sVo Showdown 190
Live on the HOTv Network
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
21st July 2024

The scene opens with a sweeping aerial shot of the vibrant Las Vegas Strip, glittering under the neon lights as night falls. The camera zooms in on the iconic Goodfellas Casino Arena, buzzing with excitement. Fans are lined up outside, holding signs and chanting in anticipation for sVo Showdown. The camera transitions inside the arena, capturing the roaring crowd, waving signs, and holding up merchandise as the energy builds to a fever pitch.

Jeremiah Sloan: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to sVo Showdown 190, live from the Goodfellas Casino Arena in the heart of Las Vegas! I’m Jeremiah Sloan, alongside my partner Julian Fiasco, and what a night we have in store for you!

Julian Fiasco: That’s right, Jeremiah! We are just one week removed from the Roll the Dice PPV, where we witnessed one of the most shocking moments in sVo history! Johnny All Star captured the sVo Championship in controversial fashion, thanks to the interference from ‘The Legends Club’!

Highlights from the Roll the Dice PPV flash across the screen: Johnny All Star’s desperate struggle against Anthony Moretti, the lights going out, and ‘The Legends Club’—Curtis Knight, Athena, Drew Hendrix, and Buzz Marshall—surrounding Moretti and delivering a brutal beatdown before All Star capitalized to win the sVo Championship.

Jeremiah Sloan: The Legends Club made a statement last week, and tonight we will surely hear from the new sVo Champion, Johnny All Star, and his new allies. But you can bet Anthony Moretti and Blood Money will be out for revenge!

Julian Fiasco: And speaking of Blood Money, they had a rough night at Roll the Dice. Not only did Moretti lose his title, but Joe Barone failed to capture the International Heavyweight Championship, and their other members were mysteriously attacked throughout the night.

The camera cuts to various shots of fans in the arena, some wearing Johnny All Star merchandise, others holding signs supporting Blood Money or condemning the Legends Club.

Julian Fiasco: Plus, we’ve got an action-packed card for you tonight! The new #1 contender for the Las Vegas Championship, Carlos Vasquez, will be in action, and we’ll hear from COO Amy Page about the future of sVo under the newly formed Sanctioned Violence Network!

The camera cuts to the entrance ramp as fireworks explode, signaling the start of the show. The fans are on their feet, cheering wildly.

Jeremiah Sloan: Buckle up, folks, because sVo Showdown 190 is about to begin, and it’s going to be a night you won’t forget!

Julian Fiasco: Let’s get this show on the road!

The camera pans across the enthusiastic crowd one more time before cutting to the first segment of the night, as the sVo Showdown 190 logo appears on the screen, and the familiar theme music blasts through the arena speakers.

The Legends Club Arrive

The arena lights dim, and the new sVo Champion, Johnny All Star, makes his entrance to a chorus of boos from the fans. He is flanked by the imposing figures of the Legends Club: Curtis Knight, Athena, Drew Hendrix, and Buzz Marshall. The group walks confidently to the ring, with All Star proudly holding the sVo Championship belt high above his head.

Jeremiah Sloan: And here comes the new sVo Champion, Johnny All Star, alongside the Legends Club. The fans here in Las Vegas are letting them know exactly how they feel about last week’s events.

Julian Fiasco: Can you blame them, Jeremiah? All Star’s victory at Roll the Dice was marred by the shocking interference from these Project:Violence invaders!

The group climbs into the ring, and All Star takes a moment to soak in the hostile reaction from the crowd. He raises a microphone to his lips as the boos grow louder.

Johnny All Star: (smirking) Boo all you want, but I’m standing here as your new sVo Champion!

The boos intensify, with some fans even throwing trash toward the ring. All Star waits for a moment before continuing.

Johnny All Star: You know, I had to do whatever it takes to save my career and win this championship. That meant bringing in a group even more dominating than Blood Money. It meant bringing in the Legends Club!

The Legends Club members nod approvingly as the fans continue to jeer. All Star hands the microphone to Curtis Knight, who steps forward with a menacing grin.

Curtis Knight: (sneering) sVo, you’ve just witnessed the beginning of a new era. The Legends Club is here to dominate, just like we dominated Project:Violence. We’re not here to make friends. We’re here to take over!

The boos grow even louder, nearly drowning out Knight’s words. The Legends Club stands tall, unfazed by the crowd’s reaction.

Jeremiah Sloan: This is a bold declaration from the Legends Club, Julian. If their actions at Roll the Dice are any indication, they’re here to wreak havoc.

Julian Fiasco: And with Johnny All Star leading the charge as the sVo Champion, they might just do that!

Knight and All Star shake hands in the middle of the ring, solidifying their alliance. The rest of the Legends Club members stand behind them, creating an imposing visual.

Johnny All Star: (raising the championship belt) This is just the beginning. The Legends Club will reign supreme, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it!

The fans boo even louder as the Legends Club stands united in the ring, the sVo Championship belt gleaming under the arena lights.

Jeremiah Sloan: It looks like the sVo has a new dominant faction, and they’re not afraid to throw their weight around!

Julian Fiasco: The landscape of the sVo has changed, and it’s going to be one heck of a ride to see who steps up to challenge this new alliance!

The camera captures the defiant faces of the Legends Club and Johnny All Star, before cutting to a commercial break, leaving the fans buzzing with anticipation and anger.

Say Hello

Backstage, the lights are set perfectly to create a dramatic atmosphere as Katie Smith stands with a microphone in hand, ready for her next interview. The camera pans to reveal the ‘Miami Maverick’ Carlos Vasquez, looking every bit the part of a ruthless competitor. He wears a flashy suit, his eyes hidden behind designer sunglasses, exuding confidence and arrogance. The sVo logo glows behind them as Katie begins the interview.

Katie Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with the man who won the #1 contendership match last week against five tough opponents. Tonight, he faces Anthony Moretti for the Las Vegas Championship in the main event. Please welcome ‘the Miami Maverick,’ Carlos Vasquez.

Vasquez removes his sunglasses slowly, staring intently into the camera before flashing a sinister smile.

Katie Smith: Carlos, congratulations on your victory last week. How are you feeling going into tonight’s main event against Anthony Moretti?

Carlos Vasquez: (in a thick Cuban accent, channeling Tony Montana) Katie, lemme tell ya somethin’. Last week, I showed everyone why I’m the baddest hombre in this business. Those five opponents? They were just a warm-up, chica. Tonight, Anthony Moretti is gonna find out what happens when you step in the ring with the Miami Maverick.

Katie Smith: You certainly displayed a lot of tenacity and skill in that match. What’s your strategy going into your title match tonight?

Carlos Vasquez: (grinning) Strategy? I don’t need no fancy strategy. I got one rule, Katie: the world is mine, and tonight, that Las Vegas Championship is gonna be mine too. Moretti? He’s just a stepping stone. He thinks he’s tough with his Blood Money crew, but I’m the real deal. I didn’t come here to play nice. I came here to take what’s mine.

Katie Smith: Moretti is known for his resilience and his ability to hold onto that championship by any means necessary. How do you plan to counter that?

Carlos Vasquez: (laughing) Resilience? He ain’t seen nothin’ yet. I’ve clawed my way up from the streets of Miami to be here. I’ve faced tougher guys than Moretti on a bad day. Tonight, I’m gonna show him that his little reign is over. He can bring his Blood Money pals, his tricks, whatever he wants. It won’t matter.

Katie Smith: You seem very confident, Carlos. Do you have any final words for Anthony Moretti before your match tonight?

Carlos Vasquez: (staring into the camera with intensity) Moretti, you better listen good, ’cause I ain’t gonna repeat myself. You’re lookin’ at the next Las Vegas Champion. When I’m done with you, there won’t be no doubt who runs this place. You’re facin’ the Miami Maverick, the baddest, meanest son of a gun in the sVo. And tonight, chico, I’m takin’ that title, whether you like it or not. Say hello to your new champion.

Vasquez smirks, putting his sunglasses back on as he walks off screen, leaving Katie Smith looking a bit uneasy but professional as ever.

Katie Smith: There you have it, folks. Carlos Vasquez is ready and determined to take on Anthony Moretti for the Las Vegas Championship tonight. It’s going to be an explosive main event. Don’t miss it!

The camera fades out, cutting back to the arena where the anticipation for the main event continues to build.

Single Match
Danny Domino vs. Victor Holland

commercial break

Tokyo Turmoil
Presented by the Sanctioned Violence Network
The first ever International Tag Team Champions will be crowned, as the top teams from the sVo, P:V, DW, RSPW, LdCE & the Network Affiliates do battle!
18th August 2024
Samurai Summit Arena & Casino, Tokyo Japan

Changed My Mind

Backstage, the camera follows ‘the Bully’ Danny Domino as he struts confidently through the hallway, fresh off his victory against Victor Holland. He has a cocky grin on his face, clearly pleased with his performance. As he rounds a corner, he nearly bumps into Anthony Moretti, who looks unusually desperate and frazzled. Moretti, holding both his Las Vegas and Roulette Championship belts, immediately grabs Domino’s attention.

Anthony Moretti: (urgently) Danny, wait! I need to talk to you.

Domino stops and raises an eyebrow, looking Moretti up and down with a mixture of amusement and disdain.

Danny Domino: (mockingly) Well, well, well. If it isn’t the big boss man himself. What do you want, Moretti?

Anthony Moretti: (taking a deep breath) Listen, Danny, I know we’ve had our differences, but I need your help. The Legends Club took out my boys. Blood Money is down, and I need someone like you. I’ve reconsidered my decision. You can join Blood Money. We need to stick together to fight back.

Domino chuckles, shaking his head as if he can’t believe what he’s hearing.

Danny Domino: (sarcastically) Oh, you’ve reconsidered, huh? Now that you’re on your own, suddenly you want me in your little mafia club? (laughs) That’s rich, Moretti.

Anthony Moretti: (pleading) Look, Danny, I know you’re tough. I know you’re the kind of guy who can help turn things around. With you in Blood Money, we can take the fight to the Legends Club and get our revenge. You’ll have a place at the top with us.

Domino’s expression hardens, and he steps closer to Moretti, towering over him with an intimidating presence.

Danny Domino: (coldly) Moretti, I’m not stupid. I see what’s going on here. You’re scared. You’re desperate. And you think bringing me in will save your sorry ass. But here’s the thing: I don’t need you. I just beat Victor Holland, and I’m on a roll. I don’t need to be part of your sinking ship.

Moretti’s eyes widen, and he looks even more desperate as he tries to reason with Domino.

Anthony Moretti: (desperately) Danny, please. We can—

Danny Domino: (cutting him off) Save it, Moretti. You’re on your own. Blood Money is finished. (leans in closer) And one more thing: don’t ever think you can use me like that again.

Domino smirks and walks away, leaving Moretti standing there, a mixture of anger and desperation etched on his face. The camera focuses on Moretti for a moment, capturing the intensity of his situation, before fading out and cutting back to the arena.

Tag Team Match
The Enforcers vs. The Malones

Not Backing Down

Backstage, the camera cuts to the locker room of the Southern Boys. The duo, consisting of ‘Dastardly’ Dave Miller and ‘Dangerous’ Dan Williams, are prepping for their match. Their manager, the fiery Haley Dallas, stands with them, her arms crossed and a determined look on her face. The atmosphere is tense but focused, as they just received news of their upcoming match against Drew Hendrix and Buzz Marshall of the Legends Club.

Dave Miller: (adjusting his wrist tape) Well, looks like we got ourselves a fight tonight, boys.

Dan Williams: (nodding) Damn right, Dave. Legends Club or not, we ain’t backin’ down.

Haley Dallas: (stepping forward) Listen up, y’all. This ain’t just any match. Beating Drew Hendrix and Buzz Marshall ain’t gonna be easy. But if we can take ’em down, we’ll be right in line to become the first-ever Sanctioned Violence Network International Tag Team Champions. This is our shot to make a statement.

The Southern Boys exchange determined glances, nodding in agreement.

Dave Miller: (smirking) We’ve faced tough teams before. Ain’t no reason we can’t take these Legends Club boys and show ‘em what the Southern Boys are made of.

Dan Williams: (clenching his fists) They might think they’re unstoppable, but they ain’t faced us yet. We’re gonna show them what it means to fight with Southern pride.

Haley Dallas: (grinning) That’s the spirit! We go out there and give it everything we got. We’ve been fightin’ for this moment, and now it’s here. The Legends Club might be ridin’ high, but they ain’t unbeatable. We go out there and we take what’s ours.

Dave Miller: (pumping his fist) Hell yeah! Let’s do this!

Dan Williams: (with a determined nod) For the South and for those titles!

The trio share a moment of intense focus, rallying each other for the upcoming battle. The camera captures their resolve, showcasing the unity and determination of the Southern Boys and their manager.

Haley Dallas: (with a fierce expression) Remember, y’all. We fight with heart, we fight with pride, and we fight for each other. Let’s go show those Legends what real champions look like.

The Southern Boys and Haley Dallas exit the locker room, ready to take on the challenge and prove their worth in the ring against the Legends Club. The camera follows them as they make their way through the backstage area, their determination palpable as they head toward their moment of truth.

Single Match
Kenneth D Williams vs. Bronson Johnson

Coming For You

Backstage, the camera cuts to an area set up for interviews. sVo’s resident interviewer, Katie Smith, stands with a microphone in hand. Beside her is the fan-favorite wrestler, Johnny Dorn, who looks fired up and ready for his upcoming match against Dallas Jordan of the Patriot Act. The excitement is palpable as Katie begins the interview.

Katie Smith: (smiling) Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Johnny Dorn. Johnny, tonight you’re set to face Dallas Jordan of the Patriot Act. How are you feeling going into this match?

Johnny Dorn: (smiling confidently) Katie, I’m feeling great. You know, I’ve been looking forward to this match all week. Dallas Jordan likes to run his mouth and act tough, but tonight, he’s going to find out what it means to step into the ring with Johnny Dorn.

Katie Smith: (nodding) Dallas Jordan is known for his underhanded tactics and ruthless attitude. How do you plan to counter that in the ring tonight?

Johnny Dorn: (laughing) Oh, I’m well aware of Jordan’s tricks. But you see, Katie, I’ve been in this business long enough to know how to handle guys like him. He can try all the cheap shots and dirty moves he wants, but I’ve got the heart and the fans behind me. That’s something he can’t take away.

Katie Smith: (smiling) The fans are certainly behind you, Johnny. They’ve been vocal about their support. What message do you have for them tonight?

Johnny Dorn: (looking directly into the camera) To all the fans out there, I just want to say thank you. Your support means the world to me. Tonight, I’m stepping into that ring for you. We’ve faced challenges before, and we’ve always come out on top. Tonight won’t be any different. Dallas Jordan might think he can take me down, but he’s got another thing coming.

Katie Smith: (smiling warmly) It’s clear you’ve got a lot of confidence going into this match. Any final words for Dallas Jordan before you head to the ring?

Johnny Dorn: (smirking) Dallas, I hope you’re ready, because tonight, you’re in for the fight of your life. You can bring your dirty tactics, but it won’t be enough. When that bell rings, it’s just you and me, and I’m going to show you why they call me the fan favorite. Get ready, because Johnny Dorn is coming for you.

Katie Smith: (beaming) Thank you, Johnny. Best of luck out there tonight.

Johnny Dorn nods, giving a confident wave to the camera before heading off to prepare for his match. The energy and determination in his eyes are clear, and the fans can feel the excitement building for what promises to be an intense showdown.

Single Match
Johnny Dorn vs. Dallas Jordan


The scene transitions to the backstage area of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, where Anthony Moretti, looking tense and determined, approaches the door to sVo COO Amy Page’s office. He takes a deep breath, straightens his suit, and knocks firmly before entering. Inside, Amy Page sits behind her desk, her expression unreadable as she looks up from her paperwork.

Anthony Moretti: (stepping inside, barely containing his anger) Amy, we need to talk.

Amy Page: (calmly) Anthony, what can I do for you?

Anthony Moretti: (glaring) You know damn well what this is about. Why did you betray me and let the Legends Club into the sVo? And after everything, you need to postpone my match against Carlos Vasquez. With the rest of Blood Money out, I need them back before I defend the Las Vegas Championship.

Amy Page: (leaning back in her chair) Anthony, the Legends Club were brought in to elevate the competition here in sVo. They’re here to make a statement, just like you did when you formed Blood Money. And as for postponing the match, that’s not going to happen. The main event will go on as scheduled.

Anthony Moretti: (furious) This is ridiculous, Amy! You know I need my team at full strength to defend my title. This isn’t just about me; it’s about Blood Money and everything we’ve built.

Amy Page: (coldly) Anthony, the sVo isn’t about Blood Money. It’s about the ratings and putting on the best show possible. Your match against Carlos Vasquez will take place tonight, as planned.

Before Moretti can respond, the door opens behind him, and Rick Reid and Scott Washington, Amy Page’s enforcers, step into the office. They stand imposingly on either side of Moretti, making it clear that his time in the office is over.

Amy Page: (standing up) Anthony, it’s time for you to leave. My decision is final.

Anthony Moretti: (seething) This isn’t over, Amy. Not by a long shot.

Amy Page: (smirking) I’m sure it isn’t. Rick, Scott, please escort Mr. Moretti out.

Rick Reid and Scott Washington move forward, each taking an arm of the irate Moretti and leading him out of the office. Moretti struggles briefly but realizes it’s futile and eventually allows himself to be led out, though not without shooting a final glare back at Amy Page.

The camera follows the trio as they make their way down the corridor, Moretti’s mind clearly racing with thoughts of revenge and strategy for his upcoming match. The scene then transitions back to the arena, leaving viewers eagerly anticipating the chaos that is sure to come.

Single Match
The Legends Club vs. The Southern Boys

Just the Beginning

The camera cuts back to the ring where Drew Hendrix and Buzz Marshall of the Legends Club stand victorious, having just defeated the Southern Boys, “Dastardly” Dave Miller and “Dangerous” Dan Williams, in a hard-fought tag team match. The crowd boos loudly, expressing their displeasure with the outcome. Hendrix and Marshall bask in the negative reaction, their expressions smug and confident.

Julian Fiasco: (commentary) What a dominant performance by Hendrix and Marshall! But wait, it looks like they’re not done yet.

Jeremiah Sloan: (commentary) This doesn’t look good for the Southern Boys. Here comes the rest of the Legends Club!

The crowd’s boos intensify as Johnny All Star, Curtis Knight, and Athena make their way down the ramp, joining Hendrix and Marshall in the ring. The Southern Boys, battered and exhausted, struggle to get to their feet. The Legends Club circles them like sharks sensing blood in the water.

Johnny All Star: (grabbing a microphone, sneering) You think you can step up to the Legends Club and walk away? We’re here to dominate, to show everyone what true power looks like.

All Star tosses the microphone aside as the Legends Club closes in. The fans’ boos reach a fever pitch as Hendrix and Marshall lift Dave Miller to his feet, only to deliver a brutal double-team maneuver that leaves him sprawled on the mat. Dan Williams tries to fight back, but Curtis Knight and Athena are on him in an instant, pummeling him with a series of vicious strikes.

Julian Fiasco: (commentary) This is an outright assault! The Southern Boys are being decimated!

Jeremiah Sloan: (commentary) Someone needs to stop this! The Legends Club is out of control!

Johnny All Star watches with a satisfied grin as his stablemates continue the beatdown. Hendrix locks Miller in a painful submission hold while Knight and Athena hold Williams in place, allowing Marshall to deliver a devastating knee strike to Williams’ midsection. The Southern Boys are helpless under the relentless assault.

The arena echoes with a mix of boos and horrified gasps from the audience, who are witnessing the sheer brutality of the Legends Club. All Star picks up the microphone again, standing over the prone bodies of the Southern Boys.

Johnny All Star: (smirking) This is just the beginning. The Legends Club is here to take over, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

All Star drops the microphone, and the Legends Club stands tall, posing triumphantly as their music blares through the arena. The camera pans over the carnage in the ring, capturing the Southern Boys lying motionless on the mat, a stark reminder of the Legends Club’s dominance.

Julian Fiasco: (commentary) This is a message to everyone in the sVo. The Legends Club means business, and they will stop at nothing to assert their dominance.

Jeremiah Sloan: (commentary) I can’t believe what we’ve just witnessed. Who will stand up to this brutal faction?

The screen fades to black, leaving the audience with a powerful image of the Legends Club standing united and dominant in the ring, their intentions clear and their reign of terror just beginning.

Something Worse?

The camera cuts to the locker room of Generation Joint, where Kenneth D Williams, Jay Adder, Gunner Lang, and Jacob Izaz are gathered around a TV monitor. They watch with concern as the Legends Club’s brutal beatdown of the Southern Boys is replayed. The mood in the room is tense, their faces reflecting worry and unease.

Kenneth D Williams: (shaking his head) Man, did you see that? The Legends Club just dismantled the Southern Boys like it was nothing.

Jay Adder: (nodding) Yeah, and those guys are no pushovers. If they can do that to the Southern Boys, what chance do the rest of us have?

Gunner Lang: (frowning) This is bad. Really bad. We’ve dealt with Blood Money before, but this Legends Club… they’re on another level of dangerous.

Jacob Izaz: (looking around the room) So what now? Are we just gonna sit back and watch them tear apart the sVo?

Williams stands up, his expression resolute as he looks at his teammates.

Kenneth D Williams: We can’t just sit back and do nothing. Blood Money was bad, but this… this is something else. The Legends Club isn’t here to play games. They’re here to take over.

Jay Adder: (nodding in agreement) We’ve gotta be smart about this. If we go at them head-on, they’ll tear us apart just like they did with the Southern Boys.

Gunner Lang: (clenching his fists) So what do we do? We can’t just let them run wild. We need to find a way to fight back.

Jacob Izaz: (thoughtfully) Maybe we need to start thinking about alliances. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?

Kenneth D Williams: (nodding slowly) You’re right, Jacob. We’re gonna need all the help we can get. We need to talk to everyone in the locker room, see who’s willing to stand with us against the Legends Club.

Jay Adder: (determined) We need to put aside any differences we have with others. This is about survival now. The sVo needs to stand united.

The group nods in agreement, the concern still etched on their faces but now mingled with a steely resolve. The camera zooms in on Williams, who looks directly into the lens.

Kenneth D Williams: Legends Club, you might think you can walk all over the sVo, but you’ve got another thing coming. Generation Joint isn’t backing down. We’re ready for a fight, and we’re not alone.

The camera pans out as the members of Generation Joint exchange determined looks. They know the road ahead is tough, but they’re ready to face the challenge head-on. The screen fades to black, leaving viewers with a sense of the brewing conflict and the resilience of those who refuse to let the sVo fall without a fight.

commercial break

sVo Jackpot PPV
25th August 2024
Live from the Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas

Las Vegas Championship Match
Anthony Moretti (c) vs. Carlos Vasquez

Started from the Top, Now We Here

The scene opens with Carlos Vasquez, newly crowned Las Vegas Champion, standing triumphantly in the center of the ring. The arena is buzzing with excitement as Vasquez holds the championship belt high above his head. Anthony Moretti, battered and broken, lies sprawled out on the mat, his once-mighty aura diminished.

Julian Fiasco: (excitedly) What a victory for Carlos Vasquez! He has just defeated Anthony Moretti to become the new Las Vegas Champion!

Jeremiah Sloan: (adding) Moretti has been on top of the sVo for so long, but tonight, Carlos Vasquez has claimed that crown. The landscape of the sVo is shifting, folks.

As Vasquez continues to revel in his victory, the arena lights suddenly dim, and the familiar music of Danny Domino starts to play. The crowd buzzes with anticipation and curiosity as Domino makes his way out onto the entrance ramp, microphone in hand.

Julian Fiasco: (questioning) What is Danny Domino doing out here? This is supposed to be Vasquez’s moment.

Jeremiah Sloan: (speculating) Domino and Moretti have had their issues, but has he changed his mind, could he be here to help Moretti & reinforce Blood Money?

Domino strides confidently down the ramp, his face a mask of determination. He climbs into the ring and stands over the still-recovering Moretti, who looks up at him with a mix of confusion and anger.

Danny Domino: (raising the microphone) Well, well, well. Look what we have here. Carlos Vasquez, the new Las Vegas Champion. Congratulations, Carlos. But I didn’t come out here to spoil the celebration.

The crowd murmurs in anticipation, wondering what Domino will say next.

Danny Domino: (with a smirk) No, I came out here because I just left the office of Amy Page. And guess what, Moretti? You’re not done yet.

Moretti, still lying on the mat, looks up at Domino with an expression of disbelief.

Danny Domino: (continuing) You see, Amy Page just informed me that you’ll be defending your Roulette Championship next week, right here, against—me!

The crowd erupts in a mix of shock and excitement. Vasquez’s celebration pauses as he watches the drama unfold.

Julian Fiasco: (excitedly) Did Domino just say that Moretti will defend the Roulette Championship against him next week?

Jeremiah Sloan: (shocked) That’s right, Julian. Moretti could be on the verge of losing everything! The most powerful man in the sVo, just weeks ago, might end up with nothing if he doesn’t hold on to that Roulette Championship.

Danny Domino stands over Moretti, his expression cold and triumphant. Vasquez, now holding the Las Vegas Championship belt, looks on with a mix of satisfaction and curiosity. The camera zooms in on Moretti, who is seething with rage but clearly disoriented by the unexpected turn of events.

Danny Domino: (leaning closer to Moretti) Enjoy your time with that last Championship, Moretti. Next week, your luggage is going to be a lot lighter!

As Domino drops the microphone and exits the ring, the commentators continue to speculate about the upheaval in the sVo. The camera captures the final image of Moretti, still on the mat, looking up at the departing Domino with a fierce and frustrated glare.

Julian Fiasco: (concluding) What a night it’s been, Jeremiah. The sVo is definitely undergoing some major changes. We’ll have to wait and see how this all unfolds next week.

Jeremiah Sloan: (nodding) Absolutely, Julian. The road to next week’s show is now filled with uncertainty and excitement. What a way to end tonight’s show!

The screen fades to black as the commentators’ voices trail off, leaving the audience in suspense about what’s to come.

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