DW Clash 46
Live on the Sanctioned Violence Network
The Stratford Arena, London, England
14th October 2024

Steve Pringle:
Welcome everyone to DW Clash 46, live from the heart of London here at the Stratford Arena! What a week it’s been since the Doomsday PPV, where Angelo Anderson shocked the world by defeating Bjorn Asulf to become the new DW Heavyweight Champion! The atmosphere is still electric here tonight as we prepare for another packed show!

Eddie Bates:
That’s right, Steve! Angelo Anderson’s title win was a game-changer, but the story doesn’t end there! In just one week, we’ll be seeing the Global Takeover PPV, where our stars will clash against some of the biggest names from around the world! Tonight, though, we’ve got a packed lineup, starting with some exciting singles action between Union Jack and Leo Lewis! And that’s just the beginning!

Steve Pringle:
We’ve also got a huge tag team match on tap tonight, as Legion looks to continue their dominance, taking on the Sovereign in what could be a real war inside that ring! It’s gonna be a battle of pride and power.

Eddie Bates:
And you won’t want to miss Emily Shaw in action tonight, facing off against Maxwell Blackwell in what could be a major upset waiting to happen! Plus, the former DW UK Tag Team Champion Kyle McRae takes on Harry Black in what promises to be a clash of the titans!

Steve Pringle:
The road to Global Takeover is heating up, folks! We’ve got big matches, personal rivalries, and so much more in store for you tonight. So don’t go anywhere—DW Clash 46 starts right now!

[The camera zooms out as the crowd roars with excitement, the graphic for tonight’s card showing up on the screen. The show transitions into the first match of the evening.]

Single Match
Union Jack vs. Leo Lewis

Just the Beginning

The crowd is still buzzing with energy from the previous match, but the mood quickly shifts as the lights dim and the unmistakable sound of Angelo Anderson’s entrance music fills the arena. The boos start raining down immediately as the new DW Heavyweight Champion makes his way to the ring, holding the championship belt high above his head. The fans are relentless in their jeers, but Anderson smirks, soaking in the hatred.

Anderson steps into the ring, raising the title once again as the boos grow louder. He grabs a microphone and stands proudly in the center of the ring, looking out over the hostile crowd.

Angelo Anderson:
You can boo all you want, but the truth is… the fact that I am standing here as the DW Heavyweight Champion is something none of you can deny. Last week, I did what no one thought I could do, and I beat Bjorn Asulf to claim the biggest prize in this company!

The fans respond with loud boos, but Anderson raises his hand, silencing them.

Angelo Anderson:
Now, here I stand, the rightful champion of this company. And I know you people don’t like it. You hate that it’s me with the title, and I don’t blame you. You all love to see your heroes win, but I’m not your hero. I’m the man who takes what he wants, when he wants. And this… this belt is mine!

He pauses, looking at the championship belt with pride.

Angelo Anderson:
And let me make this clear, no one is taking this from me. Not Cedric Thornfield, not anyone! I don’t care if you think you’re crazy or unhinged, Cedric. You can try all you want, but this belt is staying right where it belongs—around my waist.

The crowd boos louder, but Anderson smirks, basking in the hate.

Angelo Anderson:
But that’s not all. Next week, at Global Takeover, I’m not just defending this belt against one man. I’m defending it against TWO—Adam Garcia and Johnny All Star. And when I beat both of them, I’ll prove what I already know: The DW Heavyweight Championship is the biggest prize in the wrestling world today.

He slams the belt down on his shoulder, his eyes burning with intensity.

Angelo Anderson:
So, get used to this, people. Because this is just the beginning. No one is stopping me now. I am your champion, and no one—not even you—can take this from me!

Anderson throws the microphone down, glaring at the crowd with contempt as he raises the championship belt once more. The boos continue, but he doesn’t care. He exits the ring with the title held high, the camera capturing his smug grin as he makes his way up the ramp.

The crowd’s boos echo through the arena as the show cuts to a commercial break.

Tag Team Match
Legion vs. The Sovereign

Run it Back

The match between Legion and The Sovereign has just concluded, with Legion victorious. The crowd is buzzing from the action, but the atmosphere quickly shifts as Jean Louis Duval limps into the ring, clearly battered and still recovering from the grueling International Heavyweight Championship match at Doomsday the previous week. Duval is holding his ribs, wincing in pain, but the fire in his eyes is unmistakable. He grabs the microphone and limps to the center of the ring, where Legion members Royce Lacroix and HyperNova stand in the background, watching silently.

The crowd showers Duval with boos, but he doesn’t seem to care. Instead, his focus is on what he wants to say.

Jean Louis Duval:
You all know exactly what happened last week… what you saw, what the world saw. I faced Masafumi Satake for the International Heavyweight Championship, and what happened? A 60-minute time limit draw.

The crowd jeers, but Duval continues, his frustration growing.

Jean Louis Duval:
A draw. And they want you to believe it was a fair fight. They want you to believe that Satake and I are on the same level. But let me tell you something… it’s all a conspiracy. A conspiracy to stop me from becoming the International Heavyweight Champion. I should have won that match. I should have walked out with that title around my waist! But no, they wanted to protect Satake. They wanted to keep him as champion. And I know why.

The crowd boos loudly, but Duval is undeterred, his voice dripping with anger.

Jean Louis Duval:
They know, just like I know, that I am the true champion! I’m the best in this company, and it’s time I get what’s rightfully mine! I’ve been robbed, and it’s time for me to get my redemption!

Suddenly, the lights in the arena flicker, and a wave of energy sweeps through the crowd as the unmistakable music of Masafumi Satake, the International Heavyweight Champion, begins to play! The fans erupt in cheers as Satake walks out from behind the curtain, his championship belt proudly draped over his shoulder. He pauses at the top of the ramp, locking eyes with Duval, who glares back with a look of pure hatred.

Satake raises the belt high, the crowd cheering wildly, and walks down the ramp towards the ring, his focus fixed on Duval. The tension between them is palpable.

Satake gets into the ring, and Duval immediately holds up the microphone, trying to get the upper hand.

Jean Louis Duval:
Oh, now you show up. Now you come out after everything that happened. I’ve already told you, Satake, you can’t run from the truth. You’re nothing compared to me. But I’ll give you one chance… Next week, at Global Takeover, I challenge you to a rematch! And this time, I won’t let the time limit get in the way. I’m going to take that title, and I’ll prove to everyone that I am the true champion!

The crowd is on edge, watching every movement carefully. Satake, however, doesn’t flinch. He simply smiles, his eyes locked on Duval. After a brief pause, he raises the microphone to his mouth.

Masafumi Satake:
I accept your challenge.

The crowd erupts in cheers as Satake nods and lowers his microphone. He points at Duval, who looks like he’s ready to explode with anger. The tension is almost unbearable.

The camera focuses on both men, and with one last intense stare-off between the two, the show cuts to a commercial break, the crowd buzzing in anticipation of the upcoming rematch.

Single Match
Emily Shaw vs. Maxwell Blackwell


The camera cuts backstage, where William Smith stands next to a visibly frustrated Harry Black. Harry is pacing back and forth, his fists clenched and his face full of intensity. His eyes are locked on the camera as Smith holds the microphone, clearly ready to ask about the grudge match coming up in the main event.

William Smith:
Harry, you’ve got a huge match coming up next, against Kyle McRae in the main event tonight. It’s been a turbulent few weeks since McRae turned his back on British Hospitality and attacked you and Alexander Hate. How are you feeling heading into this match?

Harry stops pacing, his eyes burning with rage as he stares into the camera, speaking with an unwavering tone.

Harry Black:
Feeling? You wanna know how I’m feeling, Smith? I’m angry. Furious. And I’m going to take it all out on McRae tonight.

He pauses, the anger still clearly simmering beneath the surface.

Harry Black:
McRae, you stabbed me in the back. You turned your back on everything we built, everything we stood for in British Hospitality. You were like family to me, but you threw that away for some cheap glory and those damn tag team titles. You didn’t just betray me; you betrayed everything that British Hospitality stands for!

Smith nods, listening intently as Harry continues, his voice rising in intensity.

Harry Black:
Tonight, I’m going to make you pay for every bit of that. You think you can just waltz in here, be the cowardly snake you are, and walk away with a win? Not tonight. Not while I’m breathing. Tonight, I’ll show you what happens when you cross me. Tonight, I’ll show you why you never should have messed with me.

The camera zooms in slightly on Harry’s face, as he speaks with grim determination.

Harry Black:
Kyle, you can run, you can hide, but tonight… you’re gonna have to face me in this ring. And there’s no way out. You’ll regret the day you ever crossed paths with me, because tonight, I’m not just gonna beat you… I’m going to destroy you.

Harry’s eyes burn with a fierce determination as he glares into the camera, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. William Smith watches in silence, sensing the raw emotion in Harry’s words.

William Smith:
Strong words, Harry. We’ll see if you can back them up in the main event tonight. Good luck.

Harry Black doesn’t respond, his focus unwavering. He turns and walks off camera, leaving Smith and the viewers with a sense of anticipation as the main event looms.

Single Match
Kyle McRae vs. Harry Black

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