Destiny 2008
30th March 2008
Goodfellas Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada
PPV #006
Theme Music – ‘Pick of Destiny’ by TENACIOUS D


The camera pans around the sold out crowd in the Goodfellas Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada as the Destiny 2008 theme music ‘Pick of Destiny’ by TENACIOUS D blares over the sound system! The fans are pumped up for the sixth sVo PPV, and the last event before the sVo embarks on its first ever World tour! The video package for Destiny hits the Violence-Tron, showing highlights of the last month of sVo action to build up to tonight’s matches, including action from Psyko Stevo, Night, Cody Williams and Howie Banks!


The V-Tron is suddenly brought to life and lights up. At first, only a grainy, static image can be seen. The static quickly dissolves into a shot of the interior of The Barracks, the headquarters of “The Hope” Isaac White’s elite Society.

White is sat in the high, black, leather chair which overlooks the long table in the war room. He looks like he is waiting impatiently for something, as he is slouching and has a hand under his chin and is tapping the surface of the table with his fingers rhythmically.

In front of him, sat on the table, is a red telephone, complete with classic flashing bulb on top of it, like something from a spy movie.

The phone suddenly emits a loud buzzing noise and the bulb begins to blink. White immediately sits bolt upright and slams a hand onto the receiver, picking it up and raising it to his ear. He remains silent for a moment as information is relayed to him on the other end. After a moment, he nods, and puts the receiver back down.

ISAAC: What a pity. It seems my special somebody has finally succumb to the ways of the Weak… I must meet him. Tonight. At Destiny.

The feed to The Barracks is abruptly cut, rendering the V-Tron into static once more.


Sneaking around backstage in a Indiana Jones costume is none other than “Hollywood” Howie Banks. He seems to be on the look out for something or someone. As he searches high and searches low, Psyko Stevo bumps into him on the way out from a locker room. As both men stand there in front of one another, Howie looks all serious now as Stevo can’t help but laugh at his ridiculous costume.

Psyko Stevo: “So this is your way of getting ready for the gauntlet, huh?”

Stevo shakes his head as Howie just stands there.

Howie Banks: “I’m on the look out dude.”

Howie looks all around him but can’t seem to find whatever it is he is looking for. Stevo just smiles and continues to speak aloud.

Psyko Stevo: “So what is it this time?”

He pauses.

Psyko Stevo: “Fossils, special rocks, what?”

He waits for a response from Howie who leans over to him and whispers in his ear.

Howie Banks: “Osama Bin Laden.”

Stevo takes a step back and his eyes widen.

Howie Banks: “America’s Most Wanted say he’s worth a 50 million dollars if I report him and they capture him.”

Howie licks his lips, Stevo is unsure what to even say.

Howie Banks: “It’s in my blood to be successful and earn a lot of money.”

He tips his hat to Stevo as he begins to walk off down the hallway.


The show’s about to get started and we find Gunner Lang backstage in his locker room. Gunner pulled a fresh clean tee shirt out of his locker pulling it over his head and tucked it into his pants. He let out three sharp breaths.

Gunner – Big night tonight … Me … Equinox … The Las Vegas title.

Chris Bond stood in the open doorway watching Gunner without him knowing.

Bond – Big night indeed, the sVo gets to see the debut of Mr. Reality … Chris Bond.

Lang turns around as Chris walks in.

Gunner – Well at least you’re not fighting for a belt tonight. Man this Pay Per View depends on me. I have to set the atmosphere for the whole thing. And I got celebs in attendance man. I got Criss Angel out there and Evel Dick Denato of Big Brother Nine fame dude. All that and the Las Vegas Title on the line.

Chris Bond shrugs his shoulders as he walks past Gunner.

Bond – Meh, you’ll do fine mano, JD and I have faith in you.

Gunner pulls up his elbow pad.

Gunner – Where’s JD anyway? I thought he’d be with you. I could sure use a talk from Mr. Motivation himself.

Bond – I thought he was with you. Oh well mano I’m all you got right now.

Gunner rolls his eyes.

Gunner – Great I get a motivational speech from the guy that doubts himself going into his own match. What the deuce.. it’s good to see that my ten percent is going to good use.

Bond looks over his shoulder as he unpacks his duffle bag.

Bond – Ten? I’m only paying eight.

Gunner – Whatever. I got stuff to go get ready dude. Good luck on your match tonight.


The scene opens with the matrix code falling all over the screen. As it fades we see Equinox standing talking on his cell phone. He finishes the call, hangs up the phone and turns towards the camera.

Joseph Equinox: Well now, that was an interesting call. So Gunner, I hear you have been trying to dig up some dirt on me. You have been the busy little mole now haven’t you?

Equinox smirks.

Joseph Equinox: So you want to know how I do it all do you? Gunner, Gunner, all you had to do was ask me my friend. That’s the polite thing to do. I might not have told you, but still the polite thing to do. Anyway you were right, I was nervous my friend, not for reasons that you believe, but you were right a little. Destiny is what you make it and with that you yourself can change it.

Equinox puts his shades on.

Joseph Equinox: You see she was right, I am not yet ready for what I seek. Her ladder example was all I needed to get my head straight again. So for now, no more tricks lets get to buisness.

Equinox sits on a chair.

Joseph Equinox: You see if I use the ladder example, it tells me to get what I want I must take each step one at a time to get to the top to get what is mine. So why not? When I found out you had been trying to figure me out I got a little upset. Like I said all you had to do was ask. It’s that simple. So I did just that.

Equinox stands back up.

Joseph Equinox: You see now you wonder what I speak of. Tonight we shall both take a step to Destiny, and now you will dance with the devil in the pale moonlight. Still confused my friend?

Equinox takes off his shades and stares seriously into the camera.

Joseph Equinox: Simple steps, simple task, Tables, Ladders and Chairs!

And with that, Equinox puts his shades on as the matrix code begins to fall once more.


Again “Hollywood” Howie Banks is backstage lurking around, still wearing the Indiana Jones costume. He is just a few moments away from his triple threat match against Jason Fox and Ruster Reno. He continues the search for one, Osama Bin Laden.

Howie Banks: “Where are you Bin Laden!”

He shouts aloud as he begins to enter some dressing rooms now. After searching through a few rooms he still finds nothing.

Howie Banks: “I know your here somewhere, I can smell your disgusting odor.”

Howie leaves a dressing room that belongs to Psyko Stevo when all of a sudden he stops and begins to think.

Howie Banks: “The gauntlet match!”

He smirks.

Howie Banks: “I could win the World Title AND get even with Cody Williams.”

He begins to laugh hysterically when all of a sudden Howie notices a snake slithering across the ground. Howie jumps and screams and turns white as a ghost. He runs off from the locker room and down the hallway screaming his head off.

Psyko Stevo comes walking out from behind a black leather sofa. He can’t help but chuckle a little bit before turning his expressions into a focused one.

Howie Banks vs. Jason Fox vs. Ruster Reno

Got 30 down at the bottom, 30 more at the top
all invisible set, in little ice cube blocks
If I could call it a drink, call it a smile on the rocks
If I could call out a price, let’s say I call out a lot
I got like platinum and white gold, traditional gold
I’m changin’ grillz everyday, like Jay change clothes

“Grillz” By Nelly hit’s the sound system system. Howie Banks comes out wearing his normal ring gear with a robe around him that’s a golden yellow colour. It also has white jewels on it. He makes his way down to the ring as the fans try to touch him but he walks a straight line down as he gets to the ring. He walks up the steel steps and onto the ring apron as he then gets into the ring as the fans have a mixed reaction.

As ‘Epic’ blares over the loudspeakers, Jason Fox stands defiantly at the top of the entranceway. He twists his neck as his pyro goes off and walks slowly to the ring. He leaps over the top rope and jumps to the nearest turnbuckle to await his match.

(‘Satellite’ by P.O.D echoes throughout the All State Arena, as the fans rise up in anticipation.)

(There is more or less no reaction from the fans in the arena, as ‘Romeo’ Ruster Reno steps out from behind the curtains. A look of disgust is planted on his face, as he looks across both sides of the entrance ramp.)

#I wonder how clear it must look from there to here
#No obstruction, this selfish corruption
#All in this atmosphere
#No fear, less tears, only time to catch my breath

(Dressed in red pants, red boots, and a tight, red t-shirt, Reno spits towards the fans as he casually strolls down the ramp. Reno flicks off his shades, and stops at the foot of the ramp.)

#I fail to inhale
#Your love constricts my chest
#Confusion blinded me, mental and physically
#And it’s because of you that now I can see

(He slowly walks around the ring towards the ring steps, casually taking a step at a time till he reaches the top – leaning against the ropes whilst facing towards the fans.)

#I fail to inhale
#Your love constricts my chest
#Confusion blinded me, mental and physically
#And it’s because of you that now I can see

(As though he has all the time in the world, he climbs through the ropes and holds him arms aloft, taking in the huge amount of jeers as he does.)

#So now I can run. I follow the Son and ride on to Zion
#And dance this last song of freedom
#But only time will tell, if it’s truly for real
#Can’t change your mind, all I know this is what I feel

(The music cuts out, as Reno steps onto the turnbuckle, showing his body off to the fans, and flexing his muscles to all portions of the crowd.)

The bell sounds.

The match opens up with all three men in the ring together. Howie Banks seems to have had enough of it all as he doesn’t even care about this match nor does he want to be apart of it. He quickly rushes over and takes down Ruster Reno the newcomer. He stomps away at him until Reno rolls out of the ring by going under the bottom ropes. Howie turns around and is clobbered in the corner by Jason Fox.

Fox throws right hands to his face and has him reeling back into the corner even more so. One right hand was so good that it sent Banks up and on the turnbuckle pad. Fox took advantage of that and tosses him up and over and back first down across the ring mat. Jason now rushes over on top of him and hooks his leg for the pin cover.



Only a one count though as Ruster Reno from the outside grabs a hold of Jason Fox by the leg and pulls him out before the referee could make an even more count. Reno now goes to floor Jason but he ducks the right hand and then boots him in the mid section. The 21st Century man known as Jason Fox then plants him head first into the outside floor with a ddt.

Fox now is grabbed by Howie Banks who picks him up on the ring apron. He then brings him back in looking for a suplex. It takes him a little longer and a few seconds longer to execute it but even when he almost has him over, Jason Fox reverses it. He flips over top of Banks and quickly rolls him up in a school boy pin.



Nothing more then a two count though. Both men quickly rise up.

Howie Banks rushes over and clobbers Jason Fox down with a clothesline. That’s when Ruster Reno comes back in the ring and grabs Howie Banks. He turns him around and then proceeds to pull him down towards the ring mat with his body as he places his legs over top of him for a small package pin fall. Both men look like a giant ball that way.



Ruster Reno can only get a one count as well from Howie Banks too.

Banks rises up and quickly takes care of him as he grabs a hold of Ruster Reno and tosses him up and over the top ropes and to the outside floor. Howie Banks turns around as Jason Fox lifts him up and looks for the Fox Driver to end it. Howie Banks however gets off of him and then turns him around and nails a body slam. Howie goes to the top ropes now and begins to taunt as the fans start to cheer him.

He jumps down and on top of Jason Fox with the Hollywood 450 Splash! He wastes no time in hooking his leg for the cover.




Ruster Reno was too late to make the save. Howie Banks picks up the win in this triple threat match. Maybe he will be able to capture the World title later on tonight?

RESULT: Howie Banks def. Ruster Reno & Jason Fox


As the scene came into clarity, an upset Kerry Millano could be witnessed storming down the hallway with no regard for who was in his way. Each person that stood in his path was forcefully shoved out of his direction. It was obvious he knew where he was going. Suddenly he approached a door down the corridor before practically plowing through it to gain access. Upon closer inspection, the sign on the door read “sVo General Manager”.

Inside the lush space, Paige Johnson could be seen shuffling through folders and the like at her desk. Her head snapped up at Millano’s sudden entrance but her face revealed that she, seemingly, was expecting this inevitable scenario. Wasting little time, a flushed Kerry Millano roared in discontent.


Paige Johnson – Easy tiger, she mocked with a smile. I saw what happened and I’m just as upset as you, if not more. She came to a standing and brought herself around the desk to approach Millano. Isaac White practically stole your title shot from right under your nose and now he’s facing Cody Williams tonight for the International Championship.

Audible cheers of praise for White’s success against Cody Williams could be heard from the crowd.

Paige Johnson – That’s why I already have a solution to this probl–

Kerry Millano – Oh yeah, what’s that, Millano interjected before folding his arms across his chest. Obviously she hadn’t quelled his anger just yet.

Paige Johnson – Tonight you face Chris Bond in singles competition — perhaps this could be your chance to get the title shot you want? The last statement grasped Millano’s attention, his head tilting toward the side while a curious expression coated his mug.

Kerry Millano – Now you’re speakin’ my language. So what exactly do I gotta do? Beat him with my hands and feet handcuffed together or somethin’ stupid like that, he sarcastically retorted to parody the stipulation she’d set on his previous match.

Paige Johnson – No, she spoke calmly with a smile. “All you have to do is beat him and you’ll have your title shot.” Millano, dumbfounded, couldn’t help but give her a ‘too-good-to-be-true’ facial expression. Nevertheless, he extended his hand toward the female general manager.

Kerry Millano – Deal. She grabbed his hand to shake it but, as soon as she grabbed, he yanked her closer toward him. Chest to chest, Millano looked down in her face seductively. Who knows, when I become champion maybe me and you can — make up for our misunderstandings?

Paige stared up, astonished at her new employee’s actions. Strangely enough, she wasn’t repulsed. Before she could answer he let go of her hand and took his leave of her office leaving her, alone, in the room.

Though it was barely distinguishable, her cheeks began to collect a rosy color.

Joseph Equinox (c) vs. Gunner Lang

Gunner Na na na na na na
Gunner Na na na na na na
Gunner Na na na na na na

I was caught
In the middle of a railroad track (Gunner)
I looked ’round,
And I knew there was no turning back (Gunner)
My mind raced
And I thought what could I do? (Gunner)
And I knew
There was no help, no help from you (Gunner)
Sound of the drums
Beatin’ in my heart
The thunder of guns!
Tore me apart
You’ve been – Gunner-struck!

The familiar riff of AC/DC’s Thunderstruck fills the arena. As the pyro goes off on the entranceway Gunner Lang explodes onto the entrance ramp shooting off his own pyro from a gun while the sVo Tron shows Gunner and a band playing his entrance music. The fans are on their feet cheering and shout “Gunner” along with the song. Gunner drops the pyro gun and runs down to the ring slapping hands with the fans and giving devil horns. He slides into the ring under the bottom rope and proceeds to take off his shirt and bandanna throwing them into the crowd.

Smoke begins to fill the stages the lights dim to near darkness. A beam of bright white light shines from the stage. As the light begins to dim, Joseph Equinox can be seen standing at the top of the stage with smoke floating all around him. Equinox moves to the top of the ramp and stops before he flails his arms out to the side of him and a pyro lightning bolt fies down and strikes him. The spotlights loom over where Equinox was standing but he is no longer there. All of a sudden 4 more lighting bolts crash down on each corner of the ring and the arena lights change to a dark blue. And there standing in the ring is Equinox with smoke now floating around the ring. Joseph Equinox then looks up the ramp and takes off his shades as he awaits his opponent.

Equinox hands the Las Vegas Championship belt that he won last week to the referee, and the referee attaches it to the hook that is hanging in the middle of the ring. With the belt firmly secure, the hook is raised into the air, fifteen foot above the ring! Gunner Lang and Equinox both look up at the Las Vegas Championship belt hanging high above the ring as the referee calls for the bell to sound and the match to begin. Equinox and Gunner Lang both look around the ring at the tables, ladders and chairs that are scattered around the ringside area before stepping towards each other. Both men meet in the centre of the ring and stare each other down, as the tension grows amongst the fans.

However as Gunner Lang and Equinox stare each other down, something unexpected happens, Gunner Lang extends a hand to Equinox! The fans applaud at Gunner Lang and Equinox shakes hands before the beginning of the match! With the handshake out of the way, both men tie up and Lang uses his power to throw Equinox into the ropes. The Las Vegas Champion bounces back and Gunner Lang knocks him to the mat with a shoulder block. The fans cheer the early offence from Gunner Lang who stomps away on the Champion before he can get up to his feet. Equinox does finally get to his feet, and Gunner Lang runs at him looking for a clothesline. However Equinox shows just why he is the Las Vegas Champion as he ducks out of the way of Lang and takes him down with a neckbreaker!

With the challenger down on the mat, Equinox wastes no time in sliding out of the ring and grabbing hold of a ladder! The fans cheer as Equinox slides the ladder into the ring, before climbing in himself. Equinox quickly sets the ladder up under the championship belt, but before he can begin to climb, Gunner Lang grabs Equinox by the back of the head and smashes him face first into the ladder! The fans cheer as Equinox stumbles back holding his face, and Gunner Lang takes him down with a German suplex. Equinox hits the mat hard, but Gunner Lang wastes little time in making his way out of the ring! Lang, who didn’t know he would be competing in a TLC match until he arrived at the arena this evening, grabs a chair and throws it into the ring.

Gunner Lang then grabs a table and begins to set it up on the outside of the ring. However with the table set up on the outside, Equinox slides under the bottom rope and hits Gunner Lang with a shot to the back of the head! Gunner Lang drops to the floor and Equinox grabs a steel chair! The fans pop as Equinox delivers a sick chair shot to the head of Gunner Lang! Gunner Lang hits the floor hard and Equinox throws the chair down onto the challenger! Equinox then grabs hold of a table and slides it into the ring under the bottom rope, before grabbing himself another ladder just for good measure! Equinox quickly makes his way back into the ring leaving Gunner Lang to hold his head in pain!

Equinox sets the table up in the corner of the ring as Gunner Lang begins to come to his senses on the outside. However Equinox isn’t about to wait for his opponent as he sets up the second ladder next to the first ladder, right under the Las Vegas Championship belt that is hanging from the roof of the Goodfellas Arena! Equinox begins to climb the second ladder, making his way up towards his title belt! However as he reaches half way on the ladder, Gunner Lang slides into the ring with a steel chair in hand! Gunner Lang slams the chair into the back of Equinox, causing the Las Vegas Champion to fall off of the ladder and to the floor!

The fans cheer the challenger as he throws the chair down and stomps away on Equinox. Gunner Lang pulls Equinox to his feet before sending him straight back down with a military press slam! The fans cheer the impressive show of strength from Gunner Lang as he then turns his attention towards the table in the corner of the ring. Gunner Lang moves the position of the table, before turning to pull Equinox to his feet. However as Gunner Lang pulls Equinox up and pulls him towards the table, the Las Vegas Champion stuns the challenger by hitting a ‘Digital Code’ on Gunner Lang through the wooden table!

The fans pop for the huge move from Equinox as both men lay motionless in the wreckage of the table! The lights of the arena glisten off of the golden Las Vegas Championship belt hanging from the top of the arena, as Equinox is the first man to begin to move from the wreckage of the table! Equinox slowly stumbles up to his feet, and begins to climb one of the two ladders positioned under the Las Vegas Championship! The fans cheer Equinox on as he slowly climbs the ladder, getting closer to his belt with each rung! Equinox reaches the half way point, but as he does Gunner Lang begins to stir from the wreckage of the table! Equinox tries to climb the ladder faster, but as he does Gunner Lang makes his way to the ladder!

Gunner Lang begins to climb the second ladder, and reaches half way as Equinox reaches the top of his ladder! The fans are on their feet as Equinox reaches up and brushes the Las Vegas Championship belt with his finger tips! Equinox climbs up another rung of the ladder and reaches for the belt again, but just as he touches the belt, Gunner Lang pushes the ladder over! Equinox falls from the top of the ladder to the outside of the ring and through the table that was set up earlier! The fans can’t believe the bump that Equinox has just taken as he lays motionless at ringside! All the attention turns to Gunner Lang as he breaks his eyes away from the body of Equinox, and towards the Las Vegas Championship hanging above him!

Gunner Lang slowly climbs the ladder, rung by rung, before reaching up and grabbing the Las Vegas Championship! Gunner slowly unhooks the belt and pulls it down! The bell rings and we have a new Las Vegas Champion here at Destiny! Equinox was inches away from retaining, but Gunner Lang managed to win the tight contest and become the new Las Vegas Champion! The fans cheer as Gunner Lang sits on top of the ladder with his new title belt, as EMT’s rush down to check on the former champion!

RESULT: Gunner Lang def. Joesph Equinox via belt capture


Just before his up coming gauntlet match we see “Hollywood” Howie Banks out of his Indiana Jones costume and actually in his wrestling gear. He is stretching in his own locker room when he begins to speak aloud.

Howie Banks: “Cody Williams wants to talk about loyalty and about how I had none towards him. I was his friend for god sakes, I was a man who helped him get back on his feet when he was injured! It’s not my fault that Cody Williams couldn’t get the job done and be the bigger star then me. I’ve accomplished and done what I have for a reason and that reason is because I’m not good but great and here tonight I have a chance of making history by becoming the sVo World Champion!”

He stops and begins to visualize himself on top of the Sanctioned Violence Organisation. He refrains himself from going any further.

Howie Banks: “Although helping out Stevo and getting even with Cody would be a lot more sweeter for now. So many options, so many idea’s running through my head, I just don’t know. Do I beat Stevo once and for all or do I put Cody out of his misery? I’m sure I’ll figure it out either way. Just know that sooner then later yours truly WILL have gold around his waist, one…more…time!”

He grabs his knee pads and proceeds to exit the room.


[We go backstage at the Goodfellas Arena where we see Tamara Boyd in a stunning black dress standing by. She gets the cue from her producer and begins to speak to the people watching at home LIVE on Pay Per View.]

Tamara: Hello wrestling fans, Tamara Boyd here and my guest at this time is one of the three men that will be vying for the sVo Hardcore Title tonight in the first ever, HOUSE OF HELL match. He is the XTREME ICON Peter Gilmour.

[Max and Peter come into the scene. Max is in a dark red suit with his trusty cane by his side, as Peter is in his dark red cloak with hood.]

Tamara: Gentlemen, we are not far away from the HOUSE OF HELL match between Peter Gilmour, Lance Diamond and the champion NIGHT. Now, this match may end one of your careers. DO you have any fears going into this match?

Max: Fears? FEARS?! You ask my monster if he has any fears, Tamara? Peter has no fears. The only fears he has is how bad he will hurt Night and Lance. But it shouldn’t be a concern to him. My monster Peter is focused on ending both Lance and Night’s careers. They signed on to this match, unwillingly I might add, and now they have to face the dark reality that their careers or possibly their lives will be cut short inside that monstrosity. I hope Night and Lance came prepared, becuase Peter has been training day and night for this match. It is his final chance to get what is rightfully his and that is the Hardcore Title. If by the grace of God he does not win the title, I don’t know what he will do. He told me that he may retire from the Hardcore Division and quite possibly from the sVo. That is why tonight, he is going to do everything and ANYTHING in his power to beat Night and Lance to a blood pulp and win the Hardcore Title and bring it back to some sort of dignity. Night has held that belt for over a month now and who has he really defended it against? That’s right NOBODY. He knows his reign is about to run out and he can talk to his little friend for advise. He can have nightmares where he dies in his sleep. But Night, tonight this will be REAL. You reign as champion WILL END, I can guarantee you that. Peter is sick and tired of you walking around with HIS belt. And in that cage, he is going to make you bleed and rip off that stupid mask you wear. And Lance, don’t think we forgot about you too, Mr. XTREME ICON WANNABE. You may have beat Peter twice before, but tonight, the third time will NOT be the charm. Both of you boys are going to walk into HELL. But one or both of you are not going to walk out. So HELL AWAITS gentleman. I hope you are ready to DIE!

Peter: Night… LANCE… It’s time to get ready to be taken.. TO THE XTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME!

[Peter rolls his eyes in back of his head as blood spews out from under his mask as he screams loudly and then does the ABYSS taunt. Max looks on and begins to laugh wickedly as we go back to ringside.]

Psyko Stevo (c) vs. Howie Banks

“Sensation washes over me
I can’t describe it
Pain I felt so long ago
I don’t remember
Tear a hole so I can see
My devastation
Feelings from so long ago
I don’t remember”

“Remember” by Disturbed hits the sound system and the anticipation in the arena grows as a flash of pyros welcomes the arrival of ‘the best around’ Psyko Stevo in the sVo entrance ramp! Stevo raises his hands in the air to taunt the fans before slowly making his way down the steel ramp towards the ring. Halfway down the ramp Stevo stops and poses once again for the fans, with another burst of golden pyros firing up into the air behind him as he does. ‘The Ironman’ then slides into the ring and bounces on the second rope to once again signal to the crowd, before retreating to the corner of the ring for some last minute warm ups before the match gets underway.

Got 30 down at the bottom, 30 more at the top
all invisible set, in little ice cube blocks
If I could call it a drink, call it a smile on the rocks
If I could call out a price, let’s say I call out a lot
I got like platinum and white gold, traditional gold
I’m changin’ grillz everyday, like Jay change clothes

“Grillz” By Nelly hit’s the sound system system. Howie Banks comes out wearing his normal ring gear with a robe around him that’s a golden yellow colour. It also has white jewels on it. He makes his way down to the ring as the fans try to touch him but he walks a straight line down as he gets to the ring. He walks up the steel steps and onto the ring apron as he then gets into the ring as the fans have a mixed reaction.

The referee holds the sVo World Championship belt high in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s match up, as old friends Psyko Stevo and Howie Banks face off against each other with the top sVo belt on the line! Stevo and Banks stare each other down as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the match to get underway! Banks makes his way towards Psyko Stevo, but the World Champion quickly takes his friend down with a arm drag takedown. Psyko Stevo tries to lock an arm bar submission move onto Howie Banks, but Banks uses his strength to block the attempted move from the Champion. Howie Banks rises up to his feet but Psyko Stevo quickly sends Banks into the ropes. Howie Banks bounces back, but Stevo sends him down to the mat with a double underhook toss.

The sVo fans in the Goodfellas Arena cheer on the sVo World Champion and he makes his way over to his first challenger of the night and pulls him up off of the mat. Psyko Stevo hits a few quick right hands on Howie Banks, however Banks blocks a right hand from Psyko Stevo and takes him down to the mat with a DVD! Psyko Stevo rises to his feet, however Howie Banks goes behind on Psyko Stevo and delivers an atomic whip to the sVo World Champion. Stevo bounces back off of the ropes and Howie Banks grabs Psyko Stevo’s leg and takes him down, then locks his leg! The Referee drops down to check for a tap out, however Psyko Stevo quickly escapes!

Psyko Stevo quickly limps back up to his feet, however Howie Banks clotheslines Psyko Stevo over the top rope, but Howie Banks falls over with him! The referee begins to count both men out as Howie Banks stomps Psyko Stevo on the outside of the ring. Howie Banks slams Psyko Stevo head first into the side of the ring, before throwing him back into the ring under the bottom rope. With Psyko Stevo down on the mat, Howie Banks springboards over the top rope and lands a knee on Psyko Stevo before rolling back to his feet. Psyko Stevo slowly rise up to his feet holding his midsection, however as Banks runs at the World Champion looking to follow up on his move, Stevo nails Banks with a spinebuster! The fans pop for the sVo World Champion, but Stevo looks like he means business as he makes his way to the corner of the ring! Psyko Stevo rips off the turnbuckle and exposes the steel to huge cheers from the crowd! Psyko Stevo pulls up the challenger before sending Howie Banks into the steel that the turnbuckle was covering! Howie Banks stumbles out of the corner holding his sternum in pain, but a corkscrew dropkick by Psyko Stevo sends Howie Banks to the mat.

The crowd cheer Psyko Stevo on as he rises up to his feet and looks down at the challenger that is lying in front of him. Howie Banks slowly begins to make his way back up to his feet, but Psyko Stevo hits Banks with some forearm shots to the face before whipping him hard into the ropes. Banks bounces back with authority and Psyko Stevo sends him hard to the mat with a flapjack before making the cover on Banks.



No! Banks shows just how much he wants to win the sVo World Championship belt as he kicks out despite already being involved in a match tonight! Psyko Stevo doesn’t look too surprised that his friend Howie Banks has managed to kick out as he brings him up to his feet using his hair. Psyko Stevo tries to send Howie Banks into the corner of the ring, however Banks counters the Irish whip and sends Psyko Stevo into the ropes. Psyko Stevo bounces back but runs straight into a dropkick from Howie Banks that knocks Psyko Stevo off of his feet. Psyko Stevo begins to try and struggle up to his feet, however Howie Banks quickly gets straight back onto the World Champion with a elbow drop onto the Champions back. With Psyko Stevo down on the mat, Howie Banks makes the cover.



No! A kick out from the sVo World Champion and this one continues!

Howie Banks can’t believe that Psyko Stevo manages to get a shoulder up as he rises to his feet with his head in his hands! Howie Banks gets straight back to work on Psyko Stevo with some hard kicks to the midsection of the World Champion to keep him down on the mat!

With Psyko Stevo down on the mat, the fans cheer as Howie Banks rises to his feet and points towards the turnbuckle! ‘Hollywood’ Howie Banks makes his way over to the corner of the ring, and begins to climb to the top rope! It looks like Howie Banks is looking for the ‘Hollywood Splash’, and if he hits this then we might have a new sVo World Champion right here tonight! Howie Banks stands on the top rope ready to hit his finishing move, however everyone in the arena is shocked as suddenly the top rope around the ring snaps without any interference from Psyko Stevo! Howie Banks falls down to the mat on his head as the commentators wonder just what has happened to the top rope! Psyko Stevo is able to place an arm over the body of Howie Banks, and the referee turns from checking on the ring rope to count the pinfall!




This one is all over, and Psyko Stevo has retained the sVo World Championship in the first of his three gauntlet matches in bizarre fashion! SVo ring crew members make their way down to the ring to check the ring ropes as the EMT’s make their way down to the ring with a strecher for Howie Banks who has still not moved since landing on his head!

RESULT: Psyko Stevo def. Howie Banks via pinfall



The sound of bullets echoes across the room. Peyton is shooting a 9mm in a Las Vegas shooting target course, aggression needed to be let out, after all… he was pretty much forgotten in sVo.

Joseph Peyton: Don’t put me on the fucking pay per view huh!? That what you do to this federation’s first star!


The heavy fire alerts the supervisor at the course, he glances at Peyton and suddenly walks towards him.

Instructor: Whoa… Chief, Got a little anger issue, do you? Well, keep it out of my fucking place.

Joseph Peyton: Give me space, man.

Peyton pulls his target; a drawn human body with holes not present. It is only the white portions away from the body are the holes present. A chamber wasted to show what? Nothing.

Peyton was that chamber fully loaded a few weeks ago but what happen? A few of his bullets missed the target…Gold.

Instructor: Well, let me just tell you with anger like that your only going to keep missing your target.

Joseph Peyton: Oh yea!? This is coming from whom? Seems like you yourself have missed a few targets in your life, you piece of shit. I am living my dream, I am a wrestler and…

Instructor: A has been.

Joseph Peyton: Take it back!

Instructor: Hahaha

Joseph Peyton: Take it Back!! AH.

Peyton drops the gun and walks out of the target range.

Peyton: Fucking faggot instructor. You know what I’ll start by going for targets I think are easy as shit now…

Peyton pauses and shouts…


Night (c) vs. Lance Diamond vs. Peter Gilmour

The arena is abuzz as they are awaiting the HOUSE OF HELL match for the sVo Hardcore Title between Night, Lance Diamond and the #1 contender for the title Peter Gilmour. The lights go out and the fans are screaming. A spotlight is then put on the cage as it starts to lower and the music is heard. Fireworks are coming from the sides of the cage as the cage starts to come down slowly. After a few minutes it is in place as the monstrosity is awaiting the 3 men who will step inside. We see various weapons lined across the cage such as a barbed wire bat, chairs, kendo sticks, a cookie sheet, stop signs, and even a katana and a sickle. These weapons can be used at their leisure and you can expect the ring to be covered in blood.

Diamonds Are Forever is said by a women voice over the loud speakers. And Diamonds begin to appear up on the Violence-Tron. The Lighting begins to turn different colors in the entrance area as what appears to be glitters fall down from the sky. Lance Diamond walks out holding a water bottle in his right hand. He has huge custom made Black Boxing Robe with his Name labelled on the back. Lance takes a drink from his water and begins to hear boos. He throws the rest of the water out into the crowd and the Music picks up. He begins to hop around stretching out his body throwing a couple of pretend combinations with his fist. He walks down the middle of aisle and laughs at the fans that are cussing and booing at him. Lance slides up under the ropes and walks over to the turnbuckle. He takes off the robe and hands it to a man in a suit down near ringside. Lance leans up against the turnbuckles and waits for his opponent. He then looks at the cage and seems a little worried but smiles as he looks at all the weapons he can use.

A whisper…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

An explosion of purple light as a man in a black mask appears. At least, the mask appears black at first, but on closer inspection it appears to be made of the night sky. The mask does not entirely cover the man’s head and a head of black dreadlocks stream out, tracing the man’s jaw.

The man stands at the top of the entrance ramp – motionless for a moment, his stance elegant and mysterious, giving away nothing of his motives. As the music swirls away, the man only known as Night begins his walk to the ring – only, he doesn’t walk, it appears more of a graceful glide. Although he moves seamlessly, he moves deceptively quickly to the ring, sliding deliberately and headfirst into the ring. He stops to view the cage knowing that he could lose his title and his life tonight in that cage. Night goes into the cage through the door, looks at Lance who is staring a hole through him then looks around the cage and touches the barbed wire to make sure it is sharp.

Silence is heard as a loud explosion is head as “WALK WITH ME IN HELL” begins to play over the PA as Max Masterson comes out in a devilish red suit and pants with his trusty cane next to him. He looks right at the cage and laughs as Night and Lance look on. The guitars pick up and out of the smoke comes the #1 contender Peter Gilmour in a red cloaked jacket with a hood covering his face. He meets Max midway down the ramp then stops, and then does the ABYSS taunt as fire emits from the ramp. The duo go to the ring but stop by the cage door. Admiring the monstrosity, Max stands outside and gives Peter some last minute instructions.

Peter Gilmour looks dead at Night and Lance, ready to tear their flesh apart. He goes inside as the cage door is locked tight. Going under the barbed wire ropes, he tried to lunge at Night but Night is too quick for him. Night then gives the belt to the referee who is wearing gloves so that he doesn’t cut his hands and has goggles on his head in case the cage explodes. The ref shows Lance the belt, then Peter. Peter motions that the belt will be his, then does a cut-throat taunt to Night and gives Lance the finger.

The bell rings.

We are now underway in the HOUSE OF HELL match. Peter Gilmour goes for Night and clocks him with a hard right hand knocking Night down. Gilmour continues the offence by hitting more rights and lefts then tries to send night into the barbed wire but Night, being the cunning athlete that he is stops short. Lance then tried to hit Night into the barbed wire but he tastes the barbed wire as his leg gets caught up in the ropes. Night on the offence now as he pulls the barbed wire rope up and down making it very uncomfortable for Lance’s nether region. Lance grabs his groin in serious pain as his pants are ripped just a tad. Night now takes Lance and rakes his head on the barbed wire. Lance is now a bloody mess.

Night keeps up the momentum and hits Lance with a side slam and goes for the cover but Gilmour breaks it up after a 2 count. Night stalks Gilmour and hits Gilmour in the head with a punch, but it doesn’t faze the monster as Gilmour hits a wicked clothesline on Night. Gilmour taunts and goes under the barbed wire and picks up a couple of kendo sticks and slides one in the ring. Lance gets a hold of one and hits Gilmour on the way inside in the back, Gilmour is hurt as Lance is going to town on Peter’s back as the camera shows Peter’s back getting beat red and a little blood is coming from it. Gilmour is down and Lance goes for the cover.

1.. 2..THR. NO!

Peter somehow kicks out in time. Lance can’t believe it. Night is still out and no movement from him. Lance goes for the pin now but somehow Peter breaks it up. Peter now finds the kendo stick and cracks Lance in the head with it sending him down. Peter throws the broken kendo stick down in disgust and goes after the unconscious Night. He picks him up, screams some profanities at him and then proceeds to suplex up on the barbed wire ropes as they all break and get tangled in Night’s mask. Night is screaming in pain. Peter laughs more but his celebration is cut short by a wicked, and I mean WICKED chair shot from lance which busts Peter wide open. Blood is pouring out of Peter’s mask at a fast rate. Lance holds up the chair as the fans scream and chant, “THIS IS AWESOME!” Lance goes for the cover on Peter.

1..2.. Night breaks it up!

Night up now and hits a clothesline on Lance. He goes outside and gets the barbed wire bat. He twirls it around and takes a few practice swings. He tries to hit lance with it but out of nowhere Peter hits the GILMOUR CUTTER on Night. Lance tries for another chair shot on Peter but Peter ducks and hits another GILMOUR CUTTER on Lance on the steel chair. Blood pours out of Lance’s head as the ring is covered in blood from all 3 men now. All 3 men are down and out and the ref doesn’t know what to do. So he starts a 10 count.







Peter starts to stir..


Night and Lance start to rise to their feet and get their at 9 and start to exchange rights and lefts. Both seem to be losing consciousness as they swing wildly at each other but connecting. Night misses a right and Lance hit’s his finisher called the DIAMOND STUD on the champ but Peter takes Lance by the head and throws him clear over the roped to the floor. Peter goes outside, picks up a chair and bashes Lance in the back with the chair. He throws it down and hits a scoop slam. Peter on the apron now, does a crotch chop and hits a elbow drop. Peter grabs his arm in pain as Night is still down and out.

Peter picks Lance up and tries to throw him into the cage but Lance reverses and sends Peter into the cage breaking it in half as Peter is on he outside of the ring where the bombs are. Lance goes outside as we hear a blaring sound coming from somewhere signalling the cage may be blowing up. Lance sends Peter into the cage head first and grabs the barbed wire bat and hits Peter in the gut with it doubling him over before raking Peter’s head with the bat as more blood comes out of Peter’s head and covers his mask. Peter is blinded as he can’t see a thing. Max Masterson now gets involved as he smashes his cane with the blunt end on Lance’s head. Peter goes for the cover, as falls now count anywhere outside the cage.

1..2.. NO! Lance kicks out at 2 8/9.

This match is getting ugly and Night is still down but stirring now. Peter then goes to the top of the cage. The fans stand up as they expect something BIG to happen here. Peter calls down to Lance to follow him up and Lance hesitates before climbing up. He reaches the top and both men are on top of the cage dangerously close to the c4 explosives at the trap door. Peter and Lance start exchanging rights and lefts. Lance gets the advantage and hits a sick spinebuster on the mesh of the cage on Peter. The ref now climbs up as Lance makes the cover.

1..2.. NO!

Peter kicks out. Both men are sporting the crimson mask as they are losing tons of blood but somehow giving the fans all they got. Lance picks Peter up by his hair but Peter hits a low blow on Lance. Peter then gets up and signals for the Fatal Attraction. He sets it up but is back dropped again by Lance on the cage. The blaring sounds get louder and louder as a timer is shown in the upper right hand corner saying 1 minute. The cage is about to blow but all 3 men don’t know that. Lance begins to stalk Peter and motions for him to get up. Peter eventually gets up and Lance hits the DIAMOND STUD on the cage. Another pin attempt by Lance.

1.. 2.. MAX MASTERSON Out of nowhere with a cane shot on Lance. How did he get up there?

Max eyes Lance and hits him in the head with the cane. Lance starts to wobble near the c4 explosives covering the trap door of the cage. Max picks Peter up and then gives the signal for the end. Peter and max kick Lance in the stomach doubling him over then both grab Lance’s neck, throw their hair back and eyes in back of their head and in a sick spot, pick up Lance and chokeslam him on the c4 explosives! Sparks come out and the door breaks sending Lance plummeting down and hitting hard on the canvas as the bombs go off and everyone is down and out, even the referee.

Smoke is everywhere as the fans chant, “HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!!” Everyone is down. Peter and Max begin to stir and then look down at the carnage and laugh wickedly and taunt the crowd who boo them. Peter climbs down the trap door as the referee outside the cage is now in checking on Lance and Night who look out of it but barely breathing. Peter stands over the fallen and seemingly broken in half Lance Diamond. Referee tries to get Peter back as he throws up the “X” signalling for the medics to come. Medics come down but Peter locks the doors on them. He gets back in the ring, and stalks Lance Diamond now. He goes over to Diamond who is now up and kicks him in the gut and then hits a sick DOOMSDAY slam on Diamond and goes for the cover.




Peter has done it!!! He has beaten Lance Diamond and has become the NEW sVo Hardcore Champion! Night has lost his sVo Hardcore Championship, without even being pinned! The fans are in shock as Peter Gilmour has now tasted his first piece of sVo gold! The ref gives Peter the belt and Peter snatches it away. He then looks at it with blood coming from his mask and dripping on it. Peter then holds up the belt as medics finally get inside the ring, cut down the barbed wire and attend to Lance Diamond. Gilmour gets a sick grin on his face before making his way over to the former champion Night, and holding the title belt high above his head!

RESULT: Peter Gilmour def. Lance Diamond & Night


We open up backstage in the office of Jimmy Moretti, where the 50% sVo owner is sitting across the desk from his biological son Johnny All Star. All Star, who has recently retired from the ring and taken up a job as Jon Page’s bodyguard in order to spy on the other 50% owner for Moretti is looking confused.

Johnny All Star – “I’m not sure what I am supposed to be looking for here Jimmy. He doesn’t seem to be doing anything out of the ordinary.”

Jimmy Moretti shakes his head as he lights one of his trademark cigars.

Jimmy Moretti – “No chance kid, Page is up to something. I have it from a good source! I just don’t know what yet. Keep following him and try and get in closer with him.”

All Star nods his head.

Johnny All Star – “Sure no problem, maybe he will open up a little more when we embark on this world tour. He is going to need round the clock security, you know with the threat of terrorism and all that.”

Jimmy Moretti shakes his head as he takes a long puff of his cigar.

Jimmy Moretti – “I am more concerned with what Page has up his sleeve than any of these Al Quida assholes, especially as we got a show on the world tour in his home city of London. Just make sure you find out everything you can kid. The family is counting on you….”

All Star stands up tall and nods his head proudly.

Johnny All Star – “Don’t worry, I won’t let you down…… dad.”

Kerry Millano vs. Chris Bond

A split second brought the entire event to noir as the audible hum of anxious fans echoed throughout the arena. Their wait would go no further as smooth flanged instrumentals interrupted. Soon this bassless whine would slowly pick up with background drums beginning to strengthen every second that passed. The cadence quickened, accompanied by a disc jockey’s record scratching, until it finally dropped into a mellow jazz tune.

As the drum hit to begin the jazz tune, Kerry Millano took his leave of the backstage, 211 Steel Reserve bottle in hand, occasionally taking a gulp as he paced slowly down the aisle. He made sure to belittle as many fans as possible during his descent of the ramp. While he was serenaded by White Zombie’s child friendly demon groans, he continuously took swig after swig of the malt beverage he carried down with him.

Before he would enter the ring, however, he paced about the outside in search of a lucky fan. Approaching the guard rail, he menacingly glared at the crowd of onlookers who were sharing exactly how they felt about The Career Killer with their unified chants.





All he did was smirk..

That was, before spewing the ‘high gravity lager’ at entire front row in a floating mist. As he backed away, pointing and laughing, he finally rolled into the squared circle where he nonchalantly retreated to a corner. As he dropped to a seat, he rocked his head backward to rest on the middle turnbuckle providing no signs of anticipation for the opponent.

He just turned his bottle up.

What a fucking prick.

“A way to be…
You’re looking down again…
Just let it be…
And I’d only do for you what you’d do for me…
And I only would do for you what you’d do for me…”

“Touche’” by Godsmack begins to play around the arena and a mixed reaction is heard from the fans as the cocky Chris Bond makes his way down the entrance ramp. Bond keeps his eyes focused on the ring as he slowly makes his way towards the arena for battle, managing to slap a few lucky fan’s hands, before climbing up into the ring. Bond looks focused as he warms up in the corner of the ring as he is announced to the crowd by the sVo ring announcer.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this highly anticipated match between Bond and Millano gets underway! Bond and Millano slowly make their way towards each other in the middle of the ring, with both men seemingly trying to figure each other as they tie up. Millano and Bond both try and push each other backwards, only for Millano to twist the arm of Bond around into a reverse wrist lock. Millano nails a bulldog on Bond to take him down to the mat, but ‘Mr Reality’ quickly makes his way back up to a standing position. Millano dives towards Bond once again, however this time Chris Bond sidesteps the attack and takes down his opponent with an arm drag takedown. Millano rolls straight back up to his feet and runs at Chris Bond, however Bond repeats the arm drag takedown only this time to lock Millano’s arm into an arm bar submission hold.

Millano tries to twist and turn out of the submission move applied by Bond, however Bond keeps Millano’s arm locked tightly in the hold. The referee asks ‘The Career Killer’ if he would like to tap out to Chris Bond, however receives a resounding ‘no’, only for Chris Bond to begin to pound away on the face of Millano with big right hands. Chris Bond finally releases the hold of Millano and shoots him hard into the ropes. Millano bounces back, but before Bond can back body drop Millano as planned, he receives a big boot to the face! Chris Bond holds his face in pain as ‘MR PURORESU’ himself delivers a spinning heel kick to Chris Bond to knock him down.

Chris Bond makes his way back to his feet, but Kerry Millano is straight back onto his opponent with some big right hands to back him into the corner. Millano hits Bond with a knee to the midsection before suplexing him into the middle of the ring. Bond hits the mat hard back first, and Millano dives onto his opponent to make the cover.




Bond gets a shoulder up off of the mat. Kerry Millano quickly grabs Bond by the hair and yanks his opponent up to his feet. Kerry Millano lifts Chris Bond up into the air looking for another suplex, however this time Kerry Millano drops Bond forward across the ropes! Chris Bond hands off the top rope by his midsection, before Millano nails him with a big kick to the face to knock him down to the mat! Bond looks in pain from the move as Millano stands in wait for his opponent to rise to his feet. Bond slowly manages to get to a standing position, only for Kerry Millano to leap right back onto him with a Kawada kick shoot combination! The fans boo Millano as Bond drops to the mat and ‘Mr Puroresu makes the cover!




Once again Chris Bond gets a shoulder up off of the mat to show that he isn’t about to lose to Kerry Millano after challenging him to the match last Sunday night at Showdown #20!

Kerry Millano snarls at the referee for not counting the three as he pulls Chris Bond to a standing position. However as Millano remonstrates with the referee, Chris Bond begins to nail Millano with some punches to the midsection! Millano doubles over and Chris Bond slams him to the mat with a sit out powerbomb! Chris Bond quickly rises to his feet and flashes a smile at the downed body of Kerry Millano, before grabbing him as he rises back to his feet. Kerry Millano is quickly thrown into the ropes by Chris Bond, who takes him down to the mat with a stiff powerbomb as he bounces back!

With Kerry Millano down on the mat, Chris Bond wastes no time in grabbing the legs of Millano and locking him into a sharpshooter in the middle of the ring! We could see a submission victory right here at Destiny as Chris Bond applies the pressure to the sharpshooter on Millano! The referee drops to see if Millano would like to tap, but Millano shakes his head as he screams out in pain under the submission hold! Millano slowly begins to edge closer to the ropes, using all his strength to pull himself closer to safety! The look on the face of Chris Bond is intense as he applies even more pressure, but just as it looks as if Millano will have to tap, he reaches the ropes! The referee orders Chris Bond to break the hold, and he finally does after a few seconds! Millano grasps the bottom rope tightly, still feeling the pain in his legs, but Bond isn’t done yet!

Chris Bond grabs Millano by the legs and pulls him away from the ropes and into the centre of the ring. However this time Chris Bond applies another one of his trademark finishing moves, the figure four leg lock! The fans cheer at the sight of the move made famous by Ric Flair as Millano looks across at Bond in deep pain! Once again the referee asks Kerry Millano if he would like to tap, but once again he shakes his head! Millano looks in deep pain as Chris Bond keeps the hold locked in, but suddenly with a large movement, Millano flips Bond around reversing the pain to the legs of Chris Bond! Now the shoe is on the other foot and it is Chris Bond reaching for the ropes in pain! The pained look on Millano’s face changes to a sadistic grin as he arches his back to apply more pressure to Chris Bond’s legs!

Chris Bond finally reaches the ropes and the referee forces Millano to break the hold, but has the damage already been done to the legs of both men! Millano and Bond seemingly both find it hard to stand to their feet as they pull themselves up using the ring ropes! Chris Bond lurches towards Millano looking for his ‘Reality Check’ superkick finishing move, but due to the pain in Bond’s legs, Millano is able to duck out of the way quickly! Millano quickly grabs Bond from behind, and plants the master submissionist to the mat with a German suplex! With Bond down on the mat, the fans boo as Millano stands and begins to signal to the crowd! Bond slowly rises to his feet, before receiving a boot to the midsection from Kerry Millano! Millano then lifts Bond into the air, before planting him with ‘the Decline’! The fans are on their feet for the awesome finishing move from Millano, who quickly makes the cover on Bond!




This one is over and its Kerry Millano who picks up the narrow victory on a closely contested match! Will Millano now really get that title shot that Paige promised him earlier in the evening? Millano and Bond both lay down on the mat as Millano’s music blasts out around the arena, a testament to how close the match was as sVo Destiny 2008 heads to a commercial break.

RESULT: Kerry Millano def. Chris Bond via pinfall

sVo presents Showdown #21
6th April 2008
Subiaco Oval, Perth, Australia


“The Hope” Isaac White strutted down the corridor of the building as he prepared to face Cody Williams in, possibly, one of the biggest matches in his career.

Nick Harris – And there’s Isaac White, the number one contender to Cody William’s International Championship! Tonight these two will face off to see exactly who is truly worthy of being titled sVo’s International Champion! He showed last week that pure wrestling ability can be beaten with proper match tactics when he took the win right from under Kerry Milla–“

Just then, from out of nowhere, “The Hope” toppled to the ground after being blindsided with a thunderous forearm shot!


Each stomp planted on the fallen contender professed a grunt of obvious anger. Millano’s boiling-hot complexion said it all. White fought to stand up, trying his best to shove The Career Killer from over-top of him but it proved futile. Millano’s relentless assault continued with a barrage of punches and kicks to the fallen superstar.


Crew members and staff who approached the two scuffling superstars were batted away by threatening swings from Millano who continued to pummel the man that served him his bitter defeat last week. Suddenly, he shot up to stand where Isaac White lay battered at his feet. He appeared to be looking around for something. That was when he paced off out of the camera’s view to show an isolated Isaac White sprawled in the back.

Kerry Millano – RRRRAAAAH!






Nick Harris – We’re gonna have to send the emergency medical team back there to take care of Isaac White, he doesn’t look to good. All because Kerry Millano’s a sore loser.

Millano stood over White’s jaded frame only to throw his weapon-of-choice on the fallen superstar. No words were exchanged. All he put forth were deep maniacal breaths before he stomped down the hall to flee the scene. Just as he was about out of the camera’s view, he stopped. There was someone in front of him.

Nick Harris – It’s the sVo Hardcore Champion, Night! He’s been watching the whole time! Hopefully he’ll put a stop to Millano’s juvenile antics!

The two men stood face to face with each other, neither of them budging an inch. Millano, however, looked back toward the fallen figure before turning to face the masked man once more. Surprisingly enough, Night seemed rather stoic about the entire situation — a factor which caught Millano’s attention. He made no attempt to explain himself, casually brushing past the Hardcore Champion as if nothing had even occurred.

The setting faded to noir with Night simply staring down at the fallen Isaac White.


Backstage in the plush office of sVo 50% owner Jon Page, the man himself is sitting comfortably on a leather sofa watching the action unfold. Across the coffee table from the Londoner sits his ‘bodyguard’ Johnny All Star who is keeping one eye on Page as well as watching the action. Under instruction to spy on Page for his father Jimmy Moretti, All Star isn’t about to let down his new found ‘dad’ on the first attempt.

Jon Page – “Ouch, Isaac White is going to feel that one in the morning!”

Johnny All Star – “I wonder if he will be ok for his match?”

Jon Page rises up to his feet and makes his way towards a door at the back of the room.

Jon Page – “Hell White is so mixed up in the head I bet he does better in his match because of it!”

Johnny All Star looks alarmed as Jon Page opens the door.

Johnny All Star – “Wait, where are you going?”

Page laughs at All Star as spins back around to face his ‘bodyguard’.

Jon Page – “Just popping to the toilet big man, trust me, I don’t think you want to guard me in here tonight!”

Page winks at All Star who sits back down, slightly embarrassed. Jon Page closes the bathroom door behind him leaving All Star to watch the Destiny action before quickly making his way over to the window in the bathroom. Page quickly opens the window up as far it will go before jumping up onto the window ledge.

Jon Page – “I bet this isn’t the first time All star has had someone run out on him through a toilet window.”

Page laughs at his own private joke, before jumping through the window and to the floor below.

Psyko Stevo (c) vs. Night

“Sensation washes over me
I can’t describe it
Pain I felt so long ago
I don’t remember
Tear a hole so I can see
My devastation
Feelings from so long ago
I don’t remember”

“Remember” by Disturbed hits the sound system and the anticipation in the arena grows as a flash of pyros welcomes the arrival of ‘the best around’ Psyko Stevo in the sVo entrance ramp! Stevo raises his hands in the air to taunt the fans before slowly making his way down the steel ramp towards the ring. Halfway down the ramp Stevo stops and poses once again for the fans, with another burst of golden pyros firing up into the air behind him as he does. ‘The Ironman’ then slides into the ring and bounces on the second rope to once again signal to the crowd, before retreating to the corner of the ring for some last minute warm ups before the match gets underway.

A whisper…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

An explosion of purple light as a man in a black mask appears. At least, the mask appears black at first, but on closer inspection it appears to be made of the night sky. The mask does not entirely cover the man’s head and a head of black dreadlocks stream out, tracing the man’s jaw.

The man stands at the top of the entrance ramp – motionless for a moment, his stance elegant and mysterious, giving away nothing of his motives. As the music swirls away, the man only known as Night begins his walk to the ring – only, he doesn’t walk, it appears more of a graceful glide. Although he moves seemlessly, he moves deceptively quickly to the ring, sliding deliberately and headfirst into the ring.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung and a tired looking Night makes his way towards the sVo World Champion Psyko Stevo, who is also competing in his second match of the night. Night, who has already been battered black and blue in the House of Hell tonight, grabs hold of Psyko Stevo and sends the Champion hard into the ropes. Psyko Stevo bounces back, however as Night ducks his head looking for a backdrop on the Champion, Psyko Stevo hits a facebuster on Night. Night staggers backwards and Psyko Stevo follows him with a clothesline to take Night down to the mat. Psyko Stevo lays into the man who nearly beat him three weeks ago for the title with some right hands, before Night is able to struggle back up to a standing position.

Psyko Stevo throws Night into the ropes, however Night reverses the move and pulls Psyko Stevo towards him before kicking him in the midsection. Psyko Stevo doubles over in pain and Night takes him to the mat head first with a stiff DDT. Psyko Stevo holds his head in pain as Night leaps into the ropes before bouncing back with a lionsault! The fans pop for the acrobatic move from the ‘spot machine’ Night, who quickly goes for the cover!




Psyko Stevo gets a shoulder up off of the mat just in time!

Night is obviously looking to get the match finished early after his brutal House of Hell match against Peter Gilmour and Lance Diamond, and quickly gets back to work on Psyko Stevo with some big right hands to the Champions face. Night pulls Stevo up to his feet and sends the sVo World Champion into the corner. Psyko Stevo bounces out of the corner, allowing Night the perfect opportunity to take him down to the mat with a running bulldog. With Psyko Stevo down on the mat just in front of the turnbuckle, the fans rise to their feet as Night looks to the turnbuckle, before beginning to climb!

Night finally reaches the top rope and he stares down at Psyko Stevo who is still laying motionless on the mat. Night leaps from the top rope with an elbow drop and drives his arm into the chest of Psyko Stevo! Surely this match is all over after that highflying move from Night! The crowd are still on their feet as Night goes for another cover.




Somehow, someway, Psyko Stevo kicked out just at the very last second!

The crowd can’t believe it and neither can Night as he rises to his feet. Night helps the sVo World Champion up to his feet and hits him with a quick punch. Psyko Stevo is knocked back into the ropes, and Night runs at the man he must defeat to win the sVo World Championship belt, that he came so close to winning only a few short weeks ago. Night attempts a clothesline on Psyko Stevo, but as he clotheslines the World Champion both men go flying over the top rope to the floor below! The fans cheer as Night and Psyko Stevo lay motionless on the floor, before both beginning to get to their feet at the same time. Both men look exhausted as they begin to trade punches in front of the announcer’s table. Night begins to get the upper hand of Psyko Stevo, and slams him head first into the announcer’s table! The fans cheer as Psyko Stevo falls forward across the announcer’s table, causing the commentators Nick Harris and Michael Hernandez to scatter!

With Psyko Stevo laying motionless across the ring announcers table, Night seemingly can’t help himself to nail another high flying spot in tonight’s match! Night makes his way over to the ring and climbs onto the ring apron! The crowd continue to cheer as Night climbs from the ring apron onto the turnbuckle before looking down at Psyko Stevo! Surely there is no way Night can jump from the turnbuckle to the announcers table! Flashbulbs go off around the Goodfellas Arena as Night leaps towards the announcers table looking for an elbow drop, but Psyko Stevo rolls off of the table and to safety as Night goes crashing through the table!

The referee checks on Night as Psyko Stevo crawls back into the ring. The referee then begins to raise his hands in the air to count out Night!





Night isn’t moving much as he lays in the wreckage of the announcers table!




Night slowly begins to stir as Psyko Stevo pulls himself up in the ring using the ropes.




This one is all over as Night has failed to make it back into the ring after the count of ten! The fans boo, wanting to see this match up continue, but Psyko Stevo has retained his sVo World Championship in his second defence of the night in his gauntlet challenge!

RESULT: Psyko Stevo def. Night via countout


In a run down hotel room somewhere in Las Vegas, Jon Page is standing and looking over three men that are sitting on chairs in front of him. The three men are facing Page, meaning that there faces cannot be seen by the camera that has somehow sneaked into the room. Page has a huge smile on his face, but has sweat running down his forehead from where he has quickly dashed across town from the Goodfellas Arena to take part in this secret meeting.

Jon Page – “Ok so you all got jobs with the construction of the expanded Goodfellas Arena right?”

The three men infront of Jon Page nod their heads, causing the smile on Page’s face to grow even larger. Rubbing the scar on his cheek from the bullet that almost killed him three years ago, Page continues to address the three men.

Jon Page – “Ok I have the blueprints from the whole casino right here for you guys.”

Page passes out the plans for the Goodfellas Casino to each of the three men.

Jon Page – “My niece Paige managed to smuggle them out of Jimmy Moretti’s office while he was drooling all over her. Its amazing how much that guy is distracted by a low cut top and some knee high boots.”

The sVo 50% owner takes a sip of the glass of water on the side of table before continuing to speak.

Jon Page – “Ok now obviously hitting a casino is a risky business, but you guys are the best in the world which is why I hired you. Once you manage to steal the money out of the casino, you can split it up amongst yourselves, I don’t even care what you do with it. All that needs to be done is the money needs to be taken from the casino, so that Moretti looses all the financial muscle he has over the sVo right now. Deal?”

The three men enthusiastically nod their heads, how could they turn down a heist that is planned out for them to the very last detail with inside knowledge, with the source not even wanting a cut for themselves!?

Jon Page – “Ok great. I got to get back to the Destiny tapings before that goon Johnny All Star misses me. Now we leave tomorrow for our world tour so any problems contact me through my sister, good luck guys.”

Jon Page quickly dashes out of the door and towards his car, he knows even Johnny All Star would be getting suspicious by now.

Cody Williams (c) vs. Isaac White

The sound of a THX Dolby Digital Surround Sound test fills the arena, synched to the slow dimming of the house lights. “Head Like A Hole” (Clay Remix) by Nine Inch Nails plays on the speakers. Gold lights and lasers wander throughout the arena as smoke and the flashing of a strobe light covers the entrance way.

Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve
The smoke gets heavier as it settles in a foggy haze as Cody Williams makes his way through the curtain. He looks out into the crowd and turns sideways, extending his arms out to his sides. The smoke begins to clear as Cody peers behind him to see Sasha emerge from the curtain and the two make their way to the ring.

The two make their way onto the apron: Sasha slowly entering the ring, bending over and showing off her assets. Cody stares and makes motion of his heart beating fast. He slaps her on the ass and steps into the ring. He rushes to the nearest corner and raises his arms up in the air, staring into the crowd. He opens up his fur coat, exposing the sVo International championship. He caresses the belt, pounds his chest three times, and then points out to crowd and then points to himself. He jumps off the turnbuckle, doing a 180 turn and starts bouncing around while Sasha takes off his coat.

Blackness. A piercing light falls upon the stage as ‘Requiem’ can be heard distantly in the background, gradually becoming louder and louder.

A purple mist slowly begins to unravel down the aisle, creeping across the floor in a hypnotic display of twisting, serpentine tendrils.

By this point, ‘Requiem’ is playing in full force, and “The Hope” Isaac White steps out into the spotlight, leaning on his cane with one hand and pulling his hat down low with the other.

White basks in the warm glow of the spotlight momentarily before flicking the brim of his hat up and walking down to the ring, twirling his cane in one hand. He taps his cane on the steel steps and ascends them one step at a time. He wipes his feet on the apron and climbs the nearest turnbuckle, lowering his head and allowing his hat to roll down his arm before catching it in his hand and holding it up, with his cane in the opposite hand.

After this display, White jumps from the turnbuckle into the ring and begins to shed his entrance clothing, preparing for the task at hand.

The referee holds Cody Williams’ International Championship belt in the air to signal that it will be on the line in this highly anticipated clash live on Destiny, before calling for the bell to be rung! The International Championship match get straight underway as Cody Williams and Isaac White slowly make their way into the middle of the ring. Both men tie up in the centre of the ring, but Cody Williams uses his speed to go behind on Isaac White with a waist lock. Cody Williams attempts to his a German suplex on White, however the challenger counters with a back elbow into the face of the Champion. Williams stumbles backwards holding his nose from the blow, however Isaac White quickly spins around and follows up with some huge punches that knock Cody Williams back into the corner of the ring.

Isaac White nails Williams with some stomps in the corner before pulling him away from the ropes. Isaac White keeps hold of Williams, and quickly delivers a reverse Russian legsweep to the Champion to send him down to the mat. Isaac White hits the Champion with some mounted punches, however Cody Williams quickly battles his way back up to a standing position. Cody Williams runs at Isaac White looking for a clothesline, however White cuts him off with a kick to the midsection before taking down Williams with a tilt-a-whirl slam! Williams hits the mat hard from the move, and Isaac White attempts to capture the sVo International Championship belt with an early pinfall attempt on Williams.




A shoulder up off of the mat from Cody Williams means that this match continues and the International Championship still belongs to the ‘Picture of Perfection’ for the time being! Isaac White grabs Williams by the hair and pulls the cocky International Champion to his feet. The challenger hits Williams with repeated European uppercuts before taking him down to the mat with a dragon suplex. Williams looks to be in trouble with Isaac White taking complete control of the match early on! Isaac White hits a few stomps on the champion, before grabbing him by the head as he slowly rises up to his feet. Isaac White grabs the arm of Williams and sends him hard into the ropes, however as Cody Williams bounces back into the middle of the ring, he hits a dropkick on Isaac White out of nowhere! Both men lay motionless on the mat for a few seconds, before slowly rising to their feet.

Isaac White swings an arm at Cody Williams looking for a punch, however Williams ducks the fist of Isaac White before laying into the challenger with a punching combination of his own. Isaac White staggers backwards from the blows allowing Cody Williams the perfect opportunity to hit White with a ‘Pure Perfection’! This match could be all over after that devastating move from Cody Williams, but due to the earlier offence dished out from ‘the Hope’ Isaac White, the champion is slow to crawl across and make the cover!




A kick out from Isaac White right at the last second means that this match continues and Cody Williams’ International Championship is still in jeopardy! Cody Williams is the first man to his feet as he helps himself up using the ring ropes. His manager Sasha cheers on the International Champion from ringside as he looks across the ring at Isaac White who is rising to his feet at the opposite corner of the ring. Williams quickly runs at Isaac White and catches his opponent with a clothesline in the corner of the ring. Isaac White stumbles back into the corner, as Cody Williams drives his shoulder in to the midsection of the challenger. Williams then grabs hold of Cody Williams and suplexes him out of the corner and into the middle of the ring. With Isaac White down in the ring, Cody Williams quickly turns his attention to the top rope!

The fans rise to their feet as Cody Williams begins to climb the turnbuckle to the top rope. Isaac White lays in the centre of the ring as Cody Williams finally reaches the top rope and stares down at the challenger for his International Championship belt. Flash lights go off all around the arena as Cody Williams flies through the air looking for a moonsault leg drop on Isaac White, but the challenger rolls out of the way! Cody Williams hits the mat hard, and the two sVo superstars lay motionless on the mat as the referee begins to count them out!




Still no movement from the champion of the challenger.




Both men rise to their feet slowly and the referee breaks his count. Cody Williams grabs hold of Isaac White and the Champion throws the challenger hard into the ropes. Isaac White bounces back towards Cody Williams who nails White with a neckbreaker! The fans boo the International Champion as he makes the cover on White, only to get a two count from the referee! Williams shakes his head in disgust at the referees count as he pulls Isaac White up to his feet once again. Isaac White tries to hit Williams with some punches, however Williams blocks the punches before hitting a DDT on Isaac White!

The fans boo as Cody Williams rises up to his feet and taunts Isaac White, claiming he is ready to finish this match off! Cody Williams stalks Isaac White as he begins to rise to his feet, before pulling him up into the air looking for the ‘Picture Perfect’! Williams holds Isaac White up on his shoulder ready to complete the move, only for Isaac White to jump off of Williams shoulders! The crowd can’t believe it, and Cody Williams lurches forward towards White looking to gain control of the match again with a clothesline! However White slides through the legs of Cody Williams, before taking the International Champion to the floor with the ‘Cure’! With Williams down on the mat, White hooks the leg and makes the cover!




It’s all over and we have a new sVo International Champion! Isaac White’s theme music hits the arena as the new champion rises to the feet!

RESULT: Isaac White def. Cody Williams via pinfall


Isaac leans against the ropes for support after the hard-fought match, sweating heavily and panting for breath. The referee approaches White and hands him the glistening, golden International Championship which now belonged to him.

White extends a gloved hand to the referee, who takes it and helps “The Hope” to his feet.

Isaac clutches the belt tightly and raises it high in the air, receiving a mixed reaction from the audience.

He motions for a microphone to be given to him, and the referee obliges, quickly fetching it from ringside. White stands in the center of the ring and holds it to his mouth before addressing the crowd.

ISAAC: Today is a great triumph for the continued efforts of The Society. Like moths to a flame, this belt will undoubtedly garner us the attention of Undesirables world-wide as soon as Showdown goes on tour!

White now straps the belt over his chest like a bandolier and picks up his cane. He ascends the turnbuckle and holds his cane outward like a gun. He speaks once more.

ISAAC: In the hands of The Society, this title will serve as a weapon. Later tonight, I will declare war on Undesirables, starting with somebody who caught my attention over two weeks ago!

He turns his head and looks back at Cody, lay motionless in the ring.

ISAAC: Cody, you’ve just tasted the bitter-sweet Cure!

sVo PPV presents Vendetta
27th April 2008
Råsunda Stadion, Solna, Sweden


The cameras cut backstage and we are presented with a shot of Night, sat down on a steel chair in his locker room. He sits forwards, with his shoulders hunched up, hanging his head low and running his hands over his mask. He looks well and truly beaten, and not just from the House Of Hell match…

Over the last couple of weeks we’ve seen Night’s mental state rapidly deteriorate. It all began with restless nights leading up to the World Championship match with Psyko Stevo. The ‘dream-world’ in which Night lives during his sleep is a safe haven away from reality, a sanctuary of sorts. Almost like a compass, his visions gave him guidance and helped to keep him focused towards his goals, but now Night finds himself in a hypothetical Bermuda Triangle. The needle on his compass is spinning in all directions, and the sanctuary of his dreams has been burned to the ground.

Erratic and unpredictable behaviour soon followed, and now Night has turned to other means to aid him. Sleeping pills.

Night suddenly puts his hands on his knees and pushes himself up out of the chair to an upright stance. He hurriedly makes his way over to a gym bag containing some clothes and other items. He buries a hand into the mess and starts rummaging around, breathing heavily. After several moments and no result, he slams another hand into the contents of the bag and frantically starts to rifle through everything. Breathing growing sharper with every second, he takes to throwing his clothes all over the locker room floor in order to find what he wants.

Eventually, he empties the entire bag and still doesn’t seem to have found anything. Night grits his teeth and groans in frustration, clenching his hands into fists. With a sudden outburst of violence, he swings his arm into the bag and sends it flying against a wall! Abruptly, he calms his breathing and raises his head, as if he senses somebody stood behind him.

A gloved hand enters the shot, reaching over Night’s head and dangling something in front of his eyes- the bottle of sleeping pills which he had so desperately sought after. The hand shakes the small container, causing the pills inside to make a rattling sound, which seems to cut through Night like a knife.

Night turns around as the arm retracts, and the camera follows his gaze. Stood right in front of him is “The Hope” Isaac White! The crowd in the arena cheer at the sight of these two oddball characters standing toe-to-toe. White examines Night for a moment as though he is some kind of bizarre science experiment, tilting his head to one side slightly. After a tense silence between the two, White speaks in a soft voice.

ISAAC: I think that these… are yours.

He holds out his hand and shakes the pills again, as if daring Night to take them. Night snatches them back, not taking his eyes off White. Isaac looks at Night with an innocent curiosity, before finally lowering his empty hand and speaking.

ISAAC: You know, if I were you, I’d be very careful. These things-

(He nods his head in the direction of the pills, now in Night’s possession)

ISAAC: – Can easily spiral out of control. There are other ways to solve your problems, Night.

Suddenly, something in Isaac sparks a distant memory in Night’s mind. Night stares hard at White trying to dig through his mind. White doesn’t seem to evoke the actual memory of a person, rather a shadow. Isaac tilts his head, questioning Night’s hard look at him.

ISAAC: Problem, mate?

NIGHT: … you just remind me of someone.

Isaac frowns slightly in confusion. He doesn’t dwell on it, though, and looks Night in the eye one last time to ensure his message has been understood, before turning on his heel and walking over to the locker room door. He pauses, still facing the door, and speaks one last time.

ISAAC: Oh, by the way- sweet dreams.

He opens the door and leaves, closing it behind him. The camera turns back to Night, who stares at the door way intently, breathing deeply.


The scene opens in Compton in LA as Orlando Fox and an unnamed associate dash down an alley way. The former sVo wrestler seems to be running for his life as him and his friend dash behind a wall and stand deadly still without making a move. After a few seconds, three police officers toting guns dash past Orlando Fox and his friend down the alley, without seeing the pair standing being the wall.

“Holy shit that was close.”

Fox is still out of breath as he speaks, bending over and putting his hands on his knees.

“What the hell man they came out of no where! We got to get out of here and lay low for a while!”

Orlando Fox’s friend looks shaken up by the whole incident as he leans back against the wall, still looking scared that the police officers might make their way back.

“I got a better idea. This company I used to work for is going on a world tour. All I got to do is wrestle a couple of matches and we could be outta the country for the next few months! Fuck it, we don’t ever have to come back!”

Orlando Fox looks at the face of his associate, trying to see if he is taken to the idea.

“Fuck it, its gotta be better than this. Lets get the fuck out of here man!”

Orlando Fox nods at his friend, before the pair look over their shoulders and make their way away from the area.

Psyko Stevo (c) vs. Cody Williams

The sound of a THX Dolby Digital Surround Sound test fills the arena, synched to the slow dimming of the house lights. “Head Like A Hole” (Clay Remix) by Nine Inch Nails plays on the speakers. Gold lights and lasers wander throughout the arena as smoke and the flashing of a strobe light covers the entrance way.

Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve

The smoke gets heavier as it settles in a foggy haze as Cody Williams makes his way through the curtain. He looks out into the crowd and turns sideways, extending his arms out to his sides. The smoke begins to clear as Cody peers behind him to see Sasha emerge from the curtain and the two make their way to the ring.

The two make their way onto the apron: Sasha slowly entering the ring, bending over and showing off her assets. Cody stares and makes motion of his heart beating fast. He slaps her on the ass and steps into the ring. He rushes to the nearest corner and raises his arms up in the air, staring into the crowd. He opens up his fur coat, exposing the sVo International championship. He caresses the belt, pounds his chest three times, and then points out to crowd and then points to himself. He jumps off the turnbuckle, doing a 180 turn and starts bouncing around while Sasha takes off his coat.

“Sensation washes over me
I can’t describe it
Pain I felt so long ago
I don’t remember
Tear a hole so I can see
My devastation
Feelings from so long ago
I don’t remember”

“Remember” by Disturbed hits the sound system and the anticipation in the arena grows as a flash of pyros welcomes the arrival of ‘the best around’ Psyko Stevo in the sVo entrance ramp! Stevo raises his hands in the air to taunt the fans before slowly making his way down the steel ramp towards the ring. Halfway down the ramp Stevo stops and poses once again for the fans, with another burst of golden pyros firing up into the air behind him as he does. ‘The Ironman’ then slides into the ring and bounces on the second rope to once again signal to the crowd, before retreating to the corner of the ring for some last minute warm ups before the match gets underway.

Cody Williams and Psyko Stevo stand staring each other down across the ring. Psyko Stevo looks exhausted having already defended his sVo World Championship twice tonight, whilst Cody Williams looks in a similar state having lost his sVo International Championship to Isaac White tonight at Destiny.

The bell rings for the start of the match, and Stevo and Williams look to have put all feelings of exhaustion on the back burner as they charge to each other to kick the Destiny main event off!

Psyko Stevo and Cody Williams trade right hands with Psyko Stevo gaining the upper hand of the confrontation. Psyko Stevo backs Cody Williams into the corner of the ring, and the World Champion slams his head into the turnbuckle with authority. Cody Williams stumbles backwards from the corner and Psyko Stevo quickly takes the former sVo International Champion down with a back body drop. Cody Williams rises up off of the mat holding his back in pain, but Psyko Stevo gets right back to work with some kicks and punches to the challenger. Cody Williams is able to duck under a punch from Psyko Stevo before hitting a backbreaker on the World Champion. Cody Williams hits some mounted punches on Stevo, before bouncing into the ropes and hitting a elbow drop onto Psyko Stevo. With the World Champion laying before him, Cody Williams drops down to make the cover on Psyko Stevo.




Psyko Stevo gets his shoulder up off of the mat to save the World title from belonging to Cody Williams! Williams looks as if he wants to bounce from his sVo International Championship loss straight away as he rises up to his feet and brings Psyko Stevo with him. Williams hits a hard sweeping STO onto Psyko Stevo, before climbing up to the second rope! Standing on the second rope, Cody Williams taunts the crowd before leaping down and hitting a leg drop onto Psyko Stevo! The World Champion looks to be in trouble against his latest challenger, is having to take part in three matches starting to take its toll on Psyko Stevo?

Cody Williams hits some stomps onto the body of Psyko Stevo, before hooking the World Champions legs and looking for another pin fall attempt. However having already defeated Howie Banks and Night tonight to retain his title, Psyko Stevo isn’t about to let it go that easily as he gets a shoulder up off of the mat! Cody Williams is beginning to look increasingly annoyed with the inability to put Psyko Stevo away as he rises up to his feet. Psyko Stevo slowly stumbles up to a standing position, but Cody Williams is there waiting for him, and the former International Champion hits a ‘Perfectly Executed’ move onto the World Champion! Sasha claps the move at ringside, however it draws only boos from the crowd who are making no secret of who they wish to win tonight’s main event, the last show to take place in the Goodfellas Arena before the sVo embarks on its World tour of 2008!

Psyko Stevo rises up to his feet using the ring ropes, however a few well placed chops to the back of the head from Cody Williams soon take Psyko Stevo back to the mat, where Cody Williams stomps straight into the face of Psyko Stevo. The fans boo as the actions of Cody Williams, but as the challenger bounces off of the ropes before returning to look for an elbow drop onto the World Champion, no one is home as Psyko Stevo rolls out of the way! Cody Williams rises up to his feet holding his arm in pain, only to get hit with a flurry of martial arts kicks from Psyko Stevo that send him into the corner of the ring. Psyko Stevo follows up in the corner with some shots to the upper body of Cody Williams, before hitting a snap suplex to take the challenger down to the mat. With Cody Williams down, Psyko Stevo hooks the leg of Williams and attempts to get a three count and defend his championship for the third time tonight!



No! A shoulder up off of the mat from Cody Williams means that this match continues! Psyko Stevo and Cody Williams are both looking increasingly tired as they both rise to their feet. Psyko Stevo sends Cody Williams into the ropes, before hitting him with a knee to the midsection as he bounces back. Cody Williams doubles over from the blow, before Psyko Stevo takes him to the mat with a half nelson slam. The sVo World Champion seems to be beginning to take control of the match! Stevo places a foot down over the throat of Cody Williams, before the referee finally calls for a break and Psyko Stevo is forced to break the hold! Psyko Stevo finally does break the hold, but the World Champion now looks in firm control of the match! Psyko Stevo taunts to the corner, before pulling Cody Williams up to his feet by his hair. Psyko Stevo sends Williams hard into the corner of the ring, before following up with a clothesline in the corner! Sasha looks on nervously from ringside as Psyko Stevo rakes the eyes of Cody Williams in the corner, before hitting the challenger with a ‘Psykosis’ out of the corner! The fans are on their feet as Psyko Stevo makes the cover!




Everyone thought that the spectacular move from Psyko Stevo was enough to get the job done, apart from Cody Williams who gets a shoulder up off of the mat at the very last second! Psyko Stevo looks as surprised as all of the fans in attendance as he pulls Cody Williams into the corner of the ring. Psyko Stevo lays into Cody Williams with stomps onto his body in the corner of the ring, before retreating to the opposite corner. The fans cheer as Psyko Stevo charges across the ring looking to spear Cody Williams in the corner, however before impact Williams dives out of the way causing Psyko Stevo to spear the metal ring post!

Psyko Stevo staggers backwards holding his shoulder in pain, before Cody Williams takes him down to the mat with a desperation clothesline! Cody Williams looks like he wants to end this match right now, and the challenger begins to make his way to the top rope! With Night and Howie Banks already crashing off of the top rope against Psyko Stevo tonight, can Cody Williams make it third time lucky and hit a move to become sVo World Champion? Williams slowly reaches the top rope and stares down at Psyko Stevo who is laying beneath him holding his shoulder in pain. Without warning, Williams leaps from the top rope and lands a perfect shooting star press onto Psyko Stevo! The fans can’t help but admire the move, and surely if Cody Williams made the cover now we would have a new sVo World Champion! Williams however seems to be in too much pain from the move itself as he slowly crawls across the body of Psyko Stevo, and makes the cover without the hooking of the leg.




Kickout from the sVo World Champion to large pops from the crowd! Sasha holds her head in disbelief at ringside, she was sure that Cody Williams had won the big one right there and then! Cody Williams is the first man to slowly stagger to his feet, and he seems shocked that he didn’t get the three right there! Cody Williams seems to have had enough of Psyko Stevo as he calls on Sasha to throw him a steel chair! The referee tries to protest, but Cody Williams shoves him out of the way as Sasha slides a steel chair into the ring to the former International Champion Williams.

Cody Williams holds the steel chair in the air and stares at it, will this be the weapon that delivers the sVo World Championship to the waist of Cody Williams? Cody runs at Psyko Stevo with the chair, however Stevo sidesteps the challenger and takes him down with a drop toe hold, which causes Cody Williams to fall face first into the chair! The fans pop for the excellent counter for Psyko Stevo, as he pulls Williams up to his feet! Psyko Stevo kicks Cody Williams in the gut, before dropping the challenger to the mat with a trademark double arm DDT! The fans are on their feet as Psyko Stevo rolls Cody Williams over and goes for the cover!




Williams kicked out! Williams kicked out!

Just what is it going to take for either man to emerge from this match victorious tonight? Psyko Stevo just can’t believe it as he stumbles up to his feet. Psyko Stevo begins to make his way towards Cody Williams, but suddenly he is grabbed from behind by Sasha who is up on the ring apron! The fans boo the actions of Cody Williams’ manager, but as Psyko Stevo turns to face Sasha, she looks too scared to move! Psyko Stevo trash talks the manager of Cody Williams but decides not to harm her, only to turn around straight into a superkick from Cody Williams! The fans boo as Cody Williams high fives Sasha who jumps back down to the floor! Cody Williams cockily kicks the sVo World Champion, who seems to be busted open from the superkick delivered by Williams.

Psyko Stevo slowly staggers up to his feet, but Cody Williams is there and waiting with a fireman’s carry takedown, into a leg drop! Both men have given in their all here tonight in various matches, but who will emerge onto the World tour with the sVo World title belt?

Cody Williams stands stalking the sVo World Champion as Stevo gets to his feet. Psyko Stevo slowly stumbles around, and walks straight into a ‘Pure Perfection’ from Cody Williams. Cody Williams then steps over the downed body of Psyko Stevo, and grabs hold of the steel chair! The fans boo as Cody Williams holds the steel chair over his head before banging it down on the mat, laying in wait for Psyko Stevo to get to his feet! The sVo World Champion looks to be struggling to his feet, as the blood pours down the forehead of the man that has competed in three matches tonight! Williams runs at Psyko Stevo looking to deliver the knockout chair shot that will deliver him the World Championship belt here at Destiny, however as he swings the chair, Psyko Stevo ducks underneath the chair shot! The fans rise to their feet as Stevo runs to the ropes as Williams turns to try another chair shot. However this time, Psyko Stevo bounces out of the ropes and kicks the chair back into the face of Cody Williams with a Psyklone! The fan’s can’t believe it as Cody Williams hits the mat hard, and Psyko Stevo drops down over the body of the challenger.




This one is all over, and Psyko Stevo retains the sVo World Championship belt after running the gauntlet at Destiny! “Remember” by Disturbed hits the sound system, and the fans rise to their feet to appluade the champion as he snatches his sVo World Championship belt away from the referee. Psyko Stevo holds his belt high in the air to salute the fans packed into the Goodfellas Arena after defeating all three challengers here tonight at Destiny! Destiny comes to a close as Psyko Stevo climbs a turnbuckle and celebrates his sVo World Championship defence with the fans!

RESULT: Psyko Stevo def. Cody Williams via pinfall

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