Here are my predictions for each match at the Project: Violence ‘Dance of the Damned’ PPV event:

Puck vs. Dutch Ramirez

Prediction: Puck wins. His high-energy offense could outmatch Ramirez’s technical style and he will want payback after losing the last time out.

Midas vs. Dash Diaz

Prediction: Midas takes the victory. His striking power might overpower Diaz’s speed, and Katya Roux at ringside could be the difference maker.

TV Championship Match: Jakucho Akechi (c) vs. Setsuma Kojima

Prediction: Jakucho Akechi retains the title. Her methodical approach should counter Kojima’s intensity and she will extend the most impressive P:V TV Championship reign of all time.

Eight Person Tag Team Elimination Match

Elijah Drake, The Starr Brothers & Darwin Jones vs. Curtis Knight, Athena & The Legends Club
Prediction: Curtis Knight, Athena & The Legends Club win. Their experience and tactics could give them the edge and who knows where Darwin Jones is at in terms of loyalty.

International Heavyweight Championship Match: Boyd Jackson (c) vs. Masafumi Satake

Prediction: Masafumi Satake wins the championship. His precision striking might overcome Jackson’s power & he will be fired up to finally get his shot at the title.

P:V Tag Team Championship Match: The Anarchy Alliance (c) vs. The Masters of the Mat

Prediction: The Anarchy Alliance retains. Their brawling style should withstand the technical mastery of their challengers.

Main Event: P:V Heavyweight Championship Steel Cage Match: Adam Garcia (c) vs. Hate Watson

Prediction: Adam Garcia retains the Heavyweight Championship. His technical skill and resilience could prevail in the brutal steel cage environment, and Hate Watson might have made a mis-step with the stipulation as it neutralises the impact of Hate Eternal at ringside.


“Dance of the Damned” is set to deliver thrilling action with potential surprises. Each match offers unique dynamics, and these predictions highlight the excitement and unpredictability that define Project: Violence events.

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