sVo Countdown to Violence 2013
11th June 2013
Goodfella Casino Arena, Las Vegas Nevada


‘God Is Dead?’ by Black Sabbath plays across millions of computer screens across the world and on the giant screen inside the Goodfellas Casino Arena in Las Vegas Nevada as the opening video for Countdown to Violence 2013 hits!Rivers of evil
Run through dying land

Swimming in sorrow, they kill, steal, and borrow. There is no tomorrow
For the sinners will be damned

Ashes to ashes
You cannot exhume a soul

Who do you trust when corruption and lust, creed of all the unjust,
Leaves you empty and unwhole?

When will this nightmare be over? Tell me!
When can I empty my head?

Will somebody tell me the answer?
Is God really dead?

Is God really dead?

The video highlights the recent events in the sVo with the Company such as William Vorheez winning the sVo Championship belt only to turn his back on the fans and side with Amy Page and the Company. The video ends on a shot of the sVo Championship belt, can William Vorheez keep the belt tonight against Go-Go Spectacular in the main event after his nemesis Roscoe Shame named himself as special guest referee?


The camera pans around the sold out Goodfellas Casino Arena before switching to the backstage area where the challenger for the sVo Championship Go-Go Spectaular is standing by in the interview area with Elena Cruz. The ninteen year old Go-Go gives off an aura of confidence from beneath her mask as she stands alongside the interviewer.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Go-Go, tonight after months of waiting you finally get the shot that you earned at the sVo Championship! Any nerves?’

The challenger confidently shakes her head.

Go-Go Spectacular: ‘I didn’t come this far to fall at the final hurdle due to nerves. This is the night I have been dreaming about for months now. It’s finally here and I fully intend on going out there and giving those fans something they haven’t had for a while in the sVo – something to cheer about!’

There is a cheer from the fans who are watching the interview on the giant screen in the arena.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Well the Champion William Vorheez of course has the Company in his corner…’

Loud boos from the watching fans for the sVo Champion and the Company.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘.. and with Roscoe Shame as the special guest referee being under orders that if he lays a hand on William Vorheez or does anything to deliberately cost him the match that he will never get a title shot ever again, are you worried about the Company getting involved in the match and Roscoe Shame being powerless to stop them?’

The challenger seems to ponder the question as she straightens her mask.

Go-Go Spectacular: ‘Many have said that Roscoe Shame is the only man in the sVo that is prepared to stand up to the Company, after all he has done it all before. I am confident that he will call things right down the middle and make sure the best competitor wins tonight, not the competitor that has the boss in their pockets!’

The fans cheer for the words of the challenger, but the cheers quickly turn to boos as the Company – William Vorheez, CJ Dreamer, Scott Washington, Harry Black and Amy Page invade the scene and crowd around Go-Go menacingly. Go-Go sets herself in a fighting pose, but instead of attacking, Amy Page takes the microphone from Elena Cruz.

Amy Page: ‘Ah Go-Go. There you are. I wanted to come and find you and personally tell you about a little change that I have made to tonight’s match… you know… for the fans!’

Boos ring out around the arena again as even Elena Cruz looks suspicious.

Amy Page: ‘I’m sure none of the fans want to see tonight’s main event decided on some silly technicality. So considering the inexperience of our referee tonight, I have made tonight’s main event a no disqualification match!’

Page smiles widely and taps Go-Go on the cheek sarcastically. Page nods to the Company and they follow her from the interview area as Go-Go stares back at them as they leave. With the match under no DQ rules the Company will be free to get involved as much as they like and the referee Roscoe Shame will be powerless to stop it! With no one in her corner, will anyone stand up to the Company tonight or will Go-Go have to go it alone against the group?

After the bombshell from Amy Page, the action heads back to ringside where highlights of Nathan Judge’s sVo debut last week against Darren Starr on Showdown are being shown on the giant screen.

‘Man in the Box’ by the Alice In Chains hits and there is a small cheer from the crowd as the powerhouse Simon Starr walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp with his energetic brother and tag team partner Darren Starr just behind! The Starr’s signals to both sides of the crowd before quickly making their way down the entrance ramp and diving head first into the ring.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Entering the ring, accompanied by Darren Starr, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and weighting in at 235lbs…. Simon STARR!!’

There is a cheer from the crowd for the announcement of Simon Starr as he continues to pose for the crowd as his brother Darren Starr takes his place in his corner at ringside.

‘Night Crawler’ by Judas Priest hits the sound system and there are boos in the arena as Nathan Judge slowly emerges from the backstage area onto the top of the entrance ramp. Nathan Judge doesn’t look too happy with the reception he is receiving from the Vegas crowd as he stares out at the sea of people before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making their way to the ring, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 240lbs…. Nathan JUDGE!’

Judge slowly climbs into the ring between the ropes before walking around the perimeter and staring out at the crowd. The crowd continue to boo Nathan Judge as he stands tall in the ring looking ready for the match to begin.

With both competitors in the ring, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the opening contest of Countdown to Violence 2013 to get started! Simon Starr and Nathan Judge size each other up from across the ring, both powerhouses waiting for the other to make the first move. Nathan Judge finally lunges forward for a big right hand, however Starr manages to dodge the punch from his opponent and land a knee to the midsection. Judge doubles over in pain and Starr nails Judge with a big right to the face before sending him back into the corner of the ring. Judge hits the corner hard, and Starr follows up with a clothesline in the corner of the ring.

Nathan Judge looks in pain as Simon Starr lands some punishing right hands in the corner of the ring before grabbing hold of Nathan Judge by the arm and trying to send him corner to corner. However Nathan Judge manages counter the move and send Starr in the corner of the ring. Starr bounces out of the corner holding his back in pain and suffers a massive clothesline from Nathan Judge. Judge taunts the fans who respond by booing him, before sending Simon Starr back to the mat with a stiff scoop slam. With Starr on the mat Nathan Judge shows no mercy as he stomps away on his opponents face.

Simon Starr struggles up to a standing position, but Nathan Judge follows up with a stiff double axe handle shot to the back of his opponent. Simon Starr doubles over in pain from the shot from Nathan Judge, and Judge follows up with a double underhook slam to take Simon Starr to the mat. With Starr down and hurting, Nathan Judge makes the cover.




Darren Starr cheers his brother on at ringside as Simon Starr kicks out from the three count to cheers from the fans.

However Nathan Judge doesn’t look quite as happy as he pulls himself up to his feet using the ring ropes and stares across at Darren Starr with a look of disgust on his face. Judge flips off Darren Starr before going to work on his brother with some big stomps and punches. Darren Starr looks irate at the man that beat him last week on Showdown, but knows he can’t do anything about it as Nathan Judge pulls Simon Starr up to a standing position and tackles him backwards into the corner of the ring. The crowd continue to boo Judge as he nails Simon Starr with some big shoulder blocks to his midsection in the corner of the ring.

Judge again shows off his dominance as he taunts the fans before pulling Simon Starr out of the corner of the ring by his hair and setting him up for a powerbomb in the middle of the ring! Judge signals to the fans, but as he tries to lift Starr into the air he is countered with a back drop! The fans cheer the counter from Simon Starr as he bounces off of the ropes and lands a desperation clothesline onto Nathan Judge as he gets to his feet.

Simon Starr runs at Nathan Judge and lands a big knee to the midsection, before grabbing him by the arm and whipping him hard into the ring ropes. Judge bounces back into the middle of the ring and Simon Starr takes him down with a spinebuster! With Judge down in the middle of the ring, the fans cheer as Starr grabs him by the legs and wraps him up in a sharpshooter!

The fans rise to their feet for the famous submission move as Nathan Judge shouts out in pain. The referee asks Judge if he wants to submit, but Nathan Judge shakes his head and desperately reaches out for the bottom rope to force a ropebreak. Simon Starr pulls back ever harder on the hold as he knows that he needs to get the match won quickly with the offence that Nathan Judge has given him already, as his brother cheers him on from ringside. Simon Starr pulls back one last time on the sharpshooter, but the screaming Nathan Judge shows just how brave he is by reaching forward with everything he has and grabbing hold of the bottom rope!

Simon Starr looks reluctant to finally break the hold, but does so as the referee orders the ropebreak. The fans boo at the fact that Nathan Judge made it to the ropes as Simon Starr walks away shaking his head as Judge struggles up using the ring ropes. Simon Starr goes straight back to work on Nathan Judge with some massive right hands that nearly send Judge over the top rope and to the outside, before grabbing him by the arm and sending him into the ring ropes. Nathan Judge bounces back into the middle of the ring only for Simon Starr to duck behind him and grab him in a waist lock before throwing him to the mat with a German suplex with a bridge!




Much to the Starr brother’s surprise Nathan Judge is able to kick out! Nathan Judge looks out on the mat, but as Simon Starr goes for another quick cover he kicks out after two again! Simon Starr shakes his head wondering what he needs to do to take out his opponent as he pulls himself up and looks at Nathan Judge. Simon Starr stands crouched waiting for Nathan Judge to get to his feet. Simon Starr grabs hold of Nathan Judge from behind, but as he looks for the ‘Starr Slam’ he is countered with a low blow out of the view of the referee!

The crowd boo as Darren Starr complains to the referee, but both men are now down in the middle of the ring. Nathan Judge slowly rises up to his feet, and lands a right hand to the face of his downed opponent. Judge sends Starr into the corner of the ring and lands some stiff chops across the chest, before Nathan Judge reverses the move and sends Judge into the corner before landing some stiff knife edge chops across his chest!

Starr sends Judge across the ring and into the ring ropes, but as Judge bounces back he hits a spinning neckbreaker onto Starr! With Starr on the mat Nathan Judge grabs the leg of his opponent and makes the cover.




This time it is Simon Starr who manages to kick out just before the three can be counted. Nathan Judge places a boot down across the throat of his opponent before the referee threatens to disqualify him. Simon Starr stumbles up to a standing position, but as he does Nathan Judge lands a big boot to the face! Simon Starr looks like he is struggling as Nathan Judge taunts to the fans before grabbing hold of Simon Starr and landing the ‘Judgement Day’ into the cover onto his opponent!




It’s all over and in a hard fought battle it is Nathan Judge who picks up a massive win over Simon Starr in the first match on Countdown to Violence to maintain his momentum!

Natasha Ortiz: ‘The Winner of the match…. Nathan JUDGE!’

With Nathan Judge now with wins over both Starr brothers in consecutive weeks, just what is next for Nathan Judge as he rises up to his feet and has his arm raised in the air in victory by the referee.


In the backstage area, the man known as the ‘Heavenly Warrior’ Joshua Curtis looks to be making his way towards the ring for his singles match tonight, when he is stopped dead in the corridor by his opponent Logan Black and his tag team partner Rose Finnegan. Curtis eyes the pair suspiciously as they lean against the corridor wall blocking his path.

Logan Black: ‘Joshua my old pal.’

The man from Tokyo doesn’t reply, he simply stares at Logan Black, flicking his eyes across to Rose Finnegan.

Logan Black: ‘Last week we came within a whisker of calling ourselves the Tag Team Champions of the sVo… but here I am facing you again tonight.’

Curtis nods his head before shrugging his shoulders.

Joshua Curtis: ‘Yes. Your point?’

Black smiles, before looking at his tag team partner who returns the smile.

Logan Black: ‘No point, I just wanted to wish you luck in our match is all. I really enjoyed it when we faced off two weeks ago on Showdown, let’s give the fans out there a real spectacle!’

Logan Black extends his hand to Joshua Curtis for a hand shake, and the Heavenly Warrior eyes it suspiciously.

Logan Black: ‘Come on Joshua. No funny business. With all this running around in gangs and attacking people from behind, I thought I could rely on a man like yourself, a heavenly warrior to help me bring a little fair play back into the sVo?’

Curtis still looks suspicious as he shakes the hand of his opponent, but Logan Black doesn’t attack him.

Logan Black: ‘That’s the spirit. Let’s give em hell out there tonight! Let’s just hope the result is a little different eh?’

Curtis nods his head politely at the Alabama native before passing. With Joshua Curtis defeating Logan Black by submission two weeks ago on Showdown, can Logan Black reverse the result here tonight at Countdown to Violence?


The cameras head back to the interview area, however this time it is Sasha Shay who is standing with a microphone in her hand. Towering over the pretty blonde is a man wearing a referee shirt for tonight only, for former sVo Champion Roscoe Shame. The crowd give a mixed reaction as they spot Roscoe Shame.

Sasha Shay: ‘Roscoe Shame, two weeks ago you through yourself into the main event for this evening as the special guest referee with the last remaining power you had from your time as general manager. With Amy Page’s stipulations are you regretting that decision now?’

Shame laughs as he rubs his goatee.

Roscoe Shame: ‘When you have done some of the things that I have done in my life Sasha, you learn not to have regrets. I won’t lie, its true I named myself special guest referee because I wanted to make sure that whatever happened tonight, that son of a bitch William Vorheez did not walk out of Countdown to Violence tonight with that sVo title belt.’

There are loud cheers from the fans for Roscoe Shame’s statement, with Roscoe Shame starting to get more and more cheers from the fans recently after going against the Company.

Roscoe Shame: ‘It’s true that Amy Page has put a spanner in the works of that plan by decreeing that if I purposely cost Vorheez the match tonight I will never get a title shot ever again… but I’m not too worried.’

Sasha Shay: ‘Well many are expecting that the Company will all get involved tonight now that Amy Page has made the match no DQ, and that you won’t be able to do anything about it and Go-Go will have no chance?’

Shame taps his nose as if he knows a secret.

Roscoe Shame: ‘Now I wouldn’t say Go-Go has no chance, who knows maybe she will pick up an early three count. Hell maybe someone in the Company will screw Vorheez over?’

The interviewer looks shocked.

Sasha Shay: ‘Is someone in the Company going to turn on them tonight?’

Shame smiles and taps his nose again, before winking at the pretty interviewer and walking away from the interview area after leaving that bombshell.

As ‘Desert Apple’ plays over the sound system, ‘the Heavenly Warrior’ Joshua Curtis walks out from behind the curtain and bows to the audience.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan and weighting in at 215lbs…. He is the Heavenly Warrior…. Joshua CURTIS!!’

Curtis walks down the ramp and around the ring, meeting with some of the fans before stopping at one fan in particular and producing a rose for them and giving the lucky lady a kiss on the cheek. Curtis then rolls into the ring and prepares to do battle.

“Sweet Home Alabama” by: Lynyrd Skynyrd plays and the crowd gives a huge pop as there is a series of pyrotechnic blasts. The lights flicker sporadically with them until there is one last boom as Logan Black simultaneously jumps out from backstage. He runs down the entrance ramp, slapping hands as he makes his way to the ring.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring, from Greenbow, Alabama, weighting in at 190lbs…… Logan BLACK!!’

He climbs the ring steps and throws his leg over the top rope. As he walks to the middle of the ring, he spins slowly, his finger extended towards the crowd and a smile on his face. Once to the middle of the ring, he stops and looks out at the crowd. Together, they yell, “Roll Tide!”

With both Joshua Curtis and Logan Black in the ring, both men show tremendous respect for each other with a pre-match handshake as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the contest to get started. The fans cheer for both men, as they eventually tie up in the middle of the ring. Logan Black quickly uses his strength to push back his opponent, but Joshua Curtis is able to use his speed to twist around behind Logan Black into a wrist lock. Black swings a right arm looking to knock away ‘the Heavenly Warrior’ with a big right hand, but Curtis is able to duck under the right arm and take down his opponent with a fireman’s carry takedown.

Joshua Curtis rises up to his feet and taunts Logan Black to get to his feet. The grappler from Alabama slowly rises up, but Joshua Curtis lays into him with some big punches for the side of the head before sending him hard into the ropes. Black bounces back into the middle of the ring and Joshua Curtis takes him down to the mat with a kick to the midsection followed by a DDT. With Logan Black down on the mat after being dropped on his head, Joshua Curtis makes the early cover.




Logan Black gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted by the referee. Joshua Curtis grabs hold of Black and pulls him up to his feet. Curtis lays into Black with some right hands, but Black manages to block one of the right hands and fight back with some punches of his own. Curtis tries to counter by bouncing back into the ring ropes and running at his opponent, but Logan Black cuts him down with a spear in the middle of the ring!

Joshua Curtis holds his ribs in pain as he rises up to his feet. Logan Black quickly takes control of the match with some knees into the already injured ribs on Joshua Curtis, before sending him down to the match and punishing them even more with a snap suplex. With Curtis on the mat, Logan Black lays into him with some mounted punches before Joshua Curtis is able to fight his way to a standing position. Joshua Curtis tries to get back into the match by running at Logan Black with a clothesline, but Black ducks under the right arm of Black and catches him with another knee to the midsection.

Curtis doubles over in pain holding his ribs again, allowing Logan Black the perfect chance to take him down to the mat with a spinebuster in the middle of the ring! The fans cheer on the man that nearly became a tag team champion last week, as he hooks the leg of the ‘Heavenly Warrior’ to make the cover.




Curtis gets a shoulder up off of the mat just in time.

The fans remain split about who they want to win this contest, with the winner surely edging closer to a shot at some sVo gold in the near future. Logan Black senses that the win is within his sights as he pulls Curtis up to his feet by his hair and sends him to the corner of the ring. Logan Black follows up by stomping away on Joshua Curtis in the corner of the ring before turning and taunting to the fans.

Joshua Curtis struggles to rise up to his feet in the corner of the ring, and Logan Black begins to chop him across the chest in the corner of the ring, growing ‘wooos’ from the sold out Las Vegas crowd inside the Goodfellas Casino Arena. However the chops across the chest of Joshua Curtis seem to awaken the ‘Heavenly Warrior’ as he blocks the right hand of Logan Black and nails him with a big head butt. Logan Black stumbles backwards, allowing Joshua Curtis the chance take him down with a spinning heel kick.

Curtis holds his ribs in pain as Logan Black slowly rises up to his feet, but continues the offence as he takes Logan Black down to the mat with a belly to belly suplex in the middle of the ring. With Logan Black down on the mat and Joshua Curtis in pain, Curtis drops down and hooks the leg of his opponent in an attempt to end the match early.




Just when it looked like the Heavenly Warrior might be able to score the three count, Logan Black kicks out before the three can be counted. Joshua Curtis looks exhausted from the offence he has received from his opponent as he drags his way up to a standing position after the near fall. Logan Black tries to fight his way back into the match with some big right hands, but Joshua Curtis fires back with some right hands of his own. Curtis grabs hold of Black by the arm and whips him hard into the ring ropes. Logan Black bounces back looking for a clothesline on Curtis, but Curtis ducks out of the way of the arm of his opponent and Logan Black cleans out the referee with the clothesline!

Black looks horrified after accidentally taking out the referee, but Joshua Curtis immediately takes advantage with a hammerlock slam onto his opponent. With Logan Black down on the mat, Joshua Curtis gets cheers from the fans as he signals for his finishing move! Curtis stands and waits for Logan Black to slowly struggle up to a standing position, before hitting him with the ‘Beheading’! It looks like it is lights out for Logan Black after that move, but with no referee Joshua Curtis can’t make the cover!

Joshua Curtis waves to the backstage area for another referee to come down to the ring so he can make the cover, but with all eyes on the entrance ramp, no body notices the man jump out of the crowd and slide into the ring!

Boos ring out around the crowd as the man – James Von Drake, spins Joshua Curtis around in the middle of the ring and lands the ‘Dollar Drop’ in the middle of the ring! The fans don’t know why James Von Drake has just taken out Joshua Curtis in the middle of the ring as the challenger for the Las Vegas title signals to the crowd before bailing out of the ring under the bottom of the rope and walking silently back up the entrance ramp.

In the ring Logan Black grabs hold of the opportunity with both hands as he crawls over and places an arm over the Heavenly Warrior’s body to make the cover!




It’s all over and it is Logan Black who wins the match in a surprise upset after the shocking interference from James Von Drake. Logan Black celebrates his big victory on sVo PPV, as Joshua Curtis lays motionless on the mat wondering just what the rest of the fans are thinking – why?


Wearing his normal street clothes, Scott Washington, the new sVo Tag Team Champion sits alone in the Company locker room staring at the title belt in his hands. It was the first title belt he had ever won in the world of wrestling. He never saw himself getting into the wrestling business let alone calling himself a champion, yet here he was. Despite the fact he now got to call himself the Tag Team Champion, Scott Washington had been given the night off by Amy Page who had wanted him on hand just to make sure everything went through smoothly with William Vorheez in the main event.

However as his locker room door burst open, it wasn’t the calm Amy Page from before than entered, it was a nervous and angry Amy Page that stormed at him. Washington looked at Amy with surprise as she got in his face before checking over her shoulder at Harry Black and William Vorheez who were standing either side of her.

Amy Page: ‘Answer this honestly or god help you, are you going to turn on the Company tonight?’

Washington was at first taken aback by the question, but this was quickly followed by anger. He had thought many times about turning on the Company, he had not joined out of choice, but even still he didn’t like being accused like this.

Scott Washington: ‘Where the hell has this come from?’

Amy Page: ‘Answer the damn question!’

Washington stared into the eyes of Amy Page, he had never seen her like this. He had seen her angry sure, but never nervous. She knew that if she lost the sVo Championship from her group then her stranglehold over the sVo would be in jeopardy.

Scott Washington: ‘If I was going to turn do you think I would have wasted my time in flying out to Chicago to compete in the Three Way Dance event for you? Do you really think I would have brought the Tag Team titles home last week?’

Page eyed him suspiciously.

Amy Page: ‘Well you did break ranks last week and offer Finnegan and Black the chance to fight for the belts…’

Scott Washington: ‘Only because I am a fighter, it’s what I do!’

Amy Page: ‘But your not here out of choice, you are always asking me if your debt has been paid yet.’

Washington reluctantly nodded his head before looking down at the title belt in his hand.

Scott Washington: ‘That was true before… but now… now I’m on-board Amy.’

Harry Black shakes his head dismissively from behind Amy Page as she stares at the Tag Team Champion for a few seconds trying to read him.

Amy Page: ‘Ok.. but you need to do something tonight to show who your loyalties lay with… I think you know what.’

Amy Page stares at Scott Washington for a few seconds, and he silently nods.


As the scene fades out from the Company locker room, we head to the locker room of one of the hottest new stars in the sVo’s locker room, where Elena Cruz has been brave enough to join Diamond Legend. The son of porn stars looks Elena Cruz up and down as she tries to remain professional.

Elena Cruz: ‘Diamond Legend, tonight you face another one of the sVo’s up and coming stars when you step into the ring against CJ Dreamer. Are you at all worried that this match between two exciting superstars may be ruined by interference from the Company, which Dreamer is a part of?’

Diamond Legend: ‘Elena, before I answer that let me ask you a question of my own… Are you single?’

Cruz doesn’t look too happy with Diamond Legend as she slowly nods her head.

Diamond Legend: ‘Good to know. Now as far as the Company goes I have heard a lot about no one standing up to them. Hello? What the hell have I been doing if I haven’t been leading a one man war against them? I beat one of their members on Showdown and I will beat another one here tonight!’

Elena Cruz: ‘Many commentators are speculating that whoever wins the match between you and CJ Dreamer will be in line for a shot at some sVo gold, is that something you are targeting after tonight?’

Diamond Legend: ‘Hold up Elena, you know how this works, you answer my question first. Would you like to become the newest member of Fuck Me Inc?’

Cruz looks furious with Diamond Legend who points to the logo on his t-shirt.

Elena Cruz: ‘Categorically no.’

Diamond Legend: ‘Bzzzst! Wrong answer! Now as far as gold goes, they call me the naked Extraoirdinaire, but even I would consider trading that nickname in for some sVo gold around my waist.’

Elena Cruz: ‘Do you really think Amy Page will grant you a title shot when you are going against the Company?’

Diamond Legend: ‘Don’t be premature Elena, my question first… now where did you learn how to handle the stick like that.’

The one man member of Fuck Me Inc looks suggestively at the microphone in Elena Cruz’s hand and winks at her. Elena Cruz responds by slapping Diamond Legend in the face and slamming the microphone into his chest before storming off.

Diamond Legend: ‘It’s lucky that camera shot is above waist high at the moment, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Fuck Me TV. I’m your host the Naked Extraoirdinaire and I am about lay a beat down on CJ Dreamer and any Company clowns that get involved, before taking the lovely Elena Cruz back to my hotel suite for a not very romantic night.’

Diamond Legend salutes to the camera as the scene fades out.

sVo Presents Showdown #108
The Fallout from Countdown to Violence
Live from the Goodfellas Casino, Las Vegas Nevada
18th June 2013

‘Stricken’ by Disturbed hits the sound system and boos ring out around the arena as the cocky looking CJ Dreamer slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. CJ Dreamer takes one look out at the thousands of fans that are packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena before making his way down towards the ring.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring, representing the Company, from Chicago, Illinois, weighting in at 240lbs…… C..J DREAMER!!’

CJ Dreamer ignores the fans at ringside that reach out to touch him as he sprints down the final part of the entrance ramp and dives head first into the ring. CJ Dreamer sits on one knee in the middle of the ring looking out at the crowd as his music fades out.

‘Let The Sparks Fly’ by Thousand Foot Krutch blares throughout the sound speakers. The lights suddenly flicker and smoke arises atop of the entry ramp. Suddenly from behind the smoke Diamond Legend appears on the stage. His head lowered with his hood over his head. Slowly lifting his head up the lights lights come back to a steady. Looking left, looking right Diamond Legend smiles and continues his slow, cockish walk to the ring. He blows kisses at beautiful girls and give little boys nudgies while telling them to fuck off. He spits at people and swears at them consistently.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring weighting in at 228lbs…… Diamond LEGEND!!’

Before stepping in the ring he walks up the steel steps slowly before walking along the ring before putting his back to the ropes and lowering his head again. Once again the lights begin to flicker. From all four turnbuckles little pyrogryhphic stars burst from out them. A plethora of different colors. Diamond Legend picks up his head and now he looks infuriated. He jumps over the top rope and begins running around the ring talking to himself as he looks off into the crowd and taunts them. Finally he jumps to the middle of the ring and whilst doing so, BOOM! In unison some more pyro comes from the turnbuckles and together they make one big baby blue star that vanishes into thin air. Diamond taps his chest and takes a seat outside of the ring on the steel steps and waits for the match to begin.

The animosity in the ring is clear as CJ Dreamer stands across the ring from Diamond Legend, with both men staring each other down from across the ring. The referee calls for the bell to be rung and both men tear into each other with big right hands. The Anti hero Diamond Legend seems to get the upper hand of the exchange before he grabs hold of Dreamer and shoots him into the ring ropes. Dreamer bounces back into the middle of the ring and Diamond Legend takes him down to the mat with a Lui Thesz press followed by some big mounted punches.

Dreamer manages to kick Diamond Legend off and rise up to his feet, but as he does Diamond Legend bounces off of the ring ropes and land a swinging neckbreaker. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd for Diamond Legend as he rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd whilst waiting for CJ Dreamer to rise to his feet. Diamond Legend lands some big stomps on Dreamer as he rises up to his feet, before sending him into the corner of the ring. With CJ Dreamer in the corner, Legend runs at his opponent looking for a big splash, only for Dreamer to dive out of the way. Diamond Legend stumbles back out of the corner and CJ Dreamer rolls him up with a school boy roll up.




Diamond Legend manages to get his shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted by the referee. Diamond Legend rises quickly to his feet but is caught with some stiff punches to the face from CJ Dreamer. CJ Dreamer ducks behind Diamond Legend and grabs him in a waist lock, before tossing him down to the ring with a big German suplex. The fans boo the move from the Company member, but CJ Dreamer keeps his arms locked around the waist of Diamond Legend and nails a second German suplex on his opponent.

CJ Dreamer taunts Diamond Legend to get to his feet before nailing him with a big knee to the midsection. Diamond Legend looks in pain, but as he does CJ Dreamer grabs hold of him and tosses him down to the mat with a half nelson suplex! CJ Dreamer of the Company looks in firm control of the match as he rises to his feet and signals to the crowd.

Diamond Legend, the rising star of the sVo, slowly begins to rise up to his feet but is met with big rights and lefts from Dreamer which send him into the corner of the ring. Dreamer follows up with a big standing dropkick on Legend in the corner of the ring, before rising up to his feet and taunting the fans. The fans respond by booing the Company member, however this just causes a smirk to grow over the face of CJ Dreamer. As Diamond Legend slowly rises up to his feet, CJ Dreamer lands some big punches to the face of Legend before kneeing him in the midsection. Diamond Legend doubles over and CJ Dreamer lands a jaw breaker on his opponent.

With Diamond Legend down, CJ Dreamer looks like he is in full control of the match as he rolls up to his feet and taunts his opponent to get up. Diamond Legend slowly rises up to his feet, only to be taken down to the mat with a back suplex from CJ Dreamer who wastes no time in making the cover.




Diamond Legend, one of the hottest young talents in the sVo, gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the referees hand can make contact with the mat for the third time. Dreamer snarls at the referee as he rubs his forearm in the face of his downed opponent before rising up to his feet. Diamond Legend pulls himself up, but as he does CJ Dreamer lands some big punches to the back of his opponents head. Dreamer grabs hold of Diamond Legend by the arm and sends him into the ring ropes, however as Diamond Legend bounces back he looks for a spinning heel kick, only for CJ Dreamer to catch his leg! Diamond Legend hops on one leg for a few seconds, before countering with a massive enzuguri!

CJ Dreamer stumbles up to his feet after the big counter from his opponent, but Diamond Legend is straight onto the offence with an inverted DDT to the Company member. Diamond Legend isn’t too popular with the fans here in Las Vegas either as CJ Dreamer tries to get to his feet, only for Legend to grab him in a headlock.

CJ Dreamer tries to struggle out of the hold, but Diamond Legend keeps it locked in for a few more seconds to wear down his opponent, before taking down Dreamer with a full nelson slam. Dreamer looks in pain from the move, but Diamond Legend looks to have gained a second wind as he jumps to his feet and bounces off of the ring ropes before landing a punt kick to the face of CJ Dreamer! That move could have knocked out CJ Dreamer right there as Diamond Legend flips his opponent over and makes a cover.





It looked like it was all over there, but somehow CJ Dreamer still had enough about himself to get a shoulder up! Diamond Legend stares at his opponent in disbelief, before landing some big right hands to his face. Diamond Legend pulls the limp bodied CJ Dreamer up to a standing position, before sending him down to the mat with a massive sidewalk slam, and it looks like it is almost a matter of time until Diamond Legend picks up the win here tonight!

However before Diamond Legend can make another move there are even more boos from the crowd as they notice the current Tag Team Champion Scott Washington slowly walking down the entrance ramp, a black bandana as always covering his face. Washington has the Tag Team Championship belt draped over his shoulder and looks to be staring straight at Diamond Legend as he walks menacingly down the entrance ramp to ringside.

The referee tries to order Scott Washington to go backstage, but as he does CJ Dreamer takes advantage of the referees back being turned with a sneaky low blow onto Diamond Legend! Diamond Legend sinks to his knees as Scott Washington holds his hands up to the referee to signal that he doesn’t intend on getting involved and is just down at ringside to watch! With Diamond Legend on a kneeling position, CJ Dreamer bounces into the ring ropes and lands a diving drop kick to the face of his opponent!

The fans boo loudly as CJ Dreamer pulls himself to a standing position with a huge smirk over his face. CJ Dreamer stands stalking his opponent as Diamond Legend begins to rise to his feet, holding his face after the big dropkick. Diamond Legend slowly turns around, and stumbles straight into a ‘Visit from the Sandman’ from CJ Dreamer! Boos continue to ring out around the arena as CJ Dreamer makes the cover on Legend in the middle of the ring!




Everyone in the arena thought it was all over right there, but somehow Diamond Legend shows everyone just why he is considered a rising star in the sVo by kicking out! Dreamer runs his hands through his hair and wipes away the sweat as he kneels in disbelief that Diamond Legend managed to kick out from the ‘VftS’! CJ Dreamer scowls as he rises to a standing position and pulls Diamond Legend up. Diamond Legend throws a right hand in desperation, but CJ Dreamer ducks under the arm of his opponent and connects with the ‘Sweet Dreams’! CJ Dreamer rolls over his opponent to make another cover.




Its all over! Diamond Legend managed to kick out from the first finishing move from CJ Dreamer, but could do nothing to get his shoulders up off of the mat after the second as Dreamer wins the hard fought match!

CJ Dreamer slowly rises up to his feet as the boos ring out around the arena for the Company member. Scott Washington rolls into the ring and pushes the referee out of the way, before holding his Tag Team Championship partners arm in the air in victory! With the sVo Tag Team Champions on the same page and standing over the body of Diamond Legend, can anyone stand in their way?


In the interview area the #1 contender for the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt is standing by with Sasha Shay, the fans booing as soon as they see JVD’s face on the giant screen.

Sasha Shay: ‘James Von Drake, thanks for joining me. Now you have a big title match next against Matt Fuller for the sVo Las Vegas Championship title, but all the fans are wondering why exactly you got involved in Joshua Curtis’s match earlier in the night? Was it because he defeated you last week on Showdown?’

JVD seems angry with the question as he takes a few seconds before answering.

James Von Drake: ‘You think I attacked him because he beat me last week? Because he made me tap? NO! I attacked Joshua Curtis because of his name.’

Sasha Shay looks confused.

James Von Drake: ‘When I left the sVo six months ago I was on the brink of death Sasha. I was addicted to pain killers and booze. I was ready to call time on it all, when my saviour stepped in and saved my life. I went through all that and I came back and see Joshua Curtis calling himself the Heavenly Warrior? Do you really think I am going to stand for that blasphemy?’

The young Sasha nods along, not wanting to get involved in any religious type of debate.

Sasha Shay: ‘Do you think that your actions might cost you a shot at the Las Vegas title tonight? Surely Joshua Curtis will be out for revenge?’

Von Drake smirks and nods.

James Von Drake: ‘I know he will be. When he jumps into my match he will show that he is not worthy of calling himself the Heavenly Warrior, he is not a follower of the Saviour.’

Shay pauses, choosing not to point out the irony in JVD’s actions and statements.

Sasha Shay: ‘Well your feud with Matt Fuller stretches all the way back to the Master of the Mat finals where he defeated you and first won the Las Vegas title. However this rematch very much came off the back of an argument that erupted on twitter?’

James Von Drake: ‘That is true Sasha. Matt Fuller is not a man worthy of calling himself the champion of anything. Las Vegas is a sinful city Sasha, it needs a champion like myself to show it the way of the saviour…’

The fans boo loudly as JVD drops to one knee as if he is saying a small prayer to himself as Sasha shrugs her shoulders and motions to the camera that the interview is done.

On the giant screen a video package plays showing the feud between James Von Drake and Matt Fuller, dating all the way back to the finals of the Master of the Mat tournament where Matt Fuller defeated JVD to become the Las Vegas Champion.

As the video package ends there are boos in the arena as ‘JVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as James Von Drake walks out onto the top of the entrance stage.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Introducing the challenger, from Atlantic City, New Jersey, he weights in at 230lbs……James Von DRAKE!!’

JVD signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. JVD holds his arms in the air in the middle of the ring as he soaks up the reaction from the crowd.

“Move” by Thousand Foot Krutch hits the sound system and the fans cheer for the risk taker Matt Fuller as he slowly steps onto the top of the entrance ramp with the Las Vegas title around his waist. Footage of the high flying moves he has performed during his career play on the giant screen as he makes his way energetically to the ring, slapping hands with the fans at ringside.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring, the current sVo LAS VEGAS CHAMPION… from Erie, Pennsyvania he weights in at 235lbs…. Matt FULLER!!’

Fuller rolls into the ring and throws his arms in the air as his name is announced by Natasha Ortiz the ring announcer. Fuller continues to get the crowd at ringside pumped up as his music begins to fade out.

With both the Champion and the challenger in the ring, the referee holds the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt in the air to signal that it will be on the line during tonight’s match. The crowd cheer at the sight of the famous belt being held in the air, as both Matt Fuller and James Von Drake look up at it with anticipation. The referee finally hands the belt to the outside of the ring before calling for the match to begin with a ring of the bell!

JVD and Fuller both run at each other, seemingly eager to get the upper hand over each other in this rematch of the master of the mat final. Von Drake and Fuller meet in the middle of the ring with big right hands to each other, with Matt Fuller managing to punch Von Drake back into the corner of the ring. The crowd cheer the Las Vegas Champion on as Fuller lands some clubbing blows to his challenger. Fuller grabs hold of Von Drake and takes him out of the corner of the ring with a snapmare, before kneeing him in the back of the head.

Fuller taunts to the fans before grabbing hold of JVD and pulling him up to his feet by his hair. Fuller tries to send JVD into the ring ropes, however Von Drake manages to reverse the move and send Fuller into the ring ropes before taking him down to the mat with a back drop in the middle of the ring. The fans boo Von Drake, but as Fuller tries to get up to his feet he snaps a side head lock on the Champion.

Matt Fuller tries to twist and turn his way out of the side head lock, but Von Drake keeps it locked in to try and wear down his opponent. Von Drake lands a few punches to the kidney’s of his opponent before taking him down to the mat with a side head lock takedown. Von Drake rises up to a standing position and taunts to the crowd who boo loudly for the former Las Vegas Champion.

Von Drake waves off the reaction from the crowd and grabs hold of Matt Fuller as he begins to get to his feet. Von Drake lands some stiff knee strikes into the body of his opponent before taking him down to the mat with a side Russian leg sweep. James Von Drake seems intent on winning the match and proving a point over Matt Fuller as he drops down and locks in a Boston crab submission move on the champion!

Boos continue to ring out around the arena for JVD as he continues to apply the pressure to the champion to try and get him to tap out! The referee asks Matt Fuller if he wants to quit, but the former backyard wrestler bravely shakes his head and tries to claw his way closer to the bottom rope to force a ropebreak and keep hold of his first piece of sVo gold. The fans begin to clap for Matt Fuller to try and will him to get closer to the ring ropes, but JVD pulls back even harder on the submission hold to try and score the victory. The crowd continue to clap on Fuller, and it seems to do the job as Fuller is able to slowly move himself on towards the bottom rope and grab it with his hand!

JVD looks furious as the referee calls for the rope break, and keeps the submission hold locked on for a few extra seconds than he needed to. The fans respond by booing the challenger, but JVD doesn’t pay any attention as he pulls Matt Fuller right back into the middle of the ring and makes the cover, hoping that the Boston crab has taken enough out of the challenger!




It looked like James Von Drake was about to become a two time sVo Las Vegas Champion right there, only for Fuller to kick out at the very last second!

The fans cheer Matt Fuller, the former backyard wrestler turned Las Vegas Champion, for kicking out, but JVD looks less than happy. Von Drake pulls Matt Fuller up to his feet and sends him hard into the corner of the ring. Von Drake keeps up the offence with some stiff knee shots in the corner of the ring, before grabbing hold of Fuller in a front face lock and lifting him up onto the top rope!

The fans rise to their feet knowing what is coming next as JVD steps up onto the second rope himself. JVD signals to the crowd, before grabbing hold of Fuller and sending him crashing down to the mat with a massive superplex! The fans cheer for the massive move that seemed to take a lot out of both competitors. However it is James Von Drake who comes around first, as he slowly crawls across the body of his opponent and drapes an arm over his chest to make another cover.




Once again out of no where Matt Fuller is able to get a shoulder up off of the mat and kickout!

JVD holds his head in his hands wondering just what he is going to have to do to put away the champion before slowly rising up to a standing position. The crowd boo JVD loudly again as he shakes his head before climbing out of the ring. James Von Drake makes his way to the time keepers station and pushes him out of the way, before picking up Matt Fuller’s Las Vegas title belt!

JVD rolls back into the ring with the title belt in his hands, and pushes away the referee as he tries to tell the challenger that he will disqualify him if he uses the foreign object! Matt Fuller slowly stumbles up to his feet, seemingly oblivious to the fact that his opponent is crouching on the other side of the ring with the heavy title belt in his hands. Matt Fuller slowly turns around and James Von Drake runs at him with the title belt in his hands, looking to take Fuller’s head off! However suddenly Matt Fuller is able to duck out of the way of the title belt shot from Von Drake and punch him in the back of the head!

Von Drake drops the title belt in the middle of the ring and Matt Fuller follows up with a back suplex to take down the challenger. The fans cheer Fuller on as the Champion desperately tries to keep hold of his title belt by stomping away on Von Drake as he tries to get to his feet. Matt Fuller gets the cheers from the crowd as he pulls Von Drake to a standing position before placing him ready for a piledriver! This could be the move the decides the Las Vegas Championship tonight if Matt Fuller manages to drop JVD on his head… but JVD manages to counter smartly with a back drop!

The crowd boo loudly as JVD rolls out of the ring and tries to recover from the offence from Matt Fuller as Fuller pulls himself up to his feet on the inside of the ring after the back drop. As JVD stumbles around on the outside of the ring, Matt Fuller bounces off of the ring ropes before launching himself to the outside of the ring at JVD with a suicide dive!

Both men lay motionless on the outside of the ring as the crowd cheer on the Matt Fuller for the high risk move on the challenger. The referee begins to count both men out on the outside of the ring, but as he reaches a four count the challenger stumbles up to his feet using the security barrier for support. The fans pat Fuller on the back as he pulls Von Drake up to his feet and rolls him back into the ring before climbing up onto the ring apron.

With James Von Drake laying motionless in the ring, Matt Fuller decides to make his way to the top rope instead of climbing back into the ring! The fans in the Goodfellas Casino Arena rise to their feet in anticipation of another high flying move from the champion as he signals to them from on top of the turnbuckle! There is a huge pop from the crowd as Fuller lands an amazing pheonix splash onto the challenger! After the amazing move from the top rope, Fuller makes the cover!




It’s all over and it is Matt Fuller who wins the match and retains the Las Vegas Championship belt after a high flying end the match!

Natasha Ortiz: ‘The winner of the match and STILL the sVo Las Vegas CHAMPION…. Matt FULLLLERRRRR!!’

The referee picks up the Las Vegas Championship belt from the mat and presents it back to its champion before raising Matt Fuller’s hand in the air in victory. Despite James Von Drake dominating most of the offence, it is the former backyard wrestler Matt Fuller who manages to pull through and retain his title once again! The fans continue to cheer for their champion as Fuller celebrates with his title belt in the middle of the ring.

sVo Presents Deadly Habits 2013
The sVo Will Never be the Same Again…
Live from the Goodfellas Casino, Las Vegas Nevada
16th July 2013

The fans in the arena give a mixed reaction as yellow and red fireworks shoot up into the air from the entrance ramp as “Drop Tha World” by Lil Wayne hits the sound system. A few seconds later Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp wearing a referee’s shirt, pretending to play the guitar, and the fans go wild for 6’6″ heavyweight from Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring, the special guest referee for tonight’s contest… from Kalamazoo, Michigan he stands at 6’6″ and weights in at 265lbs…. Roscoe SHAME!!’

The fans stand to their feet and cheer at the mockery he is making of himself at the top of the entrance stage before he makes his way slowly down the entrance ramp his way to the ring. As Shame walks past pyro’s shoot up alongside him from either side of the ramp until he reaches the ring. Roscoe Shame slowly climbs into the ring soaking up the fans reaction, before posing on the nearest turnbuckle.

“Feel it coming in the air
Hear the screams from everywhere
Im addicted to the thrill
Its a dangerous love affair
Cant be scared when it goes down
Got a problem, tell me now
Only thing thats on my mind
Is whos gonna run this town tonight…
Is whos gonna run this town tonight…

I’m gonna run this town

One loud colorful single red and blue pyrotechnic blast.


Go-Go Spectacular steps out from behind the black curtain and onto the stage to a nice, loud, supportive, pop from the arena crowd. She poses on the stage then jogs down the aisle highfiving outstetched hands from fans across the barricade in enroute to the ring.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making her way to the ring, the challenger, from El Paso, Texas, Go-Go SPECTACULAR!!’

Go-Go runs around the ringside area then runs up the steps, up onto the apron, vaults over the ropes and onto the nearest top rope. After soaking in the cheers from the crowd, she leaps backwards off of the rope and lands on her feet in the center of the ring. She runs to the other three turnbuckles to soak in the cheers. On the final turnbuckle. She hops off of the turnbuckle. Removes her overcoat, kisses her crucifix, kneels down to perform a prayer, then leans back into the corner as she mentally prepares for the match to start. Run This Town fades out.

“Hillbilly Joke” by Hank 3 hits as the lights flicker red and white and the arena erupts with a chorus of boos. After a few seconds the man himself appears at the top of the entrance ramp with the sVo Championship belt in his hand, as William Vorheez walks through the curtain with his long cloak on. As Vorheez marches towards the ring he is greeted with a wall of noise from the crowd. Vorheez climbs into the ring over the top rope and raises his arms up high.

Natasha Ortiz ‘In the ring, from Tampa, Florida, he weights in at 245lbs, he is the current sVo CHAAMMMPIOONNNNNN…. William VORHEEZ!!’

Ignoring the boos, William Vorheez takes off his black cloak and tosses it down to the floor as the music slowly fades and the lights come up.

With both competitors and the special guest referee in the ring and ready to get started, the anticipation is at fever point in the Goodfellas Casino Arena as the fans wait for the main event of the evening to get started! Roscoe Shame runs over the rules to both the sVo Champion William Vorheez, who stares back at him with a look of hatred, and the challenger Go-Go Spectacular. Shame takes the sVo Championship from Vorheez and takes a long look at himself, before lifting it in the air to signal that it will be on the line during tonight’s main event!

Shame hands the belt to the outside of the ring and with the champion and the challenger ready to go, Roscoe Shame calls for the bell to be rung and the match to get started!

Go-Go runs at William Vorheez and lays into the champion with some big right hands. Go-Go is nearly half the size of the champion, but she doesn’t seem intimidated as she backs Vorheez into the corner of the ring before landing a big spinning heel kick to send Vorheez into the corner! The fans cheer loudly for Go-Go as she climbs up onto the second rope and begins to nail Vorheez in the face with some big mounted punches in the corner. The fans count along with every punch from Go-Go, but after five Vorheez counters by grabbing the legs of the masked wrestler and dropping her across the turnbuckle with a snake eyes.

Go-Go staggers backwards holding her masked face in pain, allowing Vorheez to bounce back off of the ring ropes and send her down to the mat with a stiff clothesline. With Go-Go down on the mat, William Vorheez rises up to his feet and gets roundly booed by the sVo fans who only a month ago loved him. The Company man seems to smirk at the boos coming his way, before the 6’4” sVo Champion begins to stomp away on the challenger.

Vorheez eventually allows Go-Go up to her feet, before grabbing her by her arm and sending her into the corner of the ring. With Go-Go in the corner, Vorheez follows up with a massive knee to the midsection of Go-Go in the corner of the ring. Go-Go stumbles out of the corner looking in pain and Vorheez takes her down to the mat with a massive tilt-a-whirl slam. With Go-Go hitting the mat hard, Vorheez snarls at Roscoe Shame before making the cover on his opponent.




Roscoe Shame holds two fingers in the air to signal that it was only a two count before Go-Go managed to kick out from the cover.

William Vorheez doesn’t look too happy as he grabs Go-Go by the mask and pulls her to her feet like a ragdoll. Vorheez sends Go-Go hard into the ring ropes, before sending her down to the mat with a big boot to the face. With Go-Go down, the fans boo loudly as William Vorheez turns and stares down the referee Roscoe Shame. Shame stares straight back at Vorheez, the former GM knowing that he can’t lay a hand on William Vorheez tonight without losing the chance to ever fight for the sVo Championship belt ever again.

William Vorheez seems to laugh at Roscoe Shame’s predicament before turning back to Go-Go, but as he does Go-Go leaps off of the mat and lands a big head scissors takedown on Vorheez! The fans cheer the high flying move from Go-Go, as she follows up with a cross body out of the ropes as Vorheez gets back to his feet. Go-Go begins to build momentum as she bounces into the ring ropes and looking for a spinning heel kick on the champion, only for Vorheez to duck under the leg of his opponent. Go-Go spins back around, but is put back down to the mat with authority with a massive clothesline.

Go-Go, who looked like she was beginning to build momentum, lays flat on the mat as Vorheez rises up to his feet, and begins to choke the challenger out with a big boot across the throat. Roscoe Shame is powerless to do anything about the move from Vorheez under the rules of the match, leaving William Vorheez to smile at the pain he is able to inflict on the challenger.

Vorheez eventually releases his boot from Go-Go’s throat, and allows her back to her feet. Go-Go staggers to a standing position, but as she does she is grabbed by the champion who lands a spinning spinebuster to take Go-Go down to the mat in the middle of the ring! With Go-Go down, Vorheez doesn’t hesitate to make the cover!




Shame holds two fingers up again to signal the count, but William Vorheez doesn’t look happy with the count as he rises up to his feet. Vorheez argues with his long time nemesis Shame that it should have been a three as Go-Go lays out on the mat. William Vorheez turns his back on the referee knowing that he can’t touch him, and makes his way out of the ring! The crowd rise to their feet and boo as William Vorheez grabs hold of a steel chair from the ringside area, before rolling back into the ring!

The 6’4” sVo Champion looks like he is ready to smash Go-Go’s head in with the chair in order to retain his championship! Vorheez hits the mat with the steel chair and shouts at Go-Go to get to her feet whilst standing in wait. Shame is powerless to do anything, and Vorheez ignores the boos from the fans as he runs forward looking to smash the chair into Go-Go’s face as she gets to her feet, only for Go-Go to duck out of the way! Vorheez turns back around with a look of shock on his face, but Go-Go kicks the chair straight back into his face!

The fans pop for the big move from Go-Go as Vorheez hits the mat! Go-Go looks tired from all the offence from Vorheez, but still looks like she wants to thrill the fans as she makes her way to the top rope! Lightbulbs flash around the arena as Go-Go leaps from the top rope and lands a massive shooting star press onto William Vorheez in the ring! The move looks like it might have taken as much out of the challenger as the champion as Go-Go struggles to crawl back across her opponent to make the cover.

Roscoe Shame drops down to count and it looks like we have a new sVo Champion right here!





No in the arena can believe it as Vorheez gets a shoulder up off of the mat to save his title belt! The masked Go-Go holds her head in complete disbelief as she tries to bring herself up to her feet. Vorheez is still out on the mat as Go-Go takes a few seconds in the corner of the ring, before beginning to stomp away on Vorheez. William Vorheez tries to get to his feet, but Go-Go keeps up the offence. William Vorheez throws a desperation right hand in the direction of Go-Go, but Go-Go ducks out of the way of Vorheez’s fist before landing a neckbreaker to send the champion down!

The fans cheer the move from Go-Go, but then boo as William Vorheez has enough about him to roll out of the ring before Go-Go has the chance to make another cover! William Vorheez staggers around on the outside of the ring, but under the rules of the match the referee Roscoe Shame is powerless to do anything to count him out! Vorheez tries to recover on the outside of the ring, but the challenger has other ideas as Go-Go runs at the ropes before landing a suicide planca to the outside of the ring on the champion!

The fans pop for the amazing high flying move from Go-Go as both the champion and the challenger lay motionless on the outside of the ring! Roscoe Shame doesn’t seem too concerned with the well being of the champion or the challenger on the outside of the ring as he leans against the ring ropes in the ring and looks down on the action.

The fans loudly cheer Go-Go on as the challenger slowly begins to rise up to her feet first. Go-Go holds her arm in the air to signal to the crowd, before spearing William Vorheez onto the top of the announcer table at ringside. The fans continue to cheer the unlikely challenger on as she lays into Vorheez with some massive mounted punches on the top of the announcers table! Go-Go slowly rises up to a standing position on the announcers table, and pulls Vorheez up again. Go-Go looks for a DDT on Vorheez through the announcers table. The fans rise to their feet in anticipation of the Company man going through the announcers table head first, but as Go-Go tries to hit the move Vorheez is able to block it! Boos ring out as Vorheez counters with a knee to the midsection of Go-Go, before landing a double arm DDT on the challenger through the announcers table!

Both the champion and the challenger lay in the wreckage of the announcers table as Roscoe Shame stares at the pair from the ring looking wide eyed with surprise. William Vorheez looks to have had his bell rung and not know where he is as he drapes an arm over Go-Go for the cover, but Roscoe Shame cannot count the three as both competitors are outside the ring!

After a few seconds William Vorheez slowly staggers up to his feet and stares at Roscoe Shame in the ring with a look of hate in his eyes. Vorheez slowly manages to pull Go-Go up to her feet by her mask and roll her back into the ring. Vorheez climbs into the ring himself before making another cover.




Roscoe Shame almost looks relieved that he didn’t have to count the three for his nemesis as Go-Go gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! William Vorheez can’t believe that Go-Go managed to kick out as he seems almost unable to pull himself up to his feet. Vorheez looks out at the fans that are booing him loudly before taunting for the ‘Wrath of Vorheez’! The signal for the finishing move of the champion draws even more boos from the fans, as William Vorheez stands in wait for Go-Go to get to her feet! Go-Go slowly begins to rise up to a standing position, and as she does she is grabbed by William Vorheez who spins her around!

Vorheez begins to pick Go-Go up into the air for the ‘Wrath of Vorheez’, but Go-Go counters with a desperation head butt to the face. Vorheez stumbles backwards, and Go-Go follows up by grabbing hold of the arm of Vorheez and climbing onto the top rope, before landing the ‘Cutting Edge’ onto the champion! With Vorheez down on the mat, the fans cheer as Go-Go makes her way to the top rope! The crowd in the arena rise to their feet as Go-Go signals to the crowd, before leaping from the top and landing a ‘NewSplash’ onto the champion! It looks like we are going to have a new sVo Champion right here as Go-Go drops down and makes the cover on William Vorheez!







No! The crowd boo loudly as the Company hits the ring, with Scott Washington, CJ Dreamer & Harry Black diving into the ring to break up the cover! Amy Page is at ringside directing traffic as the three Company members pull Go-Go off of William Vorheez before the three can be counted and begin to stomp away on the challenger!

Roscoe Shame paces back and forth like a caged animal knowing that if he lays a hand on anyone then he will never get the chance to fight for the sVo Championship again! Black, Dreamer and Washington continue to stomp away on Go-Go in the middle of the ring as William Vorheez slowly begins to get to his feet in the middle of the ring. Vorheez has a smirk on his face as the Company decimates the challenger in a three on one attack!

The fans throw their trash into the ring to show their displeasure at the turn of events as the Company members take it in turns to stomp away on Go-Go. It seems as if no one will come to the aid of the challenger against the champion, until there is a massive pop in the arena as ‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis hits the sound system and the entrance video of Johnny All Star hits the sVo-Tron!

The Company look stunned as the home town hero marches down towards the ring with a determined look on his face! The former International Champion lays into the nearest Company members he can find as he lands a big right hand to CJ Dreamer and then Harry Black! Johnny All Star hammers away with big right hands on Harry Black, before clotheslining him over the top rope, both men tumbling to the floor below! The fans cheer the shocking turn of events as Johnny All Star hammers away with right hands on Harry Black on the outside of the ring, but inside the ring the numbers game is still too much for Go-Go as Scott Washington, CJ Dreamer and William Vorheez continue to beat down the challenger under the nose of Roscoe Shame!

Suddenly, as if the return of Johnny All Star wasn’t enough, “Been away for too long” By Soundgarden hits and there are loud cheers as Tobias Devereux marches down the entrance ramp towards the ring! Amy Page looks shocked as Devereux passes her at ringside before rolling into the ring. The Cajun Sensation spears down CJ Dreamer and begins to lay into the Company man with some massive mounted punches in the middle of the ring! With Johnny All Star and Tobias Devereux returning and taking it to the Company, does Go-Go have a chance of winning the sVo Championship tonight despite the Company onslaught?

Even with Tobias Devereux and Johnny All Star in the mix, Scott Washington and William Vorheez continue to beat down on Go-Go in the ring. Washington pulls Go-Go up off of the mat amongst the confusion, and holds the challenger up for Vorheez to run through her with a massive big boot to the face! With Go-Go on the mat, Scott Washington begins to pick her up again when suddenly the fans in the arena are stunned for a third time as ‘Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat)’ by Digable Planets hits the sound system!

All eyes turn towards the entrance ramp as ‘The Coolness’ Pat Fullam steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp to make his sVo return! The former Tag Team Champion giant walks down the entrance ramp with his eyes locked on the ring! Amy Page quickly climbs into the ring to try and get away from the giant and sends Scott Washington down the entrance ramp with the steel chair to cut him off. The fans cheer as Fullam lands a big kick to the midsection of Scott Washington before hitting some big right hands on the current Tag Team Champion before tossing him with ease into the security barrier.

There are pops around the arena as the 7’4” giant steps up onto the ring apron before climbing clean over the top rope and into the ring. The tired sVo Champion William Vorheez lands some right hands on Fullam, but ‘The Coolness’ absorbs them before grabbing him around the throat! Flash bulbs go off around the arena as Fullam lifts Vorheez up into the air and tosses him down to the mat with a chokeslam!

The Company has been decimated by the returning All-Star, Devereux and Fullam, can Go-Go now take the sVo Championship from them as well? Amy Page has other ideas as the sVo President and leader of the Company grabs hold of the steel chair and smashes it around the back of Pat Fullam’s head! The crowd’s boos quickly turn to cheers, as Pat Fullam absorbs the steel chair shot like the monster he is before turning around to face Amy Page with an angry look on his face! Fullam grabs Amy Page around the throat with a massive hand, before chokeslamming her in the middle of the ring!!

Pat Fullam stands over the president of the sVo who is laying motionless on the mat, possibly broken in half from the massive chokeslam! However as Fullam stands over the body of Amy Page, William Vorheez has enough about him to drape an arm over the body of the challenger Go-Go! Roscoe Shame reluctantly drops to make the count.






It’s all over and William Vorheez is still the sVo Champion!

William Vorheez slowly rolls out of the ring, grabbing Amy Page and pulling her out of the ring with him. Vorheez, Dreamer, Washington, and Black regroup on the bottom of the entrance ramp with Amy Page in their arms as they stare back at the ring at Pat Fullam, Johnny All Star, Tobias Devereux and Roscoe Shame who stand in the middle of the ring staring down at the Company. Go-Go may lay motionless in the middle of the ring after the four on one attack from the Company and William Vorheez may still be the reigning sVo Champion, but have we just seen the beginning of the end of the Company?


As the Company backs up the entrance ramp the unlikely four heroes stand in the middle of the ring staring at the Company members and the crowd who are jumping up and down in their seats to cheer for Pat Fullam, Johnny All Star & Tobias Devereux.

The four men, all former title holders in the sVo at one time or another pace around the ring like caged animals as the copyright information appears in the bottom right of the screen and sVo Countdown to Violence heads off of the air, not with the scene of the triumphant champion, but with the four unlikely heroes.

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