sVo Uprising #013
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
20th March 2022

The entrance video package for Uprising begins, accompanied by the theme song of ‘Uprising’ by Artificial Intelligence as highlights of past action from 2013 to present day are sped up, showing the likes of Bobby Dean, Roscoe Shame, Night, Jay Wildman, Cody Williams & Nathan Paradine. As the video package finally comes to an end with an extended look at the ‘Uprising’ logo, the camera cuts to an exterior shot of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, in the heart of the Las Vegas strip, before cutting to a live shot of inside the arena.

The camera pans around the sold-out crowd, most of them on their feet and screaming loudly whilst trying to get their homemade sign shown in front of the camera. The cameras finally head over to the commentary table, where Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan welcome the fans watching on TV to the broadcast and begin to break down some of the action that will take place on tonight’s show!

Single Match
Kyle McRae vs. El Froggo

The Real Deal

The cameras head backstage to the interview area, where ‘the Real Deal’ Bronson Johnson and JD James are standing by with Katie Smith. The fans boo loudly upon seeing Johnson and James, whilst Katie Smith tries to introduce the two men that need no introduction.

Katie Smith: “Gentlemen, than you for joining me here tonight. Now tonight’s main event is a big one, maybe the biggest one of your sVo career so far with the rights to challenge for the Las Vegas Championship on the line. Is there any nerves ahead of the contest?”

Johnson growls at the question, as JD James steps forward to answer.

JD James: “Nerves? Are you serious? This man right here has been around the wrestling business for his whole life, just as I have. When you are as experienced as me and my client here you don’t get nervous, especially when the only thing standing between you and a title shot is a rookie that you already beat last week!”

Katie Smith: “Well there is certainly a lot on the line. What do you make to the suggestion that you got a little lucky against Big Aug last week?”

James and Johnson look outraged by the line of questioning.

JD James: “Lucky? If anyone is lucky it is Big Aug! He is lucky that he even gets to grace the same ring with a man like Bronson Johnson! Tonight it is Big Aug who has a big problem, because the result is going to be no different to last week! Bronson Johnson is walking out of that match with his arm raised in the air in victory! After that he is going to go on and crush Kenneth D Williams as well and give the people of Las Vegas a champion that they can actually be proud of!”

The people of Las Vegas in the arena loudly boo the last statement as JD James signals to Katie Smith that the interview is over, before leading his client away from the interview area.

Single Match
Hiro Ryuu vs. The Relentless Clam Idia

Gunner Time

The cameras head backstage again after the big victory for El Froggo, where this time Gunner Lang is standing by with Katie Smith in the interview area. The fans cheer loudly upon seeing Gunner, causing a smile to spread over the face of the former two-time Las Vegas Champion.

Katie Smith: “Gunner! Thanks for joining me here tonight! Now you have a big match up later tonight where you get the chance to get your hands on the sVo Roulette Championship! What do you make of your chances against Absolute Zero?”

Gunner Lang: “Well Katie, what can I say apart from I am pumped for this shot that destiny has thrown my way! I haven’t earned it, but I am going to grab it with both hands all the same! I have been screwed out of the sVo Championship so many times that winning the Roulette Championship and defending it ten times might be my best chance of another shot!”

The fans cheer loudly for Gunner Lang as they watch along on the big screen.

Gunner Lang: “Now Absolute Zero has come out of no where a little with this Roulette Championship, I must admit that he has impressed me as of late. However…… this is a chance that I am not going to give up lightly!”

More cheers from the crowd.

Gunner Lang: “Absolute Zero, you had a good little run, but tonight it’s Gunner time!”

The fans cheer loudly again, as Gunner Lang exits stage left while the scene fades out.

Tag Team Match
The Starr Brothers vs. Patriot Act

Tune into sVo Showdown Next Week!

sVo Roulette Championship Match
Defence Attempt #3
Absolute Zero vs. Gunner Lang

sVo Presents Roll the Dice 2022 – Only on PPV!

sVo Las Vegas Championship #1 Contenders Match
August Lazar vs. Bronson Johnson

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