DW Clash 44
Live on the Sanctioned Violence Network
The Stratford Arena, London, England
23rd September 2024

The camera pans across a packed Stratford Arena in London, with the crowd roaring in anticipation. Signs, banners, and flashing lights fill the venue as the signature theme music of DW Clash blares through the speakers. The energy is electric as the fans get ready for another action-packed night.

Steve Pringle: “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to DW Clash 44, live from the Stratford Arena in London! I’m Steve Pringle, alongside my broadcast partner Eddie Bates, and tonight we have an absolutely stacked card lined up for you!”

Eddie Bates: “You said it, Steve! We’ve got everything from high-stakes singles competition to tag team warfare, including a blockbuster main event where DW Heavyweight Champion Bjorn Asulf teams with former UK Champion Oliver Harrington to take on the dangerous duo of Angelo Anderson and Liam O’Donovan!”

The camera cuts to the crowd, buzzing with excitement before focusing back on the commentators.

Steve Pringle: “That’s right, Eddie. But that’s not all—Geoffrey Hobbs will go one-on-one with Legion’s own HyperNova. After weeks of unexpected saves, Hobbs has a chance to prove he can stand on his own.”

Eddie Bates: “And let’s not forget about British Hospitality. After all the drama with Kyle McRae turning on them, they’re going to have their hands full tonight with the former UK Tag Team Champions, The Sovereign. Will they bounce back, or will The Sovereign get back to winning ways?”

Steve Pringle: “Plus, the Dutch destroyer Stijn De Raaf goes head-to-head with the ever-popular Union Jack in what promises to be a hard-hitting affair! And we’ll also see Riley Smith take on Emily Shaw in what could be a show-stealer.”

Eddie Bates: “Every match tonight has huge implications, Steve. Rivalries are heating up and the tension is off the charts. Let’s not waste any more time—the action starts now!

The camera zooms out to show the entire arena as the crowd erupts with excitement. The ring is set, and the first match is about to begin, as the cameras cut to the entrance ramp.

Single Match
Geoffrey Hobbs vs. HyperNova

Returning the Favour

The bell rings to signal the end of the match, with HyperNova standing victorious over Geoffrey Hobbs. The fans boo loudly as Jean Louis Duval and Royce Lacroix waste no time storming into the ring, joining HyperNova in a vicious three-on-one assault on Hobbs. The Legion trio stomps away at him relentlessly, with Hobbs helpless on the mat.

Steve Pringle: “This is despicable! Geoffrey Hobbs just went through a hard-fought match, and now Legion is attacking him like a pack of wolves!”

Eddie Bates: “We’ve seen this before, Steve! Jean Louis Duval and his crew are always looking to send a message—pure domination, no mercy!”

The crowd erupts into chants of “Sullivan! Sullivan!” as the brutal beatdown continues. Duval shouts insults in French as Lacroix and HyperNova take turns delivering kicks and punches to the defenseless Hobbs.

Steve Pringle: “Listen to this crowd! They’re calling for Jonathan Sullivan, but there’s no sign of him yet! Come on, someone needs to stop this!”

Just as the situation looks dire for Hobbs, the familiar entrance theme of the undefeated DW UK Champion Jonathan Sullivan blasts through the arena speakers. The fans jump to their feet as Sullivan sprints down the ramp, championship belt in hand!

Eddie Bates: “Here comes the cavalry! Jonathan Sullivan is here, and Legion better get ready!”

Sullivan slides into the ring and immediately goes after Lacroix, leveling him with a clothesline. HyperNova tries to rush him, but Sullivan ducks and sends him flying over the top rope with a huge back body drop. The crowd roars in approval as Sullivan single-handedly clears the ring!

Steve Pringle: “Jonathan Sullivan has cleaned house! Legion is retreating, and Sullivan stands tall!”

Duval, Lacroix, and HyperNova regroup outside the ring, furious at the sudden turn of events. Sullivan stands over Hobbs, checking on his condition, while keeping a watchful eye on Legion. The crowd chants Sullivan’s name as he helps Hobbs to his feet, the two standing united in the ring.

Eddie Bates: “Legion thought they could take out Hobbs tonight, but Jonathan Sullivan wasn’t going to let that happen!”

Duval glares at Sullivan from the ramp, shouting in French as Lacroix and HyperNova stand beside him, seething with anger. Sullivan raises his DW UK Championship high in the air, a clear message to Legion as the fans cheer wildly.

Steve Pringle: “Sullivan may have saved the day, but you can bet Legion isn’t done with him or Hobbs! This rivalry is far from over!”

The camera captures a final shot of Sullivan and Hobbs in the ring as Legion backs up the ramp, their eyes filled with rage and vengeance, before the segment fades out.

Ready to Reign Supreme

The scene opens backstage at the Stratford Arena, where William Smith stands with a microphone in hand, flanked by the former DW UK Tag Team Champions, The Sovereign—Ben Noble and Kandi Sparks. Despite their regal postures, there’s an undeniable tension in the air following their recent loss.

William Smith: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m joined now by Ben Noble and Kandi Sparks, The Sovereign, who are set to face British Hospitality tonight with a huge opportunity on the line. First of all, last week you lost your DW UK Tag Team Championships in a hard-fought battle against Kyle McRae and Angus Blackhart. How are you feeling heading into tonight’s match knowing the winner will challenge for the titles at Doomsday?”

Noble, wearing a stern expression, takes a deep breath before responding.

Ben Noble: “William, let’s make one thing perfectly clear—last week was nothing more than a setback. Yes, McRae and Blackhart managed to take what was ours, but champions rise from adversity. We didn’t come this far to let some brute and a turncoat define our legacy.”

Kandi Sparks steps forward, her tone sharp and focused.

Kandi Sparks: “Losing those belts last week… it hurt. But we are The Sovereign. We don’t dwell on failure; we use it to make us stronger. British Hospitality might think they’re walking into an opportunity tonight, but they’re walking into a war. We’ve already proven we can hang with the best, and at Doomsday, we’ll take back what’s rightfully ours.”

William Smith nods, sensing the intensity from both former champions.

William Smith: “British Hospitality is a well-respected team, and like yourselves, they’re hungry for another shot at the gold. Does facing such determined opponents raise the stakes for you tonight?”

Noble smirks slightly, a confident glint in his eyes.

Ben Noble: “Respect is earned, not given, William. British Hospitality? They’ve been around, sure, but they’re not The Sovereign. Tonight, it’s not just about earning a shot at the titles—it’s about reminding everyone exactly who we are. We don’t just want our titles back; we want to leave no doubt that we are the greatest tag team in DW’s history.”

Kandi Sparks: “British Hospitality might be good, but we’re better. We’ve dominated this division before, and we’ll do it again. After tonight, McRae and Blackhart won’t have a chance, because at Doomsday, we’re going to rewrite the ending to this story. And trust me—it’s one where The Sovereign reign supreme once more.”

William Smith: “Clearly, The Sovereign are ready for battle tonight. We’ll see if they can secure their chance at redemption at Doomsday.”

The camera lingers on Ben Noble and Kandi Sparks, both resolute and fired up, as the scene fades back to the arena.

Single Match
Riley Smith vs. Emily Shaw

Mutual Disdain

Backstage at the Stratford Arena, Angelo Anderson and Liam O’Donovan stand in a tense locker room, glaring at one another. The atmosphere is thick with animosity, neither man comfortable with the idea of working together, especially with their main event match against Bjorn Asulf and Oliver Harrington looming. Anderson, the arrogant and calculating “Unbreakable,” is the first to break the silence.

Angelo Anderson: “Let’s get one thing straight, O’Donovan—I don’t like you, and I sure as hell don’t trust you. But I hate Asulf and Harrington a lot more, so tonight? We do what we have to do.”

Liam O’Donovan, the gruff Irishman, crosses his arms and sneers. His body language screams defiance, but there’s a begrudging understanding in his eyes.

Liam O’Donovan: “You think I wanna team with you? Don’t flatter yourself, lad. You’re just another arrogant gobshite in my way. But you’re right about one thing—I despise those two more than I’ll ever despise you. So tonight, we get this job done… but don’t think for a second I’m doing it for you.”

Anderson smirks, leaning in slightly as if to test O’Donovan’s patience, but the Irishman doesn’t back down. The tension between them crackles, yet there’s a shared focus on the bigger prize.

Angelo Anderson: “As long as we’re on the same page—take out Asulf, take out Harrington, and then you can crawl back into whatever hole you came from. I’ve got bigger things to handle—like becoming the DW Heavyweight Champion at Doomsday.”

O’Donovan’s eyes narrow, his frustration visible, but he doesn’t break from his steely stance.

Liam O’Donovan: “You better keep your head in the match tonight, Anderson. ‘Cause if you screw this up, I’ll take you out myself. I don’t care what you think you’ve got lined up at Doomsday. Tonight, it’s about gettin’ the win and smashing those two into the mat. After that, I don’t give a damn what happens to you.”

Anderson’s smirk fades, replaced by a cold, calculating look. He nods slowly, accepting the uneasy alliance with O’Donovan—at least for tonight.

Angelo Anderson: “Deal. Just don’t get in my way.”

With the tension still high but an unspoken agreement in place, the two men exchange one last icy glance before turning away from each other, ready to face the main event and their shared enemies.

The scene fades as the uneasy partnership is set, both men clearly focused on the task at hand, despite their mutual disdain.

Tag Team Match
British Hospitality vs. The Sovereign

Making a Statement

The crowd erupts into cheers as British Hospitality, Harry Black and Alexander Hate, stand tall in the ring after their hard-fought victory over The Sovereign. Both men raise their arms in triumph, soaking in the support from the fans at the Stratford Arena. However, the celebration is short-lived.

Suddenly, out of the crowd, the DW UK Tag Team Champions Kyle McRae and Angus Blackhart leap over the barricade, their eyes filled with malice. Without any warning, they slide into the ring and launch a brutal attack on British Hospitality from behind! The crowd’s cheers turn to boos as the champions unleash their fury.

McRae grabs Alexander Hate, slamming him down with a vicious backbreaker, while Blackhart drives his knee into Harry Black’s spine before tossing him into the corner. The fans are in shock, witnessing the savage ambush.

Steve Pringle: “Oh no! The Tag Team Champions, McRae and Blackhart, are attacking British Hospitality from behind! This is a vicious, cowardly assault!”

Eddie Bates: “They don’t care, Steve! They’re making a statement here, showing why they’re the champions—ruthless and dominant!”

McRae and Blackhart continue to pummel their fallen rivals. Angus Blackhart, with a wicked grin, rolls out of the ring and grabs a pair of steel chairs from ringside. The crowd boos even louder as he slides one to McRae.

Steve Pringle: “Come on, this has gone too far! Somebody needs to stop this!”

McRae and Blackhart raise the chairs high above their heads and deliver brutal shots to the backs of both Harry Black and Alexander Hate. The sickening thud of steel against flesh echoes through the arena, as British Hospitality lie motionless on the mat.

McRae, breathing heavily, stands over Alexander Hate, looking down with a sneer. Blackhart raises his tag team title in the air, proudly displaying it to the jeering crowd.

Eddie Bates: “This is a message to anyone who thinks they can take those titles away from McRae and Blackhart. They don’t just want to win—they want to dominate!”

The champions stand tall, the bodies of British Hospitality sprawled at their feet. The crowd continues to boo, but McRae and Blackhart revel in their actions, holding their title belts high above their heads as they exit the ring, leaving destruction in their wake.

Playing Hero

Backstage at the Stratford Arena, William Smith stands next to the imposing figure of Stijn De Raaf, who is moments away from his singles match against Union Jack. De Raaf looks focused and intense, his eyes fixed ahead as Smith begins the interview.

William Smith: “Stijn, you’ve got a big match coming up next against Union Jack, but I have to ask—earlier tonight, we saw Jonathan Sullivan rush down to save Geoffrey Hobbs from a three-on-one assault by Legion. What are your thoughts on Sullivan stepping in like that, especially with your UK Championship match just two weeks away at Doomsday?”

De Raaf smirks slightly, shaking his head in disdain before turning his gaze toward Smith.

Stijn De Raaf: “Jonathan Sullivan playing hero for Hobbs? It’s cute, really. But he should be worrying less about saving other people and more about saving himself. Because in two weeks at Doomsday, I’m going to take that DW UK Championship from him.”

He crosses his arms, his tone filled with confidence and a hint of menace.

Stijn De Raaf: “I’ve watched Sullivan fight, I’ve seen him defend that title time and time again. He’s tough, no doubt. But toughness only gets you so far. And right now, he’s distracted—by Hobbs, by Legion, by everything except the one thing that matters: staying healthy enough to walk into Doomsday in one piece.”

De Raaf turns to face the camera directly, his eyes cold and determined.

Stijn De Raaf: “Because when he steps into that ring with me, there’ll be no one to save him. No one to stop what’s coming. So tonight, I’ll take care of Union Jack, but Sullivan? He better be ready. Because in two weeks, I’m going to make sure that title is mine.”

With that, De Raaf walks off toward the entrance area, leaving William Smith standing by, as the anticipation for his upcoming match and the showdown at Doomsday builds.

Single Match
Stijn De Raaf vs. Union Jack

Doomsday Is Yours

The screen flickers to life, shrouded in shadows and ominous darkness. The scene is unsettling, a dimly lit room with flickering candles casting long, distorted shadows on the walls. In the middle of it all sits Cedric Thornfield—”The Black Raven.” His once well-kept appearance has deteriorated, his eyes wild and unblinking, the remnants of his shaved hair barely growing back, adding to the eerie atmosphere. He rocks slightly, perched on a worn, gothic chair, with his DW ring gear covered by a black, tattered cloak. His voice cracks the silence like a low, sinister whisper.

Cedric Thornfield: “Doomsday… it’s coming.”

He leans forward, his fingers twitching as they dance over the armrest of his chair. His eyes lock onto the camera, intense and unnerving, as if he’s staring through the screen into the soul of the viewer.

Cedric Thornfield: “In two weeks, the world will bear witness to the fall of giants. The so-called ‘Viking’ Bjorn Asulf… and Angelo Anderson. Two men standing tall, with titles, glory, and power. But power… power is fleeting.”

A smile creeps across his face, twisted and devoid of joy, more a grimacing snarl than a sign of any human emotion. The candles flicker as if blown by a phantom wind, Thornfield’s madness swirling around him like a storm.

Cedric Thornfield: “Doomsday… it isn’t just a name. It’s a prophecy. A warning. The day when kingdoms crumble and champions fall into the abyss. The day when I rise from the ashes of what they once were. You see, I’ve been broken, humiliated… stripped of what was mine. But that… that only gave birth to something more. Something dark. Something… inevitable.”

He tilts his head, almost birdlike, his eyes widening with every word, his voice growing more unhinged, more unstable.

Cedric Thornfield: “Bjorn Asulf… your reign is a joke. A hollow crown sits upon your head, Viking. And Anderson, you… you think you’re unbreakable? How foolish. How deliciously foolish. I’ve been watching. Waiting. You’re both blind to what’s coming. And what’s coming… is me.”

He leans in even closer, the shadows seemingly tightening around him, as if the darkness is an extension of his will.

Cedric Thornfield: “On Doomsday, the Black Raven will descend upon you both. And it will be the end. The end of your legacy, the end of your dominance. The world will remember that when Doomsday arrived, it wasn’t a force of nature that tore you apart. It was me. It was Cedric Thornfield.”

His voice drops to a whisper, chilling and foreboding.

Cedric Thornfield: “Doomsday… is yours. And you can’t escape it.”

The candles suddenly snuff out, plunging the room into total darkness, leaving only the echo of Thornfield’s deranged laughter as the scene fades to black.

Live on the Sanctioned Violence Network
7th October 2024

Tag Team Match
Bjorn Asulf & Oliver Harrington vs. Angelo Anderson & Liam O’Donovan

This Changes Nothing

The bell rings, signaling the end of the match as the crowd in the Stratford Arena erupts into a mix of boos and cheers. Bjorn Asulf stands tall in the center of the ring, his DW Heavyweight Championship slung over his shoulder, while Oliver Harrington basks in the moment beside him, smirking at the crowd. Angelo Anderson rolls out of the ring, frustrated after the defeat, but his eyes never leave the champion. Asulf raises his title high in the air, feeding off the crowd’s negative energy, while Anderson paces on the outside, seething with fury.

Steve Pringle: “Bjorn Asulf and Oliver Harrington get the win tonight, but you can see the fire in Angelo Anderson’s eyes! He’s not done yet!”

Eddie Bates: “Absolutely, Steve. Anderson took a beating tonight, but you can tell he’s already thinking about Doomsday in two weeks!”

Asulf gestures to the fallen Liam O’Donovan, who is laid out on the mat, before turning his full attention to Anderson. The two lock eyes, and the tension between them is palpable. Anderson points at Asulf, his expression full of anger and determination. He takes a few steps toward the ring, shouting loud enough for the cameras to pick up.

Angelo Anderson: “This changes nothing, Asulf! You got lucky tonight, but at Doomsday, that title is coming with me!”

The crowd buzzes with anticipation as Asulf smirks, still holding his championship high. He steps toward the ropes and leans over, staring down at Anderson from inside the ring.

Bjorn Asulf: “You think you can take this from me, Anderson? In two weeks, you’ll see what it means to face a true champion!”

Anderson clenches his fists, his eyes locked on the DW Heavyweight Championship as he slowly backs up the ramp. The fans chant for Doomsday, the anticipation for their showdown reaching a fever pitch.

Steve Pringle: “This is going to explode at Doomsday! Bjorn Asulf, Angelo Anderson—these two are destined for an all-out war for the DW Heavyweight Championship!”

Eddie Bates: “No question about it, Steve. Anderson is determined to take that title, but Asulf has no intention of letting it slip through his fingers. Two unstoppable forces, one championship. Doomsday is shaping up to be one of the biggest events in DW history!”

The camera continues to focus on Anderson as he stands at the top of the ramp, his eyes never leaving Asulf, who holds the title high for everyone to see. The tension is electric, and as the show begins to fade to black, one final image lingers: the DW Heavyweight Championship gleaming in the lights, with both men ready to collide in two weeks.

Steve Pringle: “The battle lines have been drawn! Doomsday is coming, and only one man will leave with that gold around their waist!”

The show cuts to black as the crowd roars, the promise of Doomsday hanging in the air.

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