
Name: James Von Drake

Nicknames: JVD

Height: 6’2″

Weight: 230lbs

Date of Birth: Unknown

Hometown: Atlantic City, New Jersey

Personality:  Arrogant


Fighting Style: JVD is a classic all-rounder and is good enough to mix it up with competitors of all different styles. JVD is experienced enough to be unlikely to leave his feet during the match, however usually has his wife Lucy Von Drake at ringside who will often run interference with the referee and give him the advantage in his matches. JVD doesn’t use many different submission holds, and usually aims to wear his opponent down before finishing them off with his finisher move.

Crowd Reaction: Cheer

Finisher Name: The Dollar Drop

Finisher Description: Cradle Piledriver

Signature Moves: Sidewalk Slam, Boston crab, Neckbreaker, Russian Legsweep, T-bone Suplex, Backhand Chop, One-Handed Bulldog, Spinning Heel Kick, Double Underhook Powerbomb, Running Enzuigiri, Springboard Dropkick

Entrance Music: 


Career History: sVo (Las Vegas Champion x2, TapOut Champion x1)


JVD was born into a very rich family, with everyone expecting him to follow into his fathers footsteps and run the billion dollar company which had been built up in the family over the past three generations. However James turned his back on the family business and started wrestling training at a very young age, using his family money to get the best training that money could buy.

It wasn’t long before JVD burst onto the wrestling scene, and became one of the youngest champions in SWF history by winning the TV Title at the age of 19. It was also in to SWF where James met the woman who would later go on to become his wife, Lucy Von Drake. JVD went onto win the World title at the age of 21, and held it until the SWF closed shortly afterwards. JVD has since been in many other feds, only to find himself now joining the SVO in the hunt for more title belts.


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