Project:Violence Uprising 47
Live on the HOTv Network on PWA:TV
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
16th July 2023

The entrance video package for Uprising begins, accompanied by the theme song of ‘Uprising’ by Artificial Intelligence as highlights of past action from 2006 to present day are sped up, showing the likes of Elijah Drake, Jay Rayez, Shooting Star & Brutal Steve. As the video package finally comes to an end with an extended look at the ‘Uprising’ logo, the camera cuts to an exterior shot of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, in the heart of the Las Vegas strip, before cutting to a live shot of inside the arena.

The camera pans around the sold-out crowd, most of them on their feet and screaming loudly whilst trying to get their homemade sign shown in front of the camera. The cameras finally head over to the commentary table, where Zac Brindle and Johnny Kaos welcome the fans watching on the HOTv network on PWA:TV to the broadcast and begin to break down some of the action that will take place on tonight’s show!

Single Match
Puck vs Teddy Rush

Not Tonight

The cameras head backstage after the opening match of the night, and there are loud boos from the crowd as they pick up with P:V COO JD James who is sitting in his office. After a few seconds, the boos get even louder from the crowd watching on the giant screen, as the office door open and in walks the current P:V Champion Curtis Knight and his wife Athena!

JD James: “Ah there you guys are! All set for the big match tonight?”

JD gets to his feet with his arms outstretched and looking pleased with himself, but Knight and Athena don’t seem in such a jovial mood.

Athena: “Actually JD, we have had a bit of a change of plan.”

JD looks confused, as Athena and Knight make themselves at home in the seats opposite James’s desk.

Curtis Knight: “You see I know Mendoza won that #1 contendership match last time out…. But I don’t really feel like defending my belt tonight….”

JD looks panicked.

JD James: “Uh, what do you mean? We have you advertised tonight…”

Curtis Knight: “Oh don’t get me wrong, I will still fight Mendoza, but I want to do it in a tag match. Me and Athena vs. Mendoza and Snyder tonight. Get your rubber and pencil out JD and make the changes.”

JD continues to look panicked, whilst Knight and Athena look mighty pleased with themselves.

JD James: “But, but I can’t…. Mendoza won the #1 contendership match….”

Knight sighs as he gets to his feet.

Curtis Knight: “He can get his shot on the next Uprising… after I have softened him up tonight. Now JD, I suggest you make the match…”

Knight taps JD James on the cheek in a threatening manner, whilst towering over the P:V COO.

JD James: “Uh, ok, ok. Consider it done Curtis…”

Knight pinches the cheek of JD James and laughs, before he and Athena leave the office, leaving a sweaty JD James to sink back down into his seat as the scene fades out.

Single Match
Steven Love vs Cherry Bordeaux


P:V TV Championship Match
Bjorn Asulf vs LVD

Round Two

We head backstage where Darwin Jones is in the interview area alongside P:V interviewer Elena Cruz! Cruz has a microphone in her hand, as she stands next to the towering former sVo Tag Team Champion who is dressed in his ring gear.

Elena Cruz: “Darwin, thanks for joining me here tonight! Now you are clearly ready to fight tonight, but as far as I know you don’t have a match on the card?”

Jones winks to Cruz.

Darwin Jones: “Well Elena, that’s what you think and that’s clearly what JD James thinks…. However after seeing my brother in law push him around and get his own way, I think I am going to have to make sure I get a match of my choice as well! Follow me!”

Darwin Jones marches off down the corridor as Cruz struggles to keep up, whilst motioning for the camera crew to follow her.

Jones smiles at the stage hands that he walks past, before coming across Steven Love who is still licking his wounds from his earlier match.

Darwin Jones: “Love! How you fancy another match tonight?”

Steven Love looks confused, until Darwin Jones grabs hold of him and gets in his face.


Love gulps, and nervously nods his head in agreement.

Darwin Jones: “In that case get your ass back down to that ring after the commercial, you got one!”

Love scurries away, as Uprising heads to commercial break as Darwin Jones laughs whilst facing the camera!


Single Match
Steven Love vs Darwin Jones


Tag Team Match
Curtis Knight & Athena vs James Mendoza & Brandon Snyder

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