Wrestler Name: “The Phenom” Stampede Kid
Height: 6’2″
Weight: 230lbs
Hometown: Calgary Alberta, Canada
Allignment: Face

Entrance Music: March Of The Dogs – Sum 41
Entrance Description: “The song is in quotes” (What I do is in brackets.)

The opening Guitar riff goes on for about 20 seconds and the arena flashes red and white in time with it. Then the words are spoken

“Ladies and Gentlemen of the Underclass: The President of the United States is DEAD!”

(a giant pyro goes off and Stampede Kid looks wild eyed into the crowd and Stampede Kid poses at the entranceway (Doing the Rock On! sign with both hands going in time with the music.)

(As the following goes Stampede Kid takes the time to give high fives to fans and give some lucky girls a hug.)
“I Don’t believe in the politics of chosen fools and hypocrites who walk a line that is stretched so fine. Is it Death or glory had in mind?”

(Stampede Kid then runs and slides into the ring as the song breaks out.)
“And here we go, I guess the resolution. No one knows Who’ll lead the revolution. Now attention grows the way to a conclusion.”

(Stampede Kid Orton like poses on each turnbuckle, starring the crowd down.)
“Its Too late theres no time, its too late theres no time. All for none, none for 1,2,3,4!
(Stampede Kid backflips off the turnbuckle and walks around the ring.)
(A loud gunshot like thing is heard at the word cunfusion and we see Stampede Kid orton posing in the middle of the ring and the 4 turnbuckles all have white smoke coming out from them.)

“March of the dogs to a beat of disilusion sworn under God bringing panic and confusion!

(Stampede Kid keeps posing until the word “begin” and the song then fades out.)
“The White flag is down send in the clowns, The carnival of sin is about to begin.”

Appearance: Stampede Kid has spikey Jet black hair, no shirt on showing off his 6-pac, he has black shiny (Indy pants) with the words “Stampede” written in flames it appears on the left outside leg and the word “Kid” on the right side in Icy writing. He is Also wearing black wrestling boots.

Wrestling Style: Spot Monkey (so basically a high flying heavyweight if that makes sence :S)

Finishing Move: 450 Handspring Phoenix Splash (The Ascension)

Set Up Move: Tigerbomb/double underhook powerbomb (The Welcoming)

Brief Character Overview: Stampede Kid was a nobody until one day he got his big break, he has been in 3 different federations and been champions in them all. Up until recently he was signed on exclusive contract with the ECF until he saw that the owners were corrupt. Stampede Kid is now looking for bigger and better things to do with his time. he is usually a really easy guy to get along with but if you piss him off then you might want to watch your back. Stampede Kid is a world Renown athlete as well, he won many scholarships thorugh high school but he refused them all for an undisclosed reason. Could it be the passion for the Ring or the fame, maybe a little mixture of both.

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