sVo Showdown 198
Live on the HOTv Network
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
22nd September 2024

The camera pans across the electric atmosphere of the packed Goodfellas Casino Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. The crowd is buzzing with anticipation as the familiar theme music of sVo Showdown plays. The camera cuts to the commentary desk, where Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan are seated, ready to call the action for another explosive night of wrestling.

Julian Fiasco:
“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to sVo Showdown 198 live from the Goodfellas Casino Arena here in Las Vegas! We’ve got a stacked card tonight, and it’s all about the second round of the Victory Cup!”

Jeremiah Sloan:
“That’s right, Julian! We’re down to the final sixteen competitors in the prestigious Victory Cup, and tonight we’ll see five of those second-round matchups go down! Friendships will be tested, rivalries will be sparked, and we’ll get one step closer to finding out who will lift that trophy and get a shot at the sVo Championship!”

Julian Fiasco:
“And speaking of friendships being tested, our opening match tonight pits Dan Williams against his own tag team partner, Dave Miller, in a singles match! The Southern Boys are no strangers to tough competition, but I don’t think anyone expected to see them go head-to-head like this!”

Jeremiah Sloan:
“Amy Page sure knows how to stir the pot, Julian! There’s no telling what this match could do to the Southern Boys moving forward. Will it be a respectful contest, or will tensions boil over?”

Julian Fiasco:
“And let’s not forget, in our Victory Cup action tonight, we’ve got a huge matchup between the Roulette Champion Danny Domino and the relentless Dylan MacLeod. Both men looked dominant in their first-round matches, but only one can advance to the quarterfinals!”

Jeremiah Sloan:
“Plus, Victor Holland—one of the fastest rising stars in the sVo—will take on the mysterious and dangerous Scott Cole. And how about the ever-charismatic Alex Sterling going one-on-one with the veteran CJ Dreamer in what promises to be a show-stealer?”

Julian Fiasco:
“That’s not all, Jeremiah. We also have the Miami Maverick himself, Carlos Vasquez, facing off against Athena of the Legends Club in a second-round matchup! Athena’s momentum has been undeniable, but Vasquez is determined to prove he’s not out of the title picture after losing the Las Vegas Championship!”

Jeremiah Sloan:
“And of course, we can’t ignore the fallout from last night’s shocking events! Johnny All Star, Gunner Lang, and JD James showed up in Project Violence to help Darwin Jones assault their Champion Adam Garcia! These four men, formerly known as Horizon, just changed the landscape of professional wrestling by reigniting old alliances in a rival company!”

Julian Fiasco:
“What does this mean for sVo? What does it mean for Curtis Knight and the Legends Club, who have been gunning for Johnny All Star’s sVo Championship? So many questions, and we hope to get some answers tonight!”

Jeremiah Sloan:
“Strap in, folks, because it’s going to be one hell of a night here at Showdown 198! The second round of the Victory Cup starts now!”

The camera zooms in on the entrance ramp as the lights dim, signaling the start of the first match. The fans cheer wildly as the action gets underway!

Avengers Assemble

The lights in the arena dim as the music of sVo Champion Johnny All Star blares through the speakers. A mixed reaction of cheers and boos fills the Goodfellas Casino Arena as Johnny All Star walks out onto the stage, flanked by JD James, Gunner Lang, and the imposing figure of Project Violence wrestler Darwin Jones. The four men stand tall on the stage for a moment, soaking in the crowd’s response before making their way down to the ring, oozing confidence.

Once inside the ring, Johnny All Star grabs a microphone and gestures for the crowd to quiet down. The fans, still buzzing from their entrance, slowly settle as All Star raises the mic to his lips.

Johnny All Star:
“Now this… this is what you call an Avengers Assemble moment, right here!”

The crowd reacts with a mix of cheers and jeers, acknowledging the gravity of the reunion in the ring. JD James stands proudly beside All Star, while Gunner Lang and Darwin Jones look ready for a fight.

Johnny All Star:
“You see, last week, JD James brought the band back together. He brought Horizon back together. And for those of you who don’t know what that means? It means one thing: we’re here to take over, and we’re here to run the Legends Club out of business once and for all!”

The fans react loudly, some cheering for the idea of the Legends Club getting their comeuppance, while others boo the arrogance of Horizon.

Johnny All Star:
“Curtis Knight, Athena, Drew Hendrix, Buzz Marshall… you’ve been riding high, running roughshod over everyone in the sVo… everyone in the business! But let me remind you—there was a time when Horizon stood at the top of this business. And now that we’re back, stronger than ever, we’re not just going to knock you down. We’re going to make sure you never get back up again!”

JD James steps forward, nodding as All Star continues to fire up the crowd. He pats Johnny on the back as All Star points at the camera, directly addressing the Legends Club.

Johnny All Star:
“This isn’t just about me keeping my sVo Championship. This isn’t just about personal glory. This is about wiping the smirk off Curtis Knight’s face and putting an end to the so-called ‘dominance’ of the Legends Club. You think you’re untouchable? You think you’ve got all the power? Well, guess what? You’re looking at the men who are gonna tear it all down.”

All Star lowers the mic for a second, letting the weight of his words sink in, as JD James takes over.

JD James:
“And trust me, Legends Club, this ain’t over. Not by a long shot. I’ve been pulling the strings, making the calls, and assembling the pieces to take you out. You see Gunner Lang here? You thought he was down and out, but we pulled him right back into the fold! Darwin Jones? He’s been wrecking people in Project Violence, and now he’s here with us to do the same to you! We have just one more piece to add to the puzzle….”

Gunner Lang and Darwin Jones nod, standing tall as the crowd reacts, unsure of how to feel about this powerhouse alliance.

Johnny All Star:
“We’re not done yet, Legends Club. You’ve been put on notice. This is just the beginning. Horizon is back, and we’re coming for every one of you. Curtis Knight, you want a shot at my title? You better bring your whole crew, because it won’t be enough!”

The crowd erupts as All Star lowers the mic, his intense stare locked on the camera, sending a clear message to the Legends Club. The four men stand united in the ring, with a sense of foreboding lingering in the air.

Johnny All Star, JD James, Gunner Lang, and Darwin Jones exit the ring, walking up the ramp with purpose, as the crowd continues to buzz about the return of Horizon and the war brewing with the Legends Club.

Ready for the Bully

Backstage at the Goodfellas Casino Arena, Katie Smith stands in front of the sVo logo with a microphone in hand. Standing beside her is the young, focused Canadian wrestler, Dylan MacLeod. MacLeod, dressed in his wrestling gear, radiates determination as he gets ready for his Victory Cup second-round match later tonight against “The Bully” Danny Domino.

Katie Smith:
“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Dylan MacLeod! Dylan, tonight you step into the ring for your second-round match in the Victory Cup tournament, and it’s no easy task—you’re going up against the current sVo Roulette Champion, ‘The Bully’ Danny Domino. How are you feeling going into this crucial match?”

MacLeod nods thoughtfully as he listens to the question, before bringing the mic closer to himself.

Dylan MacLeod:
“Thanks, Katie. Honestly, I’m feeling ready. I’ve been preparing for this moment since I set foot in sVo, and every step of this Victory Cup has been an opportunity for me to prove what I’m capable of. I know Danny Domino is no joke. He’s the Roulette Champion for a reason—he’s aggressive, ruthless, and he’ll do whatever it takes to win.”

MacLeod pauses, his expression growing more serious.

Dylan MacLeod:
“But you know what? That’s not gonna stop me. I know I’m young, I know I’ve still got a lot to prove in this business, but I didn’t come here to play it safe. I came here to take risks, to fight the best, and to win. And tonight, Danny Domino is just another obstacle I’ve got to overcome.”

Katie nods, acknowledging MacLeod’s confidence.

Katie Smith:
“Danny Domino certainly is a tough opponent, especially with his reputation as ‘The Bully’ in the ring. What’s your strategy going into a match against someone who plays mind games as much as he does physical ones?”

MacLeod thinks for a moment before answering, his determination evident.

Dylan MacLeod:
“Domino likes to get inside people’s heads—he thrives on intimidation. But I’ve faced bullies before, and I know the key is to stand your ground and not let them control the pace. I’ve watched how he operates, and I’m not walking into this match blind. I’ve got a game plan, and it’s to stay one step ahead of him. No matter what tricks he pulls, I’ll be ready.”

Katie Smith:
“And should you win tonight, that means advancing further in the Victory Cup tournament, a tournament that’s already shaping up to be fiercely competitive. How important is it for you to win the whole thing?”

MacLeod smiles slightly, his eyes lighting up at the thought.

Dylan MacLeod:
“Winning the Victory Cup would mean everything, Katie. This tournament is my chance to make a statement—not just to Danny Domino, not just to the sVo fans, but to everyone watching. It’s my chance to show that I belong here with the best. I’ve got my eyes on the prize, and I’m going to give everything I’ve got tonight to make sure I move one step closer to that Victory Cup.”

MacLeod straightens up, confidence radiating from him.

Dylan MacLeod:
“Look, I respect what Danny Domino has done, but tonight is about proving that I’m not just some kid with potential—I’m the real deal. And if he wants to bully me, he’s gonna find out that this Canadian can hit back harder than he ever expected.”

Katie Smith:
“Strong words, Dylan. We’re all looking forward to seeing your performance later tonight. Best of luck in your second-round Victory Cup match against Danny Domino.”

MacLeod nods one last time, a steely determination in his eyes as he steps away from the interview and walks off toward the locker room, ready for the challenge ahead.

Katie Smith:
“There you have it, folks—Dylan MacLeod, focused and ready for his match later tonight. Will he be able to take down the sVo Roulette Champion, Danny Domino? We’ll find out soon!”

The camera fades to black as the show returns to ringside.

Single Match
Dan Williams vs. Dave Miller


After an intense battle between Dan Williams and Dave Miller, the crowd at the Goodfellas Casino Arena is on their feet. Williams has just emerged victorious in a hard-fought match where neither man gave an inch. Both members of the Southern Boys stand in the center of the ring, breathing heavily but smiling. The tension of the match melts away as the two men shake hands, embracing in a show of unity. The fans erupt into cheers, appreciating the sportsmanship and the bond between the tag team partners.

Williams raises Miller’s arm in the air as they acknowledge the crowd, the bond of the Southern Boys stronger than ever despite their hard-fought encounter. Just as the atmosphere seems triumphant, a sudden shift in the crowd’s reaction signals danger.

From the stage, Rick Reid and Scott Washington—Amy Page’s brutal enforcers—rush down to the ring. The fans boo loudly as the hulking duo storms down the ramp with bad intentions written all over their faces.

Julian Fiasco (commentator):
“Wait a minute, what the hell is this?!”

Jeremiah Sloan (commentator):
“That’s Rick Reid and Scott Washington! Amy Page’s enforcers! This is not good news for the Southern Boys!”

Williams and Miller barely have time to react as Reid and Washington slide into the ring and immediately lay into them with vicious clubbing blows from behind. The Southern Boys are caught off guard, quickly overwhelmed by the brutal assault.

The cheers from the crowd turn to boos as Reid and Washington stomp the Southern Boys down to the mat, showing no mercy. Williams tries to fight back, but Reid drives a knee into his ribs, sending him crashing back to the canvas. Miller attempts to rise, but Washington is relentless, delivering a massive boot to the side of Miller’s head, flattening him to the mat.

Julian Fiasco:
“This is a disgusting display! The Southern Boys gave us everything in that match, and now they’re being torn apart by these hired thugs!”

Jeremiah Sloan:
“This is retaliation from Amy Page! The Southern Boys didn’t hold back in their match tonight, and it looks like they’re being punished for it!”

Reid and Washington continue their assault, stomping and pounding away on the downed Southern Boys as the crowd’s boos grow louder. The enforcers show no signs of stopping, determined to send a message on behalf of Amy Page.

Finally, with the damage done, Reid and Washington stand tall over the broken bodies of Dan Williams and Dave Miller, their expressions cold and remorseless.

Julian Fiasco:
“Unbelievable! This is a brutal assault, completely uncalled for! The Southern Boys were just put through a grueling match, and now this?!”

Jeremiah Sloan:
“This is Amy Page’s way of reminding everyone who’s in charge. Reid and Washington just did her dirty work, and the Southern Boys are paying the price!”

The enforcers exit the ring, leaving the Southern Boys motionless in the middle of it. The crowd continues to boo as Reid and Washington head up the ramp, looking pleased with their handiwork.

The camera cuts back to the ring, where medical staff rush in to check on the fallen Southern Boys. The once-celebratory mood has turned somber as the fans look on with concern, the brutal message from Amy Page and her enforcers now crystal clear.

Julian Fiasco:
“This is far from over. Amy Page just made things personal.”

The camera lingers on the fallen Southern Boys before cutting to a commercial break.

The Real Legend

Backstage, the camera zooms in on Katie Smith, standing next to the charismatic and always intense Carlos Vasquez, known for his Scarface-inspired persona. Vasquez, with his signature flashy suit, gold chains, and a smirk that exudes both danger and confidence, looks ready for his match later tonight. Katie holds the microphone, maintaining her composure as she prepares to ask her questions.

Katie Smith:
“Ladies and gentlemen, joining me now is ‘The Miami Maverick’ Carlos Vasquez. Carlos, later tonight you step into the ring against Athena of the Legends Club in the second round of the Victory Cup. After your impressive victory in the first round, how are you feeling heading into tonight’s match?”

Vasquez chuckles, adjusting his suit jacket and flashing a gold-toothed grin before leaning into the microphone.

Carlos Vasquez:
“How am I feeling, chica? Let me tell you something—you see this? This is destiny, baby. Athena? She’s tough, no doubt about it. Legends Club? They think they run this place, huh? But I ain’t afraid of no legends or no clubs. I’m Carlos Vasquez, man. I run these streets, and tonight, I show everyone why they call me the Miami Maverick.”

Vasquez flicks his wrist, as if dismissing any doubts about his confidence.

Katie Smith:
“Some say Athena is one of the most dangerous members of the Legends Club, and with the backing of Curtis Knight and the rest of the group, do you feel like you might be walking into a trap tonight?”

Vasquez narrows his eyes, his smirk fading into a more serious expression as he leans in closer.

Carlos Vasquez:
“Let me tell you something about traps, Katie. Where I come from, traps are set by people who don’t got the guts to handle things face-to-face. Athena and her little boys? They think they scare me? I grew up in the streets of Miami, surrounded by danger every single day. These so-called ‘Legends’ got nothing on me. They try to play games with Carlos Vasquez, they gonna regret it. You mess with the bull, you get the horns, baby.”

Katie nods, sensing the intensity in Vasquez’s voice. She quickly moves on to her next question.

Katie Smith:
“Now, Carlos, if you win tonight, you’ll move one step closer to that Victory Cup and possibly face even tougher competition down the line. What would it mean to you to win this tournament and solidify your place at the top of the sVo?”

Vasquez leans back, a sly grin spreading across his face as if the thought of winning the tournament excites him.

Carlos Vasquez:
“Let me break it down for you, Katie. Winning the Victory Cup? That’s my ticket to the top, baby. That’s what it’s all about. You see, I ain’t just here to be another face in the crowd. I didn’t come to sVo to be some average Joe. I came here to take what’s mine—the fame, the power, the respect. You understand? I want that gold, and the Victory Cup? That’s gonna get me there. Athena, she’s just another obstacle in my way. And once I get past her, I’ll show everyone what happens when you put Carlos Vasquez at the top.”

Vasquez points toward the camera, his confidence and determination clear as he speaks. He’s not just here for the match tonight; he’s here to dominate.

Katie Smith:
“And finally, Carlos, you’ve made quite the impact since arriving here in sVo. Do you have any final words for Athena before your match tonight?”

Vasquez turns toward the camera, his expression turning cold and menacing as he addresses Athena directly.

Carlos Vasquez:
“Athena, listen up, sweetheart. You might be tough, you might have your little Legends Club backing you up, but tonight? Tonight, you step into my world. And in my world, there’s only one rule—survival of the fittest. I’m gonna put you down like the rest, and when I’m standing over you in that ring, you’ll know… Carlos Vasquez is the real legend in this business. So, you better get ready, ‘cause tonight? I’m taking you out, chica.”

He gives the camera one final menacing smirk before turning back to Katie.

Katie Smith:
“Thank you, Carlos. Ladies and gentlemen, Carlos Vasquez takes on Athena of the Legends Club later tonight in the second round of the Victory Cup. You won’t want to miss it!”

The camera zooms in on Vasquez, who gives a final nod of confidence before walking off, ready for his match.

Victory Cup Round 2 Match
Scott Cole vs. Victor Holland

The Bully is Ready

Backstage, the camera cuts to Katie Smith, standing alongside the sVo Roulette Champion, ‘The Bully’ Danny Domino. Domino, dressed in his ring gear and proudly holding his Roulette Championship over his shoulder, looks confident and intense as ever. Katie flashes a professional smile, ready to get to the bottom of his thoughts.

Katie Smith:
“Ladies and gentlemen, joining me now is the sVo Roulette Champion, ‘The Bully’ Danny Domino. Danny, tonight you face Dylan MacLeod in a Victory Cup second-round match. How are you feeling heading into this big matchup?”

Domino adjusts his title, a smirk crossing his face as he leans into the microphone.

Danny Domino:
“Katie, I’m feeling exactly how I should feel—like the most dangerous man in that locker room. You think I’m worried about some kid from Canada? I’m ‘The Bully,’ and I’m standing here with this Roulette Championship for a reason. Dylan MacLeod might be young, he might be hungry, but he’s stepping into my ring tonight, and that means he’s stepping into a fight he can’t win.”

Domino taps the faceplate of the Roulette Championship for emphasis, his eyes burning with confidence.

Katie Smith:
“You’ve certainly proven your dominance in sVo, Danny. But Dylan MacLeod has been impressive in this tournament, knocking out Trailer Trash Terry in the first round. He’s looking to make a name for himself. Do you think he could be a real threat tonight?”

Danny Domino’s expression changes to a sneer as he shakes his head, clearly unimpressed.

Danny Domino:
“Dylan MacLeod got lucky in the first round, plain and simple. Trailer Trash Terry isn’t on my level, and neither is MacLeod. Yeah, the kid’s got potential, but potential doesn’t win championships. Potential doesn’t win tournaments. I’ve been in this business long enough to know that all the hype in the world doesn’t mean a damn thing once that bell rings.”

Domino steps closer to Katie, his intensity radiating off him as he speaks.

Danny Domino:
“MacLeod is just another obstacle, just another name that’s gonna get crossed off my list. I’ve already secured my place as Roulette Champion, and tonight, I’m moving one step closer to securing my place as the Victory Cup winner. This tournament? It’s mine for the taking.”

Katie Smith:
“But if you win tonight, that means you’ll face either Alex Sterling or CJ Dreamer in the next round. Do you think about who’s next or are you solely focused on Dylan tonight?”

Domino smirks, shaking his head dismissively.

Danny Domino:
“I’m always thinking a few steps ahead, Katie. Sterling, Dreamer, it doesn’t matter. I’ll deal with them when the time comes. Right now, the only thing I’m focused on is putting MacLeod in his place, showing him what happens when you step up to a champion and try to make a name off my back. After tonight, there’ll be no doubt that I’m running through everyone in this tournament, just like I run through my opponents every night.”

Katie Smith:
“One last question, Danny. You’ve been dominant as Roulette Champion, but this is about more than just that title. What does winning the Victory Cup mean to you?”

Danny Domino looks down at his championship before meeting Katie’s eyes with a serious expression.

Danny Domino:
“Winning the Victory Cup means everything. It’s about proving I’m not just the Roulette Champion, I’m the best damn wrestler in this company. It’s about cementing my legacy. I’m not here to just hold one title—I’m here to hold them all, and to do that, I need to win this tournament. Tonight’s just another step toward that goal.”

Domino glares into the camera, sending a clear message to his opponent.

Danny Domino:
“Dylan MacLeod? He’s not walking out of here with his hand raised. Not tonight. I’ve worked too hard, and I’ve fought too many battles to let some up-and-comer derail me. The Victory Cup is mine. And after I’m done with MacLeod, everyone’s gonna know that.”

Katie Smith:
“Thank you, Danny. Best of luck tonight.”

Domino doesn’t respond, giving Katie a final smirk before walking off, ready for his match. Katie turns back to the camera with a professional smile.

Katie Smith:
“Danny Domino, confident as ever. His second-round Victory Cup match against Dylan MacLeod is coming up next!”

The camera fades out as the anticipation builds for the upcoming match.

Victory Cup Round 2 Match
Dylan MacLeod vs. Danny Domino

Number One Spot

The camera cuts to the locker room of the Legends Club, where the atmosphere is tense. Athena sits on a bench, taping her wrists and mentally preparing for her match against Carlos Vasquez. The rest of the Legends Club—Curtis Knight, Buzz Marshall, and Drew Hendrix—are standing nearby. Curtis Knight paces back and forth, visibly fuming about the emergence of Horizon, the rival group that has thrown down the gauntlet in recent weeks.

Curtis Knight:
(gritting his teeth)
“I can’t believe these idiots think they can just waltz back in here and challenge us. Horizon? Really? Johnny All Star, Gunner Lang, Darwin Jones—back together again with JD James pulling the strings. They think they can take our spot at the top of this industry?”

Athena doesn’t look up, focused on her upcoming match, but Buzz Marshall, leaning casually against the wall, steps in to calm their leader down.

Buzz Marshall:
“Relax, Curtis. You’re getting all worked up over nothing. Look, Horizon might’ve made a big splash last week, but we still got the numbers game in our favor. Four to three, remember? JD James? Come on, that guy’s just a mouthpiece. He’s no threat. He’s nothing but a worthless manager.”

Curtis Knight stops pacing and shoots a dark glare at Buzz, but his anger seems to subside slightly as he considers the numbers game.

Curtis Knight:
“You think I don’t know that, Buzz? It’s not about numbers. It’s about what they represent. They’re trying to take our throne, trying to make us look weak. JD James might be just a manager, but Horizon has momentum on their side, and that makes them dangerous.”

Drew Hendrix, standing in the corner with his arms crossed, finally speaks up.

Drew Hendrix:
“They had one good night, Curtis. That doesn’t change who we are. We’re still the top dogs around here. Horizon can run around like they own the place, but we’re gonna remind them real quick who’s in charge.”

Athena, still focused on her match, finally looks up, her face showing calm determination.

“Let them run their mouths. Tonight, I take care of Vasquez. One by one, we’ll take them all out—just like we’ve done to every other group that’s come for us.”

Curtis Knight nods, though he’s still clearly on edge. He turns back toward the rest of the group, addressing them with cold authority.

Curtis Knight:
“Buzz, Drew, make sure you’re ready. We’re gonna need to put Horizon down hard, and soon. But right now? Athena’s right. Focus. She’s got Vasquez next, and I want him sent back to Miami with nothing but broken dreams.”

Buzz Marshall smirks, cracking his knuckles.

Buzz Marshall:
“Don’t worry, boss. We’ll handle Horizon. Athena’s got this. And when we’re done? They’ll regret ever trying to challenge the Legends Club.”

Curtis Knight takes a deep breath and seems to calm down, a dark smirk forming on his face as he looks at Athena, who has risen to her feet and is now ready for her match.

Curtis Knight:
“Good. Let’s remind everyone that no one—and I mean no one—takes our spot.”

The camera lingers on the Legends Club, who seem unified despite Curtis Knight’s frustration. Athena gives her final nod to the group, and without another word, she heads out of the locker room, ready to face Carlos Vasquez next.

The scene fades as the Legends Club watches her leave, still confident in their position, but aware that Horizon is a threat they need to deal with.

Victory Cup Round 2 Match
Carlos Vasquez vs. Athena

The Leading Man

The scene cuts backstage where Katie Smith is standing by, microphone in hand, alongside Alex Sterling, who is dressed in his ring gear with a Hollywood-themed jacket draped over his shoulders. Sterling exudes confidence, his trademark grin lighting up the screen as he adjusts his aviator sunglasses, clearly in his element as the superstar obsessed with all things Hollywood.

Katie Smith:
“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Alex Sterling! Alex, tonight you take on CJ Dreamer in the main event, a second-round match in the Victory Cup tournament. What’s your mindset going into this match, knowing what’s at stake?”

Alex Sterling pulls down his sunglasses slightly, his smirk widening as he considers Katie’s question. He leans into the microphone, clearly playing to the camera.

Alex Sterling:
“Katie, Katie, Katie… You know, this whole Victory Cup? It’s like one of those big, blockbuster sequels. And guess what? I’m the leading man! CJ Dreamer? He’s just the plucky underdog, the side character who’s not even gonna make it past the second act.”

Sterling pushes his sunglasses back up, mimicking the action of a Hollywood action hero adjusting his gear before the final showdown.

Alex Sterling:
“See, I’ve seen this movie a hundred times. It’s like a classic ‘David vs. Goliath’ setup, but the twist? I’m both David and Goliath! I’ve got the talent, the looks, the charisma—everything the audience loves. CJ? He’s got heart, sure. But heart doesn’t sell tickets, Katie.”

Katie looks a little taken aback by Sterling’s arrogance, but presses on with her questioning.

Katie Smith:
“But Alex, CJ Dreamer is known for overcoming the odds, and he’s been on quite the roll lately. Doesn’t that worry you heading into tonight’s match?”

Sterling lets out a theatrical laugh, clearly playing up his Hollywood persona.

Alex Sterling:
“Overcoming the odds? Please. That’s every underdog story ever written. But here’s the thing about underdogs—they lose in real life. Dreamer’s roll? Consider it the montage scene right before the hero gets knocked down to reality. Tonight, he’s gonna realize that I’m the star of this show. The script has already been written, Katie, and spoiler alert—I’m winning the Victory Cup.

Katie shifts gears, bringing up the next round of the tournament.

Katie Smith:
“Speaking of winning, if you get past CJ Dreamer tonight, you’re one step closer to the finals. How does it feel knowing that you’re inching closer to the grand prize?”

Sterling adjusts his jacket, pausing for dramatic effect before delivering his answer with full Hollywood flair.

Alex Sterling:
“How does it feel? It feels like standing on the red carpet at the Oscars, knowing you’ve already won Best Actor! The Victory Cup is my award, and I’m taking it home with me. CJ Dreamer? He’s just another extra in the scene—no lines, no big moment. This is my time to shine, and when I win the Victory Cup, it’ll be the biggest box office smash of the year.”

Katie Smith, slightly exasperated by his over-the-top arrogance, pushes one final question.

Katie Smith:
“Finally, Alex, any last words for CJ Dreamer before you two meet in the ring tonight?”

Sterling pulls his sunglasses off entirely, his smile turning slightly more serious as he steps closer to the camera.

Alex Sterling:
“CJ, if you’re watching—tonight, you’re walking into a Hollywood blockbuster. But here’s the thing, pal—there’s only room for one leading man. And it ain’t you. The credits are gonna roll with me standing victorious, and all you’ll have is a one-way ticket back to the undercard. Welcome to the big leagues.”

With that, Sterling slips his sunglasses back on, gives Katie a wink, and strides off, ready for the main event.

Katie Smith:
“Well, there you have it. Confident as always, Alex Sterling prepares to take on CJ Dreamer in the second round of the Victory Cup, and it’s sure to be a blockbuster match. Back to you guys at ringside!”

The camera fades as Katie Smith watches Sterling head off, clearly focused on his upcoming match.

Victory Cup Round 2 Match
Alex Sterling vs. CJ Dreamer

Global Organised Chaos

The camera cuts to the backstage office of COO Amy Page. Curtis Knight, Buzz Marshall, Drew Hendrix, and Athena—members of the Legends Club—storm into the room, clearly furious. Amy Page is seated behind her desk, unfazed by their entrance, as Curtis Knight leads the charge, slamming his fist down on the desk.

Curtis Knight:
“Amy, this needs to stop now! You’ve got Darwin Jones and JD James running around here like they own the place, and they’re not even signed to sVo contracts! I want them gone, and I want my title match against Johnny All Star booked for next week!”

Knight’s eyes burn with intensity, his voice booming through the room. The rest of the Legends Club stand behind him, equally incensed. Buzz Marshall nods in agreement, and Drew Hendrix crosses his arms, staring down Page, while Athena remains focused, keeping her energy reserved.

Amy Page, calm as ever, leans back in her chair and smirks at the group. She taps her fingers on the desk thoughtfully before responding.

Amy Page:
“You want them gone, Curtis? And you want your title shot next week?”

Knight steps forward, pointing aggressively at her.

Curtis Knight:
“That’s right. I want that title shot now, and I want those Horizon rejects out of here before they cause any more chaos.”

Amy raises an eyebrow, clearly amused by the demand. She stands up slowly, walking around the desk and standing face to face with Knight, showing that she’s not intimidated in the slightest.

Amy Page:
“I’ve got a better idea, Curtis. You want chaos? You want to prove that you’re the top dog? Well, at the Global Takeover inter-promotional PPV in October, we’re going to have an Organised Chaos match.”

Knight looks intrigued but slightly confused as he folds his arms, tilting his head in interest. The rest of the Legends Club exchange glances, unsure of where she’s going with this.

Curtis Knight:
“Organised Chaos? You can’t be serious!?”

Amy steps back, her smirk widening as she reveals her plan.

Amy Page:
“It’s simple. Horizon—Johnny All Star, Gunner Lang, Darwin Jones, and JD James—will face off against the Legends Club. The winning team gets to choose the stipulation for your sVo World Championship match against Johnny All Star at Ultimate Victory!

The room falls silent for a moment as the Legends Club processes the stipulation. Curtis Knight rubs his chin, a wicked grin slowly spreading across his face as he realizes the opportunity before him.

Curtis Knight:
“You mean, we get to decide the stipulation if we win?”

Amy nods confidently.

Amy Page:
“That’s right. You win the match at Global Takeover, and you can choose any stipulation you want for your title shot. But if Horizon wins? Well, they get to make the call.”

Buzz Marshall chuckles, stepping forward.

Buzz Marshall:
“Let me guess, JD James is counting as a competitor? That washed-up manager won’t stand a chance.”

Amy shrugs, her smile never fading.

Amy Page:
“Horizon are free to pick their four competitors as they see fit. JD James is part of Horizon, like it or not. You’ll just have to deal with it.”

Curtis Knight’s grin is now full-blown as he turns to his teammates, clearly liking the odds and the potential reward. He nods before turning back to Amy.

Curtis Knight:
“Alright, Amy. You’ve got yourself a deal. We’ll take Horizon out at Global Takeover, and then I’ll make sure that All Star’s title reign ends at Ultimate Victory—on my terms.”

Amy Page nods, pleased with the agreement.

Amy Page:
“Good. Get ready for Global Takeover, Curtis. It’s going to be a night the Legends Club won’t forget.”

Curtis Knight and the Legends Club turn to leave the office, looking more confident than ever. As they exit, Curtis Knight looks back over his shoulder, smirking one last time before disappearing down the hallway.

The camera lingers on Amy Page, who sits back down at her desk, satisfied with the chaos she has just orchestrated.

*The show fades to black, leaving the fans buzzing about the high-stakes *Organised Chaos* match at Global Takeover and what it will mean for the future of the sVo Championship.*

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