DW Clash 43
Live on the Sanctioned Violence Network
The Stratford Arena, London, England
9th September 2024

Steve Pringle: “Welcome to DW Clash 43, live from the packed Stratford Arena in London! I’m Steve Pringle, and alongside me is Eddie Bates. Tonight, we have an action-packed card that you won’t want to miss!”

Eddie Bates: “That’s right, Steve. We’ve got a fantastic lineup, starting with a high-stakes singles match between Maxwell Blackwell and Angelo Anderson. Blackwell’s been looking for redemption, while Anderson is always a force to be reckoned with and is looking to build momentum ahead of his DW Heavyweight Championship match!”

Steve Pringle: “Following that, we’ll see tag team action as DW UK Champion Jonathan Sullivan teams up with Geoffrey Hobbs to take on The Legion. This is bound to be a heated clash with so much on the line.”

Eddie Bates: “And don’t forget the singles match between Stijn De Raaf and Leo Lewis. De Raaf is always looking to make an impact and wants to get his hands back on the DW UK Championship, and Lewis will certainly be a tough test.”

Steve Pringle: “Then, we’ve got the DW UK Tag Team Championship on the line as The Sovereign defend their titles against the new alliance of Kyle McRae and Angus Blackhart. Can The Sovereign retain their gold after weeks of looking for some worthy challengers, or will McRae and Blackhart make an immediate impact after the shocking betrayal of British Hospitality last week?”

Eddie Bates: “Finally, in a match that’s sure to be a highlight, Riley Smith goes head-to-head with the DW Heavyweight Champion, Bjorn Asulf. Smith has been on a roll, but can he topple the reigning champion?”

Steve Pringle: “It’s going to be an electrifying night of wrestling action, so let’s get started! DW Clash 43 is officially underway!”

Single Match
Maxwell Blackwell vs. Angelo Anderson


The backstage area is abuzz with activity as the arena fills up for DW Clash 43. In a well-lit locker room, Jonathan Sullivan and Geoffrey Hobbs are preparing for their upcoming tag team match against Legion. The room is adorned with various championship posters and wrestling memorabilia, setting an atmosphere of high stakes and anticipation.

Geoffrey Hobbs, wearing his ring gear and stretching his arms, looks at Sullivan with a mixture of admiration and camaraderie. He approaches Sullivan, who is focused but relaxed, adjusting his championship belt.

Geoffrey Hobbs: “Jonathan, I’ve got to say, it’s been incredible to watch you in action lately. You’re a true champion, and I’m honored to be teaming up with you tonight.”

Jonathan Sullivan, standing in front of his locker and wrapping his wrists with tape, looks up with a nod of appreciation. His gaze is serious but acknowledges Hobbs’ compliment with a smirk.

Jonathan Sullivan: “Thanks, Geoffrey. I usually prefer to handle things on my own, but I appreciate the help you’ve given me these past few weeks. It’s good to have someone reliable in my corner.”

Geoffrey Hobbs, now pacing slightly, exudes a sense of readiness and determination. His eyes are focused, and he exudes confidence as he speaks.

Geoffrey Hobbs: “Absolutely. Legion’s going to have their hands full with us tonight. I’m ready to give it everything I’ve got to ensure we get the win.”

Jonathan Sullivan pauses for a moment, his expression hardening with resolve. He looks directly at Hobbs, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

Jonathan Sullivan: “We need to. They’ve been a thorn in our side, and tonight we need to put them in their place. I’ve got your back, and I know you’ve got mine.”

Geoffrey Hobbs, nodding firmly, adjusts his gear one last time. He looks back at Sullivan with a determined smile, ready for the challenge ahead.

Geoffrey Hobbs: “You bet. Let’s show them why we’re the ones to beat around here. Time to get this done and keep that UK Championship shining bright.”

Jonathan Sullivan: “Exactly. Let’s get to it and make sure Legion knows they’ve picked the wrong fight.”

The two men exchange a final nod of agreement, and the scene fades out as they head toward the entrance, prepared for their match and the challenge that awaits them in the ring.

Tag Team Match
Jonathan Sullivan & Geoffrey Hobbs vs. The Legion

Still Waiting

The arena is alive with energy as the bell rings, signaling the end of the tag team match between Jonathan Sullivan & Geoffrey Hobbs and The Legion. The crowd’s cheers gradually shift to boos as The Legion stands victorious in the ring. HyperNova has just pinned Geoffrey Hobbs, and the members of The Legion—Jean Louis Duval, Royce Lacroix, and HyperNova—celebrate their hard-fought win.

Jean Louis Duval grabs a microphone from ringside, his smug smile evident as he steps forward to address the crowd. The camera captures his confident stride and the look of disdain on his face as he prepares to speak.

Jean Louis Duval: “Ladies and gentlemen, did you see that? Did you see how we, The Legion, have once again proven our superiority? Tonight was just another display of what happens when you step into the ring with us!”

The crowd responds with a mix of boos and jeers, clearly not impressed with Duval’s taunting. The camera pans across the audience, capturing their discontent as Duval continues his arrogant speech.

Jean Louis Duval: “But that’s not all I want to talk about tonight. For weeks now, I’ve been calling out Masafumi Satake, the so-called International Heavyweight Champion. And what has he done? Nothing! He’s been hiding, running from the challenge I’ve issued. I’m tired of waiting for this coward to step up!”

The fans react with a mix of shock and curiosity, their interest piqued by Duval’s bold claim. The camera cuts to a close-up of Duval, who paces the ring with a scowl on his face, clearly frustrated by the lack of response from the champion he’s been targeting.

Jean Louis Duval: “Masafumi Satake, if you have any shred of honor left, come out here and accept my challenge! Show the world you have the guts to face the best. Or are you too scared to defend your title against someone who actually deserves a shot?”

As Duval rants, the rest of The Legion stands by, looking on with approval. HyperNova and Royce Lacroix share knowing glances, their confidence bolstered by their recent victory.

Jean Louis Duval: “If you don’t have the courage to answer, then I guess we’ll all know who the real coward is around here. But mark my words, Satake, you can’t hide forever. The Legion will get what we’re owed, and when we do, we’ll make sure the entire world knows just how superior we are!”

Duval throws down the microphone with a determined look as the crowd’s reaction intensifies. The camera captures his defiant stance in the ring, with the rest of The Legion rallying behind him. The segment ends with the camera fading out on the scene of Duval and his team basking in their moment of victory and defiance, the anticipation of a potential showdown with Satake looming large.

We Don’t Back Down

The camera opens in a bustling backstage area, filled with the usual hum of activity before a show. William Smith stands next to The Sovereign, the DW UK Tag Team Champions, Ben Noble and Kandi Sparks. The pair look focused and ready as they prepare for their upcoming match.

William Smith: “Ben, Kandi, tonight you’re set to defend your DW UK Tag Team Championships against Kyle McRae and Angus Blackhart. Now, there’s been some talk about why you accepted a challenge from a team that hasn’t actually teamed together before. What’s your take on that?”

Ben Noble: “William, let me set the record straight. We don’t care if the challengers are a well-oiled machine or two guys thrown together at the last minute. The Sovereign’s approach to the tag team division has always been simple: we defend our titles against anyone who has the guts to step up.”

Kandi Sparks: “That’s right. We’ve always believed that true champions don’t pick and choose their opponents. If someone wants to challenge us for these titles, they need to bring their best. And if they’re brave enough to step into the ring with The Sovereign, then they’ve got our respect. But respect doesn’t mean we’ll make it easy for them.”

William Smith: “It sounds like you’re not underestimating McRae and Blackhart, despite their lack of prior team experience.”

Ben Noble: “Absolutely not. We’ve seen what both of these men can do individually, and that’s enough for us to know they’re not to be taken lightly. They’ve earned their shot, and we’re ready to give them everything we’ve got to keep these titles around our waists.”

Kandi Sparks: “We’re prepared for any challenge that comes our way. It’s part of what makes us great champions. So whether it’s a team with years of experience or a new pairing like McRae and Blackhart, we’ll be ready. Our goal is to prove that The Sovereign are the greatest DW UK Tag Team Champions, no matter who stands across the ring from us.”

William Smith: “Thanks for your time, Ben and Kandi. Good luck in your match tonight.”

As the camera pulls back, The Sovereign share confident smiles, their championship belts proudly displayed. The segment ends with Smith’s nod of acknowledgment, the anticipation for their title defense clearly building.

Single Match
Stijn De Raaf vs. Leo Lewis

The Right Decision

The camera focuses on William Smith, who stands in front of a dimly lit backdrop. Standing beside him are Kyle McRae and Angus Blackhart, who are clearly ready for their upcoming match. The atmosphere is tense, and the air is charged with the palpable tension from last week’s surprising turn of events.

William Smith: “Kyle, Angus, thanks for joining me. Last week, you made a shocking move by turning your back on British Hospitality and aligning yourself with Angus. The crowd’s reaction has been less than favorable. How do you respond to their boos and the controversy surrounding your decision?”

Kyle McRae: “You know what, William? I’ve always said I’ll do whatever it takes to get to the top. My decision to join forces with Angus Blackhart has already proven to be the right one. Look at us now—we’ve got a title shot. What have I achieved by staying with British Hospitality? Nothing but being held back. This is about making moves that matter, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

Angus Blackhart: “Kyle’s right. The fact that we’re challenging for the DW UK Tag Team Championships is a testament to the power of our alliance. We’re here to show everyone that it doesn’t matter who you were aligned with before. What matters is what you do now. And tonight, we’re going to show exactly why Kyle and I are the team to beat.”

William Smith: “The crowd doesn’t seem to be taking your decision well. Do you have any thoughts on how the fans are reacting to your change in allegiance?”

Kyle McRae: “The fans can boo all they want. Their opinions don’t matter to me. What matters is winning and making the most of my opportunities. I’ve had enough of being the nice guy. I’m here to win titles, and if that means taking a few jeers along the way, so be it.”

Angus Blackhart: “As far as I’m concerned, we’re going to use their negativity as fuel. We’re focused on one thing: taking those tag team titles. Tonight, we prove that our partnership is stronger than any past alliances or past loyalties.”

William Smith: “Well, Kyle, Angus, you certainly have a lot riding on tonight’s match. Best of luck out there.”

As the interview concludes, McRae and Blackhart share a determined look, their confidence unwavering despite the crowd’s reaction. The camera pans out, capturing the charged atmosphere as they prepare for their upcoming title challenge.

DW UK Tag Team Championship Match
The Sovereign (c) vs. Kyle McRae & Angus Blackhart


The bell rings, and the match concludes with a surprising outcome. Kyle McRae and Angus Blackhart stand victorious in the ring, having defeated the reigning champions, The Sovereign. The fans’ discontent is evident, as boos and jeers fill the Stratford Arena.

Kyle McRae and Angus Blackhart slowly rise to their feet, clearly reveling in their newfound status as the DW UK Tag Team Champions. They hold their titles high above their heads, the gold glinting under the arena lights. The camera zooms in on their faces, showcasing their triumphant grins and the satisfaction of achieving their goal.

Kyle McRae grabs a microphone, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of pride and defiance.

Kyle McRae: “Look at us now! We told you we were coming for the gold, and here we are. You can boo all you want, but we’ve proven that we’re the best team in the division. We’ve taken down The Sovereign, and now, we’re the champions!”

Angus Blackhart steps forward, taking the microphone from McRae with a fierce look on his face.

Angus Blackhart: “This is just the beginning! Kyle and I have worked hard to get here, and we’ve overcome every obstacle in our way. You think you’ve seen the last of us? Think again! We’re going to hold these titles with pride and defend them against anyone who dares to challenge us!”

The crowd’s boos grow louder as McRae and Blackhart continue to flaunt their new championship belts, strutting around the ring and soaking in their moment of victory. The Sovereign, still reeling from the loss, watches from outside the ring, clearly frustrated and disheartened by the turn of events.

Kyle McRae: “To all the doubters and critics out there—this is what happens when you underestimate us. We’re not just here to make up the numbers; we’re here to dominate. And as for The Sovereign—thanks for the opportunity. Now, step aside and let the new champions show you how it’s done!”

Angus Blackhart: “So, to everyone in the back—watch closely. This is what real champions look like. We’re not going anywhere. We’re here to stay, and we’re ready for any team that thinks they can take these titles from us.”

The celebration continues with McRae and Blackhart raising their belts high and taunting the booing crowd, the champions standing tall as the show fades to black.

Showcase of Dominance

Location: Backstage at the Stratford Arena. William Smith stands by, microphone in hand, as ‘the Viking’ Bjorn Asulf prepares for his upcoming match.

William Smith: “Bjorn, tonight’s Global Takeover challenge has certainly stirred things up. Both sVo Champion Johnny All Star and ProjectViolence Champion Adam Garcia have accepted your challenge for a triple threat match in October. What are your thoughts on this?”

Bjorn Asulf: “Ah, it’s good to see the other champions taking notice. Johnny All Star, Adam Garcia—these are names that carry weight. But let me remind everyone that I didn’t become the DW Heavyweight Champion by backing down from challenges. I’m looking forward to proving that I am the best in the world, not just in Dynasty Wrestling, but against the top names from around the globe. Global Takeover is going to be a showcase of dominance.”

William Smith: “In the opening match tonight, Angelo Anderson defeated Maxwell Blackwell, earning himself a future title shot. How do you feel about facing Anderson, who is now the number one contender?”

Bjorn Asulf: “Angelo Anderson, huh? He’s made quite a name for himself with his recent victories. But let’s not forget that while he’s been impressive, he’s yet to face a true champion like me. I respect his determination, but he’s going to need more than that to take my title. I’ll be ready, and I’ll make sure he knows why I’m the top dog in this business.”

William Smith: “And speaking of matches, you’re set to face Riley Smith in tonight’s main event. What’s your strategy heading into this bout?”

Bjorn Asulf: “Riley Smith is a talented competitor, no doubt. But he’s not the type of challenge that keeps me up at night. My strategy is simple—dominate from the bell to the end. Riley is tough, but he’s stepping into my domain now. I’m going to show him why I’m the reigning Heavyweight Champion and why I’m not to be underestimated. After tonight, everyone will remember why they call me ‘the Viking’.”

William Smith: “Well, Bjorn, good luck in your match tonight. It’s going to be another exciting night of action.”

Bjorn Asulf: “Thank you, William. I don’t need luck, just a good fight. And that’s exactly what I’m ready for.”

The camera zooms in on Asulf’s intense expression as he heads off towards the arena, ready for his main event bout against Riley Smith.

Countdown to Doomsday

A dimly lit room with flickering lights, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The only sound is the ticking of a clock, growing louder as the scene progresses. The camera slowly pans across a room filled with dark, ominous decorations: broken mirrors, shattered glass, and torn photographs of Cedric Thornfield’s past victories and failures.

Cedric Thornfield stands in front of a large, wall-mounted countdown clock, its numbers ticking down ominously. Thornfield’s once-stately appearance has been replaced by a wild, unkempt look. His hair is disheveled, and his eyes burn with a feverish intensity.

Cedric Thornfield (speaking directly to the camera): “The clock is ticking, and the days grow shorter. The countdown to Doomsday has begun. This isn’t just a date on a calendar; it’s the day of reckoning, the day when I rise from the ashes of my failures and reclaim my throne!”

Thornfield moves closer to the camera, his face filling the frame as he continues, his voice a mix of anger and determination.

Cedric Thornfield: “You see, every tick of this clock is a reminder of my rebirth. The end of one chapter and the beginning of another. I’ve been broken, shattered, but now I’m putting the pieces back together. And when that final second strikes, I will emerge stronger, more ruthless than ever before.”

Thornfield walks over to a desk cluttered with wrestling memorabilia, picking up a framed photo of himself holding the DW Heavyweight Championship. He looks at it with a twisted smile.

Cedric Thornfield: “Bjorn Asulf, Angelo Anderson—both of you stand in my way. You think you’ve seen the last of me? You think you’ve put me down for good? You’re gravely mistaken. This countdown is my promise to you, to the entire world. At Doomsday, I will not only take back what’s mine, but I will make sure everyone remembers why I was once known as ‘the Black Raven’!”

Thornfield places the photo back on the desk, his eyes locked on the countdown clock. He takes a deep breath, his gaze intense.

Cedric Thornfield: “Doomsday is approaching. And when that clock strikes zero, chaos will reign. Prepare yourselves, because the Black Raven is coming for what’s his. And this time, nothing will stand in my way.”

The camera zooms in on the countdown clock as it continues to tick down, the screen fading to black as the chilling words linger in the air.

Single Match
Riley Smith vs. Bjorn Asulf

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