sVo Showdown
1st August 2010
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
Episode #050


As the camera pans around the sold out arena, Pretty Vegas by INXS begins to blast out over the sound system as the sVo Showdown opening video rolls on the giant V-Tron! The crowd goes wild for the video, featuring action from top sVo stars such as Night, Isaac White, Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean! As the video begins to come to an end, fireworks shoot up from alongside the entrance ramp as the cameras begin to pan around the crowd as the fans jump up and down trying to get seen on TV! The announcer’s welcome the fans watching on TV to the latest Showdown episode as the camera pick out various signs in the crowd! As the official sVo Showdown theme music begins to fade out, the attention of the fans turns towards the V-Tron on the top of the entrance stage as highlights of last weeks show play on the giant screen before tonight’s episode gets underway!

The Second Encounter

The scene is set in the ring, as the camera zooms in on the Victory Cup trophy which is sitting on a table in the middle of the ring. The fans start to boo as the SVO Owner Matt Anderson makes his way down to the ring in his suit, whilst ‘Real Solution #9’ by White Zombie plays on the sound system. Matt Anderson makes his way into the ring with a microphone in his hand, and doesn’t seem to really care about the fans as he addressed the crowd.

Matt Anderson: ‘Two weeks ago I extended an offer backstage to one of the hottest properties in the SVO to step forward and join me in the Company. I saw his potential before anyone else, which was exactly why I asked him if he would like a place in the Company, an offer I am sure he will accept. Therefore although it is no surprise to myself, it gives me great pleasure to introduce the new winner of the SVO Victory Cup, JAMES VON DRAKE!’

There are boos in the arena as ‘JVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as James Von Drake walks out, with his wife Lucy Von Drake as always by his side. JVD signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. JVD holds his arms in the air in the middle of the ring as Lucy Von Drake stands outside the ring clapping on her husband.

James Von Drake: ‘Last week people were telling me that my match against that low life DJ was the biggest match of my life, however I knew that my biggest test in the SVO would come a few weeks after my victory over DJ. I am proud to become the latest person to win the SVO Victory Cup, but in truth, this trophy has been mine ever since I was entered into the tournament…..’

The fans boo the cocky attitude of Von Drake.

James Von Drake: ‘You might not like it, but I get the job done! If I say I am going to do something, then I go out there and god damn do it! I said I was going to win the Victory Cup, and I am out here tonight telling you that I WILL beat that paper champion Night and become the next SVO World Champion!’

There are yet more boos from the crowd as Von Drake holds an arm in the air in victory, as if he has already taken on Night and beaten him.

James Von Drake: ‘Night might have been a champion for a long time here in the SVO, but really, who has he actually had to face? Every single person he has taken on so far has been a nobody in this business. Well this Sunday everything changes. Night has to test himself against a true legend in this business. I have risen to the top of the SVO quicker than any other man in its history, and I will continue the rise with a victory over Night this Sunday night at the PPV when I become the NEXT SVO CHAMPION!!!’

James Von Drake drops the mic to the floor, as Matt Anderson picks up the Victory Cup trophy and hands it to James Von Drake, however as JVD picks it up into the air and celebrates with it, his expression suddenly changes as……

A whisper…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

An explosion of purple light as a man in a black mask appears. At least, the mask appears black at first, but on closer inspection it appears to be made of the night sky. The mask does not entirely cover the man’s head and a head of black dreadlocks stream out, tracing the man’s jaw.

The man stands at the top of the entrance ramp – motionless for a moment, his stance elegant and mysterious, giving away nothing of his motives. As the music swirls away, the man only known as Night begins his walk to the ring – only, he doesn’t walk, it appears more of a graceful glide. Although he moves seemlessly, he moves deceptively quickly to the ring, sliding deliberately and headfirst into the ring.

Neither James Von Drake or Matt Anderson look too happy to see the sVo World Champion, as he stands in front of them with the title belt strapped around his waist, and a mic in his hand.

Night: ‘You seem pretty confident out here that you will be the next World Champion. You might have beaten a few people so far in your short time in the sVo, but I have worked my whole career to get to this position. I have taken defended Hardcore titles in house of hell matches, I have defeated the likes of Isaac White for the International Championship, I have defended my World title against Chris Bond, Tobias Devereux, Johnny All Star….. even my own brother….’

The fans cheer at Night’s speech, but Matt Anderson stands there clapping sarcastically.

Matt Anderson: ‘Lovely Night, just lovely. Really did nearly bring a tear to my eye. However you lost that Championship belt the minute you decided to go against the Company! At Sunday you will lose that belt Night, and James Von Drake will walk out as the sVo World Champion!’

James Von Drake nods his head enthusiastically, is JVD really going to join the Company if he wins the title belt?

Night: ‘I know your game Anderson. What you going to do this time, send the whole Company down there to try and steal the title away from me? If your so confident Von Drake, why can’t you get the job done on your own?’

JVD seems to take offence to the suggestion as he grabs the mic from the hands of Anderson and steps forward to Night.

James Von Drake – ‘Are you kidding? I will beat you one on one in any match type in the world!’

Night – ‘How about a steel cage match?’

The fans pop, but Matt Anderson jumps forward to interject.

James Von Drake – ‘Your on!!’

The fans pop again, as Matt Anderson looks like he is about to go berserk, with his plans for a full Company interference to insure a new World Champion in tatters!

JVD and Night stand face to face as the crowd rise to their feet in anticipation for Sunday’s Championship match! Behind the Champion’s back, Matt Anderson picks up the Victory Cup, and swings it in the direction of Night, but the World Champion sees it coming and ducks out of the way! Night rolls under the bottom rope and backs up the entrance ramp with a smile on his face, whilst back in the ring there is an uncomfortable stare down between James Von Drake and Matt Anderson, as the Victory Cup winner snatches his trophy away from the boss!

Showdown V.I.P’s

Showdown heads backstage, where the International Champion Roscoe Shame is seen making his way into the arena from the parking lot. Shame has his kit bag over one shoulder, and two title belts over the other, one being the International title belt, and the other being the tag team championship belt that he currently holds with ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean. Shame, who has a big tag team match later tonight is suddenly stopped in his tracks as he sees the one sight along the corridor that he didn’t expect to see here tonight…

‘What are you doing here tonight?’

Roscoe Shame walks forward quickly towards his ex-girlfriend Jessica, and his daughter Nicole who is holding hands with her mother. Roscoe Shame hugs his daughter, before looking up at his ex-girlfriend Jessica, who has a confused look on her face.

‘Don’t start your stupid games now Roscoe, not in front of your daughter. We got those VIP backstage tickets that you sent us last week along with the airline tickets out here, so I thought I would bring your daughter out here to see you in action as you seem to be doing so well.’

Nicole seems to be fascinated by her fathers title belts, and doesn’t seem to pick up on the friction between her estranged parents.

‘What tickets? I never sent any tickets?’

Roscoe Shame shakes his head, wonder just what is going on here, but his ex-girlfriend is not at all impressed.

‘Look Roscoe, we are here to have a good time tonight, and not for any of this. Now is there any chance we could go to your locker room or are you going to let your daughter just wander around the corridors here all night?’

Roscoe Shame begrudgingly nods his head, and takes his daughter in his hands whilst he leads his ex-girlfriend towards his locker room.

Limp vs. Juliana Torres

As Showdown returns to ringside from the backstage segment, both Limp and Juliana Torres are already in the ring waiting for the match to begin. The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this one quickly gets underway. Torres and Limp make their way towards each other in the middle of the ring, and Torres quickly catches Limp with a kick to the midsection, followed by some stiff elbow shots to the face. Limp is knocked backwards, and then thrown into the ring ropes. Limp bounces back and is taken down to the mat with a fireman’s carry takedown by the former Las Vegas Champion.

The Corporate Lady quickly makes his way back to her feet, and bounces into the ring ropes herself. Limp staggers back up to his feet, but is caught with a big running heel kick from Torres, which sends him into the corner of the ring. With Limp prone in the corner, Torres runs at Limp and clotheslines him in the corner of the ring. The fans boo the big clothesline in the corner from Torres, before she pulls Limp away from the corner of the ring, before taking him down to the mat with a snap suplex. With Limp down on the mat, Torres climbs onto her opponent and then begins to pound away on Limp with some mounted punches!

Torres pulls Limp back up to his feet and grabs him in a wrist lock. Limp manages to struggle out of the wrist lock and grabs Torres in a side head lock, before taking her down to the mat with a rolling arm bar takedown. Limp holds the arm bar submission in on Torres for a few seconds, before releasing it and rolling up to his feet. Limp holds his arms in the air before grabbing Torres as she gets to her feet. Limp nails Torres with some elbow shots to the face, before whipping her hard into the ropes. Torres bounces back and Limp knocks her down to the mat with a shoulder block. Limp then bounces into the ropes and aims an elbow drop at Torres, but she rolls out of the way before Limp can connect! Torres quickly gets back to her feet and ducks under an attempted clothesline from Limp.

Limp turns around and Torres nails him with a kick to the midsection before taking him down to the mat with a stiff DDT! The fans boo the Corporate Lady, as she rises back up to a standing position and makes her way over to the corner of the ring. Torres climbs onto the second rope in the corner, and waits for her opponent to get to his feet. Limp staggers up with a glazed over look in his eyes, and Torres leaps from the top rope and hits a flying clothesline on Limp! With Limp down on the mat, Torres quickly rolls over her opponent and goes for the cover.



No! Limp shows how much he wants to get the win tonight on Showdown #50, as the former Tag Team Champion gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three count goes down!

Juliana Torres doesn’t look too happy with the decision as she rises to her feet, and hits some hard kicks into the body of Limp as he tries to get up. Torres grabs Limp in a front face lock, before hitting her opponent with multiple knees to the midsection to try and wear him down. Limp looks in pain, as Torres uses the front face lock, and turns it into a twisting neckbreaker on her opponent! Torres looks firmly in control of this match as she rises up to her feet and taunts the crowd!

Limp slowly staggers up to a standing position, as the crowd boo the Corporate Lady. Torres grabs hold of Limp by the arm and tries to send him into the corner of the ring, but Limp reverses the move and sends Torres into the corner! Torres hits the corner hard, as Limp follows up with a splash in the corner! Torres staggers out of the corner of the ring, with the air being driven from her lungs, as Limp follows up with a bulldog takedown to send Torres down to the mat face first. Limp pulls himself up to his feet and hits some stiff clubbing blows across the back of Juliana Torres head as she rises up to her feet.

Limp nails a backbreaker onto Juliana Torres, and then uses his boot to try and choke out his opponent. The referee quickly gets involved and orders Limp to break the hold, and he finally does after a few more seconds of choking out Torres. Torres rises to her feet holding her throat and trying to catch her breath, but Limp gets right back on the offence with a back suplex on Torres, before rolling over her and making the cover!




Juliana Torres gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted, and this one continues despite the massive back suplex from Limp! Limp shakes his head in disbelief, he obviously thought that move was going to put away Torres for good right there!

Limp pulls Torres up to her feet and nails Torres with a few elbow shots to the face, before taking her down to the mat with a headlock takedown. With Torres down on the mat, Limp locks on a surfboard stretch on Torres! The move obviously is causing Torres a lot of pain from the look on her face, but she quickly uses her feet to reach out to the ropes so that Limp has to break the hold! Limp looks unhappy about having to break the hold, but he nails Torres with a knee to the back before pulling her up to her feet! Torres looks shaky on her feet, as Limp sends her hard into the ropes, before nailing her with a flapjack as she bounces back!

Limp signals to the crowd that he is ready to end this one, as he grabs Torres by the hair and pulls her up to a standing position! Juliana Torres can do little about it as she is pulled into the air in a suplex position by Limp, before he drops her on her head with a brainbuster! Torres looks out cold, as Limp rolls across her and hooks her leg in the air.




This match is all over, and its Limp who picks up the win over the Corporate Lady Juliana Torres! Limp rises to his feet, and the referee holds his arm in the air in victory as his music hits the sound system. The fans cheer as Limp celebrates his victory on Showdown #50, with a big victory under his belt, can he now go on to further his singles career in the sVo?

RESULT: Limp def. Juliana Torres via pinfall

Corporate Takeover

We head backstage where Juliana Torres is making her way back to the Corporation locker room after her disappointing loss against Limp just moments ago. With no one else from the Corporation in action tonight, it looks as if it is going to be a disappointing night for the Corporation, especially after the recent in fighting and DJ missing out on the Victory Cup win last week against James Von Drake.

Torres turns the corner and then walks into the Corporation locker room, but as she does she staggers back in shock. It is a scene of carnage in the locker room, with Chris Wrestling, DJ and Raven all laid out on the floor, with blood everywhere! Torres staggers back wondering just who has attacked her Corporation team mates, when all of a sudden her lights go out with a vicious shot to the back of the head with a heavy object!

Juliana Torres drops down to the floor in a heap, whilst the camera spins around only to see a anonymous figure sprinting away from the scene down the corridor and around the corner out of view. Just who has taken out the whole of the Corporation here on Showdown #50?

sVo Showdown #51
15th August 2010
The International Tour 2010 Kicks off in Madrid, Spain!

Money Man

As Showdown returns from the commercial break, we head straight to the backstage area, where Bobby Dean is walking through the corridor with a black sports bag in one hand, and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the other hand! Bobby Dean is not booked to compete tonight so is therefore dressed in his normal clothes, however the ‘Beautiful’ One still has both his sVo Las Vegas and Tag Team Championship belts strapped around his waist!

Candi Cross: ‘Hey Bobby, have you got time for a few words quickly?’

BBD looks Candi Cross up and down for a few seconds, before reluctantly shaking his head.

Bobby Dean: ‘Normally I would always have time for a gorgeous woman Candi, but I got something to go and pay for right now!’

BBD holds the black sports bag up in the air and winks his eye at the sVo head interviewer.

Candi Cross: ‘Really? That bag looks pretty heavy, there must be a lot of money in there!’

Candi Cross looks suitably impressed with the size of BBD’s bag, and he can’t help but open the zip a little and let her have a peak at the money inside.

Bobby Dean: ‘Thirty five grand in cold hard cash there darling. Now I got to run and pay this in before it’s too late. If you want to continue this ‘conversation’ later, you know where my hotel room is.’

BBD winks once again at the pretty interviewer, before making his way past Candi Cross leaving her wondering just what he is planning on buying with $35,000 here tonight!

Asesino vs. Crippler

Headstrong by Trapt plays. On the screen we see highlights of Asesino doing different moves. Then Asesino comes out watching the entire crowd and then walks down the aisle acknowledging the crowd. He enters the ring and climbs on the second rope patting his chest and throwing a kiss to the crowd.

Last Resort plays as Canadian Crippler comes out completely focused on the ring. He enters the ring and awaits the bell.

Crippler and Asesino stare each other out from opposite corners of the ring, as the referee runs down some last minute checks of the ring. With everything in place as it should be, the official calls for the bell to be rung, and this one gets underway! Crippler and Asesino slowly make their way towards each other, before meeting in the middle of the ring with a tie up. Crippler grabs the arm of Asesino, and pulls it behind his back in a wrist lock, that has Asesino wincing in pain. Asesino tries to spin out of the hold with a reverse elbow, however Crippler ducks his head under the arm of his opponent, and takes down Asesino with a wrist lock suplex! Asesino rises up to his feet holding his arm in pain, but Crippler goes straight back to work in it with a arm drag takedown, followed up by an arm bar submission hold!

Crippler looks determined to work over the arm of Asesino as he keeps him locked in the arm bar submission move for a few seconds, before finally releasing him. Crippler isn’t finished there however, as he pulls Asesino up to his feet, and sends him hard into the corner of the ring. Asesino hits the corner hard, and Crippler quickly advances on his opponent, before wrapping Asesino’s arm around the top rope and trying to break it in half! The fans give a mixed reaction to Crippler as he tries to get the match finished early, however Asesino finally manages to fight his way out of the hold with some kicks to the midsection of Crippler.

Cripple stumbles away from Asesino, but Asesino bounces back into the ropes before spearing his opponent down to the mat! With Crippler down, Asesino grabs his opponent by the head and slams it repeatedly into the mat! Asesino rises up to his feet, still obviously holding his arm in pain, but as Crippler tries to rise up, Asesino catches him with a spinning heel kick to send him back down to the mat. With Crippler down, Asesino rushes over to his opponent and begins to stomp away on Crippler, until Crippler is able to roll under the bottom rope to escape his opponent.

With Crippler on the outside of the ring, Asesino wastes no time in climbing out of the ring himself and chasing his opponent outside the ring! Asesino grabs Crippler by the back of the head and slams him face first into the announcers table, sending the ring announcers scattering away in fear that there table is about to get smashed up! Crippler holds his head in pain, as Asesino grabs him by the arm and tries to Irish whip him into the steel ring steps, however at the last minute Crippler is able to reverse the move and send Asesino into the ring steps! Asesino lays on the ground in pain holding his knee as Crippler staggers up to his feet and grabs hold of a steel chair!

The referee quickly jumps out of the ring and takes the steel chair off of Crippler, much to the displeasure of the crowd! Asesino takes advantage of the distraction by the referee with a spear on the outside of the ring to send Crippler down to the floor! With Crippler on the floor and hurting, Asesino turns to the announcers table and climbs onto the top of it! The fans cheer as Asesino raises both arms before leaping from the announcers table and landing a splash on Crippler! If Asesino could go for the pin right now then this would surely be over, but being on the outside of the ring he can’t! Asesino struggles to pull Crippler up to his feet and pull him over to the ring. Asesino slams Crippler’s face into the side of the ring, before rolling him in! Asesino climbs onto the ring apron as Crippler staggers to his feet inside the ring. With Crippler looking shaky on his feet, Asesino takes advantage with a sunset flip on Crippler into the ring!




Somehow Crippler managed to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three count be counted, which means this one continues!

Asesino can’t believe it as he rises up to his feet shaking his head in disbelief. Asesino pulls Crippler up to his feet and cracks him across the chest with some stiff chops that echo around the arena. Crippler looks in pain as the chops that back him into the corner of the ring, before he manages to battle back with a knee to the midsection of his opponent to knock him away. Crippler then runs at Asesino, and takes him down to the mat with a lariat takedown! Asesino staggers back up to his feet, but Crippler takes him down to the mat with a scoop slam, followed by a big splash onto Asesino into a cover!




Asesino gets a shoulder up off of the mat just before the three can be counted! Crippler was sure he was about to get the win then, as he pulls himself back up to his feet and kicks away on his opponent to relieve his anger. Asesino is pulled to his feet by Crippler, who sends him back down to the mat with a belly to back suplex! Asesino looks down and out on the mat, as Crippler looks down at his opponent, before making his way to the corner of the ring! Crippler begins to climb the turnbuckle, and soon reaches the rope rope! The fans rise to their feet to see the high flying move, but as Crippler launches himself at Asesino looking for a diving headbutt, Asesino rolls out of the way and Crippler hits the mat face first!

Crippler staggers to his feet holding his face in pain, and Asesino sends him down to the mat with a full nelson slam! With Crippler down on the mat, Asesino drops down to make the cover on his opponent!




This one is all over, and its Asesino who picks up the surprise win! Asesino rises to his feet and has his hand raised in the air by the referee, after picking up his second sVo victory in a row, after winning his first match last week! Asesino celebrates his victory in the middle of the ring, whilst Crippler rolls out under the bottom rope and makes his way to the backstage area.

RESULT: Asesino def. Crippler via pinfall

Shame On You

Showdown heads backstage again, where we catch up with Roscoe Shame and his dysfunctional family. His daughter Nicole now has a lolly in her hand, after obviously being treated by her father, whilst his ex-girlfriend Jessica still has a pissed off look on her face as she follows the International & Tag Team Champion down to the corridor. Roscoe Shame walks a few paces forward, before stopping outside his locker room, and lifting his daughter up.

‘You see that star on the door Nicole…. that has daddy’s name on it!’

Nicole looks impressed as she looks at the star, whilst Jessica rolls her eyes.

‘Come on Roscoe, we have had the full tour of the arena now, how about we just get a chance to sit down and watch the action, we have been travelling all day.’

Roscoe Shame nods his head as he puts down his daughter and opens the door to his locker room. Looking back to his ex-girlfriend and daughter, he steps into the room.

‘Daddy has the best locker room in the business, and that is because he is part of the Company….’

Roscoe Shame leads his family into the locker room, but as they look around, they see that the locker room has been completely trashed. The tables and chairs have been up turned, and the TV set in the far corner has been smashed.

‘What the Fu…..’

Roscoe Shame doesn’t have a chance to finish the expletive as he is smashed over the back of the head with a steel chair by The Teacher, who was hiding just behind the door.

‘Just when I thought you couldn’t get any worse as a father, you were just about to swear in front of your own daughter?’

The Teacher smashes the chair once again onto the downed body of Roscoe Shame, as Jessica and Nicole cower in the corner in fear.

‘It was me that sent the tickets Roscoe. I wanted your daughter here to see what a pathetic man you really are. I want her to do something better with her life and become a better person that you, which means not idolising low life scum like yourself.’

The Teacher smashes the chair into the downed body of Roscoe Shame one more time.

‘No need to thank me for the tickets ladies, I hope you enjoy watching me beat Mr Shame here in the main event later. Roscoe, consider this as your lesson learnt. Class dismissed!’

The Teacher tosses the chair away, before leaving the room, leaving Jessica and Nicole to try and help up the beaten and bloody Roscoe Shame.

Colt Cooper vs. Johnny Stylez



After waiting a few seconds, Colt Cooper appears on the ramp with his normal cocky smile. He positions both of his arms out, tapping his chest taunting the crowd. A spectrum of black and blue strobe lights fill up the arena followed by a down pour of confetti. Colt struts his way to the ring extending his hands to some of his fans, and gives the middle finger to the fans of SVO who don’t like him.

Pyro lights up the stage, bright gold in colour. Dancers of both genders saunter out onto the stage, performing a routine with a breakneck pace that’d make B-Boys holla all across the world. During the routine, more pyro explodes, showering the people in flares and sizzly bits as the ceiling opens up, revealing a blinding white light. A platform begins to lower and the silhouette of Johnny Stylez is seen. He stands on the platform, posed, hands on hips and surveying the crowd. The platform lowers to the bottom of the stage, and all at once the dancers drop to their knees and bow to the Stylez.

Johnny Stylez then walks down to the ring, ignoring fans and generally being a smarmy duck. He is about to jump onto the apron when he turns and snaps his fingers. Two burly men trot out from behind the security wall and drop to their knees, forming a staircase. It is a staircase that Stylez uses to ascend to the apron, to which he rubs his feet on the man’s t-shirt, and steps into the ring. He walks over to his corner, where another of his minions places a stool for Johnny Stylez to sit, awaiting his opponent.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this match is under way! Stylez and Cooper stare at each other before making their way towards each other. The sVo newcomers meet in the middle of the ring and trade some big right hands, from which Cooper gets the upper hand. Cooper drops Stylez down to the mat with a big right hand, before taking him down with a snap suplex as he tries to get to his feet. Cooper struts around the ring, before shooting Stylez into the ring ropes as he stands up. Stylez bounces back, but counters the offence from Colt Cooper with a flying forearm smash onto his opponent. Cooper gets to his feet with a shocked look on his face, but Stylez is right back onto him with some chops across the chest of his opponent to back him into the corner of the ring.

With Colt Cooper in the corner, Johnny Stylez climbs onto the second rope, before hitting Colt Cooper with some big mounted punches whilst standing on the second rope. The fans boo the punches from Stylez, who then locks Colt Cooper in a front face lock, before falling backwards and taking Colt Cooper down to the mat with an inverted DDT from the second rope! The fans continue to boo the arrogant superstar, as he jumps to his feet and taunts the crowd.

Colt Cooper staggers to his feet, but Johnny Stylez is there with multiple knees to the face of his opponent, before taking him down to the mat with a side russian legsweep. With Colt Cooper down on the mat, Stylez bounces into the ring ropes, before performing a rolling splash onto Colt Cooper! Despite the impressive move from Stylez, the crowd still continue to boo him. Stylez looks angrily around at the crowd, before grabbing Colt Cooper and pulling him to his feet. Stylez chops Colt Cooper across the chest before nailing him with a scoop slam to send him back to the mat. Stylez then quickly leaps to the second rope in the corner of the ring, before jumping off and hitting a legdrop onto his opponent! With Colt Cooper on the mat, Stylez quickly spins around and hooks the leg of his opponent.




Colt Cooper gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted. Stylez jumps up to his feet and kicks the ropes in frustration. He obviously thought that he had the match won right there! Stylez stomps away on Colt Cooper as he tries to get to his feet, before tossing him once again into the ring ropes. Colt Cooper bounces back, but as Johnny Stylez goes for the back drop on him, Cooper counters with a big kick to the face of his opponent! Stylez staggers backwards holding his face in pain, but as he does Colt Cooper grabs him in a waist lock, before tossing him back with a huge German suplex! The fans cheer the big move from Colt Cooper, who wastes no time in getting back to a standing position.

Stylez staggers up to his feet, but he is once again grabbed by Colt Cooper. Cooper nails Stylez with a big head butt, before hitting him with an Atomic drop. Once again the fans cheer for the offence on Stylez, who despite not being in the sVo for long is already deeply unpopular with the fans!

Stylez staggers forward, and Colt Cooper grabs him ready to his a suplex on his opponent, however before he can execute the move, Stylez rolls Colt Cooper up with an inside cradle and hooks the tights of Colt Cooper!




The referee spots the blatant cheating from Johnny Stylez, and stops the three count before he gets to three. Johnny Stylez gets to his feet and grabs the referee by the shirt, as the fans boo the arrogant young superstar! Stylez backs the referee into the corner of the ring, but before he can punch him, Colt Cooper saves the referee with a chop block to the back of Johnny Stylez’s head. Colt Cooper pulls Stylez away from the corner of the ring, and slams him down to the mat with a neckbreaker. With Johnny Stylez down on the mat, Colt Cooper rolls over onto his opponent and slams his fist into his opponents face repeatedly with some stiff mounted punches.

The fans cheer Colt Cooper on as he rises to his feet and throws his hands up in the air to show his dominance over Johnny Stylez. Behind his back, Stylez slowly rises to his feet, and as Colt Cooper turns to pick up his opponent, Stylez nails him with a low blow! The crowd boo the heinous move form Stylez, as he rises to his feet with a big grin on his face. Stylez takes Cooper down with a fireman’s carry takedown before making his way over to the corner of the ring! The fans boo Stylez as he taunts to them, before climbing the turnbuckle!

It looks as if Johnny Stylez is going to go for some ‘Major Stylez’ on his opponent! Stylez points down at Colt Cooper looking to hit his finishing move, however as he leaps from the top rope with the shooting star press, Colt Cooper rolls out of the way! The fans cheer Cooper on as Stylez staggers up to his feet with a look of shock and pain on his face. Stylez makes his way over to Colt Cooper, but out of no where Colt Cooper leaps up and lands the ‘Colt of Conduct’ on Stylez! The fans cheer the shock finisher as Colt Cooper rolls over his opponent and makes the cover on Johnny Stylez,




This one is all over, and its Colt Cooper who picks up the win over his opponent! The referee raises Colt Cooper’s hand up in the air in victory, before the victor makes his way out of the ring and up the entrance ramp, still celebrating his victory! As the fans cheer whilst Colt Cooper makes his way to the back, Johnny Stylez slowly rises to his feet in the ring. The referee begins to leave the ring, but before he can Stylez grabs him from behind! The fans boo as Stylez spins the referee around and then slams him down to the mat with a ‘Kicked by an Angel’! Johnny Stylez raises his hands in the air as he stands over the fallen referee, whilst the fans boo loudly!

RESULT: Colt Cooper def. Johnny Stylez via pinfall

Answer Time

The scene heads backstage to the office of Matt Anderson, where the Company man in charge of the sVo is sitting behind his desk, whilst watching the action on the large TV screen at the far side of the office. Without warning the office door is suddenly swung open, as the giant Pat Fullam steps into the room! Fullam slams the door behind him, causing some of the pictures on the wall to fall to the floor.

Pat Fullam: ‘You thought about your answer yet Anderson? You going to deliver Paige All-Star to me or are you going to take on responsibility for her crimes?’

Anderson looks none too happy about Pat Fullam barging into his office, but as he stares up at the 7’2” giant, he keeps his cool.

Matt Anderson: ‘I would love to deliver Paige to you on a platter, but the fact of the matter is she isn’t part of the sVo anymore, so you can’t get to her. Just drop it Fullam.’

The answer only seems to enrage ‘The Coolness’, as the giant slams his fist down onto Matt Anderson’s desk, creating a massive dent in the desk.

Pat Fullam: ‘I will take that as you want to be held responsible for her actions. Stupid move if you ask me Anderson…. I will give you one last chance to reconsider….’

Matt Anderson adjusts the trademark shades on his face before shaking his head.

Matt Anderson: ‘If you ask me, a stupid move is declaring war against me and the rest of the Company, because of something that blonde bimbo did to you years ago. Maybe you should just forget about it Fullam and concentrate on getting yourself into the title picture here in the sVo.’

The giant growls down at Anderson as he shakes his head in frustration.

Pat Fullam: ‘I have given you more than enough chances Anderson, prepare yourself for a world of pain.’

Pat Fullam storms out of the office, slamming the door behind him again, causing yet more pictures to fall off of the wall of the office. Anderson looks down at the pictures now laying on the floor of his office, before picking up the red phone sitting on his desk. Anderson places the receiver to his ear, before dialling in a number from memory.

Matt Anderson: ‘Weapon X?? It’s Anderson here, I have got a new job for you.’

The scene fades out, with Anderson explaining his plan to the Company hitman.

Off on the Wrong Foot

Showdown heads backstage, where Colt Cooper, fresh off his win over Johnny Stylez earlier in the evening looks as if he is trying to make the most of his new celebrity status as a member of the sVo roster! Colt Cooper leans back against the wall as he talks to a young woman who seems to be hanging around the backstage area.

Colt Cooper – ‘So far I am unbeaten here in the sVo. There isn’t a single person on the roster that can match up when it comes to taking me on in the ring one on one.’

The woman nods her head politely, as Colt Cooper smiles at her.

Colt Cooper – ‘Tell you what, the night is only young, how about we get out of here and catch a bite to eat? I know a great place…..’

‘What the hell are you doing??’

Colt Cooper spins around to see where the shout came from, only to come face to face with an angry looking Crippler, who still looks annoyed about his recent loss against Asesino.

Crippler – ‘What the hell do you think you are doing talking to my sister rookie? Shay, get out of here.’

Shay rolls her eyes as if she is sick of her brother protecting her, as Crippler squares up to Colt Cooper.

Colt Cooper – ‘Who the hell are you calling rookie? I just saw you lose to Asesino! That guy wins about one in every twenty matches he competes in.’

Crippler – ‘Well if your so confident rookie, lets see if you can walk the walk as well as you talk the talk! Me and you at Ultimate Victory, lets see if your as special as you think you are!!’

Colt Cooper smiles back at Crippler, before looking over at his sister Shay.

Colt Cooper – ‘Your on!!’

Crippler and Colt Cooper stare each other down as the scene fades out.

Pat Fullam vs. El Locon

The arena goes black and the tron flickers on. In icy blue writing the words,

Lo as I walk through the valley of shadow and death
I fear no evil…
For I am the biggest and baddest guy around.

“Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat)” by Digable Planets starts to play over the sound system. The writing on the tron fades away as blue sparks flare out on the stage. As the sparks die down the one and only “The Coolness” Pat Fullam comes out on stage. The tron flickers to life once again with clips of all of the 7’2″ giant’s time in the ring throughout the various federations he’s been in.

He tosses up the metal head salute as he begins to walk down to the ring to the beat of “Rebirth of Slick.” Making it to the ring he reaches up and grabs the top rope, pulling himself up onto the apron and stepping over the top rope. He swaggers to the center of the ring and tosses his hair back before giving one final metal head salute as the music fades.

The fans in the arena begin to cheer as ‘Ugly’ by Mudvayne hits the sound system, and the entrance video of the American wannaba begins to play on the sVo-Tron! After a few seconds El Locon, wearing a straight jacket slowly walks down the entrance ramp escorted by a man wearing a white jacket and a net. The fans cheer as El Locon stares down at the ring, before climbing into the ring. The man escorting El Locon begins to take off his straight jacket, as the entrance music begins to fade out. With the straight jacket removed, El Locon stretches out in the corner of the ring and prepares for the match to get under way.

With the seven foot two giant Pat Fullam towering over El Locon, he quickly springs forward and tries to get a cheap shot in on the ‘Coolness’ with some big punches to the back of the head before the match even gets underway! With El Locon hammering away on Fullam with right hands to the back of the head, the referee quickly calls for the bell to be rung. Fullam stumbles forward under the force of the right hands, as the fans cheer on El Locon! El Locon grabs Fullam by the arm and throws him into the ring ropes, however as Fullam bounces back he nails El Locon with a big boot to the face to send his opponent down!

The fans boo Pat Fullam as he grabs El Locon as he tries to rise to his feet, and sends him back down to the mat with a scoop slam to show off his strength. With El Locon down on the mat, Pat Fullam bounces into the ring ropes and then drops a stiff elbow into the chest of his opponent. There are yet more boos from ‘The Coolness’, however he doesn’t seem to care as he rises to his feet and shouts at El Locon to get up. El Locon does rise to his feet and tries to get back into the match with some punches to the midsection of Pat Fullam, however Pat Fullam lands a clubbing blow across the back of El Locon’s head. El Locon staggers away under the pain of the clubbing blow, however things only get worse as Pat Fullam grabs hold of him and then drills him down to the mat with a huge spinebuster! It could be game over right there as Pat Fullam drops down and makes the cover on El Locon.



No! El Locon kicks out despite the pain he must be feeling from that spinebuster, and the giant Pat Fullam rises up to his feet. The fans heckle Fullam, but ‘the Coolness’ seems to shrug off their insults as he takes El Locon by the arm as he rises to his feet, and backs him into the corner of the ring. With El Locon prone in the corner of the ring, Pat Fullam uses his massive hands to chop El Locon across the chest with painful effects! The chops echo around the arena as El Locon is finally able to stumble out of the corner of the ring. Pat Fullam bounces back against the ring ropes before running through El Locon with a big clothesline!

Pat Fullam looks to be firmly in control of this match as he grabs El Locon by the hair and pulls him to his feet. Pat Fullam slams El Locon head first into the turnbuckle, and as he stumbles back holding his face in pain, Pat Fullam scoops him up into his arms in a bearhug! The fans boo as Pat Fullam begins to squeeze the life out of El Locon whilst holding him up in the air as if the six foot six inches sVo star was a ragdoll! El Locon seems to be struggling under the massive strength of Fullam’s arms squeezing the air out of his lungs, and the referee asks him if he would like to quit. El Locon bravely shakes his head, before trying to free himself from the move with some stiff elbow shots to the side of Fullam’s head. El Locon finally manages to stumble out of Pat Fullam’s grip as he drops his opponent and stumbles away.

Pat Fullam tries to get straight back into the match with a big right hand in the direction of his opponent, but El Locon ducks out of the way of the punch, before taking down Pat Fullam to the mat with an arm drag takedown on his left arm. Pat Fullam shouts in pain as El Locon punches Fullam with some quick jabs to the left shoulder, before pulling his opponent into a standing arm bar! The crowd cheer the offence of El Locon on the shoulder of Pat Fullam that was damaged long ago in a car crash, as he tries to wear down the giant! Pat Fullam tries to battle out of the move, but El Locon releases it before taking Pat Fullam down to the mat with a chop block to the back of the legs!

The fans cheer as the giant is felled to the mat, and El Locon quickly goes to work on his opponent with some big stomps to the shoulder of Fullam! Fullam crawls away to the corner of the ring to try and save his shoulder, but as he does, El Locon slides out of the ring to the outside. El Locon pulls Fullam’s arm out of the ring, before slamming it hard into the ring post! Pat Fullam shouts in pain as El Locon slides back into the ring and makes the cover on the giant!




Fullam shows that he doesn’t want to lose this one as he gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted by the referee! El Locon looks disappointed at not getting the three count El Locon pulls the giant Fullam to his feet and quicky positions him for a suplex. The fans cheer as El Locon tries to lift the giant into the air for the move, however Fullam uses his strength to block El Locon’s offence. Pat Fullam quickly counters by pulling El Locon up into the air using his right arm, before dropping him across the turnbuckle with a snake eyes!

The fans boo the snake eyes from Pat Fullam, because they know exactly what is next in store for El Locon! Pat Fullam struts over to the downed body of his opponent, before pulling him up to his feet. Pat Fullam spins El Locon around and grabs him in a reverse headlock, before drilling him down to the mat with ‘the Coolness Factor’! After that move, this one has to be all over! Pat Fullam begins to drop down to make the cover on El Locon, but as he does, the Company hitman, Weapon X comes sprinting down the entrance ramp with a steel pipe in his hands!


Weapon X reaches the ring,


Weapon X slides into the ring, and cracks Pat Fullam over the back of the head with the steel pipe! Weapon X continues to smash Pat Fullam in the head with the pipe, obviously trying to take out the giant for his boss Matt Anderson!

The crowd give a mixed reaction as Weapon X continues his vile attack on Pat Fullam with the steel pipe, before rolling out of the ring. Weapon X backs up the entrance ramp watching the action in the ring, as El Locon staggers up to his feet, before rolling across Pat Fullam to make the cover of his own!




This one is all over, and El Locon has picked up the surprise win over Pat Fullam, with Weapon X costing Pat Fullam the match with his steel pipe! El Locon celebrates the win in the ring as Weapon X disappears to the backstage area, no doubt not wanting to be anywhere near Pat Fullam when he wakes up!

RESULT: El Locon def. Pat Fullam via pinfall

Paying Dues

The scene switches backstage where the man of the moment, newly crowned Victory Cup Winner, James Von Drake is standing by alongside his tag team partner for the night Roscoe Shame with sVo interviewer Tamara Boyd. There seems to be an uneasy atmosphere between the two men, that if JVD is able to win the World Championship against Night on Sunday, would meet one on one with the belt on the line.

Tamara Boyd: ‘Tonight you guys face Night and The Teacher in tag team action. What do you think of your opponents?’

Roscoe Shame is just about to answer the question, however he is quickly interrupted by James Von Drake who pounces forward onto the microphone.

James Von Drake: ‘Who cares about those two masked freaks? Tonight I am going to pick up the win over tonight, and give him just a little taster of what’s in store for him when he loses his World title at the PPV.’

Tamara Boyd: ‘You two have never crossed paths before, do you think you can co-exist in the ring together?’

Once again Roscoe Shame leans forward to answer the question, only to be beaten to it by James Von Drake.

James Von Drake: ‘Hey when I am on the team there is no doubt at all that I am going to get the match won out there tonight. Roscoe, all you need to do is stand there on the ring apron and watch, I am going to take Night and the Teacher apart one at a time.’

Roscoe Shame: ‘Who do you think you are? I am the International Champion, and you have been here what five minutes? How about you stand there and watch whilst I pick up the big win tonight.’

Roscoe Shame and James Von Drake stare each other down, can they really co-exist out there tonight against Night and The Teacher in tag team action?

James Von Drake: ‘Yeah that’s right, I been here five minutes and I am already main eventing PPV’s. When was the last time you main evented a PPV?’

Roscoe Shame stares down JVD as it looks as if they are about to come to blows. Roscoe Shame shakes his head and walks away, as Tamara Boyd looks nervous about being caught in the middle of any bust up between the tag team partners for the night.

Paying Dues

Bobby Dean: ‘Anderson, where the hell you going, I been looking around all night for you!!!’

BBD shouts out to Matt Anderson, who is in the parking lot climbing into his car, seemingly deciding that being as far away from the Goodfellas Casino Arena is the best course of action when the giant Pat Fullam wakes up to find out he has been screwed out of his match against El Locon earlier in the night.

Matt Anderson: ‘I got to run BBD, what do you want?’

BBD holds his arms out in disgust, still carrying his sports bag in one hand, but the bottle of Jack Daniels is no longer with him, either confiscated by security or consumed, probably the latter.

Bobby Dean: ‘Don’t you remember what we were talking about the other week? I said I wanted a shot, and you said it was going to cost the $35,000! Well here it is!’

BBD opens the zip of the sports bag and shows it to Matt Anderson. Anderson takes the bag in his hand, and tosses it into the back seat of his car.

Matt Anderson: ‘Now you sure you want to do this Bobby. It might create problems down the line…’

BBD nods his head enthusiastically.

Bobby Dean: ‘You really think I would bring all this money if I didn’t want to do it?’

Anderson shrugs his shoulders and is about to climb into his car and drive away, but at the last second he turns back to BBD with a confused look on his face.

Matt Anderson: ‘I don’t get it, I thought you guys were tight?’

BBD nods his head.

Bobby Dean: ‘He will understand. It’s all about getting ahead in the business. I don’t doubt that he would do the same if he was in my position.’

The Company man shrugs his shoulders before replying.

Matt Anderson: ‘Hey your tag team champions together, if I was him I would be pretty pissed off.’

Bobby Dean: ‘Stop trying to talk me out of it Anderson, I have stumped up the cash like you said, so it’s going ahead. I will be getting my shot at the sVo International Championship at Ultimate Victory next Sunday, even if Roscoe is the Champion!’

Matt Anderson nods his head one last time before climbing into his car, and pulling away, leaving a grinning Bobby Dean standing alone in the parking lot. Has Bobby Dean really just paid his way into an International Championship match against his fellow Tag Team Champion Roscoe Shame at next Sunday’s PPV? Just what will this do to the friendship between the two Company men?

James Von Drake & Roscoe Shame vs. Night & The Teacher

There are boos in the arena as ‘JVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as James Von Drake walks out, with his wife Lucy Von Drake as always by his side. JVD signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. JVD holds his arms in the air in the middle of the ring as Lucy Von Drake stands outside the ring clapping on her husband.

“Rebirth” by Lil Wayne hits and the sVo International & Tag Team Champion Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp pretending to play the guitar. The fans stand and cheer at the mockery he is making of himself. He makes his way to the ring with his title belts while pyros shoot out from the ramp. He climbs into the ring stretches and awaits his opponents.

‘Stand Up’ – Trapt begins to play over the sound system and the lights in the arena cut out. A spotlight searches around the crowd until it picks out The Teacher slowly making his way through the fans towards the ring. The Teacher leaps over the barrier and slides into the ring, ready to bring another wrong-doer to justice.

A whisper…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

An explosion of purple light as a man in a black mask appears. At least, the mask appears black at first, but on closer inspection it appears to be made of the night sky. The mask does not entirely cover the man’s head and a head of black dreadlocks stream out, tracing the man’s jaw.

The man stands at the top of the entrance ramp – motionless for a moment, his stance elegant and mysterious, giving away nothing of his motives. As the music swirls away, the man only known as Night begins his walk to the ring – only, he doesn’t walk, it appears more of a graceful glide. Although he moves seemlessly, he moves deceptively quickly to the ring, sliding deliberately and headfirst into the ring.

With the four men in the ring, the referee looks as if he is going to struggle to keep control of this match as all four men look as if they want to be the one that gets the match started! The sVo World Champion Night steps into the ring to start off the match for his team, whilst JVD and Roscoe Shame seem to be arguing over who is going to start off the match for their team! In the end Roscoe Shame steps into the ring to end the discussion, and the referee calls for the bell to be rung and for this match to get underway!

Night and Roscoe Shame circle each other in the ring before both lunging forward and tying up with each other. Night tries to force Shame back, but the sVo International Champion shows of his strength and takes down the World Champion with a hip toss takedown. Night quickly rises back to his feet to hit some right hands on Roscoe Shame, but Shame cuts him off with a knee to the midsection. Night doubles over and Shame bounces into the ropes, before running back and hitting Night with a big clothesline to take him down. Night struggles back to his feet following the clothesline from Shame, and Roscoe Shame tries to continue to show his dominance over the World Champion with some right hands.

Shame hits Night with big rights and lefts, before Night is able to block one of the punches from Shame and take him down to the mat with a spinning calf kick. The fans cheer the move from the World Champion against the Company member Shame, but he quickly rises back up to his feet. Night hits Roscoe Shame with some stiff forearm shots to the face, before sending Roscoe Shame into the corner of the ring with a spinning back fist. With Roscoe Shame in the corner and hurting, Night makes the tag out to his tag team partner The Teacher. The Teacher enters the ring, and quickly goes to work on Roscoe Shame with some stiff kicks on Shame in the corner of the ring. The International Champion looks to be in pain from the kicks, as The Teacher pulls him from the corner, before taking him down to the mat with a reverse DDT. With Roscoe Shame down on the mat, The Teacher quickly makes the cover on his opponent, trying to get the win for his team.




Roscoe Shame kicks out of the pin attempt from The Teacher before the referee can reach a three count. The Teacher shakes his masked head as he pulls Roscoe Shame to his feet, and sends him into the corner of the ring. With Roscoe Shame hitting the corner hard, The Teacher runs at him in the corner and connects with a big splash in the corner of the ring. The Teacher then backs away from Roscoe Shame, before nailing him with some big shoulder barges in the corner of the ring. Roscoe Shame stumbles out of the corner, and The Teacher takes him down to the mat with a spear! With Roscoe Shame down on the mat, the fans cheer as The Teacher turns to the corner of the ring, and then begins to climb to the top rope!

The Teacher quickly reaches the top rope and turns to face Roscoe Shame who is still laying on the mat in pain. The Teacher looks set to fly off with a high flying move onto the International Champion, however before he can Lucy Von Drake jumps onto the ring apron and pushes The Teacher off of the top rope! The fans boo as The Teacher slips off the ropes and hangs himself up in the ropes in a very uncomfortable position! With The Teacher incapacitated, Roscoe Shame is able to crawl across and make the tag out to his tag team partner, the Victory Cup winner James Von Drake!

JVD, quickly jumps into the ring and the fans boo his presence as he makes his way across to The Teacher, and takes advantage of his prone position with some big right hands to the side of his face. The Teacher is then dropped from his position in the ropes with a DDT from JVD! JVD rises up to his feet and taunts the fans who are booing him, before walking over and flipping off Night. Night stares back at the man he will face next week at Ultimate Victory 2, as he pulls The Teacher to his feet. JVD sends The Teacher into the ring ropes, before taking him down to the mat with a flapjack as he bounces back into the middle of the ring. With The Teacher laying face down on the mat, JVD bounces into the ring ropes before landing a knee drop across the back of The Teacher’s head! With the Teacher down and hurting, JVD flips him over before making the cover.



No! The sVo World Champion Night is quickly into the ring to break up the pin fall attempt from JVD! The referee demands that Night gets back to his corner, but the fans cheer the World Champion as JVD gets up to his feet with an angry look on his face. JVD pulls The Teacher up before taking him into position with a snapmare. With The Teacher in a sitting position on the mat, JVD digs his knee into his back as he locks him up in a rear chin lock! The fans boo JVD as he slows the pace of the mat down and tries to wear down his opponent. The crowd continue to boo JVD, as he rises to his feet and drags The Teacher to his corner of the ring, and out of the way of Night. JVD then makes the tag out to Roscoe Shame.

Roscoe Shame quickly jumps into the ring, and looks like he is enjoying the chance to get his hands on The Teacher, as he hits him with a few kicks to the midsection, before tossing him into the ropes. The Teacher bounces back to the middle of the ring, and Roscoe Shame shows off his strength by lifting him up into the air with a military press slam, before tossing him down to the mat with authority. The fans boo the Company man, as he bounces into the ropes and then clotheslines The Teacher back to the mat as he tries to rise to his feet. Roscoe Shame stomps away on The Teacher, before choking him out with his boot. The fans boo the International Champion, as he allows The Teacher to get to his feet before hitting him with a double axe handle to the back of his head, before tagging back out to the cocky James Von Drake.

James Von Drake jumps back into the ring and takes The Teacher down to the mat with a sidewalk slam! With The Teacher down on the mat, JVD flips him over before locking him into a boston crab submission hold. JVD pulls back on the legs of The Teacher, as the referee checks if the masked superstar would like to give up! The Teacher shakes his head, before he is saved by his tag team partner Night, who seems to have seen enough of this! Night nails JVD with a DDT to take him down to the mat! However as Night tries to get his hands on JVD again, the referee quickly gets in the way to block off the World Champion! Night argues with the referee, but behind the offical’s back, Lucy Von Drake hands a steel chair to her husband in the ring! The Teacher staggers up to his feet, only to be nailed with a chair shot to the head!

JVD disposes of the evidence by sliding it out of the ring, before making the cover as the referee turns around,


Night jumps up onto the top rope.


Night leaps off of the top rope and breaks up the pin attempt with a flying elbow onto James Von Drake! The fans cheer the impressive high flying move from the sVo World Champion, who quickly makes his way back to his corner of the ring. Back in the ring JVD and The Teacher are both down and out, as Shame and Night both reach in to the ring to try and get the tag in from their partners! The Teacher and JVD both slowly begin to crawl across to their corner of the ring to make the tag to their partners, but who will get in first?

JVD makes the tag out to Roscoe Shame, just as The Teacher manages to tag out to Night! The sVo International and World Champions both jump into the ring at the same time, and meet in the middle of the ring with some right hands traded between the two men! Roscoe Shame seems to be getting the upper hand of Night, as he nails him with a big right hand, before kneeing him in the midsection. Night doubles over in pain, and Roscoe Shame takes him down with a huge side slam. Night pulls himself up to his feet using the ropes, but Roscoe Shame catches him with some clubbing blows to the back of his head before grabbing him from behind and tossing him down to the mat with a belly to back crossed arms suplex!

Roscoe Shame rises up to his feet with a smirk on his face, before he sprints across and knocks The Teacher off of the ring apron with a big back elbow! The fans boo the International Champion, as he turns back around Night, and runs through the World Champion with a big boot! Night hits the mat hard, and Roscoe Shame goes for the cover on his opponent, but only manages to get a two count before the World Champion kicks out! Roscoe Shame can’t quite believe that Night managed to kick out of that one, as he pulls himself up to his feet. James Von Drake holds his hand out for the tag, but Roscoe Shame ignores his partner, and instead pulls Night up to his feet! JVD looks less than impressed with being ignored by Roscoe Shame, as Shame sends Night hard into the corner of the ring.

Night hits the corner and staggers out to the middle of the ring, but as Roscoe Shame runs at the World Champion, he somehow manages to change the momentum of the match with a huricanrana on Roscoe Shame! Roscoe Shame rises to his feet with a shocked look on his face, but Night is there once again with a knee to the midsection, followed by a sit-out powerbomb on Roscoe Shame! The crowd are now on their feet as Night shouts for Roscoe Shame to rise to his feet. Shame slowly stumbles up, before being thrown down to the mat by Night with the ‘Dreaming’! Shame hits the mat hard, but instead of making the pin, Night walks across and makes the tag to The Teacher! The Teacher wastes no time as instead of climbing into the ring, he begins to climb up to the top rope! The fans rise to their feet as The Teacher leaps from the top rope, and lands the ‘Top of the Class’ onto Roscoe Shame! With Shame down on the mat, The Teacher crawls back across his opponent and makes the cover.



James Von Drake could have easily got in and broken up the pin fall, but instead of doing so jumps off the ring apron and begins to make his way back up the entrance ramp to the backstage area! The crowd boo as JVD and his wife leave Roscoe Shame behind!


Thanks to JVD not helping out his partner, The Teacher has scored a big pin fall victory over the sVo International Champion Roscoe Shame, and picked up the win for his team! The crowd cheer as ‘Stand Up’ hits the sound system and the referee raises Night and The Teacher’s hands in the air in victory, as JVD looks down from the top of the entrance ramp. Night and The Teacher celebrate in the ring as Showdown #50 heads off of the air, with James Von Drake looking down from the top of the entrance ramp, wondering if Night will be celebrating once again next week at Ultimate Victory 2, or if will be him celebrating as the next sVo World Champion!

RESULT: The Teacher & Night def. Roscoe Shame & JVD via pinfall

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