Name: The Black Brothers

Members: Igor Black & Boris Black

Manager: N/A

Crowd Reaction: Boo

Entrance Music: ‘World of Shit’ by Nailbomb

Fighting Style: Technician with Brawler/Powerhouse

Finisher Name: N/A

Finisher Description: N/A

Tag Team Moves: N/A

Career History: sVo

Other Information: The Black Brothers are both students & nephews of sVo stars William Vorheez & Tripp Whipwreck. They were brought into the sVo by former sVo Champion William Vorheez in 2021.

Entrance Description: “World of Shit” by Nailbomb plays as the lights in the arena go out. Fog and white lights drench the entrance area as Igor & Boris Black make their way out towards the ring. The boos ring out for the giant pair, as they remain Fixated on the ring whilst making their way quickly to the squared circle, ready to fight!

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