DW Clash 36
The Stratford Arena, London, England
15th July 2024

The camera pans over the packed Stratford Arena in East London, where fans are on their feet, waving signs and cheering. The energy in the arena is electric, setting the stage for another thrilling night of wrestling action. The camera zooms in on the commentators’ table where Steve Pringle and Eddie Bates are ready to kick off the show.

Steve Pringle: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another explosive edition of DW Clash! We are live from the Stratford Arena in East London, and what a night we have in store for you!

Eddie Bates: That’s right, Steve! The action is going to be intense tonight with some huge matches on the card. We’ve got Jonathan Sullivan taking on Stijn De Raaf, with the winner earning the right to challenge UK Champion Oliver Harrington!

Steve Pringle: And that’s not all, Eddie. In tag team action, it’s Legion versus The Ultras! The French faction has been on a roll, but The Ultras have proven they’re a force to be reckoned with. This one is going to be a barnburner!

Eddie Bates: I can’t wait to see what happens tonight, Steve. The tension is high, the stakes are even higher, and these superstars are ready to put it all on the line!

Steve Pringle: Absolutely, Eddie. But before we get to our first match, let’s take a quick look back at the chaos that unfolded last week!

The screen transitions to a highlight reel showing the intense moments from the previous week’s DW Clash, featuring Bjorn Asulf’s victory in the main event and Angelo Anderson’s brutal attack on Kyle McRae. The reel ends with Cedric Thornfield being ambushed by Bjorn Asulf, setting the stage for their upcoming title clash.

Eddie Bates: Last week was just a taste of what’s to come. Tonight promises to deliver even more drama, action, and excitement!

Steve Pringle: So buckle up, folks! DW Clash 36 starts now!

The camera cuts to the entrance ramp as the first competitor’s music hits, signaling the start of the night’s first match and kicking off an unforgettable evening of wrestling action.

Single Match
Emily Shaw vs. Union Jack


The camera cuts to the backstage area where Harry Black and Alexander Hate, representing British Hospitality, are seen storming into the office of DW GM Matt Anarchy. They are visibly angry and determined. Anarchy looks up from his desk, sensing the tension.

Harry Black: Anarchy, we need to talk. Now.

Matt Anarchy: (leaning back in his chair) Alright, what’s this about?

Alexander Hate: It’s about Angelo Anderson. He brutally attacked our friend Kyle McRae last week, and we’re not letting that slide.

Harry Black: We want a match against him tonight. We need to avenge Kyle and show Anderson that British Hospitality won’t stand for this kind of crap.

Matt Anarchy: (nodding thoughtfully) I get where you’re coming from, but I need to keep things fair and balanced. It’s going to have to be a tag team match.

Alexander Hate: (thinking quickly) Fine, but let’s make it more interesting. Add Bjorn Asulf into the match. He stood by and did nothing while Anderson attacked Kyle. We want to take him out too.

Matt Anarchy: (raising an eyebrow) Bjorn Asulf, huh? (pauses) You know what? I like it. It’ll be Anderson and Asulf versus British Hospitality tonight. You get your chance for payback, and it should be one hell of a match.

Harry Black: (grinning) Perfect. Let’s show them what British Hospitality is all about.

The camera zooms in on Matt Anarchy’s determined expression as he finalizes the match on his computer. The segment ends with Harry Black and Alexander Hate walking out of the office, ready to take on Angelo Anderson and Bjorn Asulf later tonight.

Single Match
Maxwell Blackwell vs. Riley Smith

For France

The camera cuts to the Legion locker room where Jean Louis Duval is standing with his allies HyperNova and Royce Lacroix. Duval, the arrogant and confident former DW Heavyweight Champion, is giving an intense pep talk to his teammates as they prepare for their match against the Ultras.

Jean Louis Duval: (with a smug smile) Mes amis, tonight is not just another match. Tonight, we step closer to our rightful place at the top of the tag team division. The Ultras think they can walk into our domain and make a name for themselves? Non, we will show them why Legion is superior.

HyperNova: (nodding, though looking slightly unsure) Oui, Jean Louis. But the Ultras are strong, and they fight dirty.

Royce Lacroix: (cracking his knuckles) Let them try. We will break them.

Jean Louis Duval: (stepping closer to HyperNova) HyperNova, you have the talent, the skill, the potential to be great. But you must believe in yourself, in us. Tonight, you will fight not just for victory, but for glory, for the pride of France!

HyperNova: (with more confidence) Oui, Jean Louis. We will win.

Jean Louis Duval: (smirking) Bonne. Royce, HyperNova, listen carefully. When we defeat the Ultras, we will be undeniable. We will be the top contenders, and those tag team championships held by Ben Noble and Kandi Sparks will be ours. The Sovereign think they are untouchable, but they have not faced the true might of Legion.

Royce Lacroix: (with a fierce grin) They will learn soon enough.

Jean Louis Duval: (raising his hand) Remember, unity is our strength. We fight as one, we win as one. Show no mercy, take no prisoners. The Ultras will fall, and the world will see that Legion is the future of DW.

HyperNova: (with determination) For Legion!

Royce Lacroix: (clenching his fist) For victory!

Jean Louis Duval: (smiling arrogantly) That’s the spirit. Now, let’s go out there and show the world why we are the best.

The camera zooms in on the determined faces of HyperNova and Royce Lacroix as they exit the locker room, led by the ever-confident Jean Louis Duval. The scene fades as they make their way to the ring, ready to take on the Ultras.

Tag Team Match
Legion vs. The Ultras

Reality Check

The camera cuts to the backstage interview area where William Smith is standing by with a microphone in hand. Beside him stands Stijn De Raaf, the former DW UK Champion, looking intense and focused. The Dutch wrestler, known for his cunning and ruthless style, is preparing for his upcoming match against the unbeaten newcomer Jonathan Sullivan.

William Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with former DW UK Champion, Stijn De Raaf. Stijn, tonight you have a huge match against the impressive and unbeaten newcomer, Jonathan Sullivan, with the winner earning a shot at the DW UK Championship. How are you feeling going into this match?

Stijn De Raaf: (smirking confidently) William, let me make one thing clear. Jonathan Sullivan might be unbeaten, but he hasn’t faced anyone like me. I’m not just any competitor; I am the former DW UK Champion. I’ve been at the top, and I know what it takes to get there. Sullivan is just another obstacle in my path back to the championship.

William Smith: Sullivan has been very dominant in his matches so far. What’s your strategy to counter his strength and MMA background?

Stijn De Raaf: (laughs) Dominant? Strength? William, this is wrestling, not some cage fight. Sullivan might have his little MMA skills, but in this ring, it’s about intelligence, experience, and knowing how to bend the rules to your advantage. I’ve been in more wars than he can imagine, and I’ve come out on top because I’m smarter, faster, and more ruthless.

William Smith: You seem very confident, Stijn. Do you think you have an edge over Sullivan?

Stijn De Raaf: (leaning closer to the camera) Confidence is not just about believing you can win; it’s about knowing you’ve already won. Sullivan is stepping into my territory. He may be strong, but I’ve faced stronger. He may be skilled, but I’ve faced better. Tonight, I will expose him for the rookie he is and reclaim my spot as the top contender for the DW UK Championship.

William Smith: Any final words for Jonathan Sullivan before your match tonight?

Stijn De Raaf: (smirking wickedly) Sullivan, I hope you’re ready for a reality check. You’ve had a nice little run, but tonight, it ends. When you step into the ring with me, you’re not facing just any wrestler; you’re facing the future 2x DW UK Champion. Prepare to be outclassed, outmatched, and outsmarted. Your unbeaten streak is about to be shattered by the Dutch Destroyer.

As Stijn De Raaf finishes his words, he walks away with a confident stride, leaving William Smith standing alone with the microphone.

William Smith: There you have it, folks. Stijn De Raaf, determined and confident as ever, ready to take on Jonathan Sullivan. This is a match you won’t want to miss!

The camera fades out as the intensity of the upcoming match builds.

UK Championship #1 Contenders Match
Jonathan Sullivan vs. Stijn De Raaf

One Night Only

The camera cuts to the backstage area where Angelo Anderson is pacing back and forth, his expression a mixture of frustration and determination. The door swings open, and Bjorn Asulf, the towering Viking, steps in. Both men lock eyes, the tension palpable as they size each other up.

Angelo Anderson: (sarcastically) Great. Just what I needed, a Viking as my tag team partner.

Bjorn Asulf: (grunting) Trust me, Anderson, I’m not thrilled about this either. But if it means getting my hands on British Hospitality, I’ll tolerate you for one night.

Angelo Anderson: (smirking) We might not see eye to eye, but we both know those British Hospitality guys need to be taught a lesson. McRae especially.

Bjorn Asulf: (nodding) Agreed. They’re in our way. You want to prove a point, and I want to send a message to Thornfield.

Angelo Anderson: (crossing his arms) Fine. We put our differences aside for tonight. I don’t care if you don’t like me, and I sure as hell don’t like you. But we’re both out there to win.

Bjorn Asulf: (leaning closer) Just stay out of my way, Anderson. I’m not here to babysit you.

Angelo Anderson: (chuckling) Don’t worry about me, Viking. You focus on your part, and I’ll focus on mine.

There’s a brief, tense silence as they stare each other down, neither willing to back down. Finally, Bjorn breaks the silence.

Bjorn Asulf: (gritting his teeth) Tonight, we put British Hospitality in their place. After that, you’re on your own.

Angelo Anderson: (smirking) Couldn’t agree more. Let’s make sure they regret ever crossing us.

They share a nod of mutual, if reluctant, understanding. The tension is still thick, but there’s a shared goal that drives them forward. As they turn to leave, the camera catches the fire in their eyes, a clear indication that British Hospitality is in for a rough night.

The scene fades out as Anderson and Asulf walk down the hallway, side by side but clearly not allies, ready for their main event match.

Not Concerned

The camera cuts to the backstage area where DW interviewer William Smith is standing by with the undefeated DW UK Champion, ‘the Essex Pretty Boy’ Oliver Harrington. Harrington is dressed in his signature flashy attire, the UK Championship belt slung over his shoulder, though a hint of nervousness betrays his otherwise confident demeanor.

William Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, the reigning and unbeaten DW UK Champion, ‘the Essex Pretty Boy’ Oliver Harrington. Oliver, earlier tonight we witnessed Jonathan Sullivan secure his spot as the number one contender for your championship. Your thoughts?

Oliver Harrington: (forcing a confident smile) Oh, Billy boy, Jonathan Sullivan may have won his match, but let’s get one thing straight – he’s not in my league. I’ve been the reigning, unbeaten champion for a reason. I’ve faced tougher opponents and come out on top every single time.

William Smith: (raising an eyebrow) You certainly sound confident, but some might say Sullivan’s dominating performance tonight was impressive. Are you sure you’re not a bit concerned about facing him at Original Sinners?

Oliver Harrington: (scoffing) Concerned? Please! What is there to be concerned about? He’s just another newcomer, riding a wave of beginner’s luck. I’ve seen plenty of rookies come and go, and Sullivan will be no different.

As Harrington speaks, his eyes dart around, betraying his nervousness. He tries to regain his composure, adjusting the title belt on his shoulder.

William Smith: (noticing Harrington’s unease) But Sullivan has been quite dominant since his debut. Doesn’t that pose a unique challenge for you?

Oliver Harrington: (laughing unconvincingly) Dominant? He hasn’t faced someone of my caliber yet. This is a whole new level for him, and when he steps into the ring with me, he’ll realize just how out of his depth he is. I’m the Essex Pretty Boy, the greatest UK Champion in DW history. No one can touch me.

At that moment, Jonathan Sullivan walks past, fresh from his victory, still radiating confidence. He gives Harrington a smirk and a nod, clearly indicating he’s ready for the challenge. Harrington’s forced bravado falters for a moment as Sullivan exits the frame.

William Smith: (smirking) It seems Sullivan is more than ready for you, Oliver. Any final thoughts?

Oliver Harrington: (regaining his composure, but with a slight edge of desperation) Let him bring his best. It won’t matter. At Original Sinners, I’ll show everyone why I’m the undefeated champion. Sullivan might think he’s ready, but he’ll learn the hard way that no one, and I mean no one, takes this title from me.

With that, Harrington walks off, his confidence clearly shaken despite his words. The camera focuses on William Smith, who raises an eyebrow as he watches Harrington leave.

William Smith: Well, there you have it. The Essex Pretty Boy, Oliver Harrington, as confident as ever. But with Jonathan Sullivan now in the title picture, things are sure to heat up as we head towards Original Sinners. Back to you at ringside.

Tag Team Match
British Hospitality vs. Angelo Anderson & Bjorn Asulf


The crowd is still buzzing from the intense tag team match where Angelo Anderson and Bjorn Asulf defeated British Hospitality. The tension in the air is palpable as Anderson and Asulf stand in the ring, both eyeing each other warily. The fans are on their feet, sensing that things might explode between the two powerhouses.

Steve Pringle: What a match we just witnessed! Anderson and Asulf managed to pull off the victory, but look at them now! You can cut the tension with a knife!

Eddie Bates: These two men are anything but friends, Steve. I wouldn’t be surprised if this ring becomes a battleground any second now.

Anderson and Asulf slowly walk towards each other, their eyes locked in a fierce stare-down. The crowd begins to murmur, anticipating a fight. Suddenly, the lights dim and the haunting theme music of ‘the Raven King’ Cedric Thornfield hits, sending the crowd into a frenzy.

Steve Pringle: Wait a minute! It’s Cedric Thornfield! The DW Heavyweight Champion is here!

Eddie Bates: Things are about to get even more intense!

Thornfield storms down the ramp with a determined look on his face. He slides into the ring and immediately launches a vicious attack on Bjorn Asulf, hammering him with punches and kicks. The crowd erupts, half cheering for the chaos and half booing the unexpected assault.

Steve Pringle: Thornfield is unleashing on Asulf! He’s looking to get some revenge after what happened last week!

Anderson steps back, watching the chaos unfold with a smirk on his face. He makes no move to intervene, clearly content to let Thornfield and Asulf tear each other apart.

Eddie Bates: And look at Anderson, he’s just standing there, letting it all happen! He wants no part of this fight!

Thornfield continues his relentless assault on Asulf, driving him into the corner and pummeling him with fierce blows. Asulf tries to fight back, but Thornfield’s rage is too overwhelming. The crowd is in a frenzy, the arena filled with a mix of cheers and boos.

Steve Pringle: This is absolute chaos! Thornfield is taking out all his frustration on Asulf, and Anderson is just watching!

Finally, Thornfield steps back, allowing Asulf to slump to the mat. He stands tall, holding the DW Heavyweight Championship high above his head, glaring down at his fallen challenger. Anderson, still smirking, exits the ring and heads up the ramp, leaving the chaos behind.

Eddie Bates: Thornfield has made his statement loud and clear tonight. But you have to wonder, what’s going through Anderson’s mind?

Steve Pringle: One thing’s for sure, Eddie – the road to Original Sinners just got a whole lot more dangerous for everyone involved!

The show closes with Thornfield standing tall in the ring, the championship belt held high as the camera fades to black, leaving the crowd in a state of excitement and anticipation for what’s to come.

Steve Pringle: Good night, everyone, from Stratford Arena! We’ll see you next week on DW Clash!

The screen fades to the DW logo as the crowd continues to buzz with excitement.

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