the world of Lucha de Cinco Estrellas.]

Single Match
Aguilar The Lucha Assassin vs. Fuego Azteca

Lets Settle This

[The camera captures the aftermath of a hard-fought match in the center of the ring, where Aguilar The Lucha Assassin stands victorious over Fuego Azteca. The crowd’s boos reverberate throughout the Aztec Star Arena as Aguilar, with a sinister smile, turns his attention to Fuego Azteca’s mask.]

Carlos Ramirez: (on commentary) Oh no, not again! Aguilar is looking to add another mask to his collection!

Javier Morales: This is despicable! Someone needs to stop him!

[Aguilar kneels down and begins to tug at Fuego Azteca’s mask, attempting to rip it off. The fans’ boos grow louder as they witness this blatant disrespect. Suddenly, El Froggo’s music hits, and the crowd erupts in cheers.]

Carlos Ramirez: It’s El Froggo! He’s here to save Fuego Azteca!

Javier Morales: Aguilar is in for it now!

[El Froggo sprints down the ramp and slides into the ring. Aguilar, startled, releases Fuego Azteca’s mask and steps back, glaring at El Froggo. El Froggo checks on Fuego Azteca briefly before grabbing a microphone.]

El Froggo: (panting, but with determination) Aguilar, this ends now! You think you can keep disrespecting our traditions and our masks? You’ve got another thing coming! I challenge you to a rematch, one on one, to settle this once and for all!

[The crowd roars in approval, chanting El Froggo’s name. Aguilar, however, merely smirks and waves El Froggo off dismissively, turning his back and exiting the ring.]

Carlos Ramirez: Aguilar is just walking away! He doesn’t even have the courage to face El Froggo!

Javier Morales: This isn’t over, Carlos. El Froggo won’t rest until he puts an end to Aguilar’s reign of terror.

[El Froggo stands in the ring, fire in his eyes as he watches Aguilar retreat up the ramp. He lifts the microphone once more, his voice filled with resolve.]

El Froggo: You can run for now, Aguilar, but this isn’t over! I will make you pay for every mask you’ve tried to steal and every tradition you’ve disrespected!

[The crowd continues to chant and cheer for El Froggo as he helps Fuego Azteca to his feet. The camera zooms in on El Froggo’s determined face, capturing the intensity of the moment before fading to black.]

Carlos Ramirez: The stage is set for an explosive showdown between El Froggo and Aguilar. Don’t go anywhere, lucha fans. The night is just getting started!

[The screen transitions to a commercial break, leaving the fans in eager anticipation of what’s to come.]

The Lightning Bolt

[Backstage at the Aztec Star Arena, the camera focuses on Relampago as he prepares for his upcoming match. The electrifying luchador is stretching and going through his pre-match rituals, his face set in determined concentration. Suddenly, the atmosphere shifts as the menacing figure of Ramiro Morales approaches, a smug grin on his face.]

Ramiro Morales: (sneering) Well, well, well, if it isn’t the lightning bolt himself, Relampago. You know, I’ve been watching you, and I’ve come to a conclusion.

[Relampago pauses his preparations, turning to face Morales with a steely gaze.]

Relampago: Oh yeah? And what’s that, Morales?

Ramiro Morales: (smirking) That you’re a loser. Always have been, always will be. No matter how flashy your moves are or how fast you think you are, you’ll never be on my level. And tonight, I’m going to prove it in that ring.

[Relampago steps closer to Morales, his eyes blazing with intensity.]

Relampago: You think so? Well, I’ve got news for you, Morales. You can talk all you want, but when we step into that ring, I’m going to show you and everyone else exactly what I’m capable of.

[Morales chuckles, clearly unimpressed.]

Ramiro Morales: (mockingly) We’ll see about that, Relampago. Tonight, I’m going to expose you for the fraud you are.

[Relampago, undeterred, takes a deep breath, his focus unwavering.]

Relampago: Bring it on, Morales. I’m ready for you.

[Morales gives one last smirk before turning and walking away, leaving Relampago to finish his preparations. The camera captures Relampago’s determined expression as he steels himself for the match ahead.]

Relampago: (to himself) Time to prove him wrong.

[The camera fades out, building anticipation for the intense clash between Relampago and Ramiro Morales in the ring.]

Single Match
Relampago vs. Ramiro Morales

The Watcher

[Backstage at the Aztec Star Arena, the camera focuses on Rosa Martinez standing next to the towering figure of ‘the Aztec Titan’ Alejandro Ramirez. The buzz of the arena can be heard faintly in the background as the anticipation builds for the main event.]

Rosa Martinez: Buenas noches, lucha fans. I’m here with ‘the Aztec Titan’ Alejandro Ramirez, who has a keen interest in tonight’s main event where our current champion, Espectro, will take on Mateo Sandoval. Alejandro, you have a lot at stake in this match. What are your thoughts?

Alejandro Ramirez: (nodding) Gracias, Rosa. You know, I’ve been watching Espectro closely. He keeps ducking me, avoiding a real confrontation. Instead, he’s been more interested in sneak attacks and underhanded tactics than facing me one on one with the title on the line. I’m here to challenge him, to prove that I’m the rightful champion.

[Rosa starts to respond, but suddenly Espectro walks past them, his championship belt gleaming on his shoulder. He stops for a moment, smirking at Ramirez.]

Espectro: (with a smirk) Keep dreaming, Titan.

[Espectro continues walking, leaving a trail of tension behind him. Alejandro Ramirez glares after him, his fists clenching.]

Rosa Martinez: (turning back to Alejandro) Alejandro, it looks like Espectro isn’t taking your challenge seriously. How do you plan to handle this?

Alejandro Ramirez: (with determination) I’m not going to let him get away with this, Rosa. Tonight, I’ll be watching his match closely. Espectro can try to avoid me all he wants, but he can’t run forever. One way or another, I will get my title shot, and I will make him pay for every sneak attack and every cowardly move he’s pulled. This isn’t over, not by a long shot.

Rosa Martinez: Thank you, Alejandro. There you have it, lucha fans. ‘The Aztec Titan’ Alejandro Ramirez is determined to get his hands on Espectro and that championship. Stay tuned for what promises to be an explosive main event tonight!

[The camera fades out as Alejandro Ramirez stands resolute, watching the direction Espectro walked off in, the tension palpable in the air.]

Single Match
Espectro vs. Mateo Sandoval

Championship Clash

[The camera focuses on the center of the ring, where Espectro stands victorious, holding the Estrella Suprema Championship high above his head. The boos from the crowd are deafening, filling the Aztec Star Arena with a cacophony of disapproval.]

Carlos Ramirez: (on commentary) Once again, Espectro stands tall, but listen to this crowd! They can’t stand the sight of him!

Javier Morales: The fans may not like him, Carlos, but there’s no denying Espectro’s dominance as our champion.

[Espectro, smirking, relishes in the crowd’s reaction. He walks to each corner of the ring, holding the title aloft, soaking in the boos. As he returns to the center, the camera shifts to the entrance ramp, where a familiar figure emerges.]

Carlos Ramirez: Wait a minute! Look who’s here!

[The fans’ boos transform into cheers as ‘the Aztec Titan’ Alejandro Ramirez steps out onto the entrance ramp. He stands tall, his gaze fixed on Espectro in the ring. The intensity in his eyes is unmistakable.]

Javier Morales: It’s Alejandro Ramirez! The Aztec Titan is here, and he’s making his presence known!

[Espectro’s smirk fades slightly as he locks eyes with Ramirez. The two stare each other down, the tension palpable. Ramirez takes a few steps forward, his expression one of unwavering determination.]

Carlos Ramirez: These two are on a collision course, Javier. Ramirez wants that title, and Espectro knows it!

[Espectro lifts the championship belt again, this time pointing at Ramirez and mouthing something inaudible but clearly taunting. Ramirez remains unfazed, simply crossing his arms and standing his ground.]

Javier Morales: Espectro might be the champion now, but with Ramirez eyeing that title, his reign could be in serious jeopardy.

[The camera captures the intensity of the moment, focusing on the contrasting figures: Espectro in the ring, clutching his title, and Ramirez at the top of the ramp, a determined challenger ready for battle. The show fades to black, leaving the audience eagerly anticipating the next chapter in their rivalry.]

Carlos Ramirez: What a night, lucha fans! The Aztec Titan is coming for Espectro, and it’s only a matter of time before these two clash for the championship!

Javier Morales: You won’t want to miss what happens next! Stay tuned for more explosive action from Lucha de Cinco Estrellas!

[The Lucha de Cinco Estrellas logo appears on the screen, and the show’s theme music plays as the credits roll, ending another thrilling episode of Revolución.]

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