sVo Sunday Night Showdown #109
30th June 2013
Goodfella Casino Arena, Las Vegas Nevada


There is a huge cheer in the Goodfellas Casino Arena in the heart of the Las Vegas strip as (S)aint by Marilyn Manson hits the sound system and the camera pans around the screaming fans that are packed into the arena. The camera picks out certain fans who are holding different signs with hand written messages about their favourite sVo stars. Gold strobe lighting flickers over the darkened arena as the frenzy builds with the fans all eager to see their favourite fighters in action. Highlights of Showdown #108 action plays on the giant screen in what was a massive week in the sVo! As the highlights finish the show gets started straight away with the first match of the night!

Non-Title Match
JVD vs. Matt Fuller
Officiated by Hector Arenda

With James Von Drake and Matt Fuller both in the ring and staring each other down from opposite corners, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the rematch from the master of the match final and Countdown to Violence to get started!

Fuller and Von Drake slowly circle around each other in the middle of the ring before trying up. Von Drake takes Fuller quickly into a side head lock, before Matt Fuller is able to reverse into a wrist lock. Fuller pulls back on the arm of JVD, but JVD counters with a go behind on Fuller into a wrist lock of his own. Fuller tries to battle out with a back elbow shot, but Von Drake ducks the arm of his opponent and takes him down with a firemans carry takedown.

Matt Fuller, the sVo Las Vegas Champion, quickly gets back up to his feet, only to be grabbed by the arm and sent into the corner of the ring. Matt Fuller hits the turnbuckle hard, only for Von Drake to follow up with a big clothesline in the corner. Matt Fuller stumbles out of the corner of the ring, and Von Drake follows up with a bulldog takedown before flipping his opponent over and making the cover.



Matt Fuller shows how tough he is as he managed to get a shoulder up off of the mat. James Von Drake grabs hold of Fuller by the hair and pulls him up to his feet, but as he does Matt Fuller fights back on his opponent with some big punches to the midsection. Von Drake doubles over in pain, and Fuller follows up with a double arm drag takedown on his opponent.

The former Las Vegas Champion Von Drake pulls himself up to a standing position, but Matt Fuller is already up to hit some big punches to the face of Von Drake to back him up against the ring ropes. Von Drake looks in pain, but Matt Fuller takes a few steps backwards before running forward and clotheslining JVD over the top rope to the outside!

The fans cheer Matt Fuller on as he raises an arm in the air to signal to the crowd as Von Drake lays on the outside of the ring in pain. Matt Fuller soaks up the cheers from the crowd before dropping down and rolling to the outside of the ring. The referee shouts at both men to take it back into the ring, but they ignore his requests as Fuller grabs hold of Von Drake and throws him hard into the security barrier. Von Drake staggers forward holding his back in pain, but Fuller aims to take advantage as he throws Von Drake down onto the hard floor with a powerslam!

The fans cheer loudly for the move as the referee quickly makes his way outside of the ring to check on Von Drake. Von Drake looks in pain, but the sVo Las Vegas Champion looks like he is showing no mercy in search of his third victory over Von Drake as he pulls his opponent up to his feet and rolls him back into the ring! Matt Fuller climbs up onto the ring apron himself, and hot shots himself over the top rope to land a leg drop onto Von Drake! The fans cheer the impressive move from the Las Vegas Champion as he looks the leg of JVD to make the cover!




Matt Fuller can’t believe that JVD managed to kick out after all the offensive he received on the outside of the ring! James Von Drake holds his back in pain as Matt Fuller drags himself back up to his feet, before stomping away on his opponent with his big boot. With JVD obviously in pain, Fuller looks to try and take advantage by slapping a camel clutch submission hold on his opponent!

Von Drake shouts out in pain as Fuller pulls back on his head under the camel clutch submission hold and he desperately reaches out for the bottom rope. The referee asks Von Drake if he wants to quit, but he is able to get to the bottom rope before the pain becomes too much. The fans boo as Matt Fuller is forced to break the hold by the referee. Von Drake staggers back up to his feet, but as he does Matt Fuller goes back to work on his back by grabbing him by the arm and sending him into the ropes. Von Drake bounces back and Fuller takes him to the mat with a big back body drop.

Matt Fuller taunts to the crowd and they respond by cheering loudly for the Las Vegas Champion. Fuller lands some stiff mounted punches onto his opponent as JVD struggles to try and get to a standing position. JVD finally gets to his feet but Fuller grabs him in a front face lock and tries to take him down to the mat with a vertical suplex. However the ring technician Von Drake is able to block the move before taking Fuller down with a snap suplex!

Matt Fuller quickly gets up to his feet wondering what hit him and throws a right arm at Von Drake looking for a clothesline. Von Drake sees the clothesline coming and manages to duck under the arm of his opponent before taking him down to the mat with a monkey flip takedown. Fuller gets back to his feet, but Von Drake builds momentum by bouncing into the ring ropes and landing a spinning heel kick to his opponent! With Fuller down on the mat and holding his face in pain, Von Drake makes a cover!




Fuller gets a shoulder up off of the mat just in the nick of time! Von Drake punches the mat in frustration as he rises up to his feet and stares down at the Las Vegas Champion. Fuller begins to pull himself up to his feet, and Von Drake quickly steps over the Las Vegas Champion looking for the ‘Dollar Drop’! The fans boo loudly, but Matt Fuller is able to quickly counter the move with a back body drop on his opponent! Von Drake quickly gets to his feet, but Fuller clotheslines him down to the mat!

Von Drake quickly jumps back to his feet and tries to get back into the match with a clothesline of his own, but Fuller ducks under the arm of his opponent and lands an atomic drop on his opponent! Von Drake stumbles staggers away allowing Fuller the chance to take him down to the mat by bouncing off of the ring ropes and landing a face crusher onto the former Las Vegas Champion!

With James Von Drake down on the mat Matt Fuller taunts to the fans before pointing to the top rope! The fans cheer as Matt Fuller begins to climb to the top rope as James Von Drake lays motionless on the mat. It looks as if Matt Fuller is going to pick up a third victory over JVD after his victories in the master of the mat final and at the Countdown to Violence PPV, but before he can hit any more from the top on his opponent boos ring out around the arena from the fans who notice Nathan Judge jump over the security barrier!

Judge, the man who last week challenged the sVo Las Vegas Champion on Showdown #108, quickly jumps up onto the ring apron and distracts Fuller as JVD takes advantage by getting back to his feet. With Fuller distracted by Judge, JVD jumps up onto the second rope and takes Fuller down from the top rope with a massive belly to back suplex from the top rope! With Fuller down on the mat, JVD makes the cover!




It looked like the Las Vegas Champion Matt Fuller had the match won, but after a distraction from Nathan Judge it is James Von Drake who picks up the victory and gains some revenge on Matt Fuller for his earlier victories!

WINNER: JVD by pinfall (12:19)


With Matt Fuller down and defeated, Nathan Judge wastes no time in rolling into the ring! The fans boo loudly as Nathan Judge begins to stomp away on the beaten body of the sVo Las Vegas Champion, the man he challenged last week on Showdown! James Von Drake stares at Nathan Judge stomping away on his opponent for a few seconds, before joining in!

The fans boo loudly for the double team beat down of the Las Vegas Champion as James Von Drake pulls Matt Fuller to his feet. James Von Drake holds Matt Fuller up, and allows Nathan Judge to lift him up ready to nail the ‘Judgement Day’! However before Judge can hit his finishing move there is a massive cheer from the crowd as ‘the Heavenly Warrior’ Joshua Curtis comes rushing down the entrance ramp!

Joshua Curtis slides into the ring to make the save, and JVD and Nathan Judge quickly bail out of the ring wanting no part of the Heavenly Warrior! Curtis stares down Judge and James Von Drake as they back up the entrance ramp, with Matt Fuller laid out in the middle of the ring!


There is a huge cheer from the crowd as the cameras head backstage where Roscoe Shame is arriving at the Goodfellas Casino Arena ahead of tonight’s massive four way main event. Shame, who is wearing his ‘It’s a damn Shame’ t-shirt looks in confident mood as he removes his shades and places them in his shirt collar before looking at the photos of previous sVo action that lines the corridors of the Goodfellas Casino Arena. Many of the photos feature Shame himself, the former sVo Champion.

However as Shame admires the history, he is suddenly knocked to the floor from behind as Tobias Devereux smashes him in the back of the head with a steel pipe!

The fans are ringside look shocked at what they are seeing on the giant screen as Devereux continues to beat down Shame with the steel pipe! Devereux looks down at his former friend on the floor and laughs before slowly dropping the steel pipe and walking away from the scene.

After the brutal beatdown, will Roscoe Shame be in a fit state to compete in tonight’s main event?

Darren Starr vs. CJ Dreamer
Officiated by Nick Jaxx

‘Stricken’ by Disturbed hits the sound system and boos ring out around the arena as the cocky looking CJ Dreamer slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. CJ Dreamer takes one look out at the thousands of fans that are packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena before making his way down towards the ring.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring, representing the Company, from Chicago, Illinois, weighting in at 240lbs…… C..J DREAMER!!’

CJ Dreamer ignores the fans at ringside that reach out to touch him as he sprints down the final part of the entrance ramp and dives head first into the ring. CJ Dreamer sits on one knee in the middle of the ring looking out at the crowd as his music fades out.’Man in the Box’ by the Alice In Chains hits and there is a small cheer from the crowd as the energetic Darren Starr runs out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Starr signals to both sides of the crowd before quickly making his way down the entrance ramp and diving head first into the ring.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Introducing one half of the Starr Brothers, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, he weights in at 220lbs…… DARREN STARR!!’

Starr gets a big cheer from the crowd as he climbs to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle and holds his arms in the air to signal his appreciation of the fans.

With both men in the ring, the referee calls for the bell to ring and the match to get started! CJ Dreamer and Starr make their way towards each other in the middle of the ring, and CJ Dreamer throws a big right hand in the direction of his opponent. However the newcomer manages to duck under the arm of his opponent and go behind on the sVo Tag Team Champion before taking him down to the mat with a double leg takedown.

CJ Dreamer quickly jumps up to his feet and grabs hold of the rookie in a side head lock. Starr tries to fight his way out of the hold with some punches to the kidneys of his opponent, but CJ Dreamer takes down Starr with a twisting neckbreaker. Starr holds his neck as he gets back up to his feet, but CJ Dreamer goes right back to work on him with some big right hands. Dreamer manages to back Starr into the corner of the ring, before landing a big knee to the face of his opponent. The fans boo loudly the Tag Team Champion as CJ Dreamer loads Darren Starr onto his shoulders out of the corner. CJ Dreamer looks for the death valley driver onto Starr, but Darren Starr proves too nimble for his opponent as he drops down off of the shoulders and bounces into the ropes.

Darren Starr bounces out of the ring ropes and lands a big spinning heel kick onto Dreamer! The fans cheer for the move from the newcomer, as he lands some stiff knife edge chops across the chest of Dreamer as he gets to his feet! The crowd cheer each chop across the chest of the Tag Team Champion, before Dreamer cuts Darren Starr off with a big knee to the midsection. Darren Starr staggers over in pain, and CJ Dreamer goes behind on his opponent before tossing him to the mat with a big German suplex! With Darren Starr on the mat, CJ Dreamer jumps to his feet and bounces out of the ropes before landing a running elbow drop to the upper body of his opponent! With Starr on the mat and hurting, CJ Dreamer makes the cover.




The crowd cheer as Darren Starr manages to get a shoulder up from the mat before the three count. CJ Dreamer grabs hold of Darren Starr by the hair and pulls the rookie up to his feet, before softening him up with some big forearms to the face. Darren Starr staggers backwards, and Dreamer grabs him in a front face lock before taking him to the mat with a snap suplex! With Darren Starr down on the mat, CJ Dreamer taunts to the fans only to get nothing but boos! The Company member dismisses the boos with a wave of his hand, before making his way to the top rope!

The crowd rise to their feet at the sight of CJ Dreamer on the top rope, as he points down at Darren Starr on the mat before launching himself at his opponent with a diving elbow from the top rope! However to the cheers from the fans, Darren Starr is able to roll out of the way before the elbow can connect! CJ Dreamer staggers up to his feet holding his arm in pain, and Darren Starr takes advantage with an arm drag takedown on the Tag Team Champion.

With CJ Dreamer on the mat, Darren Starr takes advantage by stomping away on his opponent as he tries to get back up to his feet. CJ Dreamer throws a right hand at his opponent, but Darren Starr manages to dodge out of the way before landing a double arm DDT! CJ Dreamer’s head bounces off of the mat, and Darren Starr quickly flips him over before hooking the leg to make the cover.




Dreamer kicks out, much to the disappointment of the fans and Darren Starr. Darren Starr stomps away on CJ Dreamer again as he pulls himself up using the ring ropes, but CJ Dreamer manages to duck away from Darren Starr and bounce into the ring ropes. Dreamer bounces back but Darren Starr manages to duck under the arm of his opponent before taking Dreamer back down to the mat with a side leg sweep!

With Dreamer down on the mat, Darren Starr jumps into the ropes before landing a springboard moonsault onto Dreamer! The fans cheer for the massive move from the newcomer, as Starr makes another cover!




Everyone in the arena thought that Darren Starr had picked up the big suprise victory right there, but the Tag Team Champion CJ Dreamer gets a shoulder up off of the mat just in time! Darren Starr looks down at his opponent wondering just what he has to do to put him away, before rising up to his feet and making his way towards the corner of the ring! The fans cheer loudly as Darren Starr begins to make his way to the top rope in the hope of putting the match to an end! However before Darren Starr can hit the move, CJ Dreamer manages to use his ring awareness to stumble up and dive into the ropes, causing Darren Starr to lose his balance on the top rope!

The fans boo loudly as Darren Starr sits in pain on the top of the turnbuckle, as CJ Dreamer climbs to the second rope and grabs him in a front face lock! CJ Dreamer then sends Darren Starr down to the mat with a massive superplex from the turnbuckle! With Darren Starr down on the mat, CJ Dreamer wastes no time in making the cover after that huge move!




No one can believe that Darren Starr managed to get a shoulder up before the three count, not least CJ Dreamer as he gets to his feet and gets in the face of the referee. As CJ Dreamer argues with the referee, Darren Starr slowly gets to his feet! The fans cheer as Starr grabs hold of CJ Dreamer and spins him around before laying into him with some big right hands! Darren Starr backs CJ Dreamer into the corner, before grabbing him by the face and slamming him face first into the turnbuckle! CJ Dreamer staggers backwards and Darren Starr grabs him in a waist lock and looks for a German suplex! However CJ Dreamer manages to block the move, before reversing into a go behind on Starr into a waist lock! However instead of attempting the German suplex, CJ Dreamer rolls Darren Starr up with a school boy roll up!


CJ Dreamer grabs the tights of his opponent,



It’s all over, but out of the view of the referee CJ Dreamer had the tights of his opponent! CJ Dreamer immediately rolls out of the ring and backs up the entrance ramp with his arms in the air! Darren Starr looks enraged in the ring as he jumps up to his feet and argues with the referee about the decision, as the crowd boo loudly with CJ Dreamer continuing to celebrate.

WINNER: CJ Dreamer by pinfall (08:47)


After that exciting match up between two up and comers, the cameras head backstage to the locker room of the tag team Finnegan and Black where Rose Finnegan is wrapping her hands in preparation for her match up against Diamond Legend tonight. As Finnegan prepares for her match, Logan Black looks concerned.

Logan Black: ‘After what Legend did to you last week are you sure you want to do this?’

Finnegan pauses from wrapping her hands for a few seconds, to stare back at her partner.

Rose Finnegan: ‘Don’t you see, its because of what Diamond Legend did last week that I have to take him on tonight. Last week Diamond Legend made things personal, tonight I need to teach him a lesson.’

Finnegan looks in confident mood despite still showing some bruises and cuts from Diamond Legend’s assault on her last week on Showdown.

Logan Black: ‘Diamond Legend is a dangerous individual, he proved that last week. Let me step into the ring tonight and deal with him before you.’

Logan Black looks serious as he stands and places a hand on the shoulder of his tag team partner. However she quickly shrugs if off as she rises to her feet.

Rose Finnegan: ‘No it needs to be me. I need to show Diamond Legend that i’m not a victim. He is going to pay for what he did to me last week. I have to do this alone.’

Finnegan nods to her tag team partner Logan Black who reluctantly admits defeat. Finnegan leaves the locker room and slams the door behind her. Rose Finnegan vs. Diamond Legend is up next, and after Legends attack on her last week, Finnegan is looking for vengeance!


The cameras cut to the interview area where Darren Starr is standing by with Elena Cruz, looking exhausted from his match up with CJ Dreamer which has just ended. Darren Starr looks like he is ready to answer some questions from the pretty interviewer, but before she even gets a chance to ask the first one she is interrupted by CJ Dreamer and Scott Washington stepping into the scene.

Darren Starr stares back at the Tag Team Champions Dreamer & Washington, as Dreamer rubs the title belt that hangs over his shoulder, and takes the microphone from the disgruntled Elena Cruz. Scott Washington stands a step behind his partner, looking menacing.

CJ Dreamer: ‘Calm down kid, I’m not here to fight again, we already been through all that tonight.’

Starr doesn’t seem like he trusts CJ Dreamer as he stands in a defensive posture as Cruz slowly backs away, not wanting to get caught in the cross fire if the two go at it again.

CJ Dreamer: ‘I am here right now to tell you how impressed I was. Sure you might now have won, but you showed some real talent out there. Some talent that would fit in real nice with the Company…’

Dreamer extends his hand towards the man he just defeated, but Darren Starr looks ensure as he stares back at the Tag Team Champions before looking at Dreamer’s outstretched hand.

Dreamer slowly chuckles as he looks back at Darren Starr’s apprehensive look.

CJ Dreamer: ‘Don’t worry, I know how you feel. Only two months ago I was in your position, so what I will do is extend the same offer that was offered to me at the time. Take a week to sleep on it, and let us know next week. Just remember, your with us or against us.’

The Tag Team Champions stare at Darren Starr and try to intimidate the youngster, before slowly leaving the interview area.

Rose Finnegan vs. Diamond Legend
Officiated by Hector Arenda

“Irish Drinking Song (Drink and Fight)” by Flogging Molly plays and the crowd pops a little, but not crazy. There is a minimal amount of pyrotechnics and smoke as Rose Finnegan makes her way steadily from the back.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making her way to the ring, from Dublin, Ireland, Rose FINNEGAN!!’

She walks with a purpose, her eyes fixed on the ring. Sliding under the bottom rope, she makes her way to the middle of the ring and stretches a little, preparing herself for the match.

‘Let The Sparks Fly’ by Thousand Foot Krutch blares throughout the sound speakers. The lights suddenly flicker and smoke arises atop of the entry ramp. Suddenly from behind the smoke Diamond Legend appears on the stage. His head lowered with his hood over his head. Slowly lifting his head up the lights lights come back to a steady. Looking left, looking right Diamond Legend smiles and continues his slow, cockish walk to the ring. He blows kisses at beautiful girls and give little boys nudgies while telling them to fuck off. He spits at people and swears at them consistently.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring weighting in at 228lbs…… Diamond LEGEND!!’

Before stepping in the ring he walks up the steel steps slowly before walking along the ring before putting his back to the ropes and lowering his head again. Once again the lights begin to flicker. From all four turnbuckles little pyrogryhphic stars burst from out them. A plethora of different colors. Diamond Legend picks up his head and now he looks infuriated. He jumps over the top rope and begins running around the ring talking to himself as he looks off into the crowd and taunts them. Finally he jumps to the middle of the ring and whilst doing so, BOOM! In unison some more pyro comes from the turnbuckles and together they make one big baby blue star that vanishes into thin air. Diamond taps his chest and takes a seat outside of the ring on the steel steps and waits for the match to begin.In this deeply personal match up after Diamond Legend’s actions last week, the referee quickly calls for the bell to be ring and this one is underway! Rose Finnegan runs at Diamond Legend and lays into him with some big right hands to try and get her own back on last weeks attack. The fans cheer as Finnegan backs Diamond Legend into the corner of the ring with the right hands, before grabbing him by the arm and sending him corner to corner! Legend hits the corner hard, and Rose Finnegan follows up by running across the ring and landing a big clothesline in the corner on her opponent! Legend stumbles out of the corner of the ring, and Rose Finnegan follows up with a bulldog takedown before making a cover on Legend!




Diamond Legend manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted. Rose doesn’t look too disappointed that Diamond Legend manages to kick out as she continues to lay into her opponent with some mounted punches. Diamond Legend manages to force Finnegan off and roll up to his feet. Finnegan bounces out of the ring ropes and aims a big calf kick at the direction of Legend, but Legend manages to duck out of the way of his opponent. Finnegan spins around and Diamond Legend plants her down to the mat with an inverted DDT.

Rose Finnegan looks in pain after the big move from Diamond Legend, as he gets to his feet and cockily taunts to the fans. Rose slowly begins to get to her feet, but Diamond Legend quickly grabs hold of her in a rear naked choke hold. The referee asks Rose if she wants to tap, but she bravely says no as she fights for breath. Rose Finnegan is able to grab hold of the bottom rope, but Diamond Legend waits for the full five count from the referee before releasing the hold.

Diamond Legend cockily taunts Rose Finnegan as she slowly gets to her feet, before sending her into the ropes. Diamond Legend drops his head looking for a back drop on his opponent, but Rose manages to counter with a snap DDT! Diamond Legend quickly gets to his feet, but Rose takes him down with a big head scissors takedown. Diamond Legend staggers up and stumbles back into the corner of the ring, where Rose follows up by laying into him with some big right hands.

Diamond Legend fights his way out of the corner with some right hands, but Rose Finnegan grabs hold of her opponent and takes him down with a side suplex. With Diamond Legend on the mat, Rose Finnegan makes the cover.




Diamond Legend again manages to kick out before the three count. The fans are firmly behind Rose Finnegan in this match as she gets to her feet and claps to get the crowd going. Diamond Legend slowly begins to get up, but Rose Finnegan lays into him with some massive kicks. Diamond Legend finally reaches a standing position, but as he does Rose looks for a side Russian leg sweep. However before she can execute the move, Diamond Legend fights out with some elbow shots to the head of his opponent before nailing her with the Alabama slam!

Rose Finnegan staggers up holding her self in pain, and Diamond Legend lands a kick to the midsection on his opponent. Rose Finnegan stumbles over, and Diamond Legend steps over Rose before landing a ‘End of Story’ on his opponent! The fans boo loudly with Rose Finnegan on the mat in the middle of the ring, but it looks like Diamond Legend wants to embarrass his opponent and not just defeat her, as instead of making the cover he grabs the legs of his opponent before locking in a figure four leg lock!

The fans boo loudly as Rose Finnegan shouts out in pain at the submission move and bravely tries to fight her way out, before the pain becomes too much!




The crowd continue to boo loudly, but instead of releasing the hold and celebrating his victory, Diamond Legend keeps the submission hold locked in on his opponent after the bell has been rung! Boos continue to ring out around the arena as the referee tries to pull Diamond Legend off of Rose Finnegan!

WINNER: Diamond Legend by submission (11:35)


Despite having won the match, Diamond Legend doesn’t look like he wants to break the submission hold on Rose Finnegan! With Finnegan still locked in the figure four leg lock, the giant screen in the arena switches to the backstage area and the Finnegan and Black locker room, where Logan Black is laid out on the floor!

It looks as if Logan Black is in no position to save his partner as referee flood the ring and try and pulls Diamond Legend off of Rose Finnegan in the middle of the ring. However Diamond Legend keeps the figure four locked in as long as he can until the referees are able to pull him away.

Diamond Legend rolls out of the ring and backs up the entrance ramp with his arms in the air as the fans boo loudly. In the ring the referees check on the condition of Rose Finnegan who looks in pain.


The cameras head to the backstage area where Amy Page is approaching the door of the medical office. The President of the sVo knocks on the door of the medical room, and it slowly opens and Amy is greeted by the chief doctor of the sVo.

Amy Page: ‘Roscoe Shame, is he cleared to compete after that attack earlier?’

The doctor looks down and slowly shakes his head. Amy Page shrugs her shoulders not looking all that concerned.

Amy Page: ‘So be it, maybe he will watch his back a little more in the future.’

Page looks more than a little happy that Roscoe Shame has been ruled out of tonight’s main event by the doctor, and will therefore not get the chance to becoming the number one contender for the sVo Championship belt!

sVo Presents Deadly Habits Live On PPV!

#1 Contendership Match
Johnny All Star vs. Tobias Devereux vs. Pat Fullam
Officiated by Nick Jaxx

‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis hits the sound system and the crowd pop as the ‘Welcome to Las Vegas’ sign appears on the giant screen and pyros shoot up from both sides of the entrance ramp. After a few seconds the man himself, Johnny All-Star steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throws his arms in the air. All-Star makes his way through the pyros down towards the ring.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making his way to the ring, from LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, weighing in at 220lbs…. Johnny ALL-STAR!’

All-Star salutes to the fans that cheer his name as he climbs into the ring and jumps to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle. All-Star throws his arms in the air and gets even more cheers from his hometown fans.

The sound of guitars echo through the arena as “Been Away for too Long” By Soundgarden plays through the arena. The lights are dimmed and multicolor spotlights spin throughout the crowd. The crowd gets up to their feet in a mixture of cheers and boos as the spotlights all merge together turning white in the middle of the stage. There in the spotlight is the one and only “De Cajun Sensation” Tobias Devereux.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making his way to the ring, from New Orleans, Louisana, weighing in at 260lbs…. Tobias DEVEREUX!’

Tobias is dressed in his trademark black tights, trench, and fedora. Tobias is making his way down the ramp talking junk to the fans as he does so. Tobias slides under the bottom rope into the ring popping up to his feet. Tobias jumps up onto the middle rope in one of the corners and takes off his hat and coat tossing them down to a stage hand before jumping off and waiting in the corner for the bell.

The arena goes black and the tron flickers on. In icy blue writing the words,

Lo as I walk through the valley of shadow and death
I fear no evil…
For I am the biggest and baddest guy around.

“Meet The Monster” by Five Finger Death Punch starts to play over the sound system. The writing on the tron fades away as blue sparks flare out on the stage. As the sparks die down the one and only “The Coolness” Pat Fullam comes out on stage. The tron flickers to life once again with clips of all of the 7’2″ giant’s time in the ring throughout the various federations he’s been in.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making his way to the ring, from Jamestown New York, weighing in at 320lbs…. Pat FULLAM!’

He tosses up the metal head salute as he begins to walk down to the ring to the beat of “Rebirth of Slick.” Making it to the ring he reaches up and grabs the top rope, pulling himself up onto the apron and stepping over the top rope. He swaggers to the center of the ring and tosses his hair back before giving one final metal head salute as the music fades.

With Roscoe Shame out of the match after the earlier brutal attack by Tobias Devereux, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action to get under way with all three competitors in the ring! Tobias Devereux quickly runs at Johnny All Star and begins to lay into the former International Champion with some big right hands as Pat Fullam watches on.

Devereux begins to back All Star backwards with the right hands, before All Star cuts Devereux off with a knee to the midsection and takes him down to the mat with a side head lock takedown. Johnnny All Star rises quickly back up to his feet, but as he does Pat Fullam spins him around. All Star throws a clothesline at his opponent, but Fullam ducks under the arm before scooping his opponent up and landing a back breaker.

The giant Pat Fullam grabs Tobias Devereux as he gets to his feet and throws him into the ring ropes before knocking him down to the mat with a big boot as he bounces back up. The giant Pat Fullam stands tall in the middle of the ring and taunts both men to get to their feet. Fullam lands big kicks to Devereux and All Star as the two men try and stumble up, but eventually All Star and Devereux manage to get some punches of their own in on ‘the Coolness’.

Devereux and All Star grab hold of Pat Fullam by the arm and whip him into the ring ropes, before taking him down to the mat with a big double clothesline in the middle of the ring. However the unlikely coalition does not last long as Devereux attacks All Star from behind with a double axe handle shot to the back of his head.

The crowd boo Devereux as he lands some big punches to the face of his opponent before sending him into the ropes. All Star bounces into the ropes and Devereux lands a kick to the midsection before sending him down with a big neckbreaker! With All Star on the mat, Devereux quickly makes the cover.



Pat Fullam grabs hold of Devereux by the feet and pulls him away from his opponent before the referee has a chance to count the three. Devereux scrambles up to his feet and tries to send Pat Fullam into the ring ropes, but Fullam reverses. Devereux bounces back into the middle of the ring only for Pat Fullam to send him high up into the air with a gorilla press slam!

Fullam then turns his attention towards Johnny All Star as the home town hero begins to get to his feet. Pat Fullam grabs hold of Johnny All Star by the back of his head before slamming him face first into the turnbuckle. All Star stumbles back holding his face, only for Fullam to send him to the mat with a big back slam! With All Star down, Fullam makes the cover.




All-Star manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat just in time! Pat Fullam can’t believe it as the crowd cheer loudly for the home town hero! Pat Fullam slowly brings himself up to his feet staring at the referee in disbelief, but as he does he is nailed from behind with a leg sweep by Tobias Devereux!

With Fullam on the mat Devereux begins to work over the legs of the giant before allowing him to stagger back up to his feet. Devereux runs at Fullam and takes him down with a Lui Thesz press with knuckles before bouncing into the ring ropes and landing a diving elbow drop onto Fullam! The crowd boo Devereux, who has cost Roscoe Shame a shot in the match tonight, as he rises up to his feet and taunts the crowd.

Devereux flips the crowd off, before pulling Johnny All Star up to his feet. Devereux sends All Star into the ropes, but as All Star bounces back he looks for a clothesline, only for Devereux to duck and All Star to wipe out the referee! All Star staggers back in shock at what he has done, but Devereux takes advantage by spinning his opponent around and landing a ‘Cajun Cutter’ on the hometown hero!

With Tobias Devereux standing tall over Johnny All Star and Pat Fullam, it looks as if the Cajun Sensation is the man that will be heading to Deadly Habits for a shot at the sVo Champion William Vorheez, however there is no referee to count the three count!

Devereux waves to the back for a referee as he grabs the giant Pat Fullam and pulls him to a standing position, Devereux throws Fullam hard into the ropes, but Fullam bounces back and lands a big boot to the face on Devereux! The fans cheer the move from Fullam, who grabs Johnny All Star around the throat! Pat Fullam lifts All Star into the air and lands ‘The Crippling Cool’! Now it is Fullam standing tall over his two opponents, and the big man quickly tries to revive the referee so that he can make the cover.

However as Fullam tries to vain, Devereux rises to his feet behind the giant. The boos of the fans alert Pat Fullam, who turns around only to walk into a ‘Bayou Bash’! Devereux rises up to his feet and looks pleased with himself, but with both his compeitors down and the referee, his expression changes as there is a massive cheer from the crowd as Roscoe Shame rushes down the entrance ramp with a steel chair in hand!

Tobias Devereux looks shocked to see Roscoe Shame as he climbs into the ring! Devereux runs at Roscoe Shame, but the former sVo Champion cuts him off with a kick to the midsection before nailing him with a massive steel chair shot to the back! Shame then throws the chair down on the mat before grabbing hold of Devereux. Shame pulls the Cajun Sensation up into the air, before delivering a massive ‘Shame Time’ onto Devereux onto the chair!

The fans pop for the massive move as Roscoe Shame climbs out of the ring and a referee comes rushing down the entrance ramp. However as he does the referee in the ring slowly begins to come to. With Devereux down and out, All Star and Fullam slowly crawl across and drape an arm over the body of Tobias Devereux! Both referees begin to make a count!

One, One,

Two, Two,

Three, Three!

It’s all over, but who is the winner?

There is confusion at ringside as both referees declare different men the winners, with All Star and Pat Fullam slowly staggering up to their feet! Each men has an arm raised in the air by a different referee, but as Showdown #109 heads off of the air, All Star and Fullam stare each other down each thinking they are the man that has won the chance to face William Vorheez for the sVo Championship at Deadly Habits!

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